this rxrr ..pud by ovs roaTAG PAIR c64- .., .leaver x ny - .-r w-1 .... .... .1 th K.boT .riof the city. Affw'.Ilrrrorty"! 53 . rerutsrly. er rrtW tfcrir" has the LarScsi & W Uion, f any nacspaper r!ry by fire. " cyorcJ teachers arc cm Nashville. Tcnn.. public C3'- .... suU ciiiuwid at 50m ill. - Wird'i du?htcr alter. Jed Uttxs is .Vevr York the other nisht irbiie worsted breakfast -J cc- y - ..- !r-,n? the two past years D .k rrtnUOlDtlOa Of 1T1 Ud Pa M I ilioo.000 Slton (Uo. roaa,y. jt.oLspW)llia3i:wai m 1373 te3jer- I'robablj tLe oldest log cabin 10 tbc JSxj i. now sandinj neai - Mont !Lrt.A!a- It wai built ial03. and Mr;rnt to the civil war (arm vu occupied as a nou :Te. ! b iiM tbit the outer walls of Wcst- ikvt are so much out. or re- ..T,fniiaed;ate expenditure of I . S1GO.000 Will be I bC.ia 5vv tnt the crand edifice froa lecoalajatraad rain. T.UrrestbcUiathe world is at Kt oto. Jt?sa 2 fel hih and 16 inciwti-ckittiefini. It is sounded l . Woe of wood like a fcatr raa. which strikes it on the out $U3e. a.nd in boomioz can be heard for . la 1) lUroncss Coutts made a gilt to tie fiibermea of Baltimore. Ireland, cfCihcets. The take of lis n nas occn hcrtsjed six fold as a result, and $3G.- 4j6 wai paid oat for fish la ono day last 1 . i r..i rtvha'iol tho Irish fisheries. Msj Ceorgina JelTriej.daughter of an Xxralian mUlioayire who once was a .joir. has become the bride of K. F. Sisderaiao. an Knglish fortunc-hanter. The taatch causes talk among society in Ecj'iad. for the reason that it points the way toward a new field of matiN coaial adrcalure, thus relieving Acerica. The New Orleaas Ikoevolent Asso ciation of the Army of Tennessee is :ak lot ecerjeticsps towards erecting an fiuetriaa sutse of Albert Sidney John oa over the raoacd which covers the yaa.' of tie sodety recently construct ed near tie estraccc of the Metarie ccse'rj. The wile of Congressman Springer et IlUcois, though an invalid. Is said to Uclrreat is5;jliccc to her husband iatj CocgTcssiooal duties, attending great fart of his correspondence ad a:d.sf hici by her wise advice and oocisel. She is an intellectual Woman h:gh!j edacatcd. Two of the five Confederate Generals uill Iivcg-Joseph K. Johnston and P. G. T. Beauregard. The Confeder al had twenty-one Lieutenant-Gener- 2d ol these nine are still living Jes I)nntrtet. Wade Hampton. Joia a Gordon. 1). II. Hill. S. I). Ie. P-SicwaruJubal A. Early. S. B Bacicer and Joseph E. V. Wheeler. Faaise. emigration, high rents and Jjstessatic grinding down of the for are rapidly decreasing the popula of Ireland. In the evergreen " had per cent, of tho poulation J1 the foiled Kingdom. It has now stlUi per cent and its electors cTe dwindled from 11. 3 per cent, ot t- ho!e to 7.45 per cent, during tho . "acioarn. ox Aeniucny, was Ttii district in company itsc;poteat. At ono raocUng fae Pete r acd he charmed his audience oy L.e axzztt rather than tho matter ZT "auks. Then the other man o? sad tamed the tide of popularity ""il lisrV .. t. .u.k aed Mr. Blackburn to a awan- beaiUfal KIM MA .IMm .Innrr Perfectioo of rracfl. and dins and ia noes of beauty, but only aa iru-S nr r n w W4 W Ji . Biroa wceahessUf ii i-i a the world hftt. .u.. .1 s- V-J HUH to Dr. RalPa Clonrh ojrsp. laviu the aziAntiftn Arfut xactthucru quality ahlrta are Jai made to order at one dollar al the "uaujgtoa Shin Factory. U. r 71 H J VOL. VIII. i WILMINGTON.' N.'C:. WEDNESDAY. MARCH LOCAL NEWS. I10EXT0 HEW ADYERTIJEMESTS. II ejxsbebokb Stand ird Organs C W Yates Cheap Stindard Works GlLtJt McKCiltsos Price Reduced MtTKDS BROS. A DeUosskt Esatcr Card report of the Condition of tbc Fint National Bsnk of Wilmington, N C The receipts ol cotton at this port ttlay foot up 30 bales. The storm signal was raised last niht and was tlyio again to day. There were no cases for the consider alion of the City Court this morning. Norwcgiau barqtro Siya, Larsen, hence, arrived at Hamburg March 17th. Swed. barque Margarctvi, .Khan- sen, hence, arrived at Liverpool Alar 10th. Capt. John W. Plummer. ol Kobc3on county, was in tho city to-day on a brief visit. One white tramp applied for lodgings at police headquarters last night. He was discharged this morning The martins have put in an appear ... ! 