THIS TAT -1 1 JOSH T. JAMES, gsrro rmormiTOfc r-fXCUimOSS FOSTAGE PAID: SCEV700. Six month, n.00. Tbre J5 T ,100; One month, 35 cent. wh 1 delivered by camera fi n H i, aar rrt of the city. bm XHinih llcvicv has the Uiryest JtfcnWiiVw. of any newspaper r the rtty H'lfmtnon. rv- , - Vatb i V. have ltl ., - ;v. ;. . li?os U an acute sufferer ..'tcuraL-i. whU-h. at profit. am -f u:orson a sixteenth of the ntrolSew York, and are aid i t .A linfl!r, fit- . i N t .c l k iVtri:u;r. tlrecoback editor iu tvUosIo. t-.i fa'Ier, heir to $.000 .ri , i t.r.itrd Stales bond. i. h j-unV.eJ thit aftcr4hc political the Kew Wk rnorn:nl t vtVi ill p bnck to the old price. Xit Tunes-froiiocml admits that of Ihe Creole population ;at Mr. CaH's reading at New 0:l-- litftcttre Cues hare caused the buxn ir: and toss ! NO churches in the Lt::ttl Stitcs durinj the past nine . . .... ,,, - Tae fairer ty of St. Andrew' io SMClaai c ateri upon younc women tt .'.erce t-f h. U. A. What is an L. h. .. as'N? ii iavl that Senator Anthony nr.! rest.'a his eat in tho Senate in a lew dijf i:hta!th if assigned as the r33ecf the tki eraftirml himself is a ward of t.'.coarioa; but (leneral Grant's Ward i aaotber son of a fellow, and ought to I- unJ. r hk and ward. -- - Tcnty ji irs a?o then- were twelve woaien doctors in the United States. Now then are ShW in the Geld and a army of recruits in traininx. One of the roost thrivins industries of Germany is the manufacture of antique armor, which modern wealthy families buy to exhibit as heitlooms. Io KJ Western .Union stock was Uttl. It was .jaoted last week. The IUrald predicts that it will go lower nil!. Omittios the watered" stock, 50is jar value. t sssius 1. Clay lives 20 miles from Uxington, near the Foxtown cross runJj, where he was once nearly bcaleu to death for his opposition to tlavery. Ha is writing his memoirs. Fred Grant says his pa ought to have Lad $1,000,000 in cash from the cout try. The World wants to know it this donation would have been secured by a mortgage on 'he cotton crop. - - - - - John C. Knv. when Picsidcnt of the Second National Baulc, of New York, d. faulted far $ 1,000.000, a large portion which his father made g'KKl. Mr. .Mm t . Kno is Trcaiurer of the Civil Service Reform Association. - lied bananas arc in their prime ami :r rbt" tries arc better than they have Uxn. It is said that the wife who slices the bananas, mingles them with re-I ripe stiawtcrrics and pours over tirtn a glass or two of sherry may n.'ciy ask her husband, alter ho has ci the dbb, to take her to Sniith- vi.Ie this Summer. - - Thj Methodist Conference has again re!2jJif license women to preach or ttswrt. There was tho usual discus i.m over the subject, one member :vJa2 that he came from a State (MiaachasctU) in which, tbcro are .tt)p more women than men, and that l:J niast have something to do. Maileims io Europe are interesting tsklres in the anoouccemrnt of the J;nnbirg from the collection of a -:;4ic antiquary of two unprinlcd and r thjeaatatasof Rethoven "One is iV death of Joseph 11 f and thf jrtott.- accession of Ieopold II., 34tieJWcra written whon Beethoven K3r Ixr-a cold-storage warehouses r? ti)w ia oprUion jQ Xcw York, and 2 Prcdicuxl that theime is not far :,taal hen cold air will ba served in throahout the elty just as gls 64 water are now. I a the new Wash aruo Market, now being built, there J cetwork of pipes through which JTM i:r will b8 lurntsbod to to th G-erittmeat standi. T'" EotbschiM family havo just lost : they had brought against Monieipalityoi Frankfort to pre -tihe laUcrfrom pulling down the Tvlhm la which Maer Rothschild tca7r3UClJuion r the immense for rljLttl .m,n- The Council lias S.