"IBB'',BBI'I'''' BBBI IBB'''' t . r- JOSH T. JAMES, ; KorTos ajd piorinroi. scescRirno3 rosTAGr paid: - rear H-00- slx mvuiM, t.. ' .... lino; One mooin, ocnn. th rrr will be deHrercd Vy carriers free uiJs. 7 part of the city, at tbe above r i'.f . or UcefiU per week. iV-u'-K-r'.Kr wti! report any "'I " tall- rrcclre their paper rrgmaxiy. sre ry 77ur Daily Ilcview has the largest ... , ? Jr cirailUion, of any newspaper Iltry Anderson travels about Eng ;-. it: a pal-iccrar. refuted for j cmclusivfi tec - - Trouble-, aro asatn brewing in Zulu- vl. and t sccnis as if ll the cflbrLs of t,. iiit war wnuid have to be repealed. I.!c. Nevada, the American prima djr.r.3. seus all the floral gifts shower- , ! cf-yn her at the opera to the lris Tea cc. and nickel subscriptions f.-oai all parts of the country arc in creaiinjr the Bartholdi pedestal fund about i 1 ,0QO per week. Mr. I'roctor. the astronomer, who fcai recently married Mrs. Sadie Cruuel!. has a lsre ready made family of I. a children, including the twins. New York World'. About these days ItJk out for startling rumors of . fail ure. IVelwvc none of them. At the .arue time do not trut your money with i-,i:tical financier?. Il.,:on has a baby show, tfbich is unique in that the prizes are not all for the pn-tticst and best babies. Some of the testimonial' are reserved for bis cars and l.aM heads. An Kaj'.iih newspaper recently con tained an undertaker's adveitiscmcnt in which hi patrons were asked. "Why lire and be miserable, when you CAO.be luried in comfort lor line pounds t-n5M 'I he cicnuajfriit recently erected at KrankforU Ky.. to the memory of I b".ff Justice Kiliott. who was killed :ve years ao by Col. Tom liuford, has inscribed upon it. "Assassinated for Lafiagdone his duty as a judo." St. !xuis Glebe-Democrat, Ilep.: The republican Convention at Chicago will have a very plain duty to perform. Let it pick out from the candidates tho man uijt certain to carry New York ; then U t i: nominate that man and adjourn. W. T. Slatton. of Greenville, S. C., has bvca totally blind for a number of j ears and yet freely drives about alone in a bugjy and can manage all bis mul tifarious affairs, which Include running a saw mill and a ,4gin" mill of the cot ton kind. Knirossins clerks ought to be experts ia punctuation. Tbe dropping of a comma In the transcribing ot a revenue bill passed by the New Jersey legisla ture has subjected a number ol corpor ations to taxation which tho lawmakers intended to exempt Sculptor Joseph Milnaorc. brother of lie late sculptor, Maitin Millmore, has just finished a marble bust of Wendell Fatllipj, which grateful Bostonians propose to present to Mr. -George Wil I am Curtis of New York, as & retnrn for his culegy on Phillips. A sensation was created by a pretty bJv with short hair at the opera in Paris lately. She wore a Urge red peppy, in tbe centre of which flamed, from time to time, a brilliant electric spark, generated from a small battery hidden ssmewhere about her. Sioce Talmaje and Beechcr have ex- rresjed their admiration for the. West ac4 lor precisely the same reason," Pcre llisciuthe now comes out and telU bow ttvorably impressed ho is with the place and people of that rczkm. His lec'.urioz tour has been very pro Stable Trobsbly there is no truth in the : cy that (Jen. Beauregard is enzsged ta Birry the widow of tbe late Com- c kre Vaoderbilt Gen. Beauregard t been a widower for aume years and two sarvivins children are his son. le. and hi daughter, Mrs. Iaredon. Nw Orleans. The General's income frcta Ji'.iries and other sources ir $20,- year. Aciboay Froode. who has been out ot health for some months past, and s: of temper for several years, rro W,ai oon as he finishes his Carlfle, tart for Australia before coming to America. He will return . from Aus tralia by way of San Francisco, and of courie