. vea2ax. 8ndar 1 I TTa wci be glad ta receive jcccaatalcxCcrs jOSHT.JAMESt rro jn ro rxrrrom. .nsournoss postage paid: -SrloO. SIX etha, n.00. Tare JILOO; Ot month, eta. vTP-tofU-citr. at the above IZZcj&X ru o a4 Hberal, S5U wtl report any and all OO- wctf their pap rt nlrlr. Paily Review has the largest tu circulation tf any newspaper -TTTana women attended an exe- ci tia kal sincc bccome cnzf' Gooardbat completed a cow wort, oralorK which iJ entitled -Mors et Vi-s n and U a sequel to the -Redemp tion. 1 . 1 'i 1.1T- VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. APRIL 21, 1884. NO. 95 For other locals see fourth page. The storm signal has been daring the day. An Eoj'.ish journalist says that if tbo emigration of joun? Irish couples to America continues tbc population of Ire'and will entitually fall to three WiHianTKuwIand. kin? o! the Ork ney gfP-S has just died at the age of IW, and bit widow, aged over 90. was able to tmoke a pipe visoroasljr during tte funeral scrvicrs.. Kentucky expects t- raise this season the largest crop of tobacco ever grown lathe State. The farmers find i a profitable crop, and the area devoted to i: it rapidly extending. A formation or tin and silver-bearing ore bn been discovered three milcr froa Glenwood. in Mason County. West Virginia, which bids fair to prove of coa-udereb.e richness and value. HiTina advices to New York, of April 12ih. say that privato accounts trotaSajui report that aa American rwsel had been searched and her crew roughly treated br a Spanish cruiser. The body of Ceo Lea was found in White rirer. dear Indianopolis. last Tbaraday. He wandered away from hi son's house three weeks ago. Ho was W jcirs old and the oldest locomo tive engineer m America, having inn the firi! en j trie oh the Baltimore and Ohio railroad in 1S33 Philadelphia police have just destroy ed the gamblers' and burglars imple ments which have accumulated from capture in the last dozen years. There were silver dealiogboxes worth $200 each, ronletta wheels worth 300. valuable packs of cards and chips and I it is a singular fact that they are gen- odds and ends, and a qusntlty ot the erallj oetter during tne last rcw weefcs finest burglars' tools the whole worth of the season than at any other lime. 3,000 to $I.(XX). Blasted oysters are good along in May, . ... t""' . . bat they are not often served np in any Sir m. Harcourt, secretary o! State other ,e ,ater thaQ ,A n, , fur the Home Department, in a speech : at Derbr. on Wednesday eveninz last. Knlfflits of Honor. Medical. The Board of Medical Examiners will meet in Raleigh one day in advance of the meeting of the State Medical So ciety . c, on tbo 19th of May, and continue in session until all candidates are examined. The State Board of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - i . - ' -O NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW AD VERTISEMENya. icestDoini WHISKEY & CIGARS I ! EXAMINE THEM CRITICALLY IN j ALL PA It- Health also holds a conjoint session M TAKE GOODS HOME,! With tho Sfnf Xfrwlinal Crvniaftr nn iKa i .1 i t " 7Z I U(;Uiar Pomts material, make Pf 8tyle of garment, and above all, the society, viz: the 21st day of May. - price, which tells who sells the cheapest. "We have been victorious in every Auother Branch House. instance where goods from competing houses have been sent home forcompar- Mr. E. G. Blair, ot this city, has ison. We do it every day, and advise you to try it once to convince yourself. established ra Goldsbcro a