-marxrzs. ;ep(ed by JOSH T. JAMES, nrro ajto raoraixTO. .rKSCEimOKS rOSTAGK PAID: JZrtLOO. SIX month. Thw .Si.iW'S On -l. - will b delivered by carrier, free 7 rrt of the city, at the above rirur.low.and BberaL , , rlv-f tbelr pPt regularly. 1 AuVy Review has the largest JfiU circulation of any newspaper ' ' Kilted the city cf Wilmington. litJ said tht Ihe lesscs of tbe&ncin- iirsiu&tto revival will not fall I; j. said that Got. Waller, of Cor !v( ut.ibc b."corac a partter in a York hrtu. SM'.ur Harrison, ol Indiana, as , V. York interviewer thai raise ti lead tho ticket. ..... ... Kr A.iu:0. of Spain, shows con- -..irMtmcioms ana is receiving i;ciil ccUical treatment lrs M.iry K. l'illow, the widow of r.- ral Gideon J. Tillow, has written w a lit ,t Iu-r husband anq win paoiisa lit bock shortly at Mempth, Tcnn. UAii health is such that Lo will not ;a.a venture c ren a Tojae to Kng UsJ. sr.d lis cyciisht has been much isjpslm! by overwork ia writing mu te. Ilesry Starko. H. A. Wheeler and Joseph Adams are the only suryivors ct the old Fort Dearborn garrison, who n-cupictl the spot where Chicago has i.zca iprnsup. A fite-jear old eirl lell from a third i:ory window in Cincinnati on Friday aheroocn. bui a gentleman passing by n her coaiu;. caught her in his arms acd sared ber (roai any harm. Miis IIu Kici Eog U a picturvspue fiiiturat tbf x-iioos of the Philadel rhb Metbodiit Conference. She is n C'LIoeoe lady, eiihtcen years of age and iiUtgo back to her country as a medi- kil missionary. .. . Charles Head did not make all his fortune by vvriling. He was success ful in several speculations, and is be reicd to have left a much larger sum than the sum commonly named. One estimate places his tortuco at $500,000. A leading actress who had tho inis fortune to break one of the booe3 io her ankle in Portland. Oregon, during a performance recently, went through the part of Claire the next afternoon in an iatalid's rolling chair, her first success ful appearance oa wheels . John Swinburn has found out that tle cents doubled thirty-five times would pay the national debt. The Near Bedford Uandard proposed to donate the first double and tho Boston Ulvlc the second. Tho Norfolk Yirqin- iin Is willing to contribute the third and calls upon tho other thirty two double r j to sneak out. Let us pay off tho national debt. A New Yorker, 60 years of age, has aauscd himself at intervals for nearly bait a century by compiling btaiistics of the complexion of women, lie finds tUt the genuine biondo type is gradu vlv fading away. When he made his rst observation the pure blondes num bered 17 in every 100; now they have lMnd:cd to 23. It is said that during her lalcbt Tisit to America. Patti pieced a "crazy six feet square, composed cn- 'y of bits ol plash and yelvet, of t"ch no two were a'ikc in color, and ti one larger than one ol ber hands. Sbe took it home with her 'to Hoc it swan'j down, and then give it wy to be raffled off at a swell charity hlr.- ilr?. Lewis, the, wife of tho noted 1 Lewi. figures in the New York cUapcrs as a heroine. A tramp. s..cjMrs. Iswis alono in thedwcl-t-' L walked into the diningroom and aaadd that ho be served with a like a gentleman. Mrs. Lewis f r a revolver, leveled tho weapon, jedtte tramp by the car, and prc- biaj into the cold, cold world. I ?tUu sercnty.fi ve speeches for r nbit Mr. ilorrison'j late rJill "fe beea printed In the ieconl. They 7 fee from blf a page to four- Wes. The longest speech was r. Wood of Indiana. These ser. -J-firt spevches coyer 300 pages of .! o&rd. euiTa!ent to nearly two "awes of tho "American Cyclopie- ap.ojed ia developing the Congo rrtlr ia Africa, are oegroea who in fertile couatry outh of the "eit ofSabara and east of the Nier , " T(J Crtat axricultoriU . and atQQfcturtrs ol leather. Iron fTL0? have cities oonUinlng 7.000 to 30,000 inhabitanu. posset s -tacediu. 