proposes to lecture in several :tc in this country. .. V New York Evening tost. Rep: It 1 O'terly senseless to Ulk about Blaine carrying the State of New York under aj circumstances whatever, and it is wild desperation to claim that he could elected without the Tote of this Site. If the Republican party were to choose iuch a candidate, would only trove that the gods had decided to de tfroj it. r A VOL. VIII. Mr. Kdwin M. Holt, fatherot Col. T. M. Holt, died yesterday morning, in his 78ih year. Warren 11. Johnson, of Webster. Mass.. is just now a local lion lor hav ing driven with a horse and wagon, leading a cow and followed by a dog. all the way from California. Ie started on this overland journey June 1. 1892, and reached home last Friday night. - j- Senor C. Narciaco Pcstrcs. Havana. Cuba, suffered lor over thirty years r.t. i - wiia roeuinaiisru aui w lately relieved by St. Jacob and was imnied- b's Oi rac great pain.banuher. LOCAL NEWS. - HO EI 70 IIW AOYCRTISEMCITS. C W TATts-Cro'iuct riiiv8UEKOta Blaiion llarUml A II rxvuisv, Sccl'y Notice rclllLLKS GlUoa's Imporletl Camly M i5 os Bsus. A DkKosset Lime JUlcc A W IIivt.HnxRK Ship Your Chickens, Ac - There was no City Court this morn ing. I Tho receipts of cotton at -t to-day foot up only 3 bales. There were splendid sb this morning with a copio to refresh and revive vege w o invite tne attention o - ins . to the fact that first qualiv- cCVTyare bens mauo to oruer at one t t tne Wilmincton Shirt Factory. tf. .m.; i m t r r...Li.. t the Hotel Brunswick, was in ths city today. His new pavilion will b3 com- pleted and opened to the public to- morrow. Schr RnUiDarlinu Chinman clear- A Crorht train ol 27 mra camn in this n x. a m w ., .. v.. v. Vi Ibis number. 24 cars were loaded wita truck for the Northern markers. The f m r t- Knilnoia !a I nror f li o n nantl this I year. The fatigue'eaps of the Hook & Lad der Co., No. I, have arrived and are now at tbo store of Messrs. Harrison & Allen, where the members of the com pany may obtain them. They are very light and neat. ' Two white tramps applied for lodg iiigs at the guard house last night. They claimed to belong to Charleston, S. C , and this morning tho Mayor gave tbem fair warning to either obtain em ploy - ment or leave the city within 21 hours ,4Jug IJrcakliis.V The 4,jug breaking" cntcrtaiumeut given by the Dorcas Society of the Lutheran chorch on Wednesday night, was repeated last night, with a much larger assemblage than on the first night. It was a very pleasant affair ana ine receipts were ausiaciory to a.i j.L . r concerned. Tho Crops. l'coplo from the country, who arriv ed hero list night, give encouraging ac counts of tho crop prospects. They say thai the stands, both of corn and cot ton, arc generally good, and tbat with the recent favorable weather they are making splendid progress. Men and animal ami farmlny utenaila are krnt 1 busy in doing everything possible to insure an abundant harvest. Sad News. iciegraoi was receiTeu iui moru- i .1 . in? irom car. a. ... iirusey. wno iaieiy m . a t t I left this city t- Iocato at Ocala, Fla., hirhii!- i...t : i. -i . uur nine .usiiuu is uucr:iu:ij j ne iiuiecuuu nas nau an a tatK. 01 .1 . l l ' i t 1 1 ine meastca. wuicu .was iuuuwcu oy " . pneumonia. Tho many Iriends of tho i I amicieu iaiuir wm waifc ,..u for further tidings honing that tiiey n,.vK m.r. rr..'