Anadir x ,tZshod 'epted by JOSH T. JA3LE3, oitob ajtd norxmoi. ...llT10S3 POSTAGE PAID: 3U7. !r nonth. tS.00. Tare !!!!. L: Or month, 3 cents. willt dearer by carrier, tree r " ... rt Of UM city, at U abOT artl" will report any and all fell. -p ,A recite tow r-s- Ay toryetf t c ic circulation, cf any ntxcspapcr 7 r iournal. printed on blood-red isd calling itself the JTyiro " FVj. b34 beeo 'tarteJ in Paris. r, RUr H credited with posscss- . the power, attributed also to M. do fps.olinsloslcc? wbeneTer he plca-eJ- r&itcar, the French scientist, has d -jcoTcred a means by which a doj can rendered absolutely proof against bJrrphob:a. VtbbibMoo i djine out a a political i,ae ia Kama, chiefly because its trial fca 11 to nretty.general convic ts Hit it does not prohibit. MiiJ Cbaaiberlaiq, tho youns Ameri caa whose beauty has attracted so mtrch iJairatioa ia Europe, is to spend a noath at Newpoit this summer. A Connecticut man is reported to hive taken oat patents for a process by wbica beautiful and substantial car Fu caa be made of paper at a Tery law price. . . Wn. D. Kelley. tho father ot the Hon of UeprcsentaliTes, from beinc tie lowest in continuous service la that body, completed his seventieth year on Saturday. . :. Tie pepa'ar branch of the Massachu eta U2is!a'.uro has passed a bill for-b-Jiiiog life insurance companies to dlscrimtsa against colored people in the isjsacce of policies. The Marquis of Bute has offered a prize of $500 for tbc best translation of one of the Greu plajs into tbc Welsh language, the competition to take place at the forthcoming National Eistedd i"dJ at Liverpool. Senator Morrill, of Vermont, cele brated his Iseventi-fourth birthdiyon Sunday, lie is the oldest'man in the Senate, with Senator Anthony, of Rhode Island, following closc'y alter him with his CO years The substitute of Congressman Hewitt for the Morrison tariff bill pro vide for the placing of all raw material oa the free list, leaving the remainder f the tariff untouched. The measure i favorably considered by a cumber o Democratic members. ilr. lkechcr last Sunday illustrated a part of his sermon bv whistling a bar from an opera. Mr. Beecher is con atantly iot redacting 110 w features into hi business, like the enterprising man thstbeis. Intbis ago of competition it bcbovrs one to bo oa the alert. I lenrv Ward Beecher says his indi vidual preference for President is Che's ter A. Arthur. He thinks Lincoln will be a tool it he allows his name to be ccd for Vice-President or accepts the oocio&lioo. He thinks if he will wait tour jcars he can have tho Presidency. oew Haven, uono., nas a woman . . whhasa mania for stealing small cti; wnen left in their carriages at ere doon by their nurses or mothers. She i almost as much of a nuisance a3 tie woman wf has & mania for leav isr stray babies on other people's door tept. TU growth of temperance sentiment la Kentucky la indicated by the fact that Legislature of that State, at its frweat session, has passed over twenty !Ss for the prohibition of tho licjaor t in various townships and school tricij, the inhabitants of which have Jked for such legislation. Considerable excitement has been '-wd ia France by a proposed law to publish a sjstem of military conscrip tioa somewhat similar to that which prttalUia Germany. According to proposed law, all persons not phys- ,lc y lccapc.tated musk ssrro for a traoftiiree,earj Mr. Robiasoa. the Governor of Mas-wcho-u, hu seal to Mr uroce. the fresdeut of the State Senate, a novel BeMa blade of grass six inches rj8- The little bit of gTeen reminds Mr. Bruce of his assertion last winter l Legislature wtJnid adjourn fore tbegraisistwo inches high." 1 U reported that the Tichbornc ittiat is to adopt the stage as a pro- oaoa hU release from PorUand f moa. which will now shortly lake r- ace. The first character la which bo appear ti Sir John FalstatT. He WXi tO have been !n!ii!!M In nnWI j ije. but it was felt ho had enough of arrxr rresto. uu aircaoy. r H