. ,, I. ; jL '. l" ja!it won an impcmant victory at New i i is l i 'f. J.M .XT7 i Orlcvw Under 1 he Stale Law. which TIIUriSDAY. M4RCII 13. 18. Koter-! At the rostottur at Wlbnlturmn, S. Ci, K-(venmr Ilcn-lricks. id Ii.tlianrt, whaijnoi:i K'iniM. h.n wriu-n a letter to a fric td in Saw Yuri; which con Lai :m a bricfouline ol his views on the political outlook.. ' lit? ink the Ticw that with the fndiaoa Democracy divided between two Iicikuis it would be in itlv;ab!o t tain a PrcMlrntial candiJate fomi that State. From what be can leant Mr. Hendricks thinks that the Democrats i:i Cunsns should de port themselves with sue!) caution on tariff matters a no: l alarm the high prolecli jhUis into the belief that the whole structure is thrt-atcned, and at the same time, with sufficient energy to - indicate that the parly is mt afraid to prutuo exiting evils just .because the lYnn.ylvani aus cry wolf." Mr. Hendricks hopes the party, in making candi dates and platform, will bear ia mind that for twenty years party shackle in the country have not been so loosely borne as now ; that the floating and in dependent vote Is three times larger and three limes more independent than be fore. This being the case, the party that wins will be the one which frames that platform on" the great economic mcasurej before the country on which the great mass of independent voters caa stand. The party that secures this clement will obtain the White House, in spite of all the red lights and trauspa rencies and bontires and stump oratory of the campaign. The Northern I'acific Uailway. says the N. Y., World, has a magnificent White Klepbaut now in the shape "of the newly discovered gold fields of Cteur d'Alenc. on the border line between Montana and Idaho. It is exacted that ten thousand people will visit the Kl Dorado this summer and pay the road $300 ,0CO in the shape of fare and freight. Ilcr.ce the glowing accounts that aro sent by the agents ! the com pany. Ileautilul pamphlets have been issued, illuminated with views of the ruindi and covered w th sold leal, j They are written iu a ly!e to allure the greedy and charm thi imaginative. They are thu work i tin? irtlul passen ger agents One of these folders.' iiuel from Chicago, coiivejstni eluer ful word to the miner: "The told produced by U.e Ctrjr d'Alene p acers is what it known auiong miners as heavy, shut gl.l. and laru nueta of from $jU to $i00 eaeh Iimvc bet n lound, shottiu.: the luij ts to have been wih til a loti distance ami iudicatiug a very large dejKlt." Thvn to the frugal a. d irupcvuiuous: "No Machinery r capital rc-iulrcd. Thoe placers will jiell the r riches to any ne who has a pick, pn. and shovel and the uiaK-io U u.e tiicm. Ia this camp already sevcuty miles of iru'.cbe have been pro:-c:cl, giving proaiiftf id rich returns. Thcre'is alum dance of timber for ail mcvssary pur past, and plenty of water in the cuups ofthiOv jr dWtencs " . The railroad Aladdin prvcvnU to Mate that a gold eiu i l.Kv.ctl near Miner' Cabin. on which c mrativf ly little development has b.vu ma le, and cl hardly a chunk can bo ptw-kcl Ui on the dump and broke which di ivl : iree gold This ore assays fruai $HM per tou in oM." rp'e who hac gotl home, w ho riradtho j attractive stories and h j feel inc'.ir.td io ruli to ihe Kl .Dorado, pick in hand, should bear in mind the f..cl ihat the Nor; hero Pacific ruad b !adly in ntvd or business and that it is eay W tin t advaaiing agents whoetn iiupr..v. n the literary nu-ri.s of "The Arabian Nitr. " - - A l' th i'n-idri.ii il jtrrrence in New York State ihe i'un -: The two Ilopub'.icau faction n this Siate are getim Tv ady for a sharp cot. trst over tne election ol lclerai" lo Chica. Th l!ad.T in many r th now C .n;r- distne; in tho intt-rir counties nave alri-ady i"t' wtnn disputation. In the iuud-d rule- unl recomuiendations ol the Nti"'ial and State Com mitt ees they li..d plf ty i excuse fur differing and juarr.