THIS PATER crsry evening. Sundays JOSH T JAMESt crroB ajtd raorairrom. WRirTlONS rOSTAGK PAID. 1 M.0O. Six months, tf-CO, Hut 0 .VloO: One month. S3 cent. Via be (Knreml by carriers fr F, aar Prt of the dry. at tbe abort wll! rort any and all tall. 'ZrXuiti Review has the largest e nrttJalion, cf any newspaper docVI las" of $M 00O.OM annually. Maron Cniwf: who !s on,J lwen" jer oM. bas dUiiogabbcd tIf bj rUins Tour ooveU in four te?3 isocths. Governor OcveTanJ ba. signed the furXn'tbefcts cf Sandy Hook pere wereuTtSJirHl in SS3 pau weoabrin 1.1.200 in a popula te of JM.:D0WO. or one pauper to eferj twenty 6" cf tbe population Mrs. Labeacbere. tbo former friend cfMrs.U'try.clliniSto bave lound ia Ucdoa an infinitely handsomer wo Bia. "boa she will bring lo America g-j put epea the stage. f-j'.Ua capitallsta hare been baying c?liicwa!DUtia Ohio. Iadiana and Iowa ia large quaotitiea for shipment toEo'.aJ. It U eitimaled they baTe purcbuevl $3.000.000 worth. Alfrf I Chadwick. a market gardener ia Wea era Canada, was lately divorced from bis wife because be had followed tLerJitoci of the country and yoked tbe nnfortaaste woman with a sieer to a flow. Moccure P. Conway, sailer an ab secce of twenty years Irora ibis coun try, proposes to return and settle down. prutallT ia Washington. Ho has bad a varied career as minister, lectarer asJ newipaper correspondent. It U eatimated that over 100.000 mis directed letters annually find their way lo tie "Intelligence Department" of the Dead Letter Office, in Washington. when? extorts redirect tbem. with the tfsl unbroken, to their proper destina tn. Tie orerland telegraph rire put up ia Alaska many years, ago. after tbe rst failure of tbo Atlantic cable, at an treoie of $3,000,000. has been utilized by the Indians in making salmon nets. Tbe wire extended over a distance of KO miles. Oicar Wildo doesat charge his audi eaces tbo fancy prices which ho ex tnrttd during his Tii t to this country . Twenty-fire cents will now gain admis iloa to bis lectures, while filXy cents will secure tbe best reserved scats in tbe bouse. A bill has been prepared by the post vSre department allowincr rents to postmasters of the third class for tbe baildlcM and fur poslofUccs. The bill bis psssed tbe Senate and has been iiTorably reported by the House com oitiee cn postoCicci. - -- Ixndoa is to have an electric ballet at Easier-lime. The stage will be dark- esedfor a moment. only to be instan tseoos!j illuminated with hundreds of tsllot girls ia armor, and etery point it pricked with stars of electric light. Aa isgesious Frenchman is the author cftbia device. When he arrrtved at t- Cbaring-Cross station with bis b"et dresses and machinery, he was prooptly arrested as a Parisian Fenian sad bad to provo his connection with tie tbeitrical trade before he was Te leajed. Tbe Educational bill passed the Ssate oa Monday by a decided Yote tall. Webaveasyetseenco analy Mcfib vote but believe that tbe two Seaators from North Carolina voted in Wot tbe bill. There is much to be J1 both for and against this bill and . txdlS warm debate in the Senate e,wir of party lines. It ia lo 5 ed that those who arc in UTorcedscaU:kgtheneKro swallowed J-eobiectioabUfeaturesofthe bill lor e sake of obtainieg theaid so ardently Jredaad so sorely neoded. Those who tosewtto negro educated faTor it Sid tiowboopposeany effort at ele lizg bis condition aLd who would p aim and bis desecadants as the cf igaorance and iu coascquea. Ticej. bitterly deplore the xais sded 2eal of the thirty three Senators would cot yield their raY con nxiocstotbe eleven who sought to fcritbea from the errors of their js. r i J'?' - Jr of tbe Farra iVw1"'""''"!! MI was afflicted rheumatism to badly I oculd wemly walk. SL Jacoba OU, tbe t pna-care, wM applied but once ud t cured rae.n Kow b the tlae to gtre Smith1! Worm VJ ' lydw Til iiJLT : 1 lETIEm l VOL. VIII. ! W ELMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. APRIL LOCAL NEWS J IIDEI TO IEW ADVEBT1SCUEITS. r C ItilXTR Smoke C W Yates Look Boys - Mrs Job Pcsaox ilcllclnat LouULaaa Sute lottery Company Diss K Kakbes Exchange Corne Jxuts WiLSox Ecocomy is Wealth UtixsBiRQER New FUdoj Now Organs Mods Bkds. DeCosset rearb'Soip 1 ii 1 There were no trarap3 at police head quarters last night. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 18 bale?. A cool westerly breeze this morning gave but little indicat'om of rain, but it raised clouds of dust to annoy people. Robert Pitlito. colored." was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct but was re leased upon tbe payment of a fine oj'2 Our friend W.. is most emphatically informed that bis article will never make acquaintance with the waste ba? ket. It will appear iu a ruoro plcaaant position in a day or two. 1 , We published yesterday the proceed ings of the annual meeting,of the Prod ucc Exchange but wc reprint the en tire matter to-day fo as to include Col- Moore's admirable report, which was not ready for publication in time for us yesterday. . ! Jjcfc Us. The side-wheel steamer Governor Worth, which has been bo !ona; known as a familiar boat upon the Cape Fear having' been recently sold to parties in Jacksonville, Fla.. cleared at the Cos torn House to-day for that port. Tho Passover. To day "is known ia the Hebrew Calendar as the Feast of the Passover in commemoration of which appro priate services will be held at the Temple of Israef to night. To give those who may desire an opportunity to attend tbe3t servic?s, the rehearsal by the Young Men Hebrew Associa tion at Germania Hall will not begin until 9 o'clock toS night, or after the conclusion of the Passover services. t 1'crsonal. Mr. W. II. G. Beatty. of Gravel Hill, Bladen counfy, was in the city to-day and paid as a visit. He reports that his section has escaped tbe devastation by the forest fire3.wbich havo been so destructive in many other sections. Mr. Henry Elliott, forraorly of Lis bon. Sampson county, but now of Gravel Hill, Bladen county, was in the city to-day and gavo U3 the pleasure of a call. i 1 Death of Mr. Keuben Kverltt. Mr. Reuben Everitt. an old and high ly esteemed citizen 6t thi3 section, died at the residence of his son! Capt. David V tariff T.rrinVnrn' Ifict nihf. RCPfl 63 years. He was also tbo lather 01 Mr. Joseph Everitt. of this city, lor some years past Mr. Evoritthad been in feeble health, and it was only a f?w months ago that he was removed to Laurinburg. In hopes that 4t would benefit him. i He was born on Middle Sound, and will be interred there, in the family burying ground. . The .funeral services will bo held at Prospect Church to-morrow morning. Rev. Mr. Hull offi ciating. I Sllht Fire. The alarm of fire was at 3 o'clock this afternoon occasioned by a spark from the chimney igniting tho sh'ngles on the roof of a one-story frame dwelling oa Fifth, between 2Tun and Church streets. The fire department 'turned out in quick time, but before they could reach the scene the flames had been extinguished by the energetic action of the neighbors. Tho only damage was a small hole burned in tho roof. The buildine was occupied by a family of colored people whose names we failed o ascertain. j The Baltimore wiimtnjrion Lice. We understand from Capt. A. D. Caz- aux. the Agent here of the Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship Linc.thatthe H- ... . In ... dttU Is to be laid up in paiumore iur repairs and improYemenb to ber ma chinery, and that sh wi.l be ready again for her usual trips in about hrec weeks. We are glad to learn rom Capt. Cazaux that this lino has proved a success and that it will j be made a permanent thing. Two boa .3 will be put on this Spring to run rega- arly between the two ports, it having been satisfactorily demonstrated that the tlmo can bo made to pay handsomc- We congratulate Capt. Cazaux on this fact for it is to his individual exer tions, we are convinced, that this hap py resolt Is mainly attributable. , PICODUCC EXCHANGE. Annual Meeting- Report of tho President Election j of Ofll ccrs, &c. The annual meeting of the Produce Exchange was held at tbe rooms of that body yesterday at 12 o'clock, there being a large attendance. The President. Col. Roger .Moore, cal.ed tho meeting to order.