TBJ3TATVL mevUd by J JOSH T. JAMES, tvnom a rpormirTOB. . .!. l nth I-00- X ,icw; Ooe month. 45 eats, ".l wt:i be deBrered by carriers free 'rU and BberaL '.trethctr paper mniUrly, . fh Attfy Acriw &w fcryf JSffe ctrcwWiow. any newspaper ,iV "V t. n S'.i'c rti allow women (o t..h -.hl alTtir. """ i nil " supposed to bare ...."in '.lic .t about $1,000 1)00. 4 LoVdcbt of Nantucket town. I Jt.,y A. Siorrs. ol lame as :i i xong the college waiters at tho Nan ,ve: IMet tbU summer will tea S:uu Iiin from !artraoutb Collcjc. A ftllr,w may "feel good" all tbe . - c, acJU'or very little earthly ac cTszt. I: is the leilow that "does cood" IMI tiJmiiMd when ho drops qut of pr-l- iior Snmr.er, the Frcc-lradc dxtricaii Vate. says that the fate of tt.- Morrison bill U "only an in ( -i.ier.tal co!ItiUa in the irrepressible r,5!ij? Cireco. ot Mississippi, the eld ti. bishop ol the Kpiicopal Church has tartftrredta ttt Itev. Dr. Hugh Mil ler TfcouipHjn; hii associate, ail llie a .laiaiitrattrc work of his office. . ..... - tie Carci of the Grant & Ward tel'.irt are noW growing larger, the rc cciier cow ritimating the total amouLt of ttu Ztzi tndeb:ednc.s at $H.50I,s wboftho assets he knows nolh- is. lliiinJcpcaJon' Hepublicain. with Ua! tsirtcrs in $cw York, bave en nidWruua'. the (I rand Tacific lisei aad will si tnl a strong delegation u the t'bienjo convention. Edmunds a:d to bo their first choice. An ionovatioo was noticed at tho recent yeatly meeting of the Friends in Philadelphia. The mea and women s&t together on the benches, whereas, for perhaps two hundred year, men sal ta one end of the room and women ki the other. - - - - lion. F. II. Stockbridge. who has U-ea cciisidercd as an available candi date fur the Itepublica nomination to the Governorship of Michigan, has an naunccd his absolute withdrawal Ironi the Held. Ile&foniofi private nature ha.-e led him to lake lib step. At Monte Carlo it is the cusiom to fill the pockets of suicides with bank notes so that it may be seen that they d.d not kill themselves cn account of losses. They tried this trick on a pre sumably dead Irishman a short time azo; but he was not dead at aU, and skipped off with the money in the most lively style." Tbe latest and by all odds the most coicl device to save life at fires has teen put into practice in St. Louis, where the German Turners have or zaaixed a corps of athletes who will ua lertake to form a living pyramid be: lare a burning building ol any height and Laud d wn the children and Wfcascn salcly. . . A. H. Andrews of.Chfcago, has been caai missioned to make the gavel that shall be used at tbe June convention ia l3:c3o. He has scLt to every State and Territory lor pieces of wood to be wd in makiuc the gavel. Ilock maple frwra Maine, bird's eye from-Vermont snj btveh Ir5m New Hampshire al tealj have been received. Probably the largest solid gold nugget Ik, has been discovered in the Eastern Poited States in twenty years is now iu tlw ir-irssioo of Mr. "Q. W. Uus.h:H, o1 i'ut.aihlpaia. It was discovered some Ju:s ao in a North Carolina gold Ei-ae. The nugget weighs over four Pnidi. and contains much less than I Htce?:. of any other substance. Its 'naiic value has been estimated at !s than $1,000 Lord Coleridge is pretty much through Lis book on America. His friends Vlare that it -witl create a sensation IItl"Americaos will bo surprised a t-e mailer contained in cerUin chapters devoted to a correction of ultra-America sectinieau delivered by Coleridge ia ioaie of hs after dinner and levee oratory, and which were to ill-received ky his