THIS TAPES Sundays cepted by - - jOSHT. JAMES, raoraixTO. v POSTAGE PAID: ?l v ; .onuu. two. Three lioc; Oono". cents. "tVis W le2Ti by carrier, fit f JA?t of the citf. A- -ill report any am oi ,s,t Dir reulr!y. Review has the latycst ef.Atruliiion, of any newspaper Kailcr will Jelivcr aa oration York t n Decoration Day. in Japan is Oiaka, kaii..finhibitaDts. a j.t- ... i-nrkon. of the Nebraska i v ... . - ; cry ill with congestion of 6V3- (iri bTsten Instructed to ..Trinkitat and there await fur- jt-ra ir cr-ers. XiFsrrnington. Maine, the mercury S3 Wednesday ranged from 13 to 12 de p?eJ below zero- . r.e KWo Island Democratic State Creation has been called (or Wed .j . thol9lhiot. At the charter election In Oawego, Ycrfc. oa Wednesday, the demoi axj were victorious : " acfrts3Da Stewart, of Texas. Is ,v.. .-. ceinUr of the House. Ho ueuc fw cchca 0Ter six fet f3iLTUcaararyatRome there in wir-lcea royil loyo letters written bjHearjVlUtothecryelly wronjea Asse Bolejn. It is reported ia Wall street. New York, tilt cpirirdJ of $2,000,000 hare UraJj U3 esrd (or the steamers sail's tocorrowr. 1: Sctfjli. Ohio, great excitement ;ntvliOTcrtho absconding ol county tnuztr O. Vaa Fleet, whosa ac ccz'J are $50,000 short. DniJ Dudley Field is quoted as tay- n;us: luo urcam oi Dis iuo i v .Vr York and Brooklyn as one city t:Jcr the name of Manhattan. Tbo April number of the Manhattan a ffaUcry of portraits of Edwin IWib. tresentinr him in two scenes of "iIuc!et;M in two scenes ol "Riche Iwfsj Iaio. Olhello and Icar. the luttsacd being cngraTed from a pic tare bj JcrTis McEntec. The frontis p:ce will be a half-length of Booth, errjrarcd by Veltcn. Thcbu.lncsi ol delecting crime in Locdoa U admUtcd to be badly donej Tba precincts of the Sivoy and Thames Embankment are cot safer now than Hcnas.'ow Ileata ia tne days of Jona tiaa in.'J. One hundred and twenty loar rrsonj disappeared in Ix)ndon hut jear. ol whom no traco has eycr Wea focnj.-nnj each wek numbers of dead bodies, known as "stiff uns." are fcracxht ia by toilers of the Thames 'h marks of violence on them. Tit proprietor of a Chicago bair cre,ia advertising for boys or girls to sttjtiabu business, always adds: wd haired preferred. To a curious r?orier the merchant stated that ho tlwajs found red-haired boys the istr-eat and most energetic. They are Ffcd and respectful, and not given to F'-ajiaj pranks as much as other boys. Athtgirlj in his factory have "an ra" hair, and they do their work ciestiously and Industriously, and 6 net require overseeing. fair lor the benefit of the new tt'rtd church ot St. Benedict the Jr.ia New York city, realized over W.OOO. Oa tha closing night tbo wtcenteredintheTotlngto deter ;se ho was the most popular lraker. the prize being a handsome Jr- It was won by Undertaker j:J. ct Epiphany Church, who ItU 1.473 votes to 1.438 cast for Jruker John Kelly, of St. Ignatius Torc'WiUoa- Suryeyofs Office, rS?.: L j4C0D Oil cured him of The Last Act. ir 1 patient and exhaustive Strzt. G. W. W. Davis has Pnai:ujd to resign his position jCTf cclorce . The decision of wvtic committee was an TrrT JMnlay altemoon. and was U 5-CW; whi?,v.OJ)illioa of tho Committee is, c:-Jh!!! XTt as-ny miUgaUng cir sctLa " fconaected with this trans- JaS.iS01 Tidence adduced, to iLr 1 ough has been proved srocS 106 defendant U not a Tl2Silf a 10 oa the police lore, wore we graot him tho privilege of wock of Window Gss and tood article, be inre J iccU's Hard warn Depot, f r H i J VOL. VIII. LOCAL NEWS. I1DEX TO IEW ADVERTISE MEiT J. Local ad Hair Goods IlrxsaaxsoEa New Moslc Miss K Kasreb-Must be Soli Opkra House Light 'O London C W YfTfc Cheap BUnrUnl Works Mcsus Deds. & DkRosset DruggbU BUck well's Bull Durham Smoking Tobaco Tu-day bas been real April weather. Janauschek plajs in