' TT1R! t A TT X 1WIWW : PAID: II 12 II II J II V II 1 1 I II . II Mi 1 ' I 1 II II ' J If if -UL. -LL U UA H -J U U LL-Jk" -UL- - il Vi M A 11 I) J Y Y 0 . ! - , -I 1 ' f . . -.. i . ' r ! . . ' XXnSPATSB .epted by J0S1IT. JAMESt rTT-TlOSS POSTAGE Stu ,-th- tiOO. Tares Oofl month, S3 cents. ... A.nrf-rf hr corrVn free rfffUW-- . icx low uJ BberaL !t Ux pa pgr regnlsrly. r' V -rt of tba city. t tb abort is - : - ' r Moral , million, of any nacspapcr . VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. MARCH 10. 1884. PLEASE KOTICX We will be gUO. to receive commffiBJcitloa roxa mr ftlcaOs ca JU17 atd all mbjectt general Interest but I , . ' , . TU name of the writer tasst always bo fa akbe4 to the Editor. ' ''"' i CottEnmlcatlona nms: U written oa oal one Bide of the paper. ' rersoasmieaiauBtbe avoided.: And It la especially and parUcularly oal stood that the Editor doe r,ni IN U. O V th(i of correspondeata unleia ao sute' ia tse editorial coIuee. J ..PcblistcJ ia liondoa in April. ,VMjrf O'Uuty. U out of 1 1. jr..l tii surplus in the treasury- ivi theUtizbtcr of (i.iribaMi, U jrncd to professor (Jrazianici " . f I . H - Turin. til- Marion Sinn will be honored rial sUtuc in Nevr York 1 lL' inr1th( other in -e:3 wo"1 jtosbJi of the Woaian Ho3P:tal f.r-itcvlthatSttr Itouto Counsel r E uikas rcccircU otcr $200,000 In from the Kocrnacnt stneo th adaicrstralion came miu p LOCAL NEWS. IBQH TO IEW ADVEBTISEUEITS. Ofeha HofSE Mllo Rhea ! IIKX5ABXKGZB New MQdlO' J SO 11 TCRRE5TT5E Kriilt D CasiiwelI Aae!goee Sale. P L H2IDUCSS A Co Groceries Tlios C.CEAIT, Agt Furnlturo i'ACKLX A Tat lou Just tb Thln O W Yatk5 Cheap tundanl Wori MLTNlit L'UUO. A Ucni)S.-iET DrusUU W KSpbingku A CO Sportfman' G00I3 McDoroALL A 1Wwien Lalla Truuks Ja D IlL'iOIs A Co Wc -Ast Attention ir. ti York papers publish, cdito- rxly. dny bulletins of tc coadltion-of jchn Jacob Aior. who is ljios ill wia malarial fcrer at Ler princely home llxlioz no allowanco for tbo animals .vvs hvc since died, there bavo been ;-crieJ into the United Sutcs nearly iKO balls and about 20.000 cows of tho Y.lELl:ott,of Uwiston, Me., is believed to be tie oldest editor in the United Stales. Ho was born January 12. 1793. and started the Iewlston (JizcVtia 151 1. Tie IVnnjjIrania College of Dental Szrzerj. t it twenty eighth . annual eommecccmcn?, a few days since, rradaated sixty-foar students, of whom ixt were ladies- Tfce late Senator Carpenter once dtcribed Alexander Stephens In this wise: An empty coach halted at the Trtasnry Department and Aleck Ste phens zot out of It. The receipts of cotton at this port day foot up 102 bale?. to Tho Mexican Veterans. After many years of effort there is now a good prospect that tho surviving soldiers of the Mexican War" will re ceive a pension. The claims of these veterans have been prcsehted and urged in Congress for several sessions, but have been tor the time ignored antil the present session. Oae ot the greatest obstacles in the way of a pen sion for these nerves has been tho fact that a large portion of them belong in the South. Had they all, or a ma jority of them, come from- the North there is hardly a doubt thit a pension bill for their relief would have been I Church Aid. There was a largo congregation at the First Baptist Church last night to listen to the last of the -series of ser mon3 to youna: men by Rav. Dr. Pritch anl. His subject wa3 "The Intrepid faith of David." Alter the sermon a collection was taken up to assist