XHI3 8oS7 X- .CP r JOSH T. J ABtES, -..tPTlOKS POSTAGE PAID: .m ifr imwi nr. wm 0 VX . ,, wiU Us deCrered by carriers fre --- the city. UlUibart -.. w - - in per r rlow and ITberaL , -Ue their paper regnjarry. -nv Wy Bcvicw has tU largest . .tit circulation, qf arly newspaper Vi. Ou city Wilmington. zi "ifspleson stjf that ha made :3&-0 clear by hi Sao Francisco trip- , ... a i;oran announces his intention urtlH,lftX000 lor the Confederate Uoae in llicbuiooJ Mrs. Grant i1m not want her kasbanJtobeput up for nominating ccTcatioo or crank aisaasina. The railroad commission question is 'Xtij to be thoroughly aired in Missis iippi before tbe patter is adjosted. An aUempt was made Sunday to as .,;.,.(, tte President of (.aatemala. TU President was slightly wounded. $t Vrk i now acknowledged to be sId fur Blaice. Thirteen out of fifteen coa-Ces in cenventioa assembled de cs re fur hi si. Kate Greenaway; whosfl writings Ute chanced the children fur many jean.isbuiMing a house in London tro ter earnings. -it i Cgngreurcan Sunset" Cox. Is now tbe most solemn man in Congress, re mrks a Washington obserrer. having tbe expression o! a toothache sufferer. Tbe scbedate in the assignment cfG. W. C&maa & Co.. New York, filed Monday, slate liabilities at $411,320. 54; comical assets $115,260.05; actual awe.'j l5,3Cf. . Augusta Evans Wilson is deacricbed by a eaiale fr.ead, who admitcs her as J IierooreN. as auburn-haired, blue cjt J. tastefully dressed, medium-sized , asd. a'.is. "middle-aged." Tol. Tom Ochiltree and Col. Hancock So:itb. one of Gen. Gordon's staff. Con federate army, weie the last Con federates that crossed Mayo's brjdgc wben Richmond wan evacuated in lsS. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson is still in Atlanta, the guest of hercousin, Mrs. J J. II. Glorcr. but MIjs Julia Jackson (one to ritLit friendi in Charleston and mill rejoin her mother May 1st at their L ma in Richmond. Tbe falling od in the exports cf brtad stuffs far the nine months end In; March 31, as compared with the exports of the corresponding nine months in the previous year, nmounlei la valae to $16,471,065. The New Yrk Journal of- Coju- ncrce is still talking of holding a con suiuuosaicuarention lor the purpose of to amending the Federal charter as to guard agoinst the i cnlous ten den c:Vs of the late Supreme Court decision. uradstrccCs last week says that "the haTic ia the profits of railroads which competition and the lessened movement of grain have been making of late is cot unlikely to lead to considerable change in general railroad management ta thu country.' In a suit against a railroad company to recover lor goods delivered to the wrong partiw, a Philadelphia judge jait decided that a conversation carried on over a telephone is admisaa t. sj testimony. He said 'courts csit keep pace wifh the times." A six-day match between Miss Ar ttsaido and John II. Prince, on a bicy-c-e, iad Chs. M. Anderson, on horse commenced in San Trancisco, ilosdiy. The contesUnts ride twelve bours daily, from noon to midnight. mm The seats in the National Republican CBTeatioa remaining, after supplying octtoeachdetegato and alternate. 1, 000 to the Chicago local committee, and niag from 100 to 600 lor tho dally CSJ W be distributed to thQ seTeral ia exact proportion to Xhe nam- elegates. . iea Gra- ia a recent Interview says acaU-ri when our Southern Pinters received four ccnu a pound for "hic u sent all the way to o-::d to be naaufactured and then -ped back again." and he expresses J4 P:oa thU -foar ccnu a pound. w trade prices, and twelve cents, tariff prices.hoa'.dconTinoe everybody that tre is neither logic nor re as o in free trade.' In the Sharon divorce trial in San mccisco Monday the deposition or II. True, who is on hU death-bed, was f?