Xfrjj TATZ3. - ax- "'HP. . . . J. - . .septal bj ' JOSH T. JAME3, gorttJ AjrrsorirTo--..PTIONS rOSTAOE PAID: Oo month, 13 cents, t p1" ... rt dt the er. as wvaoor t ,T -' their Ppr rc . . 1 circuit ar,y newspaper jfrVtnJerbiU bat raid $4,000 for a . ". the Abbey benefit. a, Richer thinks that the third f fm bcrMM was scUcd in 1880. Mr. Ilecc&cr h r . " ... lYeslnt Auibur bai a cracker and a f. l0f ceffee Tar break fat,bct ween nine tec. anJ after that be eats scarcely lajthinsontH dinner at eight. The d.cscr is a'J S1' "" , " . . Tie New Yrk Time says that seULer ptrtJ cuuntrycommandi aosjorityenfcePP1- The election osit, therefore, be settled by the inde nt.... ,.n who are not in bonds to either party. Iiat the New York Ti mes ti not infallible. - The cost crushing objection thus lar receded to tte scheme for converting the Sahara into a iea has just dropped fa the rea of a statistician, who caI ci!atei that a canal 100 feet wide and oj tnl cvf p. with a flow of four miles aa tour, woa'.d require several tbou ncd jean to dcod the desert. Rochester Ikrald: Air. Blaioe would ur.3eiUoc.t)!y be defeated in the Stale cl Sew York if be should become the IUpublkaa cacdalste for President. Two powerful elements in bis own par ty woul 1 hi srrayed against him; and UUduaUbl it he- would command evo their totes, not to speak ol their actire s mpalby and assistance during lie caaps:C Kx-St-cretuary Robeson is mak'ug a itrtnx igli fur a Waino delegation Uzx Sew Jeroy. Mr. Robeson wants to go 3i a delegate to the Chicago Con ucu3, where he proposes to make the greatest effort" of his lifo in sec onding the nomination of Mr. Blaine. Sba!d Blaioe be nominated and elect Hit is understood Mr. Ilobeson ex jtct' to secure the naval portfolio. -Rev." W. A. T. Smith, colored, in jail at New London, Conn., awaiting trial for swindling under toe pretence of bdioz an African missionary, has isade a confession, in which be said he ai sever authorized as a missionary, but in add a good living by his many fa!e representations. He has been in it swindling business lor ten years asd csed all the money lor himself. m- - .tlsihctic Ivosdoa is paying a pil gricaage to th bridal dress of the future Mrs. Oicar Wilde. The shrine where the nuptial parmcnt h exhibited U the show-room of a fashionable Fretch dcsjaiakcr in Regent street. Ttt dress is saffron-hucd. the color woi by Greek maidens on x their cJiris diy, and is adorned with pale violet Winnings, which Hellenic brides would probably hardly countenance Mbi Lloyds headgear will bo of ann- tpt. Arthur E. Spitzer, of Rich-a-ad, Va , adjutant of Robert K. Is Carap No. l. Confederate Veterans, ar m m mm-. nrcaialHtonoo Friday with Gen. LiaiCf Obierne. of New York, to so tare tie co-operation of Union soldiers as,! sailors ia raising funds for a home toaiederate soldiers in Rtehmond. A poV.ic xaecUog will be held In Bos :a furtherance or the plan. The proprietor of a widelv-advertis PUeat medicine recently made an the iostoCice department to rJ the Government $20,000 a year, for privilege of having a small adver- Jcmcct placed oo the margins of the cf postagtr ttim ps -H3rilh part wahUtora off when the ttimpt are ti1 Ths offer was declined on the P1-4 to it would be con'rary to law. Sailor Sherman may as well shut 2r?.Tlhroir op. for they fay he is rJofthe whole baslocss-that laTUgitioo. . Senator Vance Z- to Prove that his principal 3.S.taVuathier.as he has al 1121 Kar. Yesterday 5 U Pokc of Introducing tea iffoy 10 Pcach Vance's character -ijoataaj be sure that there was a sd that Vance did not mince his piT v hooJd Wise attempt. thU it -Womjibi h CTer handled. intL? VTt-&hicd 1110 Maryland wS'AffOil.Infte cure or tbe mott wonderful that fcukif dr hii noliccV I( ia Fu Bntnd GUUng thread 4s PorttjACOB,,,; IIe I, the Ira- r VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. APRIL LOCAL NEWS. - dOU TO IEW ADYERTISEME1TS. THbnte of Betpect j f 1 F C Miller s mole IIxxxsbrokb Blank Rooks C W Tates 53 Cent Book alejc Sparser A Soar Votlce - Jis Winox Stop an ! Think ! Erik Medical CoMoUcinal K K BraitiHS, Mortgage Notice ' Muxi Bb-js. A DeRoshet Pcam Soap Pakslet ft WioGiss-S.nh. Bllo.l-, Do n , There were no tramps at the guard house last nigbJ. The receipts of ccttonj at this port to-day foot up C bales, j aieamDoatiucn report 'tbat there is good fair boating water in the Cape Fear. ... Capt. Fred Nash, of Charlotte, is here to-day and is tho guest of Col. W L. DeRosset. Dr. A.S. Fi!hblatc,ori'itUburg.Ta. .e city, the K,,o,to. hi, brother, is in tiie ex-Mayor S. II. Fisnblate. After the storm of wind and rain ol yestesday, this morning's sun vtii de lightful and refreshing. Kev. Alexander Sprunt will preach to-night at the Second Presbyterian Church, services beginning at 8 o'clock, The maximum velocity of wind here " " I " villc I The "mite p-irty" connected with the Second Presbyterian Church will meet at 8 o clock to-morrow night at No. 316 North Second street. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. rrt ?--t ...1 '.L 1 ?,a wi iuc swrm mtu a uuwttu ycsieruay ana wnicn uoateu in ine and nicn lloated in Dreezo lor awnue tins morning, was hawlcd down at about 0 o'clock thia forenoon. Two juYenile baseball clubs, the -Never Fai!,' Captain R. Williams and the "Jolly Nine.". Captain H.'Fer dew, played a match game yesterday afternoon, on Fourth street, between Red Cross and Campbell. Tho former was the winner in a score of 15, against 11 by the latter. j City Court. There wero two cases of disorderly conduct before the Mayor this morning which were settled: James Bell, for an affray, was lined S3 " Richard llanrrovc, colored, tor an affray, was fined $3.' j Tho Consecration. ! U care requested to give notice .a .1 on ine occasion oi ice consecration oi the Bishop-elect of the Diocese of East CarolinaThursday, LApril 17, the morn ing Prayer is appointed for 7 A. M. and the Consecration and Communion Service, for 11 .A. M. at St. James Church, corner ol Market and Third streets. The Clergy in attendance arc request ed to assemble in tbc schoolroom East of St. James' Church, at 10:30 A. . M., and to bring their surplices. Criminal Court. This tribunal finished the labors of 1 " tho term by a short session this morn ing. Those convicted of crimes and punished by sentences of confinement m ra fnllnva i I ""' Reuben Thompson, larceny; six years la tbe penitentiary. James fcppcs, larceny, Uve years in theixjnttenuary. Mary J. Jordan, larceay, four years In the penitentiary. j Herbert bmitn, larceny, tnree years in the penitentiary. James McNeil, 'Jarceny, Ihreo years in the County Uouso of Correction. William Larklns, larceny, two years in tho County House of Correction. Sam Williams, false pretense, twelve months in the County House of Corec- tlon. ' ..' . i - ..' Monroe Dudley, larceny, six months i-tr 1 r-w.? a ids vouuijf Aiuui vi uwtlt.u. lit Walker; Williams, larceny, six months in the County House of Correc- . . - t , ... ti - lion." ; Sylyester Mclean, Cruelty to ani mals, six monthi in the Coantj House of Correction . 