x- ;cpteJ by JOSH T.JAMES, grrroi wo raorairroa. ojrrioss postage paid-. SC Six month. tXOO. Three -i (X)- one month, SS eeota. mZ. Ji 1 b dellTered by earrltrs free sat Pn of the city. r ; . . ru-t 1 liberal. IR,:r parte regularly. rfjpf.tfton. o."y newspaper s.Ll in the nlv nVmintfon. -l)3 :in!.ij I.it Mr. Wui. II. Van , I ,rJiuVrrt-l t hU ton. Win. K. ?:;XVj:'t 5a.wO.oai in UnitcJ States ir f'.e2j moil u th" h' 'l tbt wrar , .cri.f.IUit Th Czar hai 13 arr. I by the XibiluU and told .Vj tbf-re nri-t l rtforni or that his TJ ilrop off. llJsry Irin? wiil prciidc at the r.sS I.?r.cr t h Pcuiocralic and Jl'-iL-a! KunJ, which U to be m in Ir.!fn on June G. Mr. Wm. fj y3-j.r.i,t hn promised to attc.nl. . . 7i,- r'.rik'- 'f the rail! operatives at 1''lf vt ". Ma ovcr The strikers hive I $IJ.rtW- l',e accumulation ol ,jf jeir-;i l lU.oaD more contribu ,Jj oysjiur.v.hi7.cr-. The loss in wages been over $M.C00. 3!uthcuii'Iimt!n3arifr. in Georgia fcttfth rc:nval f i-lliciont railway j.n'vcicrk and the substitution of il L t rrc cu! rul clcrk-i in their places. Tac re-u vaU htve Ueo geueral. and tifaciaaettenttliit the attention ol Ciaifti bl called to the matter. Al'eria;inj her last song in Cic cacatf 'ti Saturday, Mine. Christine XiSat-Ilan interviewer that this wi5.r:ivrly her last tour in America i1!: she should sail frvm New York July-.', ixnja l.ttle in England, go to auJ b'd farewell lorever to pro" I Lc cLcaiupnicct w hich is to meet in Kjaif. tla.. in f uly prourscs t- bo one i.fthe larjcit vulunu-trr military gather isjscvcr held in the South. Compa cici Lave made iuU rrraJ2cments lor a'.tccdancx) lrom Texai, Iouisi&nt, Alabama. Tenuciie. North and South 1'irnlin ri Virgin? - - - It ii announced that Mis. I'gan is gows to Chicago to manage matters for Ivr husband. In ISdOshehad a suite of rooci at tho Palmer House, where he eatcrtaioed delegates and visiting politicians. She is said to be a very fas cination and dangerous politician in petticoats. At Albany, N.Y., last Tues Jay. state upcrioteadcct of public instruction, tt'a. IJ. Uulef, rendered a decision ia tho case of the board of education of Union tree school district No. 4. ol Orangctown, Rockland county, holding tliat all religiou. Instruction and exer cises must bo excluded frjm the public schools daring school hours. At the annual meeting of tho Cotton Kxchangoin New York, Tuesday,, the prrfideat, M. H. Fielding, said in his address that there had been a decrease ia the bauocss at the Exchange the ran year. The .transactions for the jcar amounted to i'Jd.116 bales, as tainst 506.123 bales last year and 313,. " biles two ears ago. -. KeporU from over 1.000 correspond- i cis of tho National rrcs3 and Bottlers' AJ;ocateof New York in all parts of tbe United States in regard to the fruit crop say tho apple crop will be the Tareit ever known in tbis country. There will be only about a half crop of ptachei and pears. The prospect for a tctj largo crop of small fruits is very .!. Mr. Langtry has becn assigned a dorr-acts on certain city property in New Ycrk by James N. TJatt, trustee ' the estate of tho late George A. Os : 'd. The sum paid by th actress was Sto.ooo. She has also aciuired from 'i:: ani Ikswcll the title to a mortgage tOHcurethe sum of $G,500. The as- nmcat i made for the expressed con dv ratica of one dollar. trrclT. oadars A WaaVsngtoo special to the New York (iridic says: ;It is now thor itj undenixxl lift that Mr.Tilden accvpt the Democratic r.omiftation, and two centlcmen who saw b ra in New York report that be toll them so 'ih a frankness that they did not an-l:-:a!e. Oae of the Congressmen who Mr.Ti!denonSanday last, reports b:rj x sajinj that while he desictsl to aoid the excitement ot the campaign, bich be feels tn'gbt impair his health. If is willing to comply with wh.v. ar rars to be aa almost unanimous call irona his party and accept the nomina He docs not conceal bis feeling lit a second nominatioa would be the ireateu traUficatioo he could feci in b declining year. Even if the cam should cost him his lire, ho could n ly it down ia a Utter cause." Now is the time to givo Smith'a Worm 0J- ljdw r VOL. VIII. Another virtuous Republican official has just bad bis wings clipped. His name is J. O. I. Burnsido and he is, or wa', disbursing clerk in tho Post oflice Department at Washington City. He cathercd in $42,000 of IJncle Sam's money and then he was himself gather ed in. Unpcrvcrted Kssenco. With scarcely an exception, every paper in the country gives lavish praic to th St Jacobs Oil Family Calendar and U ok of Health and Humor for the Million. 