the Baptist Church at Chester. S. fi , in hnSMSn. r ... . Supported by Mr. WILLIAM IIAU8I3 aud " - ..vuac ui vuup iu ii- a strong Dramatic Companr, under tfce man place the one which was destroyed by cement ot akiuuk u. ciiask, m the recent cyclone. The pastor. Rev. ADKIENNE LECODVREUK, Wo invite tho attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts arc passed years ago. These few-remaining being made to order at one dollar at the veterans are now eld men. passing rap Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. Dr. Pritchard left this morning for Richmond. Va.. where bo goes to assist Rev. Dr. Hawthorne in a series of meet ings. Ho-will bo absent next Sunday. A couple of colored : men bad a idly down life's declining hillside tow ards the grave where nearly all of their I former comrades in arms have gone to thir last earthly, bivouac. The original roil of Co "U," of the first North Carolina Regiment of Mex ican Volunteers i3 before, U3, and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. T. ,1 - ' -u m I . . i'xvui oiia.iii'iu wiq MAKER Friday, - -1 March 14 tott 1 ... mi For Bald neads. Engagement of the Distinguished French society star, MJLLE EHEA, vne lowest prlcea. I am feillniat nt.n. wholesale prjeea. Wlga.' Frizzes and Switches made In the finest style. Call and cxamlneT ' i liespcctfuUy, I mca 6 lw ai p tjva K. w. banders, who preached hero four or live Sundays last year, appeal ed to the Uhurca hero for assistance in erecting a new church building and the congregation last night responded to the amount of about $130. i MLLE . BIIEA....as....ADEIE2HKE. ' Eeserv incVlIiriTI SO I A tT Sfll fa -Wri-m thin anrya will open Wednesday, March 12th, at Dyers, IF TOD e. call am! LTEJS COF- Ir. Watson to bo Consecrated April 17th. The consecration of the Rev. Dr. Watson as Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina has been appointed by we the Presiding Bishop for Thursday of wiiibuy. James' St. couple of colored scrimmage" this morning near tho copy it as a matter of much interest to Easter week, April 17th, in corner of Princess and Second streets many of our readers, i It is as follows: Church in thi3 city. ana one ot mem was arrested and Capt Wm J Price, (dead;; 1st J'.eut It 13 expected that Bishop Green, of taken to tho guard hous. George E B Singletary, (dead); 2nd Mississippi, will be the Consecrating Lieut Wm B Flanner, (dead) ; 2nd Lieu1 Bishop, assisted by Bishop Howe, of Every Man His Own! Cook. JEATII TO ISDIGESTION. want good ColTeo mado in one mlnul ed Feats $1.C0 and $1, according to iSpb pnfli.W for tho text Sale of Seats for this engasenient i101 & WA1TKKS. ITOULD I WEEE Sombody'al Darling.. It. I: Jannc O'Dun !ce, Send Father Home, i Come to Mv Arms. Nornh Tinritm j When the JLiltla SLira urn Ttdnlrl(n R. - "-"-""to With iicr Alone, ! 1 i Superb Sonsrd. A new Urtnt nf or Choice Songs frWc. T - The Sonar World. I00 tvao-pa nt Bgtnxr-Ai' Music for 5c i e v f . Emmett's. Howard's. Scanlan'B. popular writers Songs always on hand. 1 ui ueiiu xor xaiesi aiusio at Ladies, -yyE HAVp A FEW HAND SATCHELS in Plash and Leather which we will close out BELOW COST. ; Come In and see what an ex iulsite bag fl In tbo Muntis Bros. &DeRosset, 1 7 Dealers In! Drugs and Fancy Goods. HEINSBERGtER'Ss 12 Cakes Fine Toilet Soap, 25 cents, mch 10 We Ask Attention 10 QUE STOCK OF Ypsfprd.nr tcas ft. nhpnnmonnl rlnv en far as the weather was concerned. There Yarborongh, (dead); 1st Sergt J B South Carolina, and Assistant Bishop v(.mmnmrrMnnnUn,irn,i;,ni,Un.0. Wiiitakcr, 2nd Sergt D K Black, (dead) ; Randolph, of Virginia. The sermon l v o I O 1 C a. TT T 111. (? C,1 I 1 1 1 t. 1 rri T f ii nri n f inn niv innn ten nivn ;rrn in n 1 1 r j o J " " " 1 . . r 1 . . 