branch ot Onlv kf . . . I . Al . . , .t t ' , . . . . . . vjniy last week a prominent business man in this city had a suit sent to his his grocery and commlsiion business - . ) J The new house is that of Blair & Crisp lme rom different houses, with one from us among them"; he kept our suit the junior partner, who will be resident and remarked "I do not know much about Llothini lmt it did iioTtatmo in rjnl1linrr hnrn hpnn fnr pnm a tima I . " i t I I past with Messrs. Hall & Pcarsall, of lu"s cm t0Setuer atjUome, but H 1 Had not had them to- LOCAJ, NEWS. II0U TO MEW ADYEBTISEBAEHTS. Conaamptloo i The Science ot Life r C Miller Smoke ; Noltor Eje-Glatftc ; Shriek's Sg;r8tioDs j Capdce Torus TUatcr Grand Ball II It F E Co W E Davis A 80s Ice J T II aspkr Simr rsjort C W Tatxs Cct ialhcSUte Joux B ALDE.N-D.30L War . Joux JL SitAKr, Sccfy Kotle j K II WcIstiee Frcu'-h fattoena SVaxAmrixge Csju Lccal ad Tnos C. Crait, Agt Fnrniture . MCDOCOALL Jb 150WUE.V-50i lior-ca Kxiohts of Honor Insular MccUnjf P L DUDGUS& Co Whiskey anl Cigars Giles & Muncmsox let) Cream Freezers W E Stringer A Co SiwrUman's GockLi Opera House Quintette Clab Concert Co HEIX8BEROKR Kew stock rUno A organs this city. This is the second branch fiether I might have paid from $5 to 88 more for my suit." Geo. k. frexcb A f oxs-Somc ittm-ants ... u: t j r... We handle all grades of goods, guaranteeing every article worth what you ... ur:i uciuj; m uuiuucnuii! auu iuu taut II i i o r ' i . i '' ! ' : mcxds brs. A DKKossET-Keached at gpeaks .volumea for the energy and Pay for it or money refunded. Afterlone trial you will say, as thousands have; Mm DOrted & UOHieStlC Cjffar I . .... ...... . . . i . i . - I i I l r ... . i . . O ; , , U Jluex neon-. M. D. Medical Society of enterprise utspiayea oy tnat gentleman, said, it pays to trade with North Carolina. , CQcraJtatcrcsttmt f Tk naaaa of toe writer Bust always be ed to tae EOaor.. i .GjauatmleatJona Btut t wxlUea ca oa'y erowLtt3eaiaaibo aroWeo!. j t I Aniltlj ccpeclaDy jiwx partlcttlaily U(er stooa that the Editor does &bt always ad to the Views of corresppndeata talesa ae atatt- to the editorial eohuana. - i i I - Cape Fear SuXM 7 Stuart's Bye, $4, Wc have recently aljod to oar ' stock of Liquors the cclibrated SaratJoa whlen trffffre selling at $7. A," n A FULL LINE OF SIAURD. The receipts of cotton at this port tc day fct up 17 bales. The Mendelssohn Quintttte Club ar rived in the cilyiast niffht Irom Teters barg, Va.. and registered at the Purcell House. ' ' The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Caroiica .Central R. R. will be held at the Company's office, in this cify, on Thursday, March 8th. LeRAND OUISCE In this cltr. on the 11 V 1112 Uth lost., at tne icsiunce or tne Dxiie's moth- er. by Kev Dr. Carmlchael, Mr. UKOkGK a. LEUKAM) to A11S3 JUHWMi; 15. tjUlMJB, both of thla city. - selllug; at remarkably t llurea1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. apl 21 9 THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. Give u a-rail i mer "yyiLL MAKE BEGUI.AU trip to Smlthvllle and the Forts every day except Sunday. Fare, 75c, r und trip. Parties of ten or more can secure tickets day before hand for 50c. -apl 21 J. T. HARPER sport 9 P. L. BRIDQERS & 00. ... ...... v, . ... , HO North Frout St. j L apl 21 i " ICE. There were no applications for lodg ings at the guard house by tramps last niht. and in consequence there was no occasion for hospitality to these wan dering gentry. I l- The passenger trains