4 v'TxnsrArra - - -nhSAd nrr rraala. Bandiyi x- ;pted trf JOSH T. JAME3, xrro ajh raoraxxTom. auBscsirno.ss roaTAGK paid-. o,- rear wlh t-w-oU.J-w Oi month. S3 cent. XMPP'w,llbedel!TCrdb7 enter fre f en ta part of 1M city, at U abort x4Tt-UlAj ratc low aad liberal S3-Sabetbere will report any aad all fall- to tbcar paper xaxuiany. rr The Daily Review has the largest ton fide circulation, xtf any newspaper trublish&L in the etty Of J tlmingtan. tt-Oov. Bishop, of Ohio, believes in the dcjtiuy of the old ticket. Archbishop Gibbon Imdon Truth, will Cardinal. according to bo the uext in India the natives have hoarded up f 1 000,000.000 in sold, which cannot be ot into trcuiauua. lO ILH M -T t, matins ol nr.inroscs in Jjooriou 4MW ... - - . . . - Disraeli demonstration is cawing tbsa to become cosily. , .-. - - - The University of Edinburgh is roacdms out its third century of aca demic exiitencc this month. . A church in Connecticut by resolution forbids its members to drink iotoxicat imnnn cmlicitlf excepting baid lw I cider. It is claimed that of the Republican delegates from New York to Chicago Blaine has '-"J, Arthur 25. Edmonds II. doubtful 1 ': A national rose show is to be held at Salisbury, in England, this year, in the txtemire and chsrming grounds of the BUhop's palace. , . ' The Brooklyn Bridge is a pecuniary future. If it were not for visitor! Irom atir Slates the receipts wonld be la- uestably meagre. A youc lady of Muncie." Ind., has iaU reached home from a "trip around lie world. which she made safely without an escort. Blaine's friends arc trying to break Mr. Edmunds down by circulating the report that he occasionally jingles glass es with a neighbor. Oaeol Sell! Brother! clowps re cently fell dead. He fell in the ring while cernetratlnz the time honored j Ac about bis mother-in-law. H mm i- Matthew Arnold thinks Philadelphia one of the most beautiful of American ciiic. Ha does cot like Chicago, but refer! to it as "beastly prosperous. Mr. Harold Godwin.of the New York Commercial Advertiser, son of Parke Godwin, is soon to marry Miss Mar qaacd, daughter of Henrv Marquacd, and the heiress to about $2,000,000. A gratified Scotch husband advertises rith' croud ostentation in tbo newsoa-I pets that his wife has had triplets, and Is cow the mother of seven children after four fears and seven months of The ex-Empress Eugenie greatly ap preciates any courtesy and attention paid her. She recently sent the railroad taiioa a rent at Charm? Cross. London. a siirer tea service for some slight favors done her. Carter Harrison, it is understood amour bis political friends, does not want to be the Democratic candidate lor Gorernor of Illinois, but ho does want to bo a delczate-at-largo to the Chicago Convention. A New Yorker wbo was in Cleve land. Ohio, the other dar. threw 50 in i;tFmnnoifA uraHnva ml hor.t-1 blacks, sajing that he was a bootblack . .. - - i In vrV wUn m, Kav and rot hl first start while handling the brush. The Journal tf Commerce, noting tne I reserve on the part ol buyers mat inai. mm .a .a I fates the quiet beforo the battle, ex- presses the opinion that tho quiet al luded to is not that which usually sarks further inaction and neglect. Mr. Wm. II. Vandcrbiit aays that bt talcs little or no interest ia tho stock market nowadays and does not even follow all the daily fluctuations. He is -bull" though, so far as the stocka & which ho Lis invested are concerned. Wort than three-fourths of the cedar f4 ia the manufacture of cedar pencils a tie world is shipped from Florida. w groves of cedar grow op and wa tie coast and on the Suwannee ruer. aad the supply seems inexhausti ble. Electricity as an illuminating power "cxicaiittly used in the cotton mills faUEiver. Mat.. and ao well is It Hi,by opmiTca thlt n it