I ... . . ! .' ' ,, I " - 1 i . , . . .--,--'..' J I . - - T L Sunday ex- XHI3FJLFDK rexr treaiag. rsepted try JOSII T. JAMES, icrroB ajtd raorarjcro. -.RlPnONS rOSTAGK PAID: '""".iBi 81k month. tXOO. Three 090 IL. 11.00: On month. cent. -rTajr will U UellTerM by carrier free Jj-Sab-rrib wtll report may and aU 1 1 receipt ppcr regu j . fall. arts LOCAL NEWS. MlTn HW AOYf BTIllllIITt. UjtHKKOKB'DUct: Cook TiiUia Bx-Miniry i r W f ATI-- Crou Rooks ortK UotK-galatotte Clab Concert Co. Tk rYinU of cctton at this port tt.dsy fool op 3T bales. in,- has been rather breezy and rcsfy. bat. thaok good fortune, it has r.ot been dusty. We are bavingtho conventional April weather to-day with smiles ana tears, tte latter straying hard for tho ascen dascj.' 2 ti..... f!ifv Court this ruorn- n! them were no tramps applied for lodging at the guard house lait r.w. mmi tittUncs was in tho atmoi- Bl-t., of the City Hall. Making a. total of It is necessary. therefore. Personal. Mrs. Joe Person, whose medicines lave been io widely advertised, arrived ia tte city !at night and registered at tie Purce'l House. We were pleased to meet to-day with oar good "friend of former days," V M. DodJ, Es?.. who is t ravelins ia the isarest of tha Charlotte Observer, and who accompanied Sirs. Joe Persoa to the city. 3Iea and Horses. A partner in the College Point Brew erj. J. .. X. V.. Mr. J. Hirscb, -writes, tait among his hands and teams, for iteunistim. aches and pains of tho men. and tor all ailments of horses, St. Jacob Oil has no equal. lllsliop Randolph. The Uight Her. Dr. Randolph, of Virginia, will bo here in attendance upon the consecration ceremonies of Bishop-elect Watson, on Thursday, and at night will preach at St. - John's Church, the services to commence at 8 o'clock. Dr. Randolph is an eminent dmne and as a pulpit orator is ono oi reduce item for extension to. J.. the most brilliant and eloquent speak-1 -Howard Relief Firo Engine crs in the Soatb. . Co's house to $500. making. r H Daily Eeyief. VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. G.. TUESDAY. APRIL 15, 1884. NO. 90 Board of Aldermen. , The Board met in adjourned meet ing, last night at 8 p in. Present His Honor E. D. Hall, Mayor, and Alder men DeRoS3t, Boney, I Bear, Dudley, Fishblate, Chad bourn, Sweet, Howe, and Gcyer. The proccedines of last meeting read aud approved. j Aldermen Boncy was excused from the mectiiizof tha Board. Committee on Finance made tho fol lowing report: Armi. Hth, 8i. To Uic Mayor and Board of Aldermen: The Committee on Finance, bavin? aisain crefully considered the appro priation adopted at a previous session of this meeting in connection with the tax fevy for 1881 5, beg leave to report tho following recommendations: 1st. That the tax levy lor the cur rent fiscal year shall bo $1.75 on the $100 valuation, divided as follows: Current expeisjs 75 cents, pro ducing $37,500 Interest on Debt 80 cent?, pro ducing 41,000 Sinking Fund 6 cents, producing 3,000 North V ater streel 14 cents pro ducing 7,000 Estimated to produce j. .$83,500 On each poll $1.50. In addition to tho above in come wo estimate receipts . from license taxes .33.500 From miscellaneous sources.... 1,500 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Alderman DeRosset offered tho fol- The Modern Afire.J lowing: , The May number of the Modern Age Tho Committee on Streets and Wharves have agreed to givo the con- mm nT f : , " f trart for famishing r!rfir TmA'nxv maZDe. It contains two articles O caring for city mules and horses to T special merit, ono a comparative critf J. Southerland. at his bid - (cism of "Dnn OniTnfft1' nA ttt1o" tu -M-,: ft rr r u t . .. If l1" vaiuuua ujsrAOT.aiE.TS DEYO- mho onwuuu ui u. iv. uiubu , v i u j me xate xvau lourgenie, me oiner, a i complete tho shingling of a house on remarkably good story, by Daniel tedtothe Pv of these goods are thU sea west side of Jb llln street, between VV