TIHS TXTTH. rcrr rrratng. Sondaya ax "septed by JOSUT. JAMES, oitob axd norxixTom. POSTAGE PAID: S1.0Q. Six laontaa, 4sree O"0 . r. ou month. cents. BKmtas,ti.; .rrwtUt Or JT.nr will b denrered by carriers frt rirtrtrtlow and nberaL iSUr will report aay and all fan. t rrT ... arrive their PP regularly. cr tu forty iiccicLO terse g7Mthonc'i ill-health may pre- yes ... cK.i-Mnfsre. a member of Par- . ,t is the leading agitator against .-Chicle in uruun wyiuuia. ,cc . - u-il'iiai T.Iick. tho novelist, tome times im-Aea .is many as forty pipes a ,jiy while writing His copy is so bad, L-.r. r that his daughter's time is occupied io uns!atinK it for the print ers. . . iv,!ro. the Emperor of Brazil. fcss reined, it is "id. longer than any other living monarch. Ho succeeded . . l thrnnn ill. 1331 when Lc was but ,,,r r:J. but llO WSS DOt CTOWDCd c&lil 111. pope Piu IX has no intention of rc- - r ouqz U Monaco, or any omer place. i!ninL correspondent, cither r.aw or in the future. He docs not ex. pc: to lire to fee the day when he wi.l bare to leaTe ltome. An old wiCow tree In Bristol. Conn., r (r,.ntmn in old landmark, has -- j fcea cut down. In 1927 the lato lxrd S. HUu stack in the ground his willow riinr-stick, which grew to the massive trte that has iut been laid low. Mr. Ianztry writes to a friend in Usbn. ipakins of her success this tnson without the help ol any niana.. Ztr. which has given her courage She returns to Engjaad in July to play six teen weeks in the provinces. Waihinstonis to have three new theatre'. A casino, after tho Newport pattern, to be built by a Hock com pany; an armory with theatre attached, by the Washington Light Infantry; tho third is the project of some Chicago capitalists. At a meetinz of the John Hopkins literary Society in Baltimore, last Friday night, poems in fifteen different languages, including Chinese, Japanese modern Greek. Danish and Norwegian wcro recited and translations given. were I Kepresentauvo J,uke r. 1'olanu, o trmont, is mainly distinguished as the only man in the IIouso who persist teoily appears in the old-time blue sa!!w-tail with brass buttons. The costume makes him suspicious to coun trj vtjitor who crowd in to look at mm Particular friends of President Ar ihur claim that he will reccivo 435 votes on i lie erst Oai.ot at Uuicago, thus so caricr bis Domination. Their estimate riTfs Bliine odIt 158 votes, which In clzdei 10 from New York and 48 from IVoosTlraaia. while Logan is allowed i and the field 127. The man who has a good cattle ranch u on the high road to iortune. There Is co doubt that the population of the couatry U increasing much faster than tie meat supply. While for almost mrjihingelse the prices undergo-great ficctuations, tho prices lor beef are u ji- f 'rmilly strong in every domestic and foreign market. At Cuiur D'Alene. says a traveller who recently arrived at Denver, every &ing is yery dear. It costs t wehty-five ceais to get a paper by mall, and fifty tu form letter. Nothing is considered k than a quarter. Sharing is a quarter, hair cutting fifty cents, any kind of a meal costs 1, and eggs fifty U extra, lou can't ret a place to for less thaa $1, eieo though you bonk oa the floor. Coc jressraan Reagan, of Texas, the "Postmaster General of iheonfeder U never at his best unless be has hort string, wilh the ends tied to other, with which be may employ bis haoda, pulling and twisting, and work lU alter the "cat's cradle" lashion. R ha does tot hate the string his next cho4ceillcae loose pieces of paper, w-ich be ttars Into bits, scattering t-eatboc: him until tho floor in bis icinitj Jocks as though a sort of bluxard had struck U, Queea romare, of Tahiti, is on Lcr wy across the Continent, on her rc tsra home. Her real came is Marau, z4 the is the daughter of