8oaday ' 0 srted by JOSIIT. JA3IEt rroa Ajroraorarxro. nv!l POSTAGE PAIR SI onvu Oat month, cents. a' ..7.. ,rri by earlier. free ar Prt of the city. at the above ftM. oria cc aa.l Hbcrsi. will rrrort J fa , receive idwv- tZ-rL Vxiy has the largest t , H U eirculatton. of any newspaper J. flM . ..wine iiznu - r top of ihc Walion Monument. iry-e hai th Mormon churches thin a dozen Mormon preach- s" P-erMin Catholic clergy no longer -r-emation which is becoming TTbctisbu stood admirably tho r ,v...U anil , -..nr teal 01 a. iuuSu u w ,Jher proof that the world we may mention tho fact that a ?or fixht hu been stopped by tho w ,Yxt in Chicaso. The electric libu on tho high masts .... Cal.. can be distinctly jeeafroatheUUoJof San Clcmento. tlglij niles oat at fees. O J Uzdoais said to be fast disap-. Bcsrioc Quaint old fifteenth century cisjiosJ are beta demolished to make rooa for podern structures. SpcalerCarUi'.c receives the largest - ill of any member of CoDgress. Mr. Monte. Mr. Randall, and Terry Boaostia the order named. A rtsolstioa ha been adopted by the Ccerzsal church of Wallingiord. Ceso-. trbidiiog the members "to dr.sk lorcf any sort except hard r H VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 26. 1884. NO. 73 cider Hcrrifos;ijamost inviting leader. lie ciTj coa his followers to press cs miih lie black flagoi famine ahead. asJ lo plant their standard on the tho rsiei of palaces.1 But il famino .is beaJ. they caa eat the ruins uf pala ces! Itii extremely probablo that Bis xn&rck would now ask some ot the American pork packers to dinner if thej should go over there. But they crobabW wouldn't accept unless he agreed to keep raw German pork off his table. The fame o! Longfellow is becoming world-wide, as it should and must. It is noi by any means confirmed to couutries in which the language in which he wrote is known and used The poet gave to Lnglish literature much that had been written in other tongues, -and in return hia own poems hare bevn tran3.ated into every language which liR3 cither a literature or a read ing population, j ironi the emperor of Brazil a liberal contribution has been made to a Longfellow memorial, and this contribution, we arc told, "heads a long subscription of Brazilian gentle men. it LOCAL NEWS. ISDEI TO HEW ADVIBTISEMEHTSJ C W Yates-Look Boys , IlEIXSBERGKB New Goods Cbonlt A Moiiris Kof Sail Geo M. Ceai o.v, Agt-Has ArrlveU Mu.nds Urjs. & DeUosset Soda Water Th receipts of cotton at thfs port tc- day fo' tup 131. bales IScw moon to-morrow nmrning at 31 minutes after midnight. j The buds on the trees and blossoms on flowering plants have developed re markably'witbin tho las; few days. For Flower Pots and Hanging Bas kets call at the 5 and 10 Cents Store, No. 16 South Second street. f The funeral of tho lato Mrs. Stewart, at Smithville, yesterday, was very large ly attended, quite a numder of tba citizens of this city bing present. The Ilentz-Santley troupe, consisting of 17 persons, arrived on this morning's train, and registered at the Purcell Houso. They will appear at tho Opera Houso to-night. I The Union Meeting of the Eastern lsaptist Association will convene at Kinston. Lenoir Co., on Friday, the 23th inst. and continue until Sunday, the 30th inst. ' Frnce OrJoX who has been the Has ilin Minister to Franca since 1572, acd who now goes to Berlin, has presented his letters ul recall. The French jour c&Is express sjmpatby and regret at his departure. Senator Sabin, chairman of the Ho pablicaa Executire Committee, dis caui&z the Presidential question, says that a cociiaation brought about by machine infiaccces will be) of no value whatever." These are fateful words far Mr Arthur. I: is dow charged that. a former Board of Commissioners of tho Dis trict of CoMmbia is "short" about $3. 