1 1 ance, wnicn is consiuercu as a coou sign that cold weather has departed. Messrs. Frank j Thompon and C. Stevens, two ot the best farmers ot Onslow county, wcro in tho city to day The steamship Itcgidalor. Capt. Doane. reached her wharf m this city at about 4 o'clock yesterday evening. It'is now about the lime to be looking out for the equinoctial storm, which we shall be tolerably sure to have in a few days. The almanac made a mistake in its predictions regarding tho weather to- 1.1... T nrul rl nrl fair llTOO f hDf litlf if i.-u .-.,. , uas Dre There is a big freshet in tho Northeast r:ver anj many of the lowlands near gource where it receives the waters of Goshen swamp and other tributaries are submerged. Tho largest and best stock of Windows. Doors. Blinds &c, and at Factory prices is at N. Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. ! t The number of rafts of timber arriv ing in the city is unusually largo. They arrive on nearly every tide and there are a good many more now on their way down the different rivers. Some of the instruments belonging to the Cornet Concert Club, having gotten out of order, were sent to Boston for repairs . They have now been returned In first rate order and look as good as l now. 1 Schr Aljarctta S. Snare, Smith, cleai ed to-day for St. John's. Grenada, with 159,201 feet lumber, 1G5.000 shingles, n hbis Ditch and 1 bbl tar. valued at S3. 174. shipped by Mr. J. W. Taylor. Silver Plated Snoons. Forks and Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja codi's Hardware Depot. t To -tbo Sound. Messrs. W. S. Primrose, President, and H. E. F'ries, Secretary, of the N. C. State Exposition, together with Mr. S. G. Worth, Superintendent of iish and Fisheries, took a trip to the Sound this attcrnoon. a3 the invited guests of Messrs. C. H. Robinson, J. H. Carrie and B. F. Hall, the committee appoint ed to co-operate with them in soliciting privato subscriptions to tho great btatc enterprise. n l'ersonal. Mr. W. P. Kennedy, son of our friend, Kev. W. M. Kennedy, of Duplin ounty. has just returned to his home from attendance upon a couiso ot medical lectures at the University of Maryland, in Baltimore. He read medicine under Dr. John W. Hill, of Warsaw, and will, after a short time devoted to needed rest, commence the practice ot his profession, and wfll probably locate in some portion ol Duplin connty. Supreme Court. Among the decisions rendered in the Supreme Court on Monday were the following: James A Walker vs. C. P. Mebane et als., from New Hanover; judgment affirmed. Peter McRae, administrator, vs. Charles Malloy, from Bichmond ; order granting a new trial affirmed. W. U. McLaurin, vs. Michael Cronly Irom Richmond, error; new trial awarded. Berry Bryant vs. Joseph Kinlaw et eis,, from Robeson; no error; judgment afinncd. " j ! State Exposition. In accordance with the announce ment made yesterday there was a joint meeting of the Produce Exchange. Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade held at the roorus of the first named organization at 12 30 this after noon. Besides these there were a mini bcr of citizens present. The object of I he meeting was to listen to the purposes and plans ol the Stale Exposition, which is to be opened at Ualcigh on the first of October next,' from Mr. W. S. Primrose, President of the Exposition company, who, wun Mr. 11. Jb. rie? Secretary, and Mr. S. G, Worth. Fish Commissioner of the State, were present. The meeting was organized by calling Mr. Charles H. Robinson to the chair and appointing Col. J. L. Cautwell Secretary. The meeting being duly organized Mr. W. S. Primrose was called upon to state the objects, expectations