trtrf rrata. Sundays ex eetted by JOSIIT. JAMES, -fi-TlOSS rOSTAGE PAID: ' iiM. SIX Bonifis. 0 .v. il w; one bbw'" """lr will be dellreml by carrier free Oce tnonlh, 35 cents. TV F r th cltr. at the abort r;:. vr. will rrrort any ai! fall. 7,ttc:r toper rtcriUrly. ntiv Rerun has the lirgcsl , ?, r,t;iiur.. of any newspaper itvvi reform bill in England ."Ch;.c about 2.001.000 nicn. T-.urAc. wircof.JudscT. urgce. Vr rct-vcrctl from a daneerous Tcc titlroui VmnU Kearney rep '.- ruai washing dishes in aCal- t .... ,. .,ltscinthc with hi cifo and. J;3l Aasc!cs. California, lee , lie will co 10 .San Francisco in AVtitdcr Jefferson, who is unacr K-tLce of death in Nc York, has .rltuaa letter to the newspapers in .iu r of the" abolition of capital punish- J Jo'-i iuy Vasiar has presented $10, ti.iU tie benefit of the cabinets of r'-ji ca. aJ chemical apparatus in the Viarnru-Ur' laboratory a. Vassar C!.ic- Mr Irtisj.ia Boston, gave to a rc pcrr a Mesial of the story, by cable. Oil i: is kU purpose to abandon the iu;efjrpoax life. His art gives . cta-are to hu aaioiuon. Mr. S.ewarl has sold the rccon l,.rsc:&lS,jert building In New York, ciifsd.:? ca Broadway, between ssUrs i-d Ueado streets, to cx Jce fjr i-.'M.OOO. : ije ren&r of an Enelish journal Ucectxzics that "tbo American locc- cuixeef to-day is one ol the most per fect pieces of mechanism wrought out fcj ti his J and mind of man." Trsxaa Smith, the oldest living Lsiad Stales Senator from Connecticut, ea ia his ninety-filth year, continues Mrin mind, though weak physically. ti tie homo of his daughter. Mrs. Grc A. iloyt. In Stamford. The State of Maryland charges $4 50 a uarrUge license, and a bill re tzzzr the charge to w cents nas occn darted indefinitely in the State House cti.cza:cs. aieanume, many juuas Fc?:e slip over into an adjoining btate h wLeathcj wish to marry at smau " rZT i. I ai. uoucoo. tsc composer, m cnled to lUad as sponsor for hacon KevaAlo.aQ American vocalist, who nas I . . . . . i l Decome a convert. 10 vauioiiciisv &uu ,m w-w..,:! ri;.K P...;nN iaCLarcIi ia irii Mlic. Nevada's leisrocticai bat real name Is Em ma I K . - 1X03. uot lien. I recmcd a copy o'f a resolution ol thanks v a4u ui "JUUl.Ul l"0 I ri MUitary Academy, for tbo courj w. .u. i - J .v,,. . i . i . . U.wM captured by tho Confederates i;n5 the war and returned to New lcrkhitnhof July. V M I Tl. . II .. I i:awrc4Joi mo J-.xecaU7C wm- I vcaautcc Contains this SOUnd WOrd: . . . . I Seaitothe Chicago Convention the Cs:n;eaiQtLer.artr. iinnWlMtA anv eaiilt!?. f k .v. t, Po;-aoa to obtain, office, tbo broken tosiaatiocs and offices, at home. lot tceawKonis hepubhenn remarks: aac;rat lammany animosity ra nwea seems to have almost 5ure.y ULsappesrcd, and it will nol wt disappear altogether if tho New Tork DaiOCraeT ran hn an hrmon!iwl u wait of the recognition of Tarn- J 1 CJ ia tho National Convention." Ozt p!ak ia tho platform adopted by IaJiasa Greenback Stato Conven T. reiser Coogrcss to make a dona- U le of fsmilies to rebuild ;.rthC;r dwelling houses injured pVkd . Anotner - Cccliru that a homestead, or iu au:ccoftheMi5iOuri Republican State hindof the Ilaleiirh & 'Auirusta lines of exe" , xceedin S2.000, should be mUesofthe road, which, when com-lo-Ji cuUon to every resident pleted, will make 30 miles of the road J-o.wr of the State. graded. The contractor was Mr. A . P. Tea lihcs. the author of Tom nd nlhrr books. Jui at Chester. Eng.. writes to idia NeW York as foUows: ! TC it V . . r - I ber Souia a" J v t bI:,.Tcaa- for Vp7ir if P !?'"Mnd adjourned to meet In joint meeting billot rg ? (I mJ? f hav;Kith the Produce Exchange at noon to. SOai. four nrnhowi ami toror I .... T w'Trcnal1 matter of lublic Buildings. River and cI lor .K . .7 ' re wlu 00 a Harbor improvemcnU and other bills I ftouLl Ti.:; . . :Crj ,eW.J!ar!: now pending before Congress. kzow wV. ; l lDe CTJ 1 Q0.a 1 till n tiiV - L. sv ran