300,000 of the public money, "unac counted for." "Well, why should this xcite surprise? Why should Con peJ bother itscll about such a trifle?. The people of Sedgwick county, Kan sas, hare sent a train of forty cars loaded with corn and beautifully deco rated, to the flood sufferers or Cincin nati, in return for charity extended hea they were suffering from a plague of trauhoppers. The grain is worth tU.000. The Poet Lauretta has thus snubbed a person who sent him a notice o! his lorijhip'i adf: -Lorj Tennyson is oach oUited to Mr. Henry Komeike for his iaclosure, but such notices do cotiateresthim;so hobegsMr. Rom r.U not to uke the trouble of sending tia any more." For Pure White Lead & Paints, and biggest stock of Window Glass and lowest prices for good articles bo sure fo ro to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t ma mere was no stoim ol any couse- quence at Smithville last night, although thQ weathcr'had a threatening aspect. There was a lteht rain, but nothioci moro than a gentle wind. After the storm of last night, the weather cleared off this morning and tho sun shone out cheerfully to drv ud tho mud and water with which nearly loS3. bul wc would not hc surPriscd to Tho Storm, j Before dark yesterday the clouds be- gau to assume, a threatening look, ins dicalin heavy showers, and as the hourj advanced into night tho cloud3 rolled up in great black 'Volumes show-, ing that a. storm was impending. At a few minutes after 11 o'clock, p. m , the rain began to fall in torrents while the heavens were illumined by almost un intermltting Hashes of lightning, ac companied by the ceaseless roar ot thunder. . At about 11 :30 o'clock hail began to accompany the rain and for about half an hour,' or until nearly midnight, the heavens were a scene of angry confusion, and the earth was deluged with water, while the hail beat violently upon root and window panes, and in some instances, in exposed situ ations, breaking the glass Wc have seldom, if ever, seen rain fall in such torrents as it did for about an hour last night, nor did wo ever witness more vivid flashes of lightning or listen to more continuous peals of thunder. Those streets located upon level ground were flooded and in some instances wero a complete sheet of water from one side to the other, while the gutters of those on declining ground appeared liko a torrent escaping from con finement. Some idea of tho vol ume of rain may be gathered from the lact that . the total rainfall from 11 o'clock last night to 8 o'clock this morning amounted to 3 8.100 inch es, the larger portion of which fell in tho course of an hour's time. Fortun ately, there was not much wind unti the severi'y of the storm had passed by, tho maximum velocity being 19 miles per hour, between midnight and 1 o'clock this morning. . Many of the street crossings this morning were badly washed, and some of them were almost impassable in consequence of the storm. At the cor ner .of Third and Dock streets there wa3 a bad "wash-out the flagstones were removed and the place was dan- gerous. mere aro many otner places throughout the city in like condition and tho street hand3 will have a plenty of employment for several days in repair ing damages. Tho sidewalk for a portion of the distance between Front and Second, on the South side of Market street, was overflowed and the water deluged the floors of somo of the store. At Messrs. Hart, Bailey & Co's machine works the water rushed in so thaE labor was suspended to-day. Wc have as yet heard of no very serious damage and A Wreck. apt. inbon, of: the steamship Laiefaclor which arrived to-day. from iNew 1 or k, reports having passed the wreck of the brigantino Iddte Todd, of Calais, Me., 20 miles South of Fenwick island, in 23 fathoms of water, with her stern out of. water and her spars floating along side. KEW ADYEBTISEMENT8. SPRING & SUMMEE GOODS! 