rr Sasrfaja , . ......ITa V,'!', -" 'l'- ::,:v-l y - I - - ' Ws wdUgUdto receive cccmaalcaUca urf bT f. Villi I! 1 7 V A ! TTTT1T" V - - i II U M- VI T TT "Tl "fl'Vl H T' hCOTfilendj jBaaay aaa tS isijseta J03HT.JA3IES. 1 . ll 1 jl A ' " W' J? ' jl ) tatcrestt IC0 : " 11 II J JJLy -JL U 11 11 il Ob-.V JlUjlLJ V JLLJU V V 0 Ooaaicatton,, U witttasV cal e-T1. ' ' ; t-": . - ' cm .ids of the paper. ( S6- L A,3TreJ br carriers free ? . - - ; . j ; rrsonaBtleamnatbe avoided. ! t - - ' i .: AndHIa especially . utd ptrtlcuUrlr tad . VOK VIII. WELMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 5. 1884. NO otcZTZ " 1 o-:..:.- . : . -. ., . ., ,.; . . , I la me editorial cohmai. j ,j . I : " niily ncticto hat the law "(;fbbni la'tled from I'bT the (UlHa. for home, last any netcspnper VTQmingtoiu JSk wuii iw: ... ref i:.'Hta of GcnniJJ will Js .ixhuhih birthday on i-or lie firs: time in many years gold -,,m What U Congress bit premium. omv i v joiX to do about It? Sir. Arnold delirered his last lecture iaS.ir York on Saturday He sailed j tome on Tuesday. ...r Crrui Nortbrup is to learo Tt Col'.ej to become President of the !UteoU UoiTersity. Grenl Kilpatrick's friends at New lea. S. J- re raising a memorial fond to prweit to tbe w' Jotr- Ve York City has, ten thousand aa-Jc-cztlo crcry hundred and ieY- firj-fire iahabitants. TTiihia thirtT dajs there will bo con Usuoci rail coanianicaUpn between Sew York aad theCitT of Mexico.. Lieucast RioJei declines a rccep Loa at Sew Wsrea. cn the ground that Is lu txta tiiaked orer-mnch al-rrJ- iLi. Julia Ward Howe and her asso- fiiuwoaiaiulTrafisU la Boston held Ktstel Fhillios. I am told.11 writes Mr. James R. Randall from Washington to the Au. . (.. ... usU Chronicle, ' tnat tbe wnissey speculators hare formed a pool, and are paying some of the distillers considera ble money not to run their establish ments. One man here gets $120 a day to stop work." Mr. Talmage lifts bis Toice against artic expeditions. Tbe pastor, of tbe largest cbach in America says that over the door. U there be a door, to tho open polar sea. if thero bo one. is written no admittance," written by the finger that inscribed the Ten Commandments on the original tablets of tone, adding. "God has reservations. He must have some paths where he can walk alone The publisher of the Beaver Falls, Pa Courier, Mr. John F. Porter, oome time ago contracted a severe cold. He says: "I tried half a c'oen remedies ineffectually and upon recommendation ot a physician 1 gave Dr. Ball's Cough Syrnp a lair, square trial it reuevea me Immediately ana curea my coia ana catarrh entirely. It is a remedy that should be used in every household. LOCAL NEWS. IIDU TO MEW ADVERTISE M El TS. floral resUral Lost Spectacle IX J Disosxuoek A Card JAS Wilsos Don't ray Eent B at Mel tike Linen Collars Geo XL. Caarox. Agt To Arrive HzxasmxnOKK Pianos and Organs Jso. IL TCKBXSTI5B -Cargo rrult C W TATXS-Cheap Standard Worts Uukds Bros. A DaEossrr DnijUts The storm signal was flying to-day. Thero was no City Court this morns ing. It has grown the-last SI hours. much warmer within The receipts ot cotton to-day foot up 97 bales. at this port Ger. barque CluirloUc, Wallis, hence. arrived at Stettin Feb. 28th. . Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton has re- traed to Johnson, In niton county, 5.I,to pass the remainder of her diji ia the old Cady homestead, where lit was born sixty-eight years ago. In brothers and a sister in Con tfdidt married at different times, tbe brsders marrying two sisters, and tho Lr soa cf each couple, born in differ- Ktjeirs, were all born on the 20th of r.w j J I In the Supreme Court, on Monday, a Ts iiihion writer of London Truth I decision was rendered in the case ol rminda certain ladies who recently at Edward Bason, from New Hanover. teaded Lord Spencer's balls at Dublin No error. Castle that Msome lemalo cbarms are Mr. Henry Newman, formerly oi this best Ult to the ImsgicaUon, which often city, is traTeling now for the firm