VOL. VIII. . WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. APRIL 19, T It is said in a letter from Khartoum had an Arabic text inscribed above bis throne in! the palace.which may be;traBslatedasl(;od roles over the hearts of men.1 land that in the reception chamber, where he re ceives daily toe crowds who come into bis presence, it is Conspicuous. The worshippers at a church in So lano, Col., went on Sunday night as usual to service, but found that tho bats had taken possession of the liousg and were so thick and aggressive that the service was necessarily postponed. The deacons inaugurated a bat hunt, and behind one of the window casings found and killed two hundred and forty-one oimem. s? The bill for the sale of the French Crown jewels propose that the pro ceeds be applied to the fund for Invalided workmen," but i it is atrocgly advocated inj the Senate that the proceeds be used to increase the Louvre and other collections. One Senator pleads thai th sword of Louis XVIII and the imperial crown of Na poleon Bonaparte be spared from the melting furnace. Tho jewels are esti mated to be worth 9,000 000 francs. Covo Creek Confidence. Mr. A. B Shawvcr, Covo Creek; Tazewell county. Va.. writes: '! was for a longtime a great suflerer with kidney and bladder troubles. Finally I tried St. Jacobs Uil, tho great patn- relieyer. and it cured me. LOCAL IflEWS. I10EX TO MEW ADYEBTISEMENTS. Acknowledgment r C MiLixa Smoke Notice Odd Fellow. C W Tates 53 Cento Books Geo W Dotle Pew Forfait J W Coxolet City Drug Stoic J C Lumsdix Ice Crfcsm Parlor IIeijtsbebgek To B&o Ball riajcrs Opeex IIocse Quintette Club Concert Co Mods Bros. & OeRosset Reached at Lut The moon is on its last quarter- now. Day's length 13 hours and 20 minutes. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 39 minutes past 6 o'clock. I .. ,, iono uarounaasparaus wosuuuicu recently in New York at $0 to S7.50 wrHnTPn hnnrhpql The Register ot Deeds last week issued marriage license to two couples, one white and one colored. In tho abseccd ot the Pasior will be no services at the Second there fres- byterian Church to-morrow. Tbcro were eight interments this week in Pine Forest of which five were adults and three were .children. The city is distressingly healthy now. Tt . eKto tfrAALr 1 in I mere wcro uw luituuva mia jm uasuaie ana dui one.: a emiu, iu uciie vue. The ordination !,services will btAW I place at St. James' to-morrow at the II o'clock services. Mr. Robert Strange is the candidate. ! Rey.'Dr. Yates will preach to-mor row morning at 11 o'clock in his own church and at St. Paul's Lutheran Church at night at 8 o'clock. . j j To-day we noticed at Heinsberger's Live Book and Music Store, fine, nicely framed photos of tho North Carolina Exhibit at the Boston Exposition. . Good reports continue to come in in regard to the crops in this section. With fair seasons and no more fires and whirlwinds, we may look for a prosperous yield this year. ' Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is for sale by W. II. Green, Wholesale Agent, and by J. C. Munds, Munds Bros. & DeRosset, and F. C. Miller. Wilmings ton, N.C.. ' it We invito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. Tbc members of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1. havd definite.y decided to accept the invitation extend ed to them by the' Atlantic of Newbefn. to pay them a ; summer. Company, visit, this Dr. Chas. F. Deems was iu Norfolk oa Thursday. It would be aj great treat and would recall old times most pleas antly, if he would extend his pilgrim, age to Wilmington and preach in old Front Street Church once pjore. The Rev. D. V. M. Johnson, D. D.. of Brooklyn, N. Y. will preach, D.j V.. o St, Mark's Episcopal church, corner Sixth and Mulbery streets, to-morrow eveninr. Services will commence at 8 P. M. A general invi c4 scats all free. ationl'is extend- DMT A Jonah. ' CapL II. B. Willis,' of this office, has in -his possession a large king crab. which measures 8A inches between the eyes, and h 4 feet G inches in circa m