-? lht mediate demolition urcudence, as well as of tho Jew' r VOL. VIII. Ariel N. Harney. of the New York Times, well says:! "I am in favor for one. of usins no wall printing whatever and putting all the money thti3 expend ed I into newspaper advertising. I be lieve it would by very much more prof itable as an investment. I think this window an1 fence business has becomo reduced to a condition ot absolute vul- Ssrity." j A Chinese thytor was refused per mission by tho New! York board of health to register as a practicing physi cian, though he exhibited a diploma given him by an Oriental medical col lege that had 4een in good standing s'omo thousands of yearn It turned out that one of hit rules of prnclico was to take no pay unless he cured hi3 patient. Such an innovation was looked on as irregular. ( ., Holy Cross. Kvery member of our Club, writes Mr. Llj). Kin2sley. Secretary, Holy Cros3 College Gymnasium. Worcester, Mass., p peak 3 of St. Jacobs Oil. the Great German Remedy, as the best euro they have ever used. L , NEWS. 4. . 1XDIX TO NEW AOVERTISEMEWTf . The Question riltnCSBEROKK VtiltOTS W E Davis & Sox Ioc It M McIktibe Jot Received Taylor's Bazaak Just Imagine C W Tates Photograph Albums. F C Millek Glbf on'a Imported Camlf Muxds Beds. & DeUosset Medlcloca E G Blair Now la the time to buy Lemons The receipts of cotton at this por1 to-day foot up only 10 bales. Capt. V. V. Richardson, of Colum bus county. Is in the city to day. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this oflico registered 81 degrees. I There was no City Court this morn ing and the City I fall bad a loAely ap- npn.ra.nea. k Attention is invited to the attractive new advertisement of Taylor's Bazaar, in this issue. The vegetbles brought to our; market this season are remarkably nice, and much superior to those of the previous year. The farmers say that rain begins j to be needed and that tho growing crops would be greatly benefited by a lew showers. ' i We invito the attention bf our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts arc being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. Schr. TliOiwis Sinnickson, Dikurson. cleared to-day for Ponce, P. 11.. with I75.CI9 feei ot lumber and 126.100 shin;Ics. valued at $3,301.12. shipped by Messrs K. Kidded & Son ) Our thanks are due lor nn iuvilation to attend the final debate of the season of thcTilciton Debating Club which Is to be had at the Tilcston Upper Room at 8:10 p. m., on the 23rd inst. I The excursion party of tho St. Thom as Sunday School to Lake Waccamaw yesterday was a j very pleasant affair and all returned home last night highly delighted with their da v's recreation and pleasure. Among those who wcro licensed by th3 Stato Board of Medical Examiner's on Tuesday to practice medicine in this Stato were Drs. Julian A. Smith. J. L. Macumber and W. this city. B. j Pritchard, of Tho tramp nuisance has abated so far as applying for lodgings at tho Guan! House is concerned, but there are a good many of the wandering gen try in the city, and th wood 4 outside of tho city aro full ol them. ! The mortal remains of I ttle Marion Birdscy arrived licro last night from Ocala. Fla.. accompanied by the sor rowing parents. Tho obsequies were held atSt. James church this morning, L 1.1 tl.pnro the remains were taken ,to Oakdale Cemetery tor interment. From Italeicli. Drs. Macomber and Smith arrived last oight from Raleigh J whither they hadeen in attendance upon the Medi cal Convention. (They went before the Board of Medical Examiners and were examined for a license to-prac. ice med icine in 4he State. ( The ordeal was thorough, exhaustive. and trying, but we aro glad to know that all who went from this city wer successful in pass! ok the necessary examination, and all re ceived a license to practice. There were 32 candidates from different por tions of the State, examined, and all passed save 5, who were hardly up to tho rigid requirements of tho Board. ! . ! i VV ELMINGTON. N. C. THTJRS DAY, MAY 22, Col. Wharton J. Green. We had the pleasure of a visit to-day from Hon. Wharton J. Green, Repre sentative in Congress from the old Third Congressional District, of Which New Hanover county was a part at the time of the last election. He had been on a flying isit from Washington to attend the Mecklenburg Celebration at Charlotte, and arrived here yesterday morning. 