more conservative Enzllsh Aa immigrant family comprising a husband, wife and fifteen children land. Irons the cart at Milwaukee the other 'ky. The husband and wife each car ried an Infant in their armr, and were fullowed by the other thirteen all joined together by a small rope attached to VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C,. WEDNESDAY, MAY the arm of each one. They were bound for Minnesota to settle on a farm. All were comfortably clothed, and the hap py father seemed well supplied with money. The pa rents" were apparently about 45 years of age. ! 1 LOCAL NEWS. tllDEX TO RIW ADVERTISEMENTS. Attentloa W. H. K. K. Co.. No. 1. J C W Yates Ibotofrapi Albuui! IIcJNSBEBoeB-l'Uno aod Orao$ II)Lli.x(vorth Acb-rofia'cP .Ions U Savju;k EiCJLxi 1'iUoncr .CCiioxSecoDd liapllst Church, r C MlLIXK GtbOQ Imported Can.ly Ul'sus ISK3S.A DkKosset Medicines The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up only 5 bales. t There have been bo tramps at the guard house for several day?. The Charleston Xcws and Courier i copies our report ol the killing of liogan Cash, but gives the Star credit therefor. . One case of disorderly conduct waj beloro the Mayor this morning, which was settled by the payment ot n fine of 5 Mr. James O. Uowdea ha a coUard plant in a garden on his distillery yard, at Point Peter, that measures four feet across. j 1 4- Judge A. A. McKoy has been do- signaU-d to hold the special term of Hertford Superior Court, which begins July 23th. j I " 1 i We invito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. " I tt. , The New Ilinovcr Cimnty Demo cratic Executive Committee will mcet at the Purcell Honse on Monday nextf at I o'clock p. in. At 3 o'clock this alternoon the1 thermo meter in this office resisted 82 degrees, one degree less than it marked yester- day. at the same hour. There will be joint services for the congregations ot St., James1 and St. John's, held in St. John's Church to morrow, Thursday, at 1 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. . j Mayor Hall,, Major jStedman and others, who Iclt here on Monday night for the celebration at Charlotte, return ed this morning and wero highly pleas ed with their trfp. I Cau't we have a good, old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration this year? Something, for instance, like throwing the first shovel of dirt on tbe new Onslow Railroad. J The members of Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No. larcordeicd out to-morrow morniog to parado at the Carolina Central (depot to receive the returning companies. When we all went to bed last night tho wind was from the South, and it was warm, and when we all woko up this morning it had boxed the compass aid was from tho North and it was cool. The members of the j Second Baptis church have chirtcrdd tho Passport lor Thursday, June 5th, and wtll give an excursion on that day to Saaiihvilie. the Forts and over tbe Uar. Messrs. J. W. Harvey. J. I). Reynolds and B. R.King are tho committee and those gentlemen promise that every arrange ment possible shall be made for the comfort and convenience of cursionists. 