1831-5. Tha San Franciso Keening Post says: 'It give U9 the clear, unmixed, unado'terated. unper verted essence of wi, humor and fun." LOCAL NEWS. IBDEX TO NW AQVcRTISEMEHTS. C Y Y atea Pbolorpb Album FziXK A. Muse Si'uitlon Wanted F C il I LLE3 ti Ibt oa's Importcil Candr llciwsBEROEK SpaulJJDg'a League Balls Notice Ladle' McmorUl A6ociAllou. Hcnds li&js. A DeKosset A Sugzestlon The receipts of cotton at this to-day foot up only 4 bales. port The Custom House and Post Office were closed fr business this afternoon. Tne Criminal Court was not in sc. sion lo-day. i Rev. J. P. Lcnnon will preach at Brooklyn Hall next Sunday at 11 a. m. and aeain at 8 p. ru. There was no Ciiy Court this morn ing, and no tramps applied fr lodgings at the guard .bouse last nwht. Tho largest and best stock of Windows. Doors. Blind3 &c, and at Factory prices' is at N. Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. t Mr. E. M. Cashing, who has been on a visit to friends and relatives here for the past two weeks, left last night on his return to Florida. Tho cold wave has struck tt in earn est, although wc happen to be too far South to suffer from frost as have the farmers at the North in the last day or two. Wo invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Memorial Association will be hcli at 5 o'clock to-morrow alternoon in the s:hool room at tho rear ot St. James1 church. Tho steam dredging machine com menced operations in Princes street dock this morning, and will continue tli3 work until the place is thoroughly cleaned out. There was a grand ball at the Hotel Brunswick last night and quite a large party from this city went down on the steam lug Harold to participate in the pleasures of the dance. The citizen of Smithvillo held a meeting on Wcducsday nigbt towards building plank sidewalks on the streets of the town. Wo have not heard the result of the meeting. Tho scholars of Misses Burr and James school had their annual picnic yesterday at Mr. Bradley's place, at Wrightsville. and a very enjoyable oc casion it was to all who attended. Workmen are breaking ground on Front street, opposite the Market House, preparatory to tho erection of some new storehouses oa that site, by Mr II . Vollers, who owns the property. Several important improvements are now agitating the minds of our pcop!c. among which aro a railroad to Fayette ville. arjd a railrcad to Onslow, a hotel and lat. but net least, a public park at Hilton. A postal card was received hera this morning addressed t apromir.ent busi ness house on Market street, and that was all it contained. The writer had addressed the letter, but had ovidently forgutten to ay what he intended on the other side. It came from Chatta nooga. Tenn. Decoration Day. As we write 'ho Decoration services t.t are in progress anu me procession. which i a very lengthy one, and which was farmed and conducted according: O tne puotoneu proraoiiur. is u us way to the National Cemetery. The public buildings are all closet!, the Ilag3 are at half mast and the guns ol Ihe Cutter have been boomiog all day. If yoa need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex celsior Penn.. Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. They are to be Dand at factory prices at Jacobi's, who U the manufacturerV agent, t WILMINGTON. H. C. .Reorganized. , The Cornet Concert Club held a meet ing at their band room last night and elected officers for the cosuing year. They.are as follows: President George R. Dyer. Vice Presideut L. .f . Otterbourg. Socrtary W. C. Craft, Treasurer D. B. Mitchell. Lcader-J.E. WiKson. Musical Director J. D. Smithdeal Slight Fire. A dwelling house belonging to the estate of tho late Owen Barney, on MCKao street, between walnut and Red Cross, caught firo about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon in consequence o a defective flae. The alarm was sound ed and the fire department turned out promptly, but tho flames had been ex tinguished by the neighbors before their arrival. Personal. We are glad to hear that Mr. Wm Genaust is now much better. The broken arm seems to be healing rapid ly and is already out ot the sling. Mr. F. M. King, who has been ab sent lrom the city for the last two weeks, during which ho has visited Atlanta, Ga.. and other Southern cities arrived here this morning. Sheriff Taylor, of Brunswick county was in to see us to-day. He says tha the farmers of Brunswick are all in the fields and that the outlook is far more promising than it was at this timo las year. The Feast of Weeks. This Feast began at sunset last even- ins anions tho Israelites. It i3 is called the Feast of Weeks or Shebuotb. on account of its being seven weeks from the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egpyt, until they reached the Desert ot Sin. in which is Mount Sinai. The next and important reason why they celebrate it is that on that day the Lord descended to Mount Sinai and gave to Mosc3 and tha children of Israel the Ten Commandments, spoken by the Iord himself unto all Israel. Still an other reason is. that on that day the people brought the first ears of corn, the first fruits, also the first of their flocks t tha pricst3 of the Temple for a thank offering unto God. for having blest them so abundantly. It is also called the day of Firstlings. Sudden Death. Wo reget to learn of tho death of Mrs. Alary J. Lewis, of this city, on Tuesday last. It was very sudden. Mrs. Lowis bad been complaining for several days past but was not though to be seriously ill. She resided with her daughter, Mrs. McEwen, on Chestnut, between Fourth and Fifth streets, and was on tho piazza on Mon day afternoon. Uq luesuay morning. very early: Mrs. McEwen, as was her usaal custom,' entered her mother's room to see how she was and as ... . . . she seemed to bo sleeping so well she forcboro to disturb ber. A short time afterwards she entered the room again and became alarmed at her appearance and sent hastily for a phy sician but bo arrived too late, tbc last breath having been drawn about 5 o'clock. Mrs. Lewis was about 70 years of age and it is thought that her death was caused by an affection of tho heart. The funeral services will take place to morrow morning at 10 o'clock, they having been delayed to await the arri val here of her son, Mr. Geo. G. Lewis, who was in the meuntaius, at Waypes ville, when tho sad event occurred, but who arrived hera last night. Political Timber. The Third District is full of fine Con gressional limber. Wc licar many names mentioned, cither one of whom would fill tbepositioL most admirably. In addition to Col. Green, the present incumbent, the Iriends of such men a E. T. Ho? kin, Eq , of Sampson, the able Senator from that county and one of the most prominent men of that b-Hly; the gallant Maj. Chas. W. Mc Clammy. of Pender county, the young Democrat who made such a glorious and succesffjl campaign in 1870; Dan Hagh McLean, of Harnett, W. T. Dortch. of Wayne. Jno. 1). Stan- jorijt 0fr)apnn. and others, are mention ed. There is no lack or ex cellent material in the Third district nor, we believe. ill there ba ' any lick of harmony in the Convention. Tho people of that dis trict will readily understand that New Hanover. Brunswick: and Columbus coanties have regretted very much the severance of their old and intimate political relations with the other conntfes composing the old Third district. 