Bandars x E frea otar fries ia on any and tU cztjecu T. JAMES, vxj interest du i ' T-i "-j Tbeaaataci.the writer crust always te fa aUied'totbe Editor. -V ; v - . .. -'(j - CamTai!caUaiis ETist t writ tea ox oal ocecideot the paper. "f-- ; -' Personalities mna ba avoidei. . j Anel H u especially and paxtlcatarly and v too4 liiat la Editor docs not always eadoi the Ttcra of corrcspontlcnU talcsa o state Icthoodltorlal coimaaa. j J I josn i" tae rAir caxrxrt irrc at the above y fart ft lr VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. 0.-. TUESDAY. MARCH 18. 1884. NO. 66 fT r ' ; u. vfnny nttnpnpcr u 'Ji ------ - ...i t:.r house in Hal AC'1 ,) U",i,e Wi,h!,riM fff-r?5'"' ,s, iil Saturday lf n: ..ol -J '"( ilwo ,Ufr'r,,l Hilti J i . - I" ...lib tvUul in ;a fjr.rL.v01iUc-on!y asso- tv ..r c a ' v ;n that btaic .... .. . i;-v' . . .. . hi i'ruiiia now. Mr. TircJccr.can m.nislcr at S'V -:cl nn invitation to . . . :...ri ,l a cbcm gj. j f vv cents ua ia lauer. t-1 r a u j., Ui J . h seDUine cow :;"0U:inorlu;ienac- ss the first place in wl WJ "W the weeca bc worn u.u .vww. , I . mi, ift Vcw York World ,aj$ till ArchV.bop Gibbous, on bun j, la,:. cdai al the Cathedral m BiItlKcreforttetrs: iuu return l:oa Kos:c. anJ tho announce uc:ia:tewcu!J deliver a uiessage from He fVr drew an enormous ccn- rrs:;. a. Ia statins of the imprcs-.-,.! n 'rfil uf irsuni and x,UetaunmCu - - feKtohujoarney abroad b:tLewarmbospaaUt V tai Le vi::rd wen his admiration. The Jinrtrinz iwLrcssioh misht remain in tlemicdi of some that lives of the Cardinals were easy and inactive, but cotLir.'s could be taoro at variance from tie truth. Tkcy were tho hardest w,,rl.s! tJlleiali in Home. Nutwitfc- i-J.n too pomp which surrounded tta tii pebhe occasions, they led sim r'c Uti :a the sanctuary, and some oi tio fiiivd lives of the greatest aus terity. The Archbishop said that he had th:i interviews with the Holy Father icJitatno osc cculd spend half an hour ia his prcstrcc without thanking ;1 tor srauUsi to llis.Churchsoreat a "In mj f:ra, iatenriew," con ticui the Archbishop, "he remarked to rac: I don't like harsh and sevcro ncaj.:as; I i!;shkc anathemas and I prefVr toaJdrcsS tiyM.'if to the iatelli ijeca cl the world, as Vicar 1 1 Christ I desire to draw a!! su!s more closely to cur ccniaioa Master; I am a debtor J to all the churches, and I have special sol;c.tu!e for the church of your own n: a cd beloved country, whose spin itoal rrr cs gives rue much consola ticn. Notwithstanding bis advanced se and his delicate frame, the Pope is iaifatinb!e in his labors ; sometimes tie atd Pontiff continues bis labors i!oe until raidai ht. The Pope asked especially the welfare of the eicrchia America, and sent bis bless- The raxipts of cotton at this port to IiJ fa tup V bales ilr.Joha Taylor left thi uiornins fcr the Xonbcra markets. He will bo tcsi two weeks, daring which time he will c a as far Post as Poston and as far West as Chicago, lor the purchase of cew goods. Gratul Concert. A grand conevrt of vocal and instru actial cusig will bo given at the Opra Uoase by some of the amateur ct this city sometime in the early Apri'.. The date is not yet fixed, cocctr, willbc under the supervision 4territd.rectioa of Mrs. M. P. . Jkf wtlch ij a guarantee that it be a musical treat of rare excel Jc. The proceeds will bo for the fct ef the Wilmington Library As oc:ation, which, aside from the rich tt&iic, should be afficieot incentive todrawalar;e audience. .'aa boy ate a bar of soap. a loi of cold soda and went to bed f cart his cold. The dotor had a wvl time to pull him through, but tho . 