jms pates grenSX. Sandayt v.!J rr7 x ;rpted try JOS1IT. JAMES, isrrot rorcroi. .TirTI0N3 POSTAGE PAID J Tf . one month. eenta. 5t;f.'I t d,TereJ by earner fre , part of the dty. at e abort . low and liberal. rtr.wt:ireror,u.y n..r.. rtst-u-uj has the larvist j rx 4"y , minium, of any newspaper . . I " - LOCAL NEWS. ,ltl TO IW aOVIITItfWUT. i l. .win -City HrugStote ' , B II, A Co-DLolulIoa i .j-'tof f:"s N r tatnitlr ftX -utn -t.i.on Imported Candy . !('ii;..)V,U P A-BomoJ Trip Ticket i,t'. ! .jib l 1 hour and 23 minute. T-trc - ' url lu?s niorn- p. .. ,Uy of the month and the .-.t tj-.uorrow afternoon at 10 L'i-VJ !?. OCiOCK. a. I. lit recti?: of cction at this port j foot up b biles. 0:.e w::e truip applied for 1-dging k: tie Ou.rJ House Ht night. There w one interment an adult ;0..h!e(V'ue:rry this neck. Here wis one intcrnieiit a child w;;tuc Cemetery this week. f..e Ki-jb'.tr of Dec! issued two Uftiiic i.ctDSci thu week UOIU lor t lorcd coup. Ker.Jco. K.C.Sruede; !. 1 . of Sxlzb, wi.l prca.-h ia St James' .'Lurch to-morrow, at the usual hours. Another Ir:o conij?nuient ofSasb, Ixr ItllnJi at Factory price, just rnf vtd at J vcoia's Hardware Dpot.f niiht vn qui'ir coo', but it has :yn warmer during today prcpara Y'l to jfiYio? June a pleasant and cor wc.orue. Ttt-n will be services to-morrow at Le Second PresbjterUn Church at 11 ru. and S p. a , conducted by Key- '.S. Iacj. liar. Dl. Wi'.ioa has returned to the , :y and ni;i f cupy hii pnlpit to-mor- Lw nioroioff at the usual hour. Xo nrJcei at nijrht. I U'o tnritothe attention of our citizens ( the fact that tint quality shirts arc :c taaiie to order at one dollar at the Ilaiaiton Shirt Factory. U Tomorrow is known in tho Church ilfsJar as Whiuun-Day. in com- ;orilion of the descent of tho Holy ua: on the Apostles in tongues of peof our go-a-heid growers on North i r s'.rett. between the hours of 8 a jeaterday and 8 a. m. to-day sold ) quarts of huckleberries, and there krtlen a sreat number of cases of t jogue in consequence. U; t. Torrey, of the schooner J. r. )ri. which arrired here to day that when 25 miles Southwest Ci; Hattcrat, he passed a buoy ithelttti m"C 11." painted upon uJ a lees upon its top. It was sup- to be the Cape II altera buoy. Kc. W. S. Icy arrired here onfthe cr IK Murchison this morning. M ill t reach at II o'clock to-morrow :rr.:cf at the Second Presbyterian arch ted again at S o'clock p. m. J U the guest of Mr. W. II. Sprunt, the corner ol Ninth and Princess A peculiar accident happened this :'--Z on Second street near Market. which was being driven iu a -. dropped off tho entire lower part of phoo., with the shoe attached. It was Wlcpsooio little tiaie after and fatou.. Ttc driver of the mule lastly tiij not know "of tho oceur si the tirac but we'll bet that tho !.d.a'.thoujh ho failed Id make I ftaark on the subject. But that 1 J he v!i t0 weii.tnowa obstinacy. V Mammoth Paper. Utswcek ai & cammoth tobacco. It is SI damn. M of which P fi :eJ aJvtrriments and it is j Ol!ythe larzeu EewinaDer ever : b 'fth CarolinT. The pro fwrsare to U conzratulated cn p tccrj and cntcrprife In getting r.L.;i ijvue. For Europe. llr- H. Brunhild and fmil will Mt here to morrnv mMi-r,;f k r;i 1 i aau u Anna iaer 3Ir. t). Michidis will leave on ?c wj.i all take Daxiara In I he n Craa Lloyd S-eamship Elbe. tirOt. lr,l ..M -1 n i edctidiy cexu 1 J VOL, VIII. W ELMINGTOK N. C SATURDAY, MAY 31 Personal. Mr. Kich. E. Lloyd", of Florida, ar? ri red here last night en route tor hia old home in Bladen county. nep- Ar mour. He will remain for some time irt attendance on his brother. Mr. John Lloyd, who was brought home" from Florida some weeks ago, very ill from a malarial attack. He is still very low but wc are glad to learn that there has been a slight improvement in his con dition during the p.