Sundays tx evvod by JOSIIT. JAMESt aorro ajtd rornTom. rB3CRirnoK3 postage paid: rVoO. Six wonta. tiOO. Tiro ilOO; One month. 13 cent, wlu be deHrered by earner. fxe. lflaayirtof the city, atthoabora fkTt;x ru low and BberaL r,ipoTtMyi.dU toll. iH-r nrr regularly. w rr - """Z fx yxiiiy tw Aoj A largest K f.U Hrailnlion. of any newspaper e'oauiculaiion and library fees .he price ff boar-l in tho commons r.-"iL'nier-.iiy of Virginia have been l3 Italian Tesjcl containing twenty sof djnimitc is lyin- at anchor ft ( iri.iar- She i detained oo account ct irrcgilanty in her paperf. report! fem lb Spanish Honduras .uethitowinztothe blowing down i he moat of tl.- banana stalks tbcre-bgle-ia December last, bat little fruit iepcctcitfcfrcn Tie proprietor of the Paxton Hotel, stoaahi. has drilled his dining-room V:ers in the use of roller ka!c, and liey are now so skillful that waits bf tncujr42JhaTebo,pn greatly less- del- The continued drunkenness and Sus:;nof Ilinn. the public hangman ct England, has giren rise to a move-tte-: in favor of some other mode of ukis a murderer's life than by the -Uqws. The Kcw IfaTcn Acicj has forbidden its lenitive reporter to accept the git1 of $ J00 voted by the Connecticut Ix?gis Uture. aad aja It want no subsidy from the State for doing its duty to the r.ab'.c as a newspaper. rhir'.es iVaru'.l. a youn man in New York, finished recenti? the task of eating three hundred eggs in five days lit won a wacr of twenty-fire dollars. as J now c'aims to bo the champion ei eater of New York. The survivors of tho. old Massachu setts Sixth Ilegimcnt. which "wont through IJiliimorc," arc to hold their reunion tLi- year in Worcester on Sat crJay. Hr.h inst , the twenty-third an-, circrsary of their memorable pajsase through the Plug Ugly city. The New York Senate has passed the b :i requiring telegraph, telephone and eVctric lizht wire and cables to be p!acid underground before November, Vvi. in tho cities of the Stste haying rnarv than 5tt,000 inhabitants; that is to iv, in New York and Brooklyn. It is noticeable that while the Uepub Leans made gains in several ot the Ohio c.:ie at the municipal elections on Mocdir thev lost lirzelv m Snrinir-1 r a i &e.u. in nnaic. oi .i. barren ivcucr. Ttti is doubtless the first instalment fthafvisdicalioa" from" tho unani- xa concuiionsot two invesUgAting COtnar.lM whtrh Ilia cr.Snakpr i I .,;,!k-...: . .u. r i.:, ittwwux aw tuu iuuus uj uis I whatever other pcoplo may tbinic. Mr. Lo;ao is a firm believer in bcr hashand. hesays that although, he mies occasional lapses in syntax he rr..j is aa accomplished gentleman. -h s good knowledge of French, GcraaaaaJ Italian, and she asserts 4-c uu speaks .t rccic wun mucu M Ana he was born belorc the v: - pressure system of education came ij fishlcn. too. i . ...... -...era irom Lapt. tads, now in kon. give assurance that thero it a prospect of securing tlo mammoth aaer Ureal llitfcrn to bring to New r i exposition there. The steamer mere. auo sicamer whilo there, during the a hotel.' and when the l-l be used .iion. as a tixx'tin :u . Mn.M -Hwr.a;ana J(3-a lIcDawell. rrcaident of tho . . . "oc'i tirwera Asssociation of Pnn J.iaais. his issued a call for a special of contention ot the association to b tct4 in rittsbargh on Arril 17 and as i5- Thcdealzn i to aronta snerlal en. . . 1 I -l.lii !T i n ro -A at. .t.t. I I C ool PtKr to tV. LaUonal convention to b KLil UU.UUUt KUV I A T(r ... ... -w nnrkabi man dietl in III rtm mi ulBoa l acvliy last. It was the e.eraa coastmr-f t-.l..- i ".dgeatlesju, was celebrated for tsu-rity, but his chief fame of cpon the fret thal he baiIt ,;-ar.;c:tJ 1UH. the most alt the attrae- iM ., . ., . . 1 p oa..j.Cj ia IUltimore. and kcDt tho f-iiethe original estimate. L "3 U5, kJt there was a rerunai Nat 1 remnant of C66 J lf: r from the last appropri- ' . v. uuuaiog was nntsnea Sh1' te Earned to the treasury, r -r hke this ever happened before L -ee in the ITn;A c,.. UiAiU. Gladjtone reenthr an illni- Vt0? cf methods ot faggot rote mrerr rraalag. ia ocouaaa. uosna: 1 vol.: viii. rr. "I bare in my possession a photograph ot a. hereditament of ajstngle structure, not very .imposing In itself, occupied by a single person, and conferring one oc cupation franchise, but held by iorty five owners, every oceoi whom stands upon the register in virtue of his forty fifth part of this building', which only qualifies a single voter." The building, it is said, is at