; i .- ; - v i i . I . .Ttry Sundays JOSH T. JAMES, SVITO ' . . i one DOBtu, v b by carrier. tree r weea. 07 .. . low ul BbexaL CJ rrnlrlT. n-uw has the largest . . A.T-ti d hiJ daughters sailed , relation, of any newspaper rTTQjcri ac M ArJcTM,:!- receipts during her play tho part Oar Boss" at the lor.aijal t Miil KottciCJC 15 to c'lsd Theatre, in IMiduii. r. !.,. Wm. A. Bcaeb, one of tho .-Kliu tLo Ikccbcr-Tilton case, i' r, CruJ to be d ving in New York. nf ihsdimiih. or London, has dis . i i -r.nxla process by wmcn rotor on cjirble may be rendered imperishable.! Jutia McCarthy, if politics will pcr j,,:," xWil America this Fall on a lit'turin tour. He will avoid Irish politics entirely. ... , . Mr. Kate Chaw Sprajuo is eiving melty receptions on Tuesday evenings J ti ter rciMcucc iu Avenue ua iwis ue V,u&e. Paris. "Adam Bed bas been dramatized Lj Howell Toole and shortly will bo j nd-ccd In London, George Ulgoold ajp-ermr.r, ta the ti:le role. jrd J.jttoo's daughter, a girl ol CI'mo jeari. has written a romantic Fhcwt iryn and the story has ben printed for private circulation. Mm MaLone and Miss Mahono, the wife and daughter of the Virginia P'litician. were amng the many out fi..'u passengers by transatlantic s.'raaiers on Saturday Iwrenco Barrett's impersonation of l:i-htlUu is mentioned by the London A'MntTHHX a "refined and graceful and tuid of t)flence' and it says it is "al rooit imprcss'iTe and throughout pic turviquo aad acceptable." "John Marshall, Chief Justice United States: erected by the bar of the United Slates. A. D. MDCCCLXXXIV," is the Inscription on tho ' pedestal ot the atueof Chief Justice Marshall, about to !o erected in Washington. An Indian medicine man at Carson is nunccil to death for failing to effect a cure in a certain case. The patient is cot dead yet, and tho medicine man is allowed to liTO until ho dies. Two jraves ba?e been dog. however. PLSASS KOTICX. The i I i i 1. lETIE. 1 VOL. VIIL WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. MAY 8, 1884. Wt.wlli beglad to reeelve eosaaaalcauoi a from ocr Wends oa any; aad - all nbjcls lot eaerallaiextat but :r ' ' - I . ' Tae nxme el tte. writer mnst atwayat Wr atahM totaeEdlUn. V AM i 3. QmmnnlatIOMmut b wrltiw ca o:y oaetWeot th paper.", ";-'.'! ' . Tenonanucamuaibe aToidod. - : A tt Xa eapcdanj and parUculaxry un er stood that the Editor doe aofaiwaVa endo-M NO. 109 lhe of corrwpondenta uOm o ra ine eaiwriai colmaaa. i The Morrison bill being defeated, it is now in order for those who have so intern perately urged its passage to make the most of a bad bargain. Tho Re view took iU position on thi3 question six months ago and has not been 'en gaged of late in fighting windmills. Wo believe in tariff reform, wo want tariff rclorm and we will have tariff reform ; but wc have never yet seen the time when this reform could be accom plished. It is the zca!o!s and (tho fanatic in tb Democratic parly who havo brought this state of thing to pass. When the subject ol reform was first mooted in tho House thcro were filty- seven Democrats who voted with Mr. Randall in canens against its considera tion this session. This should have been taken as a sufficient! indication that there was too serious a division in toe party at that time to allow of the question being discusfed at all in open IIouso It was urged, too, upon the party by prominent men and news papers all over the country that It was unwise and inexpedient to force this Usue at this tiiue.