and plans of conducting the exposition, which he did in an able, terse and force ful manner. He reviewed rapidly the changes which have taken place in North Carolina since, andj as a legiti mate result of tho War; spoke of the resources of, tho State which have been developed, the new industries which had successfully and pre viously been encouraged and of the in calculable benefits accruing to North Carolina on account of its'magnigficent and exhaustive display at the Boston exposition. He then proceeded to de monstrate to his bearers ,that.thed van tages derived by our exhibit at the Bos ton exposition would ba maintained and improved upon by an exposition in our own State, in which tho products ot every county, should take a part thus giving iuformation to tho thous ands of visitors from abroad who would be present, an adequate idea of our vast and varied resources from which each might select the iudustry in which to invest bis labor or capital, or both, as best suited bis inolina'ion. He then stated the plans by which it wa3 nronosed to make the exposition a . complete success and of the most prac tical Valued to the people of the State. It wa3 desired that'each county should bo represented by its products under the charge of com petent men. Tho grounds of the State Agricultural Society have been rented for the exposition and the platform buildings are now in course of preparation which will be suitable for the proper display of the products of tho State," by counties. Every ar rnnt-Rment was being made as near perfect as possible for tho storage and Htanlftv ot rjrodacts. and the citi- zens of Raleigh were making ample preparation for the accommodation of the thousands of guests who would un doubtedly be present at tho exposition. Tho remarks of Mr. Primrose were listened to with profound attention and much interest. After he had concluded, Mr. S. G. Worth, State Superintendent of Fish and Fisheries, made a short but inter esting address, in which he urged upon the people ot Wilmington the impor tance of the fishing interest of Eastern North Carolina and especfally ol New Hanover county, and hoped that that industry would bo a prominent feature of the Exposition. He also stated that ho would establish a shad hatchery in or near tho city, and exhibited several photographic views of the fishing in dustry in other sections of the State. His remarks were interesting and in structive, i It was then voted unanimously by the meeting to ask the Board ol County Commissioners to appropriate a sum, not exceeding $500, to be used imme diately in forwarding the interests ol New Hanover county at the Exposition; should this sum provo inadequate to increase the amount as the exigencies of tho 2aso may demand through a joint meeting with the Board of Magistrates. Mr. B. G. Worth then offered the following prcamb'e and resolution: Wiiekcas. Believing that the Ex position to bo held in the city of Raleigh will be highly beneficial to the whole State of North Carolina, we feel it both a duly and privilege to do what wo can to further tho efforts which are being put forth to make it a complete success. licsolvcd. That a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Charles II- Rob inson, J. H. Currie and B. F. Hall, be appointed to accompany the representa tives of the Exposition now in the city, Messrs. Primrose and Fries, in waiting upon.our citizens for privato subscrip tions! The meeting then adjourned. - Aycr'a Hair Vigor stimulates the hair cells to healthy action, and promotes a vimmn- ffrowtl). It contains all that f can bo supplied to make the natural hair beautiful and abundant; seeps ms scalp free from dandruff, prevents the htr from becoming "dry and harsh, and makes it flexible and glossy. Postponement. In consequence of so much sickness among' the members of the Young Men's Hebrew Association the enter tainment for Friday night will be post poncd until further