rOT V M m mIa-a l fuij ooi, i icar. w u tU time to give Smith' Worrn lowcs t prices for good articles be sure be 1)1 Ijdw a r 1 1 I VOL. VIII. VV ILMINGTON. N. C; THURSDAY. MARCH LOCAJJNEWS. IIDEI TO IEW ADYEBTISEMEIU. IlEISf BEBGKKKCW MaiilC Mss Laxo For Bal J Ilea Js j Jxo R. Turkestixb -Cargo Fralt OrtttA HoCSE Young Mr Wlnthrop KoKACt: A. IlAuo,iChalnnin Not'co C W Yatxs Cheap Stamlard Worfca MrNDSUsjs. A UeUosset Druggists IIolves A Waitkrh Kvery 3Ian I1U Own Cook The receipts of cotton to-day foot up 100 bales. at this port Mr. Geo. N. IIarris3. of the Wades boro Times, is in the cityto-day. The warm weather of yesterday and to day has started the leaves, buds and blossoais on the trees afresh.) The guard house was empty this morning. No one was arrested last sight and no tramps applied for lodg ings. 1 m Norwegian barque Zipporat Thomas en, hence, arrived at Bristol, England, March 4th. German barque Burgoincisler Kirs-. tcin, Ehrenricb, sailed from Barcelona J Feb. 28th, for this port. j I T 1 M'Jle. ilhea will appear in this city on tho Friday night of next week, tho 14th inst. It will be a i notable event for our city. - I 1 The Wadesboro Times and tho Fay- ettoville Observer both endorse the proposition to nominato Msj. S ted man for Lieut. Governor. . We invito the attention of ourcitizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being mado to order at one dollar at tho Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. Mr. M. M. Katz left hero last nigh1 for tbo Northern markets, to purchase new Spring and Summer roods, lie will be absent about two weeks. Did you ever taste a sapadilloe? They are a delicious West India fruit and are now being sold cheap on - board (of the Ciiy of Xassatt at Turrentine's iwnan. Sefi advertisement of the New York Textilo pot. 0f which Messrs. ir0imC3 aDd Waters are the .agents It id th t it m to ke c00d coffee in one minute. We regret to learn that Mr. Alex .ii I opmni, oi mis city, is quite sick and sev i vm it nvei.3, uui wu iiuuu iu aw him . , aoroau again in a lew uays Nor barque, Nordcn. Mortensen, cleared to day for Belfast Ireland, with iOO rjulcs smrits tnrnentinc and 1.411 I K,rrl m.!n rlnr1 nr. 5llirV chin- b Messrs. Alex Sprunt & Son j COIU 13 UHI1CO DlOSl VlSltOrSZ 11 I you want to get rid ol it. you must give it a warm rccention with Dr. Bull's uoucn oyrup, int. stanuru oouca reme- dy 0? oU?a For sale by all druggists at twenty.fivo cents a bottle. T . r. -, . 1 I Msj. John C. Winder. General - J - - . I . 1 ... . I Mumper of the iirolina Central - o - - - nil..v W in thn tn lnv hut will I on his return to Baleich to-night. ho Capt. John Harper tells us that tta costly accessories and properties. The dear ueview 1 was one 01 tne ior iD .touxTTasspoH will quit towins next standard reputation of the Madison VfltZ week and be laid np ior the purpose Square Theatre companies is sufficient Friday night at the residence of that) Cant. John Ilarncr tells U3 that tba putting on : her Summer clothes, sho will probably go on tho Summer schedulo early in April. Wo invite attention to tho advertise- mcnt of Mr?; Lang, dealer in hair mod, a it ft n near in this is3UQ. who may bo found at Miss Karrer's. at Ex- r 1 change Corner. She inyites tho readers of tho Review to an inspection of ber Clinton & Point Caswell K. If. The Board of Directors of the Clinton &QCi p0int Caswell Railroad held a meeting yesterday at which yiey made a contract for the grading of teu more graded. Holland. No other business was trans- acted. I 1 Joint Meeting. The Executive Committee of the Cham or uommcrce neici a meeting ac tne Produce Exchange' Rooms this noon For Pure White Lead Ss Faints, and . .1 biggest stock of Window Glass and v v . w ' I Soto jaxooia u&raware jjcpqu t Quite a number of our citizens went to the Front strtet depot this morning to sco the famous car of the "Lishts o' Indon" Company, which