l II" II I . ii m m a I I ii " I . ill I ii. ii v 1 1 f 1 1 1 P' . . 1TTV I II II II II - J 11-1 I II II I II - ' .11-11 II--. IV II III I ' 1 V 1 1 , I JJ 11 l M A . Jl U i II II i II l I i V : J V V n I i - " fc i i t g I """" aw m written oa osl t vted of V J0SII T.JAMES, - r' ,w month. S3 cents. ' .M.lX-" . v.. .rrlAT frM uJtSlBwi; eitr. attbeabOTtl tvtf wtf rgu!arr. .'y of Wilmington Bcdchasthc largest to. f any twspapcr fdlT "en luw" iiiai II . and roade-a Czar TVtce com-U'lcn cars left TaftIt- tl. .onMomlay. lor the lit c-f l - ,-flcr Kell.r is said u us con lt.. friendi the news -IOC1'" . f IT .-re-.irelroa, rM hfct Anna DiThop. celebrated J:0r.on.Ul:eo:dtbcatrc. more tua thirty yea" . u-.".,ron $7t3 that it is simply mi- - . i i t i,- mere suouju uw !m ceabcr of Concai. claiming to te . turaL who refuses his support to larm . mMMM the Morrison jiga tt rjho? Ktvssaaib. of the M. E. Ci3rta Sou:b. hai gone to his rest and Ulinartwinl. Hed.edatiiumDu. 1 ... . -. morninz. ftZcd 83 jean. U"J rtaalsi will be interred at ZUb'j tradioa lor rett cars is about be izitodzctd oa Hijhgate Hill, in the isbjrlJ effondoa. and coastdera- f f't in the result of an exptrixtcl. which, it is said, has ne?er Uta miJe hllhcrto In Europe. TteKisbTille American says that lie kaadsome sum of $10.6CG.OOO is in ru:d ia manulacturing in the four pr.a'ipil cities of Tennesssee. Kash- Till has St.feJO.OOO; Memphis, $'2,Cat.- KaoxTiile. $1,103,500. VOL. Villi V ILMINGTON. N. C. THXTRS DAY. MARCH 20. 1884 NO. 68 UJiumoia, lenn .is to nato a cotton It was reported here to-day that factory to cost S 175.000. the stock hav- Boggan Cash had been c aptured , but in 2 been subscribed and tho company the report needs confirmation. ziU.rl avuI I ' iicv. ii. liiacK. pastor ot tno -rres byterian Church at Burgaw. was in the city to-day on one of his rare visits Mr. Randall's friends begin to have strong hopes of his nomination at Chi caco. They predict the certain defeat of the Morrison bill and say it will placo Randall i a mora favorable atti tude leroro he country. Chairman Roosevelt, of tho New York assembly investigating committee . cm Tuesday morning waited upon Governs or Cleveland and demanded the removal of Sheriff DaYidsoD, of New York city. for malfeasance in ofllcc. The Nashville American says : Vc Today is the TJlh anniversary of the last day of the battle of Bentonsville. which was fought on the IDth and 20th of March, 18C5. t r , New Irish potatoes were in the mar ket this morning, bu they were very small and 20 cents per quart was the price asked for them. There is but very little cotton comiug into market now and the most ot that is oeing nciu. so that transactions on continue to hear much about Mr. Til- change are extremely light, den's increasing feebleness. Yet the Unmailable. The folJowiug unmailable postal mat ter remains in the postoffice in this city: Emperor Cobb, care Sam Chinnis; Fannie Ilavner, 304 Dryards "street; Calvin Fletcher, care I." L. McLaini Arthur Robson, 1,316 Wood street; Sue Chasseur McNeil, La Southing, care R. T. Davis, box 13. Kcntz-Saiitley Company. This well known noYclty and Iburlcs- (iue Company will present their stand ard attraction at the Opera House on Wednesday, March- 26tb. Their pro gramme is replete with laugh provok ing and telling hits, and their music, costumes, situations, song choruses, and medleys are very attractive. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted fJK) BUT FOUB GOOD MILK COWS BY May l&L Mast gire from 1) to 14 quarts daily. Adtlrcss, mcli20 tf J. D. SUB LETT, Hotel Brunswick, Is PmlthvlUc, S. C. New Spring Styles ! JJATS, 'FATUC9V FLOWERS, NECK WEAli AND OTIIEK MILLINERY GOODS. ME3. KATE C. WINES, - No 11J North Second Street, ' mch 2 I next Tost Office. 