THIS FATXX mrerr trc-is. 8 as days ;sept4 by JOSH T.JAMES, nrroi ad raorxrrroa, ... .rrlPTlOSS POSTAGE PAID:- SLto-- -,rtth S.0Q. Thre (7M J . 1 UU. o One month, 35 ceata. SiO1 !,lL.Mmwlbr urrlm free TTia a.'? P of the dir. at the above 1 Cri: rf-rt any and all fall t .rrirt itcir rir rrgnlxrry. Z -n., fkiily Ikvicv has the largest i U cirtulition, of any newspaper ' . . ... vi..iLi:rm;MjAM P . mm i in I null ri'. Juho.!c b Astor avo a gold . jj aR,i $ tiki lo each of bcr servants iVrmg fir her recovery. , iVcenJ ;r-nt ba5 niorUaged bis Jr 'tftiri ivr ol V. II. Vander. Kicca Victoria will remain in Seot- ..Vus:.: the l i'tcr part ol June, after neelidrlcUihtUccUiD Into high flt.r ia Jon. Buckingham Palace :.tJ with itand so area number ol iiol lbs nobility. ti ? . & . i .. JcI liar i?, ucuer kuowii . IleaiU'j" Lai written the kr tt Jecoration Day exercises A:!i-f. Ga. It it in plantation no I j;L Wtbb's widow is exhibiting as iauractioa dj playing tbc part of cvi er a: Whirlpool Kapid Park, near S-jea;.o Ilridre. close by the iceoe .r' tcrt-bar..r laU foolish plaoge. I. S lliaat. Jr. laughs at the ramor wf l.i -jj'?iMtl flight to Canada. He .ijjUb' no intention of leaving, but is: :Jj to remain and attend to the bus which will necctsatily grow out tf tjfcr.itdal imbroglio. Gtccral (irant is seriously affected jh)oIIjbj the trouble of Grant & H'arJ. A relative f ajs that tho mcnta1 w'jjla cm the General has been so great be wat herr.nfter ba countetl an iM man. He has bwn confined to tbc tt-av. I'rioco Iliiaiarck protests that he i r.a. asreportcJ. superititious; toat be will engage in any tnlcrpirse whatever oa Friday, and that he is reaJy to set tlown at a table with twelve people and tt and drink more than all the rest or 'tru put together. rmbrcllas are regarded as persona r rDperty io Delaware. A man has just teen sentenced in Wilmington to pay t! cost of prosecution, $G fine, one Lour in the pillory, twenty lashes and three jcars in New Castle Jail, all Tor!Icg an umbrella. bzxior Uokc. o! Texas. Las a rc carkably powerful rolce. and it is said i-i. when he was discnuio; the plearo P.-uiiiodU bill and his throttle valve IJe open, the pases put cotton in their arsand wedged the window sashes to let j them from rattling and breaking lie glass. lapt. Cuthbcrt.Forncrct is another Waterloo veteran who has jnst gone. Hi standing with the Bath Iiiflcs was L h. and there is no doubt that ho vas oae v( the ;.ird fighters who helped to fctultoSL Helena the man that had r.IJco rough-shod over Europe. Capt. Ktrtcrct death occurred at Montreal i3 Monday Sicce tbc establishment of the system Siwrr than twenty years ago, only t-tty National banks have failed, and the Uns to creditors has not exceeded ii.WO.dX). the average loss being about To pr cvat. In each case. Tho average is-sal lots to depositors by the fail a re c fNsiioaal banks has been only one-Ueat-cth of 1 percent. The Hon. James B. Euslis, who is to icceed Mr. Jonas in tho, United Stales .tv.e from Louisiana, already has ta a member of that body, the pre- io fact of the gentleman whom L iU diiDlacj. He is a son of ratr Chief Justico of Louisiana. Mr. 