T ho Daily RoviGv.l-tceTCrrelarn,ltl,,ikeIflob0 bJ z even stealer real 01 Deroim man In bis oast career. any Nabar Pasha has res ij: nod the office of Prcm'cr of EsJpt and refuses to resume bis duties unless Mr. Clifford Lloyd retires frr-m the service. The Knlish or Eiyptians must resign their office. Had Gordon And Kubar both received adequate f upport they wight have succeeded in oitablishjns good government, both in tha Soudan and in Egypt, emptoying natives as far as possible in its adminis tration, just as Irishmen ought to be employed to administer the govern mentor the United Kingdom in Irelind. If Gordon is killed and Nubsr is driven into retirement ajain the Soudan will be Abandoned to El Mahd, while Egypt will probably be placed under an English protectorate, against which ihe Egyptians will struggle, as tho t ml of Ireland are struzsling. uolil w - r - - - - they obtain what every people may ititlv claim the rkrht of ccU-zorern . - mtnt. j Hysteria and Nervous Prostra tion. s V viva our readers an extract from a cheerful letter, writted by Mrs. Eliza heth Smith, of Richmond. Ind.. who svs: samaruan nervine cureu mo j - . . 01 oyiiena uuu ueuvus iu4inuu Cooioient is useless. iSH. T. JAMES. Editor A Prop VILMISKTUX. X. C MONDAY. APRIL, 1. 18S4. Ks terra l the rMto.1c at WUmlutou.N. C, In the nc n I'arij school ol metlicine it If proposed to keen a reeitry of all legally recognir d dictor in thn world. Tho list would . inciudo about 03.000 namaj la tha Unit! State. 35 000 in Great Britain, 32.000 in Germany and Aattris. S9.O00 la trance. 10.000 in Italy and 5.000 in Spain. Mas. Fatti lowed her head and her eyes sparkled as she talked to an inter rlewef in New York tho: "Marqpis de Caaz is not my husband. We were divorced, consoanroily there could be no reconciliation. There is not the slightest Iota of truth in-the, rumor- mem a S)V i no iaca tan ne ana i were to do rc- uolted. A year after the Marqnis and I were divorced I married Sigmor Nico tic!. Does the public expect me to have two hatbands? Am I to desert the Sign or and go back to the man I left years ago and who bo longer bears any legal relation to me? Snch nousense!" Are joo sure that yoar portemonaie Is made of alligator akin? Calf and other skins aro made :o resemble alii- gaior skin i by a Tery ingenioos process. A photograph having been mado of a tennlne alligator hldt. a copy of It is produced in blchro mated gelatine. which gives la relict all the curious markinn. and from this latter relief representation a metal die is readily ex ecuted. This die is praised heavily on the cheap leather, with tho result of making It look like tho leather manu factured fro oj tho sklu of the alligator as to deceive experts unless it is handled and examined. Any saitable stain can bo imparted to the fictitious product. Uli The New York Evening Fosi recently doroted mora than a column to a sav age personal attack upon Mr. Blaine, and practically gives notice that if be is nomnilated it will bolt the ticket and sapport the .Democratic candidate. It divides its indxtment of him into six parts. Tsro of the counts charge him with prostituting the speakership to forward LUtle Uck anl Fort Smith Railroad schoai;the th;rJ with su pIciousNorthcrn Pacific Railroad trans action; the foarth with breaking his I : . t. - t.. woruWruiu uuxuin ,euri" I clothing bouse willing to advertise tha fifth with sensational, unsound and "trade it out." unsafe administration ot the Secretary of State, and the Sixth with packing the convention and organizing literary bureaus. PEICSONAL. Mr. Edison, the electrician, is catch ing sharks ofTSt. Augustine, Fla. Mr. Tiidcn