'I - Tf will to glxcj tot rccclTa: cociZnaiicaUcm tron ear frtcaia ca any. asd j all actjectt pacral Interest but . - c. I Tte name cf the writer cmst always te.fa tislxotl to Uu Editor. ' CommmxIcaUons meat be wrttta oa oal ceesldeof the parcr. rcr3onaUtIc3 must bo ivol loV ' jOSU T. JAMES, H EJV- ." VAlfV ssootn. . . aw VI . i.v rrrtn free UJ JIiici At the AbOTQ .1 ..farto'i'f . Ana is especially and - particularly taul tood thai tho Editor doe iiot alwaya cades the Tlcvrs ol eorrctpondesta nnloat j so ttate la the editorial oolnsiaa. ! 'irT w aoU liberal- VOL. VIII. W TLMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY. MARCH 25. 1884. NOl 72 wtf report aaknil AX' J ; 1 ' - " - , Al! V AtTU" - tuade front distilled T7- I ?m wa- lf:LC',v - V 1- unified luxury lor w7arfcWri. It ii. of course very for i-.J n clear as crysiai have been probably Icisnessas to dairr drain . ' ..-.irmly, for OCC that 't to alteration. - . a i kiOwa' ,.:t,Mi c.t. 5nn4n -iauc uutiw 5? a-Jfcf ome yean past has lived i-dobJCURlj io Washington, if oter e"i-.y- A-odersiione belonging to Irk bone" order, bis loomed up oa tie prtriiesiiil bori'oa ' "jr. Au" r Waoa: is bis godUther. his name 'jV-tr. in J be iJ one ol tbe judges of !hS? Vork coort of appeals. Next! Iaercry Northera State-or. if there U aa exc?Uoa we bare failed to see it lie las: two cks baTe brought bcst a wonderful revival in Mr. KaTsVi propecU of securing tbe presi JiiJiI coa'aUoa of his party, and UTtihowawiih increasing clearness tie tack of solid substance in the Arthur booa. Gta.GrvU:a. wbo U making a great txwiaUtEcjlijh newspapers and is crtax lose sbt disturbance in tbe Socdsa. cscd to be a neighbor of ours. k Jozeacr to jeirs ago he was in the tzf. zcer unke at Montreal, an ob $xn liccaaat-Colonel, and content l cars asd lire on his Graham bread. Soma idiot aats tbe president will pertip4 not appoint k'iu Jobn Porter a colonel ia the at my, as tbe bill which has passed congress does not .direct. ooij authorizes him todo so. If the president does not like tbe bill, bis only proper course will be to veto it wben it comes before him. It Is in tbo invari able form recognized by all presidents It is ia intent, and as always under tiood, a com man J to the president. Seme of the statements ruado in what lis been published of Mr. Blaine's work bare already been denied. A friisd of President Buchanan says Blaise's account of Buchanan's relations with Judge Black is inaccurate. What ta psb'ic has seen of Blaine's book, or will see before the Republican conven tion metis, however, will cause dissen sions ataoeg Democrats, as in this case atd not aaonj republicans. Tiea. Grant deaies the reported inter ;w in a Hew York paper, in which he was said to hare declared that tbe Rc pab.'icaa ooatcst was'Jbetwccn Arthur tnd ni:n. m l fV. tk. - - uo uwuiikuwvs a lHaTil.'epreTioas to tbo election las FaU were like tho5 in Copiah county, Miuij.,i. Tbo General says in a &ter that he has had no interviews witb tewspapcr men while, at Old I'oisL llu Presidential choice is Logan. There was considerable excitement caths IW York Produce Exchange 'ut F riday ia consequence of one freight broker, Mr. D. C. Andrade. challeog d sso'her. Mr. E. Berlinrer. to mortal webar,tvecilJL!Ie02ergiTlnglho pahj ehalag ed tbe choice ot tbo weapons st. bard g!oTes, bare knuckles or o'-s. Tbe challenged party, it is d. refused to accept tbo challenge; -d u!ks of sending it to the police au thorities. A Washington newspaper says that "ry Irtingut down to a quiet little n7e c draw poker with tbo President dacoapleol tbe latter's iriends. a , f "a-ngs ago. Ho thought he knew sethlcg of tbe game and boasted of UT;Jp:sjed with Schenck. but his -desceia bis skill was