7 ??K, J the next time ho catches cud he will use Dr. Bull's. Cough lf Ja cccd a real good first class choking stove, doa't fall to see tho Ex or Pcaa Zeb. Vance and New -crx!d, beside others. They arc to t fj-d at factory prices at Jacobs, bo u the mmalcturcB, agent, t . fjn Saturday ly':hlr'" the Lirth ?fc?ior WilUam. LJ! rfhu U Itc house-wear of K S Ft LOCAIAVS. UCU TiTstW iOViSTIStMEilTS. -Ill JIKLTOX Thai luxt , wa M lUrs, .lr !'i!c ilect j KtlxsiiSKOl.R Sl'in'Urd Organs VM Wi.LK.i-rof Smlthvlllc Court ( Howard Rclf Fire Engine Comparer C W YATKtClifai Sttn'laM Worijs j M: i: K akci.k-Spring and Eonncu wi:ms i;n . A ik:;o;set tailor t. .trJ3 'c:u:t I the Con iiionof the- First Nt'Kn:il Hank f Wilniinton, N C , Spring txnli aro arriving Iriciy now. The Inferior Court of Duplin county is in session this week. Hon. Walter L. Steele, of Hocking bam, was in the city to day. 1 Mr. A.D.IJIa-rk.of Kcnunovilie. Dup lin. county, was in the city to-day. No more amusements at the Opera House utitil the CG!h, to morrow week. Gcr. barque Louise Witharils, Ebrucke, hence, for Stettin, passed Duncnsrs March 15th. . .. " ' - Kx-Sheriff Black, who is now Princi-I pal ot tho Academy at Point Caswell, was in tho city yesterday. j The Ircisbt and passenger traffic on all the railroads leading out ot thi3 city still contiuc3 immensely large. Mr. II. Kcnoicott. advance acnt for the Ucnlz-Santlcy Troupe, 13 in the city, ni akin? tho necessary preparations for tho appearance cf tho company on the 26th iast. j Capt. MotierMcIntiro left thi3 morn in? for the North. Ho expected to set clV yesterday moraiiig, hut was unwell on Sunday, and was therefore compelled to wait until to-day. Intercotias to Fishermen: The cele- bnilcd lirand Gillins thread i olJ OBly at jAC0Bl.5. , ii0 U the Im it porter Gointr North. Mr. Julius Samscn.j who has been with us lor several months past leaves here to night lor New York, where his family reside- Mr. Samson is resident in New Y'ork but speeds his time alters oatcly in that city anl Wilmington. He will return hero in this Summer. Unmaiiablc. Unmailablo matter, addressed as fol lows, icaiains in tho Postollice in this city : Emperor Cobb, care Sam Chinnis, Fannie Hayncr, 301 Duyard st.; Calvin Fletcher, caro Luther McLain; Arthur Itobcson, 131G Wood St.; Miss Luc Chasseur McNeil; La Southing, in cure ItT Davis, box 13. lCciuovcd to Charlotte. Mr. Walter Taliaferro, of this city, has removed to Charlotte, vheio he will cuter into busincs3 lor himself as a pro ducc broker. He left last night lor his new home. Mr. Taliaterro is a young gcutlenian of excellent business and so cial" qualifications, and we commend him to the kind ofliccs of the hospitable and enterprising Charlottcsc, along with our best wishes for hi3 success. City Court. I The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor this morning: Itobert Devose. a colored boy about twelve years of age. for throwing rocks tn the street, was fined $1, in default of which be was scut below for 10 days. James McNeill, colored about thirteen years old, for larceny, was re quired to give a bond in the sum o S10O for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default ol which he was committed, j Hohhcd Him. There w?s one tramp, a colored man who claimed to be a minister of the gospel, applied for lodgipg at police headquarters last night. Ho said that he was Irom Georgia, and: was bound to Duplm county, but that, while in Sonth Carlina. he tell among thieves who stole his purse, but did not filch from him his pood name Mine host'' of tho Hotel de Police." gave him the necessary accommodations and sent him on his way rejoicing'-1 Ecautlfitl Bed'. It is worth while for one to strol 1 down to the New Market to-morrow and see that beautiful Sampson county beef offered for sale there ty Messrs Meltoa and Hays. Even if you don't to buy go and look at that becf. Mr Peterson, who brought it here, says that he has been driving beeves to Wilmington for tho past 33 years and he has never yet scca any to beat it. llr. Meltoa has also two carloads of Lmountaia b find .willbc ia gooVi sup ply lor weeks to come. Burglary. j Mis? Cornelia Patl rick, who reaideson Castle. 