Petersburg next Monday night. . Dr. E. Porter, of Itocky Point, was ia thcTcity tolay. The receipts of cotton to-day foot op 84 bales. at this port Nor. barquo Echo, Hansen, hence, arrived at Messina. Feb. 27ih. Nor. barquo Jlauma, Landward hence, arrived at Rotterdam March '4 tb Wo very much fear that the palmetto trees setxut in Iront of the Opera House arc dead. ' There is unmailable matter in the PostoEce in this city addressed to Geo Berry and K. Y. Grove. Mr. John T Bland, of Burg aw, was in the city yesterday on business con nected with his profession. Tbo month ot March is but a week old and jet we have had, February March and April weather already since it opened. Thomas Henderson, colored, charged with abasing a polico officer while in the discharge of his duty, was fined $3 by the Mayor to-day. Since mild weather has set in the price of wood has materially declined Good wood was selling from somo o tho flats yesterday for $2.50 per cord. Wo invito the attention of ourcitizens to the fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. ti. Tho Greensboro Bugle says that most of the fruit in Guilford county has been killed. We are sorry to hear it, but glad to know that the prospects herea bouts seem to continue fair. The Board of County Commissioners will hold a meeting at 10 o'clock on Monday forenoon next to elect a County Treasurer to fill the place made vacant by the death of Owen Burney. We publish on the third page of this issue a very interesting sketch of Wil mington, penned by Major W. A. Hearne, and extracted irom the Ral eigh Rcqislcr. It will repay perusal. It is well known that ladies1 own hair frizzed .will not stand in summer, but rizzes nnd waves which will stand can bo secured by calling, for a short time, on Mrs. Iang. at Miss E. Karrer s. It The Columbus Times is tho name of a new weekly paper which comes to us now from Chadbourn, ! in Columbus county. It succeeds tho Whitovillo Ktittrvrisc. which has suspended. We wish it much success. Ap organization of young colored men has been cflected in this city under the name of the "Young Men's Chnstian and Voluntary Association," and they have opened a reading room on tho corner of Seventh and Nun streets, which colored men are cordially invited to visit. 1 j The wires between this city and -Smithville became interrupted this forenoon and the Signal Officer was obliged to go. and see what, was the matter. His idea was that the wire had been torn down at some, but he did not know where. As the line a, once repaired the interruption will be of short duration. . ! Are you Goinc? There will bo a "Sociable" given at Burgaw on tho night of the 12th inst.. at which the excercises will consist of vocal and instrumental music, charades &c There will also be an elegant supper prepared for allwh may de sire. It is expected that there will be a targe gathering of the beauty and gallantry of Pender and the adjoining counties and that the occasion will be eatertalning and enjoyable. i Personal. Dr. William B. Pritchard. son of Rov. Dr. Thomas II. Pritchard, arrived in ths city a day or two since, having just graduated at the Baltimore College of Physicians and Surgeons and re ceived his diploma. There were 127. in the graduating class, but there were several who failed to pass tho necessary examination. Dr. Pritchard will re main with his father in this city for a abort time and bo has not; yet decided where he will commence the practice of Mj profession. DAILY WILMINGTON. IN. C FRIDAY. MARCH 7. Joint Meeting.