ference, the"4largest, we think, ever we saw, and which has a history. It was caught yesterdav at the Uavis fishery, at the Rocks, and was taken alive from the belly of a huge shark. It is 1 T 1. ! Tlio Smith villo Guards. n u unuersianu mai idc omuavuio (uards have accepted the invitation extended to them by the Wilmington lignt lntantry, to visit ine city on Me- I mortal- Day and participate in the ex I . . crcisesoi mooccasion. as preliminary to this tho uniforms of the company are tobo pushed forward to completion, and CapL w j Scr0SSSt the-commander of the company, is in the city to-day with that object in ' view. On the Contrary. There is a lady now in this city who was present at the services in Dr. Tai- magefs church, the Brooklyn Taberna cle, on Easter Sunday night and she says that the sensational features as described by us yesterday and extract ed from a New York paper, did not take place. On the contrary, the quiet mamiaiueu uunn me enure service was tuauy rcuiauauiu lur su laifco a congregation. How those sxqw xork reporters are given to lying! Musical. r. E. J. Thorpe, of this city, has 1 t . M m - a !L cular and prozramme for the Annual Musical Convention and . f . a. unu Aiau9tT cal Festival for Virginia and North Carolina, which is to be held in Peters burg on May 2G, 27, 23 and 29, which will be distributed among the musical people here: Mr. Thorpe has also re eeived a letter from Mr. II. Noltemus, Uhairmanot the Convention, with a pressing invitation to form a branch society here. He is alio specially de siroustbat Wilmington should bo rep resented at the forthcoming festival and bas reserved two seats for delegates from this city. A strong effort is to be made this vear to establish the branch " ' . . society ueruauu w u3, , prove amply SUCCessiUl- V limiagioo, lor a City OI lis size, can suuw a re markable amount of musical taste and ability and there should be no difficulty in effecting the proposed organization, A Few lIore Notes. Mr. A, W, McFadyen, ot this city, is in receipt of some further particulars relative to fhe cyclone which struck the plantations of his father and his brother in Bladen county, on Tuesday last. It i3 stramre that there was no loss of life in that locality and so comparatively . . mi i jjltIe joss lo property, xnis may De taken as nrovidential when tno ternuc furv of tho wind is considered. Mr. A McFadven farms about 300 ares and all of his fencins was swept off. His los3 will probably amount to 1000. That gentleman was standing near a mule hitched to a cart when the blow came, lie oniy savcu nimscu oy cung- i i u i ?r ing to a post while the mule and the cart were taken uo and blown to some distance. A colt was in a shed and the shed was blown awav and the colt was taken up and carried 150 yards and left in a field, strange to say, not seriously injured. The trees all about Mr. Mc Ffl.dven'3 house were blown down so that an approach to tho premises with a vehicle is impossible until the way shall have b en cleared. Supretno Court. The following cases were called and disposed of in this Court on Thursday: J. T. Carrie vs. N. D. J. Clark et als. from Moore :!argument, commence' tni on Wednesday, was concluded. .Tnhn Trvson. Jr.. va. Shenherd & SheDherd. from Anson: argued by S- -v- : i T. Ashe (by brief) and Devereux for tho olaintiff. and John D. Shaw and Strong & Smedes lor the defendants. D. L. Saylor et als. vs B. F. Powell ct als.. from Anson; argued by J. A. Lockhart (by brief). Little & Pearson (by brief) T. S. Kenan for the plain- tiffs; no counsel for the defendants. George W. Huntley vs. II. Matbias et als., from Anson; argued by Little & Parsons (by brief) and Haywood & Haywood for the plaintiff, and J. A. Lockhart (by brief) S. ,T. Ashe (by brief) and T. S. Kenan for the defend ants. E. F. Ashe vs. J. T. Gray, from An son ; petition of defendant to rehear; argued by J. A. Lockhart (by brief) and Hinsdale & DeTerenx for the plain, tiff, and John p. Shaw lor the defend j anL j ; . .- Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. lj d-vr CIiurc.iNotes. ! The ordinance of baptism by iraruer s'pa will be administered at Princess street dock, to-morrow afternoon, I at 5 o'clock, by Rev. A. M. Conway, Pas for of tho First Baptist. Church, colored, to a number of candidates In this church ttevi B. S. Jones, of Cincinnati. will:preach in .the iorcnooa .and ,at a night. I - Mr. James W. Conolev. of, the new k j jurug Store, baf sent in to ns i a bottle of cologne, of his own ;manufac- Inn ! iI.L !. J ' .1 - . 1 i Rny of tho imported article we have ever r i t i - 1 seen. It was accompanied by a package I - nf oiarn. HnrkwBltnrj Ainctft" fnr which he has also our thanks and which we wjn "puff" to-morrow. Tho Dally Gazette. A daily edition ot the Washington (N. C.) Gazelle will be published dur ing the session of the Episcopal Con vention in that town, beginning May 14. j This will be an important conven tion for the Diocese of llastj Caro lina, and the daily Gazelle will give a full report of the conventiou, biographi cal sketches and other interesting notes. The subscription price will be 25 cents Addres3 all ortter3 to the WashiDgton GazM. Persons ma v RPnfl nrdprs lw their Rectors Monday Night. There are net many- desirable seats left now on the diagram from the frtnort xohinh ic -k Ko n!non r frn. I WMVW H IT UiVU Ak. L S J Kll VU JJluil day night by the Quintette Club and taese wno are not yet supplied snouia i A , , .. . . ... see to it at once. It promises to be one of the most notable events in the musi cal history of our city and the fashion and beauty and culture of the city will bo strongly represented on that occasion The Concert, be it remembered, is to be given for the benefit ot the Wilming ton Library Association. To Owners of Cats. j Every well regulated family has a cat, or, at least, ought to have one, and ought to know what to do f for it when it is sick. Anybody can tell you how to cure a horse or j 1 L . - o uv y"--. u a.uuw u auj itruieujr iur a biu liin uu iicmiatucwip wumuwwuusweivu au infallible cure for fits : Put a large gar lie into a half pint of milk and boi down to one half and give it to the af flicted cat. Generally tho cat will cat it with avidity, but it not, force the milk ! down its throat. It has been tried often with unvarying success. Death of Mr. Burkhimer. We regret very much to learn, as we do just before going to press, of the death of Mr. H. Burkhimer. an old and I 1 i 1 1 : J j f TTf ? 1 . ! nigniy esteemeu resiuoni i warning ton. we nave no ciata to draw upon but think that Mr. Burkhimer came to Wilmington about 35 years ago, where ho has remained ever since, engaged in I tho tobacco business. He has been i sick for but a few weeks and the news ot his death will be received with sur I .1 . u . . u : . r: 1 prise auu rcgruj. uy muuj itiuuus here. Hewas a genial, kindheartcd man and his death will i be deeply de- plored. He was one of the oldest mer- chants in this city and we think that his house was the only one in the city that has not undergone some change since it was first established. Tlie Manhattan. I'Gunnisdn Country" is described by Ernest Ingcrsoli in the May Manhattan, with the aid of many excel'cnt illustra tions. The uunnison region is in the I heart of Colorado, west of the conti- nental watershed of the Rocky Moun tains, and midway the btate, North land South. Another illustrated article is on tUe Italian city of "Rimini" and Its quondam rulers, the Malatestas. . .. ..... Shakespearean scholars will be inter estea in a iorci Die argument oy Appie- ton Morgan, entitled" Whose bonnets ?T, and going far to demonstrate that Shakespeare did not write the sonneU attributed to him. Under the title "Leo XIII." is an interesting narrative cjf singular circumstances which brought together at various times the present Pope and some living !American ladies and their grandparents. An account of Ulric Zwingli. by the RevjDr. Chas. II- Hall, of Brooklyn, with the lllus- trations, set in a clear light the life and services of the Swiss reformer. The "Latest News About Keels." 