-;iinj. In New York inly two of ih IVi-si dential aspirants hsve h iro-i.tible fo' lowing. Tr.cy are Arthur and ltiao.t; Th8 SUlwarts. f e.urie. ra'lj Un Arthur. AU Federal i lllceh. Uers .are expect to Tall into liue without hes.la lion. This must put WiU;am M. Knbert n into rather a tijhl plapj The Ha!f-Brcc!s an lor IKaiue Hero and there one id this faction may r2akol Kdroandsor Uncoln. or even Sherman, but tho great lxly wear the bad-rcoilho plunul knight. Ueiajast as noch or a candidtU a ho ever was It Is only his methHls that have chang. cd. In lfe7d and IS) and lo went after delegates with a braw band, how he is on the still bunt. In the struggle in district Conventions the dividing lines will lor present par noses be drawn on Arthur and Blaine, thonili Warner Miller, the great wng clcV. may try to nin in here and th-re 5 clorleis filowcr. . Hat. ftfUr all. no lonr-hcadca poliiician expects that eUlfcr Arthur or Blaine will win the battle at Cbifr- When the stampede mcs it will be an interesting spectacle Sin how many directions the sev Sf?t!ro Now York delegates will scatter. t Now is the time to give Smith' Worm oil. . lydw i protects the "monopoiy, rtwo pi.ois wb had not a State license were arrested and thrown into prison for the heinous crime of piloting vessels through tho Southwest Pass without asking any body's permission; wher-upon the de fendants obUined a bearing on habeas corpus before United States Judge Par dee (March 4th.) resulting in their re lease from imprisonment, the Court holding that their arrest was io viola tion of the laws' of the United States. According to this the independent pilots can now not only resume their vocation but turn around and sue the monopoly for damages for false imprisonment. An independent journal in tho interest of colored people is to bo started in New York by some colored journalists, who held a meeting lat week to complete their arrangements. The paper i3 to be called the Xcyro -American, will make its first appearance on April 5. and will have as permanent editor J. A. Arneaur: who in a speech made at the meeting just referred to, said to his future colaborers: 'I feel that the black man in America to day is sadly in need of someone to set bim an ex ample, and. I know of nolbetter men thsn yon. gentlemen, whose sparkling faces are beamiDg with the hope of success, and who3C sparkling eyes flash forth the fire of Intelligence, to form the crew of the ship that ia about to be launched upon tho merciless waves of public contempt " l O' Thirteen Years' Dyspepsia. -I suffered with dyspepsia for 13 years." writes John Albright, Ksq . of Columbus. Ohio. 'Samaritan Nervine cured me." As it always cures such disorders. At druggists. MA ICC U MIUTII. A Southern Dakota editor advertises his Bible Tor sale. He has probably gone over to the otper party. Bismarck Tribune. An exchange says mush has become a popular uisn in society, ixoiumg seems to take in society like something soft. Oil City Blizzard. Tho Atlanta Constitution, a good pa per, denounces an elopement as "a dia bolical crime." Th?y must bo hard up for crimes down that wny.Joweii Citizen Thi nihor ilftv. while a Vermont wo- - , . . . frvirnr ilntiif hnuts. one of tuem exploded. Her husband merely observe ed that h waft clad, on the whole, it happencu beiore no nau ca'enme uuug. Boston Post ' j Mrs. C-Mk. wifeof Key. Joseph, is U i-reparing for the lecture platform Are hero no babie in the famiU ? rUla Gill. What sort of baby talk do you sunpo-io would prevail in that fam ily ?