I THIS r ATM I . i ; . . . ' - - - I- ' . .-r venlflf. Sundays ;epted JOS II T.JAMES, oito A5o raoraixToa. rOSTAGS PAID: su sit month. fiCO. Three -,,. ai 00: One month. 33 cent. erl3cnu Pr week. S;inttIow and liberal. ,rulrttrs will report any and all fall r : rtccic thffr pitr rrruUrlT. .ii lltdmdrdion of any newspaper ron i " holding chocolatieres" ' h ..-::ib:c where chocolate is lhe refrcihacnt. . jcJ role upon provinjHhe own- . , .... A marble bust til General Sheridan t been presented to lhe Chicago tY:o Veteran Club. . I. A bailees! dispatch from Philadcl wtcl to Iondon and bronjht back 3 cicr in City-five minutes. Mr. Kandall is reported by the Alcr-a-Jria HvMlc as saying that "Mr. i; i'ae ii a C' :ii nomin.-i'ed." LMwin B ioth i aid to be setting to r.ab'a his lather. Junius Brutas liood. more and more every day. - .- . So woman is admitted to the Dixon, 11 . skstio rink unlrss ahc can show a r.iicyie of good character from the v;.'i:c paV.or. , . Hone White, ol the New York jvtraa W, says that there is nothing in tie s'.ory that Henry Villanlis about !.. rt'.cro to purnaliim. Foir-tt$:!iil the Deinocrats in Con src arc ir tariff reform, and n largo u.jjr;:jinthe next Democratic Cou icruoii wu K- tariff rlormcrs. Mit.Adx Heed, who was elected Ju.tice tfihe Teaco at Urermore, Pa , lur njole. has filed her bond . taken out Irr womwi!o. and proposes to serve Parisian datues. having exhausted tt. aTlary. have gone to the market CirJf n f.r adornment. The latest nov elty is a hat trimmed with artichokes. - Secretary lincoln and General SherL dan will go next wck on a fishing c-x cursioa to Point au Peleo Inland, Ike P.rie. with General Anson Stager, and Marshall Field. - The new Bromp ion oratory in Lon don is t aid to be the largest Roman Catholic structure erected since the Information. It contains nino chapelsf each complete by itself. The black poodle U again becoming Uihionablo in Kngland. These ani ruaK to be in correct style. must have their hair shaved into knots and ren deml generally hideous. At the last "Queen's drawing-room one society woman was stopped at tho door becaaso she wore brown gloves, and compelled to send for white ones before she could be admitted. The first returns Irom the crazy tjoilt craze have just been rccieveJ in New York. One young lady has been ent to lhe mad-houe, and two others hustled off to a retreat where they mend up shattered nervous systems. Kx-Scctary ''Dick" Thompson, .who participated in the Log l!abia Harrison campaign of 1310. and was Chairman ot the Committee of Resolutions in the convention that nominated Grant six teen years ago. will attend the Repub !.aa June meeting in Chicago. Mr. P. J. Sheridan, tho Irish revolu tion if t, is about to remove to South tarolina. and there, upon a tract of 2.000 acre, ho intends to form an Irish colony. A stock company is to U- formed to promote tho colonization tf the Irish people on an extended scaV. An Kaslcr eg5 was made by a Paris- ti base for a present to a very rally Spanish lady, at u cot of $1,000. It Has formed of white enamel; on the :-.d was -engraved the susjel for llu:,t Day. and by N'tue ingenious UiechiaUm a little bird lodged In this Hinty rag sang twelve airs from as rav.if ropular operas. I: is announced that the novel by the k Cbarles Ileido now current in HWs Bazar, ,4A Perilous Secret." s completed by him but a little Ufore his death. Mr. Reade had .tril times within the past lew years d to fricods that if he undertook anuher long novel it would be the ead t him, and his fear j roves now to have Urta a true prophecy. Gen. Fremont's sign has hung