jOSH T. JAMES. raoraixToa. .wrtnNS POSTAGE PAID: ,rjscw a, Three c Oc month, 55 ctflU. b .leStere-l by orntn xreo .jf-'1 .,. aal Eberal. ' . -ili- . ... A-'Tf..rff, .U nrport any toa au 11. rcraUrly. r.'u'wn. any ruwrpapcr - :1 .. t1 , exhibition in PatU . i i .1 i i.;. iw.t i.e greatest coM T':i H vri'hin its : lei- . rj.rt from IJe3t liuilcr . i " ii ainoJaceu his iiucuii-M- i'.Tyria tr Prei!cot whether he Northrrn Kail way Com- .r t !.sJao. U 1 1 build Turkish Lrs- at the horse hospital. U to bo kept at 170 de- ytXx i barruwicg money any ,.'re r.iit any rs c o! interest: she rJj: !3 is probably loriuing t;;-j or il.e leading officials are ' v.j Henry Sioddart. tho veteran c , .5 tha: Julian iiawioorno "is j'vaiJ easily lho first r lYin r a i a a U:e hsa-rcJ and twenty ocean-going :eierare now laid up on the Tyce aiJ Wor river and at Leite m ..t tt.A flarrivl t t of i'x r"31 n"w. . : . t r I 1 Ti elate .luilih 1. Benjamin was Inel-hcaJeU t the list. Ha destroyed Jocstes!. letting bcninu no maienais t r fci.'.virh j. :iviog the treasuring up cYo.J rsfcr caused half the miiries of . . . la live of tbe Southern counties of A'-iticja ilteruaru large forests of pine iu;:ab!e fjr lumber, but it is ioaccessN t!. Uxaaso there are nt railraoJs or Tillable rivers in that part ol the lahiila::cr jears Sam Ward was jm I ur;j. di;u, gray, ruggeu auu riu!i. Da: he was well informed on til topics, and bis iosiauatiog manner sr.J large experience made him agree tV.t aad captiratiag always. Mrs. Mackey Jately gave a dinner at her Paris home and surprised her guests w.'.h a caqccl? decorated table. In the cczlre of a real grassy lawn was a pood, ia which goldfish disported, while here i:J there about the lawn rare plants lve the needed impression. A:i Ir.dina in the -Canadian North west is undqr arrest for stealing a horse Hi ha 1 circa the horse to tbe father of ijassg $yiw whom bo wanted for a .fe. Tbe wife soon alter ran away. izi he look possession of the horse, and f rtiat bei to stand trial. - - Jvia Drown is as likely to bo as tusch bcstalued as Albert the Good. Qieca Victoria has just ordered a life r bronze statue to bo placed in the bill a: Hilmoral. and a largo headstone lor h:i grave, with quotations, Scrip tsri! ar.d pxtic, selected by herself. L r J Tennyson recently was offered bjaa American 00.000 to come over tJ these shores to remain - here three fcocths. '"And what would jou 'havo fee to da?" said tho poet ,lecture, reaaorwnat?" "2iot only ait in a ra and have your hand shaken a few SiU-oa times. The Galveston Xacs notes that In all c'Mr. limine-' book there is no men toa raaJe of representative women, tr iavlccd women of auy decree or "-a ia. with tho single exception that ''eneril Stone was at some period of T&U looks as though Giil II. had a SWiathcpie. cow servo rn juries in " Territory. In t peaking of lac: a deputy district-attorney of N.'t:t:eSa:irecentjy: This now law l griades: tiDg that has happened 1 Scarce. I tell you it looks nice td tUic:oiks and bonnets banging ? lcre. aad there is only one spittoon lx lLe courtroom and that is seldom Cos ;reijaiia Lanham of Texas, has K-oazreuioaal District covering as h territ ry as that represented by jay :x other members or the House. tseiades 120 000 square miles. ad it "m brre as Ohio. MaasachasetU. ae. New Hampshire, Vermont. K-od IaUnd. Conutcticut, Deleware MaryUnd combined. It has 200. 