-but in despite of these facts tho fanatics ruled and have almost i ruined their party in the brief space of m .ft m a row momns. iney piajeu a great stake for a bauble, a plaything, and they have lost. It tbey had won. the question arises, what would they have done with th'eir pretty toy? and we an swer that it would have been dead and buried in less than three weeks, stabbed to u cat n witn a paper cutler in some dark pigeon bole in a; Senate commit tee room. It is strange to think that sen sible u:en should. havo played so large a game foe so pitiful a stake. We havo no defence for Mr. Randall. i i He has acted unwisely and almost criminally in bolting the party caucus but we must remember that ho ! has but voted inconsistency with the princi ples which ho has professed for a life lime, as lor nis ueiraciors iney are more to blamo than he is for they have forced upon him an issue which he studiously tried to avoid. JOYOUS NISWS. from Over the Sea ot those Given up as Hearty Cootrratula- Wllmf ocrton Library I Associa- i . ' j ' tion. I lhe following report, made by Messrs. M. S. Willard and Iredell Meares, committee, which is to be sub mitted at the annual meeting of the W.lmington Library Association lc uifcuk, uu wuica n&s cc?n lurnismu us for publication, will be read by all who It was feel au interest iu the growth aud pros- a step- pern. oi iue Association : NEW ADVTISElUraNTfc. Titlintrs Safety Lost Hons. A letter was received hero this morn ing which brought relief and joy un speakable to anxious hearts, written by Mrs. Williams, daughter of Mr. U. J. Scarborough, The undersigned committee, repre whn irriotf mHt in ihn Winfjr'ntit. senling lhe directors of the Wilmibston v tr-ii f.i i . Library Association, respectfully! sub- L. Williams, of the schooner Mary K. mit th6 voit of the board. The LU tcmcrux. of Wilmington. Dol., and brary has been reorganized within the left here on that vessel with her bos- present fiscal year aud placed upon a stockholders of tho Carolina Central band lor New Yort. Alter discbare- JZ;T&1 Railroad Con,panjwaS held t II o'clock ing her cargo the vessel took another T9 ana magazines are kept on file. tnis forenoon, at the office of tho cam- cargo for Jacksonville. Ha., and sailed and by the rules ot order observed the pany, in their new building on Front from New York, with Mrs. Williams murarj uow au auracuve resort lor street. on board, on the 28th ql March last. The President's fJotice. i JDosruiaticI Mr. James Rossds giving an interest- j I ing entertainment with eight wonderful ly trained Antra nt ofnrA Vn inn M"rVof 1 m iff! KlTFV!cn V . r . v . street, where he will remain but a day IN T .w iis ibaactid or so, as he has an engagement in New by lh0 Baak ihu city on Saturday, ich York, and will leave for that city by M r, that day bcln a Lrsai Holiaay,' and ail next steamer, tie was hero with tho Huujply Duuipty troupe; a short time ago aud the dozs were a marked feature of that eutcrlainiucut. lie has tixetl the price of admission at 10 uenig. which is cheap enough. It Carolina Central Ilailroud. The regular annual meeting of the pair malaring on IbelClh, U due and jpaya- btc on Ibc day previous. U A. Ki WAJEiCaaLkrV ( Jlni National Kink. S D. WALLACE, CahIT. ma u Uank of Nw Hanortr showed since which time nothing had been heard of her or her crew until