of Wound Up. The flag at the city hall was hoisted daring the gale of Monday and became wrapped around the flag staff in such a manner that it could not be taken in when the attempt was made. It is now wound about the flag staff three or four times, and to clear it and take it in will be a job not at all to bo coveted. Pos sibly eomo sailor boy might be able to go out and clear it. weather. Be yery careful of all ashes taken from the fireplaces or stoves and see that they are not placed where the wind can stir them until you are sure that every spark is extinguished, and by no means deposit ashes in wooden inflammable vessels. Many'a conflagration has occurred and many thousand dollars1 worth of property havo been destroyed by carelessness In this important particular. False Alarm. While Sergeant Davis was giving in his testimony in the case in which his conduct was under investigation to-day, the alarm of Are was sounded, which for several minutes interrupted the pro ceedings. Tho alarm was sounded for inere was' considerable difficulty yesterday in making the IAltle Giant horses work in pulling tne steamer to the fire and it was finally found necessary to take them out and pull the engine by hand the short distance that it was necessary to go. The fault laid, we think. In the fact that the horses were at a distant point, at work, when the alarm came, and' become unduly "excited as they were hurried to the engine house and . before they gafcinto the' fire-bamess. Cautionary , . . ... .. j-The truth is the horses .which are to pull mg to our people daring this windy 17V . . - - . v . tho Are steamers should hot be "put out at work but should be kept orf hand at the engine house, night, and day, ready for an instant start, i Police Investigation. The City Court Room was crowded this morning long beforo tbe hour ap pointed for the investigation of the case oi Police Sergeant Gr W. W. Davis. who was charged' with conduct unbe- coming an officer of the police force. The hour set for the hearing was II o'clock a. m., but all the necessary prep arations were not concluded until 15 minutes after that time. The Mayor and Mr. John L. Dudley and Valen tine Howe, of the Committee on Police, of the Board of Aldermen, before whom the investigation was to be made, took the third district, and although we made diligent inquiries as to the locality their places, while the accused took ofthofire. we failed to find where it was. We noticed some portions of the fire department hunting lor the same object, but their search proved fruitless. Fortunately it was a false alarm. Removal. 1 The Church Messenger, of Durham, N. C, and tho Church Herald, of South Carolina, have arranged for consolida tion at Charlotte, under the! name of TJte SoutJicrn Guardian, which will consist of eight pages, forty columns, and bo published by the Charlotte If this weather continues there will be Daily Observer Company, in whose plenty offish in a few days. bands will be the entire business man agement of the paper. Tbe arrage ment goes into effect at once. Rev. . N. Joyner. the Editor of the paper, has The sea off our coast has been very taken charge of the Episcopal Church rough for several days, owing to the at Rock Hill, S. C; seat beside his'counsel, Messrs N. A. Stedman, M. Bellamy, E. S. Martin and F. H. Darby. Mr. DuBrutz Cut lar appeared as counsel for Mr, and Mrs. Watkins,-who were the principal Witnesses in support of the allegations made against the accused. Several witnesses in support ot the charges were examined, after which Sergeant Davis was sworn and made a statement of tho case. After he had concluded the Court took a recess until 3 o'clock p. m., when other witnesses were being examined in the matter when our re port closed. Hot Water Remedies. HalPs Journal ot Health du Wishes some interesting tacts relative to hot water as a remedial agent. It says: 1 There i3 no remedy of such general application,4 and none so easily attaina- Die, as water; and yet nine