1 A. S. Canady, running a lottery, six months in the County House 01 uorrec- tion. row morning forihe penitentiary at Raleigh with the first 1 four ol inose named ia the abore list. . Sa.m Grer. reLaiTiDir. four months in . .;. ' :" r 1 .1 iv 1 r i.w-I-. . - . . - - ing mat season, utapiana ia iaia xw 1 w jLuuuig. - ; t c:.!ff r ;n PC""1101 Ia, Mr.J. r- w II . if . I - II II Military Courtesies The Wilmington Light Infantry M ill parade on Memorial m . iinorial Day the'lOth of Ve Invited thoSmithville aiayana naTo inyiiea mo lomiinvuie Otiards-tcriointhenrin the; parade and be their cupsU at the Parcel! blouse during the day when no on duty.'. We are clad tho invitation has hn extend- ed and hope that it will be accepted as the preMncc'or a'"mlntaTycpnjpany from abroad will add interest, to th occasion. Kxports Foreign; Nor. barquo Frey, Halycrscn, cleared to-day forr-Garstotr? with 600 - casks spirits turpentlnerand L6i3 " barrels rosia, valued at $10,010,'- shipped by'froay. May 2nd, between a number ot Messrs. Alcr. Sprunt & Son. "Nor- barquo Nordemhiold. Abrahamsen, cleared, for Montevideo with, 200.900 feet lumber and 6 boxes tobacco, valued at S3.805.43. shipped by ifessrs. E. Kidder &. Son. making a total of exborts foreiea amoantine to-S13 815.- 43.P '. ... . ' - personal. Mr; John R. Ix)ndon", of Rock Hill, S. C, and Mrs, Ixindon : arrived here this morning as tho guests ot Mr. F. J Lord. Mr. Robert Savage, second son of the late Col. Robert Savage, is in the city da7' . "tH a can,dlj?tat0 -f?r ho!y ?!' II .LS J I O. T . rj 1 - next. Mr. E. J. Hale, editor of the Fayette vnie Cbscrevr, is in the city, accompan by Mrs. Hale. ' They are the guests Gf Mr. Edward Kidder. Maj.Stedman. e notice almost every day an en dorsemcnt from ome one or another of our brethren of the State press of Maj. Prina AT Rlnmqn for nm'nitlnn e . . n , . , , . . iieui-uovernor Dy tue next wemocrauc uonvention. uytms it would appear mat Mni: Stedman stands an excellent :- - t u. :t truuM , ' auuum ubucsub u. xi ucauuuiu sei it uo wi.l be elected, for .we have an abiding faith In .iin trinmnh f fhA Dpmnorfttln party in the next election. Maj. .Sted- man and wc say this in no disparage ment of the claims or merits of others wonld fill most admirably; the posi tion. Ills nomination and election would be a great compliment and benefit to the people of Wilmington and the Cape Fear section. Tho Happy Bells. Rev. Samuel Hall Chester, of Meb- aneville, N. C, and Miss Susie Weir Willard, daughter of Mr. A. A. Willard, of this city, wero united in marriage last nizht in the First Pres byterian Church, by the Pastor, Rev. .lbs. R. Wilson. D. D. Tho ccremonv " " took nlaco at 9 o'clock and it was wit nessed by a very large congregation, conclusion the wedding party all repair- ed to tho residence of the bride's father where a reception was held lo which a great many of tho friends ol tbe happy couple repaired. Tho wedding presents, we understand, -were both costly aud numerous. Mr. Chester and bis beautiful bride have gone on a tour North. m. Summer Cities. We received a hurried .visit,, a few days since, Irom our friend, Capt. John t. Tatrick, State Commissioner of Im- migration. While with ns Capt. Pats . . hibitcd tou9lhe Dlan Qf the new .... ... I Cnmii racnrt wh oh hI rMnt V hoan , b him near Blanly, in Monroe Lnnt.. Tt i said to be one of the - beautiful and salubrioua snots to r.nnfi -nvwhprft in the sttn Tt i Lfr(VVjW nn thaymQ o the R.