notice. Street Improvements. The pavers have discontinued work on Norlh Water street for the present, aitnougu mere arc paving uiocts in abundance, and arc working, when the weather permits, to finish the paving of Dock street. This latter will probably bo concluded irra day or two. and then we hope there will be nothingto prevent pushing the work on North Water street to ! completion without any further delay. . TlioMay Manhattan. In the May number will appear the first instalment of a powerful story entitled "Trajau," which will be con tinued for about a year. It will be handsomely illustrated. The American characters will iu many cases be re cognized as persons who were promi nent in Paris during the closing years of the reign of Napoleon the Third. The foreign characters are those notable personages who were players in the game which resulted in the checkmate of Imperial power and the establish ment of the French Republic. A bright current of fact and fancy, with strong dramatic action, will cause this pro duction to recall some works of one of the. masters of English fiction. The openicg chapters will give but a fore taste of what may be expected as the narrative goes on. Last of Jurors. i The Spring term of tho Ltnited States District Court will convene; at tho U. S. Court Room in this city on Monday, the 5th day of May, 18S4. The follow ing is tho list of jurors drawn for the term, who are required to ho present on Tuesday, the 6th day of May : j New Hanover Henry Savage, John D Taylor,1 R M Mclntire. J S W Eagles, Elijah Hewlett, Spottswood Allen. Daniel Quinlivan, W H Nash, W H Waddell. 'Joseph McLaurin, Walter Rutland Alfred Howe, J R Chasten, Henry A Burr, George Sloan, James G Burr, Wm Pratt, James W Collins. Pender Richard Woodcock, Andrew Moore. J R Padddison, D Sherman.! Bladen J J Bright, Richard Smith, Gaston Sutton, T M Skyes, Henry Pridgen, W T Pridgen, W A Atkinson, J B McGill. I Robeson A L Shaw, C A Purcsll, Janies Campbell, D N Oliver. Sampson JR Westbrooks.A E Calds well, D B Dawson, N B Barefoot, LR Carroll. Duplin Micajah T Home, R ill Wells, George W Ward. Brunswick Valentine Smith, J D Bobbin?, W S Millrken, Noah Bennett. Columbus J W Hall, J H Summer sett, J M Powell, Israel Moore. "The Mountaineer" Excited. An einp'oyee at the Asylum here drew a fifth of the second capital prize of $25,000, in the Grand Drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, last Tuesday, February 12th, and not the whole $25. 000 as the newspapers and he would like ; to have it. We would give the name of tho lucky man, but don't know whether ho cares about having his namo published. The excitement around Morganton, N. C, and the ea gerness with which the newsppapers were scanned to find the name of the for tunate ticket holder of No. 99.353. re vealed tho fact that numbers of our citizens who would never have been suspected of investing in lotteries, held tickets in Tho Louisiana State Lottery at New Orleans. The 107th drawing will take take place on Tuesday, April 8th, when $262,500 will be scattered in prizes under Gen'ls Beauregard and Early's management. All information will be given by M. A. Dauphin. New Orleans. La., on application. Morgan ton (2f. C ) Mountaineer. Feb. 20, 1831. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. lyd-w Awnings. yy K MAKE AWSISG3 OF All Kinds. Get ur estimate before placing your order. Mat tresses renovated, furniture upholstered and repaired, and the handsomest stock of FUR- i MTUCE, WINDOW SHADES. Ac, la the city, to be sold at low down prices, by TTIOS. C. CKAFT, Agt., Furniture Dealer, 3J so. Front street men 17 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLKES. Best hi the city, are on sale. . Drnsi and Medicinal preparations of the highest grade at JXO. T. scnoxwAijys. jan 11 Dm and FrecrlpUcn Store 19. 