'between Front and Surry streets, wa mide tho victim of a btir?;!arj lasi ni'hl. Ilcr nxai was catered and tLc sji:: uf 20 waa taken frni tLo pocket ol her dress, which was h.anins in the ro-;iu. Miss Pad rick kn:w nolhin o! Ijer uu'.il thii u:ornng, when -hc discovered that the money was mbsing. The burliircflected un entrance into the room through :f window in the recrand there is no clue r.3 to hi3 identity. l Voting 3Irs. Winthrop. There was a a. fair audience at the Opera House hist niht tovilncss the above named jdny by the Madison bquaro l licatro uompany, anu uiosc who did attend were gratified by the appearance of au excellent troupe in an exquisitely pathetic and interesting play. The characters were all impersonated with that case, finish and attention to detail which make :he play! a realism. It was so well acted that it became not a play, but a lesson, which thousands in thi3 busy world of ours would do well to learn and put. in practice. The music lor thcoccasion4 especially the first two pieces, was excellent. Tho City Hospital. Some very much needed additions and improvements arc riow in progress at the City Hospital which, when com pleted, will add materially to the con venience of tho establishment and to rhe comfort and welfare ol the patients. A new ward, 05 feet long and 25 feet wide, is in course of construction, which will giw) room for 12 cots besides, two bathrooni3, water closets &c. A piazza will be extended the length of the building and a more convenient dispen sary and operating room will be fitted up. Tbcic improvements will bo of great utility and benefit, yet they will not asswer all tho requirements to make a perfect hospital, such as a city ot Wilmiugton's importance should boasc. The plans of thoie now in pro gress were prepared by Mr. James F. Post, who has the supervision of the work. j i The Modern Atro For April opens with an interesting story by Cauivct, entitled "Sosthenes Barel." "A New View of Mormonism" is by an English Member of Parliament aud gives the side ol the case favorable to the Mormons. "Tho Story of a Genius" is concluded in thi3 number, and proves it to be a most powerful and interesting piece of fiction. Mario, the great tenor, 13 agreeabiy written cf in an ailiclo of some hWgtu. - Sentenced to Spitzbergen" i3 a thrill ing story by Alarcon. tho ; Spauish writer who is just becoming known in this country. "Banqueting: from a Reporter's Standpoint" is a gossipy des cription of public banquets in England. The number contains two poems, one by Robert Browning and the other by R. 1). Blackmorc, the author ol "Lorna Doone." The editorial departments are even better than usual, and the prizes are awarded for the second "Ex animation Papcr3." CO Lafayette Place. New York City. $l.C0 per an num. Tho State Exposition. A meeting has been called lor to -morrow at 12:30 o'clock in the Produce Exchange to hear the representatives of the Exposition present this cause to our people. Tho members of the Board of Trade, the Chamber oj Commerce and th3 Produce Exchange, as well as our business men generally, arc invited to attend. It is evident from the interest shown by a very respectable number of im portant counties in the State that this Exposition will be an affair ol great importance to North Carolina and one jn which the people ol Wilmington should become deeply interested. Wilmington i3 the most important city J in North Carolina and should be better known bv her. people. Wc have much to show that will be really attractive to the people ot middle and western North Carolina, besides we should take pains to show to outsiders what our resources i arc. : A great exhibit from Wilmington w;ll do more to promote ii proper amount of public spirit among bur citi zen3 than any other means wc can cm ploy Wc hope the visit ot Messrs Primrose aQ(3 Fric3 may result wc oeiiCVe i wiil, ia deepening the interest now be-f ginnins to be felt in this most, important work. 1 . Wo invito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first auality shirts arc being made to order at one dollar at the WHmington Shirt Factory. j tl: NEW AD VEUTISE3IENTS Are You in Want of Spring Clothing of any Description ?j IF SO DO l&ST WASTE VALUABLE TIME BUT COME AT ONCE TO i supply your wants from our Mammoth Stock. We . will never deceive you. Every suit, garment or article that wc carry is solid, perfect and