1 While here he was the guest of Mr. William II . McRary.. He will leave here to-night to resume his duties, in Congress at Washington. Wc were pleased to Ik now that he wa 3 in good health, although he was quite nnwell for some time just after the commence-' ment of the session. ! Since taking his seat in the Forty eighth Congress, Col. Green has been au indefatigable worker and has accomplished- much of real importance and value for the District which he repre sents, as well as for the State at large. He has succeeded in secuiingan appro priation eff $100,000 for the erection of a public building in this city; $75,000 for the improvement of the lower Cape Fear, and $5,000 for the works on the upper Cape Fear. This last appropria tion would ,bavo been larger were it not for the fact that a large unex pended balance remained pver from the amount appropriated last year He endeavored to obtain an appropria tion for Black river, but as there had been no survey of that stream, he was not successful. He, however, obtained an order for the survey of that r'ver and also an order for tho ressurvey of the Northeast branch of tho Cape Fear. Aside from tho special appropriations we have named, a liberal amount wil bo named in the general appropriation bill for improving the lights ot the lower Cape Fear, and fori improve ments between New River, in Onslow county, and the Sounds. Col. Green has also introduced a bill to abolish the internal revenue tax upon brandy distilled from fruits, wbich was referred to tho Committee on Agricul ture, of which he is a member. This bill is looked upon very favorably by many of the- Represents tivcst both Democrats and Republicans. It wilj b8 reported to the House early in the coming week, and there are fair pros pects that it will pass. The importance of the bill is two-fold: iirst, it re moves an arbitrary, expensive an d nn just tax ou a comparatively unimpor tant article, in which the cost of collect ioff the revenue nearly equals the value of the product; and, secondly, because it i3 considered the entering wedge to tho abolition of the entire internal rev enue system In the faithful performance of the many varied and important duties de volving upon him, Col. Green has been energetic, diligerrt and remarkably sue cesslul.1 He has been a worker and his constitiitency will have many and last- in hpriffiLa from tho result of his labors. llotiim of the Firemen. The itoward Reliefs. F. E. Co,, No. 1 , accompanied by the Cornet Concert Club, returned from Charlotte this morning. They wore met at the Caro lina Central depot by the Wilmington S. F. E. Co., No. 1, who turned out for the purpose, and escorted to the engine house of tho former, where a light colla tion had been prepared for them. In marching through our streets the band discoursed excellent music in superb style. All speak in the highest terms ot the pleasures of the visit and with gratitude tor the kind attentions which they re ceived. In the competitive trial t engines the Charlotte company won tho prize. lb Howard Reliefs coming in next and close to the victors. j They arrived here in the best of spirit?, although somewhat tired, dasty and travel-stained Irom their long jaunt and all night ride on the cars. Klectioii of Officers. The stockholders of the Wilmington Com pres3 Company held their regular annual meeting for the election of offi cers this forenoon. The following were o'ected a Board of Directors to serve for the enusing year; j Messrs. George W. Williams, James H. Chadbourn. William G. Gibbons, of Wilmington, Del.. Iaac Bates, J Wilder Atkinson Henry A. Burr, C. P. Mebane and Donald McRae. These were all re elections of last year's Board of Directors with the exception of Mr. William G. Gibbons, ot