1 the:ex- The Kxotlus. The Summer exodus to tho Sounds, the mountains and other health re'sorts has beeun. although the number who have left is yet small. It is rather early ia the season, but inithc course of three or lour weeks a largo portion of those who contemplate going abroad during the hot months will have left tho city. . j For Waccamaw. According to previous announce ment tbe Sunday School connected with the St. Thomas Catholic Church teit here this morning cm an excursion for a day'j recreation and p easurc on tbe banks of the beautiful maw. The excursion Lake Wacca- tram left the Front street depot at I :he time. It consisted of three appoinred passenger cars, which were all well filled by the happy hearted excursionists. ( and as they bave bail delightful weather, we trust that they will all return to-night in safely and that no untoward event may occur to mar the pleasures of the day. Silver Plated Spoons. Forks and Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ji cobi's Hardware Depot. t A Swindler. A young man who had been at work in this city for some lime, as a painter succeeded in perpetratiug several! surg cessful swindles upon some of our mer chants and business men before be left the city. He bad been at work paint ing tho steamer Louise, and .he would ask his victims to cash Capt. Weeks" check upon one of the banks, generally taking a part of the amount in goods and the balance in money. This was done in several instances, but when the checks were presented for payment they were declared forgeries. The man gave his name as McGioniss, and hailed from New York, whither he went on one of the steamers recently leavingtbis pjrt. Mokal Don't cash a check piesent cl by a stranger! Won Tite Prize, Among the exercises today at the celebration at Charlotte ' was a grand musical contest, by the different bands of the State, for a purse, and we are glad to announce to our readers that the Wiliningtda Cornet Concert Club was successful in the trial and carried off the prize, as the following special to tho Review will show: Ciiaklotte, N. C, May 21st, 1834. In tbe band contest to-day the Cornet Concert Lluo won tho prize of one huud red dollars. !E. B. B. We are glad of this and when we re fleet that quite a number of the Club have had but short experienco and practice upon their instrument?, we are very agreeably surprised. We knew that the Club was composed ot excellent maicria!, that the members, and es pecially the new ones, , had been under direction of a competent, thorough and faith lul teacher and that all were en thusiastic for success, but in this in stance they havo rather exceeded our expectations, and we j are glad of it. Wo congratulate thcml and hope that they may "live long andprosper.M Wilmington Ljij lit Infantry, The target practice of the Wilming. ton Light Infantry was a contest for tho company's medal, which was se cured by private W. A. Willson, Jr., who made a score of 12 the highest. He was closely followed by1 Dr. W. E. Storm, who made a score of II. The other scores ranged from from 8 down ward. The judges were Messrs. Geo. D. Parsley. W. A. Willson, Sr.. and D S.Walsh. The reception at tbe Armory at night was a pleasant affair, notwithstanding the extreme heat ot the weather. Dr. W. E. Storm was the presiding officer, and upon taking tho chair made a short but felicitous address, in which he al luded to the prosperous condition ot the corns. The following were tbe regular toasts : "The City of WilmingtonMay her enterprise increase with her years, her . :u l...ia,.:.. . : i lmporiauCv wim uvi uuiuipuac, uuiu sho becomes one oi mo nrst ernes oi mc Union." Responded to by Col. W. L. DeRosset. 'Our Coming Railroads Onslow. Point Caswell and Yadkin Vallej May tho 'snort' ol tho iron- norso soon be heard in our mids, and there be no 'check' to his go-ahcaditiveness." Re sponded to by Col. F. W. Kerehner. "The Fire Department Our twin sister in the defence of tho lives and property of our fellow-citizens." Re sponded to by Capt. CD M vers, i Tho Old North State 'Heaven's blessings attend her. While we live we will cherisb, protect and ideiend her'." Eloquently responded to by Mr. Thomas W. Strange. 