durable. We will not keep or Offer for sale goods of any class or inj any line that wc cannot j honestly guarantee as well worth, in wear and tear, a'4 th'.t they cost yon. We buy large. y, bht we buy judiciously. We buy to suit our .trade, and our Irade consists of all classes,- and our prices sell our goods. When wc say that wc sell on'y Clothing equal to the finest custom-made work and that every garment sold is itKi'fttnUol io be exactly as represented or tho money will be. refunded, wc ' . " ' - - mean just' v. hut' wc say, and every jrd of our fjuariilcc can be depended upon an surti V us a 'ocemment loud, and that our prices are lie lowest in tin city, lio body doubts, for instance, that wc are now selling a beautiful, all, wool sUiit at $8 really worth $12.50; all-wool Pants at &2 worth $i5.r0; a very good pair Pants at $1 worth; ivl .(). Finally, a man, however light his porsO, wiil always be welcomed by i THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 EVJAUfCET ST. mch 17 St. Patrick's .Day. was noted in our paper, was duly celebrated hcreas St.Patrick's Day, and it is not too late to-day to publish a few interesting items relative to this patron saint which wc gleam trom au exchange: The least of St, i Patrick, or J St. Patrick's day, is observed with great reverence by the Irish people, he being the patrou saint of the Emerald Isle, and the legendary accounts of the bene (its bestowed on that land by him are interesting, and reverently cherished ; among other good things done, jie is credited with having banished snakes from that soil, and it is believed by some that Irish soil will prove fatal to the snake that may venture upon it even when brought across the water to snake productive America. And a story is told of a court of justice having sub mittcd an important trial of ownership to an island, in dispute between Jan Irish claimant and a Scotch or Eng lishman, to the arbitrament of snakes. The difficulty of arriving at the laot as to whether the island was1 Irish terri tory or not wa3 so" great that a solution seemed improbable if not impossible. Finally, tho generous nature of the Hibernian exhibited itself in a propo siton to have a number of snakes placed on the island and if they thrived and did well the land did not belong to Ireland and he would relinquish his claim. But if they sickened and died then his ownership was to be acknowl edged. ; , The trial was made by consent ot the court; the snakes, some three dozen in number, were placed on tho island and in a very short time were all dead, and tho Irishman's claim was never again disputed. y Another story is told that a ship crossing the ocean having fin board a boa constrictor, with other! reptiles and animals for a museum in this country, was blown near the Irish cbast and the storm subsiding was left bec3 lined for some days before getting out to sea again. The huge snake became sick vbile there amfby tho time New York was reached, life was extinct and his appearance in tho museum was only after the sliia had received the careful touch ot the taxidermist. It is said that when St. Patrick first visited the Island as a missionary, he found the doctrine ot the Holy Trinity the most difficult to be comprehended of all the Christian belief, and after various attemois. he plucked a sprig cf three leaved clover and by this simple j means illnslratcd the idea ot the .b ather, the Son and the Holy Ghost, as three in one, by the three leaves joined in the stem of the branch of : clover, and thus explained to them that doctrine now held in holy reverence by a larg'j part of the Christian world and yet is con fessedly one of difficult explanation. Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and t Knives of best quality, aud at manu facturer's prices, can be found at JA-j com s Hardware Depot. t "new advertisements. HOWARD BELIEF FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, 4 TTENTION MEMBERS Yoa ! arc hereby J. notified that there will be a burial meet ing of your Company tomorrow evening at ' o'clock, at our Engine Hall, for the purpoc of having measures taken for oar new uniforms. Honorary members, wishing new uniform, arc requested to attend. By order of the President. . J. G. L. GIE5CHES. mch in It Ree. Scct'y. Standard Organs. ANUFACTURED BY PC LOU BET A COMPANY, 4 In Solid WaJaut Case. These arc the best Crgscs made, and in price lower, for the sac grade, than any other home Ia the State can o2"ci Organs. A fresh aupply just received, and fold only from HEINSBERGER'S mch la lire Book and Mualc Store. NEW ADVEKTISEMEXTS at eef t rjUIAT FINE SAMPSON COUNTY BEEF, which attracted. 0 much attention,, on the streets last week, 13 now on sale- at my Stalls. 1 It will be cut up to-morrow. It U the i HANDSOMEST 13EEF shown ia Wilmington la ten years, aa all who see it admit. ""Customers will please and Icayc orders for choice cuts. call early Alo, Just received two car loads of SPLENDID i MOUNTAIN BEEF, whiih will be ofl'ercd j ' f from day to dayj ao well as FP.ESII MEATS of all descriptions. -i-b" mchlSSt J. II. MELTON. Report of tlie Condition QF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, at Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business March IT, 11: j RESOURCES: ' Ixsan-i and discounts $73,020 ifc Overdrafts 7,?4 U. s. Bonds t secure ciivulittion... 50,000 0(3 Other blocks bonds, and mortgages 5S,'21)7 70 Due from ajiroved reserve agents. . Ilo.uu; 'M Dye from other National Banks (5 Due. from State Banks and hankers. 2, 'Ml Iteal estate, furniture, and fixtures. 7i,72S 4G Current expenses-ami taxes paid 4,480 .'..) Bills of other Banks,. . - Sf ,7?f 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, j - and pennies. . : .i. -11 2S Specie ! 70.S51) 00 Legal tender notes.' '.'9,000 t 0 Eedeniptien fund with U. S. Treas urer, 5 per ceat of circulation 2,'J.iO CO Due from U. S. Treasurer, other" than " per ct. redemption fund. . . . 30,000 ntal l,!-::.),! 01 LIABILITIES : Capital htock paid in.... Surplus fund .$j.v),oCo m . 5.1,74" bi . 4 1, '.UK) 00 1, 4S4 50 Undivided profits. National Bank notc$ outstanding. .. Dividends unpaid. . J ... , Individual deposits feubject to check 2-.",7S.! G.' Demand certiiicates'of deposit tt,M 11 Due to other National Banks. . 20,754 M) Due to State Banks and bankers. . - - l,:JiJ 0G Notes and bills re-discounted 123,900 24 Total. ...l,12'',iej Jl STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) Cot'Mv or New IIaovjli:, ss. ) I, A. K. WALKEE, CashidrJ of the above named, do solemnly swcar that the above t fctatcincut i.? true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. K. WALKER, -Cashier. i;bscr"bcd and sworn to before me this 17th 1 day of March, 1 A. J. HOWELL, Not trr Public. Correct Attest : E. E. BURRU.S. ) ALFRED MARTIN, Director--. D. G. WORTHi ) ;h h Star copy ' The "Old Hickory" 11 ARM WAGON, CARRIAGES, BUGGIE?, . Carts, Drays. Buggy Harne-s. Carriage ilarness, Eockaway Harness, Truck Uarneas, Cart and Dray Harness, Collars, Hames, Blind Bridles, Trunks of all kinds, Basra, Suets aud Satchels. Repairing promptly doce by skilled workmen. McDOCGAI-L A 15GWDENJ Next to D- A. t-mlth's Furniture Store. mch 17 ; j W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attorneys-at-Law. i omo S. E. Cor. Princes and Water Sis. jao 7 ' , l -; I Shad. Shad. "gUCK AND EOE SHAD IS ABUNDANCE. Send orders to - - -1 ' W. E. DAVIS SON. Proprietors of the only regularly mch 1 i caUbUahed Fishery In this section NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Smithvilie Courts I70i;THK ACCOilMODATION" OF jPER . s as Icairln2 to attrmi t nrt t ifh vsilc ilc nr.w anU fasttcam racht Louise will V"""'' llomlay next, 'lth Inst., leaTO W2l.-uiccnn st v o'clock, a. m. . Itettunlnz, teaye M!thvii:c a3 o'clock, p. ta. 1 f rr f roteat or pissae apply on I'oanlL , W3I. WEEKS 'achl?