Parson's (Ireen in Mid lothian. Cbarlci Ueade, the novelist, died on Friday evening. He was born at Ipsden, Oxfordshire, iu 1814; graduated at Magdalen Colleze, Oxford, in 1S35; was called to the bar in 1313. but soon after gave his attention wholly to literature, aud in 1817 received the de gree of D. C. 1 4. Irora his university. His style of writing was characterized by great terseness and vigor and by a wealth of incident which few writers have possessed, and won him a rank among the foremost novelists of the aze. Among the best known of his later works arc "Haru Cash." A Terrible Temptation," in His Place." and "Fou 'Put Yourself Play." A minister, in I .owe! I. Mas3. has been obliced to give; up preaching! on account of trouble iii his throat. Itthis reverend gentleman had taken Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup he would still have been a useful member ot hi3 prolession LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. A DAVIO A Card r C Midler Smoke A W Rives BAKKppas C W Yates 53 Centa Hooks IIEI5SBER0ER KaitCr C.ITlU , r L Dridgebs & Co Baskets R Jl McIHTIBE White Goods Parker Jt Tatlor Barley Sheaf I LGreexewali Boots anl Shoes W E Davis & Sox Someihlcg Nice Shriek's The Leading Clothing House W Springer 4 Co Siwrtsman's Goods Daniel Miller & Co "Diamond Shirt" Mods Brjs. A DeRosset Pears Soap Geo. R. Fuenxii A Soss anything You wuh j MC Do l GALL & EOAVDEN "Tfcc Old Hick ory" Cornelius Ilarnott Council No. ill, Royal Arcanum For othcr locals see fourth page. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 53 bales.! This is bad weather for tb.3 fishing interests alone our rivers and seacost. Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231 Uoval Arcanum, meets to-nisht at 8 o'clock. It Oakdalo had a deserted appcaaacc? yesterday afternoon as compared with previous Sundays, a very few havins resorted thero during tho day. e invito the attention or our citizens . ...... being made to order at one dollar at luo Wilminzton Shirt Factory. ti April thu? far ha beeu a rather dis agreeable month. It has been either too dry, windy and dusty for comfort or it has been so cold and damp as to be disagreeable. There were large congregations at the First Baptist church yesterday and last night, and a lively interest in spiritual affairs is being developed. The sermon last night was forceful, logical and effective Some repairs are to bo made to the fire alarm in the city to-morrow and the citizens are notified by Captain Myers. Chief of the Fire Department, J lh&t tho ringing ol the bell between the tours of 10 and 12 "dock to-morrow must not be taken as an alarm of fire. Tli Snasnn at Smltliville. A letter from Mr. Sublctt. Manager of the Hotel Brunswick, to the editor this paper, tells us that the outlook for an excellent season at the seaside. developed by his travels thus far, is rerv rood. He was at Charlotte on - . n ..1 . n ,t n-r!im iu that (hciro will W k - faiauu " i"""J men;s at Smithville this Summer, one by the Marion company and the other by the Sumter Light lnfantry. Death of Mr. Fred AVortli. News was received hcje to-day of the death at Ashevil!e. this mornmc. Mr. Fred Worth, son of the late Dr. T. C. Worth, formerly of ntr n1 n. near rvlalive ol the nen- . - tlemen of that name resident here now. Mr. Worth was about 23 years of age and his death was rather sudden. He was taken sick last Thursday; evening with the cramp colic and died this morning, a little more than three days fter bis attack. Interesting to Fishermen: The cele brated "Fish" Brand Gilling thread is old only at Jxcobi's, He is the Im porter's Agent. j t W ELMINGTON. N. C MONDAY.- APRIL 14, City Court. j There were four cases ot disorderly conduct for the Mayor's consideration this morning, two of which were dis charged, and two were fined $2 each. We suppress names 6y request. William Thomas, colored, for assan'.t and battery upon a woman, was fined 5. in default ot which ho was sent be low. James Hicharcson, colored, charged with larceny, and David Hill, colored, charged with receiving stolen goods, had their case3 continued until Monday next, the 21st inst.. Children's Choral Service. The choral service by the children connected with the Sunday School of St. John's Church, yesterday afternoon, was an interesting and extremely pleas ant affair. For a considerable time be fore the hour appointed for the service to commence, citizens of both sexes and