has tapped bis barrel to hnv & SU2.000 house for one ornis nieces. m Lord Kingsborough has published his Mexico" in seven volume, with 1,000 colored illustrations, at a total outlay of $300,000. ! Lindlev Nuse is the b!de3t official in point ot service in America. He is the messenger ot the Secretary of the Navy and has filled that rosilion since the year lb23. j Iteorga Elliot s wrote between 1859 and 1830 a scries ol letters to a friend in Alziers. These unpublished reminis cences nave ocen inanueu 10 James Darmesteter and aro being printed in the Paris Debats. Bv lack of open air exercise, and the want of sufficient care in tho matter of j diet,, the whole physical mechanism often becomes impaired during the win ter. Ayer a Sarjaparilla is the proper remedy to take in tin springe! tho year to uunfv tho blood, invigorate tne system, excite tho liver to action, and restore tee hoalthy tone and vigor. APRIL ANTICS. The Question "W hat shall l wear: never worrits the average country edi tor. bat puzzles him is to nun sonic and A New York letter s.n js : The pub lic aro manifesting a Jarpcr iu'cre.t than it was suppled they would in the movement that h been set on loot bv Gen. Gordoo, of Georgia, and others to provide a tome tor disabled ex-Con fed erate soli'iefi. The manly let er of Gen Grant expressing his 'hearty ap proval of tho object aul Vcgntting that ho cannot bo preterit at a pub i j meeting to aid subscriptions' at Cooper Institute on Wednesday . evening, has won over to its support mny who wonld otherwise have held bacr, and there is reason to suppoic that the gen tlemen having the undertaking in charge will in a short lime obtain all the money that is required. It is not less to the credit of the Grand Army of the Republic that they have resoltcd to hire tho Metropolitan Opera lIou.se on the evening ol the 30th Instant for an enter tainment in atd ol tho fond. Nearly all the city clergy have a good word for it, and aotuo of the churches have promis ed to take an active interest in nuking it a sucees' The new standard time of the rail ways has c-.me atrraly into almot un iversal use. Return ma le to the secre tary of the Time Convention show that of the one bund ml principal cities of the country, exclusive of ih cities on the Pasific Coast, seventvreizhl have adopted railway standspl time as their official local time. The Pacific line, in cluding the Union and Ontral Pacifies, are to adopt the standard time when their spring ached u!es go into effect, and It is exrected that tho entire Pad Go w Coast will then come into the system. It has been a noiet revolution, but much more thoroagh than the most sanguine I r leads of the reform expected within so brief a time, ad it is easy to see now that the towns still adhering to the old order of thin g will inevitably h forced into the new sysUm before long. Excepting in Ohio, where six cities, and in Pennsylvania, where three cities still maintain their old local Urn, there are not mora than two cities Ea.it of the Rocky Mountains where local Ume diflfurent from the .railway standard la now used. Geo. Gordon la the Soadaa and Nnbar Pasha in Egypt are consplcaons figures in tha eyes of Englishmen at the present time. A week ago last Tuesday Gordon telegraphed that the tiege o! Khartoum -wa la progress; and he then received the astounding order to eracoato tb city and retire irom the Soadaa Immediately. Ha oems to bars been abindosed. and If, Tho Hv-s f all newspaper men are made happy at some tiino or another by itoinc delightful person who likes to warn thc-mpany with "Ilclter look outhe'll put your namo in the paper!" U'by did you put that