11 TTTPi D AILI EETIEW" r ' . ' ' - : - -- - i .,....-;! ; , ' . -.vr VOL. VIII. Japan has M prejent 155 mile ol railroad from Yohoharua to Tokio, eighteen miles; Kike to Otsu, finy eigbt miles ; Tsonjara, in the Province of Oomi, forty-one miles, and ' Tokio to Koumigai. thirty-eiiht rai!c3l There is beside in course of construction a road to unite Mayc-bashi to Tokio, a distance of eighty-one miles. Mr. W. W. Corcoran, the millionaire banker and philantropit of Washing ton, is said to be exceedingly, proud ol his ancestry. He- glories in tho fact that his father was only a poor, honest shoemaker, and he treasures the old cobbler shop sign-board among his choicest possessions. I Mr. Corcoran' health is unusually good this Spring. Tho actual revenue of the Hawaiian government is declared by the Honolulu GazctU to be only $2,319,235.42. I further says, that as the country is now administered, a deficit is created of ex actly S 1.025.120. ! i i Ex-(iovernor Bullock became so eu thusiastic at'the recent newspaper re porters walking match at Atlanta. Ga that he proposed on the spot to get up a similar contest between the cx-gov ernors of the State. Columbia, Mo. The Statesman says: the familiar name of the wonder- lul remedy, it. .lacoos un, grows in favor daily, in the homes of. the afllicted all over the country. . LOCAL NEWS. INDU TO HtW ADVERTISEM EITX. Card ot Thanks i American Lesion of Honor R M MclKTinE Ja&t Kcrelve.l , HcrxBEROXB A Roman Singer', C W Tate Photograpn Albums r CHILLER Gibson' Imported Candy llCXDS Urds. DeRosset Meillclnes There was no City Court tt is morn ing. . Clarendon Council, No. 07, A. L. o Honor, will meet to-night, at o'clock. The Cornet Concert Club will hold an important business meeting to-night. Wo invite the attention of o6r citizens to tho fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt., Mis E. Karrcr, at Exchange Corner, is constantly in receipt i of new goods, fresh invoices arriving i two or three times in each week. Tho ladies will make a note of this. Nor. barque August, Bush,! cleared to-day for Glasgow with 1.500 casks spirits turpentine and 1.3SJ barrels rosin, valued at $12,530. shipped by Mcssss. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Two colored tramps, hailing from bumlcr, b. C, applied for lodgings at tho guard house last night. They sta: cd this morning that they had obtained employment at the railroad, and they were discharged and told to go to work W o are sorry to hear that Mr. Geo. N. Harriss, formerly of this city, but now of the Uadcsboro Jtmcs, is quite sick. He was in Raleigh a few days ago and was taken sick while there and had to return to hii family at Wades boro. We trust to hear soon of his en tire recovery. If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the I Ex celsior Pcnn., Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, beside others. 1 They are to be Lnind at factory prices at Jacobi's, who is the manufacturers agent, t Beautiful. ! The large magnolia tree in rear of ho McRee house, on (North Second street, 15 now laden with magnificent flowers and presents a most attractive and beautiful appearance. In walking along North Third, strect.betwecn Mar kct aud Princess, and looking West ono can obtain a tine view of the tree and its lovely blossoms. Frustrated. Policeman Piver was coming along Front street, from the Southern portion of the city, at 3.15 o'clock this morning and when between Dawson and Wooster streets, he saw a man at work at one of the window shutters of Mr. Wra. Hard wicke's' store. After wait ing a moment tbo policeman hailed the man and asked what he was j doing, when the latter picked up a gun ' which was leaning against the building and started off, cocking the piece as he went Upon this the policeman gave chaeand fired three ihots f om his revolver at the retreating fogiiivp. bnt without tffrct and tho would-bo thief esoaped. An examination of .tho premises showed that bo had succeeded ja unfastening the shutters, and had made aJl readi for an entrance when he was disturbed ia his work. It was a n 1 : : .. : . .... .'