- Harry Wells, a witness for the atijr. had tesUfied that Senator fctaxoahad Introdoced Miss UiU to Aratu ha wife. Truc'i deposition H VOL. VIII. states that be. Wells (and Miss Hill f.r ranged to testify to ibis Malcrnent. but being on his death-bed ho had deter mined to tell the truth. Lima, Pr.nc Senorita Matilda Gue vara says: "Mama has suffered for months with paralysis ol tbo facial muscles. She las been wonderfully relieved by tbe use of St. Jacobs Oil, tho great pain-cure." I ! LOCAL NEWS. FlDlX TO liw ADVE8TIS-SIEITS. F C Millkr Smoke t I C W TATES 53 Cent Books Jas SrRCXT Executor's Notice Uuxsbekqer To IUe Ball Players Geo. R. FHB5CH A foss Some Rem rants George Y Fillet CbalJcngt to tho State MCXDS BROS. A DtUossErr Reached at Lt . The receipts of cotton at this port to day fort up 21 bales. i There were no tramps applied lor lodgings at police headquarters last night. Sleamboattncu report good fair b;at- log water in the Cape Fear, although It. i fcJBUUttlljr laiiiug. i ii n 1 1 : .. Strawberries vere quite plentifnl in market this morning, and 25 cents per quart was tho price at which they were sold. There was one case ot 'drunk and down for tho MayTs ' consideration tnj mormnz. wnicn was seuieu by a fine of $5. ' The meetings at the First Baptist Church continue to be largely attended, and considerable spiritual interest is be- inr manlfpipd ing manues.ea. Aus. barque Lcda, Ershen. cleared to-day for Fiumo, with 4.CC9 barrels roiin. valued at SG.103.00, shipped by Msrf. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Col. Robinson, Maj Winder and (.ol. jones nave been on a tcur ot in spection over the line of the Carolina Central. They were in Shelby' on t 1 Wednesday. j . L All the planets bie evening stars dur ing this month, a thing quite unusaa), and it U not probable that this genera- t:on will over again witness such an as tronomical phenomenon. Air. George F. Tilley is in receipt of a finft lot of beaves. raised bv Mr. T. L. Racklev. of Sampson county, which will be on sale at his stall in the New Market for tho next thirty days. We invito the attention of bur citizens to tho fact that first quality i shirts are being made to order at lone dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, 11. Nearly all of tho clergy who wore in attendance UDon tbo Ceremonies of Consecration yesterday have left for their homes, although a good many others remain in the city visiting friends and relatives. Yes, young man, the world certainly owes vou a living, but you owe it to lhe world to work earnestly and in- dnstriouslv to earn that living. Do not iruaeino that the claim ia entirely on vonr side, for if you do you will bo sadly mistaken! lorsonat. Rev. E. N. Jovner. of the Church Messenger, published at Charlotte, N. C, gave us tho pleasure of a call this morning, j lie has been here in attend- ance upon too consecration services, which took placo yesterday. ! The Crops, i Thi wa another beautiful momine. and wo hear that the farmers in the pieieiy prostrateu, anu caiu. t - . ...I.I . I l - U -. . trVt a m a rl Vi a it koan coantry aro as busy; as bees in tneir rrm ort .nrt fnd honpfnl r,f a rood r ihm i.r Tho full a: i nil aLZVA.aaaa iui.1. Ji-Awa luw v a moon of April, which is generally a time cf heavy frosts.bas passed by with, . J oat an v serious uamaec caving been 1 done. There were frosts at that time, i ...,t:-u tiVif nn.t I oui wuev nciu ujujjj-i.uh-ij uf,u .... unimportant. 