nickle with a hole in it in the c-ontiioution box?" ask ed one man of another. "Because I couldn't put the hole in without the nickle, and I had to put in something.' A Massachusetts man has invented a gong that cun be heard a distance ot rive mile. IIh was determined to get something that would sound loud enough to wake h:s servant girl up in the morning. Do you pain, yet?" asked an old friend ot a teuiinice artist whom she had not seen before for many years. Yes." was tho answer; 4,I still paint. I paint the children rc-4, and I piu it on with my slipper." i A young lady of Syracuse. N. Y white skatin?, ran lit h )oung man and his teeth scratched her noo. She i now sulTerin from blood-poisoning. This should trach young men who go skat.ng to drink a less posonou brand ofvyhUkcy. An Illinois girl's heart is located on ihs right side, and all tho medical lacul tv of the region are nuzzled about it. Her ''best joang man" says ho always knew her heart was on tho right side, and doesn't ncc.why any fuss should be made about i. Dr Hammond thinks that great harm results sending children to school at loo early an ae. . The best j way to do is to tend Ihcni oat to worryjthe neighbors. It will help the children and give the schoolma'aui a rest. IMPOSSIBLE ESCAPE. Absolute Truth with Collateral Proof lrom WUIcb There Can Be no Appeal. For the past three years we have had a standin ofiWr ot $5,000 tor any state ment of curt) published by as ' which was not, so lar ss we know, bona Jide. We did this in on'er tnat 1 all readers might know the absolute' truth of all assertions and that they were based upon the value of our remedy and not upon idle words. Beow wu give a few extracts from recent leiter?, which speak for themselves. We will only add that we could furnish one hundred thousand more of a similar nature did occassion leauire. but wc believe the entire American public is now convinc edofthe p)sitlvc value of Warner's Sale Cure. r H. Wabxek & Co. Jlochcsler, K. Y. "I suffered for years with calculus but have been fully cured by Warner's "Safe Cure. Monroe, N.C. Sol. Gav 'I have used Warner' Safe Cure in. "my family with most satisfactory re suits." R. E. Wii.meu. Mobile, Ala, Bishop. "The result of the use of Warner's 'Safe Cure in my case was simply as tonishing." L. A. Moerit. Meridian, Miss. Southern Baptist. "Warner Sale Cure saved my life "from death by Brizht's disease and I "cannot say too much in its praise." O. J. Reoistke, M. D. Atlanta, Oa, "I do most solemly affirm that "Warner's Safe Cure, with God's bless "mg upon it. has cured me alter 1 was "given up to die of Brigbt's disease." Edge Hill, Va. C. S. Dcxtox "I have been saved from the greatest "agony and premature death by means ot Warner 'a Safe Cure and cordially commend it to all." Eewakd R. II Alt den. Quitman, Ga. j District Ju4ge, "I had the best medical skill the' "country afforded, but was given up to die. As a last resort I began using "Warner'ii Safe Cure and was a well "man in six months, and am perfectly "well to day. Is. D. Stamrs. Turtle Bayou. Texas. "Less than a dozen bottles of "Warner's Safo Cure tor kidneys and liver, cured me ot the black jaundice "(my skin being as black as a stove), "neniorrage of the kidneys and a "general breakdown of the system. "That was two years ago and the cure was permanent. David Tooke, Proprietor ot Tooke Hotel, Columbus, Texas. 1IISCELLANEOUS OAlIiKOAJD3; iic 3 "When a lit'le girl I had measles. 