- A joint meetinz of the Chamber of Commerce. Produce Exchange and Hoard of Trade was held at the rooms of the Produce Exchange at noon to- day and was organized by calling Hon. A. H. Vau Bokkelcn to the chair and Col. J L. Cantwcll aml Mr. C. P. Mcbano to act as secretaries. Colonel F. W. Kcrchner offered the fallnwinrr nrnnm hips and resolutions. which were adopted unanimously : Whereas. This meeting is fuily im pressed with tho importance of the Rev- enue Marine, and the eflicient and va uablo service it has rendered to the Mvprnment. and to the ocean, lake and " - ' river commerce of country, as wen as saving the lives ana property oi nun- ureas oi moseengageu ueraa 7 nr nr 4 a 1 horn to nn nrnVIS nil of law whereby those who may become disabled bv aze. injuries or other cause, in tho service, may be retired, as is the case in me navai auu uiutwii iuo n( fho rrnrcrnmont whlPh. in the Ot)in. ion ot this meeting, should oe remedied, lUV6 ... . therefore be it i Resolved. As the sense ot this meet- SlSftSiSi" "1 Sfifa,, nSl mote the efficiency of the Revenue Marine Service," is one which com- mends itsellto us as a wise ana jusi measure, and one which we would be clad to see the Senators and Represen- tatives from this Stale support. Jlcsolved. That a copy of tho foregoing - resolution oe lorwaraeo co me oeuaiurs . .. . . . 1 . . 1 O & and Representatives in Congress from North Carolina. Mr J. H. Currie oflered the following resolutions which were adopted unani mously. ficsolvcd, By the Chamber of Com- merce. Produce Exchange and Board of Trade of tho city of Wilmington, ass semoiea in joint convention, luai, a thpir nn ninn. the nTicronriea of the nub- KorvicA dpmanil th nretion in this city of such a building, for the use of tho several departments of tho adminis- tSK ftS and in keeoinz with tho large and growing commerce and population of ouZ?l?f', r IvtettihST'lZd ReDresentative in Congress from this State, with the request that they indi yidunlly and collectively give all the aid LErw" necessarv to effect the object desired. Resolved, That Messrs D. G. Worth, nereoy appoimcu a cummiuw w i.u..v this matter in charge and push it to a successful conclusion by such measures as to them may seem best. , Hon. A; U. VanBokkelen was author ized to appoint a committee of his own selection to visit Washington, D. C. at such time as he may judge best to urge and aid in the prosecution of the im provements on tho River and Harbor, tho Upper Capo Fear being included. Col. F. W Kerchner was appointed a committee to raise the necessary funds to pay the expenses of tho above com mittee. Mr. Wm. Caldcr introduced the following resolution, whick was carried unanimously: Resolved. By the Chamber of Coin mnron nm Produce Exchange 'Of the r v-;in.;n,rfnn KT M thnt. thai Vi.:.. 'i 'i i!"r" r Bii ing and daily increasing menace to the best commercial and industrial interests. of our country .'.and should be suspended as soon as possible. Resolved That a copy ot these reso lutions be sent to each ef the Senators and Representatives in Congress from this State. Mr. J. H. Currio introduced the fol lowing resolution, which was carried unanimously: Resolved That it is the sense of this mectine that it is extremely desirable that this citv should oe mace mo east ern terminus of the Cape t ear & x ad kin Valley Railroad, and that wo look forward, with deep interest to the compltion of this road in this direction, and we will use every possiDie euort to bring it here. Adjourned . The Dawson Railroad." We are happy to inform the News and Observer that there is a "Dawson Railroad in this State, and that it has been in existence and operation about 15 years. It starts from "Dawson's Landinz." on the Cape Jcearnyer. in Bladen county, and extends into the country several miles, on - what is known as the "Isaac Wright" tract of timber. Mr. A. Y. Wilson, of this city is now the owner of this railroad, and t is operated by him. Inconsequence of these facts it will not be necessary for our News and Observer friend to take the trip to the moon inquest of the 'Dawson Railroad," as we suggested a few days since. If yon need . a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex celsior Penn.. Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. They are to be f jund at factory prices at Jacobi's, who is th.j manufacturers' agent. . t Now is the time to give Smith's Worm j Oil. ; lydw Remarkable Ijons:eyity. There arc six members of the First Baptist Church in this city whose united ages amount to 501 years, or an average of ibl years . Their ages are 75. 80, 83, 81, 89 and GO years respect- ively. ; There are quite a number of other very aged people in the church, but the abovo arc all ol whose aes wc have authentic information. f-fffUte o' London . f '"e audience at the Opera House la!st night to witness the above-named drftm. nnt hnf . .,hftB ...... " winw.iuwtue pleasure oi wiu I . - . 1 r- . . . nessing one oi me nnest entertainments evef put upon our stage. Tho play was full of forceful dramatic incident, I tne Plot was so wel1 conceived and ar ranged as to Keep up an unfla interest throushout. all the nrinninnl . . 0noiion,i maU I J r" I . A M mm1 V. connnsir. 1- Tl aocucij vu upuro. it was a production in which deep pathos mn9 Wflintr nh Uo.ugh of the mirthful to reUevo " irom monotony. Misa.vioia itose- borough, as Bess Marks, captured i the hearts of the audience at once by! the . P , . . Jj UWU1 Wi "s auu was iouoweu turuugu ner long years of suffering, her wounds, wifelv devotion I ' tn np nfrPH hnahnri Imr hnnr of triumph came in his complete windi cation, she had tho sympathy, ot every one present. Mr. William Lee, Harold Armytayz. the son, was an able support to Bess, and conscientiously andjfaithfui ly performed his difficult part to the en tire satisfaction of every one. LMr. J. C. pa(Jeette as S"th Prun was ercellpnt 1 aaKetie, as new i run, was excellent I n all that related to his part, and his North country dialect was faultless. Mr. Samuel Hem pie, as Joseph Jarvis, ""-'.W.A. Sacd,, Mrs. Jarvis. were simply superb. There were other excellent characters, but our spaco will I at permit us to specify all of them. Itisenpughtostatethat the company is first class, the playjone ot deep and thrilling interest, the scenery beautiful beyond power of description, E,and the of an audience tha should pack the house to its utmos capacity and such as wc trust will gree As the doctor turned sadly away from the patient whom he found using Dr Bull's Cough Syrup, he said : "It beats me every time." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. FMMY, March 7, SATURDAY, March 8, AND SATURDAY MATINEE. LIGHTS O' LONDON t Under tho auspices of Shook & Collier. Proprietors Union Square Theatre, New York, Effects. i Kcserveu feeata si. Aumission d, oo. ahj. Sale of Scats begins Tuesday, March 4, at MUST BE SOLD! BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK OF Hats and Bonnets TO BE SOLD FOR THE NEXT , j ' I Fifteen Days at Cost ! To make room for Spring Goods. i Respectfully, MISS E. EARRER, mch 1 Exchange Corner, ""'I Tell the children to cut oat and save the comic silhouette pictures as they appear from issue to issue. They will be pleased with the collection. This space s "owned by Of eonrte we mean tha f mens tttwui sppeutng on the label of every fiennise package of Slack. e!Ts Bun Durham Bmoking Tobacco. Every dealer keeps thia. the U Smoking; Tobacco made. None' gmahm wlSaoot trademark of the Bun. E xaca71yd orm c Ixl 1 . - j I - j v '.: 1884. NO. 57 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Bald Heads. ! TUB WORLD CHAMPION WIG MARES la in the city and can be found at Miss E. Karrer'a. The latest styles of Hair Goods at the -lowest prices. I am te-ling at retail at wholesale prices. Wigs. Frizzes