rrtrr rn2a Scndxya raepted by JOSH T. JAMES, rro xxo rxorxirrox. H-0&- a Art PAID: Oo month. SS centa. ... wrrd by earrlexa frea Lrrroftb,c,ty-utb,fcbOT ZTU V-iUy Review has the largest rmlttion, of any newspaper ru - f Conth iW i 1t Uv Hnnnnf worth $7,000,000. i Gerv j Ms ha jast concladetl ne ia ma Democratic Com- t nearer icu aw. " ----- Ae:3Uroftho Harvard class ol t..3 tuiuit been appointed a pitcher a base ball club at $3,000 a year. - r-iiatb-New York market just . ..lU nlpnlv and wprfl uoir are ineow"j r ------ ,,M at fifteen cents per dozen last week. it, l II. Estill, the editor of the iJett of tbe Georgia c.Uce. mc Waken, who J'641 irl cw Vark oa Monday, was & lineal desccn Jiatof I?aak Walton, much loved ol Joseph Fisher, at Craig county. Va.f vl jetri old. weighs but fifty pounds, is Urteetaada half high, and wears tcj tboU. Diamonds do not like to be mistaken fur glaw. neither do they like glass to. be raiitakea for diamonds. This is the reiioa, probably, that diamonds cat iv i rv! rh his written a letter to V 4 VVM "W fiimebud lajlnj that his son Boggan Cash, the murderer, is near his home and will surrender when the county C ourt convenes. The steamer Dear, which is to be the aJTicce ship of the Groely Relief Ex ptd.tion. ij nowreadyfor sea and will probably sail from New York to morrow or Thursday. The Atlanta, Ga., Constitution (Ik a.) does not sc how any South ern member of Congress can olT.ect to the Educational bill, which will chiefly benefit his own section. r H 1: J ' i : ! . . - -;--r... . .! r . VOL. VIII. 1 WILMINGTON; N. C. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23, 1884. NO. 97 LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO irW AOYEBTISCMEire. New Arrival ; t t T C IIillkk Smoke C VT TATX iood Bo din j 1' nrrssniROR Wedding prcicnU Jko 8 McEaciiebx, fecfy Notlrc Jjro II SAVXGE-Ecpd PrUoner aiiss E Karbek Exjcb&Dge Coiner ; ilUKDS Bkds. & DeUosset Heached at The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 21 bales. 1 lie seventh annual meeting of the Bcllevne Cemetery 'Company will be held on Friday evenin? next. . Attention is invited to the new ad Temsemeni oi .anas t:. Karrcr, as it appears in this issue. Col. But's recent contribution to the Raleigh Register, about New Hanover county and Wilmington, appears on the. third page of this issue. ! Ibo thanks of yc local" are due for an invitation to attend the ball! or the Howard Relief Fire Engine Co., No. 1, to be given at Germania Hall. to-night. It this weather should continue a day or iwo longer, trio lanners migut as well prepare to plant their corn for the second time, as that which has "been planted will be sure to rot. Wo invito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. J lie indications mis morning were that Summer clothing might possibly be in demand in the "Sweet by and by' bu not at present. Overcoats and gloves were the popular and correct things to-day. I Thanks to all of the kind friends who sent in to U3 to-day the copy of the South Atlantic for May, as asked for by us yesterday.' The poem was copied and the book returned before 10 o'clock this forenoon. t i Iowa liquor dealers and manufacture cri are geltiog ready to fjgbt the new firobibitorv law in toe courts ana it is itortcd that they hare retained both K G. Ingemll and B. F. Butler to help. A frail merchant estimates that from i to 50 percent, of the fruit shipped froa foreign countries to this country is roucd oa the way, the greatest loss be- izz ia oranges and the least in cocoa-cu:j. George Jones, the owner o! the New York Txmts. denies a report that ho Is to mire from tho active management cf tin josrsil. As his health is good ledots not expect to go abroad this jur. The ship Aonf Woolwich has left Philadelphia for Japan with the largest carp? cf petroleum ecr"scnt to that mrkcL in all about 05,000 cases. The Japanese, it would appear. !are now Cilng American oil for illuminating their pagodas and places of worship. Tfce Colorado town of Duracgo has material communication with the world after being shut In by the snow wr sixiy-inree cajs. ine teiegrapn irts have wotted well. all the time. Rev. G. U. Wenner, of New York City, will reach here to-night, on hi3 way from Charleston, S C, to the former city, and will preach at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church at hall-past eight o'clock. Quite a large number of passengers, on tneir way irom Jrionua to their Northern homes, stopped at the Pur- cell House last night for a night's , rest, before continuing their journey.