& AJ Air r ? n n ftnd caUed MYineland Citv There are in the tract 800 acres of a moderately roUing character, and nnni;i iiKriiv with nnrA nAtAr. Tt is on the ton of the watershed and is at an elevation of 600 feet above the Bam IaitaI hlVl k- 1 1 hifhor t hnn ftlihPr Raleiirh or Wadesboro. A beautiml Dark has 'been "laid out ml ! fi h( Rnnnllnfl with fntml aina . , . t Pat. . have r r noonlftd larcelv bv nonlft from the already several residences have been erected. Capt. Tatrick also tells us that he proposes r;t?nathA Art-mt -nmhAWVuftf fnr Prnm I city on tne coast, proDamyuor larirom Wilmincton. This wQl be madeattra- w ' - j I tUQ iQ tb8 Winter aswelU- Cor . those -k. nnyn .QwtH tr Knnt n.t fioH rim, avT" g . ,T r : .r.(T A h JNOW 13 tnetimetO gtreomun IV orm 1 tacua aucaaiMuy.r xac uisv i mc eta-. r , v-wjWj, Aiongjee.; 1 remsrkablr low rnc tbe-wi;muTtoa , ,.5. t ,0 Aj iIHi tTT :I ;uLuti .3. fcsm-.: ' "', ; ' j I ' .. , , ' "" . ' ' ' " . , i - . . ' " " ' , ? , ... 1 ., ri" ." . . . - ' j " ' '.- .. - ' . " - - "... . ..--v-" .. ...... .-f . .... v- .... ... ... ... ..... .. .... . . I " " , . ' v : . . ... - ,L.... ..... v : j .... - .... - -I . ;- . , ....- d IF WWW liishop Watson. A public reception havui: been tendered the Rof. Dr. Watson alter he shall have been consecrated Bishop of stiairnave bfin mrtPt Tt?in East Caroiina, he will be pleased to meet al! who dpim m 11 nn him t the Rooms of ibe Wilmington Library AssocUtin t,r n r. 4 to C o'clock, and to-morrow evening from 8 to 10 o'clock. 'The visiting BlshoDS and clergy will also be present and the opportunity of meeting them may be had at the same time. A Kail road Item The Fayette?i:le Sun learns that there is to bo. a. meeting in tbat town on Sat- prominent, business men from; Wil- immgton and trie authorities ot the Cape ear As ladkm Valley K. 11., relative i lo the extension of tbat road from Fay etteville to this city. This. Wo take it, 3 to be a conference between the pro- jectore oflhe Clinton Point Casweli R. R. and the Cape Fear & Y.dkfn l Valley people relative to a connection between the two road3 and an extension to this citv. as the Sun sneaks of thft - - ' - - - - . n..A f .l- n.' route ia&totiuovyape j; ear.- The Phosphate Fields Here 13 an article in reference to the recent discoveries of phosphates in this section, which will prove of interest to our readers in the: adjoining 'counties It is from the News ami Observer. . uen. w. ix. Jewis is here, having been en Erased for some weeks in thrc Rnlleclion of nhoanhatfts. Up will ham at the exposilion a "nodule" of phos pnate weigning over wv pounus, nnu a block of Vervstal .marl" wp.ia-hirlir 2JSn 1, r. - t r. , 1 . 0 j puuuus. Y-u- Jw,13 c uas uouw -koou nizes the many and .levoted serYicea rendered service in his search for valuable fer- to their Association by their first and continu tilizers'and his work is much appreci- ous President,' mourn with unfeigned sinceri- -pfi . Lcu. : - . ..... ine commissioner 01 agriculture oi South Carolina says that he knew the Pjjosphate .deposits in that "State ex- tended tO tnO iOrtn Carolina line- (en. I JJUVVia iiao LiauCM bilt3 UUVK3JUaiA7 11UUJ the South Carolina linethrduirh Oolum-1 bus, Bladen, Fender, Sampson, Duplin. Onslow and Jones to lront river, tin 1 I'k l : il. j, . i . 1. 