almost nil ages, began to flock to the church end fill the pews reserved fur ihe accommodation of the public, so that when the hour of 4 o'clock ar rived every seat was occupied and many were constrained to stand in the aisles. At the appointed hour the teachers and children marched up the centre aisle of the church and took pos session ot the pews which hadbeen re served for them. The programme lor the occasion wa3 carried out in full and the music, under the skillful manage ment and direction of Mrs. M. P. Tay, lor, assisted by Messrs. Munson.and Smithdeal, first and second violins, and Willson and-Schloss, first and second cornets, wis grand and beautiful. The voices of the children showed carelu training, both in time and tune, and they rendered the pieces selected for the occasion with exquisite taste. Failed to Meet. Tho Charlotte Observer has this to say of the meeting which was proposed to bo held in that city looking to the extension of the Carolina Contral R. R to Spartanburg, which it seems did no take place: Tho proposed meeting of the Spartan burg & Laurens and Carolina Centra Railroad men, which was so extensively advertised in the papers to be held m Charlotte on the 11th, was a failure Connection was missed somewhere There was not a single man in the city yesterday who even looked like he might be a .railroad man, ana nobody at al could tell anything about the proposed meeting. That it was the intention of these men 70 have met in Charlotte yes terday there can be no doubt, as it was annnunced in the Baltimore, Augusta, Atlauta and Charleston papers. Par ties from Spartanburg and Augusta were in the city yesterday to attend the meeting, but finding there was nobody here to hold one, they left on the alter noon trains. There is some mystery about the affair. J ust why these rail road men announced that they were to meet in Charlotte acd'then failed to do so without letting any reason be known is perhaps none of our business, but then we would like to know, simply as a matter ot curiosity. A Word to Farmers. Wc would suggest that, in view of tho approaching Stale Exposition, the farmers ol New Hanover devoto some attention to the culture of jute, hemp and sugar cane. The climate here is favors ble and in many places the soil is peculiarly well adapted to the growth of these products. It is not yet too late to obtain the seed and plant a crop of either of them, but there is no time to ose. Duplin and Sampson counties aro devoting mucn attention 10 tee growth ot these articles and will make a fine dispiay, especially in sugar cane and its varied products. Jute can un doubtedly be cultivated successfully and profitably, while it was demon- tratcd many years ago that hemp could be grown abundantly One of the first settlers of Duplin county (then a part of New Hanover) was Mr. Boney, who was a ropemaker and did quito an ex tensive business in tho manufacture of rope and cordage. He owned a large tract of land upon which he raised the hemp that he manufactured. We ought to make an excellent display from this county and our farmers can do as much as any class of our citizens towards making it complete and creditable. There was a match game ot baseball played on Saturday afternoon, at what 13 know as "Wright's Field," between the "Pacific," Capt. Norwood J. Smith, and "Little Star," Capt. S. Vick, two juvenile nines of this city. The score stood "Little Star."' 41 ; "Pa cific 23. Mr. Mardock Mackenzie. Highlands, Carleton county. New Brunswick, tes tifies that St. : Jacobs Oil. the great paincure. completely cared him of acute rheumatism ot longstanding, and also his wife ot face neuralgia and toothache. I r. Wnmw. NEW ADVIsRTISEMENTS. . WHIT, i WE CANNOT DISPLAY THESE GOODS FOR THE WANT OF fcOOM, but the assortment is extensive and the prices are very low. WHITE SPREADS Bought at real bargains and sold at close price?. FINE EMBROIDERY No such to be seen in this market. WHITE LAWN ROBES Pretty useful i asiuoxaule and cheai. j TOWELS Napkins, Doylies, Tray Napkins, Table Linen, &c, &c. SUMMER SILKS Choice Styles, at 50e, 0e, 75c, 85c and $1 per yard. BLACK GOODS AND CRAPES Many new things and all of the staples. apl II . 