. : - WILMINGTON. N. C. Personal. i . Hon. II. K. Bridgers has so far re cocered as to be able to appear, at hi office regularly, but lie has not yet folly recovered. Maj. J.C. Winder, General Mamv1 gcr of the Carolina Central It. R. and of the Raleigh roads, is in the city to- day. Rcy. Arniand DcR. Meares leaves v here to-night for Indiana, where he ex- Iects to take charge of a parish in that State. Ueath of Dr. Losesne. Wc are greatly grieved to learn of the fatal termination of the wound receiv ed by Dr. Chas. Lescsnc at the hands of Mr. A. C. Huggins, at Jackson ville on Tuesday; last. The distressing news was conveyed in a brief telegram from Dr. E. W. Ward to his brother. Mr. G. R. Ward, of this city, received here this morning. The dispatch is dated at Jacksonville at 11.45 and merely says that Dr. Ltsesne is dead and that Mr. Huggins' examination, is taking place. This unfortunate termination to a truly sad aQair has excited a feeling cf profound sorrow here, where both gen. tlemcn were well-known to many. The fact that both have occupied such high positions in Onslow county and that they have been so intimately related has intensified the regrets which are felt. ; Serious Sliootius:. At about noon to-day two men, nam ed respectively John Stubbs and Galla gher Brickhouse. asked permission of Mr. Woodward Howell, who keeps a store near tho corner of Front and Cas tle streets, to zro into a room in the rear part of the building. Permission was o!rpn nH in ft mnmonf. nr two a Shot was heard in tho room where they had rr n r to txrna tmm AfUfttplv followed by a cry ot pain from an outhouse which stood 15 or 20 yards away. Up on hastening to the outhouse it was found that Aleck Stewart, colored, had received three serious wounds in the left hip, side and groins from as many buckshot. It seems that Mr. Howell, who keeps the store", was robbed some time ago, sinco which time he has kept a gun, loaded with buckshot, in his rear room, and it was this gun l which had been discharged and caused the woundingot Stewart. The wounded man wM ronvftved to his homo on Market street, where surgical atten dance was summoned, but with what result we have bocn unable to learn. IMcusant Episodes. Among the very many agreeable incidents which occurred while our firemen and musicians were io Charlotte, and of which they were the sDecial rjarticmants. there i were none which exceeded the graceful courtesy w - - I aud liberality of Mr.: L. D. Scoville," of the Seaside Park Hotel at Wrights- ville. who, before their departure fori home, invited them into tho Buford House, where a bountiful supply of I refreshments, which had been oreDared by his direction, were ic w.itin fo them, "lor these courtesies lion. A M. Waddell returned thanks, in an ap- : WaK.ir p th. tt r i r Vr, t t n.f.,, Howard Reliefs; Mr. L. J. Otterbourg if i j. i nin:n:u. in mm. lud gratefully acknowledged tho courtesy in behalf of the Cornet Concert Club, th U.rlr Mr .Tamea E. Willson. uv . U.V. w who was made the recipient of an ele I gant silk umbrella, made a neat and .nnmnmin Bnppoh of thanks for on,. . nil6'fwi ;ft tho entirely Unexpected gift. The question has been asked, 'did the Concert Club' actually get the priae of $100 which was swarded them? ' to which wo make answer, that the amount, immediately upon the an-1 nonAncment of tho award, was Daid to the Treasurer oi tho Club-$.q0 ia fiv, twenty-dollar gold pieces. i Wbile theprocession was on the line I of march, two carriages, eacn con- aioin a .ad, aod ee0.teman. beoaio enUngled and one ot the wheels was broken. This frightened the hor$e, who j attempted lo run, but Prof. Munson, .hAnNlnP hi. WpI hpt iin ' I ser.ous acciaent. sprang ana