JCISIIT. JAMES. . rt,oSS POSTAGE PAID: fi!l aonlh. 12-00. Tore Oae is on lb, 25 cent. !! rrt of the city, at the P ..Ll."r and HbcraL "4 ' ' wt:i rrMort any and all tall. Art ZAe Larocsi W fit lnt i f . .,. o" any newspaper itCl'''' - - 1 i i u'y or Wilmington. JH s.V' 1 LOCAL NEWS. ,i U ! mmiUTl. n. .....r.t.h Album co ton ro- . TTi.-i uj.iv up lo 3 o'clock i- i . i : i. l f r'0,-3. aiiiounica iu i tutu auu .V. v jocUk afternoon the ther- rhUn tHiee reiiatcrJd 60 de .ti. tlljlxi bven blessed with re inJ ciiihh snowera curing , jjj asJ all nature baa rejoiced rfiata tar-tac Pruspcra, Krenzier, a ti p :t. arrive! at Stettin on the ;Ve iati:etbe attention of ourcitizen3 Cwttaat first quality shirts aro 7'n loonier at one dollar at the t-lcra SLlrt Factory. tt. r. bir:ueAr.ut J, Nielsen, clcnr- L'.IijU lot. Jon with 1,710 casks rlMineslinc. valued at $2j,21G. . -. Jfc;. Mean. I'atcrson, Down- TUcl'tothe GraJuatinz Class for t f tf Ti'.rtton Nominal School, at li3 I'rjvr Kimai. on Friday cve- !:rw:ic to Fiihernica : Tbe cele- i! TUhw BrandtJ illine thread is oc!j a: J AO mi's lie is tbe Im A raiaful accident occurred to Mr. ,. Ijiinn, at the Wilmington Cotton j, jesterJay atleruoon. His riht ;J wu caught in a spinning wheel Jtie cud of the little Coser was cut A Itusy Vacation. Prof. Nobles will leave hero on :;raJay cornioj for his Summer -.-v.ioa. lid will go first to his lather's- i Juhro'.oa county, where he will stop short tis:e foe rest and recreation. -lire esteriuz upon his duties as icier of the Normal School, at New 3. Ihirioz tho Summer ho coutcai. r.c tlsiting Cbicazo and other cit- :JcfticVcit and Northwest, where tO examine the method j of teach i;J profit by sach new and valua- : iUii as he may get hold of. Criminal Court. T; prvxxcdins before thii tribunal -iijwcre as follow: xi:t$. (Icirgo Carey, assault and vt:j. Sol pro with leave Stale v. Willie Ami, assault and 't.y. iKfondant dischargcil. S:a;evs. Annie J. Craig, bigamy. ri.Ii leave. State tj. Uurrell Amcy, forcible tres- v Judgment suspended on pay State t.. (mr;c Clause alias Dick WAfcarlry. Set for Thursday at a.m.anJa specif I venire of 70 frtd. suteti. Emanuel Roderick, larceny. r:;.tj. kethe abve several sci fas werb Jr4cf asd at 1:30 p. m. the Court x a rievss for one hour. To Leave U. ft-.. I). Mtinfon. who has been : r tic ixil two months encaged i-itructions t the Ctirnet j "r.C-ib. has lolullcd bis engage ;,; leave here to-morrow lor c IV;u!. S. C. where fcc ba rta etgied as a teacher for tho band tie mooth of Jane. Since C;u U Lire Prof. Munson has C1,4fm5k!:lha!l with whom be has r -.ed. He is a quiet, un f, " ;Te ce&t!aiao. a thorough ruu 1 aa 2d a iin-taking and conscien IMcJwc wish that he could wits .: a Imported Caodr ',".,..: .:ir IrSloi Ei '"if .n -L 11 LRcrarr society. .1. i T f c3 idaod to rctoalo with us. x;resKshiaucl! xs delighted with tyasd 5otl and speaks with -d prid at thc cordial, wbolc- ZrT f tbe Concert Club', and es thatty are excellent musicians t l a ctnt'-eroen. who by irigid Lm"000 U lo ccl any .!aiU &wth-all of which we amiyasdonqoaliEedly endorse. Spoons, Fork, atd -mcf beat quality, gd al manu- ",uvl wan Depot. t 1 VOL. VIII. Ucoratlon lay. The following is the progranfmc for the observences here on Friday next, May 30th. Decoration Day: Decokation Dav, May 30th, 1631. C-1.C J eo. L. Mabson. Chief Mar. sh-1 Gen. S. II. Manning, Master of Ccre ui on ics. PKCHiKAMMK. Tho procession will form in front of the City Ilall at 4 o'clock, p. m. and move promptly at 1 30 in the lollowine order: first Division, In charged Col. F, W. Foter,asfistcd b? Monro2Byrc, J C. Hill, John Sature, Ceo. W. Alurray. and C. P. Lockey. will form on wts. sideThird street, with right resting on 1'rlnccs?, in the follow ing order: ENTEIirUISEBAXD. J C. Abbott. I'ost No 15. G. A. R. CoV. EagUs. Commander. Kx-Uf-ion boldicrs and sailors Carriages containing OraUr and Chaplain. SECOND DIVISION", In charge of Capt. James Richard son, assisted 0y Valentine