'oitu is a graduate ol Harvard, and a ccf wealth and recognized ability. Mr- FerJinand Ward's downfall is fretted M Stamford. Conn- on ac--Ictth liberality to local institu-hoa- Among other things he ubfcrib- S30oo to the new Presbiterian Ctarcb. $1,000 totbe proposed soldier J0532ieot. $1 000 to the Young Men' r.s:iaa Aociation and $100 to the - :!ord Comet Band. all of which, o f fw. was stolen money. " In a spac'ous show window of a "ashlngtoa street. Boston. Mass., th;oghoc39 there is a horse stall; in sull on exhibition is tho celebrated , tors JoJge Fulienoo. who has his mi!e in 1.19. The bono Is ced st $30.0CO, and is for ta'.e. or -rU being disposed of to the buyer w clothing who gnessea his correct Vi: ,JoJ5 FolIrton is asgentlo m4," a babe- " h stands in ioJ glanciagat tho pusers by. 1 H i VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. .-. WEDNESDAY, MAY LOCAL NEWS. UOtX TO ISW ADYERTISEfiSEITt. Joux Wkkncs The Berber Johjt Co waw, Sccfr NoUcc Tatlok'8 Baziak Just IdiaIoc C VT Tatcs Photograph Album r CMlLLEB-Glbfon'sluiportcl Canilr tlniKSBKBOLE SjiaaMlnt'A Loagtie BaI.'s IVKDS A DECOMtT-A SurrtsUon Tho Orxan ruo-I AfocJtJoo of tho front Street II. K. Church olcrUlam.CD'. The receipts of cntton at this to-day fool up only J bales. por One colored tramp was furnished with Jdgtng3 at tho guard house last night. o wrote it yesterday "Tileston Normal' School" but it appeared in priot as 'Tileston Nominal School." Sleamboatmen report that there has been some rise in tho Capo Fear within to-3 last lew days, in consequence of the recent rains Interesting to Fishermen: Thocele bratod Fish" Brand Gilling thread is old only at Jacobi's. He is the Im porter's Agent f The steamship licgulalor. Captain Doane. from New York, arrived at her wharl in this city at about 10 o'clock tbi forenoon. Wo invito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. The scholars of Misses Burr and James' bchool win nave their annual May picnic to-morrow at Mr. Richard Bradley's place, on WrightsvUlo Sound. Mr. John Werner, the well known barner anu penumer, appears in a new advertisement in this issue, to which we invite the attention of our readers. Gcr barque EurqcrtnciUcr Kcrslain, Ebrcrneich, cleared to day for Stettin with 3231 barrels rosin, valued at $4,- 5S1, shipped by Messrs Paterson, Downing: & Co. Tbc prospects in this section for a I large crop this year of watermelons and cantaloupes teem very fine just at thi3 time, but too mnch rain now would play the wild with them. Mr. Geo. M. Crapon has also had some fine peaches from his garden in this city, on Fifth street, between Ann and Nun. They we're from young trees, only a few years in the ground. Tho Congressional Executive Com mittee of tho Sixth Congressional Dis trict' will meet at Lumbcrton. Robeson county, on the 2nd day of June next. The meeting is called by Mr. Paul B. Means, Chairman of the Congres sional Executive Committee of the old Sixth Congressional District. 1'crsoual. We arc glad to sco that Mr. Eugene Wiggins has so far recovered from his recent seven; injuries as to be able to walk on tho street again, unaided. He is on crutches yet, of course, but hopes to dispense with ihem io a few days. . Carolina Yacht Club. At a meeting of the Governing Board of the Carolina Yacht Club, held last nifht. the following committees were appointed: Regatta Committee Jno. J. Fowler, G. Herbert Smith. A. II. Greene. On MembershipA. R. Campbell, Albert Gore, E. G. Barker. Resolutions were adopted lookio to improvements of the new Banks house, which i to bo securely fenced in, with a man placed in cflarge who will be ready at all times to serve members of the club. If yon need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to sec tho Ex celsior Penn- Zeb. Vanco and New Emerald, besides others. They are to be found at factory prices at Jacobi's, who is the manufacturers agent. t Pleasure Expected. It will be seen by advertisement that the Organ Fond Association of the