'which culminated in a severe form of 'chronic rheumatism. For years I 'suffered intensely, oftentimes being 'unable to walk because of lumbago. "I was treated by the best physicians "without results whatever. Six years ago I was attacked .vitb serious kid ney affection, which rapidly increased 'in violence, resisting alt medical skill 'At length every organ in my body 'seemed implicated. I was induced to 'try -Warner'2 Safe Cure, and feel privileged to extol it as a wonderful 'cure. -1 am ready to spread its lame 'to the four winds of heaven, so very 'great hasiscen my improvement " Mrs. A. L.Simpson. Pendleton, S. C. Analysis by Dr. A. Toelclcer, P. R. a, Con- sultlnsr Cnemisc nvy&i .aetjcuiuutu rvueij, yntrianft. eHows only & trace of nitrates la Kitwrll"a null Durnam Tobacco. .The soli of the Golden Belt of North Carolina, la which this tobacco 13 grown, aonx supply nitrates 10 the leaf. That Is the secret of its delicious mildness. Nothing so pure and luxurious for smoking. JKnx lorget tne Drana. none gen uine without the trade-mark ot the BulL All dealers hare 1C j When feline concert drlveawayKloepj-our beet solace Is found la BlacJneir Bull Jhtr- 1 Smoking Tobacco. i j DeMBOiaceuionnaia 1 Jf-i Bloekdr Bull Jhtr. (I Z ( ham Smoking Tobacco. f I 1 "lo iBUCKWELL'SS Rill I UUKHAM SMOKiNQ TOBACCO Wilmington & Weldoxr Railroad Company. Omca or Gsiykilal SonuujrrxKUKirr. 1 WThnionoii, N. C, Not 17, 1SS3 I Change of Schedule. fX JLSU AFXKK KOFR18, 18SS, A'l 1.05 VA. al.. Paseenzer Trains on the W liming- wu a w eiaon cauroaa wuj ran as iouowb : DAT MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DaiLl NOS. 47 KOBTH AD43 80CTH. ! Leave w llmlnirton, Front St. Depat, 8.53 A. M ArrlTe at WcUlon. 2.S1 P. si Leave Weldon. ; 5.00 p. hi Arrive at WUm'gton,! Front Si. Dpt, 8.40 P. M Fast Titrocgh Mail a Passxitoeb T&Aor Dailt No. 40 Sooth. Leave WeMon L 5.50 P. W Arrive at Wllm'ton.Front SL D'p't 10.S5P.iW HAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS Dati.t No. 43 North. Leave , WHmlnjrton.. 8.00 i ai. Arrive at Weldon 2A0 A. M. Mail axd Passxgb Thatxs No 45 and 42 .ueave wuminjrton, (sonaays ex- ce-pted) ...12.S0 a M Arrive ai v eiaon ssa a m Leave- W eldon. (Mondays exccpted)l. 05 A M .Arrive at numuion 6.55 A, M Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilrav WHm3AjICl small orders Idghelrt BAGGING" tandard........4.... t - 1 fti.... ..... .hmo aACON-NoruTcanB;"":- Q Sbouklcrs, V ft.mi"! I " i side, r c.....r.. .rr. 1 11? WESTERN SMOKED 11 O "Ham8....., t sides a. . Sbouidera UuD DRY SALTED T ! 00 O Sides. Vft..... - .l .Li J ... Shoulders, r lb.... T.L ARIIELS SnirltA Xn.V": 00 New New York, eachl.. . New Cltv.cach i beeswax, r ih.::::::i:: lilUKS, y 11 : BUTTER. ft . worth UaroUnft,......;.. northern CANDLES, ft operm.. ....... Tjulow.............!..... Ailanuoitlme : CHEESE, r ft I northern Factory.;...,..-.. Dairy, Cream....- State ' COFFEE, V ft wava Laguvra. Rio....... SJSLMEAL, jf bus,; to ttcks 1 73 1 SO 1 80 a 20 4.-: o o o IS o 14 4 10 4 U 4 I A "HO COTTON TIES, V imndi.. i , fc mch 7 1yd " nrm c f rt Capital Prize $75,0003 Tickets only $5. Shares in pro- 'i portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. fFtdoherety certify that toe supervise the arrangemenu for all toe Monthly and oemt Annual Drawing t of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward au parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures auacned, in us aaver Usements." j Golds boro and MasnoQa. xrains on xarooro Branch Road Leave Rock? Mount for Tar boro at 1.20 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. Daily, i Sundays exceutedv RAtnrnfoir leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M and 3P.M. Dallv. naiiiax ior sootiana jnocjc at 3.25 P. M. Re luming leave Scotland Keck at SJSH A. M. aauy except sunaay. Train .No. 47 make close connection