an English colonist and the Queen of Papara. She famied the King of Tahiti and after wards separated from him. France governs TahiU, while the ex-King kas a pension of 60.000 francs a year, sad the ex-Queen 6.000 branes. The object of the long voyago of the latter was to get her pension increased. hether she was successful or not is a UUr yet to bo learned. f 1 H VOL. VIII. V CLMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY. APRIL 24, LOCAL NEWS. IIOEX TO HEW AnVfRTlSIMEMTJ. F CMiller Smoke j CM fTEDMAK Notice. W II 8FEUXT For neat C W Yatxa-GooI Uca'dlcg Tatlor's Baar-U 1 a Fact. IltlxsaERutE WctMln Pieacnts SVaxamrwce, CSC Lepal al K M MclHTIRE Fancy Mattlog$, Ac. Mods Okds. A UeUosset rear Soap, Ac, There were no trarup3 bouse lat night. in the guard The receipts of ccitonj at this to-day foot up 0 bales. port Bishop Watson, is expected to preach In St. John's Church', Fayeiteville, next Sunday morning and night and nt St. Joseph's (colored) in the afternoon. He will confirm at St. John's at nteht. Tho measles are prevailing quite ex tensively in Iho towns along the line of the Wilmington & Wcldon Railroad. At magnolia there are several cases arc reported, some ol which are quite fc vcre. 1 Tlie Cliuinplnn'3 Friend. England's champion bicyllst. Mr. John Kolfe, say?, that in the champion. ship contest, riding eight nours each day for six days, and one hundred miles against time just alter; ho is .positive that St. Jacobs Oil by its wonderful effects In training and racing, enabled him to win both races, lie calls it boon companion and recommends it to all athletes, and would not be without it. Fifty cents. To Convention. The following delegates to'tho Dioc r I esan Convention have been elected by the V estry of St. James' Churcn : Delegates Dr. A.J. Dellosset, iCol. W. U. DeUossct. Col. tfno. W. Atkic . I A ft a sm, wm. earner. lAiternaies eoi James G. Burr. Clavton Cilcs, II. E. Calder, Capt. Jno. 1. Boatwright. Musical. i Quito a number of our citizens were favored with a very pleasant musical entertainment at Iieinsbergfcra Live Book and Music Stores this morning. Messrs Smitbdeal. on the violin, and Grcenewald. on the piano, wcro enjoy Hnjr a practice and their fine music at tracted quite a crowd. Wo heard them play tho Golden Fleece Overture, by Ripley, which Is a brilliant composition and was finely executed. Interesting to Fishermen Tho ecle b rated FishM Brand Gilling thread is old only at Jacori's. Ho Is the Im porter's Agent. t The Rail. Tho ball of the Howard Relief Fire Engine Co.. No. 1, at Gcrmania Hall last night was well attended, the danc ing was kept up to a late hour, tho best o I-order prevailed, the music was good, and there was a first-rate timo generally This was just as might have been ex pected, lof when the j Howard Reliefs set themselves to work for a good time, a success is a forcgono conclusion. Personal, j We are sorry to hear that Col. R. R. Bridgers. of this city, is quite sick in Baltimore. Mrs. Bridgers has gone on to bo with him, but we are glad to learn that his illness is not considered of a serious nature. Dr. E. PorUr, of Rocky Point, was in the city yesterday and favored us with a call. Mr. A. G. McGirt, of the Upshur Guano Co., of Norfolk, who has bzen for months past travelling the State in tho interest of his house, h hero with his family, and hopes to remain for a week or ten days. Mr. Geo. S. I.cGrand and his brjde, Miss Johnnie Quince, that was, return ed on Tuesday night from their tour to the North. i i Another Merry Peal. Mr. Thomas B. Harri33 and Miss Eliza L. Anderson, youngest daughter ol Dr. E. A. Anderson, of this city. were united in mrariajc last night at he residence of the bride's father, the Rev. Dr. Carmicbae!. of M. jjonn s Church, officiating. The hou3o