Wil mington, Del., who wa elected to HI1 the place made vacant by the death of Mr. Aler. Sprnnt. j Now is the time to give Smith's Worm ou. iyd w Sad and Unfortunate. We regret to learn of a veryj unfors tunate affair which occurred at Jack" sonville on Tuesday last, between Dr. Chas. Lesesne and Mr. A. C. Hugg'mst thelerk of Onslow Superior Court. A difficulty occurred between them arid pistols were drawn and fired, resulting in Dr. Lesesne receiviug a very !. severe wound in the body which it is feared I is mortal. It said here that Dr. Lssesne fired tho first shot and that Mr. Hoggins, in returning the fire, did not intend lo wound his antag onist in a vital part, but merely to dis able' hiru. We could learn nothing of the origin of the unfortunate dif ficulty. Both gentlemen are among the most prominent ! citizens of Onslow county and are nearly related by mar riage. Both had daughters in this city, attending the same school and board ing in the same family. Dr. Lcsesne's daughters were Eer.t for and went to Burgnw last night where a conveyance was in waiting to take them to the bed side of their lather. Mr. Hugging, weundertand, prompt ly surrendered himself to the authori ties. Manhattan for 31 ay. j The long-promised new cover ap pears on the June jiumber of The Man Ibatlan, which may now congratulate itself on having as beautilul a cover as magazine ever had. The design, simple and artistic, is printed in a rich carna tion on an old-gold paper. The con tents of the number are worthy of the cover. The frontispiece is an airy figure piece, entitled ''Spring," drawn by Mcllhenney and engraved ! by Juenglin?, illustrating some lines b u lllis Gaylord Clarki An American painter, Henry Roderick Newman, 'who has long lived in Florence, i3 the eub ject of the opening! article, written by H Buxton Forman, the editor of Keats and Shelly. Letters from Mr. Ruskin express his high opinion of Newman's work, and the article is illustrated with a portrait.and a number of illustrations Another profusely jand brilliantly illustrated article is a second paper on "The Gunnisou Country," by Ernes Ingersoll, who has here surpassed al his previous efforts in graphic descrip tion. There are four portraits, illustrat ing the first part o "Retrospections of the American Stage," by John Bernard, a theatrical manager at Boston, in the early part bf this century. There is also much other interesting matter and the number, taken altogether, is the best we have yet seen. The Art Amateur ! I 1 begins ita eleventh volume with an ad mirable June number. The most nota ble feature is the fine array of drawings by Bacon, Bridgman, Boggs, Mosler, Harrison and other) American artists, after their paintings in the Paris Salon. There are also some striking drawings by J IF. Raffaelli and a page of Barye bronzes. Excellent illustrated articles are given on "Country Houses," "The Hall and Reception Room," and "Old Ecclesiastical Embroideries." The sup plement! sheets include: 'The Mando lin Flayer," in color, alter Trinquesse; a superb femalo head for a plaque; rose andjasimine designs for embroidered screen panels; a sweet brier design for a vase; a design of horse-chestnut leaves for panel decoration ; a capital design for an etched and repousse bras3 tray; monograms in F, and designs for jew elry, needlework and decoration. There are also pleasi ng designs for a cup and saucer (swamp rose) and for an album cover ("Uupiu Disarmed.11; For practical information the answers to correspondents are alone worth the price of the number, thirty-five cents. Montasue Marks, Publisher, 23 Union Square, New York. , Silver Plated Spoons, Forks j and Knives of best quality, tand at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja cobi's Hardware Depot. I t I NEW ADVBRTISEJlEVts,1 li The Old House" A 2 fourth season, but it finds us up to all its requirements, and if jou wish a CAR LOAD, a liUD, or a BBLof Hard. Clear and Square lee.' well packed and in goods sbape.i favor us with your order, and if we don't give ratisfac Hon we won't charge you a rent. Tiy r.s. maySi VV. K. DAVIS & SON. SOW IS THE TIME TO BUI . - . i fj- g BOLXES BOSTON SELECTED LEM ONa. just reselvcd. which the con. lgnordirecta me to sell on arrival Borax unequaled Sap, Paris MeUl Flour, the whitest In town. And every thing In the Gro cery line at the lo eat cash price. K. G. BLUR, may IS No. 19, . 