'wuMtM to reoem coaairticauoa toom oux friends oa aay sad all aabjecta general latezeat tmt . , -I 1. Th name of tu wrlto taxut always tfa aaaed to the Editor. """" " 'wai mttJt d wrxnea oa OMaldaof tho paper. reraonaSUea xaxut be avoided And It U espedalr and particularly and tood that the Editor does not always endot the tlews of correspondents to state tn the editorial eohnons. - i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J W. & E. S. L1TIMER, Attornevs-at-Law. I Yy- ww." Princess and Water Sis. A Fatal Attempt. be any party which would plant itself Deiween tno waters oi theapo lonsing to a Norwegian barque l jing at on a free trade platform rwsuu HnunTBn, im lormer anchor in the stream at Smithville was Demg orown ana muuay wnuc tne Jat In the suit of Miss Hill against ter was dark and clear, Senator Sharon, in San Francisco, For 'Court at Smithville. gTEAMER PASSPORT will run lor passengers aurlng Court M2 drowned while attempting to desert. We could not learn the name of either Monday, the plaintiff testified that the defendant saia mat u she would give hini a paper of release he "would give me $100,000 and $500 a month allow ance, but I refused." Mr. Henry watierson says that l the Democratic Presidential candidate is to come irom the East, Senator Bayard would be the choice of an over whelming majority of the Democrats of the South and West. Mr, Watterson adds that Mr. Bayard Las been his first At the April meeting of the County the vessel or the man, but it seems that Commissioners listers of laxables will he threw overboard a lite preserver with be appointed, one for each township. which to assist him to reach the shore, No assessors will be this year appoint' cd. Mr. J. D. Subiett,of the Hotel Bruns wick, at Smithville. wants to buy four good milch cows between now and May 1st. They must bo first class in every respect. Seed ad. and then jumped oyer -himself, but I failed from some cause (probably the darkness) in reaching it. His shouts for assisthnce were heard by people on the shore, but he sank before a boat could reach him. Week at SmlthTllle, leaving Wilmington daily at a. m., ami Smithville at 3 i. ni. inch 20 2t J. T HARPER. OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20. We acknowledge the reception, with the compliments of Gen. W. P. Robert! f choice, as far as private feeling goes, for the Auditor of the State, of a copy, ot many years Senator and Mrs. McDonald arrived st Wil ard's Saturday, en route to Fortress Monroe. The Senator is in Back Again, Capt. R. P. raddison, who lelt here 35 days ago on the steamer North Stale, for the Altamaha riyer, in Georgia, ar- hisreportfbr the fiscal year ending rived in the city this morning. Heap- at Dyer's November 30th, 1883. . 1Q spienaia neaun ana gooa spirits ana says that he enjoyed nimseii since tub Celebrated RENTZ-SANTLEY NOVELTY AND BURLESQUE COMPANY! Presenting Phalanx of 16-Beanliful and ialentel laJj Artisls-16 Followed by a SUPERB OLIO OF SPECIALTIES ! DON JOSE, tbe Spanish Dude. ! Reserved Seats tl. General Admission 75. 50c Gallery 25c. Box Sheet opens March 24. men zv tn s m t Choice New Crop Molasses. The hour for the .Thursday night his departure finely, although he had a meeting at the Jb irst Presbyterian 7ery rough time after leaving the bar at wifS link hv no meana Rtroni? Church has been again changed and is the month of the Cane Fear until he enough to submit to political interview, now fixed fat 8 o'clock. The Sunday reached Charleston, after which it was SECOND CARGO remark (t'lzn belli Ij dead Ibroazhoul France a aistfnwj of ibo word. ajs a recent Frtsca writer. He is even more dead. perbpi. thaa Thiers, whose words and exisp'e are still sometimes, though urj rarely, cited. io?. "For my one remark you may state," he said to a Post reporter, "that anv report of an 'interview' Willi me will be a pure fabrication." 