'The Merchants of Wilmington May they, by legitimate competition, always meet with success." Responded to by Mr. Samuel Bear. "The Wilmington Light. Infantry Her thirty-first anniversary : May we all be here to toast her hundredth." Responded to by Cipt. R. II. Berry. Our Jnvitul (luosts We extend them a soldier's welcome." Responded to by Mr. Iredell Meares. 'The Ladies 'Oh. woman, in our hours of ease, i Uncertain, coy and bard to please; When pain and anguish wriDg tbe brow, A ministering angelitbou.' " Responded to by Mr. Pembroke Jones. "Tho Blue and the Grey In union there Ks strength; lot the dewl past bury its dead. In the future, 'united we stand; divided we fall." Responded to by Mr. Wm. Calder.) 'To the Dead of the Wilmington Light Infantry." Drank standing and xtx sIKqocc 'The North Carolina State Guard Her pulse beats with the fouls ot patriotic men." Responded to bv Ad jutant N. F. Parker. "The Material Interests of Our City and State May each succeeding year bring us greater peace and prosperity. Responded to by Col. Roger Moore j "ine veteran Corps or tbe W. L. 1 i By cmulatinz their examples ol man liness may we brighten the lustre that already encircles her namo." Respond ed to by Col. J. L. CantwelL Jellerson Davit "Our beloved honorary member." Responded to by Cols. Cant well, Moore and Kerehner. From Charlotte. ... - i - W.e are in receipt of the following letter, .written by one of ourcilizene who went to Charlotte to attend th& celebration ; Charlotte, N. C , May io:h, 188L Editor Review : We arrived in this city with the Wilmington boys, this morning, without any accident to mar the pleasure of the trip, and all were in excellent f pirits. , although simewhat tired Irom the effects ot their all-night's journey. The procession was formed near tbe Central Hotel and consisted efevea three bands of music and eighi or ten carriages containing some of the dis t nquished gentlemen of the country? Thence it marched to Elm wood Ceme tery where the orator 6t-the occasion, Hon. R T. Bennett, was introduced and made a neat Utile speech, alter which the firemen's statue was unveiled amid bud cheers from the assembled multitude. The procession then march ed to a beautiful grove near the Graded School, 1 as per programme, Evety house on the line of march was decor ated with national flags, with here; and there a flag ol the red, while and red. The music was fine, but it seemed to me that the Comet Concert Club ex celled them all. and that was the gen eral opinion expressed on the streets. ' Upon reaching the grove, the Orator of the Day, Hon. George II. Pendleton, U.'S. Senator, of Ohio, was introduced to the audience by Senator Yanee. Senator Pendleton spokeof North Car olina and of the . active part she had taken in the Revolutionary struggle in 1770, irt the highest terms. His grand father,! from irginia, was in tjie bat tle of the Cowpens and King's "Moun tain, i The distinguished speaker loved North Carolina and felt a deep interest in her prosperity and welfare. Her sons were liberty-loving people wrho were ever ready to stand for the Con stitution and laws ot the country. The Senator had never been in the State before, but he had been amply reward ed for this visit by tho enthusiastic welcome he had received, and express ed the hope that it might be again his pleasure to come to North Carolina. During bis