probably a wdealgQ wheo he ar0ao ironi tb niaui tbe profits of a weekfs J tulceas. It Is flattering to Amer ! Pride to know that we have a Pres ho can thus uphold the great Atncaatia:e. It is d that tbe record of duellist Cub Caab was not singular in this pect. for. ia a msjority of instances, "dteuranscaa UsUfy, the bullies bc''dozers of peace Umes were the (?rri111 cowwd od bomb proot Tv5 Wea the tug of war came. u . vJ Wlatftl t die. If dio they must. tbUu ditch-in the rear. Tbere er exceptions, to be sure, but they to conflna ;the rule. On the -r band, the most gallant aoldiera frtqueatlj meabeis of tao church loTtncr peace. LOCAL NEAVS. IBOEZ TO IIW AOYf BTISEMEMTS. Wji Weeks jSteam Yacbt Loalac S Vax S.)i rings, C S C Legal Ad Ckoxlt & Mouris Ice at Auction hoc ad Fire and Ten Cents Store C W Yatks Cheap Standard Works IJeiivsckrocr ArtaoU Iulc Emporium Mods Uhjs. A, DeRo&skt Soda Water The receipts of cotton . at.this port tc- day fo-itup 51 bales Mr. John I). Kerr, ol Sampson County, was in the city lo-day. i It is about time to start up the soda fountains and ico cream saloons. .This has been one of the most pleas ant and delightful days, thus far, this season. Atter.tbe Rentz-Santley troupe, come the Primrose & West's Minstrels who will undoubtedly draw a large house. For Flower Puts and Hanging Bas kets call at the 5 and 10 Cents Store, No. 16 South Second street. i t There was tbe dullest kind of a dull ness a round the city hall this morning. with not even a tramp to send off on his travels. The city is full of people, suffering with the ills to which humanity is heir. who came here in the hope of obtaining relief from tbe doctor woman. Wo invite tho attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tl. Steamboattren report that there is an abundance of water ia the Capo ! Fear and that the river was rising rapidly when they left yesterday morning. The pavers extended their work to the corner of Chestnut street to-day, so that now the distance from Market to that street on North Water, is a splens did thoroughfare. Miles Howard, formerly a well known colored barber of this city, died at Philadelphia on the 20th inst. He was a body servant of the then Prc&i dent Davis during the war. The big chariot of tho doctor woman (eft hero this morning, and there is rumor on tho street that shtf will leave in a w days. Tho services of the band have been dispensed ;with. 1 wo colored damsels wbo reside in the "Hollow" got into a fight last night and were taken in charge by the police, and locked ud. Their cases will be disposed of to-morrow morning. Tho lartrcst and best! stock of Windows. Doors. BlimU &c, and at Factory prices is at N. Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. t The steamer Minncluilia, Capt Pardee, which left here several days since for New York, cot as iar as Smthville. in due season, and she rc mains lucre wailing lor lavorauic weather in which to proceed to sea. Tbo lime for strawberry festivals and cramp colic is rapidly approaching. Wo notice that tho berries have been shipped North quite freely within the ast few days, and they will probably put in an appearance in our market be fore long. There will be a cargo of ice sold by auction to morrow morning, which will be an unusual occurrence in this city. Messrs Crooly & Morri3 will be the auctioneers and the sale will be on account of whom it may concern. See ad. ; Princess jxlonaises of plain velvet are made with full pleats in tbe back and a pointed basque in front. This displays advantageously tbe front of a skirt of broche velvet, or a satin skirt that has rows of sabfo fur down the front. When worn in tho street a sable collarette and large cutis aro added, and a band of sable