to the city, lliis will create a iau where the proprietors refused to I... it., ;ti . wtrodace it the emplojces struck tgaiaat all work by gaslight. . Anicaber of the Capo Colony. South African Parliament, Hon. Godfrey bicthel, endorsed SL Jacobs Oil ia a petca. Now Is tha tiae to give Smith's Worm ua- IjII:tt 1 VOL. VIII. W The bouse at Briehton, Eag , which was built by Mrs. Fitzherbert, with the last money she 'ever received from George IV, has passed into the posses sion of the Young Men's Christian As sociation, who recently opened it. after the necessary alteration?, fitting it for the uses of that organization. The Catholic clerey have all refused to eountcnance the use of dynamite a a retaliatory measure, and Father Hogan, in Paris, who has just been in terviewed by the London Time?, makes the very best summary of tbo method when ho fays: "Tbo action of the dynamiters is morally a crime, politi cally a blunder aod socially a disaster.1 A gentleman long connected with the French civil service says that in no other great city which ho has visited has he witnessed the rude street manners which prevail in New York. Proba bly the greatest courtesy Qt the open air Is that which may be seen in Southern cities. In Washington or Baltimore, for instance, one man would not treat another as brusquely as men . treat wo men in New York. LOCAL NEWS. . IMDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F C Miller Smoke Hxxxsbksokx New MU4lC C W Yates Good Beading J W CoifOLEV City Drug Store j R M$tpIHTrRE New Fancy Mattlrgs, Ac Muxds'Bkos. - A DeRosset Fear's Soap, Li- For other locals see fourth page. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot op only 3 bales One white tramp was furnished with lodgings at the guard house last night Steamship Iiegulalor, Capt. Doane. from New York, arrived here this fore noon. We are glad to hear that Mrj A. A H&rtsfield was reported as somewhat better this morning. I j There is unbailable matter in the postoffico in this city addressed to 11. L. Candler, & Co.. and Moore & Hill. A series of meetings will bo bezun at the Front Street M. E- Church to-night. and will continue during the week. Schr. JascvfiSott Uier. Watts, cleared to jay with 312,153 ieet ot lumber, vaU ued at S5.303.37.- shipped by Messrs. " - T ii ! i r. There were slieht showers in the early morning hours, but the genial sun disnelled the clouds and the re mainder of-tho day has been pleasant, warm and fair. Fennel! G. May and Cad Lowery, both colored, were brought beforo the Mayor this mornim? charged with fighting, near the Front street market bouse, and the former was lined $2, and the latter $3, for the offense. Trade in the country stores is re. ported as being distressingly dull, the farmers being so busy with their crops they cannot afford to spare tho time for any other purpose. Consequently the merchants have but little to do, but they will probably make up for lost time when the harvest season begins. (JoQSiuerabie attention wa3 auracica on the streeU this atternoon to a baby carnage, conveving twins, wmcn were baautifully and expensively dressed while the carnage was handsomely dec- oralBli anj covered with a costly silk Darasoi Tho twins were dolls and the turnout was an advertisement for Tay- lor's Bazaar. Personal. Mr. E. B. Burkhimer, of 'this city, left here last night to go to Mt. Holly, on the Western section of the Carolina Central Railroad, to take charge of the telegraphic station recently located at that place. , Water Longed. ( The steamer Hurt, on her last pas sage down the river from Fayetteville, had a flat in tow which was loaded with rosin, md when about 15 miles from the city it filled with water and the steamer was obliged to leave it. The JSkri, however, returned .this morning to the