'Child drcn in Fiction" and the 1 new serial 'Trajan."-which is admirably illustra ted, are among other leading articles in this issue. The poetical department is well supplied. New York, at $3 a year , '- . ; The receipts of cotton at this pon to-day foot up 12 bales. 1884. NO. 94 The meeting in the First Baptist Chnrch will continue next week. After the sermon' to-morrow night the rite of baptism wiil be , administered at the Church. ! ' : I I We regret to learn that Mr. Jack Ilcdrick, eldest sen ot .Col. J- J- Iled rick, ot this city, suQered a painful acci dent to-day by having his Land caught in some of the machinery at the cotton factory; It xnay necessitate the ampu tation of a finger.iVt i V XersouaI.' Rev. T. D. Pitts is in the city and the I . .1 , . " I J - 1 corner of Third and Nun streets. Mr. Pitts will preach in St. John's to-mor row morning. He is on his way North nnrl will lrvr RfnrvrloTr n? itM ! ; r j. . ' . We were pleased to receive a call this afternoon from Mr". If. L. D.arr Jr nf the Sumter Advance, who is herein the intnrocfe r F hia nimn. ! it That RlnorTv rilmsni i A gentleman in this city is in receiDt of a letter from Mr. James Tanner. which speaks of the Testimonial Enter tainment which is to be given in aid of the Southern Veteran Soldiers Home by the Grand Army of the Republic at the Academy of Music in that city on May 6th. Mr. Tanner thinks that the receipts will be from $5,000 to $3,COo and says that he has himself sold a little over 1,400 tickets at 1 each. This is a new and effective way of bridging that bloody chasm. ' - y .Cape Fear Academy. f I Yosterday evening was the occasion for the assembling of a large audience at the Cape Fear Academy under Prof, W; Catlett, to be entertained by some very interesting exercises by the pupils. These exercises consisted i of the 'de claiming of some select pieces of prore and poetry, then followed a memorial recitation upon Shakespeare. After this several pieces of prose and poetry were well rendered, when another recitation upon North Carolina. History was given, and the exercises closed with! a concert recitation by the Intro ductory class entitled, Piano Music. Where all did so well H would be dtfficult to mention any individual pupil;. The Shapespeare Memorial exercise struck us as especially adapted to awaken in the mindof the nnnils a love for the great master of English poetry. The recitation upon North Carolina History was also especially good in that it caused the boys to com mit to memory the deeds of our early defenders of American1 liberties. We must not fail to mention the little fellows who rendered their concert recitation with snccess. It brought justly a round of applause. Such entertainments wo heartily commenced. They bring parents nearer ! to the school room, they encourage the boys as well as the teachers, and can- riot fail to awaken a greater interest for education in the community DIED. BUBKUIMEB-In thl3 city, at S o'clock. this afternoon, Mr. HENRY BUfiKHIMEB. Tnc iancral eerriccs will take place to-mor- dence .corner Fourth and Ann streets, thence to uataaie cemetery, xnenas ana acquain tances are respecuuiiy mviiea to attena. NEW AUVEBTI8EMJBNTS. I. O. O. F. MEMBERS OF CAPE ' ' VRAR JjnTiCiV. Va 9 T Ci C V are nereoy notinci t meet at tnelr liali on j iu-iuuiruw iuiiuiiii Biiviuueo vv o'clock, to attend the fuceralpf our deceased brother, P. G., n. BURKHIMER. The memberf of Orion Lodge and all Odd Fellows In the city, are Invited to unite with i ."''