MISCELLANEOUS THE CHEAT GEEUAK REMEDY FOR PAIN: XUlilcir BinxJUTisir, rleuralfila, 8li ties. Lwbip, riunacnE, ? ttE THROAT.. Qrosr.ivoxr.ios. ' nxAixx, Soruas, feta, Irtifts, ntOSTBITES. - Xml 3 (dw M3; set rm cot i xti aU t j snPrMi a4 n nni-Tipiatl) itHiwwi, aa, r. &. a. Ton elalai tc mucJiffTbAHic:- tsvs -kepilc. Uow c a one medicine be a pc cile for L"pUcx y. Dysp!, A leohlim. .-J4 Opla Eating, . Iiaeanatln, !ri Vlapiv.becaiueihertnii of Udleaet r,fAaUi:d. Iu Nervine. Resolvent, A-rm-.iTt n4 Laxative proprtle xatt all the USzSL tYrtla referred to. It kxowa wcrd U'tt rttrri too of activity to the stomach a&4 itnr.9 whereby to brain li i re- :,t ei of fccrt-ii f irde. Wbica are crciU br teeie referred to. Tji.Vt'ccs. LTjtr. Literary men. aiei ei sat. Ii)Kr.Li:c t and ill th w hose sed 'tr !!oTBt ran nervous prr:rstlcn. lrrrrJru:Vf Ue blood, stomach, bowels Oi 1 Tct.,l j-r USra it the- roost wn. it rtul In , vrict t Ht eter utained the tlnlunr y r text. steW tv a!l DTTsrst. "lb I'll. I. A. tiCllM USD JLD. a.,Vropr'tJesrpa, Ma rof tti-nonlals and clreuUr n'ni rtnp. Sit . bUUs. Sjt Tk ZL7. O0 dc l Iw-nrm ThcDaily Reviev. AN OItiaiNAI'IXVI3STOUV. Ha strolled toVi her. Shestrosalwl the same I . , m, fo told and un To prevent hi daunts r Bat. a gn)it:en by lightning, he heard utrexciaira: "Avaum, sir!" -Ami oil he avaa'nted. Bat wbrn he returned, with a wild, fiendish laugh, i V SbowIn2c!carly thathe was affronted. And thrf a'rned by mairi force to carry ber off, ! I She cried, -Drn'tr !And the poor iei;ow ticn ica. l3.3tyear, ia tuch quaLtit;c3, end of sach superior quality, as to injure the I sale of thGir anicle considerably. It U ssid tbatorer.40(XX) ba3hels of Wil- mtngtoL rico was shipped to those places iai seascn. Very good Tor .'Wilmington. . in all my zigzaz trayels through 30 v- nisci:LLA:n:oui3., IHSCLLLAKE0U3. CAPITA! 8TOC K. When he calmly approached, and got down at her Teet, I Praying loud, as betore he had ranted. That she would forire hitn and try to - oe sweet. Advertising Cheats ! J ! "It has become so common! to write the bezianing of an article, in an ele ganu interesting manner, K 'Then ran it into some adrertisement COUntlPH ftnil 4fl trivna .nrl irillo rraa nnrl I f Vlftf. XV B nrntd oil - ) - ' - over a distance of 2,000 miles, among r'And simply call attention to the strangers or alone, and after trayeline merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hon" until a late hoar at night before-I could est terma-as possible, - j reach a -place for entertainment, I 'To induce people 1 carried no pistol or anv other weanon To cive them ono (ri.tf ' nhMcn or defence, and was always treated with I proves their value that they will never EraPMJS FUND..-., Ki uic&h jtjaune?s anu respect. uso ax.jLn.ng else ' lam sure now that our Southern ' "The Keiiedt so favorably noticed peor lo are not so immoral and vicious in all the papers, a it has been reported ot them. Many 'Religious and secular, is of the counties through whieh I passed "Having a lare sale, and is supplant have adopted the prohibitory liquor ing all oth-r medicines, law, consequently there is no drnnkeness "There ftwd the people are prosperous, peace I the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Hitters have shown great shrewd- First National Bank of Wii- ; mington. t2S0,00Q e8.oci OepoiltB r&oetved ud ooUectlon mads os all aooeaan1e potalsa the Uatadutas. anieana nappy, i have returned to Wilmington, and I have come to sjay; not because I like Florida less but the Old North State more. Florida Is a nice t . I A I . 