ai- uaro. entitled "A Pilgrim to Parnas- J 80n o than Tiaually attracUve. In TRIM- nut and Red Cross, was granted. su3." Another good story is by Ludo-1 med hats we are receiving from tbe North ...v. ,Jf unt.u xxy xiorse bv cver- Rteampr the tnt f AvnHtA ctP O 1 1-. I T .... y s ..mi nix- .M ..I" : j - ciwi. a uunuius wu otxuuu atitb. ur uiuius, auu ine uca LaD irom t ip i tween Chestnut and Mulberry, was Hnnsarian of Jokai. is a verv Dowp. Pattera Boeta; duplicates of which we can fol tale. Sir Lepel Griffin's article on iaTDlsh at very low prices ; while of UNTRIM- grantcd. Petition of M,. O'Brien to erect a building oa Nutt street, was referred to Committee on Fire. although the article on Naooleon's Min Aiacrman unnclDourn movea a le- isters will be iound more interesting consideration of the vote just tasen, The editorials are even better than which was carried. He then moved that the petition bo granted, which was carried. j Petition of R. R. Taylor and others to erect a building on the wharf at the : $123,500 that the The new uniforms for the Howard foot ol Red Cross street, was reported Relief Fire Engine Company, No. 1, to Sanitary Committee, with power to arrived yesterday and they are very t I V A. M. .1 act. Deaw preity ana appropriate in design- Communication from Wilmington They consist of a blue cloth cap. of the Cotton Mills rolating to the accumia- navy pattern , with a gold cord over the tion of rain water at Front and Queen streets, was referred to Committee on Streets and Wharves. Petition ol r. Larnngton to erect a small building on Water street was granted "American Politics" 13 reprinted for MED GOODS, our assortment u absolutely the delectation of American readers. 1 ' . J Hats,Chlldren's Hats, Boys Hats,&c, In Slraw, In Chip, in Fine MlJan, in Union Milan.ln Rough 1 and Ready, in Canton, in Pearl and in other materials, in all the choicest shades, and at 1 prices which, as compared with those ruling elsewhere, are simply astonishing. I LOW PRICES AT usual. City. $1.60 per annum. New York New Uniforms. TATLOK'S BAZAAR. visor, and tne initials "H. K., No. 1 in a semi-circle in front; a belt of redt white and black leather, upon the back of which is the legend, "A. Adrian;" and a shirt of gray flannel, with blue trimming and gilt buttons of the fire Petition of R. E. Heide and others department pattern. The breast of the appropriations shall ;be reduced to not for improvement ot South Water street shirt is ornamented with the mono- exceeding this amount, and as the only was ro(orrea 0 Committee on Streets gram H. R., No. I., in red letters. The HP W-rCiL Wharves, with instruction to cot trousers have not yet arrived, but city, we recommend tnat such items a? can be most readily dispensed with be changed as follows: ; STRIKE OUT. Grading Ann and Third Streets.S 500 Third street between Market and Princess i COO Draining and improving Second and Chestnut streets 1:000 Gutters at tundry crossings. 1,200 Curbing on Fourth street 1 . . 750 and Wharves, with instruction to ge1- trousers nave noc yec arrived, but are information and report as to probable expected here soon. The uniforms co3t of work. were made to order by Messrs Cairns Petition of Gconre R. Bate for lamps & Bro., of New York. They will be on Fourth street, between Bladen and worn publicly for the first time on Harnett, wa3 referred to Committee on Wednesday, the 23rd inst., when the Lights with power to act. company will parade during the day. Communication from O. G. Parsley and have a grand ball at night. Ann We have Trimmings of every description, from the small slngie Violet to the largest branch ed dress garniture. Daises by the dozen, or in wreaths, Morning Glories, Panslea, Lillies of the Valley, Buds, Roses, Muslin Buds, Moss Buds, Wreaths, Sprays of every description, ! In fact every kind of Flowers; Trimming for Dresses or Hats, at prices which set com petition at