Howe, D. C Davis. Lewis Rryant. Jno. H. White- roan and Jas. A. Lowrey, will form on Kast side of Third stree. with right resting on Princes, in the following order : Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Co., Jas. Ivey. Foreman. Brooklyn Racket Company, Eugene Nichols. Foreman. Little Columbia Bucket & Hoso Reel Company. Phtenix Hoso Reel Company, John A. Bradley, Foreman. Draymen's Association, Nicholas De boes. President. TIIIKD DIVISION, Incbargeof John Holloway, assisted by Jas. D. Dry. Jas. B. Dudley, Chas. II. Miller. J. 11. Davisand W. II. Ger ken. will form on the cast side ot Third street, with right resting on Chestnut, in tbe following order: Cape tear Band. Civic Societies. Citizens on Foot. Schools in Charge of Teachers. Citizens in Carriages. Mounted Men KXKUCISCS AT THE NATION A L CF.METEIiY Dirge by the Enterprise Band. Prayer by tho Chaplain, Rev. D. J. Sampson Music by tho Asaph Club. Ode by the Cape Fear Band. Oration by Rev. D. I). Dodge. Music by the Enterprise Band. Doxology by the Asaph Club Benediction. DECORATION OF GRAVES. After the above services the J. C. Abbott Post, G. A. R., will hold a special session over the grave of the late Gen. Joseph C. Abbott and others in accordance with the rules and cus toms of that order. The revenue steamer Colax, Capt. Stodder, will lire half-hour- tuns from sunrise to sunset. Ed. R. Brink. Chairman General Committee. City Court. John Morc, a Nova Scotia.sailor, was brought belorc thc Mayor this morning charged with stealing a hat and pair of shoos from a room at Brj SDn's boarding house, on Nutt street. Ho plead gui'.ty to the charge, which was a wiso proceeding, as he appeared at the Court Room with thc shoes upon his feet, and was required "to give a bond iu thc sum of 100 for his appear ance at thc present term of the CrimL nal Court, in default of which he was committed. Buck Hill, colored, fur assault and battery with a deadly weapon with in tent to kill, was the r.ext case, which was continued. (An account of this case will be found in another column.) Shooting Aflraj-. At about 3 o'clock this morning John Price, colored, who is a private scaven ger, was passing through Millis Alley, which ruus from Dawson to Wooster street, between Eigth and Ninth, when ho was shot, as he declares, by Buck II 11, also colored, who lives in that alley. The ball stiuck Price in the small of the back a little to tbe rigbt of the bauk bone and passing through thc body lodged in tbe lelt groin. Thc wounded man was able to reach his hoiae, which was not far off, and surgical aid was summoned. His condi tion is considered as extremely critical. The police were notified and ofheer Everett arrested Hill this morning and took him to the guard house. He says that Price was at his houso last night and was seated with him on the p:azza la friendly conversation until after midnieht, when Price left to go home and that is a1! be knows abont the af fair. He says, further, that he and Price were on tho most friendly terms and it all appears like a dream. His statements, howver, were conflicting, and the matter will bo thoroughly in vestigated by the authorities. We acknowledge tbe reception from from Prof. Qaackenbush of an invita tion to the Commencement Exercises of Laurinburg High School to take place on Thursday. Juno ICtb. Tho address will bo delivered by Hon. A. M. Wad-dcll. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. MAY 27, On to Onslow. ... Hoard of Aldermen. We. publish herewith a communica no Board of Aldermen met in tion 1mm a gentleman alSbeed's Ferry, session at 8 o'clock p. m. May relative to the proposed railroad and 26th. 186t, Present. His lienor Mayor the resources of Onslow county. It - IV Hall and Aldermen DeRosset, will be read with peculiar interest at Bone. Bear, Dudley, Chadbouro, this time in view of the fact that a meet- Sweat and Howe, ins is 16 be held in the City Court Tkf Mavor stated the object of the Room to-morrow to consider the