1884. jO. (J'T' NEW ADVEliTISEMENTS. Price Eednced. HAVC SEDUCED PRICES ON OUR FANCY LAMPS. Now is the lima to buy a bargain- G1LKS & MUltCIUSON. Murchl&on Clock. mch 19 Report of tlie Condition QF THE FIRST NATIONAlii RANK OF WILMINGTON, at Wilmington, in Uic Stateo! North Carolina, March 7, 14: at - the close of business RESOURCES Louus and discounts. . Overdrafts IJ. Bonds t secure circulation... Other stocks, bonds, and inortr:iKes . m lmclroin approved reserve agents.. Due frofn other National Banks Due from State Banks aud bankers. Real csCate. f urniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxCs paid. . . . Bills of other Banks, Fractional paper currency, nickels, and pennies.... Specie....... Legal tender notes Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- urcr, 5 per cent sf circulation. . . . Due! from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per ct. redemption fund. . . . 13,(X)1 2,Si7 US 74,74i 43 31,71 00 211 M 70,8511 00 29,000 0 t,-2M CO I 1,000 Total.... .$i,V2y,is9 yi LIABILITIES : Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund i . $2.0,000 00 43,CS9 US 5.",745 85 44,000 00 Undivided profits '. , National Bank notes outstanding Dividends unpaid J.484 0 Individual deposits subject to check 25,785 63 Demand certificates of deposit 294,516 11 Due to other National Banks. 2(,7."4 S Due to State Banks and bankers 1,323 06 Notes and bills re-discounted. 123,000 24 Total.. .$1,129,139 01 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County; of New Hanover, ss. I, A. K. WALKER, Cashier; of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ia true to the best of my knowledge and belief. , A. K. WALKER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th ! day of March, 1831. A. J. HOWELL, i . Notary Public. Correct-r Attest : E. E. BUBRUSS, ALFRED MARTIN, Directors. D. G. WORTH, , Star copy mch 18 That Beef ! ! ' rpHAT FINE SAMPSON COUNTY BEEF, which attracted so much attention on the streets last week, Is now on sale at my Stalls. i It will be cut up to-morrow. It is the HANDSOMEST J3EEF i i shown In Wilmington In ten years, as all who see It admit. Customers will please call early ! and leave orders for choice cuts. i ALSO, Just received two car loads of SPLENDID i MOUNTAIN BEEF, which will be offered from day to day, as well as FRESH MEATS of all desci.ptlons. mch IS 2t J. R. MELTON. Standard Organs. Tl MANUFACTURED BY PELOUBET & COMPANY, In Solid Walnut Cases. These are the best Organs made, and in price lower, for the eawe grade, than any other house in the State can offci Organs. ! A fresh supply ju3t received, and sold only from .q I HEINSBERGER'S, i mch IS Live Book and Music Store- The "Old Hickory 99 FARM WAGON, UAKU1AU1SS, ULUliira, Carts, Drays. Buggy Harness. CarrUge Harness, Rockaway Harness, Truck Harness, ay .Harness, atuck uarncss, Harness, Collars, llames. Cart and Draj ay i Blind Bridles. Trunks of all kinds. Bags. Sacks ahd Satchels. Repairing promptly done by skilled workmen. Mc DOUG ALL BO WD EN, Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store. mch 17 Home's Garden Oysters ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. They are to be had only at the Old North State Saloon, No. G, South Front St. Ice cool Lager Beer a specialty. The best Whiskey and purest Wines sold iu the city. , Cigars as good as the beet. Call and be con vinced. f eb 22 W. & E. S. LATI3IEK, I . . j i Attorneys-at-Law. Office S, IS. Cor. Princess and Water Sis. jan 7 - Shad, i Shad. B UCK AND ROE SHAD IN ABUNDANCE. I , Send orders to W. E. DAVIS SON, Proprietors of the only regularly established Fishery tn this section mch 14 Old Newspapers jrC3AUVXRYICIZKAF. api.3t nnsrorncw n.r..r, notice : We win be gUA to toelWcotarigT.Vat:oa from our frlcsi on any and &nj subjects general Interest bat ' -il i . .................. ! . . The name of tie writer r: us t always t-e fa ofchM to tie Editor. ConiTnTmtcniloni meat be written one side of the taper. . Personalities mnst be aroMed.! I ' on' on) And It Is especially and particularly tad