5 - Itecovercd. The locomotivo belonging to tho C. & A. Railroad, which ran into the Cape Fear at tne ara w onage a saori --. f 1 a 1 ime ago, has been raised by tho assis. ance of two flats and brougnt clown as far as Point Tcter. ( where it unlcrtu nately ran agrcund e$terday after noon. It was on its way to the Dry Dock, where it would be I taken and a rack laid by which it could be con veyed to tho shops for overhauling and necessary repairs. A steam slug went nn to her assistance this afternoon, bnt bad not succeeded in getting bcr off when our report dosed. ; w . . . . --.. t I - I mteresung to r uacrmca i auuwc- w-.wi p;., Rrn nniinj- thrfid Ola onij at J AGO B IS. , lie , is , ajo im- pDrtcr'fl AieaL f I WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. APRIL 18, Improvements. Tho wooden gates heretofore at the entrance to Oakdale Cemetery have been removed and their places supplied with substantial, neat and tasty gates of iron, which are very chaste and ap propriate in design. They are support ed by columns of granite, to which' they arc fastened, and add much to the beauty ol that "city of the dead1 Tiio Episcopal Residence. Tho Goldsboro Messenger hears it stated that Bishop WaUon has the mat ter of making the episcopal residence at Gvldiboro under advisement. Wil mington, it seems to ns, is the place for this.. The building is here, owned by churches of this city, and there are foufilRanilQlphjof Virginia, was -expected churches here, aggregating morel to preach the sermon of "the "occasion. members, in all probability, than will be found in any three counties else- where in the diocese. This favorite boat of the Cape Fear, having.been put in complete Summer trim, bean her regular trips to Smith- ville this morning. - She has been, com- -.1t,lT-V,nlrl rnni'iroil fl nrl r-ofiftorl so that sho has the appearance of an entirely new craft. Pleasure seekers and those who would like to enjoy a day near the ocean can now have an opportunity to leave the city in the morninz and return the same night in season fur supper. Tho Concert. The box sheets for the salo of tickets for the Concert which is to be given by theMendelssohn Quintette Club, of Bos- ton, at the Gpera House next Monday . f uigui.. was opnu iu uiorumj. xueio was quite a rush for seats, and the in- dications are that there will be a crowd- cd house. In speaking ot the Club, the M. Louis Qtobc says: , L The Mendelssohn Quintette Club gave their first concert last evening to a lance audience in Mercantile Library Hall, It would indeed be hard to say much for tho musical taste ol any city where this company should fail to draw a crowded house. Whatever people may say of Iiostou and people will say hard things of Boston she has given us the Men delssohn Quintette Club, and that cov ers a multitude ot her shortcomings. Let it bo borne in mind that tbe Con-1 cert will bo given under the auspices ol tho Library Association, and will be an entertainment of very superior excel- lence. Tho Library Association has done much to give our people a rich treat, and we hope that, those having the matter in charge will meet with tbe encouragement which the under takicg richly deserves, so that they may not become weary ot well-doing. The price'of admission to the gallery is 25 cents. Devastation iii Pender. The clouds which looked so porten tous of storm and wind in this city on Tuesday last, created havoc in some parts of Pender county, and especially in mat portion situated near rout Caswell. Trees were uprooted, fences torn down and everything in 'the track oi luOMUim