-lIutford I'ost. Is there lobe a rest from having i watch our umbrella to see that it isn stolen? This bnjpell of weather has h.Hn i fpRrfut strain on a man's mind. "kewping him on the alert for so long. ILirtford lsl. The "Sweet Singer of Michigan'1 hn made "Oacar Wilde" rhyme with M.ter child." This is a little more !itih! ihn her uttemnt ta rhyme ! "consanguinity" with -laws a' massy." out no; iuucu.- iwt'rtA. a t 1 1 is sometimes a misforturo to be deaf At a revival meeting not far out of this city. r. few nights ago, a Gvrnian anwc to express his opinion, and Kaid: fir peV a jrxt manv on de road lf hi!.. A worlhv deaon. who wait hard o heai inir. and regulated bis re bvthe inflection of the speaker's voire, exclaimed: "The lord b pctiscd! urudfortt Sunday Mxil. Lost Faith in lbyiclaii. Why is it that so many persons use proprietary medicine."', or patent modi cine, a they aro commonly called? Is it because jicopU lose I faith in their pbyMcians? Vell. this i. no doubt, frequently the caso. There arc in nbmberable instance where cures have been effected by IIOSADALIS.! the Great Southern Uemedy tor all diseases oflho b'Kd when ihey had been given ver by their physicians. It is one ot the bj-t remedies ever offered to the pubiie. and as it is prepared wilh the rea!est care, as a specific for certain diCases. it is no wonder that it should be more effectual than hastily written and carelessly prepared prescriptions made by incompetent physicians. Take KOSADAl.IS for all disorders arising Tumi impure blood I It is endorsed by i..H;nc? nr,ii(tonil men &well as bv fiiunent physicians anl others Try it. A wealthy bank fl'uvr being applietl. to fr aid by a uot-dy Irishman.answer et, peiulanik. 'No. tut, I can't help yi.u I hav fifty uch applicants ns you every dav "Sure, and 3 mi?ht have a hundred without costing you" much " was the response. - -j-ft -j-- - Take Aycr's Sarsapariila in tho spring of tho year to purify the blood, invigorate the system excite the liver to action, and restore the healthy tono and vigor of the whole physical me chanism. . Ihero are about 2 700 births and about 1,500 deaths perjweek in Iondon. But there are more deaths' 'than births ia Ner York everp year. Kiroirr's Little Cathartic Tills aro sufficiently powerful for tho most robust, yet tho safest for children and weak constitutions. 15 cents. cod AFalrOiTer The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall Mich .offer to send Dr. Dye' Celebat ed Voltaic Belt and E!ectrio Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and . young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases, - J See advertisement in this paper. tthscow&w . MISCELLANEOUS .iiiiiii ii rTTTTlllI'mi'lllSlllllHMlllllilin Tr-n OA chMren to cat oat ind nre the comic uliwiwtta picture they rper from iroe to They will be pleuea trun ma coLecuun. This space Is owned by BlaACKWTTTiTrS BTJLIi. Of course we mtu tha famons anlsnil a.vrxlng oa the Ubel of every gxnuina package of Black weil'e Bull Durham Emoting1 Tobacco.' Every dealer keep thla. the U$t Smoking' Tobacco made. None genuine without trade-mark of the BulL riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii.iiiiiii mch 7 1yd arm cfrl TVbat to Io Then. When rheumatism racks the jo'nta then ask for Benson's Capclne Porus Plasters. Prompt , sure. 25c feb 25 4 w 7 Great Monarchies OF THE ANCI1NT EASTERN WORLD. Ity Bawllnson. Three larjre volumes, over too Flno Illustrations- Price reduced from $13 to $ I. Kot sold by dealers.- Books sent for examination before payment, on evldenre of good faith. Specimen pages apa lajre cat alogue free. JOHN II. ALDKN. Pnbllaher, IS Vesey St.. N. Y. P. O. Box 1B7. feb 25 w ... Ell? -s iu IS FIRE El Nearly as effec tive iw s bLe&xu er: about one third first eofft, aud'lesa thin one .tenth- an fIGTOII POWER GINE! nual expenss Xor- repairs. -m x or iecnp with teetimo. nialHtaddreaa REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO. LION, New York 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 111114 Em FAY'S CELEBKATEDj M AN I LLA ROOFING. 