-ut tew day. Icatli of Mrs. Bear. Wo are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Mina IJor. relict ot the late Meyer Hear, which sad event occurred at her residence in this city tc-day. Mr?. Bear was a native of Hanover. Germany, and 6he had resided in this citv for tho nast thirtv-Gve years. She - - - m was 73 years of uje and leaves three son?, the gentlemen, who compose the well-known firm of Morris Bear & Bros., on North Water street Now Grocery IIouso. Tho firm ol .fas. II. Huggius & Co. having been dissolved, the retiring part ner, Capt. F. G. Robinson, has as3oci- alcd with himself Mr. Newton Robin- somj and these gentlemen, under the firm name ol F. G. & N. Robinson, will conduct a general grocery business at the old stand of George Myers, on South Front street. They will keep on hand an excellent stock of goods, and will receive additions every week by rail and steamer. Criminal Court. The Court reassembled this morning, alter its recess of yesterday, and the following were tho proceedings of the day np to the hour of closing our re port : State vs John A. Stubbs, assault and battery. Not guilty and defendant dis charged. , State vs J. C. Hill, embezzlement. Continued for the terra. Stato vs Starkey W. Odus, misde meanor. uonttnueu lor me term. . The grand jury at noon were dis charge! for the terra , and it is proba ble that tho business of the Court will bo concluded this afternoon. ' Every Farmer ought to get a Boy C.ipper Plow," greatest invention of the ago. Jacoki is the Agent. t lvsterlous Walts. At Smithville, on Thursday last.were two children a boy about. U years of age and a girl about 12 who very nat urally excited considerable curiosity and wero tho cause of much comment. They were decently and neatly clad, were quite intelligent, yet they had no protector, neither ot them had any bag gage further than a. small paper parcel carried by the girl, and they were beg gars. They stated that they left Char lotte and went to Greensboro, thence to FayetlcvKle and from the latter place they came to Wilmington on one of the steamers, and thence directly to Smith ville on tho rasywrt. They said that their .name is Miller, and told Capt. Harper that they came originally from Virginia, but subsequently told Mr. Sublctt. of the Hotel Brunswick, that they cams from Memphis. Tenn.. here their home was washed away by the flood. A couple of very foolish runaways, probably. Koyal Arch Masons. The Grand Chapter of Arch Masons held its 30;h Annual Convoca tion at Elizabeth City, on Wednesday and Thursday. The session, wo learn, was a very pleasant one Dr. Eugene Grissom presided as Grand High Pric3t. He declined reelection on ac count of professional and official cn-' gagemcnts. Tho following are the grand officers for the ensuing masonic year: Geo. W. Blount, of Wilson. Grand High Priest; Isaac Patterson, of New bern. Dep. Grand High Priest; James C. Munds, of Wilmington. Grand King; J. W. Albertson, of Elizabeth City Grand Scribe; Wm. Simpson, of Ral eigh. Grand Treasurer; D. W. Bain, of Raleigh. Grand Secretary: Rev. O. F. Gregory, of Charlotte. Grand Chaplain Augustus Strouse. of Goldsboro. Grand Captain of the Host; H. C. Prempert. of Wilmington. Grand Principal So journer; B. F.Briffgs. of Wilson, Grand Royal Arch Captain: J. McD. French, of Wilmington, J. Slaughter, Jr.. of Goldsboro. and W. M. Davis, of Wind tor, Grand Master of Vails; R. II. Bradley, of Raleigh. Grand Tiler. "The next annual convocation will be held in farboro, in May. 1S5. Tbero were twelvcinicrments in Pine forest Cemetery this week, seven of which were adults and five were chil dren. One of tho adults was brought hero for Interment. The Itechabltes. ' High Teat. lodependent Order of Rechabitcs of North ' America, which has been in session this week at Utica, N. Y., adjourned yesterday after vot- tsion, which will tend to com in. tn ... 