trims the velvet bonnet. The habits of children prove that oc cupation is a necessity with the most of them. They love to ) bo busy, even about nothing, and still more to be use fully employed. Children should be en couraged, or, if indolently disinclined to it. should be disciplined into performing for themselves every little oflicc relative to their toilet which they arc capable of performing. Plan tl Dir. Passengers who arrived this morning on tho Carolina Cefltral train report that the farmers in that section are bus'y planting their crops, although work has been considerably retarded by bc long continued wet weather. They report that Sunday last was one of the raini est day they have experienced this sea son,' but fortunately, the rain was cot ftooosspaiiicd with much wind. Down tho River. - i IIU Jlonor, Mayor Hall, besides j a good many other citizens ot Wilming ton. took a trip to Smilhville on tbe Passport thlsanorning. Many went in order to attend the obsequies of Mrs. Stewart, which took place at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, while some were drawn thither by tbe Superior Court, which is now ia session. Variety. F Tbo Kcntz SatAley combination ia ci- 4.1 - 'lt n rccieu io arrive in mo cuy lo.murruw morning ana snow at tne upera nousc to-morrow night. Tbe entertainment will be somewhat different from those given by this troupe when here on lormer occasions, dui me attractions win ue equal it not superior to any oi their loi mer efforts. Reserved seats are now on sale at Dyer's. Correction. Wo were in error yesterday when we stated that Messrs. Worth, Levy & Co., proprietors of Mott's Fire and Water Proof Roofing Paint, were of New York, and also in stating that Mr. C. L Wright, the general agent for this State was from this city. Messrs. Worth, Levy & Co., are engagedin business in Peters- i -rr tm, r,:Uf fk i burg, va.. and Mr. Wright,- the general agent, in from the same city. Grading:. The street brigade were at work grad ing Chestnut, between Fifth and Sixth streets this morning. The material used was oi too very oest ana witn a very little travel upon it will become hard and smooth. A decided improvement on the saw dust , although that was much better than the sand, through which animals have been obliged to wade ever since the place was settled. "Tlio Exposition News.' .We have received from Mr. P. C. Enniss, publisher, Raleigh, N. C, the proprietors of a publication with the above title, which will be issued weekly commencing with the 1st of April, until tho Exposition opens, on the 1st of Oc tobcr, when it will be published daily until the close, which will bo on Octobor 28th. It is designed to advance the in terests of the Exposition and to aid in the development of tho resources oi the State, and will consist of an edition of 5,000 in each issue. Subscription rates : 3 months, 20 cents; 6 months, 35 cents; 7 months, including tho October daily, 75 cents. Postponement. entertainment which wa3 The to have been given at Gcrniania Hall last - . n i tr f i, tt- nuay msni uy iac x uuu- iuuu a xiu- brew Association of this city, but which va3 postponed on account ot sickness , Kn frivnn t th oime Dlaco next Will OO given t tne same piaco next l.'riil' v nilih. haffinnirnr at 8 o'clock. r,- . 