188-1 O D cny& On! on OF WILMINGTON ! THE CLAIM SO FREQUENTLY MADE BY US OF THE SUPERIORI TY OF OUR CLOTHING and the difference in prices usually charged by oth er houses, is now generally conceded by our patrons and the public. N matter what others may show or quote prices for, wc will guarantee to save you money and give you belter goods for the money. In other words, to make profits is not our main object, but a growing trado and a very small mar gin is all we ask or desired the consumer reaping the benefits of out just meth od of doing business. I ! MLTO THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. apl 7 Death of a Good "Woman. Mrs. Sarah Grissom died at Smith, ville last night, aged about 65 years. In her death the citizens of that town suffer the loss of a most estimable Christian woman, whose unostentatious acts ot mercy and kindness to all with whom she became associated will be long and tenderly remembered by her large circle of relatives and acquain- tances. She was a consistent ana con scientious member of the M. E. Church at Smithville, with which she connected herself man v vears ago. The deceased w ,0 . - had been in declining health for several months, with no prospects of a recovery, and death came as a release from suffer . mg. Oakdalc Cemetery. We are again requested to call atten tion to tho fact that no one, man woman or child, is allowed to pick and m f J t carry on; nowers irom iaKuaic Cemetery. This is a slringent rule and will be enforced. There is a penalty allowed! bv law for its infringement. It will be well for all to remember this. There are excellent reasons why this rule should be observed as all will sec at a elance. The place is sacred, the plants contained in the lots are private property and those in the grounds are the property of the corporation, and il is wronz to remove even a blade of grass without the express permission of he owner. Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja- cobi's Hardware Depot. t Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. lyd-w TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. I At a called meeting of the Directors of the WUmlnsrton Library Association, held at the Library Rooms April 12th. lcSJ. the following resold tion s were adopted: whereas, Tms a Bsociauon has sustained a heavy loss In the deitli of our associate and late resident. ALFXAXDER SPKUNT: whoee Interest and untiring work in behalf of the Association bare added greatly to Its snc oess, and lh view of the sUU heavier loss sus tained by those who were nearest and cearest to him ; therefore be it Resolved. That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the departed to say that in regr' t ting his removal from our midst, ; we mourn for one who was in every way worthy of our respeci ana regard ; a citizen wnosc upngm ana noble lite was a standard of emulation to bis fe'lows. Besolred. That we sincerely condole with he family of the deceased oa the dispensa tion with which it has pie ed Divine i'rovi dnce to afflict them, and commend tkem for consolation to lilm who orders all things for the best, and whose chastise sacnts are meant n mercy. Kctoucd, Thatthia heartfelt lesumonnioi our sympathy and sorrow be i forwarded to the family of our departed friend by the Secre tary of this meeting. Something New. 200 POUNDS OF FRESH LAKE SAL- i MON to am re for Wednesday's market. Leave your orders In time or you will miss a treat. DAVIS' FISH MARKET. apl 18 . NO. 89 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS R. rJL MclNTlRE. era - DLSlAI 5 Barley Sheaf ! A PARFECT JEWEL OF A COOKStDve. Another lot just la. "Golden narvest" it's PURE GO.LD to tho Cook. "Farmer" Relia ble every time. "Southern Oak"-Jheapest Stove ever offered for the money. Look before you Leap." i 1 AKKKR & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. apl 14 Anything You Wish TN THE SHOE LINE WE HAVE IT Children's, Misses',', Men's, Boys' and Youths' of all grades and at all prices. Call in and see. Geo. E. French & Sons 10S NORTH FEONT STREET. apl 14 The "Old Hickory" TAEM WAGON. CARRIAGES- BUGGIES. JC Carts, Drays, Buggy Harness, Carriage Harness, KocJtaway Harness, Truck Harness, uart ana Dray Hi larness, Collars, Hames, Blind Bridles', Trunks of all kinds, Bags, Sacks ana batcneis. itepainng promptly done by b Kiuca workmen. I MCDOUGALL & BOWDEN, Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store, apl 14 I Sportsman's Goods, WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a first- class stock of Shells. Wadding; Primers. Cart ridge Bags, Gun Caps, Game Bags, &c. In fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. W. JS. BIK1UJ1S a, CO., Successors to John Dawson A Co., apl 14 19. 