- . j Agent acd Owner. JUST RECEIV ED SP1UNG'STYI,ES ! j H at s an d Bonnets rilllE LADIES OY WIISll S'GTOl 1 AUE X... I : , ; j , ( is h-. rchy notliici that l havo this day VccehW an invo!i e of Sprlns lints ami lonuct9, chi uracmpr all tbc latest styles and patterns, f A call anJ an cxnnilnatl-n U respectfully solk'Hc!. . ; . U' ... , j . MISS E. KAEREk; "ich is Exchauzc Corner rize Beef I i M Y 1T. ESD3 AND THE PUBLIC AUE re-cctfully cowled iliatt Vill jhivc on ea!e i ji to morrow, and every day thin week,1 FINE SAMPSON COUXTY BEEF, oron;u ncro iast weex uy nr. Everett Peter, son. Jt Is the best B:eX tbal Im'tccnlo W1I; mizgtfja ia ten years. Fa(jt t C;U1 and see it and leave order. Respect fully. ' - ' wai. jM. UAYtf. Jr StallNfo. i, Jscwilarkct mch IS It Executor's " Notice. HAVING QUALIFIED JVS EXECUTOR of the List will an 1 testament of Rachacl A. Las-arti3, notice la hereby given to nil person! having claims against her estate to present the same tonic on or before the 19th February, 1.1. Ii. E. CALDER, feb 10 lawCw tnes , Executor Sakes Alive ! HAT STOVE IS THAT? WIIYJT'8 THE "BARLEY flIIEAF". Some thing NRV, and SUCH AN OVEN I Babes beautiful!; It's a joy to any household; lake in a whole steer at once; size of oven for Ko. 9, SOxl'.i xl5 Inches. Only by I PARKER A TATLOE. PURK WHITE Oil- j mch 17 Spotsinan's Q-opds. tlTE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT Yt ofEnprli! Englisli and Belgium Broech Loaders ever brought to thla market. Also a first- class stock of Shells, Wadding, Prlmcrs.Cart ridge Bags, Gun Caps, GamoJBagfl, Ac. In fact wc can show a btock of Hardware. Good goous ana guarantee price. i W. E. SPJUNGEK 1 CO.. accea3ora to John Dawson & Co., mch n 19. 21 and 23 Market 8Ucct 1 When the Painless Tooth lT7 XT R ACTOR WITH HER GILDED Chart- JLJ oi BUiiii liiivo Kiiuuu iiuui, uur uiiUBb nun tlie pcoj)lc have ouc more realized jthe truth of the ancient proverb : "All Is not ! gold that gutters,? don't forget tho old rellaLle ttand where all the standard Drugs, SuuklrlCB, Toilet and Fancy Articles can be had at! rcaconablc rates. AUo a fine line of EASTER CARDS. F. C. MILLER'S Dm Store, I mch 17 Corner Fourth and Nun sfi Slate of North Carolina; Superior Court. New Hanover Caunty. W. R. Kenan and others, PlalntiiTa, W B. McKoy, Assignee of T. II. McKby, and others, Defendants. Nollce to Creditors to file claims. , ij i I I Pursuant to an order of the !8upcrlor Court of New Hanover County, made in the jabove entitled action, which Is a creditor' blllbr Plaintiffs in behalf of themselves and all other creditors of Thomas 11. McKoy. who Iflhall come in and contribute to the exjensca of the action, the undersigned, Befcrco appointed for the purpose, hereby notifies all creditors of Thomas IL McKoy to apnear jbefore him at ids oflice in tho City of Wilmington and file evidences of their respective claims on or be fore the 14 th day of April, 1884, or they will pc forever barred from any and all claim upon tho cslatc of the said T. H. McKdy. - I A. Ii. UJCAUD, feb l.)-6w Referee J 1881. Easter. 1884. t Munds Bros. & DeRosset! rpAKE PLEASURE IS A N NO UNCING that they have a few cxoulaitcly HAND rADiT ED EASTER CARDS, which tncy.WiU be p?cacd.!o ehTx ttclr nume rous customers. l!hc same degree of cxccllcnc3 displajjcd In their Clirlstinas Cards, for which existed inch - j a (Uttering demand, willbc obfCrjred In tketC, as It Is the rmnOKe of thla firm to lcul In fire j hand painted goods. 4 mch IS Don't Pay Rent. T3UILDING Lots in desirable h - localities for f ale, on tic liatmentj f plas. In this city I have sold ovirl''ll one hundred and fifty Lot and lionises Aiiil TxL to ia.rtl trim hmn ruttil fr full far them, br lnstaJmcnts montaly payments. Ako.I bare a Large number cow cm my books, who are making regular monthly payment aw! will soon own homes and get clear of lanH- l-rd rule. ; i Motey loaned to those wlahlng to bufld. i - Apply to .. 1 j mciiS - JAMES WILSONj 1 I Hdne's Garden Oysters ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. X. They xi 3 to be haJ only at tae uw -onfl State Safoon, Ko- 6, South 1 ran t St. f - Ice cool Lager Beer a epeelalty. Ths best -Whiskey and purest Wines sold la the city. Clgirs as rood as the bett. Call and be con - IW-Vi. ' I I wv mm

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