was thronged with the friends and acquain tances of the family and the invitations o the reception were extended to all ho desired to attend with open-heart ed hospitality. Tho btgli esteem in hich Mr. Harriss and his accomplish-! ed and winsome bndo arc held was evidenced by the display of bridal pre sents which wcro both numerous and costly. The happy couple icit last night for anextendcd.bndal.tour to the Vnrth during which they will visit JjVasbington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and other places ct note. They aro ex pected to be absent about .two weeks. Now Is the time to give Smith's Worm . . - - ' i f Exports Foreign. Nor. barque Albatross, Olsen, cleared to-day for London with 5.059 barrels rosin, valued at &6 325.75, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. Br. barquentino Brazil, Davison, cleared for St. Jago-di Cuba with 8,578 railroad tits and 4.500 feet lnmber, valued at; $3,690.40. Shipped by Mr. A. R. Camp bell, making a total of exports foreign amounting to $10.216.15J City Court. Two young men indulged in an affray last night, for which they were brough before the Major this morning who imposed a fine of S3 upon one and $2 upon" the wticr; Two other parties got into a little I Iracas last night, but a3 there was no scriou3 uisturDancc, tncy were dis charged. Ned Cause, a colored 'drayman, charged with disorderly conduct yes tcrday forenoon by trjing to drive into the firemen's procession and then abus- ing tiie nremen, was scntencea to pay a fine of $10 or be conGned in tho City Piison 10 days. Tho Yachtsmen. Mr. F, M. King, purser of the Caro lina Yacht Club, of this city., has re ceived a letter from the Secretary ol the Caroltua Yacht Club, of Charleston S. C, inviting the former club to join the latter in their annual cruise. The Savannah Yacht Club has also been invited to join in the cruise, and have accepted. The cruise will' be to Beau fort. S. C. and the Charleston Club will leave that city June 7th, while the Savannah club will start June 9th. If the club Trom this city should accept the invitation, the yacnts would have to leave here by Jnne 4tb, or 5th, at the latest, in order to accompany the Charleston fleet. The matter will be laid before the club, for its1 considera- ticn. in a day or two, when it will Drobablvbe determined what action shall fi inkpn in tho matter. TIia cruise will take place at a pleasant Viuiv wa a,uo J a im. am vu - jMvuvuivu should conclude to accept tho invitation hcy would undoubtedly have an enjoy able trip. Mrs. Green's Remains. A correspondent at Fayetteville writes us that the remains of Mrs. Adeline E. Green, relict of tho late General T. J. Gren, of Mexican fame, and the step mother, a3 well as ruotherin-law, of Hon. Wharton J. Green j arrived in that towu last Saturday night from Spring field, IU.t where sho died at the resi dence of Senator David Davis. Col. Green and daughter and Mrs. Davis accompanied the remains, and tho funeral took place last Sunday after noon, at 4 o'clock, from St. John's Church. Tho impressive services were read by the Rector of that church, Rev. Dr. Ilnske. assisted bv Rev. Dr. Mar shall, of Christ Church, Raleigh, who accompanied the remains from Raleigh as it was doubtful if Dr. Huske would return from this city, where he had been in attendance on tho consecration 1 of Bishop Watson, in time to conduct tho services. Tho churcn was crowded to its utmost capacity, showing the high esteem in .u:u .i inri r, V,ia i- Fayetteville. Mrs. Green was 82 years r i ,a of!xr hMnorl Kw n whn tnw her. for her pure Christian I Supremo Court. In this Court, onuesday, the con- sideratidn ot appeals at the end of the docket was resumed and causes were disposed of as follows: J. A. Campbell, and wife vs. E. L. McCormac. trom