persons jn ten will pass bv it in an emergency to seek for something ot far less efficiency. .There ;aro but few cases or illness where water should . not occupy the highest place as a remedial agent. A strip of flannel or a napkin folded lengthwise, and dipped in hot water and wrung' out, and then applied around tbe seek of a child that has croup, will usually bring relief in ten minutes. A towel folded several tiroes and diD- ped in hot water, and quickly wrung ane applied over the seat of the pain in toothache or neuralgia, will generally afford prompt relief. This treatment in colic works almost like magic. I have seen cases that have resisted other treatment for hours yield to this in ten minutes. There is nothing that will so promptly cut short a congestion of the lungs, sore throat, or rheumatism, as hot water w'henpplied promptly and inoroueniy. Pieces ot cotton batting dipped in ho water, and kept applied to old sores, or new cuts, bruises and sprains, is the treatment now generally adopted in hospitals. I have seen a sprained ankle cured in an hour by showering it-with hot water, poured from a height of three feet. . ' j . . ' Tepid water acts promptly as an emetic; and hot water taken freely half an hour before bed time is the best of cathartics in case of constipation, while it has most soothing effect on the stomach and bowels. This treatment continued for a few months, with proper attention to diet, will cure any cureable case ot dyspepsia. Linen Collars "O0BLADIES11ND CHILDREN. QUI1K A nice assoi tment and thej are cnEXr. NEW LACE COLLAES, , I , J Tor Children asd Ulrsef Lace Ciirtainc. In this lino wo can ! show Tcry choice pattern? AT KOCK BOTTOM PMCE3.; New Mattings Of all grades, f 10m first nxsps, and Mho PRICES THE LOWEST! -V Black Good Received this day, Particular attention, is called stcck, aleo to embracing all tcx tract s. to this OF ALL WIDTHS. We arc really attracting and CKXATIXG TEJLDB I Headache almost always vields to the b 8hwln desirable goods In every depart- .r. 1 1 a. 1 ' m I Biuiuuaneous application 01 not water mcnt at CLOSE PRICES. to mu leet ana tne Dacs: 01 tne necK. It is an excellent plan to record facts like these in. a note book which should be always at hand when wanted. In the anxiety caused by accidents or sud den illness in tbfe family, one becomes confused and is not apt to remember quickly what should be done; hence there may be prolonged and unnecessa ry suffering before proper remedies are applied. R. M. McumRE. men 5 ' OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAYMARCH 0,7 8, AND SATURDAY MATINEE. . . ; .' high winds that have prevailed. sstwii sore than reality supplies." T& London school board have de tided to raise this Tear for educational Imposes, by tazej. $1,620,003. being an Uerease of $727,025 oTer last year. The issu: is to be raised by a rata of six- tea eests for fiery pound ot tho yearly rnul of tbe real estate In London. Mayer & Lowenstcin, ! nishes , Now York. dealers in var- We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. The Durham Jiccordcr publishes a very handsome notice of Mai. C M. Stedman, of this city , and warmly en dorses the proposition to nominate him for LleuUGoycrnor. A pair of spectacles which would ta&eartntw. ;.nntimnnKi;..lDroveof bctlittie use to any one but izd u Democrat am dlridM. .nd the owner has been lost by a lady la aoxioas Democrat writes from icrJjzi, Me., to the Boston Jbrt. 