0r, .! ,;,, i niemorate the heroism and va or of our ing to hold its next annual meeting in comrades who have stacked arms, on Wilmington, N. C. The next session slung knapsacks, and gone into eternal will be held here sometime iu the early Summer months of 1883. but we have . , . r . . , , not been informed of tho precise date, In this connection, we learn that Unity Tent, No. GO, of the same order. wl neep the same sleep of our com inthiscity,isina highly prosperous ?J&JS red and satisfactory condition. Decoration Day. . Our report of the ceremonies in this rilv fl.ttpnr.Ant nncin thft dna ohservjinfft r r. w i u,, " e?sanly very short ami incomplete, as tho procession did not move until just ur n,WWM44W1 a" published. The procession was a very long one. composed almost exclusively"! of colored people, through their vari- oua civic orgunizaiions. nuu o . u. ad- bott Post, No. 15, G. A. R. An aDDreciable fact was the order which was preserved and the celerity with which the movements were, made, , under the direction cf Chief Marshal Geo. L. Mabson and his aids. D. J. Sanders made the prayer and the oraiion was uenvercu uy liuv. u. . t i i ... rv t nHcro An imnnrtmif fpfnr ihP 0 r special service he.d by the members ot the G. A. R, and m this connection we give place, by request, to the iuuwniuS. rv'lA rmt Among the other ceremonies incident to the day-at the. National Cemetery, Ka rAil.ininiv annnial Armnnto mora I held over the grave of the late General Jos. C Abbott, by J. C. Abbott Post No. 15, G. A. R. Tho following General SfgSSSrASS" f-rMr-l: Dept. of Va & N. C. I I H'dous.. Grand Army of Republic, General Orders No 10. 1 UllAUGiVUliai I fhe Grand Array of the Republic l.- I T.m A U Ys-fcW l-i oiv I teenth time, the beautiful custom ol ouserves uh waj juiu ucai, i iuo oia- strewiog with flowers tte graves oi our i dead comrades. MnmnrUI Tl.iv first PstahlUhed bv General Orders, then made permanent j - - . - I ov our uu ics ana itezuiauoas. auusuo- " i -.i u- vT-:--t 4 UUI1 llUfll I U I'lll II II I W IV J.-. It I 1 I 1111 I "J . I State leeislation. will be observed by our people so Jong as our flag floats r , VT .. " , : t ,j i. I over a united Nation, and it Is our duty. as me survivors oi ine armies auu iivi-7. wuusb uccusui aiui auu uab i riotism shed such lusfre upon the an- nals of our country, to see that the ceremonies appropriate to the day and the occasion are propeny eciea. tagonisms of the past; they should stir by Messrs. Allen Hallett, B. F . Mitch up iu. our hearts not only tender recol- ell, Joseph R. Wilson, Jr., and Harry lections- of the memories tf the dead, Bacon, Jr., in exquisite style and voice but also a mere exalted patriotism and -,i --d.T --1ot lornt i rn tr rnn nf rv in Tho Intnrfi. I Each Post will, in accordance with the i;uies anu ueguiauons. in its own wav arrauce ior ine proper ooservance i ot tho day. but it is suggested that An invitation should be extended to J all Children in PUbltC, private and bun , , ,1 - W, - -rv--l nnnnrnll.f I beTrntand SwH. V& rrpmoniPa of the dav. It is recommended, as in other years, tht lnt. arranrrfl for nuhlic services in places of worship on the Sabbath preceding Memorial uay. By Command ot Robert B. Beath, Cornmander-in-Chicf. J. M. VANDERSLICE, . Adjutant General. I Hd'qrs Dep't of Virginia., Gr.vnd Army of the kepubli c. RicnMOND, May 5tb, lbs.. (7eneraZ Orders, No. 5. In compliance with General Orders, No 10. Headauarters Grand Army of the Republic, the Posts of this Depart- May 30th next in an appropriate man- Der. Memorial day is fraught with sacred duties and hallowed memories, which accomplished pianist and a consci appeal in no uncertain behests to thel h4mA, throbbing hearts or every comraae oi tho Grand Army of the Republic; for its recurrence is but one of the reme- dies of the swiftly waning years, ' that will soon lay us too, comrades, in that I lr.irron.n lent whose curtain never outward swings," where the clash of sabre, the rattle of musketry, the intonation of the red mouth bitlery are likewise unheard and forgotten, where the grand dresa parade shall be by the "green pastures and still waters1 that speak of rest and eternal peace. But duty as well as the ties of dan- gersj.har-d. and the