nasuw.iujfcu. -iuc uuia- f . I . n.fttA1 IK In. ;n nrthAW;ml in its sp.vnritv. wj only about 10 minutes, but in that brief time it carried ruin and desolation in .v, Tf Mnnr irlfk onr1i euvor.tv Fa.u. k wv" that great sheets ot water were tasen . .,! j iruui mo suutttu ui imw auu . - - m m rx w i an . r" i rra a n n i rnrriH hmlilv htindreds bf vards. i , . , :iL .1 - i " . iipnnftn nrr ororTininir vvii ii wnii'ii iiii'v I V. & WilUll'Q 0 WW. k u .. w - - I came in contact. Tho force of the force wind was confined within a space of aboul 100 yards in width, in which it swept everything beiore it, ( tne loresis I . . . . . . I r througn wnicn n passeu veiuS com I ' . a.l .-.-l 1AATSnra - iw.eu a3 wwu.u cut throuzCi it. jjonunateiy, US lorce ... . ... , ,,. 1 L did not strike any uweiungs, anu iae uuu t-"c j . . i i oniy ios3 to Duuuiogs was occu-iuueu by the blowing over oi a lew outnouses. la !!.. .T T).!!' T a mkl I ttrnn ra I a. ciuzeu vi vncu, n u j visiteu tne scene, icus. us mat lnro'n mimhprn nf doves and other birds . wnicn naa oeen siueu oy mo iuiw tho wind, ana in almost every instance nearly all the feathers were stripped from them as completely as though prepared for cooking. . f Ia uia(ien county, on the uape x car, about 40 miles from this city, the cy- done did much damage. rbo princi pal force of the storm seems to have oen at tho farm of Messrs A. McFad- r - .! 1 . yen x oon ana in ineir tuimeuiau; vicinity. The wind tore the roof from Mr. McFadyen's cin hoase. tore down every tree fn the windows in the dwelling house. His son. Mr. A. W. McFadyen, receiv ed a letter this morning which contain ed many of the particulars of the storm. rmm . . 1 1 I ? -1 J. , i ha nnni wpr m 1 1 in inn iipiui ; 7" I work at the time of its occurrence, ana . tv,iCi-"J j leave and go to their homes. Iififi. ! I -..!. i . . . . j v Biff Effcrs. Mr. F. M. James brought into cur office to-day two mammoth eggs which were laid by one of ljis hens . The hens are a cross of the Cochin China and Plymouth breeds and the eggs are among the very largest we have ever sren. Mr. James informs us that those we saw are but a fair sampl of all that that breed of hens lay. One of i the peculiarities of the eggs was that the ends were alike in sizej and appearance, which is riot usually the case with hen's e?gs. ! At Stj. John's. 1 The services at St. John's Church last night were very interesting. Bishop I bus circumstances were such that he was nnable to officiate. Rev. Dr. Arm- strong, of Virginia, however, supplied sermon of mnchelonnp.nwiftnd rinwer. The h h throneed to its utmost r.D.ftit- w5th a deiiahtP,l nrlipn xvho listened wkh intercsted attention to the wor(i f th mJ' nt , .nw rphi music for the occasion mainly instru- meptal was very fine and added much to the delight of the hearers. Lilppincott's Magazine. iiirmwrr a ior way opens wr-n au T , 1 r r t nostra tea article ou 1 he Hi I-Snbnrbs of Cincinnati." The illustrations have great merit. Another timely article is an account of a Journey from Berber to Suakio, extracted from the diary of an English officer who was the last European to traverse this routo, closed cui f k m r,u r,u ai,- ihortly alter by the revolt of tbe Arabs under F MahdL "Shakesoeare's Trftffpdipa on the Stfl ' thA fi'rst nf twopapers. profes5or Wm. F. Allen conclude3 his exceiient acc0unt 1 of "How the Roman Spent His Year.' Jamcs A Harrison cives a Dicturesaue ames - garrison gives a picturesque aesenpuon or a inp "Along me i;oi- umbia River and Puget's Souud;" and Horace Lunt writes in the spirit of a . . Cf.,f ' fM true lover and close