place where she had left the boat load of rosin with another flat upon which to load tho cargo and bring consider- ble delay and the Hurt will not prob afcly leave here on her return trip to Fayetteville, before eight or nine o' clock to night, i i Silver Plated Spcons, Forks an Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Jjl- cosi's Hardware Depot. t f ILMINGTON. N. C.. . The New Hotel. The project for a new, large and commodious hotel in Wilmington is beginning to assume tangible shap? and form. There are parties in the city to-day who are interested in the niatlcr and who are working directly, sytematically and energetically with that desirable object in view. From what we have been ablo to learn wc feel assured that a new and elegant ho tel with every applianceand comfort for a large number of guebts will, soon be built and in successful operation under the management of skillful and experi enced men. Success to tho enterprise. A Ghastly Spectacle. While some colored boys were at play under Sixth street bi lge, yesterday afternoon, they found a box partially covered in the sand, which contained the remains of an infant in an advanced stage of decomposition. The Coroner was notified, who, in company with Dr. Potter. City Physician, proceeded to the bridge and made such examina tion aod investigation as circumstances would permit. It was the opinion of the physician that the remains had been there three or four months, and that they were those of an infant newly born when thus disposed of. An inqurs was not deemed necessary, and the Coroner took charge ot the remains for interment. For Scotland. Mr. William McSween, for the last ten years an engineer on the Wilming ton. Columbia & Augusta and the Wil mington & Weldon Railroads, will luaxe nis last trip to-uay until some time in tho Fall. In the meantime Mr. McSween will visit England, where he has a sister married; and his native Scotland, where he ha3 a mother living. Ho will sail from New York on the 8th proxcio on the steamship Stale oj Ac braskat and will probably return early in August. Mr. McSween is a first class engineer, a pleasant and agreeable companion and we wish him a prosper ous passage across the "big pond," a happy meeting with bi3 loved ones and a safe and speedy return to the region of the Capo Fear. Death of an Agred Lady. Last Saturday, just a3 the sun was sinking in tbo Western horizon, the immortal spirit of Mrs. Eliza Hewlett, wife of Mr. John Hewlett, of Mason boro Sound, forsook its tenement of clay and sped to the God who gave it. airs. Hewlett was 80 years of age, being about two years older than her husband, who survives her. At the time of her death, this venerable couple had been married 61 years and had had 11 children born to them, five of whom m mm w . . . are now living, airs, uewietc naa been a member of the Baptist Church 55 years, and died as she bad lived, an exemplary Christian. She had been in failing health for the last three years and had been confined to her house nearly a year. Her interment took place yesterday, Rev. Dr. T. H. Pritch- ard, of this city, being tho officiating clergyman. The State Exposition. The Executive Committee of the county of New Hanover, appointed to secure a proper representation of the rncnnnua nf tho mnnto at tha Qf.)A Exposition, organized on Thursday, April 24th, by electing Mr. J. M, Forsnee Chairman and Mr. C. W. Worth Secretary. S Yesterday afternoon, at the call of the Chairman, they held a meeting at the Navassa Guano Company's office for the purpose of systematizing their abors. There were present Chairman Forshce. Messrs. Don. McRae. B. F. Hall. Clayton Giles and C. W. Worth. To facilitate their work it was deemed best to appoint several subcommittees, .u zu rutu ncfn i,ir t r, . ,xrn