from a law oCIcecn Broadway fr a longtime, tut since his sicknci. a year ago, he h paid liule attention tu business, and hi circumstances are much reduced. His friends say that he bad become ex cvcdiogly depressed, and that but for his wife's spirit and diplomacy he would probably have worried himself into helplcasceu very soon.. V n TT. L i - T T V . - . r -V h TTa wait glad to receive yrnmnticatioia THE ,'. )AIt MBff i i ! i i . i . ' ' : I VOL. VIII. Lewis McMurray, the owner of some C.000 acres of land near Frederick, Md., finding the present system of plowing too slow, has introduced tho I new and novel method of plowing! by steam, and oa Friday last gave an exhibition to a number.ot interested Baltimoreans. The plows cut seven lect in width, aud plow a strip of land one mile in length aud seven feet wido in about forty ruin" utcs, cutting ja furrow about seven inches deep. ' A successful expjenment has been made' with the object of testing tho readiness of tho German Nayy on a sudden emergency. At S o'clock on Tuesday morning. April rdcrs wero issued without warning, for the mobilization of tho manoeuvring squad ron lyin; at Kiel. In ki few hours the sailors and marines were on their ves sels, and provisions and ammunition were also embarked with great rapidi ty, showing that a squadron ot twenty war ships could, if necessary, have gone to sea wi'.hin twenty-tour hours. - 1 j Mr.GcorgcSteadman.the well-kuown proprietor of the Aloion Hotel, Mel bourne, Australia, writes to the Argus: 'I was sufferinz from a severe spniin in my knee, which caused excruciating pain, and was advised to use St. Jacobs Oil. After one application tho pain en tirely left and I walk as well as ever.'" LOCAL NEWS. IIDEI TO NEW ADVERTISEMENT. C"W Yatks Croquet HKI9SBKROCB KUBk. Books Geo Sloan, Scct'y Annuil Meeting Opera House Kyays Combination F C Miller Gibson's imported Candy Mcxds Baos. A D r Rosa et LI mo Juice Good beef is scarce noyv in this mar ket. Shrimps sold in market yesterday at 20 cents per quart. Strawberries wero offered hereto-day at 15 cents a quart. There was no business lor tho City Court this morning. I The receipts of cotton at this port to day loot up but 1 bale. Wo learn that the postoflice at Cedar Dale, in Pender county, has been i dis continued. There has been a nico fresh breeze blowing to day ; otherwise the weather would have been extremely warm. i Wilmington must be a sort of Utopia, for wo saw Love and. Merritt riding in the same carriage a day or two since. The suspension of business yo3terday aiternoon was more general than jwe have ever before known here on Memorial Day. f ( j Wo invito the attention of ourcitizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf j The steps in front of tho Custom Houso havo been removed, and work men aro engaged in putting down 6tcps inside of the door so that they will not be on the sidewalk. The aunual meeting of the stock holders of the Wilmington Compress and Warehouse Co.npany will be held in this city, at tho Bank of New Hanover, on Thursday1, the 22d inst, at II o'clock a. m. Two wtrte tramps applied for lodg ings at police headquarters last night. One of them was a sailor, who bad recently been discharged from a vessel, and the other was a young lad Irom ono of the interior counties of tho State, who was in the city in search of his relatives. ! , j There were some fow slight inaccuracies in our report yesterday ol the Memorial Services at Oakdale but l here will be pardoned when the short time allowed us for making up the report is con sidered. Our paper, with a full report of the proceedings, including