Ibeson; argued by French & Normeot (by brief) for the plaintiff aad J. D. Shaw lor the defend" ant. J. C. McLean, administrator, vs. A. A. McLean, administrator, from Rob- a -v t a. i . eson; arsuea oj joaa u. oaaw tor ibb plaintiff; no counsel lor defendant. Mary A. Allord vs. tu. U. aicuormac. from Robeson: arirued bv John I. Shaw lor the defendant: no counsel lor the plaintiff. ..... " . K. ii. v nrthv. namintstnitor- vs. A. I - S. Mcintosh, administrator, from Moore: arcued by John V. Hinsdale (by. brieQ and John Manning 'for the plaintiff, and W. S. Robin3 and Mclver & Black for the defendant. J. L. G. England et als. vs. Edmond I Garner et als., from Moore; argued by ii. 1'. liuxion oy Dney anu uuun Manning lor tho plaintiff, and Hinsdale & Derereux (by brief) and Mclrer & Black for the defendants. State vs. James Colvin. from Robe- K!? W&SJrtt,.- Uob son; continued. . Sherwood Patterson vs. Mclrer Dalrymplc. from Moore; argued by R. IholSik for the defhndauti. I NETV ADVERTISEMENTS. VARIOUS STYLES A few good styles., both in Tapestry and Body, that will be sold lower than ever before in thi3 market. RUGS AND MATS, good assortment. EVENING DJIESS SILKS AND SATINS in all the light shades, at low prices. LACE CURTAINS, with such apl 2, 1884 Republican Primaries. The various Republican ward organi zations in the city held meetings last night for the election of delegates to the County Convention, and with the fol lowing result. FIRST WARD-FIRST DIVISION. Delegates J. C. Nixon, Henry Brew- ington, Emanuel Nichols. Alternates John A. Bradley, A. A. Dudley, Geo. Sanders. Precinct Committee Alfred Merri mon, John Evangelist, Wm. Walker. SECOND DIVISION. Delegates Gilbert Wingate, John Hollowav, Monroe Bird. Aleernates E. E. Green, W. C. Howe, Henry Turner. Precinct Committee John H.Brown Isham.Sweat, Thomas Brinkley. THIRD DIVISION. Delegates Chas. P. Geyer, Archy Davis, G. A. Hicks. Alternates William Daniels, Hay wood Turner, Joseph McNcal, Prec net Committee J. C. Corbett, Fred Lord, John Dry. Contested by : relegates Aoranam Moseiey, a.odzo oimmons, J. n. iiowo. Alternates Samuel Merrick, J , W, Smith, M. C. L. Loftin. I Precinct Committee B. B. Hill I Henry Tucker, J os. Walker. SECOND "WARD. Delegates E. J. Pennypacker, S. VanrAmrmge, Watson McNeill. THIRD WARD. Delegates Wm. H. Gerkcn. Chas. II. Miller. Jas. D. Dry. . Alternates Geo. Anderson, Foreman, Jeff. J. Hopkins. Chas Precinct Committee F. C. Sadgwar, J. B. Dudley, T. M. Gardner. j FOURTH WARD. Delegates Geo. W. Price, Jas. K. Cutlar, Lewis Bryant. FIFTH "WARD FIRST DIVISION. Delegates C. P. Lockey, Paris Jones, Godfrey Willis. Alternates Major Lee, Hughe3 Foy, G. W. Robinson. Precinct Committee Thos. C. Mil- r, Josh J. Hill, Chas. E. Walker. second Division.. Delegates-dpnn v. iuoore, aicx. Sampson, John 11. Davis. Alternates-Jos. n. w mis, ueo. w. v r - pel, J iureen. uarnett towssuu-. J. A. Hewlett acted as unairman and Robert NUon as Secretary. . Delegates Joseph Pickett, Louis Nixon. Jere Hewlett. Alternates J as. xvicuarusou, .acis Taylor, Owen McKmsey. Precinct Committee Frank Wii- liams. Cass Hill and Wesley Sidbury. ! The following candidates were en dorscd: For Sheriff, E. Hewlett; Treas nrer. J. H. Whiteman: Delegates to Stato Convention, E. E. Green, G. L. Mabson, W. H. Chadbourn. Masonboro and FederaliPoint town- h , re saitl t0 concurintho above cn . y . Uarnett Republicans. - The Republicans ot Harnett township held a meeting at Macomber's store (the regular voting pltce) yesterday. The attendance was largo and the erowti wa- hont nnnallv divided be- f.pon Mnnninir and HawhVt nn thft bnnevalty question: but alter agoou deal of loud talkinz and confusion the ,attcr elemcnt prevailed and secured .. ... r r , . . thcelection of a Hewlett man &. chair- man of the meeting, and after tbis bad been accomplished the latter party had . . -nrtolprtpd an pntinrHpw- f faiIin? and electc n entire llew- lctt delegaUon from that township. Subsequently the Manning faction held a meeting and it is reported that thev Uo.IectU set o. delegate. Ifjoa ne . re eood first cU,. cooking stove, don't fail to 6e the Ex celsior Penn. ! Zeb. Vanoe and New Emerald, besides others. They are to bfnd at factory prices at Jacobi's. who is tho manulactarers' agent.. T 1884. NO. 98 ft NEW ADVERTIS EMI IXTS. 