this morning, and, as a matter of course. the eravc3t apprehensions had been felt in rezard to tho fate of the loved ones. The letter was dated at Port Spain, Trinidad, April 24th, 1884, and from its contents we learn that after leaving Sandy Hook they bad pleasant weather BOOKS I WW m. AVnaiuisUb f ltUlll The books have been catalogued I the gross reveoue of the road for ithe and a careful system of loaning them fiscal year commencing. April 1st, 1883, instituted. This neglect heretofore counts for broken sets of books appear na,j "s. -or.-i OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, XTO. 323 SOUTII FoDRTrr Trtwr JLl poslte ailller's Drnr Sfnw i inttt 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to Sp. mT may o it . Ofliso I ours Opening Dayjl Expenditures. number of valuable books being lost to Ik. T iKwiro fnnolIia u?k V. . r 4-U. tho i.ihrorV'iva r;iUrrori ot ih s, r Leaving a balance of. the entrance of the Federal troona into This was a fal . . .490.9?7.0 rjlHlTCSDAY, MAY SUi, - H 3 ! OF.SUMUKi; MILLINElir, j VATTEUN EONNETt At h MRS. E. A. LUAIDKVd. LaiHea aro InvUetl to call. ' . my c ?i A! A W A rr it I . . as compared . -L. : . - .ST i ! i withthose of last year ; but the credit At No. G South Front Streot. G4.297.87 ingotT of S4 1.000, as this city. The Library nowcontains in compared with the receipts of last year, round numbers twentyfiye hundred The falling off in the crop on the lino ju "c.uui:i j t r r I of the road was felt hv IHa mm in its until about 10 o'clock on that niirht "l"?jr"tk?J , . uiueuH auu suvoruuicait puuiications, i 6iuao when it oegan 10 diow. a . nurncane wyje tne rest comprise chiefly histori- of the road bavins been fullv establised . nnirDn tko I iisnea twenty vears since : - it is total iv . d.fi-.ent in-uTt., nf,tannhHp,V"' itwas decided by the authorities to gale then shifted to the southwest ith nntinn' continue the necesaarv renairs and wbicnseniine scnooner sun lunner and it iS this character of books which httAmrta invino. tWctoni ,?ia xrn from her destination, ine vessel lost are cnieny caiiea lor ana neeaea. 11 I ii i tit -i i nersausanu raaaa iermuua JTiX road, and the coming year will mark as time tO KeCP Oil tne rOCKS. One it- M1nflt;nn4 Snflnonoo and nn. mn mnrnvmnti oo tlia M.ntne was leaking badly and signals of portunity enlarged. - An effort should will normir Af-??:. fc5;9WAN'.?1? Orange- at, 0Kt .lUti-M. wem shown, but the sea was be made to immediately raise a fund. V. ' patmS 'v l?" S "tsf AirNM .h to nermit of assistance com. either by a series of entertainments; , e."""rraeu","ie a7 L5 Tityi.nt o - nMAh hnmavap nrnmioo T-or-rr lltfla in IU1LIUS LrUIUDuUV. ULKJIl WDOui WG (la 111 I uaDSlcrirll La I rill mTr1'Vl l.tf .11 .-w.. w.v.. w.wuiw in Jibvio u 1 - i - - ' T,,. 1..r J .V .. .K ." BEST 5c CIGARS r Aprf s DljuW. A pre. ?e?A JL0- 8Iuf cr n,! Ton our. O ly ra and Ccw)lcst of Drang ht Ber. , - IIed Qoartera new Harp Band ; and lon't you forget It V anlt - - To tho Ladies. ing irom the shore. " On the Monday following a vessel was seen proefsa. Theladlca are respectfully luvltoM no l.onu7.y Pecuniary results, or by enlisting the and through whose courtesy we were Seaii WexaStAS and signal, mteres'. of our wealthier citizens and frnihpd with ihi infnrmiin apisoi the vessel at a moment's notice, as the leak kept gaining upon .them, and as ed. but the s gnals were not heeded, securing