7: palatioo, and through some parts tt cc can ride all day without seeing Louse. vis. r 1 -i 1 VOL. VIII. W ELMINGrTON. N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 29, LOCAL NEWS. IIOEX TO HEW A0VEBTISEMEITS 1 0'C5S0 For Bent J A Wr.scoTT For ExcurOBlsU C VT Tates Photograph Albums It II MclSTlUE Whl-e Lawn Kobe fcirc'ATiox Wasted Dry Good Clerk F C Miller GlUon Importcti Cnlf Ilu.iaBEKOEE iuldtn Ixsse BalU MODS HR'JS. A UEUOSSET A SurzeUlon Too storm signal was flying this morning." The receipts of cntton at this port to-day foot up only 2 bales. Capt. E. J. Pennypacker left tho city last night for the Chicago Convention. Excursionists aro requested to call on Mr. J. A. Ucscott when they visit Smithville. See ad. Tbe side wheel steamer Eliza Han cock, from Jacksonville, bound North, is In below at Smithville. Mr. D. O'Connor advertises in this issue a fine residence, partly furnished on Masonboro Sound for rent. Dr. A. F. Jones, of tbe New Orleans Ttmes-Drmocrat, was in tho city to-day and registered at the Parcel 1 House. Thero was quite a cool breeze from the Northward last night, which made sleeping pleasant, chilly. This niorn.'ng was The steamer Txuisc bad the misfor tune to lose her propeller yesterday, which will cause a short delay in her regular trips. mill iimi mill MMMMMMM t We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at tho WIImiDgton Shirt Factory. tf. Byjreferencc to an advertisement in to-day's issue, it will bo seen that a young gentlemen of experience desires a situation as a dry goods clerk. Best of reference given. Interesting to Fishermen: The cele brated "Fish" Brand Gilliog thread is old only at Jacom's. He is tbe Im porter's A gem. t Thanks to our young friend. Mr. Sol. C. Weill, for an invitation to attend the Commencement Ball, compliment ary to the Graduating clasr, at Chapel Hill, on June 5th. Tne Cornect Concert Club contem plate giving an excursion on the Pass port to Smithville and the Forts some. time within the next two weeks, due notice of which will be announced here after. The largest and best stock of Windows. Doors. Blinds &c, and at Factory prices is at N. Jacob'fs Hard ware Depot. t Fruit Preservation. A plan has recently been discovered by which fruit and vegetables may bo preserved for an indefinite time in their original shape and proportions, and all those (and wo trust there aro many) who would like to prepare such articles for exhibition at the approaching State Exposition would do.wcll to avail them selves of this process. For further in formation apply to Mr. J. M. Forsheo, of the house of Kenan & Forshee. who will gladly give all requisite particulars. Music. Kencsey'a Orchestra, which hss been engaged for the season to furnish the music at the Hotel Brunswick, at Smithville. arrived from New York on tho steamer Regulator vesterday. Mr. Sublett, the proprietor of tho hotel, threw open the door? of the new Pa- viltion yesterday afternoon and invited the excursion party from this city to go in and enjoy themselves, an invitation which it is needless to say wa gladly and grafcfully accepted. The Graded Schools. The following have been re-appointed teachers in the Graded Schools of this city frr the next term, which will com mence on Wednesday, the 1st day of October next: Hemenway School Mrs. M.O. Wal-- lace, principal. Mr?. M. L. McLeod. Miss M. E. Duguid. Miss Alice J. Yar borough and Miss Josie Myers. Union SchoolMiss M. E. Cook, principal, Miss Maggie Jones and Miss A. S. Meares. Peabody School, colored Jas. B Dudley, principal, Susie Dudley, An nie Mailett and Lu 21 lla Smith. Williston School, colored Mary W. Howe, principal, Isabella L. Howe, Emma F. Hooper, L. G. Nixon, Mag gie L. Wbiteman and Aurelia L. Da- Prof. M C. S. Noble has been ap pointed Superintendent ot all the scioola. Hilton Park. ri i aooyo caption bouuqs wen. in deed, it is almost ad euphonious as the auicet winds that breathe and sigh among the boughs or tbe gnarled old monarcos mai sianu mere, uui mere a aumeiuiug more ioaa sonna; mere is senso in the suggestion. Wilmington is the chief city in the State in point of wealth and population. Although she I as "made haste slowly." yet