student ot nature on A uay in Larly bpnng." Among the stories in the number,! is "The Periect Treasure," a short serial " A f iT.flof " !o nnAfViai olirnf onrial bnt romantic rather than v realistic. Retaliation," is an interesting and well-written love-story;1 and 'The Rev. Nahum" is an amusing episode of American Missionary Life on the African Coast. The other departments are well filled, and the number is more than usually attractive. If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex celsior Penn., Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. Ahjyareto be found at factory prices at j Jacobi's, who is the manufacturers1 agent, t REED In this city. April 17th. 1881. at 8.15 P. M.. after a short Illness, JAME8JS. LEARY REED, Bm of Samuel and Henrietta Reed, In the 17th year of his age, 11, months and 15 days. T 1 jm . An exemDiary younir man. inu am courxe- ous to all who knew him; a warm friend and I . . v . . i is . i ent son, caKcn away on ine inresooiu oi man- hood, whqn the golden chalice ol :. life's sweet- est blesslmrs had been barely tasted; to be taken at such a period tne tnreaa or existence snaps like the string of the harp which breaks in the tide of song ana tne music is iorever hashed. It is hard, but, Eather, we know ThonrtnAat all thinirs well and we know that I he is rest, secure rrom pam ana sickness, I fr and sorrow: he sleeps In peace. The funeral services were held at et Mark's - Episcopal Church, Rev u. u. iJrady omcia m tkenm tA P llA Fnst r inAtprv fn j UfcX UV 1 nr NEW AD VJEKTI S ETtLENT S Eeached at Last I A BOTTOM PRICE ON CRUSHES ASD COMBS ! E HAVE A FEW FINE HAIR Brushes which we can sell for FIFTY GENTS each. ... . iiiTiaar noiuLeu ncr. suit DrMuea ana nneuindii. iiir inapei r they re good enough for the most -5 a handiome rv . -. Ma .. t 1 a. Wiu w gv iw onuu iur w b . j r o r n ifi unud Ul Ud U6 UCUUOOCl, Dealers In Drnts and Fine Fancy Goods. apl IS i I , Challenge to the State. 1 t am bound to sell the best beet. CMl't heip It. 1 have got THIRTY HEid OF FINE CATTLE, ; fattened by Mr. T. B-Ckley of Sampson Countjr.and I CIlAL- LENGE THE STATE T BEAT THEM. On j f ale for the next thirty days . Now Is the time 10 rAiauaiZK uoAUfc. xo seen w go w AW?Z, en hand DAILY. Leave orders with GEORGE F. TILLEY. apl IS St frmw sua No. 6. J. L. WINNER, "IXTATCH MAKER A JEWELLER. iv and Jewelry repaired and warranted. CppoetteNew Alarfcet, rrontst. nch t2 j 1884. NO. 93 ! Executor's Notice. I JJAViNG QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR of the last will and testament of Alexander Sprunt, I hereby notify all persona having claims against him to exhibit the same to me on or before the ttth day of April, 1&S5. AU persons Indebted to the eaid Alexander Sprunt will please make Immediate payment to roe JAMLS SPRUNT, , ... ! E-VCUtor. apl It-lawCwf Star copy Some ! Remnants. Y E HAVE SOME FEW REMNANTS ON several Lines of Goods that we are SELLING CHEAP LESS THAN VALUE. Come and BUT A BARGAIN from , I I ' ' " Geo. "R. French & Sons: 10$ NORTH FRONT STREET. apl 18 To Base-Ball Players. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF BASE-BALLS, BATS and BELTS, all prices and sizes. Come and examine at HEINS BERG EE'S. jrpHE BREAD WINNERS A Social Sludir. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, apll Live Book and Music Stores. Sportsman's r Goods, WT have the finest assortment TV of English aort Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also aflrat- class Btock of Shells,! Waddlnjr. Prlmers.Cart ridge Bags, Gun Caps. Game Bags, Ac. In tact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Successors to John Dawson A Co., apl U 19. 