'AT ROCK BOTTOM. -o- an assortment and at such prices, : 1 " . ' all may be suited.! ' . R.' M. illcirJTIRE. it cient Remains. Mr. F. V, JJ. Yopp, who has been engaged for sbme days iast in laying some pipes on Fourth street, discover- j ed yesterday near the corner of Chest nut a human ulrplpfnn nnH rirr 1o nnpnrfhor , vwl.J 1U UUUL of the residence of the Tate A . L. Price. These remains will receive proper in terment elsewhere. The old folks tell us that many years ago a graveyard, parhaps the first ia Wilmington, was in existence in the locality in which the bones were found to-day. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. State of North Carolina. ! NeW Hanover County, i perlr Court. Bay 8tate Shoe and Leather Company, vs I ' i Dryfoos & Sternberger. , It blns made to appear to ua that a cause of action exists against Louis Dryfoos, that he can not after dae diligence be found vithin the State, that he Is a resident of the State end has left the State, with intent to avoid the ser vice of summons these are therefore to notify the sail Louis Dryfoos to appear at the next term of this Court to be held la the city of Wilmington the ISth Monday after tho 1st Monday of March 18S4, to answer or demur to the complaint in this action or a judgment will be given according to the prayer of the same. 8. VANAMRINGE, ' Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover County. april2lth, 1S34. ! lawCw. IT IS A FACT OF WHICH LADIES CANNOT BE TOO OFTEN REMINDED, THAT OUR Millinery Department Is beyond question the largest, most complete ly equipped, and most reasonable in prices In the State. What ever may be needed, TRIMMED HATS, i made after the latest patterns, UNTRIMMED HATS In the most approved slylcj, HAT TRIMMINGS, of every kind. Feathers, Flowers, d:i,t jbi unim. Ornaments. &Ci ncnavc incm an, in pencctiy bcwuaoring . 1 . . . ... , . , profusion, and at pricea Astonishingly Low ! Even lf the lady is determined to buy else where, she will do well to call on us and see the latest fashions first, at TATLOE'S BAZAAR. JUST OPENED, A FINE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF GLOVES AND MITTS, In Black, Cream, Tan, Garnet, Rj'ue, and in i - every color you could wish for; in Silk, Lisle Threa J, Cotton, Brilliant lisle, . and K13 in every size and quality: I -Also ready to show a new and well selected stock of i IP f For Ladies, Misses and Children, which has never been shown in this city before, also; We display Novel lies In Fancy Laces, for dress trimmings, Oriental, Clony, Norman dy, Spanish Point In net, 27 Inches, wide. Lace Edging to match, also, 7 EMBROIDERIES, In Swiss, Nainsook, and Irish Point, at re markably low figures at . t TAYLOR?S BAZAAR, 118 Market St., apl 15 WILMINGTON, K ; C. K?"i. V?r-iJrtcc:'rs e:t:rs:cat:cxa pui Irtoia caasj" asj aa ol StsrilfeUcxattfiS f H aaxoe ct taa wilier mutt always f tt r i.CommcxilcatSoMnaat t wxlttea cn ?y oneatiaof tha'paper;' v ' l-l's FerBoaaBtlca atut be aroldeJ. j " ' ' , And It la capecUDy aad 'paxtlcuiarly mc rr tooa that tho Editor does not alwaya eador so Jbe TJewa of eorrwpoiKWata tuUea ao atatt . ta tho editorial oohanna. KEW APVERTISEMENTO .tWotice"5-? TF JAMES FOUBES, colored, an old acrfaat ot Mr. J. II. FUnner, xrlU call on mot he trill car somctUlDff to his advantage.4 I ' L1 3pl2i It , CHAS. 2f STEHMAN For Rent. OIUAT DESIt ABLE DWELLING on Third, botwoen Chestnut and Mul-F bPrry Street. No. 211 . trot session given at occn. & '24 - AlHilv to W. 11. SWtUKT Munds Bros. r&DeRosset, JJAYE A COMPLETE LINE OP PBAIT3 soap. Eccoznmenacd as a Balm for the skin preserving It ia health, maintaining Us "nS and complexion and pi eventing wrinkles Tooth lruslies -5CVCrrTh brushes aro .oil ft? , ' 1111(1 guars niocd as roo1 in brush " l Hal..M na t'eeiiu.