- They left on this morning's train to pursue herr jour ney. I Interesting to Fishermen : The cele brated "Fish" Brand Gillipg thread is Did only at Jacobx's. He is the Im porter's Agent. t Kscapcd. Sam Williams, colored, a convict turned out the recent term of tho Crim inal Court, and sentenced to 12 -mouths in the County llouso of Correction, made a dash for liberty yesterday, while he was -at work with others under charge of an armed guard, and suc ceeded in making good his escape. Mr Savage offers io this issua a liberal re. ward for his apprehension. i - Delegates to Oonvontlon. At a meetine of the Vestry cf St. Delegates elected. The Church Council of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church held a meeting yesterday and elected the following as delegates to Synod, which will meet at Ebenezer Chnrcb, iin Rowan county, on the 30th inst. Principal J. W. Do3cher. j Alternate Henry Haar. I Phosphate Rock. Some of the phosphate rock recently discovered In Duplin and Sampson A h . . counties jias oeen pronounced: very rich in those properties which make it valuable as a fertilizing agent. There is a good deal of interest manifested in luose rounucs on me -subject aua ex plorations are still In progress. In consequence of tho discovery lands have materially advanced In many localities and those who offered to sell last year at certain figures would hard ly entertain any proposition to buy, even at an advance three times as large as tho former asking price. Excelsior. buch is the name of a new steim propeller yacht which has iust been completed at the lumber yard of Mr. J. W. Taylor, and which made her trial trip this afternoon. The Excelsior was built for Capt, R. P. Bowdoin, who intends her for a freight and passenger boat on the Northeast and Black rivers. She is 75 feet long. 13 ieet beam, whith 3j feet depth of hold MM . mm ana is oi oj ions cross, sne will run I Board of Aldermen. The Board met at the City Hall last night at a o'clock. Present Mayor Hall and Aldermen DeRo3scl, Boney, Bear, Chadbourn, Sweat and Hown. The Mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to consider and act upon a tax ordinance for the ensuing Tear. . The 'Finance Committee reported amendments to the tax ordinance. An amendment authorizing the col Iect'on of license taxes annually in ad vance was rejected, after a prolonged debate. ,. , V i Alderman Bear tben offered the fol lowing: 'K; , I ;,.-..... Resolved. That the time and method of the collection and payment of taxes shall remain the same as set forth in the tax ordinauce of 1883. T On this the ayes and noes were called C I all 1 tor py Aiaerman coney, resuitinir as follows : Ayes Aldermen Boney, Eear, Sweet and Howe. 1 Noes Aldermen DeRosset and Chadbourn. Adopted. Several sections of the tax ordinance were then considered;, when, on mo tion, the Board adjourned until Mon day evening nxt at 8 o'clock. Personal. Bishop Watson left last night for New ; York, for attendance on a council of the House of Bishop's ot the Episcopal! Thb Fire JLaddies. The Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1. paraded thi3 forenoon, starting from their engine house on Fourth street at 10:30 o'clock, with 30 men in 1 the ranks The nierj wore for the first time their new uniforms which have recent ly been made for them in j New Yotk. and presented a fins appearance. From the engine house1 they marched down Fourth street to Qrange; down Orapge to the residence of their foreman, Mr. A. Adrian, whom I hey saluted with three rousing cheers. Thence they proceeded down Orange to Front, our Front to Dock and down the IaUer street to the river, where they halted and passed 'some little time , In engine practice. They played through 200 feet of hose and 1J inch nozzle, with Church. He was summoned vesterdav when light in 12 inches of