7r'- " K K committee haying the matter in charge to make this one of the most pleasant and arrrceablo entertainments of the - a - kind which has ever been held, and from' our knowledge ot those to whom the arrangements arc confided we havo no doubt that the result will be all tha1 could be desired There will be literary exercises and. vocal and instrumental music for the occasion. Mrs. P. Kahn- weilcr, whose worth as a vocalist needs no praise from us, will sing and the Opera House Orchestra will give sever- ai instrumental seiecuou. .. . i i Improvements. The Goldsboro Messenger, ot the 24th mst., comes to us in new lorm, jew tvie and worked off on a new press. It is now an eijrht page. 66 column paper ww m with an excellent 'make-up,"'1 interest ins articles, both original and selected, and a large advertising space, which shows that the business men of Golds- boro appreciate the value of printers' I ink and know how to avail themselves of its beneuts. ice xirsiissueoii.no . .cc- r f Messenger was in 156, one oi the mosn gloomy and inauspicious years in the history of the State in which to Start sucn an enterprise as a oom. leariess, r l.ij t l - outspoken and independent Democratic newspaper. But Bro. Bonitz had no suc3 word as failure in his dictionary, bat he did have pluck, perseverance and indomitable energy, and with these and untiring industry, he has accomplished an enviable success of which-he, his fV1 1 n. xir oif7Pn Anrl thn Tipmnrm.tic party oi ona varonaa nave just rea- sons to be proud. The only pain we can safely make ' m m light of, IS tne Winaow-pane. DUl me nain that racks our frame and tears our funira is a matter of serious consequence.' To alleviate the latter and effect a per manentcure. Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup is relied on by all sensible people. Now b the time to give Smith's Worm oa. lydw To Leave TJs. Air. Asa A. Brown, who has been in the city on a visit to relatives J and friends for the last two months, will leave us on the Thursday night's train for New Orleans, Vera Cruz and the City of "Mexico. Previous to hi3 re turn here two months ago he had been absent from Wilmington about 8 years, mure man iiau ol wmcn lime was passed in tho pursuit of his profession as a civil engineer on the various rail- roa3 within tho Mexican Rcnublie. He I - returns there to CDae ia tho sa pursuit, but is not vet certain how lonz he will rnmnin nhnf m;a a acquaintance wilh Mr. Brown has been remarkably pleasant, and ;wo regret his departure, wishinsr hfm evervsnrrosa in nfe arij a speedy return to' the banks of thn c.n. Fear. whpm w h h mv conclude to settle down a married man. Interesting to Fishermen : The cele brated "Fish" Brand Gilling thread is old only at Jacobi's. He is the Im porter's Agent. f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TCE AT AUCTION. On to morrow fWed- I - 1 X M. m . . am . -m I neadav) mornimr. at 10 oV.W.hr. we will raII on board of Schr. Jennie R. Morse, alongside or wnan near me J!ish Market, per oraeroi Capt. a. d. coicord, and for account of whom It may concern, SCO Tons No. 1, BOOTH BAY ICE. Sold by the cargo and In accordance with Bill Ladin z. Terms cash J Money to be paiu immediately alter the sale. mch2 It iliONLY & MOIiRIS, Auctrs. Steam Yacht Louise. "DASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER r for Smithvllle daily. Rates low and accom modations line, the LiUUiKls is a new boat ard is truaranteed safe Will leave Smithvllle at 8 A. M. Leave WilmlDgton at 2.30 o'clock, v. M. or rreieht or passage apply on uoaru. Whan root oi dock. street. WM. WEEKS, mch 25 Agent and Owner. Superior Conrt of New Hanover County. i James C. Munds and wife Eliza II. Munds. Eliza Munds, Mar,y C. Lord, John B. Lord, Atnaiia xxru. Kooerta ixra, r . Ancrum Lord, Kate M. Lord, Cammle A. Lord, Wit Ham L. DeRosset, Junior. Annan d D. Meares, and others, PlalntiHs. m Against ltam L. DeKor set, Graham Daves and wire Alice L. Daves, Catherine D. Meares. Ade laide S. DeRosset, Catherine D. DeRosset, Armand J. DeRosset, Junior, Edward M. Deuosset, jcuza J. JJeKossct, Atiaie s. De Rosset, Graham D. DeRosset, Addis Emmett DeRosset, Mary ivey