- whereupon the regular business wa? proceeded with; ino I resident 1 and secretary and Treasurer submitted their reports and tha former was ordered to be published and we present it as follows: jtepout of the president. Rooms Wilmington produce Exchange. Wilmington N. C , April 8, '84. Gentlemen: It has been customary at votir annual meeting lor the Prtsi dent of your Exchange to submit a rc port of what has been done by the Board of Managers during their term o oihce. and lor him to mate sucn sug gestions for your consideration as may prove beneficial. I would, therefore, beg to call your attention to tbe report ot your Ireasur cr. jusi rcaa. ana congratulate you upon our financial condition. You will observe that tbo balance turned ocr by the former Board ol Managers $332.05, has been added to our perma nent or surplus lund. thereby mcren ing it to $I.UI(i.57; that the amouu received trom dues- lor tac year was 1,192.57; aud the amount ex P'ndei, $1,167. 1'J, being an increase o cxi enditures over the previous earo SI 12 this excess of expenditures being used in providing our exchango Willi entire new furniture and in lilting up utes, racks, &c., (and additional rent; in our present rooms; and after paying every debt up to April 1st we have i balance of S25.57 showing that our in come has proven amply sufficient for current expenses: which should be a matter of congratulation. . The rooms of our Exchange are now fitted up in a very neat and substantia manner; are large and roomy, and are much better adapted to our purposes than thse formerly used, and wil orovo attractive and comfortable. In the matter of fire insurance, we have been unable to secure a reduction in the rates of premium on naval stores and cotton, which we feel ar excessive, and with our improved facilities for ex tinffuishing firca should be lessened, and we would urge upon our successors lo use everv ellort to havo them reduced. I take pleasure in reporting that the W & W. and W. J. & A. K. It. Jos. have completed their very large, and commodious freight warehouses; have erected platforms around them, and have fixed the crossings over their track on Nutt street so that tbo roadway leading to the C. C Railroad for drays, trucks and other vehicles is very much improved, and every lacility is afforded lor doing bu-ioess with the W. & W., C. & A. and C. C. Uailroads. To our City Fathers we should feel crateful for the very great! improve ment to North Water street, now under wav and aporoaching completion ; pav ir.c the same its entire len&th with the mo.t approved blocks, and laying the sidewalKS witn stone nagging, wuica, when completed, will add greatly to our business facilities, expediting the moving of goods, aud lessening the wear and tear on norses anu veaicies. Durinz the year a line of steamers has been established between this port and Baltimore Capt. A. D. Cazaux. agent here, and Messrs. Andrews & Co., agents at Baltimore which must add largely to our trade if properly fostered, and prove of great benefit to our Dort. I have every reason for believing that an aDDroDriation will be made at this session of Congress for the erection of a dos lo nice. coun.-ruoui uu oiuer public buildings, so much needed here. Through the exertions of our able and moat worthv Representative, Col- Wharton J. Green, the committee has reDorted favorably upon the matter. and it will without! donbt pass both Houses. To this and every matter that affects our inteiests Col. Green devotes hi3 entire time, and is entitled to our lasting gratitude. A committee of our best meichant3. appointed at a joint mcetinzof tbe Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade and Produce Ex change, have the matter of public build ings in cuarge, aim win uu u iu power to push the matter to a success ful issue. I would bes to call your attention lo the fact that the books of our Exchange show a falling off in both our receipt 1 and exports lor the present yearascom pared with la3t year, which in my opin ion should have your immediate atten tion and most earnest consideration. and every exertion should be made . to open up new avenues of trade and to the encouragement of new industries. A portion ot this talliDg oil can be directly traced to a loss ot a large portion of our trade with Onslow county, which Newberne is mate ing every effort to se cure, and with some degree ot success: his trade being dono in small vessels, 40 tons and under. Since the closing of New Inlet masters think it loo hazard ous to go to the western bar around I-ryinz Pan sboals, and there lore tne trade is "rjadually leaving os. ' Wo should therefore at once use every effjrt to build