was to have arrived hero at 10 o'clock this morning, but they were disappointed. Owing to some cause" the special train bringing thenroupo and scenery did not arrive hero uatil about 1 o'clock this afternoon in consequence of which it has taken hard and activo work to move all thfiir scenery and place it in position in the reajpect, while the cast was particularly ,x it r u nr. strong. It is jast the class of ipertorm Opera House in season for the enter- ances that will make Newark theatres tainment which is to bo given to-night, popular, as there was not one item lack Literary We have received the March number of the Southern Historical rapcr$t which contain anions other very im portant papers connected with the his tory of the army of the South a docu ment entitled 1 'Last Telegrams f th Confedercy Correspondence ol Gen- General John C. Buckenridge," con tributed by hi3 son CR. Breckenridge. It is a valuable number, I in keeping with and fully up to its predecessors. and should be upon the table of every one who loved the cause of the South in those dark and bloody days ot her his tory. Easter Gifts, Mothers who do not have much time can begin now to prepare Easter sur prises for the children. A very pretty gift for that mornins: is made by paint ing a little picture on a china egg. This can be wrapped in cotton, and be put in a box and be sent through tho mail. Another fancy is to boil some eggs for fifteen minutes, then make caps or bonnets to tit them, and paint faces inside the bonnet The Mother Hub bard bonnets are pretty for these, the border shading the face. Egg shaped pieces of holly wood may have mottoes or pictures painted on them also. Death of Owen Burney. Our people, without regard to race or nartv. will rnorpt to of the death of Owen Burney, colored, which oc-- currpd at hia residonri? on MoRaet between Walnut and Red Cross streets, at about 0.15 o'clock this forenoon. The deceased was stricken with paralysis several days ago, the account of which . I I' I .1.1 il . li! ! wepuoiisnea ai tne time, anu since that time has remained in tm entirely I . .all helpless ana speechless conaition unti released by death to-day. At the time r 1 1 . 1 il . .t 1 rn I f KTrr ,rt, Z ZSZ Z of New Hanover county, a position no , , . . , , nau occupicu lor several jears. anu i arJtK ontlro fl,1oi;v tr. thn imnnrfont -" , and.honorable trust reDosed in him. " X OUDff airs. VlUllirop. There has not been a creater success in years than i.nmcHv.ilrqmo . . . ' throD b lho uiumauat uiuujuu uuwaiu. n " u produced;bcrc on Monday, March 17, by a great cast specially selected by the r.,: o,..rr,. ,, . .1 1 . I ,nt I ? ITAn.n.l II- i 1 I K I Madison Square Theatre, and a mosf 1 . . . . . 1 ininrnhln nirrnrm n nnn m o T7 ho OTTKiflr. I i. . . a' .11 cu - it is wormy 01 note 10 mention tne r ..I . I T ...Ml A 1 I act mat tuis cuuipauy wm l-iuuuu; iuo 1 Pla hcrc withfac simiicsof Unoriginal scenery: together with elegant and postlv n.rnei?sorics and DroDerties. The guarantee of an unusually excellent rendition of this famous play. The Davis Investigation. The testimony in this case was con- rlnflocl at 7 o'clock last nieht. at which iK nrt orlSmimPtl to moot rftin at 10 o'clock this morning. The Court Hiuo ww . Room was crowded nearly all day with interested spectators and when the uuuuuucumw.uutu.u, . 0 1 was nearly as large a3 mat in auen- dance yesterday. The counsel present wercaiessrs DuBrutz Cutlar and T. W. Strange, for the city, and Messrs E. o. i)iaitu, aja. ucititujj , man .Ir . and F. II Darbv. for the ac- ' " 1 cussion oetweea counsel jur. aianm opened in an argument for tho accused and was followed by Mr. Strange for . sr r ? 