1 - i. . .1 " And said 'CanU.vou?',-tao-dear palpable to every m. . , uniiv ail nrr ruizpna nro rinn iMnnm 11 i nnsprvunnn " o -v...-. " I Inilntlrlnns ennakU. Un 1 t . ... ... . r aiai aiasii alas!!! tbose -rT4erkorr4uireaT.erre tonlr. i-:'tirci r tu -n t : vA a iut ax N sctix c i I o va 1 u bl c Out on the Prairie. Couccrnlnt: Something 'Hcttcr than Mrs. Toodlcs Wheel barrow And the It ens on Why. wfifn erUla Corommarr ueenii com Then softly ho whispered, "How'could yoadoso? I certainly thouzht I was iiltedr But come thoa with mc, to the parsou we'll go. Say wilt thoa, my dear?"' And she wilted. Then cayly he took her to sec her new home A cabin by no mems enchanted, See! Here we can live with no longing to roaTi." He said, "Shan't wc, my dear?' So they ahantied. . Kor tbc Dally Ecrlew. From Florida. On the20:h day cf October last I set! out, by private conveyance, to visit the Iand of flowers, and spend the. winter there. I traveled throuch and can rais ed two counties in North Carolina, ten n South Carolina, eleven in Georgia and seven in-Florida. I visited mauv of the fine cotton plat at ions and tur pentine farms in buth Ctroiina and Georgia which surpassed, iu size, any that J bad ever Eecn before. The farm- og lands are very fine. -though I am not sure that they are superior in qual ity to these of onr own b:a!e. the turpentine and timber businesses in Georgia and tionUa are just in their nfancy, and somo ot our rortu Ciro inians are there, anions the pines. reaping handsome rewards, and there s room for more. It is impossible tor any one i have a correct idea ol the vast amount ot beautiful pine rorest in our Southern country that has never felt the weight ot the woodsman's axe. In traveling through the country I met with many impediments, such as bad and crooked roads, deep! swamps, bad bridges and bugs without bridges, swill rivers with poor arrangements lor fer rying, &c, &c; but when I arrived in Florida nnd bMn to enj the. mellow and bracing climate and saw that prat d and pictuersquo set orange prove, itn us gree insects mos- auitoes. gnats, aandflies. horseflies, ear ic, .deerflies. dogflies, " yellowflies, hon3eflies,fly,fly.fly. flies! Then come me centipedes, roaches, crickets, ticks, red-bugs and bug, bug. bug, bug! And worst of all is that miserable water! Give rao the Old North Stato forever! Let roe live and die in onr littla CAtv hv the Sea!; J" " ; ' ,i , There were many incidents in my traveU which are both interesting and amusing, but it would make my letter; too long to relate them. J. R. M. Hysteria and Nervous Prostra tion. We give onr readers an extract from a cheerf ul letter, writtcd by Mrs. Eliza- 1; "From a er, rheumatic trouble and Nervous de bility. 'Dndcr the care of the best phjslpians, - Who gave her disease various names, "Bat no relief, "And now Bhe Is restored to ns Irt good health bv as simple a remedy as Hod Bitters. both Smith, of . Richmond,, Ind,, who tub pakeitts. says: "bamanlan Nervtnc cured me ness "And abilitv In compounding a medicine whose A . i inues are so nalnable to everv onnTx observation. I3IdShoIIe? ' "No! 'She lingered and Buffered along, pining away all the time for years ;n - The doctors doing her no good ;" - "And at last was cured by this Hon Bitters the papers say so much about." 