she is fast wafcing up irom her HipWinkle nap and is beginning to assume airs metropoli- T, . . . , tan. The lmDrovementa have been so cradual and accomolished with so little ado that we do not fully appreciate their extent and importance. Familiarity blinds us to change; absence for a time laihalitrht nnvcMntn hrinr nnt thft nicture. That Wilmington ' in the Daat few vears. has rone forward, is patent to observant individuals. Among tne substantial evidences ot progress may be noted many handsome new structures, then there arc more flowers than in former years, the streets arc better kept, and there are visible prools that the painter is-abroad. We have water-works which, aside from their practical utility, add much to the beauty ot the city in the way of improvised tourtains. Then we have numbered houses, and tbe genial postman in regu- lation dress delivers our mans at our doors. That our people obey the scriptural injunction, to "multiply and replenish the earth." no one will cues- lion who on anv bri2ht afternoon will notice the splendid infantry display on the streets. r.rni .fintnroof ;n uoa oa small" specimensof humanityand think they are entitled to some consideration Wilmington has no place of resort for her peoplo during tho lone sultry days of Summer.' She needs a good breath ing place. Other cities have them and there is no reason why Wilmington may not have them also. All that is necessary is tor a lew oi ner leaning r m 4 ft V anu moneyeu men io meet iuSuiuer auu rosoive ic anu aevise some pian ana we .. . t j believe tho money will be lortneoming. With tne ngnt kind ot men at tne nead ot this movement tho money could probably be obtained by voluntary con tributions. We can count on our hand tbe men who would insure its success. The outlay requisite ronld not be great. Tho thing is feasible and a plan can be devised for its successful accomplish ment without being burdensome. With the growth of the city it is a desidera turn. And there could not be found a more eligible point that Hilton. Nature has already done much for the place and a judicious expenditure of a comparative- lv small amount of money would trans. form itintoathmir of beauty and iov. . . , , - t mere ougni to dc some piaco wnero children may go for air and sunshine and recreation, and bo out of danger The men in Wilmington who will take hold of this needed enterprise and push it to a successful issue will de serve and receive tho gratitude ot the city. They could scarcely do a hand somer or more laudable thing. In ad dition to a commodious, well-equipped, well-kept hotel, a pretty par, wun a few good drives, would contribute much to tho attractions of the city and more than repay, even in the way of substantial returns. Let us haye a city park at Hilton and a nice drive therein. Benefits of Lemonade. Lemons are very cheap now and they should be used extensively at this season of tbe year. Most people know the value of lemonade before breakfast, but few know how it is more than doubled by taking it at night also. Tbe way to get tbe best of a billious system without the u?e of pills or quin- me is to take the juice of one. two or three lemons, as the appetite craves, in as much ice water as makes ii pleasant to drink, without sugar, before going to bed. In the morning on rising, or half an hour be fore breakfast, take the juice of one '.cm on in a goblet of water. This will clear the system of humors and bile with mild efficiency, without any of the weakening effects of ca'omel or con gress water. People should not iiritate the stomach b eating lemons clear. The powerful acid of tbe iuice, which s almost corrosive, invariably produces inflammation after a while, but diluted so that it does not burn or draw the throat, it docs its lull medical work without