'Vet New England politics aro in a rnuj bad state. The control has gone Election of Officers. At the annual meeting of Wilming ton Steam lire Engine Company, No. 1. held at Little Giant Hall last evening. the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President T D Meares. Vice President I H Davis. Foreman E G Parmelce. First Assistant Foreman W C Von- Glahn. Second Assistant Foreman Martin Newman. Engineer Ed W Manning. Assistant Engineer Lewis Wack- smith. Secretary and Treasurer W C Craft. The company is now in a flourishing It is an IlinVind that Blows no One any Good. FT 1 rv , 1 Snnreme Court. -xuu uauai opnne equinoctial gaies are always preceded by the Grand In this court, on Monday, the consid Monthly Drawing of The Louisiana eration ot appeals from the fourth judi State Lottery The 166th Monthly will a-,: w 0eoa take place on March 11, 1884 J It is an "- . m w,nd that blows no one any good, were disposed of as follows: and on application to M. A. Dauphin. William Griflin etals. vs. Josephine New Orleans, La., you may obtain in- i 1 Griffin, from Robeson; remanded by consent, at the cost of the plaintiffs. William Griffin et als., vs. Josephine Griffin, from Robeson; remanded, by consent, at tho cost of the defendant. J. A. Evans, administrator, vs. Thos. M. Smith, executor, from Columbus, put to the end of the district. ! John L Wescott vs. Rufus Qalloway et als., from Brunswick ; put tcj the end of the district. , M. T. Leach vs. town of FayettevUle, from Cumberland ; put to tbe ei)d of the district. S. A. Young ys. B. T. Barden et als., from Columbus; put to tbe end of the district.. formation how you can obtain $75,000 tor $5. or $15,000 for $1, etc. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Lost- PAIR OF SPECTACLES, STEEL RIM- med. Lost In the case. Tho glasses were from Meyrowlfz Bros., Opticians, New York, and have their name printed on the case A liberal reward will be paid tbe finder on leav ing theasat the Drag Store of men 5 3t MUNDS BROS. & DeROSSET. Floral Festival. 1HE LADIES OF THE DORCAS SOCIETY LIGHTS 0' LONDON Under tho auBpices of Shook A Collier. Proprietors Union Square Theatre, New York, Magnificent Scenery and Mechanical Effects. 1 Wanted ICO Supcrnumcries. stage jaapager, at Reserved Seats f 1. Admission 75. 60.' 25c Sale of Seats begins Tuesday, March 4, at layers'. . mch3 4 Enquire for at Opera House. Thursday. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Druggists, Market and Second Streets, ' ! - 1 I 1 QFFER A LIMITED LINE OF VERT fine Sponges, suitable for Nursery use atSS cents each. Indelible Ink. Guaranteed bottle. Mark your clothes a, lost II ' cod, fl5 cent a prevent pew? A nice box of Face Powder, Pink or White, iu ccnis. i Etay will cot Tote or will vote the Re- P&kx ticket in prcference.,, in this citv. who will nav liberally lor the reoovenr. Soo advertisement in this Issue. condition, with full ranks, and always McA. Cbuncil et als. vs. W. H. ready for prompt action, the only com- Averett, from Bladen ; put to the end of plaint being that the electric alarm is he district. not what it ought to be. Something .... M io:owiag Incident will mark Steam boatmen report last Monday as fc tiiagi will be after awhile when 0ne of tho worst on the Cape Fear that tb food women get on a jury : I th--rar -TTvrionral The cold was "E pro;r:etor of a bar room was mtflniA and blew a rale all da v. makine distinct enough for them to hear and car pon should bo done.and that at once, to give the department a more effective and available system of alarms in case of fire. The boys will go to fires if they only hear the alarm, and it is little enough to ask that this alarm shll be Jca trill in Washingm.Terri tery. coder indictment for keeolnr a rterly resort. Seven women wore w t-sjary . aad all were firm for con- J-eUco, asd the fire men stood doggedly scquituL" navigation disagreeable extremely difficult. and at times understand. Idghtso' London. At 10 o'clock to-morrow morning the "Lights o London Company" ! will ar rive here by special train at the W. & W. R. R. Depot. The public are kindly invited to view the beautiful and novel its arrival. Reserved sale T will hold a FLORAL FESTIVAL on THIS (WEDNESDAY EVENING, at the Lutheran Memorial Building, corner Sixth and Princess streets. Refreshments will be served. Ad mission 10c. . men 5-1 1 Cargo Fruitf JUST ARRIVED, EX SCHR CITY.OF NAS SAU, consisting of ORANGES, BANANAS. SAPPADILOES and PUMPKiNS. t Call early. mch5 1t JNO. R TURRENTINE. Complete Lino Fancy Goods. of Drugs, Chemicals