7.45 Tbe deaa of the Coyest St. Ixg:j delivered an 1tmj the other day in which he took Krosr groutd artiest the affiliation of practitioners ot that school with alio- patlhk phjsiciaas, or, as he politely termed it. wua "outiide schools of ncdiciae n '.Mrs. Partington, what do you use I - m wAv V n rt wf fl 9' alA1 1Lf9 TarO) iui icij uau wiu oaacM ui9t vuu Handkerchiefs, ma'am," answered the a?ed dame, looking oyer her specta cles. Handkerchiefs are a desideratum in tbe event of a cold. I but a bottie of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a neccssisty, irrtm.,rtr,. I oecause it not only relieves, not cures wr... . , - I l UB nUiJIp vUiU Ui CVIUli. pleasant. He leaves to-night to visr his family at Point Caswell, but his stay will be short, as his time is limited to a few days. Capt. Paddison seems to be well pleased with his change of base, but we would like to see him come back to remain permanently in our midst. LOCAL NEWS. 1 1 DEI TO MEW ADVERTISEME1T8. J D Scblett Cows Wanted OrcBA House Ben tz-Santley s IIH5SBXROKS Easter Presents Jas Wilson Economy is Wealth , J T ILtKrEB-For Smithville Court C W Tatxs Cheap Standard Works Mas Katb Wisrs New Spring Styles Knights and Ladles of Honor Local ad Worth Jb Worth New Crop Molasses IIcs'ds Bros.; & DeRo&set Easter Cards It hu beta noticed ia Washinrton tia: tiedeatis which bare taken placo sacs ceabcrs of the Houmj during ti esi;ocj ilccr the Forty.fifth Con rw. oa both the ReDuhliean and Desocratic ilde, hare been from the or fourth row. That row has. A BMllltJ hj n . Oce of the largest oleomargarine county, was in the city to-day Cl2afirtrirr n !. I .J7.: A'"!.! :u"jr. a Scbr.KateE.nicJi, Bowman. I sailed -a3ou;vfjg0.000 pounds Of it - n.uv V, Xfnroh IMh fnr services will begin at 11 a. m. and p. m: until further notice. Mrs. Fannie Devereuz Skepwith, eldest daughter of the lato Bishop Polk, who was also a Lieutenant-General in the Confederate Army, died at Oxford, Miss., last Saturday. -The decreased lady had near relatives in this city. i Tho Cornet Concert Club will meet JUippmcott s magazine. toimght for practice, and will herealter LtppmcoWs for April opens with a during tho season meet once a week for deltehtfullv written 'article on "New i that purpose. There will be aa addi. Germantown and Chestnut Hill, tion to tbe band of a clarionet and pic- which is likely to prove even more i colo, two very desirable instruments, attractive than the article on "Old Ger- which wi.l add much to the effective mantown" in the February number. ness of tho music. The illustrations are from original de signs. "In the Kauri Forests of New Zealand," is a simple but graphically NOW LANDING AND WILL BE SOLD PROMPTLY FROM WIIARF At Low Price. WORTH & WORTH. men so j Tho oyster season, like on the wane now. the moon , is Knisrhts and Ladies of Honor. Regular mcctingthis (Thursday) eve ning. i? uu attendance aesireu. it Thanks to Dr. . b. batch wea tor a oopy ot a paper read by him before 'the Queen's Negroes," has the merit of be blalo Medical society, at tne aunuai mc not onlv amusing but iresh and in meeting, held in Tarboro, last May, structive." A German Novel,' and entitled "Advances in Antiseptic Med- ?Somo New Anecdotes ot Heine," are icino 4nd Surgery." It is from ; the the littery articles of this number. In Economy is Wealth. JpiVE YEARS RENT WILL PUR CHASE A HOME. BuUdlng Lots for sale on the instalment plan on Castle, Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Mulberry, Red Cross, Gwynoy Rankin, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, j ;; Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Dickinson, worded narrative. ,Howthe Roman ienw- wooa. Jcwventn,-cnariotte, Spent His Year" is the title of the first Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. of two papers. "Glimpses of the The "Old Hickory" skilled workmen. . " ' 1 'j w w SICDOUGALL A BOWDKV mchnttOD' A Smlth Store. Home's Garden Oysters A RE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. 