xt2 inn 8aafy ;aerte4 by JOSH T.JAMES, jorro ad raorEixroa. olPTXOXS rOSTAGB PAID: rear f X Six month, rz.oa. Tare 1.80: One monia. ceni. t nrr wlU be dcHrered by carrier free Aaarft. rt of 11,6 at tte orWircr week. Iitett!:n rV low and BberaL eUcrlbert will rerort MJ and ail faU- f - trt recite their pHr regnUrlyr 77 Au7y Review has Lht largest iJi f. k ciraihiiioii. qf any newspaper cilu of Wilmincton. JQ p ""u'e think there is danger or some ,(.,,,,3 in the action of the Dcmo- Ctjttidj Conventions throusbout .tS'.a'.rt rrsatil to the election ol jy. -in l the National Convention at tax:". w0 nVeution to the i.. in orJ.T that the dinger may be !:Jcd. I no Slate Kxrculive. Com to recommended that each county m trnd dclczatt-s to tucct at Ral- JjWJ-"- . a, the sauic tiiue with the mvtiag I tic State Contention, for the ur--cf eleven delegates to the Chicago ',.f,fn instead o waling for the ,UJI - r--!ar district r.wiinatiny convco t:-,-tod go because some of these dtrict ruminating conventions will cot be held until alter the Chicago Con-t-M- The recommendation ct the State Executive Committee has been adopted hx some counties and not by others TI.e Executive Committee of the Third rictbavc refu.cd to adopt it. c tliit Mecklenburg and perhaps Ler counties of the Sixth District pr r.;to ai-)tt it, and we call attention t. t- matter in order that these cutties which have not yet acted may know what other counties in the aame C-nre-aiooal District are doing II the (!jo?reionil Convention in tbe Sixtb or any otter District H not to be held ut!il af.er July 8th. (the dato of the Caiyj Ie:nocrattc Conveoton) then f corse tteso district conventions can i.u i lect tie delegates and the recom luecJatlua of the State Executive Com- talt.ee muit be adopted by them. - - - - I'rof. John M. I.angston, Minister to Ihui. is a iuadroon. Frederick lKu;'ass is a mulatto. They have tock cd Lorns to angry controversy. Langston m'.cs numerous charges of bad faith ajrunit Douglass, who retorts vigorous ly upon "the -hamelss liarM and hopes that hi specific denial may "settle like a mantle of fire on tbe bead of the heartless malisccr." LOCAL NEWS. IICEZ TO MEW AQVIBTISEMEMTS. The Science of life I A Smith TurLlture CajLac Ioi iu Plaster M JJ Katz Jot ttecelved ; J BNtrt Chm'n Notice P W Ziou:x-46S a Month TH.n C. CaAFT. Aft In Stock C W Tatx rbotoxnph Albums IlkijtsaxaoKK ruo anJ Orxas ; NoTlct W llmtoslon Ll;ht Infantry McUoUOALL. A Bowi)ix-We Have V tarsia cm A Co Headquarter Ciix A MfKciuso.x Water Coolers r C Millkk (ilUon ImportoI Caodr IIi xps IICJS.A OcHossirr Mellclnes K!di.iiT3 or JloxuK RegaUr MccUnjf IIi!fk No biislocM transacted Tuclay J C McCi edv A Co-Battle of Uc-tVorM niULR-TM rubllc IUre Confidence In l' to. B. rKXNClt A Sons Will Deaae You r tux tx A Taylor TbunUer an I Lightning . r H u J ! 1 VOL. VIII. WILMINGTONJN. C-. MONDAY, r MAY 19, 1884. NO. ai9 NEW ADVJEKTISEMKVT8. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U e are very sorry to learn that Mr. Medical Conventloo. William Genaust, whose place of busi- The North Carolina Med icif Society nri i.h on rouriu. near Hanover street, will convene at Raleigh to-morrow Jiau tlic misfonune to have one of bis morning. Dr. Thos. F. Wood left here arras broken on Saturday night, caused this moraine to be in attendance, and by a crate of beer falling upon it. Dn. Bellamy, Thomas, (G. G.,) Ma- Tho Wilmington Uht Infantry will fber. Smith and Dritchard will leave EVERY( DAY BRINGS FRESH PROOF TO US OF THE GOOD WILL iwr uju same purpose lo-uiut. THE PUBLIC HAVE CONFIDENCE IN