at WeK a on ior au points Worth Dally. All rail vl menmona. ana aauy exceDt Snnaav via Rat June. i Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nectlon for all Points North via Richmond and All trains run solid between Wilmington anc WashlnirtonJ and have Pullman Palace Sleen ers attached. For accommodation of local travel a tassen- St coach win he attached to local freight leav g Wilmington at 7.00 A. M. Daily excepl Sunday. i JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON. Genera' Passenger Agent. nov i Wilmington, Colum bis & Augusta H. li. Co. Offick OF Gexxbax. Supebihtendskt. Wilmington, N. C. Nov BS 4 O 4iM II 4 5 Domestics Sheeting, 44, V ydJ.......... -J V" bunch EGGS, y dozen........ ........ FISH' i uacKerei, Ko. 1, y hbl ..16 MMai , Mackerel, No. 1 V half bbl.. 8 S SS 5 Mackerel, No. C.V bbl J j Mackerel, No. 2. V half bbL. I S J . Mackerel, No. J, V bbl....... ? n S i 2 - Mullets. V bbLI i... i ND R Herrmg. keg:::: 1 00 wij vuu, r Lu. ........... .... FERTILIZERS, V 2,000 Iba- !R Sbi:;:;;jSS gj Baogh'a Phosphate.......... oo S S S Carolina Fertilizer. S SS 5 lfB? ..:::. S3 Bone Flour. com 5? Navassa Guano mm 55 v Complete Manure. ."'SS Whann's Phosphate..... S -'S? t : Wando Phosphate "...Mm 525 Berger & Bull's Phosphate..oo ! 2 Excellenza Cotton FertiSS S S S 2 French's Carbonate of Lime!; 7 m f?2 French's Agricultural Lime... I m Z I f FLOUR, tflbl "" Fine.. ....... ....... ' - am m . Northern Super. ....'.rr"""' 1 2 ill ty4tMllls-Exj........7:.S xwnuy.... 0 OD if, 1883 Commissioners. Change Of Schoduie. flDy! jQRAIN, y bushel 1 .1. uorn, irom store, bagstwhlte. Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, In bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed. In bars.. Oats, from store Cow Peas i. HIDES, V ft ;.- btreen... ..........1 Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years bv the Lee lslature for Educational and Charitable pnr poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to whch a reserve rand of added. By an overwhelming ponulai vote its f ran ''I have been an invalid for the past 'eight years: and the doctors I con3ult- 'od gave me up. Several montbs'ago 1 was taken with a very serious in- 'Haraatiou of the bladder and terrible bains in the region of mv kidneva. Aly urine was mixed with a greatdeal of mucous matter and precipitated a 'brick-dust sediment; u3y skin was of a dirty-brownish color rough and swelled up; I was entirely prostrated and not able to leave my bed. woue 'ot tho many doctors seemed to nnder - stand my case. I took 8 bottles of Warner Safe Cure regularly and ac cording to directions, gained 35 pounds "and am in perfect health." Mrs. S. E. Hanson. Fashionable I)ressraaker, 2350 Chest nut street, St. Louis, Mo. reserve fond of $550,000 has since been 1. an overwhelm chise was made apart of the present! State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D.!, 1879. The onhr Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any S'ate. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Slnsrle Number Drawings take place monthly. A 8PLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Fifth! Grand Drawlnz. Class If. in the Academy of Music.) at New Orleans, Tuesday, May 13, 1881 16Sth Monthly Draw j lng. j I Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractious in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 2 Prizes of $6.000 5 Prizes of 2,090 1,000 500.... 200.. 100 30,000 SO 35,000 25 25.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 10 Prizes 20 Prizes 100 Prizes 300 Prizes 500 Prizes 1000 Prizes of of of of of of 75,000 25,00 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 9 9 500. 