and P. S. Fine cakeB. Soaps as usual, 25 cents dozen 1 1 men l Pianos and Organs. IAN0S AND ORGANS SOLD AT THE MOST MODERATE PRICES FOR CASH, A Card. OR ON THE POPULAR MONTHLY STALMENT PLAN. At EX- Gm dentist haa InvenLMi & new iaraiocj process of teeth-drawing. I pleasant occasion. v -t4Bui louia ruuoe, pieixou rti?1 Copper part ot tbe root rs "ft India rubber gradually er 7 ' oa ma root, and tne Zfr"21 tooi U finally enucleated, -octcawi ii6 pUent any pain Ttr- Fear ftr Rt- Amvm mr J ryired tcjcoajpieta the operation. I Dawson railroad, about which wo n ? rjU tUsedjnx and a slight iwell- omo Inquiry a couple of weeks si gsa are tho only inconve now open at Dyer's. Secure your seats WnntH Rftvisirip-. early. ine neoKUK ciowai Democrat r t: 1. : i. i j I cm va ! Tnnt fnrt th Floral FPAtiral to ha uuriniHwawwi, uciituuur uueaa ! . ! . - . . Mftt:nfyritnifnriftf1rprrU!nirfnrthA;tv ShOOBT & lOUier S L.lUtS O' London given this evening by tne uucas bociety ; " " T " " ZT'Z 'r . u' iY opened a short engagement at tho Keo- of St. rauls' E. L Church. In the new - & kuk opera House last evening, present- bnildinr corner of Sixth and Princess nanco no savs " n policeman is lDg the .great nglisb melodrama, etreet. It bids fair to be a fJIHE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES' TO press his heartfelt gratitude to the people of mch 3 Kz Mayor Wilson offers for sale in this issue a number of building lots , in Tarious portions of the city. The lots will bo sold cheap and on the install ment plan which has proved so proper and successful. See advertisement The Ketcs and Observer says : mch 5 it M. J. DINGELHOEF. fce-ces "Perieoced. The made since. it is said runs from Dawsoo , a pom1 on the Cape Fw river, into the pino for est, a distance oi ten miles." We wish our clever neighbor could find that road but we fear that a journey to tho moon would b necessary for its discovery. t-.r, -''WB receipts in FalH r tin rw a- jap -c Qa-art ment 15 wrrvnl i-y aispesoB th reaiainder with wnIta trmPs appeared at po- wtopaJl30choriat i 1 lice hcadouarters last night. Theyap- WUmlngton for the earnest sympathy they have extended to him In his recent sad be reavement In the death of a beloved wife, and in the subsequent destruction of his property tvtr flrB Til th Tinfrlat nf Ma afflloMnn Ma. tcday. In speaking of tho dog orient OraT KS7the tatodS thlt he has thTwa. n.n ha..Jih.f .. f UK upera noue iasc evening, present- heartfelt sympathy and condolence of his fel- nanco he says that any policeman is m the great Lnghsh melodrama, low citizens beeomea a source of irratefni Kk.r.oi- empowered to enter any lot and kill a 'iTnc Lights o London " It was a consoiaUon and reUef. To the gallant firemen aeilgnUOUJ it Urfnrmance which mp.rifa thn h'urheet Fo worked faithfully to rescue hi property uo ina uaa oiuen or.omerwise mjurea r w " - , dTfft 7 . e.lam?9. ne w Pdr nv nf-rann whilrt In tho ctrnnh rf in .inv r. . , . , . ..J uusuuiu. j - - w. ... , rnine we nave nreviousiv naa in tms other lot than that of the owner or line as could possibly be imagined, keeper of said dog; and any one as- Every attention was paid to detail, and smltincorobstructiDjthemiothe di. ' "u5hI' 3?" ' fK charge of this duty shall be fined not requirements of his or her part. The exceeding $50." This reads beautiful I company used their own scenery, and it was beautiful and realistic in the ex treme. Owing to the lateness of tho hoar we are unable to particularize concerning the different members of the cast, bot suffice it to say that the en tertainment was a magnificent one throughout. The company conclude their engagement this evening, and it is to be hoped that every seat in the house will be occupied, it j is. a per formance that can be heartily com montori in Avorv roanoft anI vro fiiMci our city readers to go and see it.