defiance, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. OUR DISPLAY OF ' Total Fine Music. Tho lovers of good, refined and clas sic rauic will have an opportunity to he gratified next Monday night at the Opera House, at which time tho just y celebrated Mendelssohn Quintette Club, t Boston, will give one of their superb caterUioments nndcr theaupicies of the library Atsociation. This club ha9 beta ia existence more than a quarter oft century, and although nearly all of the original members have died, the excellence of the musical talent has! tva faithfully preserved. a reduction of. . 4.050 $900 Making a total reduction of $4,950 Increasing the item of. incidentals ou that and Wharf Department from $800 to $1,500 700 Leaving a net reduction of $4250, and making the aggregate. . of appropriations, with the. .. above amendments $71,513.33 Takincthis item and the amounts necessary for other purposes, the ap propriation will stand. Current expenses 1.513. jj Interest on debt 41 000.00 North Water street debt 7.000.00 Bond and interest due Mrs. Smith $ 1.224.00 Sinking Fund 3.000.00 f) . r?, dolaVa for each ni A. H. VanBokkelen, Esq.. has Being $237.33 in excess of tne estima- Slnn? iiJ had several very satis factory confer- such shall be made to the Mayor, who ences with Gen. Ransom, Cox. Green alone shall bo authorized to give the and ?thew rtrdl , W?7- rrnnired nermisslon menu lie is uuuciui ui iuu usual cap- rcqnircu permibalOU. L.MMl At thrnn nVWb- thia nfYo- Alderman Fishblato moved to amend JJoonh0 appcared before the House by inserting, except ! for religious or Committee on Rivers and Harbors. In charitable purposes. Not adopted. The the short time pt nve minutes he pre- .unn nAnnt ri senoeu uwwuuiu vav iu au cuwuvu au- Alderman Liuoioy moveu mat ine embraced in the chief engineer's report. ted income. The Hall. ine moo-man Association gave a grind ball at Gcrmania Hall last night. the eTcnt being the celebration of the IBih anniversary of the Society' organ izition. The harpers furnished tho masic for the occasion. The party was an unusually Urge one and the dancers entered tnf ntfiA miinvmnnfa n( llin knur Alderman Dclio3set moved a recon- with a 7or k.t;nn.. t k. mntmA sLdcralion ot the vote adopting the their an amended report of tho Finance Com , f t.v.iuu VI UU J'tVUUIl, uiu 1 tisie. Dandnzwas kent dp until a mittce at last meeting. Adopted. late Lmir tt niiii riur tn nr. I Alderman Fishblate moved that the arly hour this moraine and the vcrv report, as mado by the Finance Com bej: of nri!orri4wntmWaanK-irwi I mittce. be adopted, except the reduc with reference to property on street, was referred to uommittee on Streets and Wharves. Mayor Hall (Alderman Dudley being it. tho chair) introduced tho following: Resolved, That the petition of Sol Bear and others to appropriate $80 to lay down some pipe in Quince's Alley be granted. Not adopted. Communication from J. E. Lippitt to insure tho city horses, was referred to Finance Committee Petition of W. H. Strauss and others for increase of policemen, was referred to Police Committee Petition of James Bland and others for use of City Hall, was granted. - j Alderman DeRosset offered the fol lowing: Jtcsolcd. That all resolutions hereto fore passed by this Board, relative to the use ot the City Hall for meetings of any kind, are hereby repealed. That hereafter no person or organization We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order'at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, ! tf. Mr, VanBokkelen In Washing ton. Hon. A. 11. VanBokkelen, of this city, President of the Chamber of Com merce and Chairman of the Committee Comprises Ostrich Tips, Ostrich Plumes, Os trich Pompoons with Humming Birds and without, and with and without Aigrettes, in all styles and colors, and at prices to suit all purees. All are the best of their kind, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. FIXASJC