t uu:,- : i;o.. I On Fruit and Vegetables Messrs. Nobles. J. W. Barnes an!d C. II. Heide. On Fish Dr. Bunn and Mr. W. E Davis. On Oysters, Shell Fish and Marine Curiosities Messrs. James Hewlett, John J. Fowler and John Uaar. On Photos and Pictures of Harbor, Shipping, Growing Crops, &c. Messrs. Alderman, Thomas and Croncnberg. The fish interest-a very important ono to this county will be mainly rep resented by prepared specimens, as ex hibited by Fish Commissioner Worth, tho preparation .of which Dr. Bunn has kindly undertaken, with the aid of Mr. W. E. Davis. I The Executive Committee ask every one who has anything creditable to dis-1 .f'V-,. aid every interested person in prepanug :Mr'Tn,M in uin exhibits. Iifiiii TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1884. NEWADVEUTISEMENTS. NEW FANCY MATTINGS. SPECIAL OFFERING OF THESE GOODS IN NEW PATTERNS. Fine Black Goods and WHITE GOODS an elegant stcck. SUADIER SILKS 50, 00, 05, BLACK SILKS An invitation to all to get Vic prices - LACE CURTAINS new and elegant styles. - - CORNICE, P apl 29,. 1834 North Water Street. With the exception of a few of the flagstone fidewalks the ' repairs on North Water Street have all een com pleted. We learn at the City Hall that l!lc !or,f was ?'estenay measured by the Lngmeer in charge and that it aggregated 3,378 square yards of Bel gian block pavement, extending from Market to Mulberry streets. On the first day of last February, when the work was begun, North Wa ter Street was in a very unsightly con dition and the contrast between its con dition then and to-day, after an interval of three months, is simply very great. It is a handsome piece of work and is a credit to those under whoso" superin tendence.it was done as well as to the city at large. Col. S. L. Fremont was the Engineer and Mr. R. B. Wood was tho contractor. We have not heretofore had anything to say of the merit of this work be cause we preferred to wa;t and speak of it from well ascertained facts Tho Street Committee, composed of His Honor, the Mayor, as Chairman, and Aldermen DeRossct, Chad bourn and Gey er, have taken a great interest in this work and bave given it hearty support and encouragement as it pro gressed. As we have said, Col, S. L. Fremont was the engineer under whose surveys and directions the work was ac complished and the result has certainly shown what was well known of him before, that ho bas proved a faithful; industrious and capable officer. There were, we are reliably informed, many difficulties to be overcome in fixing the drainage grades so as to prevent damage to -buildings already erect ed and at the same time give proper drainage facilities to all. That this has been satisfactorily accom plisbed the tests recently made fully demonstrate. The method of taking the water off the streets at the corners under the sidewalk, and keeping the soil from the river, is new here, al though not so elsewhere, and the success ot that as wen as oi au oi tne woric, eo far as it has been completed , has been successfully demonstrated. . The work of laying the blocks, under the supervision ot Mr. Wood, the con-1 tractor, seems w uavo ueen cieveny ana faithfully performed, in all its details. and the city, as well as those doing business on North Water street, is to be congratulated on the completion of a nf A.lr tli.t nill ,V.l nn nr I same kind in any other part of the country. .Literary. The May Magazine of American His tory opens with a contribution irom John Eaten Cooke on the 'Virginia r..t.tin Tn1ifUitnn !h I'W? " It is a study of genuine excellence, and tho author has rendered it interesting through bis personal descriptions of the Virginia statesmen of the period. The lecond paper.from the pen of Dr. Cyrus Thomas, presents arguments which eo to prove that the "Cherokees were Mound - bnilders." 