9rcTj Ttaisx. Sundays , eyod by JOSIIT. JABIESi lP8,CBirTll POSTAGE PAID: rt!. to month. S3 cent. Kv-lwi:ibdarerelbf carrfera free I m it prt of tho city, at u ut wf.vn '.11 rc-rt an and all fall, -tic ttwlr njr regularly. J 1 I 'J X f VOL. VIIIJ W ILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY. MAY 2, 1884. NO. 104 . Jfct-i'nito. of. any ncwsjHiptr , .,1 r(a ci.'y of Wilmington. JH . , - "Sel.i "ts Airm J. J.ihr.son, Iho New n;L'iHert left an esUto valued at j : . I Vf'''" td.tor declares that he -ut'.i repuialioo by publishing a 'Car r a wl his family by sawing . M;r. Ca;-1 ays thai there were forty ol i this nide the Atlantic : Lai tu'.y :i fragmentary knowledge , Crii'.ianitJ. T, s'c- York Journal alludes to ... . t t i V- corccr of Kulion street aud rxilay and cdiled in heaven." . T.,!: Tbowa has engaged s 'o- NlUson tor twrnty-thrco con-. MijO.$J-.OCOisto be the singtrs Pi Tie liil :ixfre American sajsono ol iU:iret.fo! the substantial prc pc,nt tse South H the growth within lieplJ-jtir if AiUota. where the rrc;rtj ta'uition ha increased over - h May t'.n weather i warm at Wies ixIta.ar.Jilc clothing may bo light. TLcre are trec concerts a day, a tbea ir u;a tvery ciht for opera and a jr:n:;h:lj thec. -- KJward Kin wrdcj to the. Uoston Js.rr.u': "Vci'erday I ?aw in London tiefcrtfvwOicar Wtldo shorn'ofhis 1U. Us Ki-tLcrlimbi arrayed in suita t varparc! and his lace handsome and hK?jr " II I'resIJenl Arthur should have to leare the White House, it is to be hoped, islLe IxuisviLe iW. that he will Uio with him that twcnty-jear-old r. lliiy and keep it where a fellow can tz: at it without so niadh ceremony. i Prince Dism'ark is ruarded .it rlnselv I as the "Czar when oing to the IWch stag. Police agents la plain clothes are posted all along the way from his honse and even in the chamber itself, and no one not even a regular Government employee is admitted to any partofthe buildings without a special permit. As soon as the Chancellor reaches his desk attendants placed before him half aJ dozen well-shaped psncjls arid a lare glas3 ol Moselle wine. Mr. Kdruunds appears to be forging tithe front as a Presidential candidate. His name is meutioned oKencr now n c isection with the nomination tbati it as a month aco. and it is probable till it 'ill be mentioned still oflencr a ncth hence. TLi llev. William II. Wilcox, or MiUcn, Mass., is allejed to kave used cJue influcccc in inducing the late Mri. Valeria (1. Stone to bequeath 4i3O.CO0 for religious and charitable rsrroscs. Mr. Wilcox is a trustee of Le estate, but several heirs want the e ney and have grne to law abjut it. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, of Pittsburg, injicjcntcd IleIvno Hospital Med: cal College, N. Y.. with $00,000. This 5-:a is to he expended in the erection cf a laJviins and io apparatus to be devo !toIalK3ratorics for practical work a-J '.taching in the different depart K:z'.i of the f cicncc of medicine. The most important event abroad ha been (he extraordinarily magnifi cent reception given to the. Crown Prince of Austria by the Sultan. Two hundred thousand dollars wcro spent on the festivities.cr.new pulaco was specially built, with the finest new furniture, meats were served in dishes of pure gold, and at some of the (festi vals the coart, thouands o! soldiers, and the entire llect took part. The criticism pass'd on this laborious at tempt to conciliate the future