going North are daily crowded to their utmb3t capacity with those who have passed the winter in Florida and aro now returning to their Northern homes. ! lu-Spllty' JUST RECEIVED AND FOE THE PRESENT SEASON ARE DESIRABLE. SUMMER SILKS. A ClOOD ASSORTMENT STYLES FROM 50c to $1 per yard. BLACK SILKS. OPERA HOUSE. OSE MG1IT ONLY I MONDAY. APkWa. THE MENDELSSOHKT QUIMETTE CLUB COMET, COMPANY, WE DEFY ALL COMPETITION IN THESE j AND BROCADE. Of Boston, (organized In 1849).f , GOODS, IN BOTH rLAIN Unti auspices of WILMINGTON LIBRAEf aocuwAjnun, conawunflr or i the follow apl SI W. E. DAVIS k 80N. 500 Horses CAN BE" FITTED OUT WITH HarneaB, Bridles. Saddles. Collars. Ilame. Ac. A, full line of Trunks. Bags and Satchels, Car riages. Burbles, Pbxtons. Carts. Drays. &c. All oar goods are fresh and best quality for The oyster season H waning fast, yet I price in tbo state. .114 North Frot St. Next to D. A. Smith's Fnrniture Store, apl 21 , I3ST -A. JDJ2T ODEL TW03 ! . I ! Elegant line of Black Silk Grenadine from medium to fine. WHITE SPREADS. We never fail to sell these goods, as the pmces ake the lowest ! FANCY MATTINGS. I I R. ill. nclNTIRE. apl 21, 1884 MR. SAM. FRANKO... . Violin mr. max klein!.. ................... . violin MR. TUOS. BYAN,...Clarlocctto and Violin i s i i MR. DANIEL KUUTZ j... ..1. Viola 2 - 1 aiu. jruixz uibse,. ; ..VIollncellat i iw jus .majesty mo mngoz Holland. MME. CORA GIESE.. Sopra&o Best in the State. Sportsman's Goods. WE HAVE TIIE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a flrst- c'asa 'stock of Shells, Wadding, Primers, Cart Ilaye yoa Been any of the excellent PHOTOGRAPHS novr being turned out by Mr. S J L. Alderman ? War I Books, ji Admission tl. No extra. Vhrr fnr T?powo.I Seats, which can bo secured at Dyer's Friday morning. r ! ( j tu th sat Reached at Last I tid: The Goremment will dUsolve Carolina Ixdge No. 431. Regular j faxreSn show atockfawaVeood For position. Workmanship and: finish they by Parliament at its own tkiie. not at tho meeting this evening at i o clock. 1 ull goods and !8 tima ot the ConserratiTea. Tho Gov- attendance desired. crnir.enl went to Eypt reluctantly, and We invite tho attention of our citizens hirts are nr maun to order at one dollar ai tne has quite Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. woo'.d have rcUred but for events in the fact that fir3t uaiily s SoaJia. Kabad has no rizht to being madd to order at one dol aanex ljpt. hnzland has quite Wilmington Shirt Fac csoazh empire. If we annex Egypt i- w are liahlo to ncroetual embroilment Lxirjro Congregation. wi:h other countries. I W. E. SrRINGER & CO., it. I 8neecsaors to John Dawson A Co.. apl 21 19. 21 and 23 Market 8treet MEDICAL SOCIETY OF iWJII CAROLINA One o! tho largest congregations ever assembled at the First Baptist Church SKCUKT.vnr's Office. ! ITTLETON', April 18. 1S84 PHIS SOCIETY WILL HOLD ITS THIRTY first Annual Meeting la the city of Raleigh on zutn, jso. Arrangemcnis are with all the railroads, as far aa possible, to pass members, ueicgates ana visi- L. JULIEN PICOT, M. D., secretarr. 