- TO AfriVO I but it won't hold a sieve full of water. The ordinance isn't worth the paper it is written on and should be revised forthwith. A policeman has no more right to enter a private yard without a warrant than has any other man nor a . ' nas ne any more rignt to aesiroy prop erty without a warrant than has any other man; and a dog is property, and taxable property at that. Of course, no good citizen will object to the destruc tion of a dangerous or rabid animal. 1 Don't Pay Rent. BUILDING LOTS IN DESIRABLE i locauues lor saie. on ice insuiment i plan. In this 'city I have sold overj one hundred and fifty Lots and Houses and Lots to parties who have paid in full for I them, bv instalments monthly payment. Al&o.I have a large number now on my books. who are making regular monthly payments and will soon own Homes ana get clear or lana lora rue. .!-! Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to -; mch 5 JAMES WILSON. HEINSBEKGER'S, Live Book and Muste Store. City Drug Storo. APERrECT RUSH FOR THE NEW Dnrg 8trc Business good because goods are new and prices as low as any. In fact, noth lng old about the store except i J. W. CONOLEY. Manasrer. N B. PrescripUons compounded i at all hours day and night. A- 1 Hi mchl . .,! - I. i i ' I'll ' Administrator's Notice. i- - i TTAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRA- 11 tor of the estate of Mrs. Louisa Nutt, 1 hereby notify all persons having claims against her to present tbe same to me on or before the 7th February, 1885. All persona indebted to said decedent will make payment tot me. ! OSCAR G. 1'AKSLEY, Jr. feb6 lawCw wed . ii ! Wanted. 100 GOODQUABBT UAND3, FOR Gov ernment work at Keystone Quarries, on Cape 1 : I - I.' Fear Elver, fourteen miles below Wilmington, feb SM01 ROSS LARA. We saw yesterday afternoon an al aermanana a policeman -vainly en l taa was a il ess. Manager Abbey re- r PosiUteiy that after thU year he if T Is ft T Awn tvtMivA4 i. M a it mm . - - a tatUB. u iiUUiliri I w - I eveu A4 a ua? wnu vivucibTB svut UiD -aaGczjjr, of lcM rjrofessloa I Peered to bo quite respectable men. gentlemen who said that I deavoring to find the locaUon of tho. i r vis . at - i i . il . i r skvzmI i m . . , soexiag wora. wiui ug nope ot uuuiug, do WM ma(j a or wno 0 ws that he 11118 "ugn tne - teiepnone alarm on it, and they left this morning to sco if Las mad? or who can nrora that h I Market street, near this office. .If this they could get employment on the gov bit t Wthout long and I instrument is out of order it should be ernment worka at the mouth of the hItl rrjrovoe,i: on -nA . h n. tf repaired at once.1 - " i4 tsr t dltahAraulnc-and losing ton. S. a la0 b togiraSmlth'i Wora I ' UdYT HTCr. ADey come aero irom muw in hia own defcnr? These nntinna might be dangerous ones to giro to a IntenssUnr toLFishermea: The cele-1 jury la a case where pnrato premises b rated Fishn Brand GilUng thread is I had been invaded and a valuable am old only ax Jacobx's. He is the Im- I mal killed without tho authority of ft pcrtcs Azzzi. . : t lcUFrc-5.. , jNOTHER LOT Of THAT BONANZA I and Eauecr for 60 cents ! Could get but a I limited supply this week. Expected on New York Steamer to-morrow. Leave orders for It at.once. Will also receive to-morrow an- Home's Garden Oysters ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. They are to be had onfvat ike Old North bt&te Saloon, No. 6, South rrout SU . 1 Ice eoel Lager Beer a specialty. The best Whiskey andpurest Wine sold la the city. I Cigar as good as the best. 1 Call and beeos rinced. 1 feb S3 Firo! Fixe! Police! Police! . 'Ilesibers of the rolico and Fire De partments of New York, Chicago, San Francisco and other leading cities, pros councs St. Jacobs Oil .the greatest other lot of that GRATED PINEAPPLE, for plea, for which so many of my customers hare been waiting. For sale by GEO, XL C2APON, Agcst, nth 5 f , sagxic-txt 2 in 1. ill take your likenesses, 1 And take them fine. 1 . ' I'll flz your watches To keep good time; -I do all work well. Entrusted to me. f If you don't believe U xry me ana see. - r v - - ' J . L. TTINNEIS, -PhctmT-r 1 Jercr, , t ' 0 rzvlLZzVZ:3tev.zz'