1ST O W O 3P E 3ST I fjca oar frfcats ca aaj aa4 all, tsfc'ccis paeral Interest but c - .' i ae name of taa writer mast always te.fa aisled to tae Editor. - ( . j ; Conuanixlcatlonamuft tw written a!, eal osscXdeol the paper. ' - 'j ; ; ,! Personalities mutt be avoided :' Ax4 U U especially aad partScularly end tood that the EOltor does not always endot tho views ot correspondents nnVfg so stats T' NEW AIVEBTISiaiENTS. -AT- aEwO Work of tboUail. At filr. J. M. Ilardwick's place, about three mile3 from tho city, the hail of last night broke nearly all the glass in his hoi houses and destroyed alarge number of plants. At Mrs. Harry Webb's conservatory. on Market between Seventh and Eighth streets, a igreat many panes f glass were broken, but the damage to plants, fortunately. wa3 inconsiderable. At other places in tho city and vicini ty, where there were hot houses for the i' . i i ... uro-uuuuu auu cany propogation of a n t a. a. tct i, t dants and flowers, there panes ot class broken and more or less 116 Market St. FIRE ! FIRE I . . I !!. j ; 0 j. WATER ! WATER ! Something to your Interest ! Firo ana Water-Proof Rooihiff Paint ! I C L. WRIGHT, AGT. FOR NORTH CAROLINA. NQ OUR damage was sustained. -IN- ELEVN GOOD REASONS FOB USI TAINT, 1- It la'gtiarantced Firo! Proof. i 2. It is jruarautecd Water. Proof. ! 3, It is a prcserTatlvo of wood or metaU. it cost less than onUrary paint. it wiuaioa no on or aciu. 4. 5 . It is n ornament to any fmiming. 7. It will stop an ordinary roof hi?. 10. from leak A Water-Spout. During the storm last night a water- T1,nocj spout burst near the mouth ot Brnns- WVVWJ wick river, about six miles Irom this city, which carried away the bulkhead w nllC AxOO(lS or 8blflffJe ro', " leaky.) do not ko - i iz . i w ireniy ruvrriDZ. nut nn WATKK . r I It will not wash off or stain water. It will not crack or scalo off.i It Is durable, and will last lnnr thm any other paint. 11. It will stand and cold weather. '. Why do we imint the sides of onr buildings atid.Meave the most expoeed part, tho roof. which Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son had constructed tp protect their fishery, fi-lnvna TTnciATv nets, boats. &c Mr. TV .T. Stnhha "AUYCS, ilUMCl, the lorcman of tho fishery, with three employees, was in the house near by when the water-spout burst, and all were compelled to stay there, for some HoilSCkCGDill0, that they could not get out. At one time the building was in great penl of being removed from its foundation, but fortunately, it withstood the strain upon J(3fl ftufl BOYS Wear. if ty nnK frri tYtf r f f fits Jnmoffto 1 I ivy s-u uvu w vuwjvrj wa wuw iuuiutv( MOTT8 PAINT. FIRE AND PETERSBURG TESTIMONIALS. LOrSClS- Iter and Fire Proof Paint, feel nolhcsitAUon J I In BrilllT I hit a far it hns rlirin am . f - " j "-a vr .... gii(u cnuig Bans faction, stopping leaks where nothiinjf clso did any good: C. II. WARWICK, 8hlnirle). Mrs. V. J. TAYLOR, (tin). . Mr. L. I). Mott. Jr., i J Dear Sir. This la to certify tbat I havo ncd your water and Fire Froof Taint on pevcral &c9 Sec. ALL AT PRXE3 LOWEU THAN TIIEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS. And which In Texture, Wear and Durability will give satisfaction. Aacrdiaary Cabinet Minister soon -aks into iosifnificanc In England ia he retires from effice; even Mr-J-ser Gibson, to .whom the penny f ?rs art under enormous obligations. that no one did so much to re th paper daty, was scarcely .aowa J name to the p resect genera-1-1 till! lis death occurred last Ecropt'g population was estimated 2i&X)00 la 1857, and there wero homed cxula to each 1.000 Inhabit ISCJ depopulation was 273. .ooo. but thre were only 331 horned c to each 1.000 inhabitants, and r 4 ttatfauoci! j increasing demand by lor tics. American beef on these rl nnJrstand that seal-skin coaU TjyJf corf sra increasinc among the ailff; JT lortunite thera Is inch E rccy as Dr. Bqirg Cough Syrup! Kow b the tiat to girt Smith's Worm ua- ljdw everything had become saturated. Tho Almanac predicted frost for to day, but so far as our observation has extended, their must have been a slighi mistake in the calculation, as the weather has been quite warm and pleasant. The W ilmington Steam Fire Ens gmc, XSo. I.; celebrated its 15th anni' vcrsary this morning by a trial practice in front of the Engine House. There as no public display, no dinner and speeches were not in order. It is learcd that Iiev. C. M. Pay no, of tho Campbell Street l'resbyterian Church may be induced to accept the pastoral charge of the church ol Con cord to which he has been invited. He i n i .1.. :u u; nas suuercu mucn rcceuujr wuu mg . eves, and tne physicians recommend a change, hoping thereby that hc may receive benefit. hear