250. 4,500 3,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to emus snotua pe maae oniy to tne omco oi me winpnuy m evr Or leans. ! i For further information, write clearly, liv ing ; full address. Make P. O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, NKW Orleaks, LA. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Expro3s (all sums, of $5 and upwards Dy jsrpress at our expense; to fll. A. UJU L'lir, New Orleans, Ls. .t M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, I. C. apl 9-wed-sat 5w-dAw AND AFTER NOVR 18th. 1S83. at 4.33 A. M.. She rollowlnfl: fasseiixcr Sehed u e will be run on this road : j No.42 Leave Wilmington, (Mondays excepted;... 7.15 a m Arrive at Florence .....11.40 A M No. 45 Leave Fl rence, (Sundays excepted)........ 7.40 P M Arrive at Wilmington 12 10 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nos. 46 Wect and 47 East. Leave Wilmington 9.10 P. M. Leave Florence i... 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C. C- Jt A. Junction..!... 6.35 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 1... fi.40 A. M. Leave Columbia I... 9. 55 P. M. Leave C, C. & A. Junction ....10.20 p.. M. Lea ve Florence 4.38 A. M" Arrive at Wilmington.. 8.22 A. M. Night Mail and Passenger Traik, Daxlt MO. 40 WEST. Leave Arrive MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILT No. 43 Fast. Leave Florence at..... 3.35 P. Mj Arrive at Wilmington.... ;7.42 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. ' No. 40 stops only at Flemington, and Marlon Passengers for Columbia and all points on i & C. R. R., C, A R. R. Stations. Aiken Jurc tion, and all points beyond, should take the Night Express, i Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and Augusta on Train 43 . All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local freight leaves Wilmington daily ex cept Sunday at 6.W A. M. . JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sunerlntendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent nov 17 HAY, 100 lbs- Eastern.... ..... Western........ North River I6S' IN f 4 11 1 JO 1 IS 7J at u 11 o a o or a iy aiu 01s 01s 0 i e HOOP IRON, V lb 1 ii Ik JfJt V U v ' ' I 1 I Northern I loaa uu North Carolina.. 00 0 10 li Mil,, vr Darrei .....j 1 40 a AlftJ AltiTAAU. Jf Unl A LUMBER. City Sawed. V snip sum, resaweo. .18 00 Hfn Or Rough Edge Plank.;. .13 00 016 Oj West India CargOes.&ccordlng . te quality.. , woo 01s j Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 03 Scautllnsr and Board. com'n..lS 00 sva 00 ftfSlT CO LQ d I -1 ew urop Cuba, In hhas..... OC " in bbAa 40 Porto Rico, in bads 00 " " in bbls 00 Sugar House, in hhds 00 7 " In bbls to Syrup, in bbls.. ...... Srll--- aS f S- NffiXvsS cui'iodbasi;:: o S a at Florence , 1.45 A. M. OILS, gallon , i 0 0 a 0 0U 11 1 10 90 90 00 00 25' 10 90 CO 2 00 0 0lfi 0101 01 0 9 0 i1. . 0 a en 1- : 0 011 Carolina Central B. R, Company. Orn ci 09 General Superimtenuekt, Wilmington. N. C, Oct. 1st, 188 The Great Southern Remedy. tor tne cure i nn uisfafei arising Irom dieasHl blood is UOSADALIS. It caret Scrofuli, KhuruatisQi. White Spelling. Gout. (Joiire. Consumption. Bronchitis. Nervous Debility, Malaria ami all diseases ot a kindred nature arising from an impure condition ot the blood. 