DeKostet, Richard u IU11, Frederick J. Hill, Joseph A. Hill, James ai. aiason and wiie ifiiiza Mason, net- sey H. Gammcll, John R. London, Frederick ix. Xronaon, jiranc u. x.ondon, rewr u. 8nowden and wife Eliza C. Snowden, and others, Defendants. This is a Bpecial proceeding brought for the partition oi certain real estate in tne city oi ; Wilmington, being part of Lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in Block 153, according to the plan of said city. Tho defendants, Adelaide . xcuosset. Catherine D. DeRosset. (Armand J. DeRosset, Junior, Edward M. DeRosset, Eliza J. DeRos set. Addle S. DeRosset, Graham D. DeRosset, Addis Emmett DeRosset!, Mary ivey DeRosset, Richard B. Hill. Frederick J. Hill, Joseph A. i luUt Jiimca m. Mason and wife Jiliza Mason, Betsey H. Gammell, JohnR. London. Freder snowden and wife Eliza C. Snowden, are here- by requirea ana summonea to appear at tne onice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County. In the city of Wilmlng- ton, on theSixth day of May, 18rt, and answer or demur to the complaint herein, which has been duly filed in this oiuce. Dated this 24th day of March, IScl. S. VanAMRINE. " Clerk SuiKjrlor Court. mch 23 lawGwtuca New Hanover County' OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY, MAIiCll "G. THE CELEBRATED RENTZ-SANTLEY MEL1T AXD BURLESQUE COMPANY ! Presenting a Phalanx of lC-Bwntifal and Talented Lady Artisls-IG Followed by a SUPERB OLIO OF SPECIALTIES ! ! DON JOSE, the Spanish Dade. Reserved Scats fl. General Admission 75, 50c. Gallery 2oc. Box Sheet opens March ?4, at Dyers. men zo tn s m t Be Careful N MAKING YOUR PURCHASES OF TA- ule supplies to void the so called low pricea at which some goods are advertised, it payyouto bu tot clas9 KOOd!l onyi i Your Grocer, If reliable, will not palm off In fertor goods at seemingly low prices in order to get or retain your custom. Every article we sell is guaranteed to be precisely as repre sented. An examination ol our stock is so licited ; every part of which will be sold at as low prices aa similar goods can be naa eise- t wnere. Respectfully, mch 21 Star ecpy M When the robins nest again , When the stars are shining bright ORTWHEN THE SUNNY ORB IS LOSING her rays through Helnsbcrger's windows. orately decorate tbe Interior or his esubun- mcni, ail oi yon anouia utilize me opponumiy to wLtcess a newly and handsomely renovated ART AND MUSIC EMPORIUM. Copies df U( America. STeclal rcpreacnutlons of Ru ral Life H the Isle of Jersey. Latest Parisian de1!fn m fncy goods of exoUc export Doors open, at all hours. Free concerts. crest Lamina. Ac I l ou can benefit yourscii greauy Dy caxung at HEINSBERGER'S, mch 21 Live Book and Music Start. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, SPRING & SUMMER GOODS I NOW OPEN! -AT- 5 '116 Market St. All the Latest Novelties I ; i I, - IN ; i ! Dress Goods, j White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, 1 Housekeeping fld nil a IXOUUSi Men and Boys' Wear, i . i ALL AT PR CE3 LOWER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS. And which in Texture, Wear and Durability will give satisfaction. MORE PARTICULARS IN A FEW DAYS. 1 CALL AND GET SOME OF THE SPECIAL BARGAINS AT M. M. KATZ', 116 Market St. jan 21 , Warm Weather H AS CREATED A DEMAND FOR SODA WATER. Our Magnificent Apparatus is ready to supply the public with Vichy, Deep Rock, Tate Epsom and Soda. For the present we shall have the following Syrups, others to be afided: Lemon, Nectar, Vanilla. Gineer. Sarspaiilla. Sherbet. Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Pineapple, (last from the fruits themselves) and conee. wmcn com bired with pure fresh Cream forms a delicious beverage. We are determined to make a reputation it Soda Water, to keep It. and consequently to sell It. i MUNDS BROS. & DEROSSET, mch 21 Druggistf", Market Street. Elesant 1HTS IS WHAT THE LADIES SAY after viewing tho large stock of FURNITURE cx- hibited In our cosy warerooms. New patterns of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN LOOPS received this week. i l Now is the time to have your old furniture repaired, mattressca renovated and awnings ! put up by ! THOS. C. CRAFT, Agt., Furniture Dealer, mch 24 20 So. Front Street Sportsman's Goods. StlShlS SSuS BrS?hIoid?r? ever brought to this market. Also afirst- class stock of 8hells. Wadding. Primers, Cart ridge Bags, Gun Caps, Game Bags, Ac. In fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goo andgua & ' Successors to John xrawson a. jo mch 21 19. 21 and 23 Market Street The 'Old Hickory" FARM WAGON. CARRIAGES BUGGIES. Carts, Drays. Buggy Harneas, Carriage Harness, Bockaway Harness. Truk UarneM, Cart and IraT Harness. tuars, xxames. Blind Bridle, Trunks of all kinds, Bags, Sacks and Satchel, liepainng prorapuy uose 07 skilled workmen. 1 mciwuwaxjX xHjwxtr, Next to D. A. Smith' Furniture Store. mch 24 1 , j Beautiful I Beautiful ! BIRD CAGES THAT LEAD thff Market. Call and tee for yourself. Fire Clay Chimney Floes, Cook Stoves. Tin Ware, rumps. Light ning Rods. I I I - FUFJSWXlXrx OIL, mch 24 NEW AI VEUTISEMENTS. FIRE I FIRE I WATER ! WAT !R ! Something to your Interest 1 .:. '"T'J . irc ana Water-Proof Roofing Paint! I C. I. WRIGHT, ACT, FOR RORTH CAROLINA, ' 'J " I ELEVEN GOOD REASONS FOB USING OUR : FAINT, . .1 . 1 ' l. r 1. t a m 5. G. 7. It Is guaranteed Flro Troof. I J It is guaranteed Watr rroof. f M It is a preser?atlve ot wood onmstal. It costi less than ordlsary paint. It contains no oil or acid. I it Is n ornament to any bniMlnpr. It wlil stop an ordinary roof from leak. s. It will not wash off or stain water. 1 0. It Will not prarkr n-r afnn ntr i . i " W. It Is durable, and will last iongcr than any other paint. " 11. It will stand and cold weather. Vhy do we paint the sides of our buildings and;ieave tho most exposed part,. tho roof, unpalnted? , r If a tin or shimrlc roof la leakv ' ii nn irrt i?!iexlpnso r newlyj covering, but law MOT-PS FIRE AND 'WATER PROOF PETERSBURG TESTIMONIALS J We, the undersigned; having had Shingle and tin roofs painted with Motni Patent i Wa ter and Fire Proof Paint,' feel no hesitation in saying that so far It has given entire satis faction, stopping leaks where nothing else did any good. C. 11. WARWICK, (shingle). r: Mrs. V. J. TAYLOR, (tin). Mr. L. D. Mott, Jr., Dear Sir. Tlds Is to certify tbat I have used 7our v ater ana 1X0 Proof paint on several leaky roofs, and since they were painted with yviLL x iiiuh bucjr uavo nyi ieut.HU ns ail. X cheerfully recommend tho Vott'a Paint? a the best roof paint I ever saw. : I I I - DANIEL RAIIILY. L. D. Mott. Jr., Esq., ) ! I Dear Sir: Your Water Proof paint, used on my kitchen and stable roofs, gives entire satis faction . Both of these roofs leaked badly, and since you appucu your x'aint l nna no Iraki, and we have had, eince tbe work was done, , some heavy rains. I take it I am but doicg you justice, as well as your Paint, to say that I consider It a first-class !Kooflng Paint. This Paint was, by my direction as Cnairman of the Public Property Comnjltteot ot this City, applied to a part of one of the1 Market Houses, and It gave entire satisfaction, i I E. A. GOODWYN. Mr. L. D. Mott, Jr. It is with pleasure that I add to the testimony of the excellency of your Fire and Water Proof Paint. The tin roof of my printing houso leaked badly, but since you applied your1; Roofing Paint, It has not leaked at all, noiwitstanding . some heavy rains havo fallen, lj