25 Bescmbka fine leather; for Eoofs, Out SZ side Walla anrt inside tn -pla'e of plaster 3 Very strong and durable Catalogue "With teiioir.nlalkand tamplea' I'JUSK stab liahedlnlSStW,. r - r ' r . W. II. X JLi JC w.i vnmuen, t D feb 25 4xr " ' ' SDNSMOPirDOn;' I hTW a poritire remedy for the above disewe ; by its te thoMAnda or omi oi uwwoti.iuiu.uU..vu viwteuiw!thi Valuable trkatisk on this diMcoe. to any enireree. Gire expreaa ana jr. U. iTl)B.T. il S LOG U tf. l&l Perl SUJi ew York. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. YOUNG MEN" TO LEARN TELEGRAPHY. So charges unless altu&tlona arc furnished Address vlih stamp, PKSNA. ard NEW JERSEY TELEGRAPH CO.. Main Ofllco 926 Chestnut Mrcet. Phila delphia, Pa., Branch Office 9 Warkoi Street, WlfmiDcriOD, Del Through wires. UhZHvr ' ' - . 266th Edition. Price Only $1 BY MAIL. POSTPAID MISCELLANEOUS. THE BRIGHTEST and BEST! DATLi;.SF.LWEEKLY, WEEKLY A 7 Sll-fDA Y EDITIONS. TUB ii NEW YORK W;;CBE FOR 1884. ilA 0ItOAJU8,. ic KNOW THYSELF.: A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vltalltr. NerTona and PhTslcal Dcl.lllty, Premature Ihy dne In Man, Errors of Youth, and tho untold miseries resultlnsc froai lnillacrctlon or excesses. A book for erery man. Tounff, mldJlo ajred and Id. it contains 125 prescriptions for al! acuic and chronic, disease", each one of wni h is invalu able. So foHnl by the Author, whoae cxcri eoro for 21 years 1 euch aa probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pases, hound In beautiful French mnslin, cm borcd coere. full gilt, guaranteed to to a liner work lncvery sense mcchAnlcal, literary ami professional than any other work sold In this country for fi.50, or the money wilt be reminded In every Instance Price only $1.00 by ioa.il. poet-pal l. Illustrative sample 6 rts Semi now. Gold mcai awarded the author bv the National Medical Association, to the ohlcrs of which he refers. ' ; This book-shouM be read by the yonnir for instruction, and br tho alllleted tor redef. It will benefit all London Lan et. There is no member f society to whom th's book will not be useful, whether youth parent, guardian. Instructor or c rryma n A rgomuU Adores the Peaboly Medical Institute; r Dr. W. II. Parker. No. 4 Bollflnch Street. Roton. Mass , who may bo consulted on all diseases requlrtnr si ill and experience. Ctrnnlc ad 'oostlnate dlsercs that'-hare baffle 1 the st.ll of all BJ C A otbtr Dhvslcians a SDecWUv. Ci -4 La uch tn'et sncecssf ul-T- J f 9 I ly without an In- il I W C Lm I tance of failure feb 2VdAw 4w NO MORE: EYE-GLASSES. No More MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain. Safe and Effective Eexnedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMEO EYES, Producing Inff-Sihtedness, ani Re storing the Sight of the Old. . , Cures Tear Drops. Granulation. Stye Turners, Red Etc, Matted Eye Ljubes.and Pro ducing Quick Relief and Perma nent Cure. , Also, equally effleaeloos when used In other maladies, inch as Ulcers, Ferer Sores, Tu mors, Salt Raetrm, Burns. Piles, or wherever Inflammation exists, MJTCILKXA.'S 8ALVX may be used to advantage. Sold by all Druxrlsts at 25c feb 55-4W Jolin C, Davis, ATTOR20SY AND CODXSKUX)R AT LAf, WiuccroTox, 21, OSSce over Bank of Sew ILanorer. Praeuces lm all the Coarts of tne State. cf clila a. pecUJ aueniioa p&Urtho coUeetloa is. noTllitf, PRESIDENTIAL TEAR. New Proprietor! New Editors! New Life and Blood ! Six months ago TILE WOULD commenced Its new career. Its growth has been unpre cedented. Its wonderful advance In circuit Uon, In advertising. In