from them acontribution large t.;f f r cfQ1,iM;la ' . , . rr r H reparation, were made for leaving Purchase a fair., eo.p.ete edTr Mjt'u Gibson's Imported Caildy. the present Summer. Oil.Xwll li. i vuw tumuli wuu4Uiv.t. I M . , uikofltid, Wfl kava nnmnna hnndMil onr) oivt.i I. At All fMPrtinn fnr a Ttnqrd nf nirPt-l rihnoAhfa xr.mi - n... 1 uo was woucu pnujanj " i active memoers. inrough tne personal i" roau ior me present year, tne roaa iron, ii was eviucui tuttt sue vuum exeriiuaa ui iaia oosra eigaiyjneaiDers um i-wwwu, viis; r - i . i i t r ii . LOCAL NEjWS. IIOEX TO MEW AOVERtTsEMEHTS. C W Yatks ;roiact IlKXXSBKKOKJt 5CW Music Notice Closing ot B&nks Wilmington Library Association II Dmchhild A Bko For Sale Low AttcnUon Members WbFE Co No 1 Howard BeUf riro Engine Company F C Miller Gibson's Imported Candy I 1 Tr ii . i i i, B'.Ur wo pas vuar.ii our coiiecuou oi oooks xuesuay nuou vcaeci uy,y t could be enlarged. our membershiD wnicn was signaneu, auu mo iruSci wouia naturally increase. It is only hnro. (lnwn alonsrside. and. after im- large enough now to pay current! ex- mnnsfl toil and irroat risk, succeeded in penses, leaving absolutely nothing lor . , , .rtrwi tne purchase of books ; but if it can be rescuing them from their almost hope- h t t hnnrlmJ. I nnr less situation. Dy a singular comci- current expenses could be- met J and cers were reelected. ;innm i hn vpqul tvhoqft onoortuno arri-1 several hundred dollars annually ex-1 - - w rw . 1 -Mwrcr a TkircimronirEivmD i j .1.- rvM,--i. Denaea ior cooks . iverv memDer on " ivjLxoiiu.jciXf xo ; . , . . .u the Library every Wilmingtonian Jas. S. Whedbee , J. L. Minis. R. C. Hoffman, M. l Ix;ak, W. W. Cbam- bcrlaine, John M. Robinson, John C. Winder. R. b. Tucker and Severn Eyre. j Subsequently, at a imeetinsr "Board of Directors, all ot tho o Scotch, Cherry and Strawberry Tablets, at , ' , - .-...-.. - : .. V. O. MILLKB'S, Comer fourth and Nnn st s may 2 bf the I d ofli- City Drugstore. 1G ; AIARKBT STKEUT. TCE CREAM SODA WATfiB. BS AND FL0WEF8, irugsaau x'aien i sj calcines. i . CpnoJey's Cologne Is the best In the city from a watery crave, proved to be the :r" ,Tr;;:; M"a ' nlXT i" UTTENTIflV MRMRFRS-W S F P, m m i lZE""0 Pwrwij ataii hou uy-attt .huuiu .v .t iiiilu. b buiai&u I uiiuiiiivn iituuivunu lit j ui vvi nvi u 1UXUU . ! l. T. UUNULKV i i r - i 1 I ' -i I i I a ''., "YfV:" up a i umjo - Manager. n.lnMAM ...I rnmln.t. 9 ft S.llln. Il-iv. ... . i - ... . i.L I i .Mt ik h ml o(T.K - tl, n,nnn TTJUI ARK HKTIKKV ORnERKn Tf AP. ' " - wnkiuuiu uu ii iiuiui(ivu w w Mja yjn(jQ ciearcu irom mis pon on iuo iiu i ututntj, nuiw n uuiu wiaud y pw. - ff .'u . . m rt n.. lvRna.rT Tlmfll. T?imA I I anil imiilna fn mil 'llirt mill l.AAnni. I -M I "ti,,,J "v nf IWmW aL fTftnL Williams, his OVI.Ui" . "iAV, w."o Dear at vour Enslne Hall in full uniform for dlc . ......... pace With our material growtb, seek in narade to morrow fFrldav) aftcmoon. at 4 30 whu auu tiuw auuuwjM o... w ,na morai ana intellectual imnrovpnipiit o'cloct. sham, uv order ot Jrorcman Munds Bros. & DeRosset The rcceipU of cotton at this port their clothing and personal effects. of our people, to produce a more com to-day foot up 6 bales. When thev left their vessel she was pMe civilization in our midst. FINANCES, in m i : 1 1 i i a uiuauiuiujA., v I io ine iacfc mat urst quaiuy smrbs aiu i wv ... j Ithe fiscal year: 741.60 John Ruskin, writing recently to a correspondent, frankly confesses him- may 8 it W.