.i.!p A II nib us. The Ilyan combination, without tha Uyan. gate such an entertainment at the Operallouse last night as was never given there before and such as w ill prob- ably never be given again. They chal- Iencod anv one to stand before tbem. which was accepted by the newspaper men in the shape of advertising and it V is. reedu ss to say tbat tbe latter were I rather passable sparring, but he was a cripple. The audience became so dis gusted with the who.e affair, which was the snidest cPsnidcs, that they left the ballon body before the performance bad concluded. r. k T i" V be "oobstructed upon that side of lee,lriU.rA-n S!,rm2le9- Front street. They bad removed the T,aI. ? $? J ' PP J tin from the roof and had commenced rviuuercc oon KnocKeuoui oi tneir pay. ooiiras uouoi iusuuejm ue toeir neetia Daaghter'a," or Common Scae for Maid. Wife Edgings. SUkjn 1 LUl.j Glove, Ne kwear.ie. Al r f I the sparring was concnc.1 there was supplied from this city, and that in the . . Aitditkma toMlPinery tiro or on-e;ttnies '"'' ' 4? ?JC"i jln u' none t merit the name. A few boys immediate future. U e believe that our and Mother. Author of -Common senre in - uti8i,Hiith.;n.(ij4.,.-..u oftbe city played a little and Gould, people are awake to the importance of f Uenrear' inal 16 V1-'?!-".8 who could knock out an v body did some railroad communication with that sec- tho Household.- (UO.ooo coniea oM). One celved. Am aeiiirg at irk-' that will earn! Wtotwo..w''T,r,Vihh,,c' WILMINGTON. N. C Mulish. Mules may look ever so iunooen', but it will not do to trust tbem. Their eves may look sleepy and their cars flop lazily, but their heels are always awake and as active as the sting of a bee. At Mr. Quiulivan's shop this morning a little snip of a mule was brought to be shod, but wheu the workmen com menced operations the animal vigorous ly protested, and it was more than two hours before the job was done, which with any decent animal might have becu accomplished in 20 minutes. The mule bit and reared and kicked and it took three men to do what is the usual task of one, aud they tverekept busyisl they could be all the time. Tlieittsht Spirit. The Clinton Caucasian, in speaking of the meeting held in that town re cently to hear tho report of tho commit too sent to the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. meeting at Fayctteville, speaks thus cheerfully and confidentially of the out look: - ! . Our people certainly mean business, We are determined to keep abreast of .he times. It is very desirable lor many reasons to secure the location of the proposed extension by way of Clinton. but meanwhile work on the Point Cas- well line is being pushed, and soon the iron horse will come in from Wilmine ton. Practically, the only gap in the connection of the Yadkin Valley line -.7 , , 7 Wilmin w lli hniit and tbat right earl V. : o- - - j ...., A Itipplo. Workmen began this morning, un dor the direction of the authorities, to remove the porch in front of the First Nflfinnnl Kanlr rill 1 1 1 1 n rr in1 mm ry i n n work upon the stone steps when they were arrested upon tho complaint of .unaM eua nmnA. onaoo and taken belore a magistrate lor an examination. The hearing in the mat- tor hnmouor araa rv atnnn ol until A oclo-k this afternoon. In the mean- time tho work has been suspended. There was considerable excitement for a time on tho strest in the vicinity of tho building, but there was no disturb- ance. i Death by Drowning. At a little ftpr nnm todav somo colored sailors belonging on the schoon- f ir,r a v.trr of PhiirlninK! l uinrr in tbo dock at the foot of Red Cross street, wero in bathing, when one of tho crew, named Frank Brown, who 11 could not swim, jumped overboard and beforo assistance could reach him he was drowned. The others had their clothes on wblch impeded their quick- ness in the water and although every cflfort was made to reach him. ho sank u rise no more, after having come to the surface twice. Immediate and ac- ... tive measures wero laien to recover tbo body, but about 13 minutes elapsed be- lore it could bo found and brought to u,.,ri.n.ni,onit .rn.i bloto resuscitate him. Lite had be. come extinct. lie was about "21 Years 1 of ago and belonged at Bridgeport, Conn. Tbo Onslow Kailroatl. The Onslow county correspondent of the UOldiboro MCSSenocr. in a recent letter, says: CJivo Onslow county a railroad and a line of steamers, and in Ics than a qoartcrofc century her oyster trade mm all V A MllllAM AX 9 ff.Jl.M Thft nT.tera now lo Wilrainlnn uiuiiutuuub kua uiiuivu vi -iiiai3. have to bo banlcu forty miles over as "V . - sandy a road as nature could provide. M11 '"IS connection We are happy to state ina arrangements nave oK i.. .w,n..il i.. 1.o to this place, ana tne "Uity by tbe Sea" i i. - !o., I i " imh ntuicu, oume I.. t.