Influence, in popularity; warrants the claim of a leading position in New York journalism. So expense or effort will be spared until THE WORLD Is recognized as the GREATEST as well as the BRIGHTEST and CHEAPEST PAPER In AMERICA. The Would, as the leading Democratic newspaper in the country, knows no faction and recognizes no individual ambitions or as plratlons asHe from the general good of the party and the Republic It seeks the triumph of principles not msn. It upholds great Dem ocratlc ideas and Ideals not a faction, or fraction of the party. ! I At the entrance of the new year the rew World desires to express its gratitude-for the hearty welcome it has received and the magnificent success it has already achieved. Its welcome comes from the people. Its suc cess Is thelwork. They hare Indorsed Its merits by more than trebling Its circulation in six months, and by doubling ltdvertislng. For this they are entitled to our warm thanks. No Democrat ought to tee happy without THE WORLD. We call upon our Democratic friends In every town and hamlet in the Union to START CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLX. Tbey will get the ablest, brightest and cheap est newspaper in the country, as well as an earnest and steadfast missionary and true Democracy. ' ,. . J V The. Weekly. World, 8 PAGES. 56 COLUMNS. CTNE dollar a year, CONTAINS I ALL TUB NEW-, complete and Interesting. WELL CONSIDERED EDITORIALS on eve i ry subject, political r social. A FARMER'S I KPARTM E T Full Agrl- - - cultural and Farm News. ; A LITERARY DEPARTMENT. A HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPAETMENT. A.TOUNO FOLKS CORNER. A CHECKER DEPARTMENT j A CHESS I EPARTMENT. COMPI.ETE COMMERCIAL AND MARKET REPORTS ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES. Each department 1 ablv edited, and all combined make THE BEST DOLLAR WEEK LY IN AMERICA. THE WORLD SUBSCRiPTIOfT RATES. POSTAGE PAID. Weekly, One Teak H 00 Semi -Weekly, One Tear 2 00 Daily, One Yeas... 6 00 Daily and Sunday, One Yeak 7 50 DAiLr and Sunday, Six Months...... 3 75 Sunday Edition, One Yeab..... 1 20 ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED at once In every unrepresented district, to waom a LIBERAL COMMISSION will be al lowed This iaju't ti c season for : genta to exert themselves in getting up subscription lists. Remittal ccs should be by draft on New York, m ney order or registered letter. Send for any Information desired. Spccl m'jn copies sent free. Addices THE WORLD, 31 and 32 Park Bow, decZU NEW YORK. : WBakNenmusBflen Whose debility, exhansted powcnii premaiure decay acd f&ilure to perform life's dutlr properly are caused by excoeac. erron of youth, etc.. vrill find a perfect and lasting restoration lo robust health rnd Tizoron manhood in THEMARSTON BOLUS. Keituer stomach drugging nor inftraiaeota. This treatment of rvon Debility and 1 h v 1 c 1 1 ecav is uniformly sneeessful bcansa b.vrd on pcrtect diagnosis, nevr nod dlrr-ct methods and absolute thor onrhneoa. FtH information and Treatiae free. Address Consulting Fhysician of IIARST0M REMEDY CO., 4GV.14thSL, WcwYork. nov 1 27-1 vwvl Aw t th s PTTROELL HOTFSE. TJNDKR NEW MANAGEMENT, -.. 'J . : '. W ILMINQTON, . C , i B. L. PERRY. Proprietor. Late ' Proprietor Atlantle- HoteL Flrst-Claas In all lt mwtntrnt Tarmm 1.1. I ? 12.00a WilraiiifftoD & Weldoti liailroad Company. I omcx of OKKEmau Siipkristkxdext, 1 Wlhnlngton. N. C. Not 17, 1SSS. Jinotruoa. ceaha The , followiTi . 6 wuuiesajQ PTiecs ?ttu amau orders higher prices lava t "4-'-- 11 ' ....... w k V Change of Schedule, j rvN AND AFTER NOVR 13. 1S33. AT 1.05 yjA. M., Passenger Trains on the WllmliuM ton it Weldon Eallroad will run aa follows : A DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DA1I.T , N08. 