-C. CttAfcT, Scct'y and Trcas. Wo invito the attention of our citizens rapidly settling in tho water, ana as their boats had all been stove by the wishing anybody any harm, but quite I teinff msulo to order at one dollar iat the terrific gale through which they had Receipts i - . . .. . . r . I o.sunctiy tomepoinioi wisaing mosi Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt. tcoDia ont of his war when he is disl txwed to eniov himself. CaPL llAl' Becr received a note to- uay irom uapi. ocrogs, pi mc omun- Mine. Tatti arriTcd at Qucenstowu Uill Guards, slating that that company bj the Oregon Saturday morning. Tho would not be able to join in the parade piiiagc of tho Oregon ws the fastest on Monday tiext, iu consequence of the on record, beating the Alalia s time loon-completion of their uniforms. tec hour and forty minulc3, tho bes1 rrfious passarc. Tho Orcvons lime wasGdajs, 10 hours and 57 minutes. and the Alaska C days. 13 hours and i7 minutes. passed, their condition was one of ex-1 Expenditures. .... W I M t m r Irnn.o ruiril. CT.tntAin LoffC :inn I uamjuuuu uauu va w sm v i v r those under him treated the wrecked voyagers with every kindness and consideration, and in their rescue, with a lcarlui sea run ning, displayed that heroism aud dis regard of peril which is characteristic The 738.28 8.32 Uur liabilities are siw, wnicti are offset by cash in hand and dues owing tho Library, good and collectable. amounting to SI 18. This shows a de ficit of $33.68 which can be made good the coming year. In the expenditures are included a loss of 80 ou our lecture course and the expense of furnishing IIOWABD KELIEF FIRE ENGINE CO. NO. 1. . i - A TTENTION MEMBERS! You arc hereby -re ordered to appear at your enclno house to morrow afternoon, at 4 jo o'clock, in lull dress uiiuorm for a ccnenl parade of toe hre de partment. 15y order of the Foreman. J. U. UUlKSUllKiN, may Sit Rcc. Sect'y. W iLMINGTONLIBUAKY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Wilmington Li JgSU'TO DIUECT SPECIAL ATTENTION to the following timely; remedies: ' ; ALLEN'S BILIOUS I'M YSIC-i-For all dU order of Stomach, Llverand Blood. jNEUKOPATIIIC DEOP3-For JJholcra. Cnwnps, Colic, Internal Pains, Barns Ithou matlsm, Spinal Affcclion, &c, Ac, j WILSON'S; DYSENTERY - SYRUP-JIn cm-ctiial remedy for I Cholera. ' Drsentcrr. imrr ouotcia inranium ana iiowci uom- pjamis generally. , jr. , . , , , , f m ly 3 - DRUG DEPOT,1 Market and Second Street. : Wilmington, f.C. ti.o ttMmor hv . r;i wiiinii ha r i ni hoartrd s.u or. Tho MarLui- lhe JUibrarv liooms , csumaicu at over k i .i. f.,,,, .....Knnn,! lwt Vn,m Trini. $200- Wo estimate the current cx- uvu.tuaiiuww uu w . penscs of the Library, as at I present Nowbcrn to Washington and return, to dad, the latter au island on the North- conducted, at $800 per aunum, leaving attend the Episcopal Convention, will eastern coast of Venezuela, bouth nothing, however, - for extraordinary rrim nt tho Uttpr n1:in nn W!nesd:iv Amorirn.. where she arrived in due sea- expenses H. - . . . . . . m 1 . . . . AT . 1 1. 