1 It At a meeting of the Grand Council at I Was in attendance last night. The ser- Monday. May Netr Orleans, on Wednesday night, all I vices were unusually1 interesting and Sbfef to pa tia mwhmlrf Kftfnritintr tn nninm nn. I r .t iU'n.t,,9;nn r ...u:k I tora at reduced rates. T I,.;":. . IUJ .uuWuuu51w, . uik,u For amount of dues address A. O. Carr, M. r oved in budding were ordered to six persons thrco malci and three few D., Treasurer, Durham, n. c. cea work until further notice. Hero- ma!oi Were baptized and admitted to ASbicoi2ltapromplly fn t'lore carpenters and olncr mecnanics membership in the Church. Tho scr fcsre coaiinucd work when paid three I vices will bo continued during the prcs- eotUr per day, the wages demanded ent weck- bj tie strikers, but the order indicates cii3;eof policy. They want none k.i r , t i . i w- uawa men empiojcu, sou ku in tM h thomselvea riie u made general nnUl the bosses together for the purpose of conducting ' here a business in real estate and in all A. E. B&teaaaa, of the firm of Bate-jkld of Prodacoj and bavo taken out aaa &.Co.. bankers of Washinrton. Papers of incorporation under act oi atlon before payment. JOHN B. ALDEN, PubUeher, 18 Vesey St., N. Y. P. O. Box 1227. apl 21 4w j I hsre a positira remedy for the above disease ; br its Qse thonsands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing nays been euroa. indeed, go strong is my faith in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on m I this disease, to any ennerer. oiva express ana . u. SOITI RC HI IS I km- Db. T. A. SLOOUif, l&L Peoxl bt. Jew York. NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No ft r-. ;Weak SEVEN GREAT MONARCHIES of the An cient World. By Geobgb Bawlinso.v. It be a war among publishers, then what could BOTTOM TRICE ON BRU3IIC3 AND do lLA-rriEjU., tor rejoicing dook , Duyers 1 1 ! rnvn, . Such a war Is In progress. Price reduced from I j UUJ1 1,3 by dealers; prices to low. Books for examln- V At a vis A FEW FINE IIAIU Brushes which wo can sell for FIFTY CENTS each. far excel anything heretofore produced In Wllmlnsrton. Give h'm a call. rauico yuubUKi ouuvu aouiuuaaouKunu'WA I by tne dry plate process, uaiiery over YATES1 BOOK STOKE, apl 21 I 119 Market Street. ;1 Havloir polished back: stln 1ritla rh shape, they aro good enough for the most fastidious, and we recommend them tn nv one needing a good Hair Brnsh. A handsome vumu w go wuu crmn ror u ccnu. Come Jn and ecc them. j : j Munds Bros. & DeRosset. Dealers la Dru 3s and Fine Fancy Goods. apl 18 -I W1 ON E HAVE SOME FEW REMNANTS several Lines of Goods that wo arc SELLING CHEAP LESS THAN VALUE. 1 Come and BUY A BARGAIN from A New LIntcrprlsc. A number of prominent colored men Notice. Moro L isszZr Eyes. i MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for Pew For Sale. pEW NO. 4, NORTH AISLE, IN JAMES ClIURCH, la offered,for saJc. , . Apply to 1 i apll'JSt UEO. W. DOYLE. ST. -..,1 I, (ieO. it. H renCU OOnS, SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED Korko an kinds James A. Lovrey, WHEELWRIGHT, BLACKSMITH AND . i : )!.: I if General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles. 108 NORTH FROST STREET, apl 21 EYES, PUE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of tho CAROLINA CEN- Furniture. T CRAFT'S YOU WILL FIND A GOOD u.wi., woaen oi Masumiwu, . , . . , T" .... , Tn .T r.,TT?nin pompany win assortment from which to make selections.1 prtferred charjecs rilnt Brif Lislatdre, with tbctitlool tho Cape tral railroad company wuibeheid , . 