water and is by telegraph. suppnea witn a patent propellor which Mr. E. J. Hale, of tho Fayetteviile can be raised or lowered as the depth Observer, is in the citv to-d.iv ami e-avc ot water may require, lier engine is 25 horse power and she is supplied with steel Doners, one is bum ot lumper throughout and can average j about 7 m iles per hour. Several of our citizens went with her on her trial trip, which was to the bridge at the Navassa Guano Works and return. She is a neat look ing craic lor one oi ner size ana we hope that she will prove a profitable investment to her owner. us a pleasant call this afternoon. Dr. John H. Freeman and Mrs. and threw a stream 190 feet by actual kieasurement. After concluding I their engine practice the company returned to their hall where a bountiful collation had been prepared for them and of which they prrtook with a relish sharp ened by the exercises of the proceeding hours. The appetites having been sat isfied by the tempting viand3 before them, ; speeches, songs, jokes and stories became' in order with many, while others returned to their homes or places of business. , To-night the 'company will j give a ball at Germania Hall at which the Italian harpers will furnish the music, and which will undoubtedly be well attended by noble firemen and, "i as a matter of course, by a galaxy of beauti ful ladies, without which it would be a mournful bawl instead of an elegant ball. The gallant firemen of the How- fnna curfr!csij ca vzjvz ail ejects of racraltatcrcstbat . j Tb muao cf witter must always U re r alalurtto the kHlor.- rr; - rr; -.,---v -"-: j;CnnTnTm!ratToM neat i written W 'oaj'y one Ida of the paper. ; I . ; .k ' 't PeraoaaHtlcs mtut be avofc&L. . ' ' Aad U Is eapedaOy ana particularly ulcr tood that the Editor doea ixot always eada ec the views of correspondents taleai f so 1 tUtt . t in the editorial eohrana. j NEW AVEirriSEMENTS. TJotice, fiJSKTn ANNUA! 1IEET1KQ OP! JL the Stockholders of BIlerno Cemcterr Company will b held at tha Uttloi GUat En. gloo Ifau, corner Fourth, and Prlncesa itrecta. 1 at 8 o'clock, p. iU Friday, the ?:th lnatAU Lot Owners aro requested to attend. i V. Jno- 8' McEACIIKRN.j apimit , i , Soo'j. and Treaaorr - Escaped Prisoner. at the late term cf tho Criminal Court, escaped from the County Honw of Correction on Tuesday afternoon. I will ro a liberal reward for his apprehension and dellTcir.' or for any lnformattoa lea lnff to hla arrct. , ap! 2Ut Sdp't Home of Correction ' Wew At Arrival No." South Prontj Street.; IT 5c CIGARS : Aprcs Dliutcr' A tmi .. . " XJ Diner. Afrca Soufer and Tomoura, Ulym 1 from GO pounds to 80 pounds of steam PHs and ng Ikes. Best of Wlnea and liquors' n,l throw Ctr. ion ftf K fnolll.AJ Al VThtBT, ; . Head Oaartpra ntv Il.rn Ttiml , r forget It. i j ! . apl Just Received, i -pj-AVE RECEIED TO-DAT A fliABE lot of elegant Fans aod raraiols, Hambnr , ' - f .! Edgings, Silk and Lisle Gloves, Neckwear, Ac. Additions to Mll'lncry Iwo or threei 'times each week. New lot of Underwear, Juat re cclved. Am selling at price that will com pare favorably with any In the city. . i ' Resiectfully ' . ' i ". MISS E. KARRER, aP1S3 Kxchange Corner. Good- Reading COST BARO A i Kft. TW Books never before onrl to tho iwople ATA SMALT.. JJL Books never before offer! tn th i of WlIraiDgtoh: Macauley'a History of Eur iauu, 6 voia. 51.77; Macaoley's EBsayaiand Toemis. 3 vols. $1.77: Gibbon' Hlitftrv Uf. th rreeman reiurnea to mo city mis morn- ard Rehef have ever proved themselves : England; vols $i i ; n 017 ing after a two weeks' visit to Florida ready and efficient in any ordinary con j standard poems. at 59 ccnta : Supremo Court. The following cases were disposed of on Monday in this court: E.'L. McCormac et als. vs. Board of Commissioners of Robeson county, from Robeson; appea's by both plain tiSi and defendants, argued by John D. Shaw for the plaintiffs, and Thomas A. McNeill for the defendants. ' J. II. Caldwell et als. vs. Com mis sioners of Robeson county, from Robe son; argued by J. D. Shaw for the plaintiffs, and T. A. McNeill (by brief; for the defendants. State vs. S. M. Leak, from Rich mond; motion to Withdraw appeal al lowed. 