5 FRIDAY, MAY 30, A ttobd Tinie The excursion on tho Passport on Wednesday was a very pleasant affair. Toe party was in the best of spirits, had a pleasant dance at the Fort and another at the pavilion at Smithvillo. Tho excursion was gotten up under the auspices of tho Young Peoples. Asso ciation of St. Paul' Lutheran Church. and they know iust how to make such parties pleasant and agreeable. Allot her Fire. A one-story, frame building on an alley running from Fourth to Fifth streets, between ' Church n,nd CastJe. ciught hreNon the roof from ' fly hi g.: spark, at about 3 o'clock thl? afternoqp. The alarm was given and the fire ile partment promptly turned out, but the flames were extinguished by the neigh bors before the firemen reached the scene, the Duiluing was occupied b colored people, the damage was very slight an,d ihe property belonged to Mr? Mallnda Howell, of Raleigh. Firemen's Association. We learn from the News and Observer that a move 13 iu contempla tion for the organization of a "State Firemens' Association, " which, if ac complished, will be of great aid in the more systematic government of the several tire departments of the State The object is to . have representative men or delegates from every organized fire company, and the chief engineers and other department officers will mee in Raleigh some time during the exposi tion and effect a State organization Such an organization will no doubt meet with the hearty approval of every community. Letters have been address ed to the various chief engineers in the State, and it is hoped that promp answers will be made to such com munications. Great good can be the only result of the harmonious action o the firemen, Magazine of American History The June number of this magazine opens with an exquisite portrait o Washington lrom the miniature painted by Mrs. Sharplessin 1796. The'cading illustrated article, entitled Defenses o ixarraganset uay, unoae lsiana," is from the pen of General George W. Cullum, of the Corps of. Engineers. Tho second article gives an account ot the "Discovery of the Yellowstone Na tional park." Then follows a chapter on the Sharpless mainiature portrait of Washington, by it3 owner, Mr. Walton W. Evans. 'The Rise of a Mechanical Ideal," by Charles H. Finch, is an es say on the early manufacture of fire- arms in the United States. Lieutenant General Char es P. Scone, late Chiet of tho General Staff of the Khedive of Egypt, contributes a paper entitled ' A Dinner with General Scott in 1861." The Private Intelligence Papers of Sir Henry Clinton are continued, under Mr. Da Lancey's editorship; Two Un published Letters of Lafayette to Wil liaoi Constable, of New York, are con tributed by Mr. Henry Pierrepont. of Brooklyn. Published at 30 Lafayette Place. New York City. A Happy Time. The entertainment for the benefit of tho Organ Association, of the Front Street M. E. Church, which was given last night at the residence of Col. C. L- Grafflin. corner ot Third and Walnut streets, was well attended, was bigh'y enjoyable and financially successful. Col. Grafflin and family were unspar ing in their efforts ta make every one happy, ineir resiaence was tnrown entirely open and brilliantly lighted or the occasion whili the lawn and gnunds were illuminated by a display of Chinese lantern. Tables were ar ranged upon the lawn from which fair hands dispensed ice cream and straw berries to those who wished for the?e uxurie?, while those who were in the house were regalefl with some fine mu- i5. In a room in rear of the parlors were plants and fl wers of rare beauty and fragrance arranged in such a man ner as to make the visitor imagine h mselfin fairy land. The company were also entertained with different views and scenes reprepst-nted through as magic lantern, and in fact, in every thing which could tend to make a de lightful entertainment, hi was a com plcte success; the only drawback beirg ia the coolness of the weather. Tnese gatherings have all been very pleasant and enjoyable, but that of last night eclipsed all of its predecessors. Our thanks are due Hon. V. J. Green, our Representative in Congress for a copy of the ''Memorial Addresses upon the Life and Character c f Hon. ohn W. Shackelford, deceased, late Representative in Congress from the Third Con greisional District of Nonn Carolina." 