tho Chaplain's prayer and the Orator's address, was on the street before tte participant-! returned from tho Cemetery. " 1'ersonatJ I Hon. R R. Bridgers. who has been so sick in Baltimore tor the past three weeks, has so far recovered as to be able to return here, having arrived last night He U still very weak, however, and improves but sloWiy. He got out of the house this morning, but walked only a few doors dc!ow his residence, when he was compelled to return. We ; hope to bear in & few days that he has .nt.rolr rfvii'iml : ! i Wo were pleastd to meet recently with our young friend, Mr. Frank M FrtiuooU formerly of this city, but now of Savannah, whpis here on a short Tisit to hM father, Col. S. L Fremont. WILMINGTON. N. C For Convention. Bishop Watson. Dr. A.J. DeRosset. Treasurer of the Diocese; Rev. Mr. Ambler, Rector ol St. Paul's; Rev. Dr. Carmichacl. of St. John's; Rev. C. O. Brady, of St. Mark's, and others, lay delegates. left here this morning on the 9 o'clock train for the Diocesan Con vention which is to convene in Wash ington tu-morrow. Nearly all ol the party, wo understand, iscluding the Bishop, went via Tarboro," with the expectation of reaching Washington to night. First Baptist Church. At the regular annual meeting of this Church, held last night, the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Clerk-Jas. W. Collins. Treasurer Jas. II. Taylor. Finance Committee Jas. C. Steveu sou, S. G. Hall, W. I. Gore. Standing Committee Owen Fennel!, A. P. Yopp, D, L. Gore. John S. Mc- Eachcrn . John D. Woody, Geo. F. Al- derraan, W. A. French. Ushers W. C. Craft, J. S. Mitchell, W. P. Oldham. J. S. Hooper. Herbert Holden. Dan. H. Penton. J. L. Brock- onridp. ! Collectors A. M. Baldwin, W. C. - -i i Peterson, F. T. Wooten, II. C. Evans, Allison Alderman. R. P. McDoue&ll. Jas. W. King. Sunday School Superintendent, W. A.French; Assistant Superintendent, A. P. Yopp; Secretary and Treasurer, W. C. Peterson; Assistant, A. . S. Holden; Librarian, E. II. Freeman; Assistant. A. J. Marshall. Supervisor of Sexton A.1 M. Bald" win. Thcannual report submitted showed the receipts during the past year to be $3,502.24; disbursements. $3,290.17- leavlng a balance on hand of $206.07. Prof. Alderman In Goldsboro. The Goldsboro ; Messenger speaks thus handsomely of a lecture delivered in that town on last-Friday night by tmt T? A Aldormon rf tht VJftr Kn at present in chare of thJ gred schools in Goldsboro: TKn lnntlirn Pfnf V? A AMarman delivered in the Opera House in this city last Friday night, on the "Men and Manners of North Carolina 100 lears Ago." was ono ot the most masterly ever been our good fortune to enjoy, The people of this community, since his advent among us. have ever nela satisfied tho large and intelligent auuience.wno nuns uenentea upon nis words, that he i3 well fitted and des among mo icaaiog literary men ot nis day and generation to which his genius entitles him. lovely Vcuus. Venus will be the loveliest star in the heavens through the month of May, as alter elongation she turns her -steps westward, moving rapidly toward us nrl Incloninir' on to finr nrri-vr1 xl -- '"" greatest brilliancy. She will form a delightful planetary study for the naked eve. and also lor telesconic observation, Seen through the telescope, at elonga- tion or a few days after, she take on the asncct of the moon at her last iir t;n ;n.,;.i Then, like tho moon, she becomes waning crescent, less and less of her enlightened .surface being turned toward, oui increasing in siise as snei . . , approaches us, more than enough lo counterbalance the lessened light. At the end of the month she has nearly reached her culminating point,, while her high northern declination adds to tho length of her stay above the horizon and the favorable conditions foi obser vation. The beautiful planet is specially in- tcrestini: on account ol the striking re semblance sho bears to the earth. 