the contemplated road from here to New River, in Onslow county, a railroad not more ihan 35 miles Ion;:, and that can be built and equipped (narrow guaze) by estimate of an experienced civil engineer and railroad manager, at a cost not to ex ceed $200,000, and Uat would pay as toon aa completed. Aud with xe n River as a feeder, and - the develop ment of the lumber, oyster, vegetable, fruit, canning and other industries would prove not only very profitable to its Stockholders, hut wonlrl rfnrp this lost trade to our city and prove of iimuicu auYuoiage in many ways. Then the Clinton & Point Caswell Railroad, Col. F. W. Kerchner. Presi dent, which is now being graded, should receive every assistance at our hands, and when completed will add greatly to our trade. Every inducement should also bn of fered the management of the Cape Fear Sr Yadkin -Valley Railroad to make Wilmington its terminus, so as to give us a through connection with the West, which when secured, and our bar and river improvements completed, ?iving water -sufficient for vessels of largest size, will insure our prospsrity and give us that position that our magnificent-water ways and harbor will entitle us to; and if it ia found that suf ficient amount cannot be raised by iu dividual subscription we should at once take steps to secure proper legislation, so as to submit the matter to a vote ot our people. So if it is IhUr will, the city can in its corporate capacity aid in building these importaut enterprises, either by taking their hond3 or subscrib ing to their stock, as in their wisdom may be hereafter determined. I would beg to call your attention to the proposed Stale Exposition to be held in Raleigh in October next, aad to impress upon you the creat benefit that must accrue to our entire State and to oar section if properly represented, and the Exposition proves a success; and to urge upon you to take such steps to make it easy fcr the able committee appointed by the city arid our County Commissioners, and to do all in your power to assist them in making our ex hibition one we will all be proud of. I must congratulate you, that during our term of office no deaih has occur red from our membe- ship, no business failure, and at the end of our term the business standing of our membership is unimpaired and prosperous. : Owing to the very plain rules of trade adopted by your b dy, I take Eleasure in stating all business has t cn conducted harmoniously, and not one case for arbitration has been brought before the Arbitration com mittee during our term of office. We take pleasure in stating that we have made arrangements with the Sta tistical and Historical Publishing Com pany, who are cettingup a Book of In dustries, giving a complete history of uur v iyt our umerf m, commercial en terpnses, a description of factories, in formation as to city and county govern ments, bar and river improvements and setting forth our great commercial advantages for one thousand conies of the work, to be circulated by the exchange where we deem it will be: most desirable : and we have alreadv secured tne iunas tor the payment o me same. To the very able and efficient mancer in which our becretary and Treasurer, Col. John Li. Cantwell, has performed his laborious dutie?,we take great pleas ure in testifying, and must congratulate you in having one so competent for in a great measure to him the success ot our institution is due. x our committee on Quotations have performed their duties in a very; accep table manner, and to them we feel grateful. . , j . Thanking you, gentlemen, for the Boardjof Managers and myself, for your very courteous treatment, and anolo gizing for having detained you so longl and again thanking you tor your pa tient hearing, I am, respectfully. Roger Moore. At the usual annual election the fo! lowing gentlemen were chosen as offi cers of the Exchange for the ensuing year:; President Roger Moore. Vice President J. H. Currie. Board of Managers H. C. McQueen, A, II. Greene. B. F. Woody, R. W. Hicks. Hall, J. D. Inspectors of Elections J. M. For- shee, J. W. Bolles, W. W. Harriss. The Queen's Lace Uandker- chief. The New York Opera troupe will ar rive in this city to-morrow morning and will appear in the above named comic opera to-morrow night. The seats are now on sale