1884. NO. 129 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 A V TJTTTV Ct? U"T" IITT lTTT CTVrro mom v : GINGHAMS AND LAWNS in great variety of pattern; " " -SCOTCH ZEPHYR, SATTEENS, &c.. S . V, V , T w 1 1 r 1 1 BLEACHED COTTONS AND SHEETINGS. e have splendid bargains as the prices were never so low. LINEN SHEETINGNMLLOW CASING, with Towel Tib DasV, .Napkins, Doylies &e., very cheap. , . FANCY MATTINGS in good styles and at closest prices. ' wiiai. jiLr kt, ;is j.uj l.-kji vu tic j jntic vj jjrttsscts on iiaiul. ' LINEN ULSTERS Just received in both Lineu and Mohair! mav29. 1884 THE MAILS. Themaila close and arrive at the City Pes office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 7.30;p. II. Northern through and wiy malls.... 8.00 A. M. Raleigh 6.45 P. M.;and 8.00 A. iL Mails for the N. C. Kailroad anrl routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad at 7.30 P M. and 8.00 A. M Southern Mails for all points South, lllaily 3.00 P. M, Western mails (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday.. .6.4TP. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eiirh X"i T ' Hail for Chcraw and Darlington 1U1 1- roau .8.00 P. M. PO and Charleston ....8. CO P. M. Fayette ville and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays...... 1.00 P. M. Fayettcville.via C C Eaiiroad, daily, except Sundays 6.45 P. M. Onslow C. II. and Intermediate olll- ccs, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smith ville malls, by steamboat, daily (except ept Sundays) 2.30 P. M Malls for Easy IIU1. Town Creek. Shallotte and Little River. Tues- days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. w ngntsvuie oaiiy a 8.30 A. M. OP-KJS FOB OKiaVEIiY. Northern through and way malls 7.30 A. M Southern Mails 7.30 A. M. Carolina (Central Railroad 8.45 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 P M. and from other points of the city at 5 P.M. Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. General delivery open from 7 A. 1L io 6 P.M. and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.S0 A. M. Carriers' delivery open on 8unday from 8.30 to 9.30 A . M. v E. T. Hoy kiu. The citizens of Sampson present the name of Mr. E. T. Boykiu, of Clinton, for Congress His service for two terms in the State Legislature has made him known to the people. lie is not a candidate for the position. He believes, however, that it is the duly of every public man to respond to the call of the people. He has never sought the nom ination for any office though ho has been in publie office since he has be- come of age, but if nominated will ac cept. ClTfZEN. A CAIID., Tlie Hotel Brunswick, Smithville, N. C. , will open for the season. June 2. Kates of Board as follows : Transient Kates, $2.50 and $3 per day ; $17 per single week; $15 per week for single month ; $12 per weak tor all time over one month. Children under 10 years and nurses, half price. bpecial meal hours for children and nurses. The Kew Pavilion Building i3 open at all times for the reception of the public. Uur Ball Itoom 13 tree to the cucsts of the hotel. All others are expected l n nnv frr Holl rnnm nr ii privileges, lickeis can be procured at hotel oflice or cafe. Admission 2o cents. Cafe Fupplied at 11 times with cool Soda Water, Ice3 and Eatables of the description usually found in first-class Lunch Rooms at reasonable prices. our friends and the public generally are invited to give us a trial. Kespectluuy, Arc., J.D. SUI'.LETT, may 24 lw Manager. IIE1. LEWIS Tuesday morniar. 