1 the city. Messes Stedman and Bella- may then spoke for tho accused and the arguments were closed by Mr. ol the last speech the Court adjourned. reserving its decisiou for the present. The arguments were able and exhaus tive on both sides and were listened to Kith great interest by the largo audi cce in wctumw. Ifyoa need .a real good :firstclass cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex rlfiior Pcnn.. Zeb. Vance and Kew A. I Emerald, besides others. .A. A A.UC 4SVS W fuund at factory prices at J acobi's, j who ia the inajiuiaciurcrs agent- t - . the beautiful society Dee.Q without a regular pastor, since tne uui suiwhu- .v.,. Tr Win resignation ot Mr. McKinnon. m three weeks. 1 , , ' . I We have been unable to find Mr. 20 ) Boxes and Caddies to close consignment, celebrated American n , , ... -L. 1 Various Brands from 20 cents upwards. This play, which is to bo nresented af the Opem House this evening is one 0f the most Donnlar and cntnrtfiin. iDS oa the Americari stase. In SDeak- inK Qf it, a Newark. N. J.. parvjr says : The Grand Oocra House would nnt hold the people who went there last witness.. the production! ol 'fc, JjV K&ttii the success that attended this play. The scenic effects were magnificent in every ing to make it a great success. The xsartholdi Statue. That gigantic piece of patriotic sym bolism, the Bartholdi Statue ofc Liberty, the pedestal for which 13 now rising out of New York harbor, has been graphi cally transferred to our office through the courtesy of the Travellers Insur ance Company of Hartford , a corpora tion which is getting famous for good deeds of this character. The company has prepared especially for the Ameri can press an edition of the j official en graving of the great statue and has sent a copy to every-newspaper in the land. This engraving being issued under the auspices, ana lor tne Deneut oi tne Pedestal Committee, this act of the "Travelers" involves its contribution i of over SI. 700 toward tho erection of this splendid national monument. Floral Festival. The entertainment given by the Dor cas. Society of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, last night at the! Lutheran Memorial Building, on Prin. cess ana bixtn streets, was one or tne pest ot tue many lor wmcn mat society is. justly noted. There was a large -gatnenng ot ladies ana gentlemen and the exercises, which consisted mainly of vocal and instrumental music, were j well selected and were carried out in superb style. The building, itself, which has recently been completed, is a fine structure and is a credit to the church whose property it is. It is well adapted to ine class oi entertainments such as was given last nigh t, and we hSpe that it will be frequently devoted to such purposes. i Called to Concord. The Charlotte Observer has this to say ; I xhe conereKation of the Presbyterian church in Concord has made out and fnnrlornrl o roafnri 1 rll tn Rpv C. AT 55STt PTi lE. pStoi Ot the jD.0Li;. ru-u : w.-i. aavuuxicaujieiiau vuuicu, tu uiDimeu. ixjsl in tne case, xnc glasses were minzton. The call was unanimous on ho norf. nfthA mAmhpra nfi thn ryhnroh ...w - "rr wuu j;uaiauico aaiaij ui tji.tuu auu a parsonage ior Mr. Payne's family, it tlio ia oirpntl. It! i VpliAVfri !!n I Concord that Mr. Payne will accept the charge. Ihe church we believe, has " mf. 1Dtl ma member ot his congregation anu an intimate friend of the reverend gentle" man and he thinks that there must be mtakc anmpwhoro na li r fine OVUiV IXIIW W W 1. w, AiW A MW uoar.A nnthinrr litolv of snnh n. M!l n months fl?0 . J - " -w 0 - l ... . - nn - arui Plmn.l 1 AW5dP xear xauce. DEAR liEViEW I was one oi the for- genial, generous and hospitable gentle man. air. j Arcnie ijornett. xne m T S . . rw . dance was given by Mis3 Nettie Cor belt, one 01 oampson s most accom Dlished and fascinating young ladies. and Miss Atwood Hendry, one ol Pender's most charming and attractive daughters. I Can assure you the vbUDg . .. ... j V, h.i dill rr tho aaimnKla Mr3 Corbett. spared neither trouble nor expense, nor was there any thins left out that could add in any way