at Dyer's. In speaking of this troupe, the Reading, Pa., Eagle says: The rendition of Johann1 Strauss' beautiful opera by tbe New York Opera Company at the Academy of Music on Monday evening, was by far the fresh est, most pleasing, and satisfactory operatic event that has taken place at be Academy during the present season. The orchestra, led by Herr Hans Krei gig. did duty from beginning to end and nor. a single break or blunder was no iceabie. The latest news from Africa is that the Zulu Kinz his the Croup: this news is doubted by many, but cot- withstanding, the friend of the king have sent him a case of Dr. Bnll'sCough Syrup and consequently know his cure ia certain. The Cornet Concert Club held a meeting for practice last night 'which was well attended and was very suc cessful and satisfactory. There hai been quite an addition to tho member ship. and it is expected it will before aany Tfeeks attain to. 13 pieces. 9, 1884; NO. 85 OIEO. EVERITT At Laurfnborr, on the 8th Inst, at 11 o'clock, MR. REUBKN EVERITT, accd 68 years. The funeral services will take place to mor row (Thursday) moraing, at 11. o'clock, at Prospect Church and tho remains will bo in terred la the family burying jrround on MM d!c Sound. Friends and acquaintances are la Tiled to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS AT EXCHANGE! CORNER, Tho wIl known leading MILL IN E It Y Of Wilmington, you will find a rull line of the latest styles ot JlaU ud Sonnets, Trimmings and Fancy Goods and 'otI&ns, materials for Embroidery, Ac L ! MRS. ALDERMAN, well known as the moat artistic trimmer in the fctate. is still at the head of tho Trim at ing Department with a full corps of able assistants. Respectfully MISS E. KARRER, . a pi 9 Exchange Corner. Oar store will be closed as usual on Good Fridir. OPERA HOUSE. IbrsJay, Friday, April 10, 11, k SatnrJayMaliLes m 1 Patterson, N. Y. Opera Co., In John Strauss Leautlful Opera I THE QUEEN'S LACE HAMEECHIEF. After a run of SCO nlght3 la N. Y. city. Tho Opera will be magnificently mounted with NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENIC EFFECTS, j Elaborate and Costly tojtumee. A Powerful Cast, j i Effective Chorus. Reserved Sale now open at Dyer's. Prices $1, 75c, 50c; Gallery 25c. ayl 5 5t MRS. JOE PEKS0N, MANUFACTURE & OF MRS' JOE PERSON'S f REMEDY. WILL BE AT TUB PURCELL HOUSE, WILMINGTON, N. C, On I Monday, April Utli, WHERE SUE WILL REMAIN isr b -week:, And would be pleased to hare parties inter ested in the subject of her KLMnUY call oa her, when 8be can elro them more extended information than she cjan by letter. Wnen tho parties cannot conveniently cail, Mrs. Pereon will take pleasure in visiting Wiem if requested to do so. Information In both .cases FitEE, This Remedy is a Specific for ALL BLOOD DISEASES. As a TONIC it gives universal satisfaction. As an ALTERATIVE Is unequalled. As a Purifier of the Blood, Is endorsed by all who have used it. It will cur hheumatlsm. Can cer In its early stages, Heart Disease, ErytU e laB, Indigestion, Bilious Colic, Eruption and all diseases occasioned by Impurity of the mooa. it is lnraiuoie lor scroiuia. it re lie ves Catarrh. It Is a boon to Ladles suffer Ing from 1lseaees peculiar to their eex. It is an antidote for Malarial Blood Poison And a sure remedy for restoring tbo system alter navmg naa chills and ever. Sold In Wilmington by Dr. W. H. Green and J.C Munds.who upon application will furnish Pamphlets containing testimonials of remark aoie cures, ana endorsements by prominent men oi Jonn Carolina. LABORATORY, Charlotte, N. C. aplQtf New Pianos. New Organs rjlO COMPLETE YOUR nAPPIKESS AT home, you want to Increase the facilities of a ' - - ' musical education by purchasing an egant Piano or Organ for your children. I have today received some entirely new styles of Pianos, Upright and Square, from tne ceieDratea lactones or sties:, wneeiocs and others, and the Ithaca and Peloubet & Co. Standard Organs. f ' These Instruments have sufficiently stood tne test xor years giving satisfaction to every purcnaser. The makes of Pianos that I sell are thinned yearly to Europe and all over tho United States ana nave been enaor&ea by tne most eminent European and American pianists. Please cau and exanuno stock at HEINSBKKGER'3, -apl 9 Lire Book and Music fc tores. Economy is Wealth. JUVE YEARS. RENT WILL PUR CHASE A HOME. BuUdlog Lots for sale on the instalment plan on Castle, Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Mulberry Red Cross, Gwynn, Rankin, Fourth, fifth. Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Slnta, Dickinson, Tenth,' Wood, Bay, Eleventh, Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Also, Houses and Lots for sale. Money loaned to those wishing to build. I Apply to apl 9 cw JAMES WILSON. Annual Meetin r. fJIBE ANNUAL MEZTING OF THE MSM bers (policy no wen; or tne Wilmington Hula' al Fire Ins. Co., n 111 be held nt the offieecf the Conj any on Wedneslay. f th Inst,' at 8 p. m - JJUW, apl 3 St 1 setny. A Decorated Dinner Set GILES MURCHISOS'S. -IXorchlsca Eloct. - apis We wnibocUd to rooclra aaaacalcaUcxa frtna our frten&a oa any" aad an gitiacts cf rsaeral interest tmt ' ' !! seef'tte'wtfteTButaiwariUxlr u&heatotheEdttoT. ." CcsamunlcaUona mutt bt Wrtttea ca caTy one side cf the paper. i j ersonalttSea tanat ba. avoided, . An4 it la especially and particular! 7 enter tiooa ShAt tt Etor doea.Bot always eados te the vlewa of correspondent unless to. state- In the editorial columns. t . NEW A VERTIJ3EllIENTBr EASTER GOODS! Easter Hats, and Bonnets ! Easter Flowers and Feathers Easter Millinery ! ALL CHOICE AND NEV j "; ''f ALL OF THE BEST-QUALITY 1 ALL AT, THE LOWEST poitiU4 pricis. ., ..... u. V ,',. '"y- On in n ' ' u-4 S i I- OUR DISPLAY OF 13 SIMPLY.SUPERB, Not only equalling butabaolutcIy turpasclng the exhibition of ;prevlona years, whUh havo made our reputation aa dealers In thoso gcods. In our Untrimmcd Hat. Department will be found every etyle and ehspo which will be worn tbis season, at prices lower! than "the lowest to le found at any other establishment. Our Flower Department Is a .perf ect Ealtcr garden filled with the mcst cxqulslto dcelgna .. .. - .' - . i-- . '.: i i i --. 4 . -of branched goods, at prices certainly lets than those charged for 4CCond-clags good elsewhere. ' , Oar Feathers too, are worth looting at. tV e have Ostrich Tips In otcry stylo, plain and i t ' thaded. Ostilch Plumes in. every shade and qualify. Pompoons In special styles of our . t - own, c illed the Princess made of humming blrda, of Wales Pompoon aigrette and t'ps. whtoh will surely please the ltdlcsi As for ourJTrhnmed Hat Department it Is the most beautiful and complete. Hats can be trimmed i i - , to suit one and all by expert milliners on bur own premises- A call will surely convince you, at TAYLOR'S - - 'i " :- BAZAAR, 118 Market St., t-- i i : .k . WILMINGTON, N . C. N. B. Milliners supplied at special , rcdc Hons. , 1 - apl 7 SETII W. 1 AVIS, Auctioneer. BY SAM'L P. COLLIER & CO. Hoaseliold k Kitchen Furniture at Auction, - -7 . I- '.! ON THURSDAY, THE 10TH INST.i COM M -' - - v ' - -l: , , menclng at 11 o'clock, we will sell, at the real- dence of Mr. T. R. Lawther, No. 113 Front tt, all 'of his HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. . . 1. Parties wishing to do so can examine the Furniture Wednesday prior to the sile. apl 7 i Old North State Saloon, G South Front St. I THE ONLY SECOND-CLASS BAB ROOM IN THE CITY! - i I i BE CAREFUL OF DRINKING AT THIS I ' ' -j- place as tho Clemmer Whiskey la very bad and i - - 1 , the Beer Is toocolJ; tho Jive Cents Cigars mazes too much smoke; the other Liquors are equally as eccondIa6. Try 'em f and see if they ain't. It Is kept by the meanest man In America. Drummers and other travellers drink there because It U second claesj PEARS' I SOAl. J3ECOMMESDED A3 A BALM FOR THE tkic, preserving It In bcaltb, maintaining its tono and complexion, axd preventing wrinkles. I have found It matchless fox tbe bands and complexion. . AUELITA PATTL 1 have used Pean' Soao for some time, and prefer it to any Qthtr.' 'i Sol 1 by Munds Bros, & DeRosset, Dealers In Drugs and Fine Fancy Goods, apis i j Seed Rice. Q.OLDEN SEED AND. WHITE BICE. ! M V - PtCJAU.Y 1 OR SEED. For sa'e btr apl S 2t 7 DEUOS'ET A CO. A Horse ! A Horse t -yyjEIX, WE MEAN A CIX)TH HORJ F, tie nicest thing yon have seen. I-ap Roa'di . with aad without legs." wVare ge'.tlar la otr Ice boxes d Cream Freezers. Those r7u Ur CUUK hToVw ravTir sr right ai Only by puna whits oil, - ,,j .pn 1 1 .,h

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