matter meclin to be for the purpose of rc of building this road to Onslow. Our c1? the report ol the committee correspondent says : appointed at the meeting of May 5th, Mi- rfllTM,. p'm!f cnxt n t confer with the Board ot Audit and -UK. editor: Permit me to say a , . A - . , few words through the columns ot your Itiance on tn subject of the tax levy valuable paper in behalf of this section, md 'ordinances relating thereto, and though in a leeblCway appropriation for the current fiscal neighbors and hospitable a people as can be found anywhere. Much in terest seems manifested, both in schools and churches. The resources of this section, the principal of which I want to note, are surpassed by uone in East trn Carolina, though the people have to contend with many .disadvantage?, the greatest of which is the want of vis,y uauauiMMvu w cuuiciuu i.u .A...t: . .i ting up of New Iolet has increased freights to yoar city, thus reducing the I r 1 1 . ... yaiue oi proiiucc, anu incurring auu tional I risks m passing around Frying larl v emoloved and two , others ocraa- ionally, in carrying the produce of this section to yoar city, ana sometimes lor tbe want of a fair wind, they are do- al days or even weeks. On one occas- ion one was knowu to have been de- tained there six weeks. Think of that! A vessel loaded With COttOn, naval stores, ccc lying at tho mouth ot a river s'x weeks! - This section is highly favored by nature, backed up as it is by rich and fertile lands on both sides of tbe river, and what is badly needed is a railroad Irom Wilmington touching some point on the river; and, unless this is done soon, the people will have to look somewhorc else for help, and wo fear that Wilmington will lose a great portion oi mivparioi me uns- low trade, as we understand that an inland route is soon to be opened from here to Norfolk. And to avoid shoals of sand (for it is one of the sandiest roads Irom hero to Wilmington you ever saw), the people will ship their produce to other markets. Hovr, can Wilmington afford to lose this trade? Let us see. I am intormed by re3pon- siblo parties, and tho3 who ought to know, that the sales of oysters alone rtnvcr omnnnt f r nonrlu fiftw thrnnrl I - j , Y , . . i aouars, anu mey are nauieu m cans over iony miies oi ueeo Bauu. xu mougnitnat ino annuaisaiesoi nsnanu oysters of this market are one hundred iuuumuu uwiAa.v, t-j ..-e, " o f I tne cotton, turpeniine, occ. wnicu. are made around here in reat abundance. Anu is it not reasouauio to suyvou wi if a railroad ran hero, the sales would amount to at least tfcree times tne amount, if not more? And if it pays to run a railroad to a turpentine country, would it not pay to run one to such a country as this? . New River, for several miles on both sides, would mako fine oyster gardens and I anrtold that tho oyster rocks are almost inexhaustible, there being thousands of tbem. and it 4s said that when taken from the rocks,- those .eft grow faster and made finer oysters. As to thc fisheries of this section, they aro as good as can be found almost any where both inside and outside fisher ies. As many as eight hundred barrels of lish have been known to have been caught at ono haul at Goose Bay Fisherv. at the mouth ot the river. Sharpies run regularly up tms river m Ai0"'11! "U"t ?r .K ToThoTonircesr which no doubt would be sent to Wilmington, if there were better facilities for trans portation. Now, as to what point a railroad should strike this river: Either of three places, S need's Ferry. Fulcbcr's Landing or Peru would be a good nlace. Tbe sublic road crosses the river at Sneed's F'erry, and there is also good water and a good harbor. The same could be said of Falcher1 Landing which is more in the midst of ush and oysters, white at reru ii oe in signi oi me oceau uu more convenient to tho fisheries on tho coast. There is but little difference in the distance from Wilminjton to cither of the three places provided tho road runs with the Sounds which would oo through