21 and 23 Market 8tieet ; ; j Children's1 Carriages. JJECEIVED THp WEEK A FULL STOCK OF New Styles of Children's Carriages for Sprlnz Trade. j ' - Also, new arrivals of FURNITURE, WIN- DOW shades. &c. ah kinds of Mattresses, Bedding, &c ! Renovating and Repairing done at short notice. D. A. SJIITH, apl U Furniture, N. Front Street Notice, qPHE FIRM OF ALEX. SPRUNT & SON, -A' 1 having been dissolved by the death of the , Se- nlor partner. Alexander Sprunt, the survivor, ! I ; i James Sprunt, has associated with him his brother, William II. Sprunt; and they wil continue the business of the old firm under the eamc firm name of Alexander Sprunt Son . I ! JAMES SPRUNT, WILLIAM H. SPRUNT. apl 16th, 1S84 3t 8tarcopy "Stop and (Think. -yynr pay rent when the same money will buy you a home ? In this city I have sold Over i ) i : one hundred and- fifty Lots and Houses i ! . and Lots to parties who have paid in full for them, by Instalments monthly payments. Also, I have a large number now on my books, who are making regular monthly payments and will soon own homes and get clear of land- iora ruio. Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to i apl 16 cw JAMES WILSON. More New Goods. OPRING STYLES IN HATS AND BON NETS. HAIR GOOD8, NECKWEAR, Ac. MBS. KATK C WISES, No 119 North Second Street, I apl 5 next Post OffC3. A CTT T T TTUT L? TffT33 f j 7 ' ! . j AND ORNAMENTAL WORK Of every description. MOULDINGS, BRACKETS. BALUSTERS, LATHS' F LOOKING, CEILING. " STAIR WORK IN I PINE OR WALNUT A SPECIALTY. 1 - i innTirninnff fnr nw 11 1 rnf 1 a r n a t ot imprMMr Mt lPreptred to ail orden with Uiipatch and at low figure Price Ust furnished cpon application . apl IS dAw ly SMOKE. LL WHO DESIRE A SMOSE la whlctt . t-. mu wm-t n t -r-H(.l-r In 1 ri v n mmM a treed irom care. oar among the de- 'Arabian JighuM eplea- dor, should try some of those Domestic and Imported Ulnars at , 1 T, C MILLEITS Pharmacy, apl 7 1 Confer Fourth and Nna atl A Decorated Dinner Set ; jpOR r AT ,ZLllS- " 1 GILES 4 MURCHUOS'S. ' UoxcJ-lton ZUkx, Pls trcacz? iczli ca izj tzl til t:;cU of ccscraltatcrcstfciit ': - i-J ' - j- Tha Bxao of tlo wrttcr sut ahrtja Le ft r aJsiedtoCietor. l . Hv , j CteiiaacaticEJi crest U writ! .zm oa ca y uuow ias paper j.- - y .j ; t i PeraonalltSci anst be avoided. . i I And K Is especially and parUcnlarry enfer stood that the Editor does not always endoc se IhO Tlewaofcorrespondcsta itnleaa ko itafa. tn the editorial eolraana. I i-i ( - NEW- AD VllrriSEIilENTS c. ; Peao. - -.- i,.,.-..'J , .1,. ... . .. ONE HUNDRED BUSUKL3 UsXY PEAS. - " ' -j "." Mft -- i T Coc&ijrnmf nt Goods. Must 1 nol.l- me nt tioods. are orders at Lcaro orders at i A. W. ItlVKNBARK'S, Iroic Coujmlislon Afcrchast and Grocer. 1U North Water St, Wllxa!nston, N.C. 1 apl 14 :- ,'v. " " ! Dr. S.' 0. Ellis. ; QTnCE 323 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, opposite Miller's Dreg 'Stores - IJxAxxz located Ih Wilmington offers his profet!oajri acrrlcct I ' - i ' i1 .t1? ,dtUenj If not In when called upon call left upoa the el ate will bo promptly re i sponddto ; , : . asdiV J Something; New, Of) A POUNDS OF FRESII . LAKE BAl MON to arrive tor Wednesday's I market. Le.ve your orJtrs In tin: o or you will miss a ! treat. DAVIS FISU MARKAT. ! apl IS - k. "jl. ' V," v.; ? -rj - To Fruit Growers j j J IUAVE JUST RECmVED 1CO.O0O ndt uasketa and Strawberry Crate, and am prc p -red to iurn'sh the trade, fn-m liol lsboro to Charleston. These crates weigh It pounds and eae $1.23 in freight between Wltmianon f and New.York, on