hardships braved. remind us tnat those wno nave gone before, laid down their lives a willing sacrifice upon their country's altar, should receive at the hands of those 1 who yet survive them, a tender token that their memories are as green in our hearts, as fragrant in our recollec- lions as tho pure mementoes erf nature wo are wont to place above their dust j on memorial day. The rules and regulations of our or- Conization requira a recognition and observance ot a mournful, and yet cheerful and patriotic testimonial from us. Bat for this I would not mweces- sarily remind yoa that esxh and every ElflEW. - grave of the Soldiers of tho Tinier. - in "h W.JL.k be gathered Irom garden and field, and other appropriate ceremonies had on camp. "r1". ims wjauuim service of decorating tho craves of our dead, let remember kindly in the same manner, should there bo any, those h. C. Cook. Dcn't Coramnndr. Official, H. Carlisle, A. A. G. IPpq'ks J. C. Addott Post. No. 15. tr. A. Hi DEP T. OF VA.'&N. C I Special Order Ao. I: Wiuiingtox. N. C. Mav 27. '84 la compliance with General Order No 10, Headquanera G. A. R-, the members o.l. U. Ahhott Pnst NFn 15 headauarters at 3 o'clock on FrMav. May 30th, in uniform, to take part .in attending the Memorial Ceremonies of ""30- .7",,. rommsnrtpr After the reading, ritualistic cere- monies were read by Col. J. S. W. flafies' U0??eJ..I ne rost- beautiful flowers was then" proceeded r- nil iri u f ii ii MCI irn i i ii ir i nu itt-i xci tit it n with the same beinic literally covered. "My Country, TisofThce" was then Headquarters where the closing cere- r " p i j ,1.1- Ti-.i mwuiea weie ueuuriueu, auu tue roa UISIH18Sea. I Tileston Normal School. The closing exercises of this educa- tional institution were held last night 1.1 . m - TT 11 at iae jliicsiou upper, lioom. ana a lare and cultivated audience were as-. sembled , filli ng the commodious hall v to lts utmost capacity, to witness the proceedings . Tho room was appropri- ately decorated for the occasion, and ttoorn..led with beanti- fau-3 uuu iragraub uuwers, wuose delightful odors filled the- atmosphere with their rich perfume. Th . r it.. : ! - . . , . , 8lsteu OI wn exercises, wnicn were rendered in the following order: -v . "uup.r tor ninn nni nrirnn in . p . VRnTr-nrfisi t th , V ,7 . -. f ; , , , ,. former and Master Alrich and Miss Eliz Adrian at Urn latter. Tt wa a - - charming piece of music and was ren- A a uweu : "Z. -.www. "salutatory, ' by Mr. iarry nacon, t i- i i , Jr., which was very happily conceived and spoken witn gTaC3 and distinctness. . ., .. , ... "Spring uiossoms," an essay by ivuss Sallie McLaurin, which was a sweet literary morceau. .golo and crug," yocaif rcndered r " rr "Sowing and' Reaping," an earnest auu inougntiui essay, y raie o. (;np r-.f. Mr. J. R. Wilson, Jr., at the former Instrnmpnt Thia was rendered with " T V I expression ia zedknt tune and time and was loudly; applauded. "Genius." an essay of much literary ... mr.- r, a ' n npr . Rnr v . J , ' ' , J ' ' quartette, by the Tileston Glee Club. "Valedictory," the "History of Poet- rv i hv at : Mollie J. Hawe?. This ' Jm .,a snfl httnnv concieved effort, whose merits were recognized by the audience by present- hnir the valedictorian with a mae- - , ... , r Ui"Qt U"J1-JLU1 W4T "Duet," by Prol. Van Laer and Miss Eliza Adrian. It Is hardly necessary to k f the piayiDg 0f prof. Van Laer- as every one m the city who has any appreciation of musical taste and skill knows that he is a thorough musician - ; Miss Adrian is a young pianiste of much promise and bids fair to become f tbe bestm ... . . Miss Bradley then presented the diplomas to the graduating class, which consisted of Mi?ses Mary A. Bernard, M j Hawes. KateS. Gause, Sarah ' A. McLaurin, and Mr. Harry Bacon, Jr. accmpanying the presentation with timely and approriate remarks, after . ... , cu ""J a"' iue tc .uiu ins juc closed the evening's entertainment and -T-prrMsea nf th. Ti.o-fnn fhnnt for 4. uie.