tood that the Editor does not always endoi Mbe tlcws of eorrcspoadents unless so state Binecoisoruu conuona. j J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator's Notice. TTAVISG QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTRA- hereby notlf y all persons having claims sjralnst . tU l obraary, 1SS3. All persons indebted I to said decedent will make mymest to me. ; I ir , , , OSCAR G. l'ARSLKY, Jr. fcbClsmCw wed , V For Smithyillo Court. IUiiTHE ACCOMMODATION OF rER- JL WU3 Ut2iriD7 lO .Willi I itnrl VmllK ville the new and fast steam yacht Loulec will S2?.?n?'ailcir Mniay. next, 24th in, leave WlltBiogton st 9 o'clock, a. mi 'Keturninz. leave Smithvlllo at 3 o'clock.V nl1 "l,roin' f'Y irpight or paassge apply on board. Wharf toot of Dock fctrcet. - I i . mchl'j 1 WM. WEEKS. Agent aid Owner. i i . JUST RECEIVED ! SP1UNG STYLES rpiIE LADIES OF WILMINGTON ARE hereby notlfiod tint I have this day received an invoice of Surlng Hats andj Bonnets, cm bracing all the .atcst styles and; patterns, i A call and an examination Is respectfully solicited. -. i , v.T,--. v- 1 1 j MISS E. KARRER mch IS Exchange Corner . Sakcs Alivo! W HAT STOVE IS THAT WI Y IT'S Til E "BARLEY 8HEAF". Something NEW. and SUCH AN OVEN I Bakes beautiful ; it's a joy to any household; take in a whole steer at once; size of oven for No. 9, 2614x211. xl5 Inches. Only by l i i PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. ji mch 17 Sportsman's Goods. WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also ai first ciass stock of Shells, Wadding, Primcrs.Cart rldgo Bags, Gun Caps, Gamo Bags, A a. In fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goous anu guarantee prices. f i W. E. SPRINGER A CO.. I Successors to John Dawson A 3n 1 mch 17 19. 21 and 23 Market Stieet Whfln fhA PAinlAQcl TnnTri mm m a a. a EXTRACTOR WITII HER GILDED Chari ot shall havo glided from our mldct nnd the people have once more realized jtho truth of the ancient proverb : "All la not 1 gold that glitters," don't forget the old reliable itand where all the standard Drags. Sundries. Toilet I and Fancy Articles can be had at ireaaonablo rates, iiiioaune uno or ASiUJ UAuia. F. C. MILLER'S Drug Store, a TKS M L'VA A VUa 111 0U'4 UU PIS 1884. Easter. 1884. Munds Bros. & DeRossct I ! h1 -V. " - TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING that ill they havo a few exquisitely HAND PAINT- i I I - 1 i ED EASTER CARDS, which thdy WlU 10 pleased to shonr tkclr numerous customers. ' I, ' . The same degree of excellence displayed In their Christmas Cards, for which existed such a flattering demand, will be observed In tlteec, as It Is tho purpose of this firm to lead In p nc hand painted goods. mch 115 Don't Pay Rent. T3UILDING LOTS IN DESIRABLE 1 l localities for sale, on tto Instalment Mi' plan. In this one hundred city I have sold over, and fifty Lots land Houses and Lots to parties who have paid In fall fcr them, by Instalments monthly pajzacnts. i.i Also, I have a large number now on my books, who are making regular monthly payments and will soon own homes and get clear of land I Money loaned to those wishing to build, j Apply to ! ! jrach 5 JAMES WILSON. Oh! wouldn't the days seem lank and long If your firoccr never did anything wrong And wouldn't your life seem extremely flat If you hadn't the pcor groceryman to grum ble at ? 7 IHstiiltd ltt Gilbert f Sullivan, Grinder to net Majtsiy. f We arc Determined . i . i -i .. JOT TO BE "GEUMBLED AT," AJtD to avoid this unpleasantness hare filled out s With the CHOICEST & FRESHEST GROCERIES obtaJxa'jle. For the Lenten season, i. . New Catch EXTRA MESS MACKEREL, ELEGANT PICKLEDj, SALMON, j 1 BONELESS CODFISH A HAKE. Our lioystcr Candy excels all others In PURITY. "o terra-alba'd lndigestlbles. No glncose or other foreign In-, eredlents trs uel In ltsmannfaeture. Wead vise a trial box; will guarantee j Its effective; cess. P.! L. BEIDGEES & CO. HO north. Front St.