speech, Senator Pendleton was frequently interrupted by bursts of applause, i Senators Jones, of Florida, and Davis, of West Virginia, also made brief speeches complimentary of North Carolina. j Alter dinner there was a competitive drill of the military companies present. and although the judges had not pub lished the result, it was1 the general impression that the company from Winnsboro would be awarded the first prize and tho company from Dur ham would secure the second prize. ( Respectfully, i E. G. B. OT fj l"a BIRDSKY At OaU, FJa.. on May 19th, of mcniogetis, MARION JUNKS, youngest son oi a. li. ana iiaic s. uirascy, acuo years anu 9 months. The funeral will be from St. James' Church to-morrow (22d) at 9.15 a. m-, tlumcc to Oak- daic cemetery. ( NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ATTENTION MEMBERS W. S. F.E.C0.P. 1. i i YOU ABE HEBE BY NOTIFIED TO Ap pear at your Engine House to-morrow at 1XA o'clock, a. m , sharp, in-furl uniform and fatigue caps to receive Howard belief S. F. E. Co. No. 1 and Cornet Concert Club on their return from Cbarlot'c. By order of tbe Foreman. W. C. CRAFT, may 21 It Sect'y and Treas. Escaped Prisoner. a LIBERAL "REWARD WILL BE PAID for the apprehension and delivery of MARY JONES, colored, who escaped from tho County House of Correction on Monday night. JOILH a. SAVAUK. mav H It Superintendent EXCURSION. rpHE SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH WILL l give another one of thoee pleasant Excursions on ine oin qi a uu-. uu wu fcbe&iuer rasa PORT. U Smith villa and the Forts and out to gea. Keireanmems oi an tinas at city pricop. No objectionable persons allowed, j J. W. HARVKY, J. D. BEYNOLDS, B. It. KING, Commit'ee. 3t may 21 24 June 4. For Sale. PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL CARRIAGE A HORSES, well matchel, good travellers. i docile aifd kind. Also, several nice buggy I horses. FOB H' BE Horses and Vehicles of vari ous kinds for a drive or for afrip to the Sound. W Specia 1 arrangemen's raade for convey log family parties to the Sound. HOLLINGS WORTH A CO., Lirery and Sale Stables. Cor. 4th and Mulberry sta men 21 Don't Pay Rent! yHY PAY KENT WHENjTHE same money will buy you a horae ? In thla city I have sold over one hundred and fifty Lota and Houses and Lots to parties who hare paid in full for them, by Instalments monthly payxvents. i Alao.I hare a large number now on my boots. who are making regular monthly payments and will soon own homes and get clear of land lord rule. Money loaned to thoee wishing to build.1 i "i i - Apply to ' 1 may Mew JAMES WILSON. l'al'li 21, 1884. NO. 121 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JIotice. jyj-EMBERS OP THE DEMOCRATIC EX KCUTIVE COMMITTEE of New Hanover County, are requested to mtet at the Pureell House, at 4 o'clock, p. m., Monday. May HQlh. I I U. J. llONEY, may lp id I I Chairman. The Excursion and Pic Nic SEASON IS OVER AND TllK TIU5ATRI- UAL Aiip BAIX Season has opened again, and JOHN WJSRNKK. the practical German Barber and Perfumer, ia personal! In attend 4m44 Ida Hair DreastBZ Hakm. & Market wwi. oenreen water ana rontj w liming ton. N. C. I melt I City Drug Store. 