harm, and when the stomach is clear ot food has abundant opportuni ty to work on tbe system thoroughly. If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex celsior Penn Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. They are to be frond at factory prices at Jacobx's, who U the manufacturers agent, t J City Court. ' . The examination of Buck! - Hill. colored, charged with shooting John price, also colored, was had before the Mayor this morning. The deposition of the wounded man was taken by I Mayor llall yesterday, and that to- gether with tbe testimony taken this morning failed to fix the suilt UDon Hill with saflicient certainty to warrant binding him over to the Criminal Court, and he was consequently discharged. '-rT, 71 v Criminal Court, The following are the proceedings be- fore this tribunal to-day, up to tho hour ol cl0S,DS report : State TS-John A- Stubbs, assault and battery. Mistrial. Trial set for Satur- day at 10 a. m. State vs- Margaret IClarldy. assault f nd battery. Defendant submitted and judgment was suspended. State vs. Margaret Clairidy, larceny. Defendant submitted and judgment was suspended. State vs. Margaret Claridy, nuisance. Defendant submitted and judgment was suspended. State vs. Daniel Claridy, larceny. Not a true bill; dismissed. State ys. Jos. EllisTn aud Alex Lane, burglary. Verdict; not guilty of bur glary, but guilty of an assault with in tent to kill. Judgment, 12 months in tne Btate penitentiary. State vs- Alex Lane assault and bat lJ- Defendant submitted and judg ment was suspenoea. State vs. Jos. Ellison, assault and biltTV . Defendant submitted, and judgment was suspended. At this juncture the Court took a re- cess until 3 o'clock this afternoon. We publish on the fourth page of this issue the proceedings' of the Cumber land county convention, held at' Fay etteville on Tuesday last, whereat Hon. Wharton J. Green. ReDresentative I " from the old Thiad districtf was warm lv endorsed tor renomiuation for the i " next tenn As Cumberland has said, m 8ay wo lhink the entire dis trict. Decoration Day. The following is the programme' for the observences here on Friday next. May 3 Decoration Day : Decokation Day, May 30th, 1684. . Col. Geo. L. Mabson, Chief Mar shal. Gen. S. II. Manning, Master of Cere monies. PROG RAM1LE . The procession will form in front of the City Hall at 4 o'clock, p. m. and move promptly at 4.30 in the following order: first .Division , In charge of Coh F, W. Foster.aseistcd Y Monrcwpyro, j..mii, .jonnoiaiure I. m T r Tf Ml T 1 m. l - iir mnnw mm 1 ' 1 uia UCO. 1 . iUUllBJi u w. . ijuvacji win form on west s?de Third street, with right resting on Princess, in the follow ing order: ENTERPRISE BAKU. J C Abbott, Post No. 15. G. A. It. Col. Eagles. Commander. Ex-Union soldiers and sailors Carriages containing Orator and Chaplain. SECOND DIVISION, In charge of Capt. James Richard- assisted by valentine 10 we, v. U. Dft vis. Lewis Bryant. Jno. H.. White man and Jas. A. Lowrey, will form on East side of Third street, with right stln? on Princess, m the following Pflnl, pcar steam Fire Eneine Co.. Jas. Ivey, Foreman. Brooklyn Bucket Company, Emanuel Nichols, foreman. Little Columbia Bucket & Hose Reel Company. Phcenix Hose Reel Company, John A. Bradley, -oreman. Draymen's Association, Nicholas De- ooes, rresiuenc. THIRD DIVISION, In charge of John Hollow ay, assisted by Jas. D. Dry, Jas. B. Dudley, Cbas. h Miller. J. H. Davis and W. H uer- ken, will form on the east side ot I bird street, with right resting on the following order: Cape rear Band. Civic Societies. Citizens on Foot. Schools in Charge of Teachers. Citizens in Carriages. Mounted Men. EXERCISES AT THE NATIONAL CEMETERY Dirge by the Enterprise Band. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. D. J. Sampson Music by the Asaph Club. Ode by the Cape Fear Band. Oration by Rev. D. D. Dodge. Music by tho Enterprise Band. Doxology by the Asaph Club. Benediction. DECORATION OF GltAVES. After the above services the J. C. Abbott Post. G. A. R., will hold a special services over tbe grave of tbe late Gen. Joseph C. Abbott and others in accordance with tne rules and cus toms of that order. The revenue steamer Colfax. Capt. S loader, will fire half-boar guns fcyu sunrise to sunset. Ed. R. Brink. Chairman General Committee. No w is the time to give Smith's Worm Oa. ly d-w 1884. NO. 128 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A VARIETY OF BEAUTIFUL STYLES, JUST RECEIVED - EMBROIDERY TO MATCH. GINGHAMS AND JaAWNS in great variety of pattprns. 7; SCOTCH ZEPHYR, SATTEENS, &c, " s-.:.... , BLEACHED COTTONS AND SHEETINGS. e have splendid bargains as the prices were never so low. LINEN SHEETING AND PILLOW CASING, with Towels, Table Damask, Napkins, Doylies, &c, very cheap, , Y - FANCY MATTINGS in good styles and at closest prices. CARPETS ARE MOV ING, as iiOTTOM rniciis have been reached resolved to close out every picee of Brussels on hand. ' ' LINEN ULSTERS Just received in both Linen and Mohair. may 29, 1884 In order to avoid a criminal prosecu tion and probable punishment, a couple signified a willingness beforetho Crim mal Court to-day to get married and a licence was procured, a magistrate was sent for and they were married in the presence of the Court. No cardi, i Mr. M. Juhn, (Stiefel, John & Cohen) Baltimore. Md . writes: "I have used St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure, in my family Tor backache, sprains and bruises, with wonderful success, and would not be without a bottle in the house at any cost." A CABD. The Hotel Brunswick, Smithville, N. C. , will open for the season, June 2. Rates of Board as follows : Transient Rates, $2.50 and $3 per day ; 17 per single week; $15 per week for single month ; 12 per week for all time over one month. Children under 10 years and nurses, half price.' Special meal hours, for children and nurses. Tbe New Pavilion Building is open at all times for the reception of the public. Our Ball Room is free to the cuests of the hotel. - All otherk are expected to pay for ball room privileges. Tickets can be procured at hotel office or cafe. Admission 25 cents. . Cafe supplied at 11 times with cool Soda Water, Ices and Eatables of the description usually found in first-class Lunch ltooiwis, at reasonable prices. Our frierids and the public generally are invited to give us a trial. Respectfully, &c, J. D. Sublett, may 24 lw Manager. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Excursionists. T KEEP A FULL LI SB OF FINE GliO X ccrics. Dry Goods and all other articles to be found in a first class store. In landing at the Steamer's wharf pass up through the sratc and turn to the left and my place is about 50 yards distant. Give me a call. J. A. WKSUUTT, may 29 1m SmlthTille, N. C. Situation Wanted JJY A YOUNG MAN OF ABOUT TEN years' experience in the Dry Goods business as Clerk. Best of reference given. Address X. Y. Z., caro of Ecview Office. may z it For Rent. piXE BESIDENCK ON Masonboro bound; 9 rooms, partly famished, csr- rlage House, Sery ants' Quarters, Ac. All in good order. Apply to D. O'CONNOR. may 29 It Seal Estate Agent. The Question J-OW IS. NOT WHETHER WE SHALL pay a tariff on Blankets and Traca Chains, tut where, oh where, can you get the COOL1EST and BEST PEER ? Call at McGOWAN'S, No. G South Front Street, and you can solve the problem. Also, the beat Clgais in the city. may 22 Family Excursion 0! N THE STKAMER PASPOUT TO SMITHVILLE. THE FOT$ AND OUTSIDE, Fill DAY, MAY SOtli, 1884. Benefit of the L. B Literary Society. Mu&Ij by the Italian II iricr. Bocnd trip, adults, 