1 II. S Led better vs. Stephen Quick. from Richmond ; argued by J. D. Shaw for the plaintiff, and Strong & Smedes tor the defendant. Roper & Roper et als. and to relatives in Thomasville, Ga. They went as far South as Ocala and ur. x reeman says tne halt na3 never been told and never will be told relative to the boom under which that wonder ful State is now blooming. , We are glad to hear from Dr. Free man some pleasant reports in regard to our former townsman, John L. Holmes, Esq., who is located at Jack sonville. Mr. Holmes has now all of his family with him, except a married daughter residing in this section, his health has improved and he has already secured a gooa practise, ins sons are in good situations in Jacksonville. An Experience at Wilmington. Under this caption Mr. D. O. Kidder, the gentleman from Boston who stop ped here a few weeks ago on his way to Florida with an invalid daughter and whose further progress South was sadly arrested by the death of the young lady at the Purcell House, has written the following handsome testimonial in the columns of the Boston Courier: Mil. Editor : As I have heard state ments somewhat uncomplimentary re- -I crarHincr tho exDerience of strangers at VS. lOWn Oi ?,TM ." XT t WJI1 xror. o11, IT UUliUKuuUi vs., t j vi uiiu r uiu Byron. Burns. Moore. Hood. Shccncy, Milton, Cowper. Shelley, peare, roe, Tennyson. &c, &c Also, tho following flagration, but the loving glances and boidsmit swfinh smilp nf hpnntifiil pan .. . i .... ll.ino same price as above: 8mlths Bible ngnt a name wnicn tney cannot exiin dictionary, Kingsiey's sermons Tain's ,kd pnRu l iisu iw-'raiurc, uicKens'niia'a History Eng j iuu, x -iiKrun si-rogress,.xaica zrom bbakea- The company is sadly in need or Jf,ae Iew JNapoieon. paui and Virginia, . " , . . 4i. Vd,a yolames Dlckenp and Scotfa novels, greater accommodations in their engine Jules Verne's novels, op's Fables, lole on linnao irrl rinll o a f ho mamKnrchin !a I J? V i I " J "av'"J" AJ we invite your attention to abovoaa being cansianuy increasing, ana i me rooms oupewur w anvming nereioiore onerea, . ii r the binding being all aubstantlal cloth and gilt. the transaction of businesss. it was never in a more! prosperous condition than it is at present; it is an honor to its! members, a blessing and necessity to our city and we should do all in onr power to manifest our appreciation of its self-sacrificing services. From Cliarlotte, i i Mr. J. B. Magill, chief engineer of the Charlotte Fire Department, and Mr. J. A. Bixby, one of the Aldermen of Charlotte, were in the city yesterday YATES' BOOK STOKE apl 23 I 119 Market Street Steamer Paoc rt YiTILL MAKE feEGULAltA 'JgQiv;-. trln3 to Smith vllle and the Forts ' Y every day except Sunday. 17 T , ,i Fare. 75c. round trlD. Parties of ten or mora can secure tickets day before hand for 50c apizi - J. W. llAUfElT City Drug Store. . 121G MARKET STKEET. and passed a good portion in examining M rivaSimptcS the working of our Fire Department. They called upon Capt. C. D. Myers, Chief of the Wilmington Fire Depart ment, who took much pride and pleasure in giving them every desired information. During the day they visited the Little Giant engine ' house, cool Mineral and Soda Water with pnresvruns. Give me a call. A supply of choice plant from Mrs. Webb's kept on hand ,and order for flowers filled on short notice- i , I J. W. CONOLEY, f- apl22 Manager. ' r i r T 1 -1 - .il o . ' ,".T . I jiurmDurg, irom xvicumuuu -t argueu a brief space in your yaiuaoie columns wfaerc they witnessed the workings of lnwsnc were elected jdeleeates to the General Convention of the Diocese' which is to meet at Washington, May Uth: I Delegates Josh T. James, S. L. Fre mont, W. II. Green. Walter u. Jut land. Alternates Gabriel Holmes j Jno. J. Fowler, O. P. Meares, Jr., Jno. L. Uppitt. , dd a liuUo mail has been carried oTer John's Church, held last night, the fol- t-e cnits cn men s backs once or twice wi n has been utterly impossible to ret a trala through on the one railroad, isd highways have not existed at all. There are very serious labor troubles la England, and indications of very t-cit datrcss ahead. A special !o the ew York TTorW dated London, 19th lt.. Iiv- Tfer