21C BIARKET STREET. ICE CREAM SODA WATEB, BIBDS AhD FLO WEES. Drugs and Patent McdlcinesJ Conoley's Cologne lthc best in Jhe city. Cigara and Cigure tes. , ; j ' Prescriptions prepared at all hours dav and night. J. W. CONOLEYi mayS Manascer. Hon, A. M. Watldcll. W E A EE A UTHOU I ZED TO ANNOUNCE l HON. A. M. WADDELL as a candidate for Congress from the Sixth niatrlct. subject to the action of the Democratic Convention of the Dis trict, ichen called. may 12 tf i I OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis- I I" i 7 NO. 323 SOUTH' FOURTH STREET, op posite Millar's Drug . Store. Oflice hours 9 to!2 a ra., 2 to 5 p. m. ' tsr Telephone at residence, No. E5. j may C tf " Gibson's Imported Candy, JgMBEACING 'lIME FRUIT, ORANGE, Chocolate, Ginger, Vanilla, - Rose, IButter Scotch, Cherry and Strawberry Tablets, at F. C. MILLER'S. may 2 Corner Fourth and Nun ste HARD, CLEAR AND FQUARE ICE SHIPPED TO AIL ; 1 I' points In car load, Hhd and Bbl lots, well i , rpaekedand In good Bharc. We guarantee satis faction and will be undersold by no one may 10 W. E. DAVI3 A SON. . Notice- MEMBERS OF THE WILMINGTON SLIGHT 1NFANTUY are hereby ordered o appear at the Armory at 3 o'clock, Tues day,' May 20th, 1 1SS1, for parade and target practice. By order of Captain- ! j. J. il EDliiCK , may 13 it 1st Sergeant. fUew Arrival i r i At No. G South Front Street, ! ' i TEST 5c CIGARS : Aprcs Dijuncr, Apres jj iioer, Arres aourcr ana xoniours. ujym pic and Big Ikes. Best of Wines and Liquors ana Coo test of Draught ueer. Head Quarters new I Harp Band and don' you forget Is apl 23 Don't Forget ! N O. 112 SOUTH FRONT STREET ! Where HUMPHKEY. JENKINS A CO., keep those i line UeHc and Homes Mrawberrie. also Black and Whortleberries, Apples and Peach es, when in season, poultry ana isggs. oonr signmcnts or the above solicited, tnd satis faction guaranteed Gite us a. trial is all we ask. I I mayG PUROELI. HOUSE. IJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, ' I WILMINGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY. Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic UotcL Flrat-Claas tj an rTtlnrmnt. Tm tAJ to $ 3.U0 per day. i ' ; Kercliner & Calder Bros. i j WHOLES A LE fl ROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, .X -I oiler for sale a full Hnc of FLOUR, SUGAR, BACON, SALT. RICE, MEAL, CORN,- OATS, SNUFF, SODA, LYE, STARCH, CRACKERS, CANDY, HOOP IRON, GLUE, NAILS, BUNGS, ' PAPER, BAG-, I AXMSGKEASE, POWDER, apl 7 COFFEE, MOLAfcSES, LA u D, HAY. POTASH, SOAP. CANDLES, RIVET-, MATCUK9, BUCKETS, TIES. Ac. Choice New Crop Molasses SECOND CARGO NOW jLANDING AND WILL BE SOLD PROMPTLY FBOM WHARF i . - ! At Low Price- WORTH & WORTH. men SO i ! (WILL PLEASE YOU 1 1TE CAN OFFER BUYERS OF BOOTS aid SIIOE3 great inducements In the way of Snaies. Variety, Style, Bmaly of Finish and Durability. Call and try on a pair; the fit will please you. j Geo. 11 French & Sons, 108 NORTH FROST STREET. may IS -1 - - j - - vT7i will fca ciauJ to recclT eccaxauriiaticx froa trlendsca any; and all cabjaeta :( general tatercst bat " ?.; ' ) J:t UTlie nana of tta writer nrast always t ' h alahed to the Editor. ! - x w . . . . ' - 1 - - , - ywnrannicaaona msa oa WTlttaa oa ;o'y on aide of tho paper. ,. Perso&altaea'iauat ho avoided. And It la especially and particularly tun er tood that tho Editor docs nof always eada so the views of corrcHpondenta tuiloat ao tuu- la the editorial eohxrma. . :. NEW APVERTISEMElfTS Annual Meeting, 1JIHE A NX U A 'MEETING or THE Stock. hoiJers of ttcLTTilmVntonroinprcIaand Waro-l feellLonPy l be held at tho Bank of n.n - GEO.' ft LOAN,! may 13 ;t 1121 t ...fcccfjATrcas , Thunder and j Lightning I PUBB WHITR Ol u ',,9 j tn stock! toe Bust and cheapest J. baddies, Hirres?, Trauks, Satcfcels. line gies, Phajsons, Oaris, Urayx, ac. In NM , l articular attention given ti repairing Trunks I1 i ?. McDOUGALL ItOWDEN, Next to D. A. fcmith'a Furniture Store Headquarter TT'OR F1SUISG TACKLE -A, 1. AT W, R. bPBINGER ft C0S.t !1 I, , J. 21 and 23 Market Steet Tte largest and best aasortmest ever effced iu luuuuikvu j j may I! Furniture. T ATTAN CHAIRS AND ROCKKCS, Children's Carriages. Sctlcca, Loancci. . y . : , -j- .... f Moiuito Nct3. Cot. MattrcceL I Springs, Woven Wire Springs, Meai Salh5. Ac Ucceived tbH week and f jrsala low by I ... - D. A. SMITH,! nny 10 Furplture, N. Front Street Trunks I Trunks! Trunks! rjRUNKS AND TRUNKS, . ' '' SATCHELS AM) SATCilEIS, BAGS AND BAGS. . ' 'j j jl PADDLES ES, HARNEi 3, ... 