1 ni 1 r i . v-i i lon-tftn'e. Towards nieht it cleared "meu. aeaa;; ist corpi v,nas ojxaaiy iMortn vjarouna. off nlrnoct in n. mnmont nncl hon tn u r lucauy uorpi o 01m a vimau, me au-vtJ wioruiauuu comes 10 ua grow colder. This noon it va3 auite KdeaJ 3rdcorpl Willie Harding (dead) ; ia an official shape, through Dr. A. J. embracing every article necessary for the rold. with a hrUk W. wind. ta corP4 " nampe, ueu ; uruiu - p - v- r x 1 x r 1 m mer, o narvey. tueaui: mer x lUckwcl'. Jr (dead); privates. W H CHOICE FAMILY SUPPLIES, I Countj' Treasurer. The Board of Commissioners of New Armstrong, E B Ashe, (dead); S A - - Hanover County met in special session Baldwin, (dead);W D Barkley, (dead); at tbo Court Houso this forenoon to AD Bordeaux, Stephen Boyd, A Broth electa County Treasurer, that office ers. John W Burns, (dead), Joseph having become vacant in consequence Crawford, (dead), F B Crenshaw, of the death of the late Treasurer, Owen (dead ), Jas P Davis. J M Daniels, Burney. Mr. J. W. King was elected. DeRosset, of this city, Secretary ot the Standing Committee of the Diocese of East Carolina, notice to that effect having been received here this morn ing. ; Quickly Caught. About 3 :30 o'clock yesterday afters .noon Chiei ot Police urocK received a Gone Home. Paul J Dudley, (dead), Ed Dudley, telegram irom jur.i..t.JYicKae, Mayor (dead), Simeon T Daniels, (dead),; Geo 01 &noe "eei asKing mm 10 jookouc ior; W Freomnn. Jas Fowler. fdeadV and arrest a bright looking mulatto, table, both substantial and fancy. We make dally additions, thereby insuring fjresh goods at all times. While we make no specialty In prices on any particular article, we sell all goods at the lowest prices consistent with quality. Eespectfully, I J. B. IIUGGINS & CO. mch 10 Star copy Furniture. mchCj Live Book and Mnslo Store. Toiiacco Selling Fast, 300 B0XES AKD CADDIE3 SOLD With. In three weeks. , ! 200 Boxes and Caddies to close consignment. Various Brands from 20 cents upwards. . i SAM'L BEAU, SB, mch 3 13 Market Street I ; jND "FLORIDA FISH EOE BUCK AND EOE SHAD" cin be r Fish Market the season throuKh, 1 ther Sprhig Fish a3 they come ini - .1 feb2l DAVIS at fetaiL foijnd at and SON. it ArWn nd South Carolina both VMM V W Mm;u tht tha Kew Exposition will todaco to the South a cotton picker t will enable it to do awav Willi me present very beary expense of picking cotton by hand. IfBasinwj.ia Texas is unusually dull tiu Winter. A poor crop last year and tie untitled state of things caused by the fence cutting war have caused a slack ia trade that will hardly be mado up darinj the present year. Henry A. Ti.'dcn. who is brother of Mr. Siziucl J. Tilden, and has been osfcedtobishomeat New Labanon, K. Y.. for several weeks by aerious ill cets. is rapidly sinking, and hU paysi cszs lay bo can surrivo but a short IN STOCK THIS POPLAli FUEN1- was never so complete as now. Call and ex- l amine our stock and prices; you will be sur ! i! prised at the BARGAINS we arc offering. mch 10 TIIOS. C. CRAFT, Agt., 20 So. Front Street f riacc has made a demand on Mo rocco which may lead to interesting eca plications. It calls on tho govern r:tz: for 1.000 francs a day for each JJ whxh a French