that other localities sullereu more severely than wc did. as the storm center was evidently outside ot the city. The "doctor woman," who has been talking in French and pulling teeth in every known language for the last week, departed last night, ostensibly anj means that his table shall be equal Hotel Iirunswick. The extensive and expensive additions and alterations which aro being made by Mr. J. D. Sublett, in this seaside resort are fast approaching complete tion and when fiuished will make the Hotel Drunswick one of the most at tractive seaside Summer resorts ou the Atlantic Coast. It is expected that the new payiliou will be completed by the 5th of May. and that the hotel will be finished and ready for occupancy by the I5th of the same month. Air. Sublett intends that no expense shall be spared in making this a first class hotel in every respect, and to give it that excel- lenco with which he will only be satis fied, he has engaged a prolessional cook and baker from New . i ork who will superintend their several departments. He has also made arrangements to nave his meats shipped direct from that city. The Fre this Morning-. At anout i:ia o'ciock this : morning. ana out a snort time alter the severe storm of rain and hail bad ceased . fiit was discovered, in a warehouse in which lime was stored, immediately in the rear of Messrs. Chess-Carley Co's storehouse, on North Water street. The warehouse was occupied by Messrs E. G. Barker & Co., and it was the second time within the last three years that a fire has occurred in the same place. Aboat 1,200 barrels of limo were stored in the building which were totally consumed and the building was seriously damaged, The loss on the lime, which was about $1 800, was fully covered by insurance in the Norih American Ins. Co,, represent' ed in this city by Messrs. DeUosset & Northrop. The building, which is the property of Mr. W. B. Noye3, and of which Mr Alfred Martin is the agent, was insured to the amount ol represented here by Mr. Samuel for Sprillff AmUSemeilt I iiUiUJiup. a lit: lusuiautc uii luc uuuu ing will probably cover the loss. . r4 . -m mOOUS. leaky roofs, and since they were painted with ? I VAll lHll ttlAT hnirA si t . I . , .1. J v uun iuvj ai.it u IIUI lllki!U Mkl nil. 1 cheerfully recohimend tho "Mott'a paint" as the lest roof paint I ever naw. T" I ! DANIEL RAIIILY. L. D. Molt. Jr., Esq. j j Dear Sir: Your Water Proof Paint, tiscd on my kitchen and stable rooffl,j?lvc entire iatls f action. ) Doth of these roofs leaked badly, and since you applied your Paint I And no leaks, and we have had, since tho work was done, some heavy rains. 1 take it I am but doles you justice, as well as your Paint, to nay that I consider It a first-class Roofing Paint. TI1I4 Paint. K.n liv rair (HroW fnr am I n. It-r,-, n n of the Public Property CommUteo of this City, applied to a part of one of the Market Houses, und It gave entire satisfaction. E. A. OOODWYN. Mr. L. D. Mott, Jr. It is with plcasiro that I add to the tcatlmony of tho cxccllencr nir Fire and Water Proof Paint. jTho MORE' PARTICULARS IN A FEW DAYS, CALL AND GET SOME OF THE SPECIAL BARGAINS AT 116 iVIarket St. jan 21 NEW GOODS'! riE. Tor Uicnmond. a. Her chariot was sent off yesterday morning but she gave people to understand j that she would remain several dars longer to minister to tho afflicted. It seems, however, that she changed her mind. nthatof anv Northern hotel. He has also made a contract, which has been duly signed, with tho famous band leader, David Keresey, for the coming season, with a band of five instruments to furnish concerts and dancing music for tho guests. The pianist will be a xrrauuaie 01 i" iyuux;iiaw of music, and has played in the concerts given by both Madame Neillsen and Mile Patti. All this necessarily involves a large expense, but the rates ot board have been fixed at $12 per week by the season; ?o per wees oy 100 oiu month; S 17 per week for less than a month, and $2.50 and $3 per day, ac- Exports Fordsn. cording to accommodations, for tran 1 . Xnrwcirian baroue KaJut. Madsen. aient customers, which 13 remarkably cleared to-day for Hu l, Eng., with 200 reasonable, all things considered. casks spirits turpentine, 3.076 barrels Postmaster General Gresham and ot rosin and 1,000 barrels of tar, valued several other notables in public life at $0,C00. Norwegian barque Arizona, have signified their intention of passing Tnfcncpn. cleared for LaverDool with 5CO t lw?t h. nortion of the season at the bales cotton. 