1 rcdenc G. Mather contributes an article on "biavery in the Colony and State of New York.'! The Editor writes of "William III, of England1 and his influence on the forming institutions of America. "The Great Seal of the Council for New Eng land'1 is the subject of an essay by James P. Baxter. New facts nnfold in the Private Intelligence papers, which have reached Chapter VIII. In "Minor Topics" wc have an episode of the late civil war. entitled the 'Sol dier's Homeward Voyage"; and ako "Aaron Burr at Quebec a letter from James Parton, - Daniel Webster's Chowder seems to be an all-absorbing topic and his history and cookery, statesmanship and codfish, aro served ! to the reader in an agreeable mixture--" I orisin.1 recipe for makLT " -SSo?OAli , chowder. Published at 30 Lafayette Place, New York city. NO. 102 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Crapes in great variety. " 75, 80, 5 and SI. - - - ' s AMA&vS, PLUSHES, CRETONES, &c R. ill. City Drug Store. gODA WATEB AND FLOWERS, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES. Wanted A gooi steady white lad. Apply at stoic between 9 and 12 a. ra. Prescriptions prepared day and night. J. W. CONOUSY, apiS Manager. O NE HUNDRED BUSHELS CLAY TEAS, (Jcmsljmment Goods. Must be sold- Leave orders at A. W. RIVENB ARK'S. Produce Commission Merchant and Grocer, ii norm water c, Wilmington, w.u. apl 14 To Fruit Growers. J HAVE JUST RECEIVED 1CO.O0O , Fruit Baskets and Strawberry Crates, and am pre pared to furnish the trade, from Goldgboro to Charleston. These crates weigh 11 pounds and save $1.22 In freight between Wilmington and New York, on each trip. Write to E. G. BLAIR, apl 4 i Agent Shirts Made rilO ORDER OF BEST WAMSUTTA Shirt X ing and No. 2100 Linen for the low price of $1.00. I A perfect fit and good substantial work guar an teed. 4 Our natrons and customers are invit ed to call and leave their measures at the above remarkably low price at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. J. ELSBACH, Prop.. , feb20tf 27 Market St. New Music. "J'LL AWAIT MY LOVE." When the Spring Time and Robins Have Come," as sung tfy Thatcher, Primrose & ,Wast's Minstrels. ; "Sleep Little Darling," "Ehren on the Rhine." "Little Darling Dream of Me." And all the latest Songs. 'Queen's Lace Handkerchief," as played by tne jmcw xors uomic upera uo. For new and pretty Music be sure to vleit HEINSBERGER'S, apl 23 Live Book and Muslo Stores, In Great Variety. "TlTE SHOW A STOCK OF SHOESTOR Gents, Ladies and Misses, Boys and Children, superior to any in the State. Every kind and quality, and prices low down. We solicit you to call and examine them. QgQ It. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. apt 28 Good Reading A L A SMALL COST BARGAINS IN before offered to the taeonle of Wilmington: Macauley's History of Enr- iana, 3 vols. fL.77: Macauley's Essays and Poems. 3 ols.tl.77: Gibbon's Hlatorv of the Roman Empire. A vols. t2.3G: Green's Hfetorv of England, vols. $1.19. btahuakd POEMS at 59 cents : Shakespeare. Bvron. Burns. Moore. Hood. Goldsmith, Sheency, Milton, Cowper. Shelley, at the sameprice aa above: 8mlth's Bible I uicuonarv. Klneslev's Sermons. Taln'a Fnr llsh Literature, Dickens Child's History Eng land, Pilgrim's Progress, Tales from Shakes- Sjare, Life of Napoleon, Paul and Virginia, dd volumes Dickens and Scott's novels, les Verne's novels, vE3ops Fables, Pole on W'lUSt. . - . : We Invite your attention to above ai beinsr i superior k anyinmg neretoiore oneren, the binding being all substantial cloth and gilt. YATI2S' BOOK STOKE, .apl 23 110 Market Street. Furniture. N EW ARRIVALS OF WINDOW SHADEb, WISDOW CORNICES. i MATTRESSES, i FEATHERS, BEDDING, Ac. t. For sale low br r d. a. suiru, Furaltuie, N. Front Stmt apl2s 500 Horses ilAN BE FITTED OCT WITT! fr.rrc- M r.aJyca. Collars, Hamea, Ac A full line ! Trunks Wlrm. nH MV)L.t. f.