count is prevented fcca entering upon certain estates on tie Morocco coast A Paris paper says that tbo English fishier at Monaco are the most do braised, and lose the most. It is said a: rack day when the play begins the cask has ia hand $200,000; as tho play wcoae brisker th's is sometimes raised to R00.000 more. Gea. Longstrcct stands six feet and to inches high and weighs over two tsadred bat he is ageing very last; hi r u white, his eyes are dim and his kariu 1 hard. In contrast, his youngest fca, Robert Lee Longstrect. is a bright aw:csi boy of nineteen. Orant has so far recovered from recent accident as to be able to go to onress Monroe this week. The party --nana at the Hygeia Hotel, at uFoiit Comfort, foi a week, and ffntalij longer, if the change ol climate yn of :j advantage to Gea. Grant. The lijt development of fashion in f a-ce concerns the announcements of fcrLj hTariably sent out by French "enu. For a boy they are pale blue, tfrl delicate pink ; In the lelt band er is the father's coat ot arms or cr.crrara. amj undCrneath the sign of .v . waich was paramount when Mbo first saw the light. ecj l1jc to time; delays have danger " member of your family ,-s . uzm couga or com. lwau uaUl it develops itself into -option, but procure at once a grof Dr. Bair Syrup and cure orI"urWbiuLead& Paints, and Ciuttck of Window Glaas and icw for good arUclcj be laro to JcoU'i HArdwar Depot, t and arrest -a bright Mr. C.N. Collins, tho engineer who pnrv f;-rr;s.h Tmh L Gaodwin about 21 years ot.age and weighing WE HAVE PLACED .1 1 1 1 j -- . 1 11 was so oaaiy sca.aeu seTerai weeks ago AdGad toht ftrccn joa Hardie rdead about 150 pound3 who had stolen $50 week a handsome line of uu ua3 uc-vu uuu. jWUiGt.k u' E D Hayes, (dead). G Holmes, (dead). 1U elu aQU ieit Ior oujsooro- oer- TUSE,to which we invite the attention of injuries in tne city hospital in this city, w MJonfi w r.wl. (ar.a Jas n geant Green was shown the dispatch i , . has so far recovered that ho lelt for his r nn5,in Poiph NiphoU T R Parsnns I aQd directed to make the arrest, which i home at Tim monsville.S.C, on Friday LJ d) RD Paschaii m m PeoDles 1 08 succeeded in effecting in a very short fanajtlC8 tonsomc assortment of Baby Carria- last. 11 13 won ads have not all healed (ijx t:u t i T:i,art time. Tho prisoner was taken to police zes- Lounges, Easy Chairs, &c. Our line of i i iin.vii i. i vii .11 i ii v - m.r aK.Kiji.AAL 11 L.M m. yet, but they have improved so as to n. R;M Thn.Sfnhftnwn.RSalmon. headquarters and after some few ques- Fine -Black Walnut Suits, secretaries, Ac leave no doubt of his speedy recovery. Tho3 G Scoltt (jead)t j n Simmons, tio.ns beinS askea he was takea intp a Personal. W Skipper, (dead). Hogan II Smith, Private room and searcneo, out owning Mr. E. P Bailey and his charming fdeadK Henrv Smith. Orrin R Smith, could be round upon his person, ine bride returned to the city last Saturday Chas Turlinirton. R J Twisdale. Thos Sergeant then went into the Mayor's night, after an absence of two weeks. J Taylor, C H Utley, John M Walker, room, where the prisoner had first, been They went as far South as Palatka, I C Walton, (dead), A Williams, Lewis seated, and in the corner, oenmd some Fla.,.but did not attend the Mardi L Weatherspoon. Sandy Woodard. books, he found a purso which the Gras at New Orleans. Mr. Bailey (dead), JasWilson, Jas RWrenn, John former had thrown mere, ine prison was engaged principally to-day in re Yonnar. Wai