Front Street M. E. Church have one of their entertainmen's t-mortow (Thursday-) night at the residence of Col. C. L. GrafU in. Third and Walnut streets. They will have both vocal and instru mental music In their selection, choice; also cream and strawberries to tempt the pa'ate. which will bo served on the lawn, which is such a thing of beauty upon the promife.5'. There will be in con nect on with what is already noted, a new feature which can only be appre ciated by witnessing it. This may be the last one of the season. The larrest and best stock of Windows. Doors, Blinds &&. and at Factory prices is at N. Jacobi's Hard wax Depot. t Auction Sales. At the sale of real estate and bank stock at auction to-day, by Messrs. Cronly & Morris, the lot on Gwynn street bronght $115, and 10 shares ol the stock ot the Bank of New Hanover wera sold for $ 1 12 per share. The rest ff th TO 1 nttata ftnrl I Vi o Ko 1 n-o nf ( KiQ " w. uuujiuKiauua iae leasaoiiuy ana im bank stock wero withdrawn. portance of a railroad from this city to Hailstorm. some point on New River, in Onslow There was quite a severe hail storm county. The meeting was well attend yesterday afternoon in some portions cd many of our most prominent busi. of Pender county. At Mr. Jesse Bow- ncss men as well as representatives den's place, about sir miles from Rocky from Pender nd Onslow counties, being Point depot, the hail was very severe and did creat damage to his vounfr and growing crops. His corn, which was laokiog and growing finely previous to the storm, was stripped of its leaves and almost ruined by the violence of fhe hail. Other planters suffered more or less, but Mr. Bowden seems to have been the greatest loser. " Joint Meetlnsr. Capt. John Cowan, Secretary of the Board of Justices of the Peace for New Hanover county, gives notice in this issue that a meet ids of the Board wiu oo neia on Monday next, in con- junction with the Board of County Commissioners, for the purpose of levy ing taxes for the current year and for the election of a Board of County Com- missions. They wiiP also meet with tho Board of Education for the election of a Superintendent of Public Instruc- for the County. Southern Historical Papers; The May number of this magazine is before us. Its contents are as follows: "Reconstruction in S. C," by Prof. F. A. Porcher; "Story of the Arkan sas," (concluded) by George W, Gift; Letters from Fort Sumter," by Lt. Iredell Jones; "Diary of Rev. J. G. Law;" "Chickamanga," a reply to Maj. Sykes, by James A. Goggin, A. a. ucocrai division; ive- rorfrof Gen. W. Pettura ot Onera- t:ons at lax) tout Mountain;" isattie of Drewry's Bluff, May 16, 1864," Re- ports 01 uens. it. a. uoko ana joun- sa m - -r V V 1 I son iiasood: "Woisieya trioute to Lee and Jackson;" "The Burning or Columbia," affidavit of Mrs. Agne3 idw; iuu uiuu nuu , a poem by Rev. J. G. Walker, and The Electic History" a Review, by Mm. Allan. Col. Vegetables and Berries. VnmtmhlPJi aro in exce ent -sunrjlv now and some varieties are very cheap, nrponnasrobeinffat 10 cents ner . v pecs:, iney are worm ouu j cents a hn.hni in Kflw York, and it doesn't dbv q shin them there or to haul them here - r p l pithpr. Rome of the truckers sa d this - r . - ... I morninc that thev would bring in too -,AMnfhom hntwnnld fend thorn to more of them out wouia leoa mem to m9 I hnir hoes. Bcets-aml beantiful beets they are seil for 10 cents a bunch for thohpstrtho best cabbaees mav be Li w r- io nnnto nninna ora Mni r . i iii u: o I a nunc a : cauiiuunci uiius iuiau a . hPdrsnan beans sell for 40 cents