8ejnd frtreet The Question JOW IS. SOT WHETHER WE SHALL pay a tariff on Blanket and Trace Chain, bat where, oh where, can you ret the XHLfST and BS3T l-EKB? Call at IfcUOWAS'S, No. C South Front Street, and you can sl re the problem- Also, the 14 1 Cbraia la the dty. mayii 18841 NO. 122 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST IMAGINE I THE COOLEST STORE FOB LADIES TO j SHOP IN IS I TAYLOR'S BAZAAK, and there Is where yon wiil find the ll4est larger! ts'ocfc to select from In Ml rlfriery and Fancy Good?, s we receive xew'j rnd (choice goods every day. Just imagine til cent for 1 a bunch of three Tips in any color, regular rel ue One rjollar. These goods have been fcH- io so rapidly we had to duplicate them ovir I and oye tgaia by request of our patrons, Jn$t imagine SOc for a bunch of three black Tips, worth twice the moiey. Such prices i i - ! Ljadlcs have never heard of before Just imagine 73c for a lino plaice In any U shade. An excellent lice of Feather Pom poons. Aii carlj call will secure yo i some of these gooia at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. j From the smallest single Violet to the largest branched dress garnature. lasy Wreaths, Pansies, Buds and Roses, In fact ever? kind of Flowers, at prices which set competition at defiance. Just opened a stock of Fans and Parasol, together with a line stock ot Leather Satcheis, Underwear, Corsests, Ribbons, Laces and made-up Lace Goods, Embroideries &c.',&?., at I i TAYEiOR'S I BAZAAR, ' 118 Market St., I i , may 22 WILMINGTON. N. C. -i 1 -j- . Visitors rjlO THE ClTr! ARE INVITED TO THE LIVE BOOK STORE?, where every thing to their advantage will jbe shown them, giving them In purchases the benefit of their visit. Theso Stores are the most attractive places in the city. ' Ask to be shown there to make your pur chase3 of Pianos, Organs, or any Musical In strnments, Books, Stationery and Fancy Ar ticles, which will be given you In exchange ior uasn ana on me most liberal terms. I A sk for ! HEINSBERGER'S, i I may 22 Live Book and Music Stops Notice. TYTEMBERS OF, THE DEMOCRATIC EX U.CUTIVE COMMITTEE of New Hanover County, are requected toi meet at the Purcell fclouse, at 4 o'clock, p. ml, Monday, May 26th i I li. J. 1JO.N1S.1, may 10 td chairman. The Excursion arid i Pic Nic OEASJN IS OVEU AND THE THE AT III CAL AND BALL Season has opened again, and JOHN WEBNEK. the practical i German Barber and Perfumer. Is personally In attend ance at his Hair Dressing Saloon! 29 Market atrect, twuween water and rront, wllmlng ton. r. i; . - . mcU3 CitV Drug Store. 12 IO MA ita 1ST STKEET. 1 - ' l i TCE CREAM St) DA WATER. ' X BIBDS AND tfLOWEKS. Drugs and Patent Medicines. Conoley's Cologne Is the best in the city. Cigars and Cisrarctes. f ' Prescriptions prepared at all hours dav and night, i J. W. CONOLEY, may .j Manager. Hon. A. M. Waddell. Ty E ABE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOlfNCE HON. A. M. WADDELL as a candidate for Congress from the Sixth "istrlct. subject to the action of the Democratic Convention of the Dis trict, icnen cauea. may 12 tf OFFiCiS OF I D r S O El 1 1 1 s j -VfO. 323 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, oi- poslte Miller's Drug Store. Ofiice hours 9tol2a-ra..ito5p. mTI ! Telephone at residence. No. DiayG tf ! fbson's Imported Candy. T?BRAC1NS LIME, FRUIT, OKANGE, Chocolate, Ginge: VanUla, Uobc, Futter Scolo'aJ Cherry and Strawberry Tablets at" I ! T. C. MILLER'S, may Corner Fourth and Nun sts Don't ! Pay Rent! lirHY PAY REN! WHEN THIS ""J - vf-VL In thU city I have sol over IPVB one hundred and fifty IxU and Uouses a 4 mo m nnov hup v.