1 1 C . .1 .J.ll M A I I. M " - i o daughters oi John iscnocxi, oi morning insieaa oi weancsaay even- sou wiiu au saie auu tvc, u uww We have had to lecture for us this rroTidenoe, R. I., married brothers, log, as.tho types had it yesterday. the young sailor wile seizca ine nrst year lion. Simon Welfe, Washington, Ira asd frank Vallfc foar montba Annual Parade opportuoily or writing to relievo her U.C.;Kev.J. Ii. JIawtSoroc. KicU- awards ,hc two rcmato,DS '.i.tcr. Tbe Ir Uclicf '- ? f"" lheir SfiS KeT iSr" fc-New turiedtwo brothers of exactly the virfl Eirinc Coiupwv No land Wil- terrible and agonizing suspense. York; and a musical entertainment by tame mma as tho othera-lra and ni :. m F re Fn-i oe Comnanv WnCD Mrs- Scarborough received the Mendelsohn Quintette m Club, j We Frank Vaile. but la no wa, related. It fc in '"w I .sZl.i the welcome letter this morning beg mmend m -nclusiou the effi- I I .1.. ,.A.la miul Willi irktr 'inrt I wvuvj w. ... w. M. . .ww vu(wu0 Mr. Bennett does not get his new boys nuxed, he has a greater head than most k'berMo-laws. Ldon, tha invehtor, has assumed t role of lecturer and cntettaincd an aadsce morrow afternoon. Tho Cornet Con cert Club will furnish music for the occiMon. t City Court. Ransom McMillan, colored, was of 2.000 pcoplo at Worcester. . . . r- ' , .l:. .Mk una itQCAUlUitcu l-tacK-e.j0f bis various devices for ri tjiaj electricity in electric lighting. ttciocdultiar telephone, the micro- fwOCe, chociiTrnh and lha elnrtrie Qotor ia variocs forms as used on rail "jsaca ior sewing machine, etc Ediioa'a drawing iowcr as a lecturer isoiioated at about $1,000 net perl ing, charged with disorderly conduct and was fined S10 for tbe olTense, in default of which bo was sent below for 30 days. Carolino Frank, colored, for disorder she was overwhelmed with joy. and as she had had the warm sympathy ot neighbors in her distress, she announc ed the safety of her daughter and had tho hearty and earnest congratulations of all. It was a happy hour, tears of joy glistened in many an eye and reverent hearts breathed silent thanks cicncy work-and interest in tho discharge ot her duties deserve the appreciation of the Association. - M. S. WlLLAUD, Ikedell Meares. Committee Death by Poison. Mr. William Frost, res.ding at No. to God for II is abounding, mercy aud 1609, South Fifth street, took an over- watchfulness over His children, dose of laudanum yesterday morning; Mrs. Williams is not yet 20 years of I from tbe effects of which be died at age, although she has passed through I about 12 o'clock last night. Drs. Ellis ly conduct was Coed $5. in default of an ordeal such as but few can know and and Wright were in attendance and ad which abe was sent below for 10 days, which none save those who have had ministered such antidotes as the exi- like experience in ocean storms can un- gencies of tbe case demanded and were derstand. She is a quiet young lady, unremitting in their efforts to counter- . . ... m I ' iL. f a . r ai UT . beioveu oy uer acquaintances, anu ou brary Atgoclallon will be held To-Nizht, in! Library Room, at 8.3-J o clock. Member notl tied to attend. M. S. WILLARD, may 8 it ' Sect'y For Sale tow, A LOT OF CHEWING TOBACCO, slightly JTX. damaged. Will be sold at low figures to clotc out and must be sold at once. H. BRUNU1LD & BKO., mayS lw Wlunlngtpn, N. C. Croquet. T $1, $l.t5, $2 ANO $2.50 PER SETr.i HAMMOCKS, BASE BALLS, BATS, Ac. SHEET MUSIC. i" i - . . I i New and standard SIIEET MUSIC AT ONLY 10 CENTS per copy. . , f a nose m uisxa soors are still boomur. a a Orcr ono thousand rohimefl aold. Baltimore & WiliuingtoD BOOK AWD -roxKux lis, t Steani8liip Lino. .YATES' BOOK STOKE, mays 119 Market BtrecL Stop and Think ! IV YKAI&S IlENT, WILL PUB- mi ihe work ct la) ing tho double com- Bcrcxal cable between Nova Scotia and 3enitown is about to begin. This is Exports Foreign. Nor. barque , Tetens. jMarcussen. cleared to-day fof Bristol. Eng.. with 3 997 barrels rosin, valued at $5,969, shipped by Mers Paterson, Downing ti- &0. Schr..V. C. Moselcsr, Rom ill. Gonaives. Uay 167.381. i feet of B.