a nir.nrismfiiirnmmhera. nnhhina hrm 20' cents a dozen. Themis no trrcen corn vet in market but it will probably make its first appearance in a few days. Blackberries are becoming plentiful at 5 cents a quart, strawberries sell "two quarts for a quarter." and ku.k.., .aiirnrihAmo nrw TIio UODrressionai xistricis. In complianco with tke requests of a number of readers we publish here- with the new Congressional apportoin- - . sr -v ment in this State. New Hanover is now in the Sixth district, whereas she was formerly in the Third : rirsi. jiairitk xjcauiuffc. aujuen, -r . it t r r . - i I unowan, uarwrer, VyurriiucK, Lare. Atm m mT9 . " . S -v Gates. Hertford. Hyde, Martm. Pamli co. Pasquotank. Perquimans, Pitt. Tyr rell and Washington. Second Bertie. Craven. Edgecombe. Green, Halifax. Lenoir, Northampton. Vance. Warren and Wilson. Third Onsrow, Pender. Duplin. Sampson. Bladen. Wajno. Cumber I land, Harnett and Moore. fourth Uah Vranblin Wake, Durham, Orange. ChathamAlamance and Johnston rilth Oranvl.le. Teron. Caswell. I Kocktngham, Mokes, tjuulord, fcurry and Forsyth. Sixth New Hanover. Brunswick, Columbus, Richmond, Anson, Union. Stanly, Cabarrus, Robeson; and Meck lenburg. Seventh Montgomery. Randolph. Davidson. Rowan, Davie, Iredell, Ca tawba and Yaikio. Eighth Wilkts, Alexander. Ashe, Watauga, Alleghany, Caldwell. Burke, Cleaveland. Gaston, and Lincoln. Ninth Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Macon, Swain. Jacksoo, . Hay wood, Transylvania, Henderson, Polk. Rnth- erford. Buncombe, M"cDo well. Madison, Yaccey and Mitchell. Silver Plated Spoons. Forks and Knives of best quality, and at manu- facturcr's pi ices, can be found at J a-led cobi's Hard w axe Depot. f -fr .? J. ONSLOW RAILROAD, Enthusiastic ftleetinsrCUeer ful Prospects- Earnest TVork. In accordance with previous an nouncement, a meeting was held at the City Court room this noon to take into I r . . ..... present. - Mayor E. D. Hall was called vuair sou xuessra. j. n. xvODin son and T. D. Meares were requested to act as secretaries. . V .Upon taking the Chair. MayV Hall stated the object of the meeting in a speech full of pith and point. lie dwelt at considerable length upon the im mense resources of the country through which the proposed road would pass, o f the vital importance of the enterprise to the commercial and financial pros- perity of Wilmington and urged imme- diateand energetic action to acconiDlish SnCh a desirable result. At the conclusion of the Mayor's ad- dress. Mr. u. w. McUlammv. offender county, addressed the meeting in a speech of considerable length. He spoke of the almost limitless resources of Pender and Onslow which were now lying dormant for want of market facilities, but which a line of railroad leading to New River would develope. He said that the distance from Wil- mington to S need's Ferry, in Onslow county, was about 40 miles, and thit by the proposed route about 15 miles of the distance -would bo in Pender. For tnis distance, he pledged the right ot way for the railroad free of cost and that the property owners through whose lands the road would pass in that coun. ty would subscribe to an amount of stock sufficient to grade and crosstie the same. The people of his section of ta , : ' .. .u ' ix cuuci nuio hi. viuucsb auu mi mtrv wanted to know was thsf. Onciionr nnri New Hanover were in earnest. His remarks were forceful and logical and had much influence with the meeting. Col. Roger Moore then addressed the meetinc and assured the npnnlr? nf I f enaer mat vv iimingion was in ear nest meant business and