caugnK ine i . . r. , . , I in rp n unrl ftflnr a short strnrclfi snciM" cccded in subduins the animal and cccaea in suouuing me annual anq rescuing the occupants lrooi their 1 n.nf.;,n;n ..v, . . The Sunday-school at Drooklyn Hall, which has heretofore convened at 3 r m.. will on next Sundav meet at 4i30l p. m., which. will bo the hor during Summer months and until furth'r notice. " ' NowbthetiaetotiTBSnitth'?7orcj FRIDAY, MAY 23, NEW ADVERTI8EME.NTS. EVERY LADY IIN WILMINGTON who is interested in NICE "EMBROIDERY, can be suited from the large lot Jll.st received i11? the second purchase FINEI LACES, of all now styles. I i , PARASOLS AND SUNSIIADE3 The prices are Ioav and the assortment is good, j MOURNING PARASOLS ANp SUNSHADES. ! WHITE LAWN ROBESA b?g success in these good?, new lot; just in. CABEETS, MATTINGS AND OIL CLOTHS-A good assortment at all sea . sons. Xery clicap Carpets, especially in Brussels. may 23. 1884 Quick Work. During the last week in last March ground was broken on the new Gibson Branch of the Raleizh and Aueusta Air Line, wbicn runs from: Hamlet to Gibson's Store, a distance of about 11 miles, and we learn from Major Winder, the General Manager, whoj is in the city to-day, that the grading has been completed to within two miles of Gibson's store, that the iron has been laid on seven miles of the road and that trains will run over the' entire branch by June 20th. which will be within three months of the time when the work was first commenced. The work was done under the supervision ofCapt. Wm. Smith, Superintendent of the Augusta Air Lino. It is thought that this road will benefit Wilmington. Another Shootinsr. 1 At about 9 o'clock last nignt James E. Gause, colored, saw la boy sitting down by his pig pen near the corper of Princess and Eleventh streets ant fsKea wno it was. but received an CVaSlVO reply. UaUSO IDen StrUCK a matcQ ni attempted to scan the boy's features when the latter threw sand in his eyes. Upon this Gause knock ed the boy down and be gan to beat him when another boy interfered and tried to sep arate them. In the struggle the first toy, named Marcus Hampton, colored. drew a pistol and fired at Gause, but missed his aim and hit the other, nam ed Henry , Lane , also colored, in the shoulder, i Hampton then drew a knif and cut Ganse in the ear, nearly sever ing that member from the head. Gause fcacu fttUf . " WJ iC , - llum Hampton s pistol. Fruit and Vegetables. Tne importance oi mis inaustry is hardly realized by the general public and moro especially as it relates to the supply of the Northern markets through 'the railroad facilities which are offered for the rapid and cheap conveyance of our products. The business of trans- porting what is commonly known as - tmck" over our railroads for the Northern markets was, begun years ago, id 1868. .The annual report of the then Superintendent of the Wilming- ton & Weldon Railroad, dated October 1863, in speaking of this business, says: t 4 'The work of inaugurating this new business, was commenced in Apn last KTnsygiS'SSSS successfully through to the 15th of Oc- tober. It was not supposed that there icouia oe muca . uooe toe nrsi year . . . beyond making a beginning We have, howe. transDorted more than twelve thousand (12 000; barrels (in bulk) of vegetables and fruit to market, which nave Drougni oacs i iae ptaie noi less . . l 1 a .1 . . innnnn r rma ia tb hminn tne morning what is to be the full noonday of tnis tramc r Ibere should b ten times as many barrels sent off the coming season say 120,000 barrels LH ion timMumnfih mnnPvrPlnmMl ror. them, or $1,000,000: and all this with a comparatively small outlay. The receipts from this trportation. time3 as iarge next season it will reach $GO,C00. The receipt 1 of $1,000,000 by pec4 ..Jto" win erreatly relieve their present dc- pression and enable them to 'do much more on i ineir plantations, at large, as ' '.'Tf iSSi and aine our i;ne 3 destined, at no distant day, to give this lailmad a fJ Iarfi amount ot transportation at pruumuiB raws. Tho ihAVAMlnM rrlvna mix .unn m I . . 