'Indeed! Indeed!" "How thankful we should be for that medicine." , i A Daughter's Misery . "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery. ' Vnw Vm.Tr JCr TVIlvnlrtf complication of kidney, liv- ' V 7 - "b DI&XCTORSt K. E. BUKEUS3, D. O. WOSTn) A. UABTXN. JAS. SPBUNT, UEOBGE.Cn AO BOURN. OTTXCKES: E. E. BUBKUSS A K. W ATiK TCB. rrasldeat Catalar Ahot Caaaks Steamship Lice. ot nystena and nervous prostration. torn ment is useless. ; THE ST. NICUOLASHOTEL. Sale of the Furniture A Sketch ol Itf History and Its End. The good-natured face of ,Edward SchencK, the auctioneer, beamedjdown upm 200 people assembled in the grand dining room of the St. Nicholas Hotel, when the sa!e of the furniture and effects opened this morning. Among those present were Thomas R. Proc tor of Utiea, the proprietor of the Rich- he;d springs House,. H. A. Cranston of the New York Hotel, M. M. Stan field of the Victoria Hotel, Mr. Hitch cock of the Fifih Avenue Hotel, and Messrs. Hawk and - Vihrbee of the Windsor. The bidding was,, from the beintng, spirited -and quite .satisfac tory to me auctioneer. 'J he St. Nicholas was opend Janua ry b, lboJ. Ine proprietors, Messrs. l read well, Acker & Co., 13 since he used suffering Father is Getting Well. "My daughters say; "How much better father TTam 171 Mot. - . "He is retting well after hla loner irom a cudeaee ueciarea mcurauie "And we are so glad that he used your Bit ters. A Lady of Utlca, N. Y. inch 15 lmdw tpc nrm . - Ioubly Valuable. The most economical and effectivo external remedy is Benson's Capcine Forna Plaster Price 25 rents. - mch 24 Aw ALDEN'SMANIFOtD I CYCLOPEDIA. Over 300,003 subjects and 5,000 Illustrations. numerous maps, 20 volumes, large octavo, $25 00; cheaper edition, $15 00. Specimen pages free. .000 Volumes. Choice Books descriptive Catalogue free. Books lor exam inatlon before payment on evidence of good faith. NOT sold by dealers pi if es too low, JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, f 18 Vesey BI..N. Y. P. O. Box 1227,' mch 24 4w r . STEAMEES WILL SAIL FBOXI NEW YORK EVE SATURDAY, at S o'clock, P. M. Saturday, April ......Saturday, April 12 . ...8a.turday, April 19 Saturday, April 26 BENEFACTpR REGULATOR BENEFACTOE..... REGULATOR....... ae tmteu wun felt that I was for all my trials. o the o.d saying of in pictures of silver." rue of the Christian s golden fruit, I i amply repaid I was reminded "Apples ot gold It also reminded warfare through vc.. n'7WB l c,r Ihe journey of life. His trials, troubles and aflncttons here, will sweeten his cup of joy when he reaches those sweet fields arrayed in living green and rivers of delight. 1 i rlorida, in winter, is indeed, a love ly "ouutry, and many tourists arc met thpro, from every State in the Union. I devoted a large portion ot time to the study ot the o ran go culture. It has been said that "wo should plant olive trees for our grand children, Oranges tor our cbildron and peaches fop our selves." . ; Rut I find that an bid man may plant orange trees with a reasonable expecta tions of eating tho fruit thereof, as it re quires only five years in the bude'ing process to have bearing trees, from tbc time ot setting them out. ! After the trees have been set out and become thoroughly rooted, the grafts or buds grow very fast. I measured an eight months old bud that was seven inches and another twenty months old bud that was eleven inches in circum ference. These buds will bear this year, and they arc less than i two years old. I The aro many obstacles in the way of orange culture, but nearly all o them may bo overcome by proper man agement. The only thing that appears to be pcyond the reach of science is the bursting of the skin or the