ruler of Austria and render him proof against any desire to annex Turkish territory is that tho Crown Prince has seen the Sea ol Marmora, aud that this s enough to stir any sovereign's greed. IIu is de scribed as a meditative young man, with Baso lall. There was a goodly number of visitors at the Athletic Grounds to witness a hotly contested game of base ball betweeni the "Mutual" and the "Unknown" nines. The former club wa3 victorious in a score of 21 to 13 of the latter. As Bro. Hale Soes Us. Mr. E. J. Hale, ot the Fayetleville Observer, who was recently m , Wil mington, writes thus pleasantly of our city: - 1 During a recent visit to Wilmington, tho writer had occasion to drive over a great portion of that thoroughly Caro linian city, and he was greatly impress ed, not only by its growth in popula tion and commerce, but with its mani fest progress in: acquiring the appear ance,' attributes anil conveniences of a city indeed. The rumble of carriages anu ut m-jivy irucKs oa me ueigian DIED. The Crops. Mr. Daniel Bowden, Chairman of the Inferior Court of Duplin county, was in the city to-day and be reports that the rec2nt warm weather ba3 had ttie ' blocks; abundant water, everywhere, effect of brinsiae thecroDS forward line- ior ,ne tbc lawn and the fountain . , ta , . . m. I lDO vrealtby householder, for the ly. The corn is doing much better than nlfH9 hnmhipr npirtHnr has beea expected, and there will bcrtutlforQhinz the street which ali-ustovor Utuo vtn neeti pianiingOYer. yttwrruto wncu Biiaieiuuiiuger ui, uuks; ton planting is nearly completed, and is coming up remarkably well, and the same may be said of all other crops. The liijr Fisli. The bs fish which has been on exhi bition at the packing establishment ot the babel of many tongues, as becomes a thriving seaport; the milk cart; the gray-coated postman; his like-attired brother of the "locust," quite metro politan: the much-numbered houses. jumping.by thePhiladelphia fabrication. quickly into me thousands 100 to the block all these were there, and more. Once upon a time that is to say "during the war" the writer asked an- PARKER In this city. tbU morning. May 2, 1SS4, MOTTIE LrpARKER, wife of John I- Parcr and daughter of Mary and J. W. Thompson, deceased. I 1 he funeral wl.l take place to morrow (Sat urday) evening, at 4 3 pT xc., from the Ifitst Baptist Church, thence to Oadale Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are tnTltod to t cnd. : . ! ,- . - . KETV AIVEKTI813aiBNT. Annual Meeting ; I QF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF TUB WIL MINGTON G S LIviH V CO . will be heM at the Company's Office on Mon !ay. Hay tfce 5th, ! I at 11 o'cleck, a. ni. . RICHARD J JOKE3. may2 2t . eet!j ad -ft at" -TTawn:bix4 ta ;rxlTaciiacrluUos froa oxalrlcndi ea ary tad all r:bjsei ot fcoaltatereittottt 1'.' f 1 'v 5. -. Tae fiaaa oi the wrtm mast always J tt r aJ4kedtothaECtor.; ' ' 1 ! JCoiamTailcatlona meat t wnttoa cs ox j one aide ot th paper. ' . ' PeraoBaliaca must W aToldad, - . Aaa it ia 8peclany" and prtJcularty wf e r does not almys cado- Q the vtewa ot correrondenU tates j q iuu . in the editorial oolozana. .i , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS smm & sieimer GOODS "! : i ' 1 I " f ii 9' m , ' 3ST O "W O E OKT I ' V.