v,. iw ,mr,rvmnr1t St. James aud Stl Paul have not yet dariac tho pait week in the condition of elected, and the names of tho delegates iMppinj. The depression amounts aN rom St. Mark's were published by us 7"Y arajTsia, aou ujo ubuwuuu i i t WGCi. oa the jacrtase. Public subscriptions ife be;cj organized at Newcastle-on-Tjte,uUTerpool. at Shields and at Sanerlwi for the men. jaiiaer who are on a strike iVt-.fJfUsaea new protest, in Zfr lhJ tbat the employers re- .VZT.r tor a conference and City Court. Andrew Robertson, colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct last night, and was fined $3 for the offense. II f V 1 11 nljt wlnrml irat itof i. I.'" "T VU of fflle neitbroughtupon the tame chargoand Z 7Sir at! waa fined the aoe amount. iccjpi to forpA m i-. .n nnMn; a ntmct Tnliimhn and Auirust Frinck. Jcaj l aarren der. and they appeal to the two German sailors, got into a Ggbt in by Sea:1031 of (Ircat Britaio to ,Und the "Hollow" last night, and were pro- U boot and she trd of Indon coeding to pummel each other in hearty joined tho army of strikers and sailor fashion when officer Wocbsc took C--., ,7 " iivuh m fcwn" I mem lU lOW SOU WW lliClU omkij uwv- "&d1S 2ta ,S?-.',,SS Ud ia the guard house. Their lun cost pcct is that this ttrTke wilt involve them $3 each this morning, i . "ffitlffltrtS Ifyounc arealgtc.a.s cvjoa workBM h . au. mokinir stove, don t fail to see the Lx provinces, who are trying celsior Penn.. Zeb. Vance and New iMaoe a general cessation of work. rr,M hesidea other. Thev are to WbthUaetogivtjSnilth'.Worxii be fnd at factory prices at Jacobi's, Oa. who Is tho manufacturers1 agent- t bv J. D. Shaw for the plaintiffs, and Strong & Smedes for the defendants. A. M. Long vs. John A. Long, from Richmond; to bo dismissed on agree mcntof counsel. - V State vs. Alexander Edwards, from Cumberland ; argued by attorney general Kenan for the State, and J. W. Hinsdale (by brief) and T. P.Devereux for the defendant. , The lustices delivered opinions, in causes heretofore argued, as follows Gilbert Patterson, executor, vs. Robert Lillv et als.. Irom Richmond: no error; judgment affirmed. May Murrill el als, ys. A. J. Morrill et als.. from Onslow: error, decree of court below set aside and decree direct ed accord intr to former opinion ot this court. State vs. G. H. Crumpler, from Cumberland; error; cause remanded for judgment to-be pronounced accord ing to law. Mary C. Medley vs. Dunlap & Little, executors, from Anson; error; judg ment reversed and judgment for the defendants. Alexander Jackson vs. McLean & Leach, from Robeson ; no error; appeal dismissed. . ! S. A. Youue vs. B. T. Barden et ais. from Columbus; no affirm eel. State vs. Stephen Royal, from Cum berland; no error. A. McA. Council ct als. vs. W. II. Averett, from Bladen; no error; judg ment affirmed. I). L. Saylor et als. vs. B. F. Powell et als., frs Anson; no error; judgment affirmed. R. McMill vs. Commissioners of kod- cson county, from Roieson; no error; judgment affirmed. to relate my own experience during a ; sojourn in that cityr Travelling towaras i?ionaa witn an invalid. I, was compelled to stop there for rest; with some trepidation, I con fess. as I was strongly acmseu by a the "drop" harness, at which they seemed both astonished and delighted They were introduced to Mayor Hall and ouitc a nuniber of the prominent of- Having polished back, stiff bristles and aano iUVJ aw KWVS VUVUKU IUk IUO lUUlfe Beached at Last I: i - . ! A BOTTOM PRICE ON BKU3IIES AND 1TE IIAVK A FEW" FINE HAItt Brusca which wc can sell for FIFTY CENTS each. fellow traveller not to do sa. but illness ficers and members of our tire Depart! fastidious, and wo recommend them to any leilOW uraveuer uu w ... ,.. . , , . , onc ncedlnff a trood Hair Brash. A hsndAonui Comb to go with Brush for 23 cents. j! Como In and ace them. ;. I ' - Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Dealers In Drugs and Fine Fancy Goods. apl is - Stop and Think. ITrUY PAY REST WHEN THE 4 X obliged us to remain. We went to the rnent, wto aid an tney couiu to make principal hotel, and after a short time, the visit pleasant and instructive. The ttie weakness oiiue luvaim increasing. m