orange, at er protracted rainy spells ol weather. The for-wivn, r.,r tcvnYiiTc. vZzijrir I" sppearj to grow so rapidly in fOMxa:ir. Dr. a. g. oua. Box 541. Cbic- damp wea' her, aod tho rhind becomes so full of sap and S3 tender that many burst open wlca the sun shines out warm on them. The wood-lice, scale insect and other insects that Inlestthe orange tree, may be destroyed by sprinkling them with a solution ot carnoise aciu. Kerosene and water. Chickens are also useful In the grovo for destroying the insects. A high state ot cultivaiioa is one ot the essential parts in orange culture. To 1 insure success the land must bo rich and the soil stirred. Cane stubble seems to be a very fine article for mulching. The soil in tho grove should bo entirely covered some six or eight inches deep, which not only prevents the sun from parching and taking away the strength of tho manure, but also keeps tho soil moist and mellow. Orange culture is a beautiful ocenpa tion from beinnnlng to end. ana au ite remunerative, bat l am opinion that it will not be so profitable in the f nture as it is. just now. I be lieve the supply of oranges, ten years lrom now. will be much gna'.ar than the demand. There will bej doubtless. Tijm Pic ion had dcxUre-i he would have fttatf ibe rations for tail General's tiirbloo were not forth-om!c at a certain hour, tho Dufce replied -AV dl t he tadec-J go fr as that? D.'d he u; he'd baajt joa? 1. my krd " WeiL Genertt Pifn I Just the man to kph!wnrL YoaM better get the rations en la U-ne Hot ta get It rU)3i or any i hit g e-se on la vmm OQ0 mci tnoir wcea to lay his hand on Vktm. A Mr. Tootle aU l about the coffin wbta he hA't boojht at auctloa and brought -It aa ytblog tXa'J hippeo. my dear. It will be m ban ty v hite 14 ine boase." rlat m use rrcat wholesale drug house of wl'j:v iiirt. ta Kiia. Id , one rtar, air. O. If. Mienaia. the j fcokgrphr f.f tht p'ac. rraurtei. foaoprulng PARIfR'S TONIO aart BJ It ta nr faajllr far two rears, and I aheiut:ni!y rrooonnoe U the bet medicine w bar ever nel It U bandy to hTC la the ton, ib i we are never without It " CuISed from the tnas of reaaona why Mr. vaersua wm rt!gbl. Ih rx1 nonh to con irtae Hfi. PAR11RST0MIC Udelidons t th pU; cotl. u tavlgoraiea. but dot crrm0 lor far ttroj driiU; third. It care Cooeb aa4 Cok! by Inciting the torpid orrs m beaiiav aetloo. aadopealag all the FrMoriaeim; fourth, it rartaa the Utood, UTurarleg Kk!aey. Ltrwr and. Lung dUeaacs aaRAetiaatlitai; flflb . Bt Uie It lnio your bouae.aml It will sreaa rrtu:r uae nj!, you will change it for va.f r-nriciaacoamenait rriec. eewu an t fl. lliscnx A Co , ChetnUU, w iotk. Dcnil4awinnrm & Co.. who had formerly Kept the Franklin House, on :ene, the beautiful H10.811 ?w oceup.ed by the Western ..n Union rciecraph company's buildme in nr-iauway, sparea no expense in nt- tig up th new hostelry. The mam dinincr hall, the bridal chamber and the "Governor's Ro -m," on account of hrir luxurious appointments, were v sited daily by crowds of fcishtseeis. When i he World Fair was held here, the following year, the hotel was con sidered as one of the wonders of the town. A band of music played in . one 1 tlia balconies wmie tne guests were at dinner. The meals were served in courses with such pomp and ceremony that from two to three hours were re quired for the proper discussion of the viands, which were provided, On Feb ruary I, 18C3, Messrs. Spotts & Hawk bocome the proprietors of the St. Nicholas. During the war several at tempts were made to set firo to