-u.iackey came. ani ine ui rr riy ma cnpiul of the owners are a wtj ---laaiwiibe rapidly pashtxl Qmjtr. 110000 ahingles one barrel comprftion TleUng:hof the two Ur, one barrel rosin and one barrel will be about 4.30x1 tuilr. Tne pilcbt Tlued at $2,758 67. shipped by who would hardly be considered equal i . . i. to such emergencies, jet ner letter, thoagh entirely unasumin, breatbrs the spirit of a heroine, j . Tho Flslilnc: Kxctirslon. at the influence of tbe poison, but willtoat avail. The decased was at ope time a member of tho police force, was about 40 years of a?e. and leaves a wife and two children, both girls. ro. Qaertkr erne and the American ti Kow Is the time to gire Smith's Worm U,L - Jjd-w Quickly Found. The steamer Pusxitort left her wharf J 1 ho purao which was found by Mr. J. at the foot or Market tn-et at about barter yesterday. local notice or ; which 4.30 o'clock this morning for a day's appeared in the Ecview last night. sport at the blackfiah grounds. A par- was called ror and the property describ ty numbering nearly or quite 100 took ed and delivered before all f yester advantage of tho opportunity offered, day' edition was mailed. It belonged and we expect that they will return to an eioeny wno comu m auoru 10 lose i . tm mm a . al.s i ir an.i av n s t w m v rtavini naen t n tvinw, TVr Rlind &e and &t I loaded down wun uia. iyo nope ia VnM r,rle U at K. Jacobi's Hard- teiitckness wUi not spoil the capture of medium through wb.cb it was recuver warolVpot. f ; the spoils or the ocean estera Union cable aisteru romnris-Lr 1- kv,t,mn.(. rnmminr- m.v e!ltK--:. . ... - . AnTLTa ' W 1118 ing a total of exports foreign amounUng Dlr r7;7lic7. . if 100 Co $9,727.97. vuncMoiMn one. ine roaTC Tli largest and best stock of ed. r STEAMSHIP WILL SAIL 1-ROU BAIiTIMOBE, SATURDAY i..... MAY lb lb FROM THTJCSDAr-... ...........MAT 15th Through Bills of Lading- and lowest thronrh rates irnarmateed to and from points oa lm EjUI Boads and Cape rear Elver. - , I ALSO, .. ;; ' To and from Boston, VrorUlenet, Phllale pniaaaaaii tresterncmea. For Frdgl-t EBgireaxmu, apply to A, D. CAZATJX, Afjt, - WtimtsctoB, H. C a. f. Coraa? Llgat aad Geraaa Eta., may 8. , . Uxt'JLaon. l1 i CUASE A HOME. Building I ots for tr sale on the Insulmsjt tIan cm Castle, J Church, Nuu, Ann, Orange, Mulberry, Red I Croj, Gwynn, liaaUn, . 'raujrih, Flitfi, Sixth, 1 " : " - - 'ir.. - j Sorenth, Wilson,, Eighth, Mat, DU kluicn, Tenth. Wood, Hay. Elerentb; Uarfotle, Twelfth, ThlfeDtb and ourUaWi eltrrtfa. Also, IlanMM and 1au trtcl I Money loaned to tboo wla'tf i to ta! I .. . i m Apply to - . . may7ew t JAME3 VflLSON. Mew rJlusic. 1 "J'LL AWAIT MY: tVlVK." .V,'. "Wnen the ffpr jig Time an l Hob!r rraye Com,M as fcur fo'Ttatrter Vtax(Kt A West's Mipstreli. Aleep LittU lirUor.- Khrrti on the Ktlne." " '."" Utthl IliHln-r llivnat At Ifo - ! -' . . ... . . am -u u nieii oztsa. th - . -mr a i . . . . . for new tud pre.ty Music Le sure ti ae1 1 j i IrUt HEINSBERi&ER'Sj ,pl ' uVe Cook aa4 llcits 3icnt,