1G years has reached immense Dra I h.jw iwucu iuiujcusv 11U , Prtions - - Te amount of this sort of traf-. , a. u. . : iuh, each succeeding year, and it will con- I uiuc Miiuunpc lurujSuj jconsiucuuiB ,1 - 4 ; and ihe growth of trait and vegetable, j fr Northern markets will be stimulated and strengthened as onr dcodIs become better acquainted with the business and the best modes of prepai ing 'their prod acta or shipment and sale. It has tneir any probabUity that U will with- no reacnea its "noonday v yet, nor- s 1884, NO. 123 NEW 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. AND SURROUNDING icOUNTRY ot the season. R. ' HI.' r.lclWTIRE. A ROMAN SINGER. ". -- NEW NOVEL. BY F. MARTON CRAW FORD, author of "Mr. Isaac y "Dr. Claud! us," and to "Leeward." I voL 16mo , $1.25. Of all Mr. Crawford's works the most Inter esting, captivating, and masterly Is "A Roman Singer "The Week (Toronto). 1 J ust out and for sale at HEINSBERGER'S, may 21 Live Book and Muelc Ston a Card of Thanks. -i . I THB OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF TJIE Howard Eellcf 8 team Fire Ensine Compa n7, beg leave to tender to the Fire Department of Charlotte, the Chief and his Assistants, and to the Hornet Fire Company, at whose hall they were quartered during their stay In the city, their sincere and hearty thanks for the many courtesies and kindnesses experienced at their hands daring the late Celebration. The pleasant memories engendered by their kind and considerate treatment will ecer be cherished ln our heart of heart?. To the citi zens generaUy we also feel deeply Indebted for their efforts to make our visit a pleasant one. j i A. ADRrAN, ) .JOHN HAAU, Jr. Committee, J. G. L. UIESCIIEN. ) may 23 it J s "The 01diHousep ! f AND THE YOUNgJfIRM. ONLY OCR fourth season, but It finds us up to all its requirements, and if you wish a CAR LOAD, a HUD, or a BBL of Hard, Clear and Square Ice. well packed and in goods shape, favor us with your order, and if we don't give eatlsfac tion wc woik't charge you a cent. Try us. . may 22 W. E. DAVIS io SON. JUST IMAGINE ! TIIK COOLEST STORE FOR LADIES TO ! siiori IN is TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, I and there is where you will find the finest and largest s'ock to select from in Mi.llncry and i ... i Fancy Goode, as wc receive new-trad cHblcc fcu.uua every uay. o mi imagine oj ccnu ror a bunch of three Tips In any color, regular val ue One Dollar. Tbccc goods have becu bell ing so rapidly wc had to duplicate them over and over 8gain by request of our patrons. Just imagine 39c for a bunch of three black Tips, worth twico the money. Such prices Ladles have never heard of before. I Just Imagine j 73c for a , lino plume in any shade. An excellent line of Feather Pom poons. An earlj call will secure you some of these goods at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. From the smallest single Vlo'et to the largest branched dress garnature. Daisy Wreaths, Pansios, Buds and Roses, In fact every kind j I of, Flowers, at prices whic: dew "o T h set competiUon at Just opened a stock of Fans and ParAtml together with a fine stock of Leather Satchels. maae-upiace Goods. Embroideries At TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St., may 23. WILMINGTON. N. C. IMotice. JJEMBKRS OF THE DEMOCRATIC EX JlGUTIVE COMMITTEE of New Uanovcr County, are requected to meet at the Porcell House, at 4 o'clock, p. u, Monday. May Cta. may: 19 VI j t hairB.in- Executor's Notice. TTr VtCfl lTT 1 T ITICU AS PT B-I'f TT1I z . , . ; u !T. ,rl n"vtr 8P"t, X hereby voiitj n person hsvins; Puim, .nin,t htm m rh!htt th imAtAn, If.. Ill . rac before tbe&thdiy of apiuis. All j PTo indebted to ihe. aid Alexander Sprunt