--.i- - i f -. - , . J. If ! IU If I UUUO U W U f i pa3?sion for ornithology -L Quixcv, C.vl. Tlie Plumas Xational says that Sash IJrown was tillcrin s severely with a bruised loot, .but one application of St. Jacobs Oil. the trreat pain-reliever, cured him in fitteen min utes. LOCAL NEWS. IIOEX TO KW ADYERTISEMEnTS. IlEINSEERGtK XCW Music C VV VATES Uoo-l Reading Geo. R. Fkexch A Soxs $llprcro F C Miller Gibfon's Imported Can. 1 7 Da Swavxe A Son Ucdlcal 1th pa;e Mr.NOS RuDR. A DeRossut Soda Wa'cr Richard J Joxe, Scct'y Annual Meeting Tho receipts of cotton at this port tc day loot up 15 bales. j A few of the delegates to ihe Ilepub lican Convention, which was held at Ualeigh yetterday have already return cd. i Intercstinz to Fishchncn : The cele- bratod "Fish" Brand (Jillin2 thread is 8oid only at Jacori's.; Ho is the Im porter's A cent. j t The travel to the Sound during this pleasant weather is quite large, and is continually qii the increase. Stcamboatmcn report that there is good boating water in tbc Cape Fear, wiih but little chaupo in its condition within the last ten days. A rciuanlic New Yorker and his Lr.Je mi; make their biidal trip this Simmer in a cancc. The caninj is to trfrsaleon ruriHse for the trip, and ; I be mek!epUtcd in its appointment Landpiinled paddle. They will Ji cp the Hudson to lakc Champlain tzi dwn tha Connecticut. Their wed occurs ia May. I'.eosics out in court In San Francis cuttatMiss Sarah Althca Hill. ofter ez-ii.ilc with a clairvoyant, concocts lachirsi tr Sharon consisting of uc.Ij c;::c drops of motasses and nine J-ctcjcf su'ar, which, as Sharon was 1 Oritur, $i;e administcritl ia a pint of :r '-s.coIJica. Hut even that mix-' tailed ioel!apsc tho Snator. - ' - 5its arc ajar at Newport for rtctp:lva oi Miss Chamberlain, b ah.u: to cross the Atlantic with i xvwul purpose of being iho reio a, that seafldc resort during ie '2 sean. It Ts gratifying to 'ral-v-iaecU a combination of -j:c ar.a ;:Ur ia a ker gowps, and t-a:atl:ictXaa,sbcr bair waJ 0ia d color. The United States District Court for tbc Eastern District of North Carolina, Judge Seymour, presiding, will convene iu this city on Monday next. Mr. Jaine A. Ur3'an and family left here on last i.ight's train for I heir new home at Mayport Fla., wherj may success, hajpiness and long Hie attend them. - 9 .. . . Yc invite the attention of our citizens to the f:u5t that firt quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt. There was one case ftr the Mayor's consideration this morning, which was settled by tho payment ot a small One. Wc "withhold the name by special re quest. Dr. S. IJ. Kenny, surgeon at the navy yard, at Norfolk a., is in the city to-day for tho purpd-c of establish. ing a Poslot the Grand Army of the Republic. Messrs Y. E. Davis & Son for the last two davs is beinc stuffed and prepared that quaint old soldier. Colonel- Ta r- .v- c,, p,-e:.;rt ti,q t- ;e S'H. of Whiting's staff, if Jiq didn't think being perlorme-J under tho supervision tbe veteran replied that it was 'the of Dr. Dunn, who is proficient and best looking sand-town" ho had ever skillful in tbe ait. It has Droved ouite seen. Hut it is no longer a "sand town," .-.., : r.i if it ever deseryed the appellation. a lUMum - iu uui pcujiiu. .u.y ui tucu, Certainly ono wouId find it banj to bes naving taKen consiueraoic pains to go ii0ve now that sand had ever existed in and sec it. It will also prove a notable most of its streets so well shaded are umrn r.fihn Sfto Frnnciiton I mcy. o smootii, i m anu weii-paveu .v,..vw.