1 1 I . variety, acdU SADDLERY GOODS In great at the very lowest pricce. i 'Ij a new ioc oi -x run kb ana iraveillne Uar and Baddies iu3 onencd. . Nuw stvlpa Nvw Goods and warrant d to wear well. ! Trunks repaired by as good a trunk maker as there Is In the state of North Carolina, i A call andcximlnatlonls rcanectfuliv kiih.. icu. .j. U. MALLARD, 10 South Front Rtrrot. I Next door to X. Jacobl's Hardware Uoutc may -i) ; Photograph Albums. JEW LOT OF CABINET SIZED ALBUMS iuist received. "' ; 'J . U M USIC A L 1 NSTC 1M KNTSVI oLLns, Gult- I ars. BaDj03, Accordcons, Bows, Strings, Ac. I LITHOGRAPHING Being figent for ono ! of the largest Lithographing establishments in the country, I :an prepared to furnish Checks, Drafts. Letter Heads,- Bill Heads. WcJding and Ball Invitations, Vlsillag Cards, &c , at very low rates. - j i j SHOW CASES-Sevcral styles In mcta? and walnut, oval and beveled fronts, at fac tory prices. , K YATES1 JiOOK STOUE, may 19 - i 119 Market Street. Wotiee. - ! ' TJUBSUANT TO THE POWERS OF SALE I contained la a mcrlirasra mnAa hv .inhn ColvtUe and wife' and Wm. E. Hill and wife toj 1 E. E- Burruss. the 10th day nf HmtPmhorJ lTS.iand recorded in Book "DD", at pago 50j, Records of Bladen county, and in a mort. , gage made by John Colrllio aa the surviving partner of Wm. E. Hill & Co., to E. JS.I Bur l rus;tbe2nd day of J annar v. 18M2 "and r. ' corde t in Book No. 1, of Mortgages,, at rage 54') Records of Bladen county, the undersigned i" seu ior casn, as me vmago or Abbotts'! burg ia Bladen cjunty. on Raturdy. thd 17th1 day of May. 1 864. tha f allowincr described real estate situaied in the said village of Abbotts Durgj ana county or iuaacn, viz : 7 acres! of. lanaijymg oa me orth Bide ox tho C. C- Ball wayj There are on this tracr of land. odcJ Urge frame store hotmc, one large frame drel-l ling, a large car shed, a large machine shop, iiul about i5 smafi tenant houses. Said laud will be sold in lota to suit uarchasers. Also. 0 other lots lying on the Sot.th el te of the C. C. jUauway ana in tbe vuiago of Abbottsburg. icnus caen. xiwe soca. i .. . a E. E. BURRUS9, Morfgagcel C. 43. Lrox, Attorney. v. , I apllft - ":-'- i I law! ir wH Munds Bros. & DeRossetll WIIOLIiSAI.K & KlitAIL h " . - ' , . I II1 - . - . . j ' I. I It UG GISTS, 4' WILMINGTON, N. C . .prugs,Med!pineS Chemicals PatentMcdiciues, ! ' . AND - , U. -A.2STOT GOODS, I of finest qaaiisy at :ocst rale. , mar id . I I PIANOS & ORGANS iyADE BY TtlE MOST; j;KLE SKATED Manufacturers, cedcred b? th Icatimg rol nsnt pLuL:s of the day, an 1 warrntcl cot to blitr and peel offia two or three imontb; but are gutrntecd to re.Lt lita 'attuotheri changes of ile South fjia'.iy srvcll asatty Piano or Organ taade, aoi loivproreis acal- It often by uss, CaUand,cxsmlaeUKie, " ' - ' '-.- i -Jf IN fas9usrnstruaientsas , "HEINSBERGER'S, tii . . . - . may 19 " Lire Bock and llcalc Stortfa pSOTECT.TOUR HOUSES WITH LIGHT- 5 tS v BvvvlT Cook with a GdOD SiTO E AVe hate them.' Ca.landsce.

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