1 At Francks,near White Oak .swamp. m unsiow countv. some DhosDhates of great value were discovered. The iarg- icBLnoauie inus larsent- nere weixns a little'over 250 pounds ; but some were tounu by General Iewis weighing 350. The crystal 'marl is a rock with soft marl among it Its stmc.ture i3 crys- talline, and its appearance is beautiful. A specimen can be seen at tho museum ia a day. or two' The large lump of it is on the farm of Joshua Smith, near Whiteville depot, in Columbus county. It will be taken out in a iittle while and brought here. The explorations will probably be immediately resumed. Our Clerical Guests. The following is a list of the clergy- men of the Episcopal Church who have already arrived in . the ' city with the i names of those, who will entertain them while here : Bishop W. M. Green , of Mississippi, with Messrs. James G. and W. M. Swann: Bishop A. M. Randolph, of Virginia, with Revv Dr. Carmichael; . 'V T n7n . ; n-T olina. with Dr. A. J. DeRosset; Bishop TB. LymanJoT North Corolina, with Col.'J. V.;Atkinson; Bishop II. A. ! Neeley, of Maine, with Mr. James II. Chadbourn : Bishop G. E. Seymour, of Springfield, 111 , with Maj. C. M-LSt id- man: Rev. Dr.' D. V. M. Johhson, ol Brooklyn, N. Y., with Hon. A. II. Van- Bokkelen; Itev. Dr. M. M. Marshall, of Raleigh , N. C- at St. J ames' Home ; Rev. Dr. N. Collin Hughe, of Choco- winity,'2T. C;. with Maj. C M. Sted- man ; Rcvl Dr. J. Huske, of Chapel Hill, N. C, with Mr. W. R. French; Key. V. W; Shields, of-New bern, with r r TT rTI L . r rn r I Mr .1- fV . 111. LI Hi C U LI V . IIHV. I. I. Haaghton, ol Wiliramston, N. C, with Mr. T. B. UppiU: Rev. Israel Harding, of Kinston, N. C. with Mr. James Anderson: Rev.Wm.Wetmorc, of Lincolnton. N. C, , with .irr. J. II. Sharp: Rev. J. C Huske. f Fayette Vine, n. V.;-wiia air.' w it.; Jt rencn : Rev. tt, a. windicy, oruunyan, n. u.. With Mr. tx. W. . Doyle: Rev. Jb. ,R. I v. , : M V , '' : Kicn anu wne, oi itaieign, is. witn wr. v , l. uaggeu; ney. m. Walker, of Thomaston, Me., with Mr. IT VT rfl 3i . V .... IIT" . 1 -naaoourn, liev.- xl iKjiicD, of Statesville, N. C.,- with Mrs. S. Jewett; Rev. R7B. Dranerof Edcntou, N. C.! Witfi Dr. W. G.r Thomas: Rer. . . - m n . , t Unas. kj. 2ain. oi - v aaeaooro, u., J. V. Armstrongs oL. lLchmona. Va., iwimueT. DZ.- armtcnaei nev. 1 Nathaniel Harding, of Washington A.S. Smith of IlaJliar: ReV.' Uennett I i.o. omua ouiajiiaii iwjVj. wcuuew Smedes. A. M. of Raleigh, with Ca"!t. - - - ... , - . i 1 I A. L. DeRosset; Rev. J. E.C. Smedes. inf Ralpiffb ami Here. Dr. R. B. Sutton, i button, J ?. l 16, 1884. NO. 91 Cure for Colds. J A new prescription for colds is now beinS rnished by the youug ladies , to yan-' gentlemen who are suffering froai that malady. One gave it to sufferer thusly:. "Tako a quantity a of ed w"iskcy in tbi palm of the hand aad inhale the odor through" the nostril?." She said ' 'the cure is certain, sjr il you can can succeed . in., getting the whiskey past your mouth." i The Quintette Club. , t Our music-loving citizens will hayo a rich treat at . the Opera House:, next Monday, night, at which time tho fa. mous Mendelssohn. Quintette CI tib; ol Boston, will appear accompanied . ); by Madame Cora Greso as the vbcal '4s6lc ist. Of this Club the Cincinnati Com mercial says: -v. y s The audience i3 first impressed with the quiet demeanor and dignified bears ing of the performers lneyi enter in the quietest possible manner, and qom I At- .:! , - j t . - t , ' i ., mence the work before tbem' as ' SMHSE?.' as ii ious and nnnlrnHinor snirit ' Whf hoi rthia lurks in the eyes of the first violin or is inborn with all. it would be difficult' to I 1 a 1 say pernaps t is uie result oi long l jcais ujuuKjcjpiiue auu