300 casks spirits turpen- Hotel Brunswick. tine. 3.000 barrels tar and 216 barrels rosin, rained at 34 .300: making a total Wb invite the attention of our citizens ol exports foreign amounting to $13, to the fact that first quality shirts aro 000, all shipped by Messrs. Alex Sprunt being made to order at one dollar at the r. c I Wllmlnfnn Shirt FactorV. U. POST In this clty.this morning at 11 o'clock, JENNIE JACOBS, daughter of Ja3. t Poet, Jr., and Sarah V. Post, acd 4. years and 10 months. Funeral will take place to-morrow (Thurs day) mornlnar. at 10 o clock, from the residence of the parents on Chestnut, between Third and Fourth streets. . 1 KING In this city, March 2Gth, JOSEPH ENNKTT, son of James J. and Alice T. KlDg, Sized 8 months ana y uays. The funeral services will take place at St. Thomas Church, to-morrow ( ir.ursdayt evc- nlnar. at 3 o'clock, thence to St. Thomas' Cem etery. Friends and acquaintances are Invited , t attend NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. ONE "50 IIORTE POWER HORIZONTAL ENGINE," with two 7 feet Driving wnec;s, 10-incn lace, suitable for Saw or Grist Mills. Also, One "75 HORSE POWER LOCOMO TIVE witn copper tuoes all m good order, connection complete, and ready lor immediate use. uan te seen at any time. Apply to CRONLY & MORRIS, mch 2t d Jtw It W Ilmington, N. C. BASE BALLS AND BATS. MARBLES OF ALL KIND3, TOPS, PLAIN AND FANCY, JAPANESE KITES. Jufct received a large supply at HEINSBERGER'S, mch 21 Live Book and Music Store. Warm Weather AS CREATED A DEMAND FOR SODA H Has Arrived 1 A UtiATED PINE City Court. 1 r The Mayor disposed of the following cases at nis matinee this morning: Hattie Priolcan, colored, for disorder ly conduct, was fined $5, in default of I which she was sent belowior 20 days. Alice Hall, colored, for disorderly conduct, was finned $5. in default of I which she was sent below for 20 days. FRESH SUPPLY OF THAT delicious APPLE by to-day's New 1 Steamer. Also, another lot of that A No. 1 MIXED TEA at GOc per pound, (China Cup and Sauoer given with every pound) 200 pounds sold In two weeks. Remember I keep nothing but the very best fir3t-class goods. Fresh sup ply every week. Call and examine at Crapon's j Finally Grocery. GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, Faml :y Grocer, mch 22 Sonth Front St WATER. Our Magnificent Apparatus la ready to supply the public with Vichy, Deep Rock, Tate Epsom and Soda. For the present wc shall have the following 1 Syrups, others to be added: Lemon, Nectar, XT n - r- t c.i.ll1. CkAVwt OMnm Raspberry, strawberry. Pineapple, (last from the fruits themselves; ana conee. wmcn cou blned with pure fresh Cream forms a delicious beverage. : 1 We are determined to make a repuLition la Soda Water, to keep It, and consequently to tell It. MUNDS BROS. A DeROSSET. mch 21 Druggist, Market Street. Steam Yacht Louise. TfcASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER X for Smithville dally. Rates low and accom- modaUons fine. The LOUISE Is a new boat and Is guaranteed safe WIU leave Smithville at 8 A. M. Leive Wilmington at 2.30 o'clock, P. M . For freight or passage apply on boird. Wharf foot of Dock btreeu WM. WEEKS, mch 25 Agent and owner. of your unroot or my printlnir House leaked badlw but since you applied your Roofing Paint, It nas not ieaKeu at an, notwitstanumg somo heavy rains have fallen. I cheerfully recom mend your Paint to all who havo leaky roofs. 1 i JNO. It. EGE. We also refer to :J. T. Younir. President Planters & Mechanics Bank; John Mann, At torney at Law: F. Gallasrher. Deputy Collect. or, and J. A. Wanvlck & Bro , . Commission Merchants-. m (From Petersburg LvrEX-ArrEAt, Jan. 24th, TRIEf AND Not Fouxd WANTrso.Tho test of the lire-proof qualities of Mr. Motfs roofing paint was made on Courthouse avenue last evening. In the presence of a Liriro num. lwr nf miontfitnva niwl thn Anlrnl ul I.fntrr1lr established all tlmt was claimed for the nalnf. A small house made of dry pine covered with a thin coat of paint, was placed under a iUe e . l . t.c v. . 