wUg pieaj ma unmeoiaie payment to me, jAMti3apT. api is-'awtwr ciarcopy . --cuor. The Question OW IS, ROT WIIETIItK WB SHALL pay a tarilf on Blanket kndTraea Chain. tnf where, oh where, ran tea grt the CO LZSX and RKST tffc.K ? Call at JtfC'jOWAS'f1, . Vn it Rrknfli d vim c wire thereby aJllU 'l: " - o ! ; '.'';': -tts wxa bo gin 13 ricciTa czz froa car trlcaii ca txjlis.a CJ t: eaeral interest bet - - JiTat name cf ta writer izzix trays ta one side or tho paper. ;v - - . M9 aywauy. ua parucuxiriy nucer tood that the ltor docs mot ahrays eada the views of correspondent xxSam bo 'alau . lathecOItarial eohtuna. ' ; ; f ;.ljrt-f raw ADviiirrisrsiinircs Thunder arid Lightning ! pROTKCT TOUR HOUSES WItn LIOItT. ?tSvi?0w vxT VoTirCook with a c6op bTQ is. We hai e them. Cail and see. r . tttif w PAKirKR A TAYLOR . . TT AJ AAAYJi ; TISS!Tl?CKTllK MT-AND,! CHEAP KST X Saddles, Harriss. Trunks. Satctiels. Ilu. gies, rnxions, rrw, Drayw 4 c , - in N. C. ttHow gien to rpalrlns Trunks by thaonly Trunk Mkerin ih ! McDOUQ ALL.; BOW DEN. I v- . . -k? H North Frortfct. , D- A-Smith's Furniture store. TOR FISHING TACKLE, - f ' V - ' ' ' '-' AT' '' - ! 'if- T--i' W. K. PRINGKR & CC'3., , , ' ? auu s aiarsec stiees i The largest aid, best assortment eve offered in this market. . 4 f ,r may !St rurtinurUs r v . .' t , ;i . 1 1 Kaaxam cuAm? and rockers; i Children's Carriages, Settees'.'LonBses, ' Mosquito NeU, CoCMattrcwes. , - - - - - r i w ' t. . . . i Springs, Woven .Wire Springs, - . Meat Safes, Sic. - Received this week1 and for sale low Ty ' ; D-A. SMITH,, may 19 Furniture, N. Front Street i runKs r. irunksi irunks ! rilRUNKS AND TRUNKS, U. JL . . SATCHELS AND SATCHEL1?, BAGS AND BAGS. ''-' '.'" ; SADDLES, HLUXESS, SADDLERY GOODS In great variety, at d a li at tlie very lowest prices. -4"lv ' 1 f I A new lot of Trunks, and TravplHnir ilt&! and Saddles Jus opened. New Styles.! New Goods and warranted to wear well. ' ' rf by a.pood , trunk; maker as there is in the state of North Caroltna. . A Cill andex&mln.atlnnfa numuiifn 1 1 --.mm . w.,'.. .... I" tetl- J. H. MALLARD, ' . 10 South Front Street. may 20 , . "", 1 Photograph1 Albums; J-EW LOT OF CABINET SIXED BUMS lustreceWcd. ; ,;; 1;,a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS-VfoilnsJ Gult rt Banjos, Accordeons. Bows, Strings, Ac. LITHOGRAPHING Beln' nnfr f. of the largest Lithographing eubUshments in the country, J ana prepared to furnish Checks, Drafts Letter Heads, sBlll -Heads, Weddlmr and Ball Invltation.q. viifjnr &c , at very low rates. . tir.ut . , SHOW CASES Several Mk' tr'tmt and walnut, oval and bevejed fronts, at fac- YATES BOOK STORE, '! may 19 119 Market Strcot.. 1 Munds Bros. & DeRosset, WHOLESALE l& KETAIL DKUCGrSTS;vJf'r . . 1. 1 Drugs,Medicinesf Chemicals; 1 Patent; Medicines, t..-r- AND i' of finest quality at lowest rate.' may 19 , ... In Stock.) J ANEW LOT OF EATTK CHAIRS AND settees. Elegant Dining Boom and Chamber : a . ... -I Furniture. Our assortment of Rattan and Reed Chairs Is extensive.7 i Toarri ve this week, something entirely ewj 4 ' 1 J . .! In BlBr CARRIAGES. Give us a call. i ... a it Tnos.c, CRAFT, Agt;- JirnItnro DcaKr, ; So. Front Street may 19 Choice New Crop Molasses VOW LANDING AND WILL JiB COLD : ' . .fl ' -:: . PROMPTLY FROM TTllABr At Low Price. WORTHS WORTH! City Drug Store. , 210 MARKET TCE CREAM SODA VfATZtii'-' J. i uiri;saNi vrvga ana riuiai sicuicioea. : . ; , Cocoleye Cotova U ILe Lestta tlis:ty.i Cirars and C.TArcit a. -t PrescxlDtlons nrecared at 3 haar si m.! fen--r r L-J. TT. CONOLar. i maja . . lfinarrr. HOXES .BOSTON izLECTETj LE1U ON, lost received, wtrich- tins con signor direct me to sell pa rnvI- Ilorsx naeiuale'l bap I'atW Alsi t tl r tonr, the . whitest la town. And ever lUivria Lhjo Gto cery Bac at the lowe u cata y tiers: 1 7 rcaySJ No. 1, t .tke?ndetne t colored mtn. UU. j lyd w linlhanextSOyearj. la the city, , mj-u