the hotel, but in each case were unsuccess ful. Anions those who made the St. Nicholas their headquarters while in New York were Mario and Grisi, Pres idents Andrew Johnson and Martin Van Buren; Gen. Auzie, of Mobile; Dean Richmond; Erastus Cornine: Sir Alexander McNab and Hon. W. E. Cameron, of Canada; Gov. John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, and Governor H -ratio Seymour. When the celebration of the completion of tho Atlantic cable was held in this city, 1,421 people sat down to din ner in the dining room or the hotel. DQPTI OH. Mf Through Bills Ladlnsr and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points in North and South Carolina. Tor Freight or Passage apply to . H. 6. SMALLBONE8, Snperlntendent, Wilmington, N. C THEO. Q. EGER, Freight Agent, S5 Broadway, xew York. WM. P. CLYDE A CO OenflraJ AarenU. oct 29-tf. I bar a rxmtiTe remedy for the abore disease ; by It m thousand of cases of the worst kind and of Ions standing have been cored, f.ifh in lfca ffte&CT. that I will FREE, togetner with a VALUABLE TREATISE on thii due, to any sufferer. Give express and P. O. address. Db. T. A. SLOCU4L 181 Pearl St-Jiew York. EiSll Baltimore & Wilmington Steamsliip Line. FAY'S CELEBRATED WATER-PROOF MANILLA ROOFING Referable fine leather: fo? Roofs, Outsfde ylfia, and Inside ta place of plaster. Very Btromr and durable. Catalogue with teetimo pialsand samples Fit EE. Established 1868. W. II. FAV& CO., Camden, N. J. llllmi.MH-W-l.ll mil Ml III I II I. I.f ii III, El NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. STEAMERS mum & suiiiiEit- GO. DC 1 -1 I 2T OW O -'i .. . . AT- 1116 rjarko't Gt.: i. t All the Latest , Novelties I -IN- Dress Goods, ; White Goods, Gloves, llosicry, Honsekeepliig: Corse is, Go6flo, i r . Men and Boys' Wear, t ALL ATIPRICES LOWER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS. T And which In Texture, Wear and Durability will glyo aaUsfacUoa. MORE PARTICULARS UT A FEW DATS. CALL AND (JET SOME OF TIIE SPECIAL BARGAINS AT, t i i J ' 'i-'-l f 116 IVJarket St. Jan 21 ;....'.. ,:'f! .;.,.., ,-,. u , No More V Weak Eyes. Raleigh and YidettCe On and after Saturday .January 5th, a Steam er of thla line will sail from MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. ! A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, "Producing Long-Stghtedness. and Re- storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, Red Eves, Matted rjye Lasnes, ana rro- dudng Quick Relief and Perma- nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used In other maladies, snch aa Ulcers, Fever 8ores, Tu mors. Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever Inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S SALVE mv be used to advantage. ' . . Bold by all Druggists at 25c mch 24 -4 w EycrylSA URDAY, atSJP. M. MAIL POST PAID. Sufferers rrotn l outhrul Imprudence caaalrur Nerrons Debility. ncsuiafriparsiealOTertn. vaioabie in mar il-d.wlT rTtyKrr.l from formnba naed by aa eminent parffcUa dortcg 9 years ancceeaful pmetloe. ??ert2 Va. 1 fiuAiunivl ta mtTocit a ndl fJ ear of all afectioas of the Rlood, whether Srotainsi or acquired. Skin neaea, plra t- -ta patrne. etc, are permanently cared fey Rste'a Sncclfls No. I. Prloe tl. Xi&c No. i Care 8Ktnat. Wiiicxwi, jutoc Dcaxurr. frooa Yoothrnl liucre- For c prod.tdnr ExhaatMl Vital T aa-t Is of Uanhood. TaU reoieiy U no. SAiVd la the care of these com plaint, it 1 powerful stimulo to the weakeoe-1 Ncrrons ritx a.uu Na'are to renew the strength Uriah "Welch, the