and Switches made in the finest style. Call and examine. I BespectfuUy. inch C Iff i MOS. LANG. Everv Man His Own Co TEATU TO INDIGESTION. IF YOU want good Coffee made In one minute, call and see our NEW XORK. TEXTILE KILTEIi COF FEK 1-OT. I ' M Sample cup of Coffee free for the next few days. HOLMES & WAITERS, men e-3tnao tolc gents. OPERA HOUSE. - pi AN EXTBAOHDIKAKT ASKOUJJCEMEXT "A STAGE SERMON." .1 i THE MADISON SQUARE THEATRE COMPANY, A Stab Cast, ADA DYAS, FANNIE REEVES, ENID LESLIE, JEAN WALTERS, E. J. BUCKLEY, W. II. GILLETTE, EDWIN ARDEN. FRANK COLFAX. IN MRS. WINTMOr. ALL THE ORIGINAL SCENERY. This beautiful play will be presented in this will be presei arch 17th, 1S84 city on MONDA men e tf New Music. 1 , 1 yjyOULD I WERE Sombody's Darling. Jamie O'Dundce, j I Send Father Home, 1 I Come to My Arms, Norah Darling, I When the Little Stars arc Twinkling In the Sky. With Her Alone, i Superb Songs. A new Book of 250 pages Choice Songs for 50c. The Song World. 100 pages of Select Vocal Music for 25c. Emmett's, Howard's, Scanlan's, and other popular writers Songs always on hand. Call or send for Latest Music at HEINSBEItGrER'Sj mch G Live Book and Music Store. Wanted. 100 GOOD QUARRY HANDS, FOR Gov ernment work at Keystone Quarries, on Cape Fear River, fourteen miles below Wilmington. ieo zo-oicou icuss 1jA.ha. Lost- A PAIR OF SPECTACLES, STEEL RIM- XL mcd. Lost In the case. The glasses were from Meyrpwitz Bros., .Opticians, New York, and have their name printed on the case. A uuerai reward wiu be paid the under on leav- In or thorn at. tlin I.rnir Sitnva r1 lng them at tho Drug Store of mch 5 3t MUNDS BROS. & DeROSSET. Tobacco ! Selling Fast. Qllft BOXES AND CADDIES SOLD with- In three weeks. ; ' . il 203 Boxes and Caddies to close consignment. various liranas irom jo cents upwards. SAM'L BEAR, SB, mch 3 13 Market Street "Mess Mullets," i 1 1 A ND "FLORIDA FISH ROE" at rctalL "BUCK AND ROE SHAD" can bo found at i i our Fish Market the season through, and thcr Spring Fish a3 they come in. fcb21 DAVIS & SON. Munds Bros. & DeRosset. i ! i Druggists, Market and Second Streets, i . i "VFFEE A LIMITED LINE OF VERY line Sponges, sultablo for Nursery use at 25 cents each. 1 i , xnaeiiDie ms. gnarantcea crooa. 13 cent a bottle. Mark your clothes and prevent beina ion i i t j mm A nice box of Face Powder. Pink or White. iv cenis. Complete Line of Drugs, Chemicals and 5, C Fancy Goods. P. S. Fine Soaps as usual. 25 cents dozen caes. mch 1 Don't Pay Rent. T3UILDING LOT3IN DESIRABLE i) localities for sale, oh tte Instalment plan. In this city I have sold over. one hundred and filty Lots and Houses and Lots to parties who have paid in full for them, by Instalments monthly ' payments. Also, I have a large number now on my books. who are making regular; monthly payments and will soon own homes and get clear of land- joruruie. Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to mch 5 l JAMES WILSON. To Arrive I A NOT HER LOT OF THAT BONANZA TEA. 1 A pound of good Tea and a China Cup 1 and Saucer for CO cents Could get but a limited supply this week. Expected on New York Steamer to-morrow. Leave orders for t at onse. Will also receive to-morrow an- other lot of that GRATED PINEAPPLE, for 'i i - - pies, for which so many of my customers have been waiting. For sale by -I i r ' GEO, M. CRAPON, Agent, 33 South Front St mch 5 Por Decoration. JUST RECEIVED AN ASSOirTMENT OF CUPS AND SAUCERS for decoration. GILES ft UURCHISON, XebCT i . ILvxthlatm. Slock. PLKA5X KOnexk : we win be glad to receive eoznacxlcaUca from our fxlenda on any and an axihjeeii waeralintcxestlmt I: " ;; t . , '"" .J: The came of the writer must alwayi be d aJahedtotheZduot. . . j! . j j ; Conmimlcatlbna muat be written on onl one aide of the paper. j i ) r