- llt.? r .1 . oinw w 11 T ,n V ,i .u , . l u. II - - : r .1 shc has Uctl ftauing upon for s many years. It is wiihiu. tbe I power of either wilminirion. isew Uerne or Norfolk to handle the products of this fertile sec ion as well as the fine fish nJ ion ol iu waters. The Ind tn the men or nhuse il .t hln them to get it will give a hundred-fold in the no distant future. There is not a dcubt that jhe people of Ouslow are in ereat ned of better transportation tacilitie. in order to the better development of their vast and varied resource?, ami there is not a lion and that they are far V-o wide awake to their own interests to let any other city reap the rich, harvest which will result from a close connection with tbe prod acts of Oolaw's lands and waters. lEPlri. FRIDAY. MAY 16, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PARASOLS - KE.U, BAUGA1XS IN THESE GOODS IX BLACK AM) ALL COLOllS. COACHING SUNSHADES i IN ALL COLORS, ALL NEW AND CHEAP. TABLE LINEN at prices not often to bo found. GLOVES ANL HOISERY Au excellent aortnient. DRESS GOODS Summer Silks and many . : . - - I liew things tliat cannot be "enumerated. ! SUITS MADE TO ORDER: T ; MATTINGS AND CARPETS in great varietN " " " ' '. : may 15, 1884 There was a meeting of tho Knights and Ladies of Honor held last night, which was well attended and at which I much enthusiasm was manifested, tk i Ann ,.u 7 w"r"Ma and the acllon taken last mSht Wl1 tend to increase it3 prosperity and con - sequent usefulness. Diocese of North Carolina. Special to News and Observer. ?U?' v n -At., r.MiauuMai i:uuiuu iul litu uiuixaa Ji xjrh (,rni;nn Anmronr.,1 horo i nrl q rr at 10 o'clock in St. Stephen's church, The attendance is large and clerical and lay delegates are rapidly arriving! Tho convention organized by electing Kev-. milh ?5?,aem T:, I m i i . i wwm a pi b-c - inn a r rt m. l i it m a rrl Tt THr cnrof 1 ttj 4r XS7 ! 1 1 1 1 m w Anaerson was unanimously eiecieu Charles E. Johnson was elected treas urer pro tern. Messrs. R. H. Battle and W. E. An derson were appointed a committee to confer with a like committee on the P"0.11!'1 regard to an equitable division ol of the Episcopal fund. Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, ot Charlotte, was elected his toriograpber, viee Rev.M.M. Marshall, I D. D., r68iffnod. mitted to membership in the diocese, - A fraternal greeting was telegraphed the convention ot the diocese ot Last Carolina, in session at Washington. if you need a real good first class oookin? stove, don't fail to see the Ex Icelsior Penn., Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. They are to be fyund at factory prices at Jacobi's. who is the manuiaciurers' asenc. t . - M M About the Onslow 1C it Mk. Editor I have been informed J ,man no Knows 2!nat 110 K7 I ill li nuutl u kliau SACa i vn &uunw luutviw bc built from Wilmington to New River in Onslow county, for aboufc $150,000. . In view of this fact why should not the enterprise be started by Iff iLt ao? There is' no doubt in my mind that city bonds for that amount, say for lwc.nty years r P .uf-T 7,. " i:,.i noaieu at lUll' auii muo ia n nuie douut toat; once built and equipped. with Judicious management the road would pay well enough to keep down iue inieresiuu iuo wuuS. x yun rioie twist in this little word) these hones should bc rcahlized tho city could at any time dispose of her stock in the road at a prom, l, ior one, am in favor of calling a popular election to vole on this auistion. City, May 16, 1884. tax i'atek. Silver riatcd- Spoons, lorks and Knives of best quality, and at manu- j facturer'8 prices, can be found at Ja cobi's Hardware Depot. , t NEW AD VEBTISEMBTS, Notice. 