present lessee of the I a. l ;i . nousc, nasnaa comrot oi us interests I n?.i rj-i'- DI nl..Cl since 1878. He will devote his atten- 266th LClltlOn. rflCe Unly 31 lion mis summer to inaaagcmeni of his hotel. "The New American," at Richfield Spring: B. H. Herbert, the usher of the St. Nicholas, has been in the employ of the house ever since it was opened in 1853. The trustees of the estate owning the St. Nicholas wil! tear down the present structure and erect in its place a block for. business purposes. N. Y. Mail and Express. Wr of tit ilii!!tusi ann&i. and effect vci3c No. 4 ;ue laslaat reCcf and per ""TeareaiaenmatUm. Price t. cu: Na. a a po!Ut cure for aU weak .r1. taasaon to females. Price 1 1. JT jOn-: or sent on receipt ot price t, iJ N. Clark Sc. Chicago. John C. Davis, A "OR-VXT AND - COLXSELLOR AT. LAW, nm. wiuturoros. J. '-oe oer Ue ruav of sw ILanover. .r?Orea .m.k- ctMrtMot turn BtatA. 'How are we we ever going to get through our Spring and Summer's work? We are all run down, tired oat be To re it begin." So say many a farm er'ij family. We answer, go to your druggist and pay five dollars for six bottles of Aver's Sarsaparilia. This is just the med cine you need, and will pay compound interest on the invest ment. From "WTIfj3EIlSrC3-T03Sr, 8ATURDAY, unless sooner loaded. Through Bills of Lading and lowest through rates guaranteed to and from point en the Ran Roads and Cape ear River. ALSO, Tojand from Boston, Providence, Phlla4el phia ana au western clues. For Freight Engagements, apply to A, O. GAZAUX, Agt., ' Wilmington, N. C. ANDREWS, & CO., Agts. 3." W. Corner Light andiGerman 8ta . ,' dec-29 RalUmore. Shirts illade 'K ORDER OF BEST WAM8UTTA Fhirt JL lng and No. 2100 Linen for the loir price of $i.oo. A perfect fit and good substantial work guar an teed. Oar patrons and customers are invlt ed to call and leave their measures at the above remarkably low price at the Wilmington Shirt , factory. j. juj&bach. 1'rop.. Fore closu re Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained in a deed of mortgage made by tt. J. Byrd to S. II111 Terry on tho 27th Janua ry, 1 83 5, recorded in Book 8 8 8, page 437 of the Records of New Ilanover Couotr. the nn- . derslgned will expose for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the vConrt .House door In -the city of Wilmington, on Uonday,2$th April, 18S4, at 12 o'clock, M, the following described tracts of land situate iu said city, described aa follows: - - ..if ,i .h- f 1st One lot beginning at the No'rthwo t cor- ner of Block 29G, runs thence 8outh along the East line of Seventh street V0i feet, thence East parallel with Harnett street 531 feet to Love's line, thence Northwestwardly with said line 132 feci to the beginning, being parts of lots land 2 Block 290. V. i 2nd One other lot beginning at Northwest corner of Block 29 f, runs thence East with the youih Bide of llarnett street 6,fect, tbenca South . parallel with rove- th street 13 J feet, thence West parallel with Harnett street 15 feet to Love's line, thence Northwest wardly with said line 140 feet, more or k ss to the be- . ginning, being part of Lota 1, 2 and 8, Block: 298., JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., mch 8 30d " V Atfy for Mortgasce feb Preach I np: and Practice. "See here, Mr. Black, what are you going out to-night for?" asked Mr.s B. AilA A VaiCUltl lVIXX. MVUWV 7T it is meeting to nignt," expiainea ait. of the I apologetically. "Political meeing, eh? I echoetl Mrs. B. "You have been Has Arrived I A SII SUPPLY