XOTICX. TT W 121 be glad tO Terrfivn Mrryn.l 9 froaa our rxlcacU on any.axd all cubjecta of ffoaeral Interest bat . u Tbe asie of tho writer nnat always U ts rV lixd. to the EdiioT. j; CommunlcaUons must t wrHUa oa caty one aide of the paper. . I , FcxsonaCUca must bo avoided. And It la especially and rarUculaxry tatfer tood that tic Editor docs not always enda se tho Tlews of corrcepondcaU ualeu ao'ctatt. In tho editorial columns. , ill, EW AD VERTISEIEBNTS. OPERA HOUSE. ONE SIGHT ONLT! MONDAY, APRIL 21. THE MENDELSSOHN QUINTETTE CLUB COXCIM C03IPAH, . Of Bcston. (onranlzcd in 1549. I - VDJ?Ztl20 WILaflNGTON LI BR AST cuvi&iiu.i, consisting of tha follow ,1ns Eminent Artists: m MR. 8AM. FRANKO.... Tolln ME. MAX KLEIN: vinlln r . . . if i . MB. TH03. BYAX....Clarioacttc and Vlolla MB. FBITZG1ESE ' .viAHnJ,. to Ills Majesty tho King of HoUandTT MME CORA GIESE,. Soprano Admission tl. No ertm.rhA.nm t nr I?m.nriwi Scats, which can bo secured at Dyer's JTrldav morning. i , . . , aP' - r I . tu th fat To Fruit Growers, T HAVE JUST RECEIVED ICO.000 rrult Baskets and Strawberry Crates, and am jre- pared to furn!sh tho trade, from GoMsboro to Charleston. These crates weigh It pounds and save $1.23 in frelsrht betnrep.n Wllminirtnn and New, York, on each trip. Writo to aPu "V : ' j Agent Notice. : .( i HAVE PURCHASED ALL THE INTER - , , . i .i t. ests of ISAAC L. GREENE WALD la tho BOOT AND SHOE business at No. 110 Market Street, where I will continue tho asking my friends for a continuance; of their patronage. All bills due the former firm will bo collected uy me. buslncff. apllO Very Respectfully, W. J. ROSENTHAL. Sportsman's Goods. WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a first-" class stock of Shells, Wadding, Primers,Cart' ridge Bags, Gun Caps, Game Bags, Ac. In fact wo can show a Block of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. . . . IV W. IS. & CO.,1 i Succeasors to John Dawson A Co., apl H j, 19. 21 and 2a Market Stxcet Also, a full line of in that- body on River and Bar Impaove- monts hoq hfiftn tn Wflshmcrfnn in thQ HOISERY, GLOVES, CORSETS. UNDER WEAR, &c, &c. QNE HUNDRED BUSHELS CLAY PEAS, Consignment Goods. Mast bo sold, i Leave orders at ; 1 i A. W. BIVENBARK'Si Produce Commission Merchant and Grocer. 114 North Water St, Wilmington, H.C. aplU .- ..(." .iil f . :: Dr. S. G. Ellis. rFFICE 323 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, We display novelties in Fancy Laces for opposite Miller's Drug Store. Having located i , I . - i . i K 1 1 Wilminirton Chamber of Commerce Dr4sa Trlmmings, Oriental, Cluny, Egyptian, in Wilmington offers his professional services i TfT l . il . .1 I I . naSDeentO V asmugioa m me interest Normanii v. Pnanish. Point. TCrahnnt In white. I tA fhA MMTna - Tf In hin - j m a.- - w i w v.ww wwmvm -a, juw f uvu uuwu of the important naroor improvements calls left upon the slate will bo promptly ro of that city ana secured a nearine irom ttuu Auciexamunc oi cc&wear, i sponaa io. . i apisu the- House Committee on Riyers and i Harbors.! Mr. Willis, of IKentuckv. shall bo iStoirt S use of the CUy chairman. Our Washiogtoa represent- I embeoideeies in Swiss. Nainsooi and . I sima -vb f na linn norn r r A f I Ilnll A-mnnf nnnn hn nnvmont nf Dn IIUVO Tm.c3 uuut. ui HCUUC8- . . . .!. ... .. . . ! interest oi me appropriation to oe se cured for continuing and completing tho government work here. The Golds- i boro Messenger says . of his presence j and efforts in Washington : Mr. VanBokkelen, President of the for Ladles and Children. E D. Hall. Ch'm. W. H. ClI ADDOCKN, W. L. DeRosset. Irish Point, at remarkably low figures, at TAYLOR'S ! i BAZAAR, 118 Market St., apl 15 WILMINGTON, N . C Blank Books. City Drn Store. I , 21.6 ":IU"I SOUTH MARKET STKEET. IF YOU WANT GOOD AND PURE MED Iclnes call on ''Old Conolev" f Jlml. i Mr Soda fountain (a little one) will arrive in a few days. Due notice will