US I celebrate their anniversary to morrow. the .X)th, by a parado and target prec ticn iu the afternoon aud a reception at night.' This gallcnt old I company is now in a very prosperous condition. It has an enviable record which will long be maintained. same learn that the last three named gentle men will go before tbe Board of Medr i cal Examiners to bo examined for a t license to practice medicine in this State in accordance with the law. The dwelling oi Mr. M. J. Diuglo hoef. on Filth street, between Chestnut and Mulberry, which was seriously low the city OQ the l-th inst and he You ns: Cranes. A geutleman of this city happened to find the neat of a crane a few miles be- injurcd by five several weeks since, is being repaired and when completed will bo much improved in appearance. It has been raised nearly, a foot and will bo somewhat enlarged. took a couple of the eggs which it con tained and brought them home and placed them under a hen that was set ting. Yesterday two lively young cranes burst from their shells and at last accounts were doincr well. It Mr. Joseph Shillington, publisher or S8cms to U3 tfcat that 0m herl Wlu have heelers Reminiscenses of North some curious thoughts before long as Carolina, notifies subscribers that 8Ue Sec3 those long-necked, long-legged section III of the work, containing cranes meandering aroung among her counties from Hertford to New Han- chicky biddy pullets, and wonder how over, inclusive, and tho Defence of thp thini? hannenpd' North.Carohna, by Daniel K. GoOdlae. is now ready lor delivery: by Mr. W. G.Hubbard. 42 and 44' South Wall street. Columbus. Ohio. Ivnisrlits of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 431. Regular of all classes. The public have faith in our published statements and wct strive 'to deserve the full measure of confidence so freely t placed in us. , '" Each week foot up far in excess of corresponding Weeks in any reviotis year since the establishment of the house. This effect must have its cause, and that may be found in the fact 4hat we are giving better i value for all money received than we were ever able i to do before. Our advantages .for buying are equal if not superior to those of any i i i other house in America. r , . i ' When we desire to buy goods we aik no favors of any manufacturer or whole sale dealer on earth. We buy closely and quickly, but qualities must be up to the mark and prices our own. As we buy, so do we ; sell; we mark our goods lower than others can and sell them at a smaller profit than any other house in the State can afford to. yx-U i i vvzazZ toxics: i.: I ; W wEi ta glad to f reeelr coomgntcagox a froa oCTfticaii oa aayaai aa tabjacti . general latexcsl but ' lba nazae cf tbo writer meat always t alsbed to tbo Efttos. , t ; ; j f ConummlcatJoaa mnat t wtltto oa caTy oaeaMaol the pti ! " j;:.'; ; JPeMonaDtleaiauatbe avoided. ; f "..', ' ' Aad It U espeebuV aat "parUcularly xattr tood that the EdUoi floea ot ahraji . Wte to tbevlcwa of eorrcapoadenU ualesa to atTu. la tbe editorial oohxauta. 1 . NEW -A11VEET1SE2JENT3 ilSTl "RECEIVED. ; fruit, lL" .' 