OF THAT delicious a thousand oer cent, more on ton mar- ?L?,lcUl iaitoa pau ata collection ket by that time than now! If they s-utt eould be held back, like peanuts or cot ton, the market might cot be overstock ed, but they are perishable, and must be pushed on the; market ana sou ai aomeTirico. So we may bein u wne; our teeth and prepare for tho battle, for they must be eateu. On royiway home. I came by tho rice plantations in the IVc Dec and Wacca- aisB-,.4 , imaw secuons. ine puiait-ra ciu J sac:er given with every pvund) 0 roaoda buiUj , eQca?ed In . tho preparation la t mm n..v.Tt..ifttMnelbf their landa fori the oominz iti-i JSi a a w a mr w a"1- " season. iney raise large quantsues of rice there, but it seems to bo some what inferior to our Wilmington rice. Somo of tho planters are com plaining of .ha Wilmington rice having been it at to Charleston and . Gcorg?town, WED PIKE APPLE bv today's N Y '' Abjj, another lot of that A S. 1 MIXED TEA at eJ per pound. (China Cup ktl Us very bet rt-la good. Freahtup 7TTTJ week- Call aai examine at Crapoa'a - -! j vtiwuef t. UaU. XL CRAPOX. Ant, - -ramify Grocer, etaa d Boats rrcs s going to political meetings every night for five weeks, and if it had not been for me you would have worn yourboots to bed every time." "But just think how nice it would be if I should get nominated for some- thing! Think of the loads of money I could rake in, and the nice furniture and new clothes and sealkin eacqucs and-" That will do," interrupted Mrs. Black ; "I have heard that story before. You made a speech last night at a ward meeting, I see." "Yes" res ponded Mr. B., with pardonable pride. "And I see by tho two or three lines notice of it in the newspaper that the burden of your remarks was the of fice should seek tho man and not the man the office.' Now.you just take off that overcoat, sit right ; down, and if any office comes along and knocks I will let him in." He sat. . . KUOW - THYSELFi &iJ A GREAT MEDICAL WORK OH MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous land Physical Debility, Premature Decline in I Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. Jt contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of whlh is Invalu able. So foan 1 by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years la such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em boased coers, full gilt, guaranteed to boa finer work In every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold In una country ior f 2.00, or tne money win oe refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 eta Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the Officers of which he refers. This book should be read by the young for Instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefltalJ. London Lancet. There I no member cf society to whom this book wul not be useful, whether youth parent, euardlaa. intrnctororclTsrvman A raonaut. aiecucai iqbuidw. t , - t(n,. -ni. Mn vm Rullflnoh KfrMt I . r'"" ' p 27 Market St. Be Careful fN MAKING YOUR PURCHASES OF TA- JL BLE SUPPLIES to avoid the so called low prices at which some goods ara' advertised. It I .It will pay you to buy first class goods only Your Grocer, If reliable, wuVnot palm off tn- Address the Pea. bod lr. W. IL Parker. No. 4 Bullfinch Street. Boston. Mass . who may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic id oostinate dlseMes that have baffled the skill of all IJ PJA I other physicians a specialty. Hi C A mm Snch treated successf ol-HP O CT I E? I n 1 wuur