10 sic. in density, in position in the length ot her revolution, in the time ot her rotation, in the possession ot an atnios- phere, in the lorm of her orbit , and iu the amount of Iibt aud heat she rc- ceives Irom the sun. she is more like the earth than any otlur member , ol the sor sjstem. bhe is .our nearest planetary neighbor, and. if a moon were lollowing in her track to complete the ana.og, Venus and tte earth would be tho twin sisters ot the solar family. Indeed, the planets seem to be impairs; Jupiter and Saturn are the giants of the lamily. Neptuno and Uranus fol ow next to the giants, and Mars and Mercury complete the lit, . Venus sat on the 1st & few minutes before 11 o'clock in the evening; on the 3 1st she sets at ball-past 10 o'clock.. There was a due rain ibis morning and thus far the crop season Las been a a splendid one. rrof. Alderman m high esteem for., his mand. Every exertion will be made to IV E ARE intellectual ability, and his brilliant de- have complete and convenient facilities A M but as a lecturer last rnday night for frAiht handling, and as the hnsinpss TUESDAY. MAY 13, The attention of the railroad author ities is invited to a communication in this issue, relative to, the necessity which exists for express accommoda tions on the night train for Richmond from this city. It is really needed by the truckers. I ItyarP Combination. There will be lun for the boys at the Opera House on Thursday night, the 15lh inst. , at which time the above combination of professional spkrrers will give an exhibition of their science land skill in the 'manly art of selfle- lense.M Mr. O'Brien, ono of the num ber, offers the ueat little sum of $250 to any one who will stand him and spar, 'Marruis of Quecnsbury rules." It is a tempting offer, and we uudei stand thai some ol our ; amateur boxers contem plate trying for the prjze. Wo hope, for the pugilistic glory of Wilmington. that ihey may succeed, but The Comet Club. The line ftppearanca ol the Cornet Concert Club yesterday afternoon, at tne Memorial Services . was a matter of congratulation to our citizens at large as well as to the Club. The music they discoursed was delightful, tne several instruments were well . . ... played, and the parts i well balanced and although several ot the members bad hail but a limited experience, the pieces were exceedmginly well render ed The funeral marches were difficult, as is always the case with tunes in the minor keys; not so much in the matter of execution as in the power to give proper expression fo their plaintive har monies, yet thc3e were given with much taste and feeling. Better Accommodations. The Baltimore & vVilmingtonSteam- ship Line, of which Capt A. D. Cazaux is the agent in this city, is making ex tensive additions to their freight accom modation on Lord's wharf. The ware house now in use is. 100 feet long by 50 r1. W.W' an lt. has ,bee? u,oud to b the largo amount of freight which is received there, nd sh.ppers have been put to a good deal of inconvenience thereby. To obviate this difficulty and to haye a plenty ot room for storage of freight, another building has been found necessary, and a warehouse 100 feet I , , An i ,a e construction on the same wharf, which, when com pie tec, will add nearly dou i,ie tQ tnB amount of room now at com 