would do her whole duty in carrying the enter prise to a successful result. He sug gested that when the meeting adjourned 'nac u snouiu oe to some uay wuen iae report of the committee on survey, which was appointed at a previous I rioftf?nr cVinnlfl Ka TPfiflv ko f hnf not ion -"""t.. -w ' could be taken upon some tangible and real d1- x. uu, iu icPiy iu 4uea- w r itr u i on from Malr c- w' MCOlamrry. guaranteeo WO money to pay ior li:e - . a. - t I uecessaiy ouicjr. I ii. ir. " t- i ino veneraoie jur. kj. vr. xarsiey, Sr., then addressed tne meeting in a SDeech of considerable length and of irroit nrnrtieal valno. which was listen b.w. . cd to with profound attention and in terest. He is a native of Onslow, is well acquainted with all its terri tory and demonstrated the value and importance of the enterpriseas a means by which the boundless resources of that fertile section could be poured into the lap of Wilmington to'the profit and advantage of all.5 He urged action immediate and eneigetic action illus- tTSting -as argument by stating that, wnen the Wilmington & Weldon Rail Roa(j wa8 projected, he. as a clerk upon M ft vear falary. subscribed for more ott than all his -oossessions would h broueht if put upon tho market. .f aneh was the advantaze of the in. va,fmpnt that in less than three rears J . I - ' I .. . uuiHwuiu naujwtc vuuu kiwwtvu. i Mayor Hall then made a speech, in which he paid a glowing tribute to ibe financial foresight of ,Mr. Parsley and others of that time, who, by their euer- gy. tact and courage, had done eo much for the growth nd Drosneritv of Wil mington. He also urged prompt and decisive actron, the necessity for which seemed to imbue the minus of all prcs- rnt It was thn most enthusiastic meet- ing we have seen in Wilmington upon any subject. The meeting adjourned to meet again on Thursday, the 12th day of June next. City Court. One case of disorderly conduct vas disposed of by the Mayor this morning by a fine of $ 10. RnoV nm i-ri v.s.-.i r?ih . ' . i.Dg Jonn rnce, aiso co:oreu. in Millis Alley vosterday murn ng and whose case was continued until to-day. was brought nn i hi- mnn inir. for a hearing. The case, however, was con- tined until the deposition of the wound- man could bo taken, which will be done to-day. 2$, 1884. NO. 127 Criminal Court. The following are the proceedings be fore this tribunal since the close of our report yesterday : - State vs Mat, Robinson, larceny. Not guilty. State vs J03. Jenes. assault and bat tsry. Zachariah Johnson, Jas. -W Spearman and J. A. Patterson called and failed. Judgment nisi. State vs John Wright, larceny. Not iruilty. ...... . . . . State vs. Joseph Ellison and Alexi n dcr Lane, burslary, ; Sot for Thursday, 29th inst.. and a special venire of 100 ordered. Stale vs George Gause, alias Dick Gause, burglary. The defendant sub mits to a verdict of larceny. Settance 10 years in the penitentiary. State vs Daniel Leak and CarrY Green, assault and battery. Leak only on trial. Guilty as to him. Sentence $25 and sosts. State vs Johnson, larceny. Not guilty. State vs J. M. Summery, assault and battery. Guilty. Judgment $25 and costs. State vs John Moore, larceny. uuuty. bentencea to rj .montns in State penitentiary. State vs Daniel Claridy, Margaret Claridy and Rebecca Claridy, larceny and receiving stolen goods. Not guilty as to Daniel Claridy. Guilty as to Margaret Claridy and Rebecca Claridy Sentence, 5 years in the penitentiary for ench. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rjlHE ORGAN FUND ASSOCIATION OF the Front Street M. E. Church will give one of their ENTERTAINMENTS at the residence of Col C L GRAFF LIN, to morrow (Thurs day) night- .Admission Ten Cents. They have a fine pr.ifl-ramme for the occasion. may 28 zt TUQ FvPiircinn and PiV Mir I ll6 QXCUrSIOn alia TIC NIC O visiting th city, the Sounds or Smithvllle. and ia need of Firs t-Cls S3 work will do well to call on J"OHrELlT A J JbtlSI IEj!H. the well known barber and Perfumer at bis Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon, NO. 2D MARKET STREET, where he will spare bo pains In srivina: satis faction to an come and see. may 23 Rlotice. 'PHE BOARD OF JUSTICES OF THE J. PEACE for New Hanovcrcounty arc notilied to meet the Board of County Commissioners at the Court House, on MONDAY, JUNE?, 1SS l, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of hewing the Taxes for the vear lsst. and for inwiranaacuonoisucnomer nusiness as may be brouzht before them. Also to mAtthfl . . a m . . Co nty Board of Education to elect a Super- intendent of Public Instruction. The Justices of the Peace will asa elect a Board of County Commissioners. . .iuun COWAN, Secretary, may 28 2t 28, 31 Star copy 29, J 1 JUST IMAGINE ! THE COOLEST STORE FOR LADIES TO SHOP IN IS TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, and there Is where you will find the finest and largest stock to select from in Millinery and Fancy Goods, as wo receive new and choice I goods every day. Just Imagine 63 Cents I for a bunch of three Tips In any color, regular value One Dollar. These coods have been sellioz so raDldlr we had to them - ar over ana over again Dy rcjacst or our patrols . . uai xiiiaiiit; ov IUJIIS far a bunch of three blak Tips, worth twice the morey. Such price Ladies have never heard of before. Just Imagine 73 Cents for a fine plame In any An excellent line of Feather Pompoons. An earlj call will secure you some of there goo is at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. From the smallest single vij et to tb largest branched dress garnoture. Jaisy Wreacns, Panaiea. Buda aKl Kosts. in fact ever r llnd of Flowers, at prices wh:ch set competition at defiance. Just opene 1 a sUxk of Firs and Parasol, together with a fine stock or Leather aetcteis. Underwear. Corsests, Kltbo-s. Le abd made-up Lace Goods. Embroideries A.,A-. , at ; TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, IIS ' Market St.', " BUT S3 TT1I OSGTOX. N-C. TTewnthegUa to receive coamcricra from mr frtenda oaaay;aad U tstjsca fw-eraltatcreatbut ' ' The nxire of tlie wrttei mutt always U aJahed to the Kfiaor, J Y ' , ? t ' ' . ; CkanatnucatlonaBiiurt be wrttUa ea caly one aid of the paper! Personalities most be avoided. " V , And It la especially aad particularly safer tood that the EdUor doe. aot aivar tada wi the views of forreapondents calosa 1 so aatt -In the editorial eolrams.. , , . , ' ,, NEW AX)VEimSE3n2NTS ANOTHER' LOT : . OF- "it .' 1 EXPECTED' BY WEDNESDAY MILAN CUIP nd all the Bough t traws, so ; popular naw. Every possible shade of reath- . crs and other TrUnmluga. New lot of Tar a sols, phlto and colors, "all prices. XJIotcb, Llalc, Kid and Lace, New Stimplnjr rsttetns. Respectfully . ' ' ' '.' ' MISS E, KARRER, pay.?S y.5 ; . ; , Exchaase Cqrjicr, A SUGGESTION. f AS T"E SUMMER ArFBOAClillS AND Chills and Fever, Malaria, and kfndrea'db- Ciscs mako Qalnlne a necessity, we suggest to heads of families to buy our Capsules of QuI.. nine, sold In any quantity, but much cheaper when purchased In boxes of 100. racked Into the Capsule in a dry state, additional efficacy is insured, and wo guarantee each