47 NOKTH AJSJ IS SOUTH.! Leave W Ibnlngton, Front St. Dept, 8.53 Ai .M ArrlTe at Weldon. 2.31 P. M Leave Weldon............ 3.00 P. M Arrive at WUm'gton.FrontSt.D'pt. 8.40 P. M Fast Thbocoh Mail, & Passengek Train Dailt No. 40 South. - Leave Weldon........:.!.."......... 5.50 I. 11 Arrive at Wilm'gton,Fr?ntSLDyt 10.25 P.JAJ MALL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAILT j . No. 43 North. : " Leave Wilmington.......- 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon.. 2.10 A. M. Mail, and Passexgeb Trains Nos 45 and 42 Leave Wilmington. (Sundays, ex cepted)....... .........12.30 A M Arrive at Weldon. .. . 6.30 A M Leave Weldon, (Mondays excepted)!. 05 A II Arrive at Wilmington. 6.55 A M Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at L20 A. M. and 4.30 P. M.f Dally, . (Sundays excepted). Returning, leave xarooro at iu. uu A.m ana 3 r. m. xauy. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Re turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.30 A." M. dally except Sunday. t Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North Dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday ; via Bay Line. ' ' ' Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close eon nection for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. . . " i All trains run solid between Wilmington and. Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. . , 15 For accommodation of local travel a passen ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 7.00 A. M. Dally except AGOING Standard....;; i. 2 lb. ...... '1 u'. ............... BACON-North CaroluU'. Hams, y lb......... ' Shoulders, If th..... Sides, y ft........ WESTERN SMOKEdH" IL&ms Sides, y Jb.....;....."""!--Shoulders.. DRY SALTED Sides. lb. Shoulders. V ft. a Second Hand. each.. "iaie' ' i New New York. ok ' ..... 1 75 a New CIty,each7. , "T J j, EESWAX, v ft... 1 60 , R1CKS.VM- J'J Sunday. T.M nov 17 JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sunerlntendent. EMERSON, Genera.. Passenger Agent. Wilmington Columbia & Augusta R. R. Co , i- 8 BEESW BUTTER. ft . Horth Carolina...:... Northern.; ."I! ; CANDLES, y ft- Sperm.. ' ! Tadow . """ Adamantiae ..ir CHEESE, V ft , Northern Factory...... Dairy. Crcam..! .!!: r COFFEE, Java.... Laguyra. Rio ., fTORN MEAT, ar h. T'-v- 'a w unnn a r 13 , it A3..... ...i. ....... r m i ii -EE,vft- .4 o mil a i f uyra... m p O ruiriT MuZ ! COTTON DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4 4, v yd. , . Yarna, V bunohi " egos, v dozen. FISH f Mackerel, No. 1, y bbl Oil ...... k m .......id in a& Aiacxerei, rxo. l, half bbl v. If MackereC No. p&T. J J gj Mackerel, No. 2, r half bbl.. 5 oo il Mackerel, No. 8, f bbl....... ? 5 1 5 1 Mullets. V bbl..... "JE ? Office qt Geneeal sufertntendsnt. wftmlngton, N. C. Nov 17,1883 w, ..... w Change of Schedule, ; ON AND AFTER NOVR 18th, at 4.33 A. M., She following Passenger Scbtd ule will be run on this road ? r . No.42 Leave WllmIhgton,(Mondays excepted) 7.15 A M " Arrive at Florence.. i...... 11.40 A M No. 45--Leave Fi rence, (Sundays excepted)'.... v.... ..... ....t 7.40 P M " Arrive at Wi Imlng ton r. ...).. 13.10 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS. DAILT Nqa, 48 Weet and 47 East. Leaye Wilmington.. Leave Florence. .................. Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction... Arrive at Columbia.... Leave Columbia.................. Leave C; C. & A. Junction...... Leave Florence.... ........... Arrive at Wilmington.. 9.10 P. M. 2.40 A. M. 6.35 A. M. fi.40 A. M. 9.55P.M. 10.20 P. M. 43 A. M. 8.28 A. M. Night Mail and passenqeb TsAor, Dailt . . . No. 40 West. . , .. i Leave Wilmington.....;.. ..........10.40 P. M. Arrive at Florence....... 1.45 A. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER , TRAIN DAILT No. 43 East.. " ! Leave Florence at... ............ ....3.35 P. M Arrive at Wllmlcgton.. ............. 7.42 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. ., . No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton, and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia and all points on ii. & C. R. R., C, & R. R. Stations. Aiken Juno tlon, and all points beyond, should take the Night Express. r-j-I Separate Pullman . Sleepers for Charlcstor and Augusta on Train 48. t Ail trains run solid between Charleston ana Wilmington. Local freight leaves Wilmington dally ex cept Sunday at 6.10 A. M. i JOHN F. DIVINE, ' Geaeral Superintendent -' T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent, nov 17 .-,r - ..... . , . Carolina Central R. B. Company. - ir Omoi ot General sltfebintewdent, i Wlbnlngton. N. C. June 13th; 1883. i Change of Schedule. 13th, 1883, THE operated on thl mum ir mi ii w 1 1 sent U.. II a aiaax U F F E R "Anakesis " fSer. ud is an infaGCbie curt for Pi lea. Price fl, at druggists, or repaia dtidiu. csampia AdT4 ANAKESIS." rs,Box 2416NevZorlC E R frona Vorrlhfnl Imnradtnec oatlBUK Kawnna rahilitv. Maiital and Phrmv. alWaakaaaa. V alnabla information m tehWMwrin sa. uaaaaraarsaoa PtAXLOt in. hot uy ;n vgo t th a nov 27 VwrwIAw Horses and Mules rjIWO CAR LOADS OF , HORSES AND MULES just received, and for sale atprl-es to suit alL Come and see them. "I j CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c, always In readiness for the use of the public TWO FINE HEAVES, with NICE HORSES, forunerabi. ' j V..V; O. R. HOLLING S WORTH,'" Livery and Sale Stables, jas SO Cor. 4th and Mulberry sts -N AND AFTER JUNE following beneatue will, be Railroad : PASSENGER MALL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sunday a. ; . t- . . I Leave WUmfaiarton at 7 00 X. M xo. ju i iave ruiieiga at. ........... i .oo xr . ax Arrive at Charlotte at...... .7.00 A. M ) Leave Charlotte at......... .8.45 P. M No. 2.1 Arrive Raleigh at..:........ 8.80 A M Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8.25 A. M Passenger Trains atop at regtlar stations only, and points designated in the Company's SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, UAJX EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. -:- ' Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte .0.30 P.M Arrive at aneiDy.. ...... ............ 9.00 P. M. Leave Shelby.....;........ 7.00 A. il. Arrive at Charlotte.. ........10.30 A. M. XTams no. i ana z maxe close connection Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Ral- hrough Bleeping dars between WUmtejrtot and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte Take Train No. lifor States vtlle, Buttons Western N C R R, AshevtUe and points West Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athena Atlanta and all points Southwest. I-.C. JONES. Superintendent. F. W. CLARK", General Passenger Agent fune 18 -. -,. - FERTILIZERS, V" 2,000 lbs - " 3 Peruvian Guano, No. 1 a m j.. , u. v - v CO W g J Baugh's Phosphate.. ....... ..oo oo ?! Carolina Ferullzer...... tsoo v. Ground Bone-.... i. ......... .00 00 ttt Bone Meal.......... oo 00 Bone Flour.. ...... ..oooo rl ; Navassa Guano.............. .woo ta! Complete Manure.. ......00 oo tr , Whann's Phosphate. ..00 0 I Wando Phosphate........... .00 00 r! . Excellenza Cotton -Fertillzer.SS oo . French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 00 i French's Agricultural Llme.. 8 so Fine. a oo t Northern Super. . ............. 6 m a 'Extra too sjis s)l Al. 01 K5 100 ... 1 SO 111 ... 