- Hand Satchelsl A.few Hand Satchels for" 53 and Tfecats Less than cost apl 25 Steamer ort -yyiLL MAKE ,liEGUlJlK ' fzMjn. tripJto Smithvllle'andtheForta VHm? every dav except Sunday. p-1' - Fare, 75c, round trip. Parties of ten or more can secure tickets day before hand for 50c. aI121 J. W. HABPES City Drug store. I 21G MARKET STREET J MT LITTLE SODA FOUNTAIN HAS Alt Jived and I am prepared to furniAh wv Jlvea and I am prepared to furnlah cool Mineral and Soda Water with tinrustnud.. OlFome a caJLr A anpply of cuolce plants from Mrs. Wcbbs kept cn hand aad orders f or llowera filled on short notice. i , ... J. W. CONOLEY, ' - ManacerJ , aid 22 Economy is Wealth. IflVE YEARS KENT WILL TUR' CHASE A HOME. Building Lota for eale on the instalment plan on Castle, Church, -Nun, Ann, Orango, Mulberry, Red Cross, Gwynu, Itankln,1 Fourth, TUth, Sixth, Seventh, Wllaon, Eighth, Nlatb, Dickinson, " ; ' ' ' . j ' Tenth,, Wood, Bay, Eleventh, .Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Btrccts. Also, Houses and Lota for .sale.-" :. 1 Money loaned to those wishing to build. I . ; Applyto ap!2lcw , JAME3 WILSON. Just Received. I TTAVE ItECEIVED TO-DAY A LARGE lot of elegant Fans and Parasols, Hamburjc E-iDS9' Sllkana Ws,oGlovc' t&i Additlona to Millinery two or throe; times each week. New lot of . Underwear, Just re , celved. Am scllleg at prices that will com pare favorably with any In the city. - Respectfully ' ' I MISS E. KAltRER, aP 23 ' ' - " Exchange Cornr r. r r r m m a m Ilk w X U I II at a! small cost-bargains in I ik Books never !cfom offVnfl it tu I . . r . . . w ' " W W IVVIIIU oi vrumiogton: Aiacaaley's Uhitory of Eng. vr' Aiacauiev's KMaysand Poems, 3 vols, f Lf 1; Glbbcn's History of tho iwMiian empire, vois. Green's Hljtory of England, vols. U'J. - i 1 STANDARD POKMft ntr.3M.nt. . Shakespeare. Bvron. l!nm Mnmn Ytww Goldsmith, bheency, Milton, Cowper. Shelley, Poo, Tennyson, Ac., Ac Alao, tho followlnV it the same Price as above: Smith's Ulblo Dictionary. Klnc-slcv' rmnna . Tina v-. - llsh Literature, Dickens CbiM's ULstory Enr land, I'llerim's Progress, Tales from Shakei- 8;are, Utoof Napoleon, Taul and Virginia, dd volumes Dickens and flctt nv7T wVerne'g novcI P' Fables, Pole on We Invito your attention to above a bcii) far Bupenor to anythinr heretofore offered tne binding being a 11 subsuntlal cloth andallt. YATES'BOOKSTOJRE, ai)l23 osll9Markct8treet. - - . Wedding Presents. TJSEFDL WEDDING PRESENTS, i IN LAEGE VAXUETT, Plesse call ani see them at ' v ' '.V ;", XIE1XSBEEG I EC'S TTNABltlDGED WEBSTEJl'S Dictionary, WOKCESTEa'S UNAEEIDGED Dlcfonary with or without Patent Stands. For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S, I apl it Lle Book tsd Uiute StOTf s. v i r -i i . i ;: .-w yea ; .. AT ilONACirS, IV SECOND STBEET.tc- tween Market and Princess, Ladles anl Gea tlcmen's goods of every description, any color. Also, eleininr. ecoariujr and LkacMn.2i'd me a pair of toes od Kid u lores. TMTV VCtf Tobacco Solllnsr Fast. 300 B03CC AXD CADDIES SOLD with- la three weeks.' '-- - -'- L 20J Boxes aad CaJiles io closa con.Mnracst. Tsrjous liraooa irom zu renn tT-raurtU. 'inelijl ,f. r1311irkct atrtet i , mm 1

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