each trip. Write to ! , . E. G. BLAIR. ' Pl ' : , ! . ; Agent Notice, ij IUAVE PURCHASED ALL THE INTER ! -i " - i r I csts of ISAAC L. GREENEWALd in tho- BOOT AND SHOE business at No. 110 Market ' Street, where I will 'continue tho businees, asking my friends for a continuance el their patronage. r AM bills due the former firm will be collected by me. j ' ' ' Very Respectfully, , apl 10 j 1 W. J. RQ3ENri-AL. j W. & E. S. CATEUER, Attornevs-at-Law. Offico-rS. E. Cor. Princess and. Water Sti. Jan 7 - !i i 59 Cents Book 200 VOLS. EXPECTED BY NEXT Steamer. These books are all STANDARD WORKS, and are new and handsomely bound in cloth and gilt. No shop-worn or paper wunu UOO-.B, uui exaciiy as represented. A Splendid Liric OF GILT AND BRONZE PAPER MOULD lngs. Any size frame made on short notice PRANG'S EASTER CARDS A fresh plr expected In a few days. 7) sup C. W. YATES,1 apl 10 119 Market Street City Drug Store. 216 SOUTH MAKKET STHEET. IF YOU WANT GOOD AND PURE MED Iclnes call on "Old Conolev" fJiml. 1 M soda fountain (a little one) wlRarrlve in a few; davs. 1 Due notice will be given of Its arrival.; a PrescrlpUons fillod day and night. apll J.VT. CCWOLKY, Manager.' Old North State Saloon o soutn i'Toni at Arm r a m. v m mm THE ONLY SECOND-CLASS BAR EOO IN THE CITY! I J3E CAREFUL OF DRINKING AT TH 1 1 place as the Clcmmer Whiskey is very bad ara - - i(i - f ! I - the Beer Is. too Icold; tbe lire Cents Cigars makes too ranch smoke ; the other Liquors ire equally as second-class. - Try 'em and see if they ain't. It Is kept by tbo meanest man In America. Drummers and! other traveller .-! . . . . n u. mere uccaubv n 19 secouu ciass. api 7 ' 1 Administrator's Sale. Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF 1 1 B THE superior Court of New Hanover Comfy In a , - cause were pending Dciweett dames x. uause, AdminUtrator of Jtlchard kl Grant. rIalDlr. , and slalvloa A. Grant and others, defendants, tbe undersigned will atll- o'clock, ' A. M , on Monday, the 6h day. of Mar, ISi, at the Court House door in tbe dty of Wllmlnstoti. expose for sale to the higftest Udder, the fol lowing lands : A lot of land situate Ln the rltr of Wilmington, being tba West half of lot No. s in block 117, according to the plan of sabl cuy. rronung to ieet 09 the East tide of If tlx street, and running back, the same width 1C3 feet, on which Is situate a dweliicir coniAlnlrMr 6 or i rooms, and tbo neessry oulbalkUcgs. A tract of land on WrtsrhUriiio Motitul. in said county, beginning on tbo North ki te of ' Leo's Creek at tile mouth of gully or ditch and ruonlng thence rth iVi degrees West 3 chains. 3 links to a road, thence North 11 tin. 1 grees West I chalo, ik lioks wl'h tho road. J thence North 21 deg-ecs Eat SI chains, tbecco , Notth 52 degreea Wat chain. 3a lick, thence toutk.29 desrrei Wrt 57 , hrn .1 linka to tbe month 0? a branch emptrinjr intd Lee's Creek, and thence down tl? !mk tt the beginning, containloir alx-nit 11a rci. and being well known as tbe former eosamer , resiOfnoo or the late Richard 11. Granti i Terms use third cah. bnrrt In K; an. 11 ' months from day of sile. Paretuers to (give no :es for tte deferred payments drawing In--' tercu f r jm day of rale at 8 per cent. 4 T. i ' JAMEi ' JP. GALtE, apl I lawiwf 1 Adaitziftnur hfrtsTJade T ' f ' - " E : tng and xo. Z1W Llxtcu lor the lo y price of A perfect tit and good aabsranllal work guar aateod. Oox patrons and ctutozners are favlt 1 to call and leave ttelrmea.rti res at tne above remrUDiy loir price at tie vv L'iuLc rrtoa bhli Xe5s3tf liArketbt. L.

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