0. D. G. SwaJm X the tea 1 of tho ear Enterprising Company. The in- at the Company's Office, in tbo city of Wll MATTRESSES of all. kinds In stock a Producing Long-Sightedness, an1 Re storing the Sight of the Old, attended to without delayi Thanking my friends or faror extended to me In tho past, I solicit their kind! favors int Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Tumors, I hir MfW.,w. t t - . , . i Red Evea. Matted Eve Lanhna. and Pm. thtiT patronage In future. After an expert ducing Quick Belief and Perm- i , I: Also, equally efficacious when used In other ho 1 ai.Jk07 Pr5Parol to conduct moioii. .0 itis., m I tne; work In all Its bnurhm tn k nwi I "HiMt-vo, DUu M UWIO, Itltl UKtl VO, XU- wiWkmanlllr. . and mors, salt Kbeum, Burns, Plies, or wherever o'clock, a. m. apl 21 tdm JNO. H. SHARP. Secretary Urtia of militarr fnatico of tho United corporators aro Joseph II. Willis States army, for Iraad and lor conduct Frank P. Williston, James Telfair, nabecomioi an officer and 1 entlaman. Elijah Lane, Dallns Chesnntt, William Ht tuadi ready to proye, ha saji, that B. Hill, James C. Moore. Charles II. aid D. G. Siralm has committed Iraad Ward, Ixrenzo D. Kennedy and Joseph sU ioteaU and purposes upon tho E Sampson, taskinrbouaaof which he Is a mem- The officers of tho company are JudzeAdrocat5Gcn.Swa!mde- Joseph II. Willis. President. James HOWARD RELIEF FIRE ENGINE COMPAJiT, wes tta caarses and tajs Dateman is aeiiair, oecrciary, anu viatica . trjintio blackmail him. Ward. Treasurer. They, have already in. purchased two lots, one at the foot ot KUer has h4n rir!Td from & rnlk.ra ,twi fntino- MntV nnrl tho rolngton, cn THURSDAY, May 8th, at 11 m4e ordcr- Carriages. Window Inflammation exists. MITCHELL'S SAL.VK I . .1 oa f rlaccas, between 3rd may be used to advantasreJ soia by au vrozzi&u at zsc nor 20-oaW'tf GRAND BALL OF TIIE Shades, Cornices, Curtain Loops and. Pins; Clover Leaf Tables. log of Furniture by competent j THOS. C. CRAFT, Agt., Furniture Dealer, apl tl 20 So. Front Street apl 2M w CttaHeiure to the State, il i Upholstering and repair- 1 266th Edition. Price Only $1 t am bound to sell the rest reef. ometent workmen. i L BY MAfL pOST PAID. 1 can't help it. I hare cot THIRTY HEan OF fine CATTLE, fattened bf Mr. T. U Ricklcy of Sampsoa County, and I CHAt-i AT cwuaaa ia Utlca. New York, who ther at tho corner of Tenth and Castle. "pojU & ttcent coQTersatlon with Itos- an(j expect to build at an early day. CoakUar. ia which the cx-Senator 1 f a?eUiaTertfr;it.rmnf JmM City Court, GERM ANIA HALL, WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 23d, lSSi. . TICKETS $1. t No Gentleman admitted without a Lady. State of North Carolina.! County of New Hanover, ; Superior court. mm To all whom these presents come, Greeting I. 8. VanaMRINGE. Ckrk of the Superior jrbaMto Knors .S.!Llno.TJfwHre- of YonUi.rt the untold mlserkinlSS KflOW THYSELF., A GREAT MEDICAL WORK 01 MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical LEKGB THE STATE TO BEATTnEat. On sale for the next thirty days! IToW Ja tho UbJ to FATHONIZS Hoiuc.7 No neyl to go U mpari wiu la em. i MUTTON AND VEAL New York; we will compare with them. S" hsl "iJSJiXJ- Has: HiTsasaar ssjsr.i . sass rh...V,7 w J: . vrVT every man. young. mMdle aged and old ! Jt k?tn.liv HHm B U"kiaLh TJ contains 125 prescrlpUons for all acute and Y. T ru. Ln:u mj .cli.jr, - . chronic diseases, each one of rhl -h la lnraJu .w ,.. . i . " . rT : oo roaai ot me ADinor. wnose exoen. mc rum w cwu aiion unUcr mi name ana sivie or ;ane tape enca for2s vein 'i. .nrh rnhhi on; hand DAILY. . i i - Leai f j , ' 'M - . , apl 13 St frxn Leave orders with J 1 GEO HUE F. TIL LEY, ? - ! fi tall No. i 0. BU:cesaad iaTs that he would rather The Mayor had several cases lor his committee reserve aakM. - . I i t tu: MAmTn9 nnrl fli- I a.11 obiectlon&ble nerscrs "OOlCad than any Otner man , ' Commltiee-r. C. Miller. M. Rathjen. J. G. 1 0f Tere lfflc an Tl'ie In Re "ocu been mn?r,-l for th nIaM. I POSeu OI mem as wnows: u u:ecben. Jono iiaar. Jr.i c a-.voniwmm T. ... . . .. . I t u.r..r..l Innvl f..r flinr-1 Pea. A. AdrUn. i apixi .4C2U03 flf Mf H'tinA Vll CVlIo I lUWlt iunu;vu,v..w- I 10 and Think. JecUoa of Xfr n?!nft -waa called lol-tUtmcat,and he said that it Nerly conduct, was scf below for wtf aa exactly & surprise to him. as days. M STOCK OF PIASOS AXD ORGANS. rear cnierpruingj company", ror inepnrpoo befonfeU to the lot of anr Dhvsldan. 800 tviffM iiAnnn in hMnrirni rrotu i aR"a I bocsed coders, full gilt, ruar&n: ilcaLI and professional than any other work sold In HY PAY BEN r WHEN THIS L nrM hAnnrf In K..fiMfnl HW.k I WT WU1 DOT TDQ & hftPlH 7 Itl . . . . . . - . . . . a rtrS't W UU M. WWWWtUl lAtf Utf. Ul I i ' f . uu rroancs ortor iina.ioeT DiTisEcouiiuca ti i. . i f . . i v . uuwwi wtio. uu ku. lausuiccu hj uu m I IDC tOQfl I flnArmrt In t(iy unu.mMhinliil 11f.r I Aa I with the provisions of chapier 16, o of North Carolina; that the amount of the this dry. ' I have oM over L t. . . . . . . I t.i p:.!,.! Enroll rharirptl I oiTiEFP. WIIEEIrK. ITtfAiTA. PKIX)U- hand and -4 team in IntlmllnnnribA kina I iumii t I z l.r. .t.1. .k. i,. jl i lissii tfore. II t. r..-vit i. t - I with larccnv. was discharged, a3 there ..c-p. WKstkes cottage, and nthercele xa' :.ctV,; . () 8 Vas AM RINGS, wiorr;Tinirnalnrithn whail rirrn I w uu c ivituij ia credit for. Haiid Hall, colored; 'charged with receiving stolen goods, was alio dis- i 4. -f'r' rr.7 r .1 1 nouses 4 1 I Co; rL."? "" charted. yred of iatensVpaln. by the use of SL EdwardjnilU colored, arrested onsus- tlfJiK 1 0U 1116 grtat PAin-rliT"'. 110 J piciou. was also discharged. i'ooraD:endei toother suffer- . One other man. whose name we sap- U red them. prcss, charged with disorderly conduct, Kow Li the Uae to give Smith's Worm bad the examination of his case contin- bratcd and standard makes For beauty, ew gmce, rich, silvery tone and durability of In struments, call at HEINSBERGER'S j Sea L . apl xl 2t Clerk perIor Court, New Hanover Couat7. CqoI ! Cooler ! .Coolest ! A SD WE HAVE THE COOLERS a beau- Xa. UfUl Dattern. Also REFRIGEKATOCS. liMaaea .rennirin live Rook mad Muslo Stan a-1 tne same that were so popular last year. The Chronic ad otiat best 1 ever saw. aava a ladr. Crant Free Oni!Bs Ilaiidkerehler now on sale; Iters the best kind: lee Chisels and Picks. br th NAiionAi MediMt Aiv).tfi iai, i "iem, tr f uutaimenU mootblr oarmests. officers of which he relera. r . , i This book shoal t be read by the vouna- tor I AfI ve a large nnmber now oa my boots. Instruction, and by the afflicted for rcilcf. It I wn. aklng regular xaonuily pay menu will besent U London Lancet. D1 .will soon own homes and get cleurcf iaad- book will not be nsef ul. whether youth, parent, i 'i loaned ta' thoao wUMag to build. aujw "J" -eaooay aieaieai instliute, rr Dr. W. IL Parker, No. 4 BoUSnch Street. Coston. Mass.. who may be consulted on all rmg aaiu ana experience, otistlaate dbescs tnat have apl 16 evr ; JAMES WILSON. oa. 1 j fi.yf I ucd until to-morrow morning. aik for It at ILEINS BERGER'3. apl 11 Whv not keen eonL? rAiULut XAIiua. PUSS WHITE OIL. apl a oainea us asm i er au PJI other I pnysicians a . specialty, a lm -4 fa Such treatea sueceaia-riLnr C" ri r ly without an In- I IfU UuLL t stance cf failure. apl U-dAwt is- lCe Cream Freezers. I ; GTLE3 AMUIOTISON,

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