'PHK DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COM- MITTEE of Pender County will meet at Bur- . . . . . tenaance is ucsircu. A. II. PADDISOV, .ccfy. may 16 ltd Aw Ship Your UICKEXS. EGGS AND M COUNTItT PRODUCE GENERALLY to t A. W. RIVKNBARK, 1 Wilmington, N. C. HIGIIESr MARKET PRICKS guarantetd. (Kef-rs to Bank of New banorer ) may 16 Marion HarlancPs T ATE3T AND GRBATEMT WORK. "Sre'a -S-i Urge and beautifully printed and bound vol-j nae. Price 42. ForsaJeac HEINSBERGER'S, aay 13 Uti Book aaU Uuale Storta- NO. 117 NEW A1VERTISEM ENTS' SUNSHADES: R. HQ. McJIUTlRE. I Don't ""O. 112 SOUTn FROT STREET 1 Where HUMPHREY, JENKINS A CO , keep those fine Uelde and Home's Strawlwrrtpn. alan Black and Whortlebcnlea, Apples and Peach- es, when In season. Poultry and Egjra. Cou sfgnments o: the above . solicited, nd satis- faction guaranteed Give jus a trial la all we ask. may 6 j nii it i. j r ' j J trl DS0I1 S Imported bandy . T?muracing i ime fruit, orange. t Chocolate, Ginger, Vacilb, Rose, Bntter Scotc Cherry and Strawberry Tablets, at t . x. u. ! may 2 ! -Corner Fourth an't Nan els 1 i tj a "OQid T?T ft- WTjnTVU j PAIlOlJ I U AU Will W4n.M nP SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, ORNAMENTALNWOOD WORK, apl 22 tf i Executor's Notice. j ttaving qualified as executor of testament of Aiana the last will and testament of Alexander Sprunt, I hereby notify all persons having claims against him to exhibit tho same to me on or hffnro t.h A 9fVth lir nf tnrll 1SJS All persons Indebted to the said Alexander Sprunt win piease mate immediate payment to me. JAMES SPRUNT. Excutor. Star copy apl lS-law6wf Boxes and Crates, T?OR 8HIPMENT OF VEGETAB ES AND X fruits. In shooks or ready made. I YELLOW PINE LUMBER. ' A full stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber La'hs, Ac., for Building purposes. Orders by the cargo. Domestic and For elgn. solicited. i apl 22 dAw PARSLEY & WIGGINS. 1 City Drug Store. .' -15 lO DIARKET STREET, ICE CREAM SODA WATER, BIRDS AND FLOWEUS. Drugs and Patent Medicines. Conolcy'a Cologne Is the best In the city. Cigars and Cigarettes. 1 Prescriptions prepared at all hours dav and night. J. W. CONOLEY, may 5 I Manager. I WE HAVE TN STOCK THE BEST AND CHEAPEST JL Saddles, Harness, ITrunks, .Sitchcls, Dug - Particular attention siren to repairing Trunks s, t n;eions, i;aris. jjrays, &c, lu . 1. by thconly Trunk Maker In thcMate, McDOUGALL A BOW DEN, i. 114 North Frost fit.- Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Stoic, may 12 HAKD, CLEAR . NU 5UUARE ICE shipped to all i 2. 1 point in car load, Ilhd andiBbl lots, well packed anA iu coed share. WcgUrantcc satis- faction and will be undersold by no one. may 10 j W. E. DAVIS & 80N. To Fruit Growers, IOIAVE JUST RECEIVED 110.000 ; Fruit Baskets and Su-awbcrrr Crates, anil - am i.rr . itarcd to furn'sh the trlc. from GoMsboro; io Charleston. These crates weigh It pounds ana save wa in ircigiu between Wiinilngtjon and Newllork, on each trip Write to E. G. BLAIR, Agcn3 apl f Croquet. T $1, $2 ANU $J50 PER .SETT. HAMMOCKS, BASE HALLS. BAT, io siiKirr 3i us i c. New and standard SHEEt MUSIC AT4JNLT 10 CENTS per copy. Those 50 CEN1 BOOKS are sUI! boomlnr. uvcroDc mowanu voiumcs soM. HBADOUARTERS for everything la ihc BOOK AND ,TAT!ONfcRV LINK. YATES' BOOK 8TOKH, mayS 1 Hft Murtft St-et Just Received. I -I ..!': XT AVE RECEIVED TO-D VT A LAhGl lot of elegant Fn and Parana, Hsmburg I pare favorably wlih any la ih : city. Bcfpeetfally : MISS E. KAHRER, Plz3 . Kxehanre Corm r ' 1884. wCI trt clad la . reoeive coQuaiueaUoi'a fxoa oar trfeaZ oa aajjaad ! ail .subjects ot seaerallatepestbTst : - i - j -!,Tae Baste of the' wriici-mnji atwajs la ft r Jsaea to tbe Satox: ; ' i ' I CoauamilcaUonanMUX b wrlttea oa oi; one aide of the paper. 