Capsulo to contatn amount represented Information re gardinprlc3. number of grains la Capsule. Ac, gUaly given. , : , . Munds Bros. & DeRosset DrugglsU, Market f trect,'; " " may2G ' Wilmington, N. C Gity Drug store- ;i ; 12 1 G MAKK 1ST STREET. DRUGS AND SODA WATERS. None tut tae best Syrups with pure Cream nsed. A choice lot of Cigars and Tobacco Just re ceived. ; ; ... ; t. -x prescriptions prepared at all hours dy and night. J. W. COWOLEY: may 2 Manaeer. . Dogs. QN AND AFTER JUNE .10th, ALL; DOGS . found running at largo without a .Badge wilt ' be killed. Eaiges for sale at the Treasurer's ofiice . : II, C. EROCIf, may 2G 3t : Chief of Police. " IMotice. PURSUANT TO THE POWERS OF SALK contained In a mortgage made by John -Colville and wife and Wm. E. Illll and wife to ' E . K.' Burruss, the 10th day of fteptembcr, 1S7S. and ramrod In ICnnV firv t 60 1, Records of Bladen county, and In a mort- gagomaae oy jonn uoivuie as the surrlvlog 11 le partner of Wm. E. Hill Sc Co., to E. K. Bur ma?, the 2nd day of Jannarr and ro corde t in Book No. l. of Mortiraeea. tt vira 549 Records of Bladen county, the undersigned wui sen ior casn, ai mo vmage ox Abbotts- burg in uiaden ciunty, onPatunlay, the 17th day of May,18S4, the following described real estate situated in the said village ot Abbott burg and county of Bladen,-viz : 27 acres of land lying on tho North side of (no C. C. Ball way. Thero aro on this tract of land, one large frame storo house, onolargoframe dwel ling, a large car shed, a largo .machine shop, nd about sr5 small tenant houses.' Said land will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Also, ' G other lots lying on tho South side of the C. C. Railway and to the village of Abbottslrarg. -Terms cat h. Title good. , .... E. E. BURRUSS.lIortgagCc. c. c. Lyos, Attorney. apll6 -.. Iaw4w w a 1J IT" - ' -n 1 it ninor'a Lnn mi n kiIIo M""f"l,0 . f r".; T? "rf"0 1 S PAULDING'S BE-STBATS. . - BASE BALL CAPS AND BZLTJ, M . : ' , -. - . - f ' " , , , ' - ' ; ... , HAMMOCKS, the Best Kind, Larger, . ! ' . ! And Small Ones for Children New lot just received, and for sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'8. may 27 Live Book and Musks Stores. Don't Pay Rent! TT7-Hr PAY BENT WHEN THE same money will buy you a hone ? JpTf 7 In this city I. have sold over Vt -Vil one bun Jrci and fifty Lots and ' Houses and Lou to parties who have paH la full for i them, bv Insta'ments monthly paymrnta. . - . i i : j v iii. JZ'iJ 1r 4 , it Also, I hare a large nambcr bow oa taj books. who are maklnf remlar mondilv rttrtnnta . and will soon own uoums and get ckarof Jand l'jrtl rule. - - - , f. . Money loaned to thoae wlhlng to build. Apply to may Hew , . JAMS .W1LBON. Photograph Albums. "jevv Lot of cabinet sized albums uH received. ': ; - j i. rt r- .)&t-1 i MUSICAL INSTliUJUKXT-VJolIni. Gait ars, Banjos, Acoonicoi,"COWs,'eti!g, c. LITIIOG RA 111 INGr RtJnir 4bV iS one of the la ;t LiiaograibUir etatUthru-ni In the country. J i a prepare! . Vi , Xuml h Checks. Drafts. Letter Uela, Mr Ifcadf. Wedding sad hall JntKatlnsi LlUj3r CTd. Ac , at very low rale. , .,, . ,...-., a .. . ti'.'fi ii'i ".:.ii SHOW CASES ver-l hi fa la rUl and wahnt, oral an 1 bevt le I frvnu. ac fac- YATJKS BOOK STOULV.. ms 19 -' -1 ' tl"i IfArtrl Mrwi -. . , - - The.Q u est ioal v pay a tariff oaTTaiket aaiTrscc 'C"ta!na, tnt whtre, on w"re. ran 5 03 t COOLliSr aid UtsT llKtK ? Call t JCc-JOp-'AN'S, 4 No. O South XVont -Strccti and you cm sjlve thc rroblca. AJa. thebci t Clears lauodty., tuyj

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