21. Tjcy are to 1ms haI only at the Old North biato Saloon, No. (i. South Front St - " ICC COOl LjLcrP.r Hf ri a n . l m. . . f Whiskey ami purest Wines sold iu tho city. eCigrs as good as the hest. t'An .b,iik.j;. . vlnccd. For Smithville Court. 1?OR THE ACCOMMODATION OF PER r.i8?D? dCBMDZ attend .Court at Smiili ville the new and fast steam yacht Louise will on and after Mond.iv next itt. tmrtJlt" WilroiDgton at J) o'clock, a. m. Returnlnlr wif-J?0? I ll1880 PPly on board. i uaii mwi ui ivuvik a tree L. mcli IS WM. WEEKS J ' Agcjuand Owner. JUST RECEIVED ! SPICING STVIiES Hats and Bonnet rjlHE LADIES OF WILMINGTON ARE hereby notified that I have' thU day received an invoice of Spring Hats and Bonnets, em bracing all the latest styles and patterns. A call and an examination i iTai-.tfniii ortHlf, "-i'v.... MISS E. KARRErI mch IS - Exchange Conur Sakes Alivo ! -TXTIIAT STOVE IS THAT ? WHY IT'S 1! I ' : I THE "BARLEY SHEAF". Something NEW. auv. uuuu uTi. i ijukes ucauurui : It's a Joy to any household; take in awholo steer at once: size of oven for No. d. 9au.iM. xl5 inches. Only by f , nTTry TOTm FARKER St TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. j mch 17 Sportsman's Goods. TTE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT T T o i ingusnann ieigium Breech Loaders brought to this market. Also a first- ever class stock of Shells, Wadding; Primcrs,Cart nage-uags, uun uapj, Game Bags, Ac. In fact we can show a stock of HardwinL tirut goous ana guarantee prices. W. E. SPRINGER A CO. Also. Houses and Lots for sale. Money loanea to tnose wisning to bulla. Apply to mch 20 JAMES WILSON. Easter Presents. X7LEGANT AND RICH EASTER CAED3 mch Successors to John Dawson St Co.. '7 is. 2i and 23 Market 8uet When the Painless Tooth EXTRACTOR WITH HER GILDED Chari ot shall havo gilded from our mldat and tne pcopie nave once more realized the truth of the ancient proverb : "All is not gold that glitters," don't forget the old reliable stand A wuere ait tne sianuara JJraga and Fancy Articles can be had at reasonablo' rates. F. C. MILLER'S Dniir fltAr. mch 17 Correr Fourth and Nun s(s lard Drags, Sundries. Toilet . iucy ArncieB can do naa at reasonablo Also a fine line of EASTER CARDS. Capt. V. V. Richardson, of Columbci pre3se3 0f Jackson & Bell, of this city, way 0f fiction , the continuation of "The aml al1 klnds of z Extravaganzas. "wjjear.tircstfce following as his fce:p: 100 poandj of oleomarxrariner. po3aa4 of centralized lard. 10 gal w oecce oil, drawn into a churn j this port. Mr. A. Weill, who has been in New 5oo or 600 pounds of milk and 80 city last night. i of colorio matter, churned and wetted. 1'aul and Minntnoi; tw,r. ciuej of Minnesota, will soon Ueae cucuaaoas, if not homogeneous. are separated from each dj ice MaauiicDi river, bnt aral Wa mo rcnucsted to Pn : i. I - -.aau out lie mode of government. 