-. ai our goods are fxeah and best quality lor .,. . .. apm craacsr friends ca t-y; aaa iU. tzi: c : 1 tana of tla wxtx exist always later 2aic3 ta tie Ecr. J ' ' . 1 I CtKnTsiai?atSoa autt to wxtttca ca cr'j oaeaMa of the paper. ' ' PersocaEsles xatut be avotasdL " - a?.spai:y and part!ealarly trfer f tod tiat tae ZiltQt dam tot alrays czt x r tho tlews of correepondctita tmicji to eU In tho ectltortil cotTir-.ra. NEir .0 A4 YIIEKT 1. : Cool! Cooler f. Coolest I -OL Uful pattern. - Also REFKIG ERATt ) ' . . toe same Uut trere to popular last rear. ! ale beat I ever avr says a ladT. Cr am ! Free er the-best kind; Ice Chisel and ricks. Why not keep cool? . PA r?Tk"FT jy n Vt nr. r PURE WHITE Oil. " - T at rtsman's, .Goods, V WKWAVK TUB FINEST ASSORTMENT p t English and Beldam Breech Loaders ever brought to : tbli market.- Also a first 2 stock Pf Shf Us. Wadding. Prtmers,Cart rldgo Bags, Gun Caps, Game Basrs, &c. In fact wecta enow RtooJt of Hardware Gooi goods and guarantee prices. j W.' E. SPRINGER & CO., 4 - Sueocasora to John Dawson St Co.. apl 2b ix si and 23 Market sulci ' By ExprecG. 100 0UNDS fbesiTcod! inn POUNDS FRESH MACKEREL, nr. iuu ; dered to arrive for Monday morning's market. apl 90 W. E. DAVIS & SON. SMOKE. LL WHO DESIRE A SMOKE In Which the senses will bo gently lulled to rest and the fsnnv frrvrl fwim am " anam i ik. Ughtful air castles of ''Arabian Nights" splen dor, should try some of those Domestic and Imported Cigirs at , F. C. MILLER'S Pharmacy, apl 7 . Comer Fourth and Nun its Munds Bros. & DeRosset, HAVE A COMPLETE LINE Or PEAR'S Su AP. Recommended as a Balm for the skin preserving It la healthy maintaining lis tone anu complexion ana preventing wrinkles. Tooth Brushes. Just opened another lot of sCperb English 7,Tihe;, These brushes aro sold for 25 CENTS EaCU, and guaranteed as good In every particular as tho usual 85 and 40 cents brrish. S Hand Satchels. A rcw Hand Satchels for 50 and "3 dents i Less thancost.L r. x , ani 25-1 Steam e r Paso p o rt TILL MAKE REGULAR. OTJ trips to Smlthvillo and the Forts " ' j' every day except Sunday. & 1 x are, uc, rouna inp. 1'arues or ten or more can secure tickets da before hand for W)c apl 21 J. W. HARPER Enomy is Wealth. piVE YEARS RENT WILL PUR CHASE A HOME. Building Lots lor sale on the instalment plan on Castle, Church, Nun, Annj Orangc Mulberry. Bed Cross, Gwynn, Rankin, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Dickinson, Tenth, Wood, Bay, Eleventh, Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Also, nouses and Lots for sale. ' Money loaned to thoso wishing to build. .appiy vo ap!24cw, , JAMES WILSON. SUCCESS TO TRIFLES ! CUCUMBEK PICKLKS, ! Is, 0 J"' X L ' In bottles, kes'a and bbls. - , , Largo and J nicy. 1 PRUNES, DRIED "APPLES AND DRIED PEACIIES. Received lately and guaranteed fresh. CANNED GOODS: FRESH APPLES, , . , ' In quart and gallon cans? PEACIIES, BARTLETT, -PEARS, PINE APPLES. j VJblAlUhbr (standard;. WINSLOW'S COR1L GREEN PEAS, iSTRING J' , AND LDIA DEANS.1 P. L. BEH)GEES'& CO. HO North Front 8t. 1884. Spring Trade. 1884. TfTE ARE BEADY FOB IT WITH A FINE ' stock of SEASONABLE GOODS. Eattaa atd Rwd Furniture, Lounge?, Easy Chain, Win , dow Shades, Oil Cloth, Ac I MATTRESS E3 cf all klaJa la stock and made to order. Alio, rcnoratlng and repair Idz done with promptness and ,by competent worksca. THOS. C. CRAFT, -Ajrt., t . ; - Fnrnttoro Dealer, 29 So. Front Street apl 2 fJew Arrival At lio. G South Front Street. BEST e CIGARS : Aprca Dljarer, A pre Diner, Afrcs fcoalcr nfl Tonioun. Oirn tie and Liz Ikes. Bet t o Wine and Ltanor i anl Cooleat of Drarrt Beer. . Head Quarters sew Harp Xaad aad C- i