associauon nil dftr iho nprvuflinir iw nf finfi.wM must not only be won, but maintained; but howsoever, it comes, ;it' certainly exists, and the delighted auditor sits spell-bound by the soft enchantment TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. AtameetiDg of the United Society-. of St. Georare and St. Andrew, held April Htb. 1834. I th0 ?ow1m preamble and resoluUona wcrQ "whereas it has peacd Aftihty Gol to 1 remove irom tmaworju, Ai.EXAiiOKa&PKCxT, late ircsiuent or tne St. licorjro ani Kt. ae- I drew's bociety. of North Carolina, who recor ty ins removal or one bo worthy 01 their re spect and affection. . . liesoived, That the death of Mr. Alexander Sprunt Las Inflicted upon us a severe Ices; wise fSiTXo iffwlfflit Socintvm PiTtftnrtlnc RfmntthT fiTiriv unr.Mr tn Society m extending sympathy andv succor to oar distrcecd countrymen. A true Sfcot. a noble man and, best, a devoted servant of his Redeemer, he has passed, full of years and honor?, to that rest which rcmaincth for the people of God. . Resolved, That the. members of ,thi Society wear the badge of mourning on tho left arm for thirty days, in memory of our late Presi dent i'! .... Ordejxed, That a copy ol these resolutions be sent to the fimily of the deceased; also, ! that they be spread upon our minutes and a blank pace inscribed with hlsiiamc, tho dates of his birth and death and tho duration of hl Presidency. -ti ' ' v JOIIN AL.EXANDEK. ) JOUN BISSKT, J Com I . Y . A. EIACH. ) , NEW AD VEKTISEMENTS Wotice. rpUE FIRM OF ALEX. SPRUNT & SON, having been dissolved by the death of the Se nior partner, Alexander Sprunt, the survivor, JamC3 Sprunt, has associated with him his brother, William H. Sprunt; and they will continue the business of the old Arm under the same firm name of Alexander Sprunt & Son. JAMES SPRUNT, ! WILLIAM II. SPRUNT. apllGth, 18S4 3t Star copy .- . . OAAA, ajxjxh uv9 3J V uao, AND ORNAMENTAL WORK Of every dcsjriptlon. MOULDINGS, BRACKETS. BALUSTERS, LATHS," FLOORING, CEILING. STAIR WORK IN PINE OR WALNUT A SPECIALTY. Manufacturing our own Goods, "and wnh a fuirune ot improved Machinery, we at i; arc prepared to fill orders with dispatch and low ngurcs. Price List furnished upon application. apl 16 d&w ly -PARSLEY A WIGGINS StOD and Tflink ' ! - I i W IIY PAY BENT WHEN TIIE same money, will buy you a home ? In this city I have sold over one hundred ana nity lts and nooses and Lota to parties who ha v pail In fall for them, by Instalments monthly payments. .vrww ottmyoooaa, who are making resrulaT monthly-narmfntu ana win soon a wo uomea anu eci clear or ian4 lord rule. i . , . u; . Money loaned to those wishing lo buHd. , Appiy to ;r . apllGcw ..... JAMES WILSON. Notice. "PURSUANT TO TUB POWERS OF SALE 5-rtatoe u a. ota jjajjoto i'"""" lu"ttW b. is. ijurruaa, uie win oay or aeptcmber. wnV"0 Z? russ, uie ma aay 01 January, iss:t and re S3ffiOTSSt dar of ilav. 1S4 the following dMriM,! ..r.t. iin h .(nr.,r . rrrrr ujt mini oouniy or xaacn, nzx acres oi W IatZo. lyus oa ine hotq sjae Ol tae C. Kali Ufcfram store hoo, one larMfraciitdwfe'- rayr, s csr wraui -target mar hi a e loon. anti aoout xa axaaii teaant mmut n atill hl koTd In LL in tnlt nnuk.... mm -j .1 irsa est fcii ca azj iii tdjecu et reacraltatcreattat Tfca txsra ct the writer atat alwari URr' ConaiCTtcattoaa meal tm wzlttsa ca ca'y of tie paper. i ttUV'ltf1, , , rtrBoaaSiics iacst.be atoM&S. ... ', Aatt it ts crpcdxUj aat -particularly cae'er lood tut the Evfitor does . sot aiwmya ead e the Tlews of oorreposdcsts ualcss sa ttaU to tie editorial, whuow. k NEW AUVKIITISIIEirrS. GKE ITOSDRED UCSrtKLS CLit TEAS. . . Lcatc orders at - l n , JU.W. KIVKK BARK'S, rnvlac Commlfslcn Ifnrlxant anU Grocer. ' II KorthWatcrSt,Wtolr.ston. KC. ' ,Df,;1s,,Q;;;Emsi;:, Qvrica za sorjTii Focjrrn street. ovpoBite Mncra fr ng-tore. ' tlavlnr located la wiimingtoa o2cra hla profcsaional senlcct ;. - ri,.' st "itV f ' ' to..lh,J:luens- Jf ot tn whea callcit uioa . calla left npon the Itc will bo promptly rt spondto.,v,.;; f .