in bj t of the gentlemen, however. I sousrht the advice of a prominent . ....J V- ir.nMAm.in in re-ard to a physician. He 1Q Yisins our city, was w see u mey recommended one who uot only proved could not induce our Fire Department a skilful adviser, but an exceedingly aad Military to visit Cliarlotte and kind friend, and from this time until our departure we were the recipients of . T .i i a i ?! the utmost Kinuuuss auu uospiiamy. The tables in the room of the invalid were all the time covered with beauti ful flowers sent by the ladies of the city who also Eent her every delicacy to tempt the appetite of the patient, and II S 4 1 . .1 Military participate in the anniversary celebra-1 tion of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence on the 20th and 21st of I May next. The invitation was extend ed some weeks since, and the visiting j gentlemen hoped to arouse action in who also called frequently upon us, and I the matter, but as one of the fire com same money will buy you a hone? In this i city I have sold orcr . I 1 one hundred and fifty Lots . and Houses' ii'ii kindly offered tneir services in every possible way. The gentlemen were also extremely solicitous for our wel fare, tendering the use of their carriages and endeavoring in eveiy way to pro mote onr comfort, i The proprietor of the hotel did everys thinz in his power for our comfort, procuring every delicacy possible to be obtained, and telling us to call upon him at any time, day or night, and both bis lady and himself would respond with pleasure. The Illness terminated fatally, and if possible, the kindness already experienced was increased, and the tenderest sympathy was extended to ns by all A beautiful floral tribute . ilnraa cant tho laHv nf lhf nrnnrifrt: r error ; judgment "-7. rjoWonM not allow the casket to be removed oy the servants, but procured the kind services ot several gentlemen 01 me city who tenderly carried it from the hotel to the hearse, accompaoiea it to the depot, and placed it on the train. buch. sir. was my experience in tne frequently derided city of Wilmington. Verily, we were strangers and they ministered unto us. It will interest the travelling public to know that a new hotel, first-class in all its appointments, is soon to be erected at Wilminzton. the fundXfor panies has made arrangements to go to Newbern and the other to go to Charlotte, during the Summer, they will hardly be prepared to attend the MeeklenhufgCelebratlon. 1 and Lota to parties who hare paid la fall for them, br Instalments monthly payments.! Also.I hare a larre number now on my books. , who aro making regular monthly payments and will soon own homes and get clear of land' lord rule. Money loaned to tboae wishing to build. apll6 cw . JAMES WILSON. Wedding Presents, The Pavemeiit. The paving of Nortn Water street has been completed its entire length, although there are a few places where some changes wili have to be made in order that thoj gutters may be able to car ry off the water so that the sidewalks may not be flooded.- This latter work mainder will be finished in a day or I WORCESTEa'S Uaboldqed DlcUoaaiy two.' The flagging on the sidewalks has hnthor without Patent etanda. no yet all been laid, in consequence of TJSEFUL WEDDING PEESESTS, IN LAEGE V AEIETT. Please call and see them at ' r IIEINSCEEGEE'S. blc'donazy. which the pedestrams are put toi ! - . 1 some inconvenience, but we presume this important matter will be finished in a few days when the street will be all that can be desired. For sals cheap at HEINSBERGEit'S apl il ' LSre Book and Utuk Stm. 1 - 1 j For fifty cents a free circulation 01 woica wing aireaay, proviueo. uij the blood and healthy kidneys. Try St. remains to seiew a suiiaoie locauvu. Jacobs Oil, it will cure. K. Ice Cream Freezers. IpOR SALE BY aplU GILES A MUBCIII50N. March!aoa SlocJc Coo! ! Cooler! Coolest! AND WE IIAVX THE COOLf.ItS-a beau tlfal pattern. AL?o B K FKI G fc HL1TO its. tne same thtt were to popu"ar tut year; ' 1 1 be4t 1 ever saw." ar a -lidr. Cr; a rroe zers tne best kind; lee Chisel anl Flcts. Why not keep cool ? - ' PAEEEZt A TAYLOR. ; runs wnrrB oil. apl a

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