be given of Its arrival. F Prescriptions filled day and night. J. W. CON OLE Y. api j i Manager. ttroajhout. tion from the amount provided for ad ditions to the house of Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. Alderman DeRosset called for a dr vision of the report of tho Committee, which was ordered. petitions of T. P. Sykes and H. Hintze The leading features of the work, the l-TEDGEES, journals, for rebates be allowed. Motion adopted, growtn ioi r v J Adjourned subject to the call of the nndertaking were all treated with great Mayor. Produce Exchange. Tfcefoilowins comprises the list of oaceii of tho Produce Exchange for tieeosaiog year: President Col. Roger Moore. Vice President Mr. J. II Currie Hotid of Manazers Messrs. Iloger Moore. J. H. Carrie, H. C. McQueen, H1I. a P. Mebane. A.H. Greene od R. W. Hicks. (Mr. C. P. Mebane wat t-ected ia place of Mr. J. P. Woodj. who declined). STANDING COMMITTEES. AtUtriricm fr TV 15. Wnrth. t "'Sx.C.W.WIIUmm. R. H- adopted. -rUa. The reoort of tho Committee, as macce-B. F. Hall. R. W. Hicks, lrects ancl wharves, was adopted. f"1H-H. C. McQueen Eastor Elections. At the rccnlar Easter elections, held i in tho various Episcopal churcnes in M!tir hn fnllnwinw were chosen as selves, it seems mat except lour little Thequestion being on tho adoption of this city, the following w ere cnose1 laces on lhe bar, and the last twelve -nt.!avP Ai,Wmn nnH! mnoA estrymen to serve lor tne ensuing i !Ln. ivinff nearest the citv. thprn is clearness and practical sagacity. Ac com pan y in g the speech was a large map wnicn air. v anuojoceien snowed the committee, explaining such points as occurred to him to be necessary or were desired by the members them selves. It seems that except four little the tax levy. Alderman Dudley moved to amend by striking out $1.50 from the Doll tax and Inserting $1. On this mo tion Alderman Fishblate called for the yeas and cajs, which were ordered. Dudley.! Fishblate. year: Aldermen Bear, Sweat, Howe and Geyer voting aye, and Aldermen DeRosset and Chad- bourn voting nay, and tho motion was miles lying nearest me city, mere is ! already the depth ot sixteen feet at low T. I . 1 r . A 1 . 1 .1 . I. . ST. JAMES I water, jli is out mue less man tnis at 4 T nPncenf .lamol AntlfiN W llt" iuuiwiu. iuuug lUO JHM son.Aiirea warun, vyoi. u. aju.v. jbaIe3 of cotton ) nave cleared W. L. DeRosset, A. II. VanBokkelen. from the port of Wilmington, which n- rr n TKnma 1? P.. Caldcr. J. L fact shows that the money expended on ' v a mwm. . . l.i i j i . . l ; me naroor is aesuireu to ue mure i iuaa , DAY BOOKS, CASH BOOKS. RECEIPT ROOKS, NOTE AND DRAFT BOOKS. I TRIAL BALANCES, CHECKS on Bank of New Jl&novcr and First National Bank, all New Styles and Perforated. For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'3, apl 15 i Live Book and Music Stores. to W. Calder. "lormitloa and Statlstics-C II. jhuuon, Harding Johnson, R. E. Heide. Warine-Jas. Sprunt, E. Pcschau, E G. Barker. Pectioa-B. G. Worth, G. J. y. R. E. Calder. ClajsiScatioa of Cotton A. II. Grecae, J. If, Cutrie, B. F.Hall. aouUoas ot Cotton-Wm. Calder, Joha a Daniel. E. Oily. Naval Stores Qoota'ioas C.H. Rob aco. W. W. lUrnss, D. G. Worth. Meabershlp-W. R. Kenan, John T. Rankio, Albert Gore. Secretary and Treasurer-John L. -aatwtll. Rnntwriirhf. HnL J. W. AtkmSOH. J. G. Wright. Clayton Giles. St. John's. PL S. L. Kremont. H. G. Small- boncs. John Alexander, John E. Lip- Alderman Fishblate moved to amend " poumern seaooaru, , pu ua i ' m m wnca inccarn .