-vn m H ri t it . 9fw and Ixta to parties who have paid In full ft-r them, by lnsia'menta monthly payirt nU. Also, I have a large numter now on my books. who are making regular month! payments and will soon own homes and get clear of hud lard rale. I Hooey Voanea to tnoce wuhlng to build. I Apply to wtj'l cw , JAMES WILSON. J Jolin Ct JUaYis, ATTOBNS; AND j ' CO0NSEUXtt AT LAW, L Wiuusaros. N. Office over the Bank of ew Hanover. Practices In nil tho Courts of te cute. - Special attention pat-ho eolkctlcn of elalar. i , i wT$ltf troa our trteadj oa zzj jpi.aU catjaea Inenrt laterest but ' -' '' ' KTha name of tha writer must always t .Cornmnnleattona meat t wtlttaa am oaiy one aide of the paper. ji '- - " i ! PexsomaBtleamuatbo avolddd, j ' y Aad It la especially ana parBcuiarry tta t tood that the Bolter doea" not aWayi eada ae the views of eorrespondeats u&leia so atatt ta the editorial oilranna. - "l : 4s . NEW AIVJ3UTISEMlirrS ThundeFCandi Lightning !!, pEoTECTj louftirou'ESwrrrr light yfvi?0RS- SopDlr your Cook witha GOOD! 1'AJtELElt & TAYLOR. PURB WHITE OIL. may 19 WE HAVE Farticular attention glren t lepaltlnir Trunk MCDOUUALL A BuWDEN. : 111 North Fropt St. eadquarters pOR FISHING TACKLE, . ' - AT' ,( , W. E, WPRINGEII A CC:. 13. 21 and t Mrlr fltiMi Tic larcest and best Aiwiirtmpnt vArnr.,t In this market. j J may 1U Furniture JAITAN CHAIUS AND KOCKEH3. Children' Carriages, Settees, Loun Sea, Mosquito Nets, Cot. Mattreaeee. i 1 ' Springs, Woven Wrre Sprlogs, Meat Safes, c. j : received this week and for sale low by D. A. SMITH Furniture, N. rront Street! may 10 Trunks I Trunks! rTru ksl RUNIvS ANDjTRUNKS, j SATCHELS AND SATCHEL BAGS AND BAGS. " -.i, I )j I SADDLES, HARNESS, SADDLEBY GOODS in great varlely, and all TN STOCK THE BEST AND CHEAPEST 3 oJ8" II,s.. Trnuks, Satctocla, Bug- at the very lowest prices.- ' ' I j I ij A new lot of Trunks and Travelling Brs and Saddles jus; opened. New Stvlea, ew Gools and warranted to wear well. ' 5 I Trunks repaired by aa good a trunk maker as there Is in the istate of North Carolina, it H 1 1 A cxll and examination is respectfully olhn-, ted- I J. II. MALLAKD.l 'i . , I 10 8onth Front fitrcct. I Next door to N Jacobl's Hardware Ho uc may zt Photograph Albums. JEW LOT OF CABINET SIZED ALBUMS justj received. . 1 , , . i MUSICAL IN$TKUMENT3Vfollns: Gult ats, isanjos, Accordeons, Bows, Strings, Ac. LITHOGRAPHING Being agtnt for one of the largest Lithographing establishments In the country, I an prepared to furnlfth Checks, Drafts. Letter Heads, Bill! Heads, Wedding and Ball Invitations, Visiting Cards, &c , at very low rates. . i 'SHOW i CASES-Several Btyles In mctil anu wainui, ovai ana ucveieci fronts, at fac iory prices. I YATES may .19 119 Market Street. Munds Bros. & DeEosset, WiiOLKSALiJ & KErAIfJ ' JJKUGGiSTS, . L i WILJIliNGTON, N. iC.- I . ' ' i :i ' DijugSjMedicirles, Chemicals Patent Medicines, ! AND I J FiA.osro-'sr goods, of finest' quality at lowest rates. may- ' 9 -. i . , . , I . ; ( In Stock. ANEW LOT OF LAWN CHAIRS AND I I ill ettees. Elegant Dining Room and Chambrj Furniture. Our assortment i of Rattan ant Reed Chairs la extensive. To arrive this week, something entire 1 tew in BABY CARRIAGES. Give U3 a call , , I TIIOS. U. CRAFT, Agl., : j J ; - Furniture Dealer. maV ly 20 $o. Front Street : 1 hoice New Crop: Molasse SECOND CARGO I ' NOW LANDING AND WILL BE SOLI) .PROMPTLY FROM WHARF At Low Price. WORTH & WORTH. mch 20 - i ' ' i r, W I LL PLEASE YOU w E CAN OFFER P.UYRS OF ECOTi a vJ SHOE? great foducemebU la the way of - I-.' - i- '"-. 4 ; J4 i 7 . Sha;e?, Variety. Stfls. Bcaatr of FhiUhajid Dura'HUty. Call try, on a pair; the, f will i lrae you . l Geo. Ii. French & 8oml 108 KOHTH FRONT STREET. I ayJ3

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