1 is !: 7J f I r r - jsamiiy.. ........... i qq City Mills Extra. . i. q " Extra Famby.... so GLUE r R GRAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bags.whlta. i Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. Com, cargo, In bags, white.. ," Com, cargo, mixed, b bsgs.. - Oata, from store,,,..... cow Pea BIDE8,Vib- I - : - ureen..... Dry.... HAT, V 100 lbs V Western. ...... I IU ................... hoop (IRON, y ft............ LARD. V ft , : . t; , ? . i ; Northern.. .....M...... K k North Carolina Ot 1 LIME, v" barrel. 110 I LUMBER City Sawed, fU ft ' I Ship Stuff, resawed,.... .....18 0) CI I J Rough Edge Plank:.. . ....U0 a?JM WeatlndlaCariroea.aocorcUv I .te qnalltyf....,..i...Z5lO) li - Dressed Flooring, Mao&.:& tn Scautlma. and Board. com'n-.U MOLASSES.- gallon r - - , New Crop Cuba, In hhds. ...... K Porto Rico,, In bads.......... ,00 . . in bbls J 00 fl Sugar House, In hhds. . J vs t 1 -lrUhla. J tt 40 t mi at ai W I ATT a - . ,' : t - Kerosene............ U Lard.........i-... 1 M w; Linseed... .00 , ; RoaIn,..M. ..U 9 Tar,..t. 4. .............. ....... t 00 Deck and Spar.........M... 00 POULTRY ' j j ' - Chickens, live, grown. 9 . SDrinar........ ...... 10 ' Turkeys. .. ....... . ..... PEANUTS y busheL POTATOES, tf bnshel Sweet......... Irish. f bbl.. ............... PORK, V barrel , , v ' . " Glty Mess.....................21 K Priine.. .................... .-lj ' Hnran 17 00 RICE Carolina, ip Rough. V busheL,. , ' RAGS, tf" ttv-Countrv IVf " - , .t - ,. ti.a 1" lnbbla. J ' Svrup: In bbls........ ...V...J NAILS. V Reg. CuLlOd baali.. 0 00 to (0 2 00 in i I I f rope, v ft m 8 ALT, V sack, Alum......... i Iivemoo ! i Ltverpoo Lisbon.... ............. ...... - American.. ................... SUGAR, V Cv-Cuba . Porto Rico....... ... A--Ooffoe.. ......... B ' ........ c '- Kx- Crushed........ On 1 n to. W Avtkmm W&A . V 11J A.U. VUV.U.. ......... . SinJSGLES, 7 In. fM.. ........... ' Oil 00 I M fl ( 91' Off Oil ft I Irt ri'-r t' ilTlll il I cent for. postal. Kainit. Kalnit. - mch 3 KERCUNEB &C ALDER BROS. Dyed if VtMONACTTS. 1C SECOND STREZT.be- tweea Market and Princess Ladles and Gen tie men's goods of every description, any color. a tort m tit vmrrlii aiul hW.kl.. x . me a pair of your old Lid Gloves. . is . - ' . - . Groceries. Groceries. FLOUR, BACON. SALT, V HAY, ftAP, SODA, MATCHES. TWINE, " NAILS, SUGAR, LARD, MEAL, . CORN.j LYE. i . STARCH, COTFEE. MOLASSES, RICK, OATS, POTASH, candles. LiUlIUIUUl.... ......Ml ' Cypress ?Saps.. ...... .. 5 Cyprees Hearts " ! STAVES. V M W.O. Barrel.. R. O Hogshead..........-.0 J J , TALLOW, V , J f TIMBER y II feet-Shipping J J J Fine M1U.. U 9 J Mill Prime..;.......'. 'fti MU1 Fair, -V Common Mill.... I Inferior to Ordhiary...i" , 1 xtoixn tarouna... M . WOOL, f. ft Washed..... J ; Burrr.. ....... ....... . ; for the worth e,i mall yon fre, box of sample good that wV way of making more money u t yor ever thought possib-e Capital not rennlred. We !"1 can work all the time or $Zvf TLe work la u nlversally adapted . young and old. You can ef"'..!S i' cents to $5 every evening. "f'JJ work may test the busieest, paralleled oner; to all who art r fled we wl;l send $1 to pay writing ua. Fnll pjrarSr sent free. Fortunes will W.Jr!' who give their whole tima ausoiuteiy aurc Address Sttxsox now. Maine. not' 1 ' 1,111 . ..-iTMir' best book ever sold for JeKirTi price. The fastest selling t Immense profiU to agecu- people want it. amj flu ceaarni agent. ieni v - Co., Portland., Maine. VL' box of goods wwen vw monevrfeht away than WOTIO. All. Ol Cit axle grease, buckets, SHOT. CAPS, Ac j :" 'i '""For sale by"' Kerclincr s Caldor Uro hour The broad roaa w .tJZT the workers. abaoMKiy dress; True A CO., Angw nor wma lyw. ;4 J a wee a - ; reo aired. ir.,.-"J i9'ifSl week at boroe. UU J a . a. buainesa at which personi f v i or old, can make great P t7Y: i work, with absolntejtaV tlcuUrs to H. HAIXETT v E0TidlTW

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