a fish country as well as a good farming country ali the way; also a good timber country. composed of live oaks, which are used for ship-building. Now, Mr. Editor, wi.h this railroad, and a steamer con- necting with it from Tar Landing, this section would spring from its lonz sleep and your city would feel tbe influence of such an enterprise. Sx bed's Ferut. A Bad Uriver. During one of the showers this fore noon the colored driver of a loaded dray in passing through from Princess to Market street, on North Second. droye against the sign post of Mr. John G Bauman and knocked the sign down. Mr. Bauman ran out to save tho sign when he was knocked down by tbe dray and came near being ran over The drayman see rued much more in tent on seeing how many antics ne could make thc animal show than beJin did for the safety of anybody, and final ly drove off without any regard to the damage be had done. We saw him a few moments after come around the corner to go up Market street, boi turned the horse and made him back I f mnMrrtlA riittftnr. " I Alderman DePwo3?ct, for the com mitter, submitted the following report; The tax levy for tho current fiscal year shall be $1.75 on the 100 valua tion, divided as follows; l?or current expenses CG cents Interest on debt..... .... 80 Sinking fund 6 orln vater St. debt 23 APPrP n Ior cu"f nt exPen3es,69,560 Alderman Dudley moved to concur til : . Aiuerroan ueitosset onerca an amendment, that the item of genera repa,rs m F ire department be changed from $1,000 to $1,500; that the item o drainage in Sanitary Department be changed Irom $240 to $490, and that thc appropriation for water works be changed from $6,50 to $6,800. Alderman Chadbourn offered amendmpnt th.if. th nnnrnnrinlinn fo. . . . , . " , ; salaries be Increased $300. and that the appropriation for water works be made $8,250. Upon this amendment a division of the question was called for. The amendment relating to salaries was adopted. The amendment relating to water works was lost. The amend ments offered by Alderman DeRosset were adopted. The report, as amended, was then adopted. Alderman Boney oflered the follow ing resolution: Resolved, That the Chairman of the Board of Audit and Finance. R. J .rnnpa k nmi w h0Kr ,!;ntoi " nmmiff0 i ft ,fof u !. - ... " , uuy, io receive, settle upon ana arrange the proposed compro mise between Mrs. Dawson and the ifv fia t tho fomrtTroi f k r,i- piazza or portico, and the said R. J. U UUC3 19 UUipU ITCrtd lu Bgkbc mnm wmny and an plans and estimates proposed, provided, the city is In no event to pay more than one halt tno cost ot tne re moval and the construction ot a new I entrance off the street. Alderman Dudley moved to lay the resolution on the table. Motion with drawn by request. Motion to lay on the table renewed. Lost. Alderman Bear moved to adjourn, snbject to the call of the Mayor. Lost. Alderman Bear moved that action on tho resolution be Indefinitely postponed. Lost. Alderman DeRosset moved to amend by striking oat the name of R. J. Jones, Chairman of the Board ot Audit and Finance. Amendment accepted by Alderman Boney Alderman Boney then, by permission of tde Board, withdrew the resolution. Alderman Boney then presented the petition of E. G. Barker & Co,, for permission to store lime in the brick store on tne N. E. corner of Water and Princess streets, for a short space of time two or three months. A counter petition was also presented protesting against the storage of lime in the above described premises Alderman Bear moved that the pe not .... , r, n,.tor tition ot E. G. Barker Co. be granted. Alderman Dudley offered as a sub- Q fc the petitioa De graaleti . , , - - until September 1st, giving a a reason that be had been told by Mr. E. G. Barker that the vessel containing the y fc d . d wa3 no j tfc "" " stream and she mtwt be discharged or pay would be demanded for her deten- oa.. AiWman nPWt nVmnndpd th tyeas and nays which were ordered. - Yeas Aldermen Boney, Dudley, Chadbourn, Howe, Sweat