- . w . I i, . u cU. u:i. 1 1. .c i 11 i .: o . l-,.r.to Piinrn I OOUUUtjr HUU2UI, U11 OUIUlUtT lesl. 13 a thins: of the past: and a shell road of The exports foreign from this port for surpassing excellence threatens to di- the month ended Airil 30, 1884 were as vest his delightful resort of its ancient lOlIOWS: I Tl.ntr, nr-. thn nntmnr1 ll.nnnl. j urau .411; lUM bUU U U t T lUUUKU Uosin 25.49G barrels, valued at S5,- unerring, manifes:ations of Jsomething I w r WT dam1 imf Inn I tf asvvi I l I r rvf Syj, I vcj owiiu nritiini. xuv UCU9U3 luiia ui ionni..mi. rini f r. nnr. an mcrcase in tbe population of. Wil m -t. . li I I u1"bWu iuwv jvtua v a t wi.tv.xa fcivui &prus iurpenune-oj.u.u gaiions. vai- erlhaathatofmost of the Soutbern tied at 25.628. ports, and of an export trade whose Lumber 2.000.000 feet, valued at growth is quite astonishing. Deep wa $36,103., Miscellaneous Valued at $37. Total $103,570. UarucstWork. The congregations at the Front street ter on the bar and up the river which the Government i engineers say shall reach 20 feet and railway utilization of its advantage over its rivals in dis tance from Cincinnati, is all that i? needed. Then, grain e.eyators where now are rice fields, and forges of Vul can where the cvoress lingers, and church continue to increase in number using Mr. Hewitt's picture where and much interest in spiritual matters once was the green monotony of forest is becoming manifest, i Tho meetings J hills ft splendors of a metropolis, . 7. - L ,.J lL , thecountles3 homes ot industry, the have thus far been held in the basement, echoinr marts of trade; the habitations but the number in attendance has be luxury, the silent and steadfast spires "come so large and tbe weather so ol worship! l - ! .1 !ll U! Un 1,1-1 I warm, iut iuey wm iwuau.jf u-iCi . . . . ,nInmn in the body of the church in the future. th stockholders o the wilmib!on or. laies, uju paor, i- u I a TJffht Comnanv will hold their faithful and zealous worker wnoso I , r,, of. thn y.nnma nf tun whole soul is wrapped in the master s SpprAtarv on Mondav. the 5th inst. cause, and much cood may be expected fmm lfihnr. If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don t fail to see tne hx jjieiuorauma. celsior Penh., Zeb. Vance and New- To-day is the anniversary of the com- Emerald, besides others. ! - They are to mencement of the battle of Chancellors- be found at factory prices at Jacobi's, ville, Va., -vvhtch wa3 fou.ht on the 2nd who is the manufacturers' agent, t and 3d of May. 1SG3 ; just 21 years ago Gibson's Imported Candy. 1IMK FfiUIT, ORANGE, Vanilla,. Uotc, Uutter Scotch. Cherry and Strawberry Tablets, at ! F. C. MILLEE'S, may 2 Correr Fourth anl Nun Bts gMliRACING Chocolate, GIng-er, A Positive Success ! PJJUNDS BROS. &1 DeROSSET'S. j j DELICIOUS ICE CREAM SODA I WATER! ; SIEAWBERRY FLAVOR for Saturday. VANILLA FLAVOR for Monday, may 2 SLIPPERS ! I .. 1 SLIPPERS I yyE HAVE A LINE OF; IJEAUTIfUL SLIPPERS for Ladies 'and Mlss?s. HAN'b- SOMEST GOODS In the city. I j ! Call and see them i ! Geo. R. French & Sons, may 2 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. : To the Ladies. TTRS. McGOWAN, 713 Orance St.. h9 iust lfx received a beautiful stock of STAilPING rATXEKNS for Braiding, Embroidery and Painting. The styles are entirely new and are iransierrea 10 tne material by an improved process. The ladles are respec-fully Invited 10 can ana examine mem. apl 30 lw a u i All the Latest