1 : - tit , i : -: 116 rilarket St. i f1 Another Assortment jects, aims and expected results, and as the funds in their hands are somewhat meeting this evening at 74 o'clock. Full limited, they would be glad of some State Exposition. The managers of the North Carolina State Exposition are about to issue a All customers in our house are treated alike, and whether young or old, expe- paraphlet rejardmg its interests, ob- i j . ,x i , , Braided Jerseys, , -Embroidered White Dresses, . Wide Embroideries, : m i , Nainsook Checks and Stripes, - : . - - v: ' Marseilles and, Pique Welte, ' "'a , rersian Lawn land Linens, v Tnekiirg and all our Embroideries. i L attendance desired. It. ISasq Ball. A match game of base ball was play. ed this afternoon on the corner of Ninth tind Dock streets between tho "Lazy Boys" and the "Smart Boys" nines, which resulted in a victory for the former in a score of 9 to 8 by the latter. City Court. Robert Clark, colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct. Ho was found guitly and fined $5, in default ol which he was sent below for 10 days. Two youug men, whose names was advertising patronage. The edition will consist cf 15,000 copies, which will bo distriboted throughout the State where they will be apt to do the most good. The prices of advertising have been fixed at $25 for a full page, $15 for a half page and $10 for a quarter page. Further particulars may be ob- their money that it is In our power to give. I CXJCFQD TO. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. 3,000 Yards In Ftemnant i Cheap ! Embroiderie may 19 mtttt&ktm BATTLES OF THE I'JflRin. wmw iuu m I py CATT. U, U. 8. A. UWTUKY rKOU THE BATTXE-niLD. Showi how K&tlooi hare bee mad or Extra Jabs Forshee, of the firm of Kenan & For- shee. may 1 i 4w dtSfcw Personal, i Capt. V.-V. Richardson, of Columbus county, passed through the city last night, en route to his home, at White ville, from Washington, D. C, where he has been for a few days. Mr. E.jBrowne, ex-United States Con sul at El Paso del Norte, Mexico, ar rived in the city yesterday and registered .Brutal Assault. On Saturday night, between the hours ot 10 and 11 o'clock, Mr. Willie Dahmer, who live3 on the corner of I TMrfl nnrl rirnnawlrlr af.rpnr.a rn thn suppress, for engaging in an auraj . were Nonh sid(J of the Railroad;.waa a8saulL i noeasiueacn. mihv nni(.iTir Wo, nri nfhor ""J .-v, , wwmv.v.v., w For Charlotte. and seriously injured. Dahmer's sister The Howard Belief Steam Fire atl started to a neighboring store to , Engine Co.. No. I., will leave here to -a-e some purchases and while on her at the UonSGm night lor the celebration at Charlotte, way was met ana msuuea oy me MtvJoseph s. Williams and wife, starling from their emjino house at 0 wu'cu formerly of this city, but now residing o'clock p. m. They will take with scream lor assistance. v me neanug &t Middletownt Conn arriyed ia the them their engine, nose reel and horses, a .ov city on Saturday nightand registered at will have about 26 men in uni.'orm. protection auu wuu ao ppioacu- p urceii House. f I . - -f- J I and will be accompanied by the Cornet tne scene, me rumans aiiacsea mm, Concert Club. Thev will return to the and Leak struck him upon tbo head and city on Thursday morning. arms which knocked him down and in- . . , llicted wounds which are of a serious Grand Locltro I. O. O. F. and dangcrous nalurc. Jjoak, who a Tbo delegates from this city to tho traiQ nand Cn the local freight of the meeting ol the grand lodge of this order Carolina Central Railroad, was arrested at Winston have returned. They rc A Settees. In Stock. NEW LOT OF LAWN CHAIRS AND 1 Elegant Dining Room and Chamber rurnltare. Our assortment , of Rattan and I Reed Chairs la extensive. i " ' To arrive this week, something entirely new j In B 1BY CARRIAGES. Give U3 a call TnOS. C. CRAFT, Agt., Furniture Dealer, , may 19 20 So. Front Street orcd Silks. : Besides a Conplete'AssortmejutOf FANCY DEESS GdODS. All at Very Low Trice,' .... , .;1 --fJ AT ' WILL PLEASE YOU M- KATZ', ! Jt -M