21 and 23 Market Stxect o NE HUNDRED BUSHELS CLAY PEAS, Consignment Goods. Host be sold. Leave orders at A. W. RIVENBARK'S. Produce Com m If b Ion Merchant and Grocer. i - m t-rr c a. tit i a a. - 11 Ktorcn rrater ot., rv iixningKn. aplH A Card. HAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUT THE EX- i tire stock of BOOTS AND SHOES in store So. 113 Market Street, to I. L. Greenewald, who will continue tbe business. Thanking my patrons and the public generally for the liber al pa'ronage heretofore bestowed on me, 1 be speak for the sme generous treatment to wards my successor. I Eespectfullv, A. DAVID. jjAvixq SIOCK OF! PURCHASED THE ENTIRE BOOTS AND SHOES in store No. 113 Market Street, I will for the next twenty days sell the stock on hand regardless of cost I will leave lot the Northern and Kastcrn markets, and will in a very short time hive one of the FINEST AND BEST SELECT ED STOCKS OF SHOES ever brought to this market. I also request my frienus and tbe public generally to give me a call, as 1 wilt In the future, as I have in the past, endeavor to merit your patronage. Respectfully, apl 14 It I. L. GREENEWALD. For Rent. rjlWO HOUSES IN CONVENIENT lociUty. Possession of one given j immediately and of the other 1st May. WAS. AS. H. CHADBOURN & CO. as!8 3t tthm 1884. TT tD be gxi to melt ccsarriUcx uai out xnenc on any . aad an tsijecU of sezterallsterest but - A ? - XnaBAaaof the witter nut ahrayaUfSr akaed to the Editor." j ! CoramTralcaaana must t wrtttea! oa ca y one side of the paper. Personaliaca must be avoided. And it la especially aad particularly tracer tood that tho Editor does not alwayi endoe e the view of correspondent unless to ttak In the editorial oolnaina, 1 ) NEW ADVEICTI8E3JEyT8 Baskets-Baskets. JJECEIVTD LATELY "A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF BASKETS-Flower. Plculc.Market and Ladles Work Baskets Come In and take a peep af them. Opened To-jdyk ! ' A fresh supply of ROYSTER'S CANDIES, Best in Wilmington; only I SVacJ ver pound.'" Our Imported and mestic CigarL Do- ara still holding their own. Best and cheap est lot of FINE GOODS la the market. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. llO North Front St. apl 14 Children's Carriages. DECEIVED THIS WEEK A FULL STOCK OF New Styles of -1. v Children's Cafrfajes fot Spring Trade. Also, new arrivals of FURNITURE, WIN. Jl dow shades,' Ac. All ktndao f Mattresses. Badding, &c KcnovatlDg and Repairing done at sliort notice. j i i ' D. A. SMITH. .ft, apl H Furniture, N. Front Street EASTER CARDS. THE LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF i Easter Cards and Easter Presents IS NOW ON EXHIBITION AT j HEINSBERG ER'S, apl 12 Live Book and Music 8tores. Old North State Saloon, O South Front St.. ! j THE ONLY SECONDJLASS BAR ROOM IN THE CITY ! ! E CAREFUL OF DRINKING AT THIS place as the Clcmmcr Whiskey is very bad and - M the Beer is too cold; the live. Cents Cigars makes too much smoke ; the other Liquors aro equally as second-class. Try ml and seo If they ain't. It is kept by the meanest man In America. Drummers and other travellers drink there because it Is second class. apl 7 i PEARS' SOAP. RECOMMENDED AS A BALM FOR TUB - .. - - - j eklc, preserving It In health, maintaining Us tone and complexion, and preventing wrinkles "I hare found 'it matchless' for the hands and complexion." i ! AD ELI V A 1'ATTI. ! I "I have used Pears' Soap for some time, and prefer it to any other." . L1LL1E LANU1RX. - - 1, r Sold by ( ; f ' Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Iealers In Drugs and Fine Fancy Goods. apl 8 i Economy is Wealtli. lniVE YEARS RENT WILL PUR- fa CHASE A HOME. Building Lots for sale on the instalment plan on Castle, , Chursh, Nun, Ann, Orange, Mulberry, Red ! 'if Cross, Gwyno, Rankin, Fourth, Filth, Sixth. i i Seventh, Wlbjon, Eighth, Nbath. Dickinson, Tenth, Wood, Bay, Eleventh, Charlotte, i i , Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streeta. 'I Also, Houses and Lots for calei Mosey loaned to those wishing to bulldJ Apply to apl 9 ew JAMES WILSON. Notice. I HAVE PURCHASED ALL THE INTER csts of ISAAC h. GREENEWALD la jUie BOOT AND SHOE boslneks at No. 110 Market - . ; . i i Street, where I will continue' the basinet f, a kJng my friends for a continuance of thtlr patronage. ' ' ' Ail bUls doe the farmer firm Will be coRccted by me. Very RespectiaUy it. i i svriia W. J. E03E5IIIAL.