- i v v r i irrnwi n ia ittv ipt iiix.ii nn v iiLiiri a i l w . me report v m ----- - CI rk John E; row. 1epinmeni oy birikiu uui w, w i wimontWl fnr the Howard Relief ST. PAULS . . i m inn I rinRrnfr Cat!ar. Senior Warden: K. r ire x.ugiae u . , - nn)h.i mnt!on Alderman DeRosset G. Rankin. Junior Warden; i . " called lor the yeas and nays, which Bernard, Capt. Walter G. McRae. U. Y.c-ilfl.rmpn Dad- E. He de. IL.JJ. WOOQ. J?. 11. iJUtcoeu, HGinuiuncvt. i Something New. Onn POUNDS OF FRESH LAKE SAL your orders in time or you will miss a apl 18 DAVIS FISH MARKET. ronniri in tVio Trnsrwritv of th niam I arrive for Wednesday's market. j . i i tucmnv aou me general ueueuw iu uummuLt i treat. will bring to the country. Air. Van Bokkelen placed Wilmington in a most advantageous light by comparing her rate of progress with other cities on the j oa. ley, Fishblate, Howe. Geyer; nays ll. A. uarr. Aldermen DeRosset, Bear, Chad bourn, st. aiakk. s. Sweat. The vote being a tie the Mayor John G. Norwood, John D. Nixon. cave the casting vote and voted no. and John O. Nixon. Henry u, aampsou. the motion was lost. . j Jos. L. bampson, wm. ";; The report as a whole was then Alex. Fenncr, John H.ttuone, J onn . adopted. i ! Davis, wm. uanier. josaua uui-uu. Alderman DeRosset I moved that the The following were cnosen oeie5v appropriations as amended be adopted. Convention: John G. .Norwood, jona Carried.. H.Davis, vaienune nowe, nu. Committee on Police reported that Stewart Alternates Joan u. hixod, Now Is thtlae to give Smith' Worm thej had awarded the contract for feed-1 Richard P. Hall, Henry D. Sampson, Xy d-w I Iss prisoners to tho present contractor. I Samuel Reid. especia.lly larger than Charleston and Savannah. President VanBokkelen has now la I bored faithfully in this commanding cause for many years, and his labors are be ine crowned with success. The Messtnaer hones he may realize for his generous city the very acme of his ex pectations. . Anything You Wish JN THE SHOE LINE WE HAVE IT. Children's, Misses', Lades', Men's. Boys and ''.' " Youths of all grades and at all prices Call in and see. i . k Geo. R. French & Sons, The Lord Mavor of London! was only a porter in a warehouse, but he persevered in the face of all opposition and rose rapidly. It is only persistency j and merit that has made Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup the greatest family remedy for coughs and colds now offered to the suffering public 4 i SUver Plated Spoons. Forks and K'nivM of best cmalitv. and at manu- apl 1 103 NORTH FROST STREET. Old. North State Saloon, 0 South Front St. . THE ONLY SECOND-CLASS BAR ROOM in inE city 1 JJE CAREFUL OF DRINKING AT THIS . place as the Clcmmer Whiskey la very bad atd the Beer is too 'cold; the Jlvo Cents Clears makes too much smoke ; the other Liquors are equally as 8ceondlass. Try 'cm and sco It they ain't. It la kept by the meanest man In America. Drummers and other travellers drink there because It Js second-class. . apl 7 - - PEARS' SOAP. I JJECOMMESDED A5 A iSALM FOR THE fckic, preserving it In health, maintaining .Its i tone and complexion, and proven Ung wrinkles i I have found it matchless for tho hands! and complexion." . AD JbL.il A 1'ATZX, "I have used Pears' Soan for come time, and prefer It to any other. : i i JUL.1JE JUAMUTltr. ; Bold by Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Dealers la Drucs and Fine Fanev Goods. apis - ; ' i ? i- i i Economy is Wealth. "piVE YEARS RENT WILL PCR- I CHASE A HOME. VaZMng Lfiu for K. sale oa ths instalment plan on Castle, T lit i I Church, Kan, Ann, Orange, lXnJ&erry, Ecd Cross, Gwyno, Rankio, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Sercailv Wilson, Eighth,. Nlats, Dlcllnscn, lng and No. 2100 Linen for the low price of i Testa. Wood, . Ray, Eteventb, CLxrlotte, Shirts fJade riiO ORDER OF BEST WAMSUTTA Shirt. A $i.oo. factnrer's prices, can be found at Ja- reubij cosi'a Hardware Depot. tl ftSatf A perfect fit and good substantial work guar an teed. Oar patrons and customers are Jnrlt cd to call and leave their measures at toe above low price at the Wilmington Shirt 57 ifxxket t. Twelfth, Thlrtccath and Fourteoth Etrccfl. Also, Honscs and Lots for sale. ' Moaey Joanel to those wahlag to tulld. Apply to pl9cw

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