m, mm mm m . mm . . yy' CAN OFFER BUYERS OF BOOTS and SHOES great inducements in tbe way of Shapes, Variety, Style, Be tuty of Finish and The storm signal was hoisted this forenoon and has been flying ever since. Duplin Superior Court, Judge Sbcp- a:d prptdiiig, convened at Kenansville th: morning. The nights arc a trifle loo cool vegetation, but they arc delightful keeping purposes. lor :or port that tho meeting was an agreeable one. mat muca business was transact ed, and that their reception and cntcr- ment were hearty in the extreme. The following officers were chosen : Grand Master, John E. Woodward, of Wil son; Deputy Grand Master, J. II. Mas ten, of Winston; Grand Warden, C. B. Edwards, ot Raleigh; Grand Secretary. J. J. Litchford, ot Ilaleigh; Grand Treasurer, K. J. Jonus.of Wijmington ; r; the fit i Fruit Growers Association. The Executive Committee jof N. C. Fruit Growers1 Association met at Goldsboro last Friday, and decided to hold their next annual fair in that city. Mr. J. A. Bonitz, of the Goldsboro bv officer Statelier yesterday afternoon Messenger, with characteristic liberal and lodged in jail to await an examina- ty, tendered the use of the Opera ;nn uMMi will tnkn nln.no thin avpti. House and Hall to the Association for livsu, t, w.w. ..... r - . ( t . t Ct...,nn XT 1 I thn rtiirr tnapa nf t.fiA fftir. ing DCIoro4 uuaiiuo obiausa. no icaiu I i i ; n -j "C!! ICO that it is tho opinion of the physician The following are the officers for the WCO. It. XreHCJl & oODS, who was called to tho wounded man, ensuing year: that his wounds are very serloas and President R. P. Paddison. may result fatally. Secretary S. Otho Wilson. Treasurer J. A. Linebeck. OH lO UDSIOW. v ll rnmmiMj-.Mp:ri IliVlr Durability. Call and try on a pa! i wUl please you. 116 Market St. may Hi " " Thunder arid Ughtning I PROTECT' YOtJB HOUSES WIT LldaT- NING RODS. Supply your Cook with a GOOD I STOVE. We have Ihcm. CaU and see. - ! , PAJiKEil TAILOR. PURE WHITE OIL. , ,naayl9 WE HAVE -!. 108 NORTH FRONT STREET, may 19 j N STOCK THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PIANOS & ORGANS fADE BY THE MOST CELEBRATED j Manufacturers, endorsed by the leading eml- J Saddles, llarnrss, Tnuuu, Satchel, Bog gles, Photons, Carts, Prays, Ac. In N. C. Particular attention given to repairing Trunl It is full time, we think, that some Lindiey, Ragsdale, Linebeck and Dr. rk-frani7vl mnypmflnh should he mad I a c GofViwoll m I"-"" ' I nant nfamtafa s9 tlt . 1 . i a ..!. o f i I . i i u . -. k-uu. j F u.o uj,, iu uvw out icjjiicuwutu w (iiu uuvvu'iu uranu i or our uvufto luu.iujj ia wq iausuuc ine lair vrui uouciubuuicwuic uunue I 1 Our market is bounUfully supplied Lodge. J. F. Pavne, of Monroe. tion of a railroad to Onslow county, the latter part of July or early in Au- 10 bUatcr d P1 off ln two or tnree nthB-, wi:h vegetables of nearly every Tariety It being announced that Rev. C. C. We believe that the road can be built, st. bat the date is not yet positively hut are &uranteed to resist the atmosphere tsdof excellent quality. I Dodson, grand chaplain, was seriously that it will be built and that it can be determined upon. The officers of the chants of the South eauaii- L well aaanv We invite the aUention of our citizens sick lho foHWID resolution was un- made to pay and believing this we can Association will make every effort pos- to the fact that first aualitv shirts are animousiy auopteu oj a rising vote: put urge upon our peopio iuta .necessity sible to have me nexi iair equal, n not I 1 l l A II ! a a?