Nays Aldermen DeRosset and Bear. The substitute was adopted. Permission was granted S. VanAnr ringe to erect a wooden building with a tin roof on his lot on tbe corner of - Fourth aud Walnut streets. Adjourned. We saw aa elegant peach this morn log, large, Inscious and fally matured which was pucked from a young tree on Mr. Jno. R. Turrentine1 d remises j.y It wa8 assuredly, we think. tbe finest peach ever grown hereabouts in the month o May. The largest and beat stock of Windows Doors. Blinds &c, and at Factory prices is al N. Jacobi's Hard WSX8 liepoU T 1884. NO. 126 A Promisinsr Outlook. We are glad to hear such favorable repoits in regard to the crops. The good news comes in to us irom all directions. Wo beard from sections of Duplin and Pender" counties to-day. Mr. A: D. Black, of Kenansville, and Mr. II. S. Alderman, of the Point LCaswell section tell us that tho out Took with them is very promising and that eveiybody is greatly .encouraged iu hoping for excellent crops of all kinds this year. List of Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City ot Wed uesday. May 28 1884: B Eliza Belden. Miss Joe Deaw Kurriss, lewis Bnrnbam, Thomas Koylr. C J. P. Chapman. D Hersey Dexter. E Thos. Ennetl (J Frank Green. H Dr. Holden, Mary Howard. I-C.W.Ivey. J Louis II. Jenkens. K WVM. Kimr, L Ellen Love, J. C Leona'rd, R. I. Laycock. M D. A. McAllister, Rev. Dan'l McKoy, Julia Mosely, R. F. Mitchell. N Elisha Nelson. O Witham Oduni, Miss Emily Ov ertoil. P Caroline Potter. R Calvin Reaves, Ila'tie Robinson S Martha G. Scott. T Mrs. F. C. Taylor. Mrs. Lida Tucker. James Taylor. W Bright Williams, Chas. Wesley. Henry Wilson, Joe II. Webb. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised;" if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, . Ed. R. C. D.Brink P. M. , Quicker than Electricity. City Alderman, Hon; R. C. Payne, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, writes that he tried majiy remedies. Including galvanic batteries and Turkish baths, for rheumatism, and finally used St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure. It gave I . . 1 - r min instantaneous reuei. "A UAK0. The Hotel Brunswick, Smithville, N. C. , will open for the season, June 2. Rates of Board as follows : Transient Rates, S2.50 and $3 per day : 17 per single week: $15 per week for single month : S12 per uhmu ior an lime o"Yer one uiuuui, Children under 10 years and nurses, half price. V Special meal hour3 ror children and nurses. , , Tbe New Pavilion Building is open at all times for the reception of the public. Our Ball lioom is lree to the guests of the hotel. All others are expected to pay for ball room privileges. Tickets can be procured at hotel oflice or cafe. Admission 25 cents. Cafe supplied at 11 times with cool Soda Water, Ices and Eatables of the description usually found in f rst-class Lunch liooins, at reasonable prices. Our friends and tho public generally are invited to give us a trial. Respectfully, &c, J. D. SUBLETT, may 24 lw Manager. If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the. Ex celsior Penn., Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. They are to be f jund at factory prices at Jacobi's, who is the manufacturers' agent, t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. City Drug Store. 21G MARKET STREET. D RUG3 AND SODA WATEK3. None but the best Syrups wiih pure Cream used. A choice lot oi cizars ana louacco juat re ceived. Prescriptions prepared at all hours day and night. J. W. CONOLEY, may 27 ' aianaeer. Spaulding's League Balls. g PAULDING 8 BEaTBAIo, BASE BALL. CAPS AND BLT, HAMMOCKS, tbe Best Kind, Larger, And Small Ones for Children .New Jot jast received, and for sale cheap at HEINSBERGEKS. may 21 Live Book and Mn1e Stort Family Excursion ! 