-! w ayl S tt ;'S6metwDg:;N,:'::; OH A POUNDS OF FRE9H Lake bal- aiuN to arrive for .Wedncwlar'a market. Learo your orders in' timfe or' Ttt'wlll tnlss a treat. , DAVIS! J'lSlI MAKKKT. api 13 r - . 1 IS To Fruit Growersi'1? r irAVE'jraV'itECiiin'ED itd.utolrruit Baskets and StravrbcrryCratcs, and. am pre pared t furnish, the trade, rrotn Uoldsboro to Charleston. These, crates , wclrh IJLpoands and safe $1.22 tn freight between Wilmington acd Siew.l'orkv on each trij"iifrlto to" ., V '. , ,i..,0. IJLAIRfc aplA fi -,vj-! J; j 'Agent Wanted - ,'. i.. .'.,) 'ift.r'l rpO liUV FOUR fqoop .MILK. COWS BY May 1st., Moat give fronJli to.ll4janrt4ctoJV. Addrcsa.tS i t mchtW tf' hl f'.J; W. 6TJBLETT,'-V .ijLofci liruniwJclc, PinlthvHloS. C WEAK, UflOEVELQPEO:PARTS OV THK HUMAN liOIY k.M.AI;i 1, DKVFIf. ! vrt iweniwuii Iomx rirnTrrr7rirTwT7rr"yiy lulu. On Ida pont rnry, t bt w1vrt ix r r. very ntelur istlor IE1ICAIj ' aplJG ydtw PJotice." HAVE PURCHASED ALL' THIS INTER I cats 6f ISAAC L: GREENE WALD la tho BOOT AND 3Hdi business at Xo, 110 wiwket , .; Street, whore I . will; continue, ifievbualnesa, asking .rayXricadft for a conttnnincft'of their ... Fa'ronage. ' Airbills due the former firm yrill be collected ; by inc. i i , ' Vcync8pcafuiy;:o::' ; ft ; r f. ' . apl 10 w;;j;eosenthalj; Blank Books. T EDGERS, JOURNALS, i i - ! 'i'Z'r.y-. i r DAYK)0IC9,; r CASIZ BOOKS. RECEIPT BOOKS,'1 NOTEtANjD DRAFT B0QK3.' 1." . TRIAL BALANCES, CHE QKS on Bank of N and tlrst National Bank, all itlonal Bank, New Stylos and Perforated. For sale cheap at., ilty v.' A . . IlEINSBERGER'flr . apl 15 ; Iiivo Book and Music Stores. City Drug store. SOUTH MARKET' STIU2ET. IF TOU WANT GOOD 'AND !PURE MED Iclaea.caU on fOid Conoley! (Jim).'? My soda fountain (a little one) will arrive in a few davB. Due notice will be riven ot its arriraL Prescriptions filled day and night. - J.W. CONOLEY, apl 12 :.t. Jdaasgcr. Old North; Stato,' Saloon, South Front St. TIIE ONLY SECONtfCLASS BAB BOO , IN TIIE CITY I r T3E CAREFUL OF- BRISKING AT TU place as the Clcmmer WWskoy U very bad ard the Beer la; too !cold; the Flvo Cents CTfira males too much smoke ; the other Liquors ire equally as secoa 1-claw. Try, 'cm and ice If they ala'L It Is kept by tho meanest man la America. Drummer and other travellers drink there because it Is second class. " 1 r apl 7 ' o . r r. v I PEARS' SOAP. . ': T EOOMilESDED AS A BALJf" FOR THE XV --"- "fr ' -j if ' 1 hJtic, pxeKrvtng it in tcaHh, malntaiaias; Its tone and compljon.aiyJprcTcnUDriakks. "I haTC found U matchles'for the : hands and camplexlonj t "7" ABELINA PATTX "I Latc used Pears' 8aapor.som time, asd prefer it to any other. .r ; " ;r I XtlLLlB ULNGIEY.t: 60U br Jf k' .r , Munds BrosV.it DeRocset,H Dealers la Dnxjfs'and Flae YinejCoodi ard a cT jn.s3"iij iu.mV .. ti .1 IIP OHOEa OFJBKST WAilSUTXJL fblrt X lz axid No; tltto Liuen tbt the k price cf perfect t axl road tbstisLUJ work etssr antcect ' Ocrpatroii an I cucomcrk are favit t tocaU ac4 leave tfieirixaares at tne aot