- Sv it i 1 - . at the " nereas. we learn wua proiouna oi action, ana prompt action at mat. superior, to any oi lis predecessors. sorrow of the extreme illness of our While we are wasting timo in talking Vit ' x- PI- worthy brother. C.C. Dodson. grand . . . f . . . Dr. F. W. Potter, city physician, V-uu r WW M W r Pfk rWtr. -v mm mm m mm - ' ' mm mm m mj w W A mm mx 1 lizz made to order at one dollar Vfluicgton Shirt Factory. -Tcr Plated Spoons, Forks and Kiivcscf best quality, and at manu buret's rrices. can bo found at Ja- this lodge to bear its consolation and oni Hardware Dcrot. t ajmpalny to the family o( the alllicted . brother .--w.orcu nro companies wem uuii An claborato anu aoiej report upon ..c.iiUQa ior rrsuiar juuuim 1 the subject ot uues anu i oeneiits was rvlc They had two bands ot music m bv past crand master C. M. 1x.kcJ well and maiched well. Basbcc, chairman ot the committee on Grand Chapter of Royal Arch ? subject, appointed at the cai rf vrK r.r!?n Hr P. session, and the following were among Piano or Organ made, and to improve in qual- lty of tone by use. Call and examine these by the only Trunk Maker ln the Bute. MCDOUQAUL ft BOW DEN, 114 North FiwtSt. ' Next to D. A. Smith's Jfurnlture Store. mayl'J . i , 1 i i . . ., ii iii i Headquarterc T7IOR riSHINa TACKLE. V ! t r . ' : . AT ..- ,.i (J J. W. E. 8PRIKGER CO3., 19. U and 23 Market 8tret Tbe largest and best assortment ever oiScrcd in this market. - : - may 19 resolved that our worthy master be re- aud have organized a movement to se quested to appoint three members from cure the trade along the coast for New- hern. Norfolk and Dallimore. There seems to be a growing senti meet in the City infavorof the plan pro- a cf North Carolina. Gnsjom. Cr.nj H!h Pricat. will mem the resolutions reporated and adopted : ia convocation at Elizabeth City That from and after July cath.v.H- ; Ut, IBS, no subordinate lodge shall -a test. ny weekly benefits more than one- crops iu the country are growing b1 lfae suo collected as annual dues -et't.-t t ii i from each member, except that any ua looKiof wen. mere it-evcrj i t nnniA Imm nv I OI -i-caUoa ttat the fruit crop will belnth-r source than dues, initiation and I co aci!tnt. The young fruit is looklog degree, may provide for an increase ot thal ttc county would subscribe 50.000 County, are requecte-: rtmirk.U, healthy and Ihrifty. wceklj benefit, to bo paid out ofsach lnaMof lhe roadt M Proicctetl theDf Uou4e' " 4 0 cfock' p and it may be that the same amount posed by us. that a substantial munici pal subscription be made to the enter prise, and we believe, if tho matter was last propcr'y prcseniea 10 our people, mat a majority would voto in favor ol it. We understand that tho people of Onslow Jminy households." county arc very anxious to trade here, preferring Wilmington t' any other place, and we tbiak that handsome subscriptions might be had there in aid tho enterprise. If we remember correctly, it was said some years ago has kindlv furnished us with the amount of rainfall for the year which commenced April 1st, 1883, and ended March 31st. 1881. both inclusive, ae gives the tables for each month, and the aggre crate is a total of 66 78 -100 inches for the year. famous instruments at Dr. G. W. Littell. druggist. Creston, Ohio. wrile3as follows: I am selling St. Jacobs Oil. tbe great pain-cure, an I I can sav that it brines comfort to NEW A 1 VJElfcTI S KM EN Tt . Notice. DEMOCRATIC EX. 11 r EMBERS OF THE ..uiJTlVK COMMITTEE of New Ha-orer uected to meet at tho Parcell 111 , Monday, slay tcuu U. m. may 19 td Chairman. income Sciir. r; nTim,f P..K.Alf roil I Vsdn J. That Irora and alter July vii-s wa. ihox wa vrviav wa 1 . r. m 1 - . JlorS' rrmm fr.BrU with I 1SSI- 51 unral benetits abail may be secoreU there now xru witu js& 4ui . . . 