11 is perfectly marvellous how. in many cases, alter physicians have Tailed to care, a sin!o bottle of UOSA I) AL1S seems to effect such a marked change as to give new hope and life. Read this letter. RuiOBOTll. a , Nov. C2, 1830. l nave Doen a great suuerer with in flammatory Rheumatism tor the last twelve months I was induced to try yoar preparation, ilosadalis, and I have been greatly lenefited. My hands and feet are still enlarged, bat I reel so much better, that 1 want to continue Ukinzthe ROSADALIS. MRS. M. Y. DANCE. Be at least as polite to father, moth er, child, as to others; for they are more important to you than any other. Our Cb arm In c: Countrywomen are winning an enviable distinction for their fine teeth. This, thev in great measure owe to the beautifying and restorative influence of SOZODONT. the most popular preparation for the teeth on this continent. It removes from the dental surface every impuri ty," checks decay and enables the teeth to- masticate without contaminating the food, thus indirectly contributing to healthful nutrition. It effectually neutralizes an unpleasant odor of the breath. Treat everybody with politeness, even 11100 wno arc rude to you. tor remem berthat you show courtesy to others ( not because they aro gentlemen, but because you are one. Cure of Rheumatism. Oeaxus Post Office. Rock a. way BeacilJN. Y.. March J, 1S83. 1 have been a great sufferer Irom Kheumatism. Some six weeks ago had a bad attack and was laid nn for month; nothing appeared to me of any good. I got a box of Brandreth'a Pills at last, and took three and four every uigbi. ior u. woeK. 1 g0; better every nay. ana in a weoK l was well. On mis ucscii we uave no uoctor, and our main reliance is on BrandrethV PuTs ana Aiicocit s rorous Plasters M. P. HOLLAND, Postmaster. Amocg the Goth?, Iborians and Moors the licking of the thumb was re- garaea as a solemn pledge or promisi Nothing L,ike It, No medicine has ever been tnnn n euectual in tne cure of all those diseases iising irom &u impure condition of the blood as Scoy ill's Saesaparilul. or Blood and Litxr Strup. for tha of Scrofula, White Swellings. Rheuma tism, Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, venereal bores and DiMM rvn ,?XPlfete-8.Canceri and all kindred diseases. NobettPr mn of securing a beutifat complexion can be ohtaioed than by using SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND LIVER SYrYtp LmJ? cleanses the blood and eivea the skin. Total abrtinencc. even for htr. a thing unknown in England early in White Meal Yeast. i I A VERY VALUABLE PURE YEAST POWDER. IlaTlc bcea thoroughly tested by a great many of the ladles of Wilmington, 1 feel no hesitation, la commending it to the 1 public. It U elegant for brcaa, rolls or biscuit. i ! It la made by Miss Hodges, of this' oity, ot pure vegetable matter, and she refers to Mrs. A. A. Wlllard, lira. Gen.Whitlns, Mrs. Samuel Northiop, or the correctness of her statement For sale by JNO. L. BOAT WRIGHT, Kerosene "Lard.... Linseed....... Roeln I.... Tar Deck and Spar .Chicken, live, grown..!. , . " Spring I Turkeys;. ............... ...... PEANUTS bushel..; TOTATOES, y bnshel- 8reet...... Irish, V bbl................... ORK.V barrel- t . . City Mesa J. . 23 tt Prime 4..16M 617 Rump J..17W H BICE Carolina. V fiv.. J.. 4fc0 I Rough, V busheL 96.IK BAGS, r lb Country City.... ROPE, V lb I.. 8ALT, V aaek, Alum Liverpoo r Lisbon........................ American.. ....... ............ SUGAR, V fi-Cuba... Porto Rico............. ; A Coffee.. .......... C Kx C Crushed.. ........ ............. an A T io . my .v. . 1 SHXNGLES,7ui.yM.. WM U Common.... .................. t M O Cypress "Saps.... 00 s 00 a 00 a 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 0 00 a T0 0 0 100 IV 1 B a 9 1 i ft !. 