Ellington. J Q Mallard. er. whose name is supposed to be coiving tho congratulations of his nu- w Mcssick, (dead), Robt Mclvin, Bry- Stephen Conrad, was then brought out, mcrous Incnds. nt Moore. Geo Morrisev. fdead ). Beni tn PQrse was examineu ana iouuu to We bad tho pleasure this afternoon of H Mott, (dead), John McGuire, J M contain-something more than $40 in a visit from Mr. B. S. Pardee, of tho Morgan, J M McDaniel, G McDaniel, Sold besides some sma.l change, and New Haven Conn.) Palladium, who is Js Bryan, (deserted). John Ward when asked what ho had done with the visiting North Carolina investigating its (deserted). ' balance, accounted for it in car fare, possibilities, resources and future pros- The abovo is the roll as presented to something to cat &c. Ho is now m . t A A 1 ? 1 f 1 I pects. us by one of the survivors. Mr. James durance vne awaiting me arrival oi me Tho Kxciteraent. C. Lumsdcn. of this city, and the record proper officer from Shoe Heel, tho aus A chariot, a brass band of colored is correct so far as he has knowledge in thorities of that place having been noti- musicians, a couple of attendants in gay tho matter. It is moro than probable Deq ms arrest,. uniforms and a woman in grotesque that many of thoso who are reported jn Army of irht Iluudred. attire, who pulled teeth without appar- abovo as living, are dead, but tho orig- Vernon, Md. Richard Crom- ant eflort and had medicines lor sale inal members have become so scattered well, Esq ,'Prest. Mt. Vernon Co., em- whirh would enra all kinds of diseases in the lapse of years that their where- Ploying eignt nuuureu uapus iU cotton Don't Pay Rent- JgUILDING LOTS IN DESIRABLE localities foreale, on ttc Instalment . 1 1 plan. In this city I have sold over, one hundred and fifty Lots and ' t j Houses and Lots to parties who have paid in fulj for ! Mi ll them, bv instalments monthlv navments. Also, I have a large number now on my book's, who are maklnsr resrular monthlv tiavments .1 ii m . . r . . ami wui soon own nomes ana get cicaror lana- ltrru ruie, , Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to mch 5 l JAMES WILSONJ Oh! wouldn't the davs seem lank and lone If your srrocer never did anything wrong? And wouldn't your life seem extremely flat If you hadn't the pcor groceryman to grum- oie at r Distilled bp Gilbert d- Sullivan, Grinders to Her Majesty. To Arrive ! ! A NOTHER LOT OF j THAT BONANZA TEA ! A pound of eood Tea and a China Cun 1 ii and Saucer for 60 cents ! Could get but a hi' I i limited supply thls'week. Expected on NeW ill, York Steamer to morrow. Lea vo orders for it at once. Will also recelvo to-morrow an. 1 1 We are Determined oUlCT,ot f lbil GKAIED VTOT TO BE GRUMBLED AT," AND to j avoid this unpleasantness have filled our store with the pies, for which so many of my customers have i been waiting. For sale by GEO. M- CRAPON. Aimnt. mch 5 22 South Front St CHOICEST & FRESHEST James A. Lowrey, GROCEIIIES instantaneously, was tho centre of at traction on the corner of Market and Front streets this afternoon. The wo man talked in an unknown tongue, but a young man stood beside her and acted a9 interpreter. Mnere was a jarge crowd and we presume that all the sick, infirm and toothache sufferers went home greatly relieved of their money. M'llo Rhea. This talented French actress will ap pear at the Opera House in this city on Friday, tho 14th inst., the play selected for the occasion being Adrccnne Lccouv rcur. M ile unea was mo oniy