1 k naul hv n nuHftfinipnt levied rrm I r ...r.i. : . 1 . . I . . ruw ufu -uci-ioti v 1 , f ,lirt.,l.l 1,1. I in-. w ay ueiar a iku nomwy inu 'Tt.S tar sr.il 42 Kri-1 r5 r-Vi --1nH-1 I I fh,t thrt im mav hA nald F,u "4 "iwiujiwu uuuiu iuo. me -nalrersarr of tbe Meekk-nbnr JiecUraUon - V-B S W M W I WS. 4w V w-m-M w I -F mw-mr mr m - ' m I ll r HEINSBERGER'S. may 19 Live Book and Music 8 tor- s. Photograph Albums. "VTEW LOT Of CABINET SIZED ALBUMS i.1 fust received MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Violins, Gult ars, iiDjo, Accoracons, kowb, trlnM. Ac. LITHOGRArillNG 8eln asrent for one I of the largest Luhonipblg eubliiimenu in mo country, ,! a prepre tn furnifeL Checks, Drafts. Letter Head, Bill Ileal, Wedding n-l Ball IayiUtins, Lritln Car-li, jtc , at very low rates. i - SHOW CASES Several tv- In mftal and walnut, oval an 1 Uevele-l front, at fac tory prices. YATES'BOOKSTOKE, mar 13 IIS Martet f trcet GrandExcursionon Wednes day. May 21, to rnituro. . , ' -I . .... , Ct I t Tl ATTAN CIIAIR3 AND ROCKERS,, It II Children's Carriages, Settees, Lounges, !'. . , - -. ; ,r r Mos'juito Ncta. Cot. Mattrcuca, , , I Springs, Woven Wire prla : f I r j Meat Safes.' Ac, . ; -:r ' '' M,' Reccired tbU week ani f r s tlo low tr - " i: -a , I D. A.MlTlf, m cy l'J Kuriiltui, N. Jroni Street JIunds Bros. DcHbsset, wiii)i.i;sAu: & .jtutAifc OUUGGIST.S, WI ISilKGTON Drugs,Medicincs;CHemicafs Patent mcUiciucs,- A.sr ; 5 li5.5l. shipped Northron .t- fnm... 1 Jon teed & real good first class store, don't fail to sco the Ex r reao Zcb. Vanoo and New JeraiJ, Uaidca others. They are to Usnd at factory prices at Jacobi's. ,w-o u the nla-mfActcm, txtxit. f tact fiiuarel- in the fare that this road of Independence by diessrt. i rr j ' i ; . , . , s. i. sources ether than dues, degrees and initiations, if such Lodge shall so de terruioc. On Thursday oveuinz a banquet, an elegant affair In every partxular, was given by tho Lodgea in 7istcn. and it ?f as a happy dose to a pleasant and harmonious icssion. must be built, and that at an early day. 1 1 is essential to the fioancial health and prospenty of tbe place that It should be done. We want to see the bai'l put in motion at once. nay 19 It A. K WALLACE, Caahurr, Ran- of New Hanover. WALKER, Cas&Jcr. ITrst National Itak. Lake . WaccamawF-0 :GO:P:f or n neat jruiy ai jo -rr.t rn?. i e , The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up but 3 bales. Water Coolers -Y7XBY CHEAP AT GILZS A MTJECIIXSO'S. jaay M Unrc Maori 3PocJt TgY ST. THOMAS i SUA DAT SCHOpL. 2he narper'a will farnlah tnu'. Ice Cream and Lemonade by the Ladiea. - .. . Tickets 73 cents. Cbiklren 50 cents. Train leave here at S?J a. m., and return acres at notice i ; mi 1 ' . ' - . . - . . . . ..w . . .IWU M T V UCI. XUBUS VSI-W r-a... - t !!L. i;T-TU0,f turned on a .ingle Conte.t. A Grand Book for Old nd Tonn.-S-ve, 1 11 fel 1 X. baSU KlbbOO, 1I ACS fllld Col- vmxdttk4Mtmtry.QftPUasMrt and Instruction. Mao. and Fins IHmtritiom. imbWnbillnpnh.K . -''V " wf nnM m ior iiu vwcriyuoa verm. . Aflareu . V. atCVUttUX VU., faUadelDala 1 t 7.10 p. m. Tlckeu at depot, i iajl7 St t Me r.Kw or: the'.: winirK-TN UUUr lXF-iTi41f arc iiereby onletc t to prar a ta Arroori' at 3 oci-ck. "Tues day, May, soui. 1$ , ior Tara aci lir t pracUco. ' ly orJr o' Cf lla - s: xniyDlt lit bergcant,

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