0j tne iine increases, as it undoubtedly will such other additions and changes wiu be made as the exigencies mav de NEW ADVEUTI8EMENT8. OPERA HOUSE, T11UHSDAY NIGHT, MAY 15 Ryan's Combination inilvM V KISTRKTATJIHRV'T AT TttR (jr opera HOUSE explaining the intricacies of the manly art, assisted by a comWtcnt corps Lf renowned Pngil'lsts. Including the famous MIKE CLEARY, who by his activity and hard hitting bids fair to steal the champ!on atltfroinourPrcscnlSatn80ni and America's Favorite Light Weight, ARTHUR CHAM BERS. The combination is here for one night .. . . , ... only, and those desirous of witnessing an cn i tcrtalnmcLt which causes the pulse to thrill with excitement, had best embrace this last opportunity of viewing a rcrforaaacc given by the most noted Pugilists of ths age. It la alao reported thtt there are three per- son 6 In the city, one white and two of color, I I who are exceedingly anxious to take a chance I I I mi me snu mere w exirciei a nyciy ume i ' I 0Cxl Thursday night As Us been announced before, those dtbir as of meeUng Mr. O'BRIEN for the $zm can nnltj nARRV WILLIAMS, Manager Ryan's Combination, Purcell House, not later than WtdncUy afternoon. May 1. Popular prices of admission. I ! may 13 Blank Books. Ts RAIT AND NOTE -BOOhS, J Bill and Rrcc'pt Books. Paper and Envelopes, j I 1 Chocks oa Baas: New Hanover, ad 1 lrst National BcnkJ ; .Fox sale at ' . HEINSBERGER'S, mis j 13 Ure Book sad llaslfl 8tort. 1884. NO. 114 NOW ADVERTISEMENTS- IN CLOTHING DON'T MEAN (plIEAP, SHODDY, OLD, MOTH-EATE trasljj, as every one knows a- knowledge many will buy i ! i ehVnju when eominon sense i i- U le most expensive in the Why so will show you the very newest designs OUR MEN'S, BOY'S stock is handsomer in style than style is a model of good taste are lower t urn ever before. No than eve r, occasioned Jy We have a wouueni i JMi u ool one-button Sack and one-button which is a very dressy thing forj the money: At $1.50, $5.50 aha $6.50 ", wc have suits for len that are fully ironi $2 to $5 lower iii price i ' thau the goods arc sold for eUowhere. Call and seem them. ' THE OLD RELIABLE 114 MARKET ST. may 12 Annual Meeting, rpiIE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIK Stock holders of the Wlltnlnton Compress and Ware house Company will be held at the Bank of New Ilanover, on THURSDAY, 22nd Inat , at 11 o'clock, A. af. (JEO. SLOAN, may 13 2t 13 21 Scct'y & Treas i LIME JUICE. DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE. UNO'S FRUIT SALT The English Trep- aration. from sound, nPe fmit,' health giving. cooling and Invigorating. MINERAL WATERS Ilawthorn.Congrees, Apfcoiinarfs, Hnnyadi and others bottled; VM Tafft WlI nn krtt nn (lM11;f w - --o--- ! " Munds Bros. & DeRossei 1 Druggist, Market street, may 13 Wilmington. N. C. Hon. A. M.Waddell. AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE WADDELL as a candidate for i Congress from the sixth District, subject to the ""Y " WtJ:?tetlfidudm the Dis- ROSES. i A LOT OF FINE ROSE1 PLANTS IS EX- I - pcc,ted to arrive to-morrow by Steamer. The ladic8 irc respectfully invltcl to call and sec them on Wednesday. GEO. I LAMB. Sixth Street, between Princess and Chestnut. may 12 3t ( Jue Breaking Entertainment i N WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY Hth, SmMikAkSo'wTNt I T A IKMKNT at tor whlih nfrrhmont vfll gerved. The public are respectfully invltd to attend. may 12 2t eod WE HA YE TN STOCK THE BEST AND CHEAPEST JL Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Satchels, Bug A iOO A UVtrVfAADy H3 Aiajny VAll " Particular attention given to repairing Trunks by the only Trunk Mater in the state. MCDOUUALL A BOW DEN, 114 North Frorl St. Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store. h - - To Fruit Growers. 1 . i HAVE JUST KKCEl VKD K0.0J Fruit Ua6tcU and .Strawberry Cratcf, and rn pre- pared t lurn'ph the trailc, frm UoM-stxrMO Charleston. These eratcu wtlh ii pounds nnH osvi l ! in frriht 1m twern H iliiiiptrujn jj cw ork. on ech inp wntc 10 1 m E G. BLAIR. Agent apH Don't Forget ! N O. 112 SOUTH FRONT vrREfcT ! Where ! i HUMP'lRfcV, JENKINS & CO, k p those Hoc Mci'le and Horoc' rtrwoerri-. mn Black ainl Wltortkbcrle. Apples and Peach es, when in seaaon. Poultry Coo M'irnmcnts o the above ollcllf3!, nd ivaUs- fation guaranteed Give h a uUi i all we ask. may 6 Croquet AT $1, $L53. $1 AND PER SET T. UAliaU&S, UJlOC, DALUS, tiAiO, AC SHEET MUSIC, New and slaBdanl SHEET MCSIC AT ONLY 10 CENTS per copy. i Tnoe do CKMo BOOKS are sU!l Uootoln?. Orer one tbotuaod YOtumcs sokL I i 1IC A.IXJU ARTICu-i far crerrth!n la the BOOK AND &TATIONC.RY Ll?fc. YATES BOOK. STOUB, mays 119 Market Street. from ouz friends oa any.'aad air subjects ceaeraltateresttmt , ! I. The name of the writer must always be ft r- alaoM to the Editor. ; Coamnntrano&a anal be wnttta cs oa'y one side ot the paper. rersonaHttes must be avoided And it la especially and particularly tux er stood that the Editor does not always eada se the views of correspondents i uuess so stak i If the editorial 1 colasm, -J:u-. ; j j NEW I ADVEKTliEMENTS well as wc do, yet in the face o this! merely lxca use it is .such .slnfl". hyuld leach them that it , : lonsr rnnJ";,:': '-c liiolish when it- r I ' w prices? and finest selections at suclt low' l AND CHILDREN'S anyt hi nj we have ever shown. Every and Jine workmanship, ami the prices wonder then that wc are busier ' the inerits of our elegant goods. uiagoual knit,! very fashionable kifJ lin Cutaways. Men's ami vntli.' J Thunder and Lightning ! pSOTECT TOUR rioU'ES WJTlt LIGHT, ING RODS, Supply your Cook wltha GOOIji fcTO VE. We have them! flail ml 1 1 i ... PARKER A TAYLOR. PURR WHITE OIL. i my 3: Furniture.; A 'LjL THE UCTEST AND LEADING viJ tenia of Chamber, Dining Room and Llbrliy Salts, Secretaries, SidcUoardi, Ac." j MATTRES3KS of all. kinds In stock and r rurniture Dealer, may 12 20 So". Front" Streef PRETTY SHOES I jyo you WANT A NICE FITTING SHOE to make your foot look pretty ? Do you want 1 Ji - . . I. ! a SHOE that will look neat and not hurt? r-", .t i 1. . I . . . L- . 'I vyuuic a.iij. icii uj suQvr jou somq ox ine,"nicett in town." i ;, f. ; ; v.; fJ' j )' t Geo. K. -cjPrpiicIi&-; jSppsr 108 NORTH FRONT STREET.' 1 I - may 12- -. ... ., j . ;-T. j Furniture. gPRIKQ AND SUMMER I A LARGE-AND VERY ATTRACTIVE Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD3 Ii' no w offered at the D.' A. SMITH I URN I tube ware ROOMS at greater bargalB than itPv Iato I '! . Call and examine same D. A. SMITH, Furniture, N. Front Strce may 1! WB HAVE A SMALL QUANTITY OF London Dock i Port 1 Wine I thit lias bccii la our store for wofe than flre yea-s It U a rk-h, mellow wine and of err uiK-rlor incilt. It Is worth s per galL n. For mtUlcioil punuiMr Jt U urquvitionaity tiia Btsr tint can bcobulitcl, un-b t r uUe u e UtiprK ' v j . I . Whiskeys, Wines & Liquors of every Mod aod ol the beat qat)U7 dry ttt j TJPIO (dotuffctJcJ BKElt at ' J or the' All SERdflrortert; BKEIi t $TO .per Cl lUj arj u'tim!ei la the uurkeL I Our Royst'urfs: Candies I siiilxitd tho sipreOio overall others for purity and whofea&achc si; Ibci per ioi.nd three ikmuhU for fJ. - p. l. BBEiflfflis -:&qo: i 110 north Front Bti xaaylt CLOTHIER -