ioreign star asked to appear at tho Great Dramatic Festial at Cincinnati last May, where she played with Mary Anderson. Clara Morns. Jno. Mc Cullougb, Lawrence Barrett, Nat Goodwin and Jas. Murdock. Her wardrobes are tha handsomest and most expensive on the American stage. They were made by Worth and were insured for -20.000. Sudden Death. Mr. Thomas Belcher, a very worthy gentleman resident in this city from some timo past, and an employe at the shops of the W. & W. R. R., died very suddenly last night at his residence on the corner ot Fourth and Nixon streets. A few days ago, while at work! in the shop, Mr. Belcher was taken suddenly very ill and was. cony eyed to his home. He revived and seemed in a fair way o recoTer entirely. Ho was dressed yesterday and laid on a longne during a large part of tho day but last evening ho complained of leeling much worse and was assisted to his bed where he died la ft very fTf minutes. aboutS is not known should they be living. Somoot our readers may be able to give us further information in the matter and we trust that; if possi ble, they will not fail to do so, as the matter is important and possesses much historic interest. Supremo Court. In this court, on Saturday lastj the consideration of appeals from the fourth judicial district was resumed.and causes were disposed of as follows : Berry Bryant vs. Joseph Kinlaw et als.. from Robeson; argued by T. A. McNeill and Frank McNeill for the plaintiff and Rowland and McLean for the defendants. Hybert Atkinson and wife vs. De maris Mclntyre ct als., fsom Robeson ; argued by Rowland and McLean for the plaintiffs, and T. A. McNeill for the defendants. mills, heartily endorses St. Jacobs Oil, the creat pain-cure. ob tamable. For the Lenten season, New Catch EXTRA MESS MACKEREL, 1 . ELEGANT PICKLED SALMON.) BONELESS CODFISH & HAKE. DIED. BELCHER In this city, at 10 o'clock, last night. THOMAS BELCHER, aged 49 years and G Months. j he f nneral services will take place to mor row (Tuesday) morning, at 9.30 o'clock, from St. John's Church, and thence to Oakdale Cemetery. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Strcopy. GREE-N A this residence, near Fair Bluff. In Columbus county, Feb. 5, 1SS1. MOSES GREEN, aged 64 vears and 3 months. j tTrHEELWRIGHT, BLACKSMITH 'AND TT I ! i! General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles. Work of all kinds attended toj without delay. Thanking my friends for favors extended to me in the past, I solicit their kind favors and Our Royster's Candy excels all others Id PURITY No terra-alba'd Indigestibles. No glucose or other foreign in gredients are used In Its manufacture. We ad visi atrial box: will guarantee its effective nesa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Just the Thing. . P. L. BRIDGETS. & 00. rpH03E FIRE CLAY CHIMNEY PIPES. Make a cheap and satisfactory Chimney, es pecially ior Kitcnens PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. mch 10 HO Korth Front St. mch 10 Sportsman's Goods. their patronage in future. After an expert- ence of forty -four years as a Mechanic under Capt. W. II. Bobbltt, of Warrehton, and in Wilmington. I am now prepared to conduct the work In all its branches in a rood and workmanlike manner. I I- fTi Place of business, on Princess, between 3rd and 4th streets. ! nov 20-oaw-tf i GREENVILLE SOUND: I I ' II. i T WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN ONE of tho most . I ' Desirable bummer IP aces . . . I i . ' on the Atlantic coast, situate? oa GrceavllTe Sound, Gil ralle3 from WUmlngtoa, Jon Shcil Eda1. The lard la la a HIGH STATE OF i CULTIVATION and will support an lordlnary v sized family. On tho nlir ar IMr iv-h. ITTE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT cs, Apples, Cherries, Figs and Grapes IS T o i ngusn ana ieigium iireecn jaaers -illlace. Orslers. xua. Crabs sunmp to bo baa at too door every dar. i cov 'i3-law3m m WM. A. CUMMING Ladies' Trunks, ever brought to this market. Also a lirst- rlaaa atw.lr nf Rhflla Wartrlfnrr' PrlmPN Curt RENTS' TRUNKS, PACKING TRUNKS, j ridge Bags. Gun Caps. Game Bags, &c. Jn I w - k. I Un. T1 Id -r. m nil mv -mm A HMJVjA UA. -m A WW Ia UUUU E. & E. J. Burns VS. Hugh McGreg- raveiung uags ana mwm ,ff goods. and guarantee prices. - giea tnjteiouf, yarw tu .ajo, vmj, W. E. SPRINGER CO., . Fucceasors to John Dawson A Co, anil figures. Repairing m au its workmen. McDOUGALL. BOWDEN, Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store, mch l'J or and wife, from Robeson ; argued by Goods, at bottom French and Normeat for tho plaintiffs, branches by sVugd and Rowland & McLean for the de fendants. ! 1 H. F. Fittmann. executor, vs R. G. Assiffnee S Sale( Ashley et als., from Robeson; argued TODKBsiGiED will 'sell at by W. I OSter I: rench for the plaintiff X Public auction, for cash, on Friday, the list insu, at 10 o'clock, a. m., tne enure bw mch 10 19. 21 and 23 Market Stieet and Rowland & McLean and Walter Clark for the defendants. of.Goods, Liquors. StoreJ"ixtnres,! Ac, in the store now occupied by ii. Loeb, at the corner of Prlnrp nI Wiifr streets. George Vann, colored,, from this county, has been pardoned by Gov. Jarris, and was on Saturday released from the penitentiary, lie was con victcd of larcency. in mch 10 tds D. CASHWELL, A sslgnee. City Drug Store. I JjJYEEY MAN MAY BE HIS OWN COOK, but every man cannot prepare his own medl cine. Call at the "New Drug Store" and have It prepared by J. W. CONOLEY. ManJjrar- A fine lot of Cigars and Cigarettes Just re ceived, mch 8 N. A. STEDHAN, Jr., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. - i j ' j on Princess, between Front and Scc jets, la tbo Basement of BuHdlo? No. y Art . ond streets. 1 14, next to old Journal Bnlldlnr. WILMING TON. N.C. T . , ' T Practices In all tha Criminal anl Civil Courts of New Hanover, Bladen, Columbus, Pender and Brunswick Co antic. 1 1 xeb 3-aaw-tf . r OWGES, BASIXAS, SAPPABI10S. SELLING OUT! tie was con. -niLANCE of caego FRCIT. per Schr the Criminal X . P,nrf tnthi.rirv in Ififll nnrl RPntPn. llT 01 -saaa. Jiuoi ced to ten years imprisonment and had I during the coming -week. The Fruit is fine served less than two years of bis term. . v 1 I send in your orucrs. Now is the tlTie to give Smith's Worm Oil. lydw L. mch 10 it be csed ora HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. - MRS, KATE C. WINES, JNO. B. TUERENTDTE, 1 Corner Dock and Water Sts. No. US R 8ecood street, nexiSPost OS.ce JU 9 : Home's Garden Oysters ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. They arc to be had only at tho Old North a late Saloon. No. 6. South rant St. I Ice cool Lager Beer a specialty. The best Whiskey and purest Wined sold lu the city. Cigtrs as good as the best. Call and b con Tinced. feb TZ. For Decoration. JUST RECEIVED AN ASSORTMENT OT ! CUPS AND gAUCEHS for decoration. I GILilS UUUCHISOX, feb 27 IXajxclson XIskK 1 7

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