0! mch 31 II A li No Front St, Sole Agent It Don't Clatter TF THE OLD YEAR IS GONE AND THE New Tear has om, HUMPHREY, JEN KINS Jk CO.. are still reeelTinjr at their On- ter IIoue. No. 112 South Front Street, a fresh apply CTerr day of New River Oysters, Oys- fern inipptu w. j. u. srren 1 sneu : uytlers always oa baaa. m. ; last Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER OCT'R 1st, 1SSS, THE lnjr scneouie will be ODerated oa ttis Rallroaa : i PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Daily except Sundays. Leave Wllmlnzton at 7.00 P. ' M No. LJ Leave Raleigh at .8.00 P. M Arrive at Charlotte at.. 7.30 A. M Leave Charlotte at 8.15 P. M No. 2. J Arrive Raleigh at.. ........ .8.30 A. M ) Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8.25 A. M Passenger Trains ston at reirsJar statlani only, and points designated in the Company Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER. MATT. EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dallv excent Bunds. vr. V i No 3. L3ave cnarlotte.. .......... 8.15 A. M. I oucwfi ...... .....ix.ia f. ii, no. 4 ; rf..i-';:i:: l-Vi V- Trains No. 1 and 2 make clow nnnnARtim Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to udfrnmRti. elarh. Through Sleeping Cars between rTRmlngtoB and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Aram mo, 1 ior statesvUle, button Western N C R R, Aaheville and poinU West. Also, for 8partanborar. Greenville. Athn. Atlanta and all points Southwest. I -, ' L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK. General PuienrM imtit oct 1 l . - " Dr. S. 0. Ellis. QFFICE 323 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, j opposite Miller's Drug Store. Having located In Wilmington offers his professional services to the citizens. spondd to Cypreos Jlearts. AVES 4M 01 ............... rr - - m B. O. Hogshea4....M......C0 J TALLOW, y ft. TIMBER, y M feet-Sbipping.U W JJ sine aim. zr.m Mill Prime.....;.............. 1 fS 100 fT Mill Fair. ....... ........ . 4 If lit f tnienor to onunary... WHISKEY, V gal Northern.. 1 !Z North Carolina... 1 f J Z WOOL, V By-Washed.. J J ' Unwashed.... ......... , , Bmtt .....11 L n AT T toT working eius. "tJ UULJJ effto lor Voet m box of sample good that will po'JV way of making more money la T you ever" thought possible rt Capital not required.' We will trt pv- can work an the ume or in Tke work ls universally adapted young and old. You can easily fr fj cents to $5 every evening. That j.r j tr work may test the business, ws n3r paralleled offer; to all who art Vti fled we will send $1 to pay 1orJ VriHn.m Will ifmlllTl. GBtCW" urh cHva rYiAf Iia1a HniA fa tM WV WW M V fc 1 success now. Address STiirsox Maine. xree. homines wiu w Jzt b give their whole time to "?Ir ess absolutely sure. Don't a" . Address STlirsox M CO-. 3 wanted fwTMU dA A ITrli I i the Pnidur Tha best book ever sold for less tb puce, ire iki kiuu ,n taHS" Immense profits to ageots. Jn7 1 immeoie prouui o agcu 'rMtat people want it. Any one can fffa eessful agent. Terms free. B-lr7lj Co., Portland, Maine. nor If not in rrYoJ M. . I money rfeht away than anytWng caU. left upon the slate wm nromTtlV world". Allt of either sex. snccc ? 1 .'.i 1 nour xne oroaaroaa iw .- v. tea r A PRT71?dsDtfre? apl 5 tf A Decorated Dinner Set pOR f23 AT apl 8 GILES A UURCHISON'3. I Ilarchison Block. Wanted 'iJUUX FOUR GOOD MILK. COWS BY i May 1st. Most give from 10 to 14 anarUdnn - . m m M J Auuress, J. D. 8UBLETT. ' mch 50 tf J. D. 8UBLETT, Hotel Brunswick. SznUhvllle,-..C. hour The broaa road to rorw the workers, absolutely orM.M dress, Tkuk A Co., Augusta, a0 nov 20-Cmd lyw ' i C Ct ttZ weeat homej jfa 1 Capital not required. Bcad; " JexJ buamesa at Which persjns of g or old; can make great pay All w f work, with absolute certT., tieubors to H. HaixtttACO-, ror f 1 nov SWmd lyw . - , 1 X! 8 ' n U a u u

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