cheerfully rccom- raenu your x'aini ut an wuo nave jcay roors. - ' JNO. It. EGE. We also refer to: J. T. Young, President Planters & Mechanics Bank; John Mann, At-' torney at Law; F. Gallagher, Deputy Collect or, and J. A. .Warwick & Bro , Commission Merchants. ' i I (From Petersburg iNDEX-ArrivAL. Jan. 21th, J8SL) i 7 I Tkieo akd.Not Fouxd iWAKTixa. Tho test of the . fire proof qualities of Mr. Mott's roofing paint was made ou Courthouse avenue last evening, in the presence of a large num ber of spectators, and the ordeal satisfactorily cstaoiistieu an mat was claimed for the u A small house made of dry pino covcrod iWith a thin coat of palut, was placed under ai pile of shavings upon which six gallons of kero sene oil was pouml and ignited. The flame leaped high Into the air and burned! furiously for forty minutes. Finally tho house was raked from the debris and drenched ! with kerosene oil. which burned off clean; leaving the wood unscorched, as any one may see who has the curiosity to call at the Walthall hotel. where It Is on exhibition to-day. Ths object of the test, which on account of j the caution of the authorities was not as severe a usual, was not to prove the impossibility of destroy ing the box by lire, but to show that the paint Is an effective protection against the ordinary accidents which causes lire. This was mailo so plain to our mind that it has Ixentdetcr mined to treat the roof of thoLxiEX-ArrE,vxs building to a coat of It as soon as tho hotwe la remodeled.. Another, and In our opinion, more valuable Quality of the paiat is its lm- pervloupness to water, making It a suro remc dy for leaks In did shingled aud tinned roofs. As a test of this, two paper boxes weropalted on the inside and kerOtcne oil poured Into one and water into the other without the slightest effect upon the paper, j Tho bores with their contents can also be seen at the Walthall hotl to-tlav. Persons who may have icacy roor, or who may wish to guard against lire should give Mr. Mott a call and learn from him about the matter. We have no hesitation In saylDg that he lias a good article whlf Ifls worthy!; of the attention of property owriera, , i Orders1 respectfully solicited. Mr. C. JU Wrteht. the General Agent for the State, Is at the Purcell House, and will be pleased to re ceive orders and give all Information required. A public .test, same as that referred to In tho extract above, as haul In Petersburg, will bo made In this city, duo notice of time and place to be given hereafter. -1 1 , Proprietors for State of North Carolina. mch 21-lwr ' I .Economy, is Wealth. F IVE YEARS RENT WILL PfJE- CHASE A HOME. Bulldlog lots for sale on tbe Instalment plan on Castle, Church, Nun, !Ann, Orange, Mulberry, Red 1 1 Cross, Gwynn, Rankin. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth. i i " -iJ 1 -11 , Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Dlcklasoo, Tenth, Wood," Bay, Elcvcntlr, xxlotte, - r f trrci. Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Alo. House and Lots for sale. 1; I ' Money loaned to those wishing 10 buijL I Apply to I apao j JAMES WILSON. Home's Garden Oysters ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. Tbej are to be had only at the Old North RE State Saloon, No. , South Jrrcnt St. 'I' ; !Tbe best Ice cool Laxer Beer a specialty.! Whiskey and purest Wine sold lu the city. Cigars as rood as the best. Call and be con lnced. , f eb Zl I Sell aU Kinds QOUNTRT PRODUCE ON COMMISSION. Highest market prices ruaranteed ami prompt 1 returns. a. v. uivsuixjauk. 1 Prodncfl Commlislcn Merchant ana urocer. 114 sortn water St., wummgion. ruu. . ar Refers to Bank of Hew Hanover. ! fete :!-.. ,;.

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