1 -ii . 1. Bene oil was poured and ignited. Tho flames leaped high into the air and burned f arlously for forty minutes. Finally j the houso was raked from the debris and ' drenched with keropene oil, which burned off rlcan, leaving tho wood unscorched, as any one may seo who nas tne curiosity to can at tno aitnaiii Hotel, where it Is on exhibition to-day. Tho (object - of the test, which on account' of tho caution of the authorities was not as severe as usual, was not to prove the impossibility of dostroy ing the box by lire, but to 6how that the paint U an effective protection against tho ordinary accidents which causes lire. This was tnado so plain to our mind that it has bcenMctcr mined to treat the roof of thelxuEX-Arr-EAL remodeled. A cottier, and In our opinion. more valuable quality of tho paiat Is Its im perviousncss to water, making It a euro rcmo. dy for leaks In old shingled and tinned roofs. As a test of this, two paper boxes wero palted on the inside and kerosene oil poured Into one and wfltrr Into the other without tho lhr htst effect upon the paper. ,The boxes with their , cod tents can alto bo seen at the Walthall hot I to-day. Persons who may have leaky roofs. ! or who may wish to guard against flro should crive Mr. Mott a call and learn from him about the matter. Wo have no hesitation In saying that hc has a good article which is worthy or the attention 01 property owners. Orders respectfully solicited. Mr, Wrizht. the General Agent for tho StateJ is at the Purcell House, and will bo pleased to re ceive orders and glye all Information required. A nnblic.tcst. same as that referred to in the extract above, as had In Petersburg, will bo made In this city, due notice of time j and piaco to be given hereafter. ? . Proprietors for autc of NorUi Carolina, mch 21-lw i Economy is Wealth. TCUVE YEAR3 KENT WILL PUR CHASE A HOME. Bullduig LoU for Ty taJc on the instalment plan on Castk Church, Nun, Ann, OraDgc, Mulberry, Red .1. rxfi I Cross, Gwynn, Rankin, Foiirth, Fifth, Sixth, i . ' ' . I 1 L 1 Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Dickinson, Tenth, Wood, Bay, Zlcrenth, Charlotte, i I : Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets. Also, Houses and Lots for sale ' L I Money loaned to those wunisg to utuji Apply to ' - - 1 mch 20 JAMES WILSON. Home's Garden Oysters A' fcta.10 Whiskey and purest Wine sold In the city. Look Boys ! The "Old Hickory 99 LAY IN YOUR A "AUR STOCK f and handsome designs this year. Call and XTOW IS THE TIME TO X supply of BaUs. Tops. Marbles, Ac irge stock just received at iaiw. Easter Cards. " COMPRISES MANY NEW see them early THINK OF THIS We offer at only 53 cents per volume such valuable liooks as Mac- id s uisiory Half Hours. ie standard poets, Ac Bound In handsome ciotn ana gut binding. C- w. XAliA mch J 113 Market Street BE THK BEST. They are to bo had only at the Old .North B Saloon. No. 6. South Front St. 1 1 lee cool Lazer Beer soedalty. The best Cigars as rood as the best. Inced. Call and be eon- auicy's ulstory of Esglano, urec of the English People. Knight's Glbboas Roman Kmidre. all tl FARU WAGON, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Carts, Drays. Buggy Harness, Carriage Harness, Rockaway Harness, a rues, narnesj, Cart and Dray Harness, Collars, llames, BUnd Bridles. Trnnts or au aina,uags.&acM and Satchels. Repairing promptly done by skilled workmen. ' Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store. mch 24 i Beautifdl ! j Beautiful ! -ralRD CAGES THAT LEAD the Market. X , I Highest market prices mar an tee I and rrompt cli anJ see xor yourseir. re uiay unimney s returns. a, w. aitMAJia, Floes. Coo btorea. Tin Ware, Pumps. JUght-1 Produce CommU&icn aircnani aoiu oroccrg PCUE WHTTJS OIL. mch 24 1 f eb 20 I Sell all Kinds i OUSTRT PRODUCE ON COSUIi35iurt. tJVM. . . I " O" "