1 James1 Church will not be open CJ- Ia the past year 6,700 build service until Sunday morning. xe oeea erected in both places at j it. IW.OOO. Turner's Almanac promises a hoar frost for Inext Thursday. Hope its a false prophet. Mr. W. P. Canaday. Sergeant at Arms of tha United States Senate. Is here to day on a shortjvisit. say that St. for 1 T Cil4 Clin W nwvnOv onnvliwl "peaces a GaiTeston. for one of The weather this morning was sim ply delightful with a bracing atmos phere that was truly exhilerating. , The beautiful and fragrant yellow ground, breaking his right arm. -tT WU coodcaced to filty years' jessamine is now in its fnilest glory of He was resting comfortably to-day IxzthA tv . wvic4 kv. I bloom in tne woous arouna tnis city. hu c acawinco me court oi S. 10 carried out on tho acf ApriLbatik. v.:- ing. and only one applicatiod for lodg -xtiatti. firal ntl,nrA h,. wgat ;JV "i'64 buu serve out t&e fifty JUfcreUcanbehung. There was no City Court this morn police headquarters last night. and is no douot very entertaining read- Perfect Treasure" is exceedingly c:ev ing for the initiated. I er and entertaining, and the beginning Nnw Hanover conntv is resoondintr i another short serial, "At Last," i:kmiw trttv,nii for finnmi hoir promises the interest of a stroug plot I J - - a " MAiHAifo 1 1 rti I 7' and personal cooperation in making the auu IumttUtI State Exposition a success, in conse- a very pleasing and well contrived - 1,1 . u.IStorv. "April xiau, ia a luiuuwuc I... 1 What is our sister county of Pender 8etc.Q apprepruwu w iuo uumoer. going to do in the matter? Would itnot "taster ousioms auu suitiuus anu hroll rnr1h.;t.7Rnnl that rnnnlv Otner snort papers m iub. - axommj w. .w. J t . ,, , , jl . 1.1.1 tocallftineetinfftobeiieldonthe first KxOSSip " snouiu not oe ovenooKcu. Monday in April and take action in the Attempted Burglary. ii i mailer. . I A Krll Vint iinnpvcrnl ntmnf. nt. Arm Broken. burglary was made between 3 and 4 We ar snrrv tn hrnr nt an ftvu1pnt O ClOCK tnis morniaS upon me premises I -m r t n r .1 I which befell Mr. Beiamin Mott's littla I Mr. X'. iJarrenune, on ia-ue, u- son. a lad of about ten years, yesterday tween Front and Second streets. The afternoon. Ho was on horseback, and wouia-oe ourgiar auempieu iu ui nM!n(, nn(lPr n lrw t n hrannh WlUdOff Of Mr. KaiTCntine S Sleeping overhead and was unseated and fell to room DUta3 " was cuuiu ou j u: raise it a short distance. It was suHi cicnt, however, for him to thrust his arm through and reach a vest in which cry otxccessiai. was a watch and pair of spectacles. Messrs. Primrose and Fries, of the The burglar made some j noise which State Exposition, and Worth, of the awoke Mr. Barrentine, and the latter Fish Commission, are vet in tha citv ran out upon tho piazza, but the thief STEEL ENGRAVINGS. A, carefully selected lot just received, inclu ding some beauties in Autotypes bearing East crimes. , FANCY GOODS Of various descriptions, especially selected for Easter, and now on exhibition and com manding attention and ranid sale. . In order to be able to satisfy yourselves in selections for Easter, call early at HEINSBERGER'S, mch 20 Live JJook and Music Store. Price Seduced. W FANCY LAMPS. E HAVE REDUCED PRICES ON OUR Now is the time to buy a bargain, mch 19 GILES & MURCHISON, Murchlson Slock. Awnings. ' "ITFE MAKE AWNINGS OF All Kinds. Get V T eur estimate before placing your order. Mat tresses renovated, furniture upholsterod and repaired, and the handsomest stock of FUR NITURE, WINDOW SHADES, &c, In the wc3 O'Brien, th pnnMuf tfi. - r .... CercfXaw Ynrt t. tUry.A.. Mi. j w ww ntMl utiu fctlw wst: ivd.. t. The storm signal, which was display ed Tucaday night and yesterday, was i taken down last night. It was a false alarm. working, each in their respective Jinter- had taken fright and fled, leaving the city, to be sold at low down prices, by ests. The two former havo expressed vest and its contents unnarmea on tne themselves as highly gratified at the floor. Mr. Barrentine then returned cordial and kindlv reeention