Novelties I IN Dress Goods, , White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, ! I Corsets, Housekeeping I V ! Goods, Men and Boys' Wear, &c, &c. A LI AT PR' CE3 LO WEU j THAN T11K Y jHAVE BEEN FOR TEARS. And which In Texture Wear and Durability satisfaction. . - 5 MORE PARTICULARS IX A FEW DAYS. CALL AND GET SOME OF THE SPEClA r BARGAIN' AT f n3. n3.: CATZ ,116 Market St. jan 21 - ' . . - O The Federal forces wore commanded by (Jen. Hooker and tbe Confederates by Gen. Lee. It was the time when Hen. Stonewall Jackson niado that memorable forced march and struck Hooker in tho rear and thus gained a comDlcto victorv over the federal I forces, aud compelled them to with draw to tho opposite side of tho Ilappa- hinnmock river. U. h & Y. X. II. It. Reports received here from the meet- It has been very warm, dry and dus; ty to-day, the themometer indicating 80 degrees in our office at 4 o'clock this atternoon. There are indications, how ever, of rain, and we hope for much needed showeis before long. THE MAULS. Tlicmalls closo and arrive at the City Pos offlce as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 7.00:P. M. Northern through ana wiv mans. . . .s.uu a. ju. FLaW'Irrh 6.15 P. M. aud 8.00 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied theretrom xnciuu- i H. C. itoiiroaa at 7.00 P- M. and 8.00 A. M. Ing A. A. 'f XeiT Vo:k Tivus U not altcftth ; i with the action of the New , rauctioa. Of the platform it ' 1 rvolutloa as to protection. f t it mciaiiij can be made out. lit?i ia m and mb'akeo ia doctrine, Iu. represent tbc conviction Al:erau;caa pmy in the state. 7 fiaent of Mr Arthur's ad f -s:raUoa is gmrded enouzh to be a a'lT an clumsy cnouzh lo be T,Z3'Z:- Tto reference to civil service 1 u lairly intended, perhaps, but zy- ery dcSaitc." N'ow U the time to give Smith's Worm U d-w intr nf tha stockholders of the CaDO I sAnthrn Mallsforall points South Fear & Tadkin Valley Railroad, which W'Va aRatayriK8,00 ' : was hld at Fayettevillo yesterday, go Aft'iiXi'&'9-1 ' to show that it was harmonious and 6.15 P.M. enthusiastic, and the conditions appear ts7.!r..Aru.l8.co P. M. very lavorable for the Eastern terminus Mails potato between- Florence of the road to be located in this city, j rTetteviiie and office on Cape Fear It is the oat jlS' p eiceDl sunuar.. ................. .o.w.jr. ax. L I' NE HUNDRED BUSHELS CLAY PEAS Consignment Good. Mast be sold. I Leave orders at " j A. W. RIVKNBAnK'S. Prodnce Comrohslon Merchant and Grocer. aplJI ! ' Fresh Cod Fish, 200 FRESH COD FISH. 200 POUNDS !RESD: MACKEREL, or dered to arrive for Friday roorclng's market. ueave your orders in ume. m " T"! . rt ' i apl 30 DA Via' FISH MARKET. IQ t rill T iT()V7(TR. : i a n tut 1 t have just received ico.ooo rmit UitOi Ui JjIIISi liaskcts and SiraTrberrr Cratca. and am . OFFICE 323 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. Ri1? t(i ,urn ,ne trade. from GoI1sbor to I Charleston. Theso crates -weirrh 11 noumu opposite Miller's Drug Store. Having located JjJ apl 4 la Wilmington offers his professional services 10 inc ciuzens. ii not in when called upon cans tun ufion uie biiiu win ue promptly re' spondd to. apl 30i tf E. G.liLAIR.I - Ajrent PJew; Arrival Cool! Cooler! Coolest! L M WE HAVE THE COOLERS a At No. G South Front Street; fw-it, T3EST 5c CIGARS : : Aprcs Dljaner, Apres .7ir7u JLf iiner, Arres souier and Toniours, Olyna tiful Dattern. Also REFRIGERATORS, hftf "I?e7A ii" BOaIc.r aA' Tomours, Olym the same that were so lobular last vear. "The i u i-iquprs te8t i ever saw." savs a iaur. zers the best kind; lee Chisels and Picks Why not keep cool PAUKKK A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. apl 29 ce am Free? 3ltVS There were no tramps ai the guard bouse last ui&ht. but it; was profanely charged thai there were two at police headquarters this morning. We sup press names out of pure regard for the eelinss of the parties. j Oar thanks are due lo the Committee for an invitation to attend the celebra jion of the 100:h anniversary of the .Mecklenburg Declaration which will be he'.d at Charlotte ontho 20th and 21st insts. Wo are rejoiced to learn that the j health of Mr. A. A. IlartsCeld has much improved, and that his condition this morning was better than it has been at anv lime since he was taken sick. j f A good many ot our cit;z.ns will go to tho mountains and other health re sort to spend the Summer( months, but tho "Can't-Get-Away-CJub have con cluded to remain in the city and make things as lively as the times will war rant and as the weather will permit! The larrest and best stock j ol Windows. Doors, Blinds &&, and at Factory prices is at N. Jaoobi'a Ilard waro Depot. I , t n i r If and 1ntfrmmilfl(i rtfl - I Tiic8i.it nd Friilavs 6.00 A. M. i mail?, i Malls collected from ttrrat boves basinets portion of rlty at 5 A. M.. 11-M A.M. and 5 30 P M. This is as it should be. ; ural and most easy, speedy and econo mic connection with the ocean. ilv! tnnA it.,n SmlthTille maiiu. bysteamboat. dally u.v.ii ii. .iiuaw , -- t sun.iirs) 8.30 A. M. can be by any possibihtv obtained. I Mails for Easr mil, Town Ciwk, ... .. " s hallo tie and Little Rlrcr. Tuea- U e JKnow mai i-ur cuiiens .ire mny and Fridays.......... 6.00A.M. WrbihtsvUlc, dally..... 8.30 A. M. " r I OPEN FOR DELIVERV work of internal improvement, and Northern through and way mails 7.30 A. M believe that they will leave no stone X?t illllliylft: uuturoed in order to accomplish the ob ject so much to be desired.. It will take energy, will, brains and money, but we know that neither of these will be wanting. Wilmington District. Methodist E. Church, South, Quarter ly, Meetings i SECOND l&OL'XD. Wilmington at Front Sttvet May 3- 4 Itrunswick Circuit at Mace donia May 10 11 Smith ville May 17-18 Whitfvilltt Circuit at Fair Bluff May 2125 FleniingtoH Circuit. May 28 Elizabeth Circuit at Hladvn , Springs May 31 and June 1 Newton. Grove Mission at Black' Chapel... June 7-8 Ckesbury Circui: at Cokes bury... I - Jane 11-15 Point Caswell Mission.... Juno 18 Duplin Circuit Jane 2123 Onstow Circuit June 28 2U Waccaxnaw Missioo, June 28 w9 W.U BoBnrrr. P. E- Executor's Notice. TTAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR o 11 the last will and testament of Alexander Sprunt, I hereby notify all persons having Head Quarters new Ilam Band and dun't lyou forgetlt r- apUJ Don't Pay Rentl TyUY PAY KENr WHEN the same money will buy you a hone? FT - ' 'f!f. , l! In this dty I have sold over Vf iAL claims against him to exhibit the same to mS one cimJred aad fifty Lot and Houses on or before the 20th day of April, I8i3 All , T , . , . " ' 'T. persons Indebted to the said Alexander Sprtmt 40(1 1018 to Prtfcs who haro paid la fall Ut will please make immediate payment to me . , t , : - JAMEa SPRUNT, ' lm ,t Instalments monthly paymenU. apl, JS law6wf Star copy