1 , ' j rerBOCAUUeaiansttxj avoWaa." j ' AaaitU epiclallyana partlenlarry uiei1 tood that the Editor does mot always eador to the vlcwa of correspondents nmleu o ut. in the editorial eoloasa. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Tuesday May 13, ISSii i AuAoOLb for Lat-les, PAIIASOLA for it JeEcf, I'AKAbULS fvr CUlMrcD, In every fctjlcaca color, at TAYLOIW BAZAAR, TUESDAY, MAY 13tli, AND EVERY DAY THIS VEEKJ . ..'."..'), J A;Ncw tockurTEATlIL&'.ixowiRS. A"Kcw tock-of IIAT3, TRliiAtED 1D UNTRIMMED. ' i;! 1 ' " A New Stock of Ornameuts, Slides, Buckle, in steel, jet and pearl, together, w'itli "an IM MENSK bTOCK cf Laces, Veiling:, lAdtja, Misses and Children's Aprons, bkirts. Mxhl ' ' Eolcs, and a great tasny other articles, rlilrh . : i we w 111 dUplay on our counters TUE'DAY. iuaj loin, ana uurinK the emlre week, Wbich we invite tho, Ja dies to! call, and see Prices, Quality and Beauty' speak for them selves at ; ,- -' "..:):'' " ,' TAYLORS j - BAZAAR, 118 Market St., I may la WILMINGTON. N. 6. N. B. The coolest store In town for ladies t3 stop In Is TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, f i - DoiVt Pay Rent! TfrilY PAY RKr WHEN TIIK sajni.e money will buy yen a hone II In this city I have sold over 000 hundred .and fifty Lota and Houses ar , T . ' ' t. . - ...... 1 an 1,018 t0 Parties who have paid In full tor . . ; I 'hem, by Insta'mcnts monthly paymrotJ. Also, I have a large number now on my books, who are making regular monthly payments and will soon own homes and get clear of Lanti lord rnle. - - MoneytoaTaedto thosewlshmg io build. , .. .VApply'to""?fT' -;-(' I ' t , mayli cw , , 'JAMES. WZLSOy. Steam e r Pass port ILL - MAKE REG ULAR trlpj to Smithville and the Forts ' lrf? Y 1 every day except Sunday. t ' " ' 1 Farci75c. round trio. Parties of ten or morn cau secure tickets day beforo hand for 50c. j I1 21 , J. W. JIARPER 1 - Jtfrigsv Pharmacy. XTAVISG BOUGHT OUT TUE TJ. WALI PHARMACY, ' V. W. FfOBt and Market streets, wo are pre pi SCHO.V corner nrcnared to mrnisn ai rocs iioiiom pr.ccs everything utu ally kept In a FIRST CLASS DRUG Six) KE. KbdccUI attention will bo given to tho prcpir ation of physicians prescriptions. i may 5 tt cod W. S. BR1GGS & CO. Hon. A. M. Wadflell. 1 AT& ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE 1 Tf I HON. A. M. WADDELL aa a ciimll.latft for uougios- rront tho butii nistrlct. subject to the action of the Democratic Convention of tfie Dis trict, tchencaUot. ' I - li may 12 tf ' - ! A LIME JUICE. DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE.) 1 ENO'S FRUIT SALT The English Prep- aon, from sound, ripe fndt, lcaRh giving cooling and Invigorating. ; ; . JIINEUAL WATElS-rIawlhorii,Congrcsf , I Appolinaris, Uunyadl and others bottkd; Vichy, Tate Epsom'andDccp Eock on draught MundsIBros.;& DeRossetv Druggists. Market street, , ? Wilmington, X. C in iy 13 RIew Arrival At No. G South Front Street B EiTSc IMgAR-S: Aprcl),urcr, p:c IMuer. Afrr SxMtcruid Ton ion r lorm pic and Ulg Ikei i:ctof Wine in 1 Llriuors an l Coo'ci of Orngnt iwr. ' , He d Quarter! ncvr Harp Band tnl tlon'l yon firKCtUf - ' spl oi'Fcc or ; Dr. S. C. EHis, XTO. 3rt MU?TII Fourth tTf. op iy porite lllll-r'a Drug atore, - Onl hour 'J u I i m.. to 5 p. m. . . ,.t'- j T-ephone at rrsitfeoce, N t5. 1 Has Arrived I A FRS-II EUPPLf Or TH A dl!e!or " A.ri'vt T wOJ f I bat the rery ben aTst-elassgooda. Freeh nj ply every week. Caivlxunine a terser -.- . f : p. r. .K', , Family Grocery, - , & - GEO. IL CSAP05C, Aftat, mch:tC Z3 SotiUi Front St i

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