which has to his room, lighted a lamp and laid been given them, while the latter is a down, with his back towards the win- According to the almanac Spring Srt of an old acquaintance , who knew dow. In about half an hour he heard j young man commences to-day. The almanac and j beforehand what kind of people Wil some one working at the other window mch 17 THOS. C. CRAFT, Agt., Furniture Dealer, I 20 So. Front Street w-J u Wyoming a little stout. I tho atmosphcro are lor once in keeping mlngtonians were, and. as a consc- of his room near by where he had laid tadv ..'?cilxlllr8 ol raodesty with each other. quence, knew Must what to Shad. Shad. T3UCK AND ROE SHAD IN ABUNDANCE. Q icaa party. votes and ud iir . rC, ' Gkiih hair now tnru- Li... ---. mousiaciie, ana IU . T J. " Krown gray l r l ltt Rpabli l cxt da j to cu abused IrJoa need n - expect. I his trousers upon retiring last night, mch 11 Send orders to r W. E. DAVIS SON. Proprietors of the only regularly established Fishery fa this section Mr M. M. Katz returned to tho city They have been quite successful in rais- but which he had removed to a secure last nieht. after an absenco of two iaS money aor me oeaeaisoi new nan- pw uiui o ijius-uowu kuo umc. weeks in the Northern markets, where over county ai ine ixposiuon, naying neanng me winow raisea. ne jumpeu he has been for the purchase of new securea suosenpuons irom pnraie op auu. raa oai, oat me saap uau uw too ' I sources, among our business men and witnoui any or the coveted booty, mere - .. loincxciuzens, amounungtocsiJ, waicai wasaooai ux iae iruusers pw.- We invite the attention of ur Citizens ... . Drohm usit.. k. inereftsed to eta. but ha failed tn rearJi it. An ex- to the fact that first quality Nrts are $lf0co before they leave to-night. amlxiation of the premises this morning ngmaoeiooreeraioneaouara J .bowed that the burglar had attempted i luaiagion tzmr actory. . " 7 . I to gain an entrance to the room of Mr. TinEiuu-vrarcnxap ' : Knives ol best quality, and at mana , "r". tjo e I iAXx:vntT;ciiEAP. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm trert orices. can be found at jA. wmwnuwb" n;i lTfl-w mBi'a Hardwara Dsryst. flbatWraUCCSSSlUl. I lapISM TXnsjoynCl 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS. Best in the dty, are on sale. Druzs and Medicinal preparations of the highest grade at I JNO. T. SCnONWALD'S, Jan U ' Pros: and Preerlptkm Store Old IfeiYspapers 1884. Easter. 1884.. Munds Bros. & DeRosset rjlAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING that they have a few exquisitely HAND FAINT ED EASTER CARDS, which they will! be pleased to show their numerous customers; ' i - The same degree of excellence displayed in their Christmas Cards, for which existed each a flattering demand, will be observed In theec, I L f ' - as It is the purpose of this firm to lead la fine hand painted goods. mch ui Oh! wouldn't the days seem lank-aad long V If your sxocer never did anything wrong? j ; And wouldn't your life seem extremely flat I If you hadn't the pcor grocery man to grum ble at ? UUiiilfd. b GUbtrt tf Sullivan, Grindert f We are Determined JW-OT TO BE "GRUMBLED jAT," AND to avoid this unpleasantness have filled our ttcre with the . CHOICEST &FEESHEST GROCERIES obtainable. . For the Lenten season. New Catch EXTRA MESS MACKEREL, ELEGANT PICKLED SALMON, I . BONELESS CODFISH & HAKE. Our Iloyster's Candy excels all others Id PURITY. Ko ttrra-a:bad ntdigestlbles. No glucose or other foreign ln gredlents srs nsed In lu manufacture. We ad- :' . i - I Vise atrial box; wHJ gnarantce IUeficctivo ! Beat.-;:.-." ; "" . i P. L. BEIDG-EES &'.C0. XXO Worth JFront St. KChl7 !

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