Personalities must be avoided And It la especially and partleoUuly nnd tood thai ; the Editor does not alwayn endot the views of correspondents tznlcaa ao state In the editorial colnmna. : , . NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS." Linen Collars pORlLADIKIAND CHILDREN. QUITE A nice assoitmcnt and they arc CHEAr. NEW LACE COLLARS. For Children and Jlirses Lace Curtains. In this line we can show very choice ration J AT ROCK BOTTOM TRlCEs Wew Mattings Of all grades, fiom fibst hands,' and t TRICES THE LOWEST ! Black Goods Ricelved thU day, embracing all textures Particular attention is called to i 1 ' 6tcck, aleo to! this black: OF ALL WIDTHS. We are really attracting and crea ting tjbadb i ! i by showing desirable goods In every dcrart mcnt at CLOSE PRICES. ! t R. M. McINTHtE. mch 5 i 1 State of North Carolina, New Hanover County N. A. Lewis, Administratrix ofJCouncll 'Sim mons, j j vs. j .. 'i Allen Simmons and wife Catharine, Rufu Simmons and wife Sallle, Henry Simmons and wife Cassic, George Simmons, Arthur Murrlll and wife, et als.. heirs at law of Council Simmons, deceased. It beingmade to appear to mo, tliat the de fendants Kufns Simmons and wife Sallle aro necessary parties to this action, have property in this State, and are non residents, mtf can not after due diligence be found i this State, and that this action is begun to subject cer tain real estate described in the complaint in this cause to sale to pay the debts of the estate of said Council Simmons, i f U8 Simmons and wife Sallle, U be and appear at my office, in the city of Wilmington. o- Monday, tho lith April. 1884. and answer or demur to the complaint this day filed, or Judir- I . 1 1 t t - j j. - "ft uicu. wm us granieu accoramg 10 tne prayer thereof. Clerk Superior Court, New Ilanovpr County. feb 29 lawGwf gILL HEADS, LETTEIt 'HEADS, NOTE HEADS, , I account Sales, And all kinds of ' Prihting, Ruling & Binding, i Done with Excellence and Dispatch. , ( . Bpoks, Pamphlets and By-Laws printctl witli, entire satisfaction, 5"-Ordcrs solid ted. JACION it liELL, 21 N. Front $treet. Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. "i ' II I' Hi TTAYING ENGAGED THE SERVICES OF ax . . . . I . -!! ! MB. G. M. ALTAFFER (late of Alt&ffer ft i ' . - ii i ! r : ! Price), and arranged for the purchase of new special machinery, we desire to notify our friends-pthe public that we shall at an earlfr day be prepared to fill orders for SASH, i i i i. DOORS. BLINDS. BRACKETS. 1 WOOD MOULDING, and ORNAMENTAL I WOOD WORK of all descriptions. We expect to compete with Northern manufacturers, and solicit orders from responsible parties. n i Copper, Iron and Wood Worker. ! i i . i 19 and 21 South Front St. J U feb3-tf Wilmington, N. C. N. A. STEDMAN, Jr., Li I attorney-at-Law. Office on Princess, between Front and fieJ ond streets, in the Basement of Building No. Mf. e3rt to old Journal Building, W 'ILM1NG Practices In all the Criminal and : Clvli Courts of New Hanover, Bladen, Colambosji -renaer ana jrunswlck Counties, r j i -dw-lm City Drugstore. A PERFECT RUSH FOR THE NEW Drug I Stnre. - Business good because roods are ue w ami prices aw low as any. in Iaci, noth ing oiu aoout tne store except I i 1 1 j. w.wsuley, Manager, r N IB. Prescriptions i comnounded At all hours day and night. mch.l Home's Garden yster A EE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. nL-Ther are to bo had only at the OM North 1 State Saloon, No. 6, South Front St. I Ice coel Larer Iiecr a specialty. The best1, Whiskey and purest Wines sold iu the city. L Cigars as good as the best. Call and be con Tinced. feb iM 1 SELLING OUT X1 ' I 0 , V - III v. i HATS & FEATHERS ! AT DEDUCED PRICES.' ., 1 ' ji , 1 MRS. KATE C. WCIES, J ; - I 'i - i I No. 113 N Second Street. nexPost OSes !