Excutor. Administrator's Sale. B Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OT TUB Also.I hare a larre camber now oa mr books. wbo are matte regular monthlr xixrraemm and will soon own homes and get cljarof land" 1 rl rule. j-. , 1 . . . - , ; Mynff knit'i to tltooe wlhl.n? to build.' ' Apply to . . apl 3 cw f JAMES WILBON. superior uour oi 7cw uanover wniv in a cause there pjndin between J;iui9 V. Gau-w. i Administrator of hiclurd Hraa. vliimlfl", f aud Malvioa A. Jr.mt an othsrs defeudaat-, th jinderstgnel wi.l l II o pjoik, A. M , -n iloadty, tiii Jib lay of Mii-, at ihi Court Homs dr In ths iity of Wilrn'ngfon. expose ior said in uie Lirst-s- ti-i'i&r, ue ioj PJev (Vlusic. M. and from other polntf of the city at 5 I lowing 1 nd& : A lotof Ijn 1 6ltiuts In Ilia city PH. I r winniort"nt ucioff ine e-u n irt-iit am. Stamp OOice oicn from 7 A. SLto6P. M., ! bJock U7, avsxjnlinz l tne :Ua of &aM Money onler and Rcclster Department "open j c'Y. frontiBjjw; feet oa tha Kat i l - vf Mfth from 8 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. ; sirect;and-running back, tb.am -vtidth (. General delirery open from 7A.M. to 6 P.M. i feet, on which i kRiihIc a liwcllcjr otuali;.:r and on Sundax from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. 1 or 7 roAtus. ad the npo.-y o,iHi!Mir?r. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from ?.3C A tract of land on WrigMsvide ?ouad. In to S 30 A.M. j said coanty, Mglnnicff ou Hm; '6rt'a tl of UK i.ieK ni me mou'noix puny it i and lu'iiinsr Uience N-rih deve V'eet : ch4in, 3 tlaks to a road, thence rioriu i ue Krecs West I chain, $1 llaks wi h the road, thence North "ii dezeea Kast SI chain, thcn'cs jNotth 52 degfrees Wrt 3' cha.lw, StiHnk, , tttcnce oulh Z'J tleztet Wes; 27 chain?. tA link i the mouth of a branch emptj lii? into let tirjeK, atu tnence uosr-n in &n. rd k nawo as liic lormer .-tinimir rI i'Dca of the Lite ui-nard ti ur&ot. i Turms Uo ihir'l cash, balance iu G and J months fw dy of s lie. Purchasers to jlro n e f. r tfce dfrred pTmcau J racing la tercet fr-wa day of sa'e mi 9 ir ent. - j J AMtl r. UAUsE, as! 4 Jalwf - Jdaiiaiatrator I'll await m iy;VE.- - , : " tlten the Spring Tlmo and. RoVrs IUto Come." as twg by TLilcfccr, P Wen's Mlastreif. Silver Platid Simoons. Forks 1 an Knives' of bestjuality, and at mana-1 factnrer's prices, can bo j fount! at J A COBfs Hardware Dejot- i t r ! iet s K.TXK, atu IV. & E. S. LATIMEIl, iJAbiftfKif f I. "' I Attornevs-at-Law. i OfficeS. K. Cor. PiinceM and Water Su. Jan 7 . For SSale. Wanted Q.OOD HORSES. MULES, LUGGIES ASD jrjpJ BUY . FOUR GOO 1 MILK COWS BY WAGONS. Apply to tbe subacrlbcrs for terms May ist- Mast glre Jrom 10 to 14 qoarts 'dailg. and parUrnlars. i Adcreas, CM JOUSSOS A CO., I mmMmm. apIUd&wlm WUIard, Pender Co., K.C 1 mchCtf Motel lirsnswlclr, Mblthrl:ie N, C., "KbrH on the LfdW " ' ' IJuH I'srlfny Inram ot Ke An I ail the lairjii si.l'4. . ' ' 4tsci ljvo Han Kcr.MoV' at played by the Se v 1 br Ci $ tnfra iUt. 1 tor ww an.i prc ty Mulc bost'C t tl U ' I City JDrug:si gOUA Vf S TE ELO A Kli I.I BI . I t 'ono ley' Ol. ae V,jxl JKyTiTp, - f j I lruaod Patent A t-dU'w. , ! . Unlrrn btf lo M h!J tt w i ii prnltiKM. Prrscrlptions preparra dT and U t. ; , , . - , , T f. f. COXOLKT, f . may 1 - ; '- ' .Maaagcr.- Ice Cream Freezers. pos sale Brr. V'- J' , :; ,.: 11 ' - GILES A MCn:CI!lSOX, J

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