0 N THE STEAMER PASSPORT TO SMrTIIYILLE. THE rOLTS AND OUTSIDE, FRIDAY, MAY tfOth, 1884. Brnefit of the L. B Literary Society. Mulsby the Italian II trpera. Round trip, ad nil. 5 cents each, and Child renSI ccnU. MISS CB H. NORTHROP, ) Managing M.R. W,M. CCMMING, J - E. S, TJENNENT. ) Committee may 57 f 1 1 th TTt win be glad t rocdva ccsjausalr troa our friends on any.' and all rat Jectt Keral Interest but ' Tae naiao of the writer most always t abtaed to the Editor. Commxmlcatloianiiistfbii wrlttea a ey onealdectf the paper. - T,. , . ' PenonaBUeexDiutbe avoided. And It la eDfir?n' ! 4 , uviuuir liner iu iae jsoaor does not always end te thn viov. a . ' " .n.v.wuraipgoaeiui caiesa aKttafei u ie ecuwnai cohunna. ' M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A-NOTHER 7 LOT . OF rrtCTED BV WEDNESDAY. .. MILAN CUIP and au the Uovgh t traws, eo popular no w. Every possible ehado of rcath c and other TriaimlPgs. New lot of Pari' sols, w Llie and colors, all prices! Gloves, Lisle, KM and Lace, New 8 tin pin jattems.A Kcspectfully MISS E. KA11RER, mfty -C Exchange Comer, " A SUGGESTION. TUE SUMMER APPEOA CUES AND (Jtiiilsaml Fever, Malaria, and kindred tlLf eases make Qalnlne a necessity, We suggest to' heaJa of families to buy our Capsules of ''Qui-' nine, sold In any quantity, but mnch cheaper when purchased la boxes ot 100. Packet Into the Capsule in a dry state, additional efficacy is insured, and wo guarantee each Capsule lo contain amount repreecnted Information re- f Kardlng prices, number of grains in Capsule'. Ac, glaaly given. Munds Bros. & DeRosseti iTuggisu, Aiarxct "trect, m ly 2G Wlloilnaton, N. C. f it QN AND AFTEU JUNE ICtb, ALL DOGS . n '6i muiuui . J)&up Tflll . 6MW, oaiB ab uiq iTcaBurer s oflice may 2G Ct ii. c. Bitoci:, Chief of Police'. Foreclosure Sale. JgY VIRTUK OF A DEUItEJE OF TlE 6U- uerior Court of New Hanover County, in a ciusc there pending between James W. Col line, ct al. plaintiffs, and Adrian II VanBok keien and wife, defendants. I will sell by pub- lie auction at tho Court Jlcuse door in the J city of Wilmington, on Wednesday, tho 4th uayof June, its Mho. following iots of land situate in said city, to wit : . Lot No. 2 In Block IS according to fife plan of said city. - Lot No. C in Block S according to said plan.' Not No. 5 Iu Block SC accoidicg it said plan: : Terms cash. ' U' J-OIIN D. TAYLOB, may?0, tt,20,27,3l, J 2. 3 CommbMlonner, Onslow Railroad.' A LL PERSONS INTERESTED IN BUILD"" '. i i t .... -,. ING A RAILROAD TO ONSLOW will plCMC meet at tho C lty Court Room, on Wednesday, , May 23th, 1S31, at 13 o'clock, M. ? may23 2t COMMITTKK. Children's Carriages. MEW STOCK OF RATTAN AND OTIIEB stjlcsof CIIILDBES'3 CARRIAGES rccelf . . ed this week. R A.TTAN CUAIR5, , , ROCKING SETrEES,' 1 ? ' MOSQUITO NKT5, a c.,Jte.' V ''' d."a. siiiTir,; may 20 Furniture, N. FrontjStrcct Don't Pay Rent! ii ui l jxi iium j.iut t same money will buy you a nooo ? In thi3 citv I have sold OTcr one hundred and Hfty , Lots and Houses and Lots-t parties who have paid Io full for ; them, by instalments-rniohtbly paymrnti.'' Also, I have a urge number now ou my books," whj are; making regular monthly payments and will soon own houres and get elc&rof land lord rule. - . . ,( - lonty loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to - --. ..:. ; may 11 cw JAMES WILSON. , Photograph Albums.' . ; XTEW LOT OF CABINET SIZED ALBUMS iat reteircI MUSICAL INSTRUMENT-VIolIns. Gntt ars. Banjos, Acctrdcons, How, rttUigM, 1c. - LITHWi RAPIIIRO Be!n ?get for one of lbs largest LiUiographlcg eublichmnui. in tho country, Ja pre pare J t- furnUh Checks, Drafts. LeUrr JIead, ; Bill JIead,' Wedding and Ball Invitation, Visiting Card, Ac , at very low rate. SHOW CASE4veraI fy cV la metal aBd walnut, oral aa i ber let , frooU, at fae-' torypricea.. , ,V.... YATES1 BOOK STOItK, may 19 ! -A 113 Mzrtel UttU - The Qu est I oii J-OW IS, SOr.WUETHKK WK SHALL, ly a tariifon Blaaktt and TrbeeOaln',lnt wbre, oh where, ran you get- trc ;uoLl5T aid BEST be KB f faU at JsciiOWAVd, : No. O South Front Street, : ami you can solve Ute problem. Also, the bet $ . Cigars In tl e city. . mijZl Mil mi

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