27th Inst-. Mrs MARY J. LEWIS, aged 70 years. xuneral tomorrow (?aturnay) mornlnc. at 10 o'clock, from the reside nee of rr 1au?h- Wr. Mr8. McK.nen, cn Che.vnut ctreci. t- tween Fourth Fifth, thence to front M. al. E. Chu ch, thence to Oakdale C iue cry. NEW ADVEKTISEMEVTS. Situation W;uitetf. r HIE UNDER-HiNEli IS ftK3(KU OF obtalclng a tlttiitian as a Dry tioode Clerk. Hai liad about tn ear" ext'r!eDc3 of reference given. hMC A. MCsE. m iy SO It PJotice. rpaE AN5UAL MEETING Of -THE LA- DIES' ME3IOKTAL ASSOCIATrOS'. will be hehi ae 5 o'clock, on hs:urdiy Micrnooa May Cist, In the School Ko m at tlwiwr offct. James Cborch. m7" The Excursion and Pic Nic:S-brlu5.Ti au..l f ora to the left atd tar t l.ca U lUm to EA"ir J5 UW OK ASIIJ 1 EUSOXS and I Deed of Hias-Cbi work will do wed tjealicn JOHEnT rEE.2SIEIt the well known Barber snl Ptrfumer at hU Snarlos: and Hatr Dressing bslocn, SO, tlO MARKET STKEET, wfccreha will spare bo pains in gtrlag satis- faction to aiL Come an 1 rer. f maySS' I I;" "" jKXASr K0TIC8. -( " - trtwsibea t recetTe'ecaaauaJeatloa . froa omr friea&a oa any.aad u ntjects ; ; seaezallatezesttmr ,''-: f V; Tfce casta 01 tae writci t&cst always to aJtsed to ttu Editor. ; COTrmtmicatttma must be ; wtfttw oa 5y one aXe of the paper, -i .1 eraonalltica must ba avoUod. . ; . And It is especially . aadrttcularly uc e r . tood ttat the Editor does ot always ex do- se the Hews of correspondents vaksa. to suu. iu ub eaisoxui coftxsirs. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JimtuiDEKY TO MATCH. iuji riucES nave been reached We are R. M. JVJciniTIRE. ANOTHER liOT -OF- i, i EXPECTED BY WEDNESDAY, MILAN CHIP snd all ths Hough 5 traws. so popular now. Every posslblo shade or reath. ers and other Tilmmlrga. New lot of Vara sols, white and colors, all rrlea. Glomes, Lisle, Kid and Lace. Ncw .St mplnx rttcrrs. Respectfully ; : j , i. MISS E. KARRER, may ?G ; Exchange "Corner. A SUGGESTION. AS THE SUMMER APPROACHES AND Cullls and Fever, Malaria, ani kindred dl eases make Qainine a neceselty, we suggeu heads of families to buy our Capjules of Qui nine, sold in any quantity, but mo ch cheaper when purchased ia boxes of 1C0. Packed into theCapsulolnadrystate, additional efficacy is insnred, and wc guarantee each Capsule to contain amount represented Information re garding prices, number of grains In Capsule. Ac, glaaly given. . Munds Bros. & DeRossetj Druggists, ilsrket Ftrot,i j my " ATlltalngton. N. C. City Drugstore: 21 MAKKET STREET. JJCUGS AND SODA WATERS. None tut the best Syrup3 with pure Cream used. A choice lot of Cigars and Tobacco- just re ceived. . ' . ... Prescripttona prepared at all hours dsV acd ElSht- J. W. CONOLEV. in q v , m w Manseer. Economy is Wealth. JjllVE YEARS RENT WILL PfJR tvifASE A HOME. Building lots for talc on the Instalment plan on Castle, Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, ilulbexryy Red Cross, Owynn, Rankin, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, NIntb, , Dickinson, Tenth Wood, Bay, Eleventh, Charlotto, Tivclfth, Thlrlceiith and Fourteenth streets. Also, IIoueos and Lots for sift. Apply to may 23 cw JAME3" T7ILSON. Spaulding's Leagued Balls, g PAULDING'S BEiTBATS, ; BASE BALL C AP3 AND BELT, . i ; . HAMMOCKS, the Beet Kind, Larger, And Small Ones for Children New lot just received, and for sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S, may 27 Live Book and Music 8 ton s Photograph Albums. JEW LOT Of CABINET SIZKD AtBUM9 IuU received ' ' ML ICA L I X.T ft UJI KST-w Violas. QuM arfc, Btvj js, ccordcons, Uows, Jtilng, Ac. LITHOtiU APIHS GtJioV fKe&t fur ore of the lrgrt Ljtlmrjlirg emUUUbnnnt In in country, J a preurel t fnnil.h Clue, Drelm. LtlUr llcd, Iiill Heal. Wc -Uvz and 1511 fpTl'alloa, Vlrii!ng cards Ac, at vtry loir rates. ; SHOW CA-KVversI Tys la 'wcti anti vfttxit, otal n 1 bevt Ki fronts. t fic- tory f rtC4es. YATES' IIUOK HTOlli:. m Mark-tf irt For Exciirs oniW. T Kflr 1 A FULL, LI OP F 'K GKO- X eerie. Dry Goo-ts atU all otrtr ar.U. L 7nj uuiapu , UIVB lie OH,' .J. A. riscoiT, may Jm The (Question JOW 13, SO t WUET JLtlt XV K Sit ALL ptr teriaoaBlaaket saiTracjirJtlla.! ut wH-7r,oh where, ran you gt teeXuLE3r WW xn r van at aic-JUW AJi'd, . I -id . t . 1 - -: ouum rroni Hlrcet, Myoueans-lvctIienrolciiL"AIio.theliest C3grs ta tho city. . ... JaaysT t . .V,'