5' c:nU each, and Child ren 2 cents. MISS PUK 1L NORTUROP, ) Managing MB. W. M. CUM MI NO. " EL S. TKNNENT. ) Committee may 27 21 t ta The Excursion and Pic Nic SEASON IS SOW OPEN AND TERSOS3 vlsltiar tn city, the Sounds or MnJtttrilltf. and ia seed of Flret-CbM work wilt do weli to call on J-OHTlSr "WBE!N E3rl the well known Barber anl Perfumer at Jks Shaving and h air Dre lng Saloon. NO. 20 ilAUKET STICEET, where be will scare bo pains la jiving satts f act t to aU. Come and see. - -- may SS jfl Tf win be glad to recclvt coso&xuucagoa firoa oar fricn&i oa aay'aaj r. auciblaca geaeaallasemttmt '.;v..-v:.' - Tha name of the writer meat airways be WtottaMtor.v'Vx .-V ; "". CommaalcaUoM mnat , b wrlttaa oa caly oae aide of the paper. ' PemonaTlttea anstbe avotdad. ' V. And it la especially and particularly enter stood that the Editor doea not always enda se the views ot correspondents tales ao atau In the editorial oohuana. tJ r . NEW ADVEKTISEiaLENT8 We aro R. fi3. IWcirJTIRE, -A.1STO C2EC3l XiO T EXTECTED BT WEDNESDAY. MILAN CHIP and all the Rough. f traws, so popular now.1 Every possible shade of Teath. era and other TiimmtPgs. New lot of Tara sols, white and colors, ail rrb'csV Gloves, Lisle, Kid and Lace. New Stamping Patterns. Respectfully,;, V - i MISS E. KAIiRER, may 26 . .. , Exchange Corner. A SUGGESTION. AS ME SUMMER APPEOACHES AND Ccillsand Fever, Malaria, an J. kindred IU eases make Qulnloe a necessity, we suggetlto heads of families to buy our Capsules of Qut nine, sold in any quantity, but ranch cheaper when purchased Id boxes of 100. racked into the Capsule In a dry state, additional ettlcacy is insnred, and wo guarantee each. Capsule to contain amount represented Information re garding prices, number of grains In Capsule. Ac, gladly given. u Vf'tH. Munds Bros. & DeRossetj Druggists, Market street, may 20 ' Wilmington, N. C. City Drug Store. SIO MARKET STKEET. TJRUGS AND SODA WATERS.' Nono Lut the best Syrups with pure Cream osed. A choice lot of Cigars and Tobacco just re ceived. . - . . - , -1 Prescriptions prepared at all hours day and night. J. W. CON OLE Y, may 27 Manager. Dogs. QN AND AFTER JUNE 10th, ALL DOGS found running at largo without a Badge will be killed. Badges for Bale at the Treasurer's oflicc H. C. BROCK, may 20 St - ? Chief of rollce. Economy is Wealth. jpi VE YEARS CENT WILL PUB- CHASE A HOME. ulldlng Lo ts ioiK sale on the inetalmcat plan on Castle, Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Mulberry, Red Cross, Gwyno, Rankin, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson,' Elgtith, Nlnib,J Dickinson, Tenth. Wood, Bay, Eleventh, . Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth and rporteenth streets. Also, nouses and Lts for sale.' 1 Apply to may 29 cw ' JAME3 WILSON. Spaulding's League Balls, g PAULDING'S BE 3TB ATS, , , BASE BALL CAP AND BLTi, HAMMOCK tbe Best Kind, Larger, And S!f Ores fochlldrcn New lot jaat received, and for sale chap at HEJNSBERGER'S, may 2; lire tinoii tvil ,Xiic 5 tons Photograph Albums. EW LOT OF CA BINET ALCUM3 iust received . i - MUolCAL INTl.t:Mfc:NT3-Vlo;ios. Cult ars, Banj'M, Acccrdeonii Hows, Mdngs, 4c. LlTHO8APHlN--BIn agect far one of the largest Jjlhorapbirjf cuL,:Lbnjut in 1 lha couety, 1 n prepare' lurnUh Chech s. Drafts, Letter f!ed, Bill Jlead Weodlng and Ball Jntl'iiiDf, UlHng Card. &c , at very low rates, . SHOW CASEreTl"y'M lo mcUl and whiit, oral anlibertled Xro&fc. at fao toryprieesw . f ;t . ... VATES'BOOK STOKB, may IS 119 Marretttm-t. rjlUE-OCGAN FUND aSaOUIATIOX Or thaTroklStreejtll & Ctarch Via glre ote of thpr ESTEBTAIXMENTS at tbef reaideow ot Col C L GaAFrUN jb nwrxor (Tbura- - - . - - 1 dav) ifgkt. i dmlAslnTea CeaU. They have. e yi urn ituun AUT W9 VvCjUiCKW 1:1. j r

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