ly without an In stance of failure. mch 24-daw 4w For Sale. PATR CARRIAGE HORSES.. SEVERAL FINE BUGGY HORSES, GOOD MULES. Also. Carriages, Bugglea and Hearses to let at lowest possible rate. HOLLXNGS WORTH A CO., . Llrcry and Bala Stables, isich 15 . ; Cbr ilh sal llnjberrr its 8 ferior good at seemingly low prices in order to get or retain your custom, livery article we seal is guaranteed to be precisely as repre- sentea. An examination ox our oioex u llclteJ: everv irt of which will be aotd at ze& aa similar roods can be had! else where. ReepectfuIIy, J.4 B. HUGGINS A CO. mch 24 Slarcvpy jt. . - N. A. SlDJJ, Jr.,, attorney-at-law. ri . Office on Prioeeas. between Front and Sec ond streets, in the Basement of Building No. 1 14, next to old Journal Building, WILMXNG- TN. N. C .... ''..;.' -I I Practices la all the- Criminal and Civil ' Court of New Hanover, Bladen, Columbus. ! Pender and Brunawicx uounuea. , feb i-dAw-tf " - j - . y-' ltDonft Matter TF THE OLO TEAS IS GONE AND THE New Tear has came, HUMPHREY, JEN KINS CO., are still receiving at their Oys ter nouc No. 113 i-outh Front Street, a freab t supply every day of New River Oystera. Oyt f tcr sa-Tpcq u. u. a, msa eaea urixera I ilwsrt ca tiid, Hsu y.j . ilat United States of America. District Court of tt.e United sutes for the Eastern District of North Carolina, 1 Bryan Morse 1 j . against " . In lAdmlraltT for Steamer Minnehaha, wharfage and fuel. . - ana 1 , -; James B. Pardee.- J ,:. 1 -t . , . : j Notice la hereby given that In obedience to a monition to me addressed under the seal ot the District Court of the United ttates. for the District of Cape Fear. In the Eastern District of North Carolina, dated 25th day of March. A. l'. 1834, 1 have this day attached and seized wa v l w- aas aC u Ntvm li fr'A VI and furniture, and do detain and hoi tthe same in my custody until further orders of the Court. ' J ? ' Now. all persona claiming the same or nay ing any an.hTltv to say why tne property should not be condemned atd sold la iavment of wharfage and fuel, are hereby notified to appear before tbe said Court to be bell tt Wil mbsgton, on the first Monday after the fourth aionafy in April. A.-D. th n and there to interpose a claim for the same, and make their allegation in that beoalf. ahowlog canae If any they have to the eontrafy. J. B. HILL, V. 8 JL Per Jos IL Neff. Deputy. mch 29 ' ' - - - ' '- t -- - - PFE0ELL HOUSE. - 1 . v r UNDER SEW MANAGEMENT, I WILMINGTON, H. C B. L. PERRY. Proprietor. Late Proprietor AtUntio UoteL riraCIaaa ui all it appomtmmta. Terms tX u tiXJa 1 1 1 11 ' 1 j 1 1 .iii 1 1 I. North Cliha; Resources. " 1 mmi .nl - : "One Of the most nasfnl aerie at At4t tlve books ever oablihJ ahont nv Rtit Boston Poet. - r . .. Hale's Industrial 1 Series. Two Volume Now Ready. 1 1 1. The Woods ivn Tnuri -t VAmr CUSA.Cnrti, traooD, acd Kerr' liotanlcal Report: autDlmntArl k mm,r.t County Report of Stan-llng rorcsU. andlUu- iv;Mei. mu.'jt oi tne etate. IS I Volume l2mow Cloth, 2tl pnU SL23. i IL la tub Coax. xxr inn V.V-w-rr NOETH CAKOLTXA -LfflmnrV W. f -1 i" ley's, WUkes, and tho Cen.ua Report; lap piemented by fall and accurate skc&bcaot llTo Fifty six CounUc and slap ot the fctate. Sold by all Bookseller, or mlud otrM on recelyt of tho prlcf, by ''' -.'--' v- T" ... . L' J. HALE A SON. ! rubwaerj, ookaeRer aaiMattonera. Or, P. M HALE, PohlUher. Ralci-h. N i: W. & E. S. .LATJDIEE, ttoraevs-atIiw; j"W WJ-m. ? I v --,' ,S-:,at .2" ' f -t t'.. , :' -

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