- I us. i uy oraeri. g. apl 19 It A. J. YOPP, Secr . Pew For Sale. ' EW NO. i. NORTH AISLE. IN ST JAMES CHURCH, Is offered: for axe, appiy vo k apl 10 3 1 GEO W. DOYLE Acknowledgement, T IIHE POSTOFICE ATAIOORE'S CREEK JL ! "I "'Vhr,: terted themselTes In the matter, and espe- clent KeprecntiUTe in Congress, for his sue ces&ini euorum inexr uenaiz. apl 19 It Star copy Ice Cream Parjor. THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE in notifying his friends and euntomers that he has reopened his ICK CREAM F A bLO li st old Stand on Front Street, and is prepared to rarnisniitaa craj1 made from PURE ,Prti?L!?lt Ice. 9 for 8aDl3T please orderthe day Ixfore. mrar 1 C" t-rvf T7tirabeg3 b rccclra cccm troaWmcaisoatay;! all tzbjscta of aa of the writer melt always te&r hli8dtp.ttratar. :J;vi' - w t - .CmriTnTintcattona mtat be wrlttaa ea one sua of the paper. ; f l cs!y iPcxBoaalUlcaiaastbe avoided. I Aad It la epocUDy ana stood that the Editor does. ranictuatl2 carer "!' ' i .III pot always cades so the views of correspondents tulsaa la the odUorljd alumn. j i stat. f NEW ADyEOTISEMEKysj OPERA HOUSE. -f'-x U--- -i OXB N1GITT ONLY! MONDAT, APBItb. THE MENDELSSOHN QlXTETTE CLUBt COXCERT XOIPM . ": Of Eos'on, forranzea In IS 19. ' n'J WILMINGTON tlBR ART lns Lmlncpt itrtlsti : i i i MU. SAM. FR.VNKO... Violin Mli. MAX KLEIN i Vlolla loin MIL TIIOS. KYAN.l ..CUrtocctto and MR. DANIEL JiUNlZ. .V....Vloa MIL FRITZ G1E3E... .1 VlollncelUt j to His Majesty tbo King of llollandj ; MMB. CORA, GIESE... . . .....I...1...S Opriii . . . . ..... i i i l Admission f 1. No extra bariro for Rcserred Scats, which can bcecciircd at Dyer's rrldar morning 1 ? 1 1 P " St ,j ... , , : . tuthSlt I City Drag Store. I i v okjv jlu. JJ1AKK.ET STREET. T-ffiSi7A J. W, CO.NWLEY. apll9i I ' . I Manager. PrescrlDtlons nrenared at nil hmiraitav 1 P. To Base-Ball ?layers. TtJST uECEIvED A LAHGE LOT or all prices BASE-BALLS, BATS and BELTS,! and sizes. Come and examine at S HEIN3BERQER'3. rjlUE BREAD WINNEBS. (f . A Social Sfady. r. For ealo at IIEINSBERGEB'S, I- ')! Livo Book and Mualc Store. apl 1$ Children's Carriages. Jp ECEIVED THIS WEEK A FULL STOCK pi - OF New Styles of Children's Carriages for . I - . . . ' i Spring Trade. .. , IA I . Also, now arrivals of FUj JRNITUEE, WIN- DOW SHADES. Ac. All kinds of Mattresses, Bedding, &d. EcnoratlDg andBcpalrlng done at 6hort notice D. A. SMITH. I Furnltnre, N. Front Street aplH Stop and Think. UTrinr pay, bent when the Bame mony Vm you a noo ? Un this city i have sold over ono hundred and fifty Lota and Houses and Lots to parties who have paid In full for them, by Instalments monthly payments. Also, I have a large number now on mr books!. who arc making regular monthly payment auu win soon own uomcs ana get ciear ox iana ioru ruio. - i Money loaned to thoso wishing to build. Apply to ! i apl 1C cw JAMES WILSON. I Beached at Last ! j A bottom price on brushes and I. 1 COMBS! TyE have atew fine liAitt Brushes1 ! which wo can sell for FIFTY CENTS each i. - Having iMjllatcd back, stiff bristles and lino shape, " they are good enough for the1, most fastidious, and wo recommend thenr to any one needing aTgood Hair Brush. A handsome Comb to go with Brush for Scents. i j Come In and eco them. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, 1 Dealers In Drugs and Fine Fancy Goods. REAL ESTATE. I HAVE FOB SALE SEVERAL HOUSES and VACANT LOTS rery cneap. . i HOUSES, OFFICES and STORES for Rent. Apply, to .. . - D. 0CONIuu. feb lC-iaw3m sat Real Esuta sgent Old North , State Saloon, GSonth Front St. THE ONLY SECOND-CLA&S BAB ROOM JN THE CITY I " DE CAREFUL OF DRINKING AT TU - . . i place as the Clcmmer Whiskey Is tery tad txtT thc Beef is: too Icoll; the IlTtf CenU. Clgara makes too much smoke; the other Liquors are equally as second-class. . Try 'em and see tf tney ain't. It u kent br the meanest mm. In America. Drummers and other .t ateliers api7 arms: inez because it u second class i - 1- For 3ae. (JooDinoESEs. mats, buggies .nd WAGONS. Apply to the subicrlber. for terms paraculara. K. M ? JOHNSON k. CO. aplUdlwIm Wlllard, Feeder Co. , N.C Shirts Illade K ORDER OF BEST WAMSUTTA" hilt X lag and No. 2100 Linen for tho loir price of A cerfeet tit and rood substantial work guar anteed. Oar patrons and customers are inm- remtrkably low price at the Wilmington shirt Factory. J. ELSBAClf. I'rop.. i ad to can ana leare tceir mcasares at tne above Mm . . i j- KM