to There was a good band i of music in attendance. There were about seventy five persons present and seldom have I 83en - a crowd enjoy themselves better, 01 and there were so! mau v nice euiuies tuai, mo aupcuics ui iuu ixiust i fastidious were amply gratihed. j ti - j. a 1 : r 1 a; adored, that there wa3 regret j that it was leap year and he must not violate a .privilege that belongs solely to j ' o - j 7'. nml mi rn.M an(j even aftr cm s0l had arisen and blessed the earth with his cheering rays we were loth to depart. Our universal 13 lhat the yunS ladies will re, Caswell, Pender county. Mar. 4, 1S8I. Star of Empire. . . Pqktland. Ore.g Tbc TeUaram ZS : - amaS bounty loDPe Ier tulailmenU by St. Jacobs Oil. the pain- I muij Hrzl III - ' t r- i i mm . baver Elated spoons, -torts ana hSVM W W4 Sk U J . MU I facturers prices, can be found at J a- uvui a xiaxuwax- jlpwi. tt a i- l t 1 ,iv 111: Lii-u.i. v uu. ua.u luivivicnuu hi 0. 1884. NO. 56 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE Board of County Commissioners oa Mon day the 10th inst., at li o'clock, a. m., to elect a County Treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Owen Barney, and to transact Buch other business as mar cc me before the Board. IIOBACE A. BAGG, men 6 It Chrlrman For Bald Heads. rilUE wtoSLD CHAMPION WIG MAKER X is In the city and can be found at Miss E. Karrer's. The latest styles of Hair Goods at the lowest prices. I am ee ling at retail at wholesale prices. Wlga. Frizzes and Switches made in the finest style. Call and examine. Kcspcctlully, mch Caw ! MBS. LANG. Every Man His Own CookJ jQEATn TO INDIGESTION.. IF YOl want good Coffee made In one minute, call and see our NEW OlUi TEXTILE ULTEK COF FER POT. a Sample cup of Coffee free for the next few days. HOLMES & VATTERS, mch(-3tnac fcole Agents. Cargo Fruit, 1 JUST ABEIVED, EX SCHR CITY OF NAS SAU, consisting of ' . ORANGE!, BANANAS, SAPPADILOES und PUMPKiNS. 1 i Call early. I mch 6 It JNO. K. TUKRESTINE. OPERA HOUSE. 43 AN EXTKAOBDINART ANNOUNCEMENT 1 "A STAGE SEliMON." A Stak Cast, THE IN- MADISON SQUARE THEATRE COMPANY, ADA DYAS, i FANNIE BEEVES, ENID LESLIE, JEAN WALTERS, E. J. BUCKLEY. W. II. GILLETTE, EDWIN ARDEN, FRANK COLFAX, i MRS. ALL THE ORIGINAL SCENERY. Thi3 beautiful plav will be presented in this mch 6 tf i ; L iIew IVIusic. OULD I WERE Sombody's Darling. Jamie O'Dundee, Send Father Home, ) Come to Mv Arms. Norah Darlin. When the Little Stars are Twinkling in the With Her Alone. - Superb Songs. A new Book of 250 pacres Choice Songs for 50c. The Song World. 100 pages of Select Vocal music ior xoc. i i Emmett's, Howard's, Scanlan's, and other popular writers songs always on hand. Call or send for Latest Music at i I ! HEINSBEKGEE'S, mch 6 Live Book and Music Store. Lost- A PA1E F SPECTABS. STEEL M hV ...... ; "om Meyrowitz Bros., Optlcnns, New York, ana nave clr name printed on the casc.l A liberal reward will he naifl the. flnrlpr on In i mg tnem at the Drttg store of mchsst munds bros. TobaCCO ScllilliT Fast. SAM'L BEAR, Sk. mch 3 IS Market Street "Mess Mullets," A ND "FLORIDA FISH ROE" at retail. "BUCK AND ROE SHAD" can be! found at I our Fish Market the season throuKh. and ther Spring Fish a3 they come in. j 1 fcb21 DAVIS & SON. N. A. STEDMAN, Jr., ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. i : Office on Princess, between Front and Sec- ond streets, in the Basement of Building No. 1 14. next to old Journal Building. WILMING- Practices in all the Criminal and Civil Uourts of New Hanover, Bladen, Columbus, .rentier ana rs runs wick 00 un lies. feb 2-dsw-lm Don't Pay Rent. tuiLDiNG lots in desirable J I localities for cale, on the instalment JH plaa. In this city I have sold over one nundred fifty aDd nufea and Lots to parties who have paid in full for lAh,tm,T 7 - taiments-monthiy payments. wno are ma king regular monthly payment and wiU soon own homes and get clcarof land- inmrnw. Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to mch 5 JAMES WILSON. To! Arrive! i i NOTHER LOT OF-THAT BONANZA TEA. A pound of good Tea and a China Cup and cancer for go cents ! coma get but a I ; ;' .1 limited supply this week. Expected on New York Steamer to-morrow. Leave orders for i ( " other lot of that grated pineapple, for pies, for which so many of my customers have been waitins. For sale by - .... n n m . v. n . . . tiwU. u. wttaru3. azeni. I irri 5 ; - . 9"? ftMitfe 'mnt Rt A J SVS) L'l.UW TJU.I aT 1 1 1 1 'it. m i 0Qj at Jacobi's. He is the Im- I porter's Ascot. 1 r f I'EBwt t. rLSAss rones.1 . , We wia be glad to receive eocaauaJcaUcn fxoa fxlcnd ca any and. ajj lubjeci jl Sonera! Interest but ' ' j ; ; ' 1 , Tfca name of tLa writer meat alnri be.fa alatodtotholkntor. . , jf CommiiiilcatJoMinriat U vxlttaa ca eal , one side of the paper. , l PcraonaHtlea mnt be aroldotL! j j ' And It la eepocUHy and particular? end tood that the Editor does not a2wayt'eadoi the views of correspondcnU unless so state tn the editorial oolnmns. I ' . . ,. Uew" ADVEBTISEMEytr OPERA HOUSE. I "i ' - - ! , , I THUJRSDAY.MARCUC7I8, AND SATURDAY MATIXEF. i I LIGHTS O' LONDON Under tho ansnlrra nt hnnv rlittJ- i Proprietors Union Square Theatre, New ,YerK. j ejects. i ' V ""ed Seats i. Admission' 75, 60, 23c Sale of Scats begins Tuesday,' March 4, at Dyers . I . nj-j, Linen Collars ; F0R:LADIESAND CHILDREN. QUITE A nice assortment and they arc cnEAp. ' 1 ' NEW LACE COLLARS, m 1 For Children and MlfBCS I Lace Curtains. In this line wo can show very choice patlcias AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ? Nev Mattings Of all grades, f torn first hands, and ilia PRICES THE LOWEST ! Black Goods Received this day, cmhraclng all tcxtun. Particular attention is called to this stock, alo BLACK CEAEE, I OF ALL WIDTHS, Wc are rca'lly attracting and creating thade ', b7 showing desirable goods in every depart- J mcnt at CLOSE PRICES. 1 R. M. ilcINTIRE. mch 5 i i i II Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Druggists, Market and Second Streets, QFFER A LIMITED LINE I OF ."VEItY lino Sponges, suitable for Nursery , ' i 1 se at 55 cents each. ' :1 IndellWo Ink. ffnaranteed cood. 15 dnt . bottle. Matk nour clothe and nrevent h&lna lost! ! . . , , .. 1 ,l r.M A nice box of Face Powder Pink or Whli. in . ' , 1U ccuits. Complete Lino of Drua.' ChemlcalA ' nn.l Fancy Goods. T , 1 P. S. Fine Soaps as usual. 25 cents dozen cakes. i , mch 1 1 B1 LL HEADS, LTlTTEIt HEADS, NOTE IIEADS, 1 ACCOUNT SAX And all kinds of Printing, Ruling & Binding, Done with Excellence and Dispatch. Books, Pamphlets and By. Laws printed with entire satisfaction, ! i j TOrdcrs Bolicited. j j " ' ' 1 I JACKSON &. BELL, 21 N. Front Street; Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. 1 ppAVINQ ENGAGED THE SERVICES OT Mu. G. M. ALTAFFER (late of AlUffer i i i Price), and arranged for the purchase ot nc special machinery, we desire to notlfyi our friends the publio-rthat wo shall at an early I001tS, BLINDS, BRACK KTS, WOOl) SSrLVwuh n rtI?pUoD8T Yeexpcct V solicit orders from pSbfetSf.' J j copper, iron and Wood Workcrt. 1'J and 21 South Front feL, Wilmington. N. C. j febSlf City Drug Store. A PERFECT BUSH -FOR THE NEW Drujc 8t"re. Boeloeaa pood becanso poods are new and prices as low as anr. in fut oth. lag old aboat the store except i xy Tl uuulet. Managers N B. Prescriptions commmnfiMl t all hours day and night. m i ! r Home's Garden Oysters A RE CONCEDED TO EE THE BEST, il They are to bo had on It at tke Old North! blate Saloon. No. 6. South front 8t. i 1 l, Ice coel Lager Beer a specialty. The best W btskey and pnrest Wines soM la the city. Cigars as rood as the beat. f!U ami rent Tinced-- fb SELLING OUT! HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. I MR.3. KATZ C. WIXKfl J No. ua H Second trett.nexi!Pot orici 1 h 1. 1 -1