- , 1Ca luu"7."cai la speastng upon me sunjecr, a lauy who was present told us that it was one of the mo3t interesting entertain- ments of the kind which she ever witnessed, which is'sa ying a good deal j sne has had abundant opportunities for witnessing such exhibitions and in . . . .... some oi the best schools in the country, Thi total attendance of pupils during - 1884. NO. 130 the scholastic year was 210; the average attendance 225. The corps of teachers are. Miss Amy M. Bradley, principal; Mrs. M. E Russell. Misses A. L. Nutter, Josephine Folgcr. Helen A. Higgins, Mary L. Alderman, Kale L. Alderman, Altec Thorburn and Minnie Bogert. Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead. Glas3 &e. should go to Jacow's to get best qualities and lowest pricc?.f Exports Foreign . Nor. barque Grid Olsen, cleared to day for Bristol. Eng., with 650 casks spirits turpentine and 3,000 barrels rosin, valued at $13,258. shipped by Messrs Paterson, Downing & Co: Ger. brig 7crwa??ji'icJnci,'Niejahrf rWr,i fnr i ,Vnmi uu i Ln?r;fl fnrnonf rf onf, OI , . ' 000 casks v.i barrels rosin, A ex. Snmnt & Son. mnlrinff ntAtdnf exports foreign amounting to $37,511. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tackle can be found at Jacoci's. . t hobekt percy son of e. l. ana k v fenSi ? 7v:v::,' . . . uasaaie uemeiery. ine menaa ana actinun iuv,,0uimu wuticuu. lotar copy. I liKAR On Rufurrlftv 3lat forr loci of 19 o'clock, m, Mrs. mina bead, relict or Meyer k.Mr ISlSSli? -rl5fom1,r I Ji on aunuay, ai t m p. m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. City Drug Store. 21G MARKET STREET. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, ice Crenm Soda to-morrow. (Sundav). Soda and Mineral Waters. No Sticks, but pare Cream and Syrups. Clears and Cigarettes and a $20 bill given to all those who are In need of them' J. W. CONOLEY, may 31 Manager. Copartnership. rrUIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING FORMED a Copartnership nlcr the name and stylo of l IO" P?nose of conuucnDe a uencrai urocerv .Business, win on Monday. June a, open at the old and weii- will be to Please in aualltv and urine. Our stock win be such as is kept in a First-class ocerv jstore ana win ueaaaed to weekly by I Rail and Steamer. All of our Goods are new and fresh, and will be sent out as such, with ,ine P"ege oi returning if not satisfactory. i - .. auv.. Respectfully. F. G. ROBINSON. NEWTON ROBINSON. may 31 tf Dissolution. WILMINGTON, MAY 14, 1SSL rpHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL existinr between the undersigned, under the flrm name OI JAS B. HUGGINS & CO., Is th's day dissolved by mutual consent. Jas. B and is alorc authorized to collect all accounts flUC 61 11TID JAS. B. HUGGINS, F. G. ROBINSON. may 31 It QFA-S IDF PARK HOTFI ....... ..v . WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, N C. !HIS HOTEL WILL BE OPENED FORM ALLY for the Season of 1334, on June ICtb, 1834, bySCOVILLE & CO., (ot the Scoyllle Bros., of the Klmbill House, Atlanta, Ga. and the Buford, of Charlotte,) and with the extensive Improvements which hare bee placed upon the property, this Hotel is the best Seaside resort op the coist of North Car olina. Board by the day $2.50 and 1 3. By the month $35 and $ to. may 1 New York & Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW TORE EVIRY SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock. P. IL CEGULATOR Saturday, June 7 BENEFACTOR Saturday, 14 REGULATOR..... Saturday, Jane 21 BENEFACTOR Saturday, June 28 M3 Through Bills Lading and Lmresl T-ro-gh Rate guranteed to and front PoIdU tn North and South Caroana. For Trtight or Paaaage apply to H. G. SMALL BONES, Sapertstesdest, WliailEgto-, . C THEO. G. EG EB, Freight Agent, S3 Croadway, How York.' W1L P. CLYDE A CCU, ttDraJ AjEta, H,T.?,72 KOTIC-- :.Tfs win ta gUd' W -rcctlTS f'rrT8fi.!;s:T-Trf . -Crcm ocx IrlendJi on aaylaad an ulJoU scaeralliucmtlmt":5:, i -; Tlie name of the wrlterotitt alwiyi te -JieXtotlxeE(!ltoi. , CoamTTntcatioiLt mat b wtitUM e exly one s!de of the paper. - Peraonatittea mnatba avoided. And It la ctpecUlly and particularly tar e r tood that tho Editor doca aot alwaya eada so tho views of coxTcspo&denta iaieaa ao atatc tn tho editorial coluama. . v ' 5 ' NEW ADVIM?ISIinNT8;f Atlantic Coast Line, Passenger Department. WILVlXGTOy, N. C., N.C., ) 'J1..1S?!. 5," May I if :m. , - , t r.? QN AND A1TER JCNElsf. KOUNDTRlV Uckets wiUbe pUced on sale at all Coupon., ' 0l:cs of this line to .1 " ..l T l!C SPRINGS AND SUMMER BESORTS OF VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA. 5 Tlc.cts good t a return uuUl OctoUrSljl, lt. T. M. EMERSON, ,' " nny?llw . Gcn-PaseeagerAgcat REAL ESTATE. ; THAVB FOR SALE SEVERAL i . , uOUsES and VACANT LOT3 very ' p'w IlousES. OFFICES and P IV1 STOKES for Rent. Apply to - V t' may 21 law 3m ekt KcSSSto A?cti i!" Foreclosure Sale. JgY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OFTUE SU potior Court of New llanovr CnnntJ tV uiutu uitre penamg ueiwcen J&mcs W; Col . I .. . . - - r . I. llns, ct al, plainilffs, and Adrlm II YanBok- dayof June. lSl, the following lots of land situate in said city, lo wit : - Lot No. 2 In Block 8 according to the plan of said city. . Lot No. 6 In Block 58 according to said plan." Not No. 5 in Block SG according to said plan. Terms cash. ... r . JOHN D. TAYLOR, , . may 0, fit, 20. 27, 31, J 2. 3 Commlssionncr Notice. rJIHE BOARD OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE for New Hauover county are nolined,;.; to meet the Board of County Commissioners " at the Court House, on lONDAY, JUNE 2, , 18?l, atlO o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of v levying the Taxes for the year 18SI and for ; the transaction of such other buslneea as may be u brought before them. Also to meettte f Co nty Board of Education to elect a Super lntenaent of Public Instruction. Tbe Justices of tho Peaco.wlll a'so electa . uoaru oi ounty commissioners. ,Q P n3 JOHN COWAN. Secretary. ' 18 2t 28,31 Star copy 29. Jl. may A SUGGESTION. (i THE SUMMER APPROACHES AND-; ChUlsand Fever, Malaria, an-1 kindred K cases make Qainlnc a necessity,' wc fluggct to heads of families to buy our Capaulca of Qui- ' nine, sold In any quantity, but much cheaper , when purchased In boxes of 100. Packed Into the Capsule In a dry state, additional efficacy . is insnred, and we guarantee each Capsule to contain amount represented Information re gardln prices, number of grains In Capsule, &c., glauly given. Munds Bros. & DeRosset Druggists, Market Street Wilmington, N. C. may 2G Economy is Wealth. jpiVE YEARS RENT WILL rpR- CHASE A HOME. Building Lots fprj - Xi sale on tlic lnstalmc-t plan on Castlo. Church, Nun, Ann, Orange,. Mulberry, lied Cross, Gwynn, Rankin, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Wilaon, Eighth, Nlath,-Dlckla-OBj ? Tenth, Wood, Bay. Eleventh, Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth street. Also, nouses and Lota for i ale. Apply to . may 29 cw JAMES WILSON.' Spaulding's League Balls. g PAULDING'S BE3TBAT8, BASE BALL CAPS AND BELT-, HAMMOCKS, the Best Kind, Larger, . , - And Spall Onea for ChlMxtn ' New lot j aat received, and for wtlu cheap at HE INSBERGER'S may IJto Bock and Muaic Stori . Photograph Albums; JEW LOT Or CABINET SIZED ALBUMS iutt received, ,r ;- , . j, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VioUns. Gait ars. Bacjos. Accordeons, Bows, tlns,AC LITHO(i RAPHIXG-Bclni Jgect for ow j pf the largest LitLographl-g ' liv tlw country, J 'a prepared to faralih if!.' llrVi?, iltdf. Bill Head. H eadlng anil Ball InvK-tlons, Visiting CarJ Ac , at very lw rates. - , , - SHOW CAbE5-?everal style l'mcttl acd waln.t, oral an 1 beveled frost: at W tory price. . .... .f,4i; YATES' BOOK STOKI" ' V- 13 . 113 Market Knxt- ; T h e Q u e s t i o n p OW IS, NOT WHETHER ! WE sniLL p7 a tariff on Blanket solTra Chiin, but wbr. oh where, can yougt to COoLE'sT aadBEbT UEtR? taUat acUW4,, 2i o. O South Front Street, :j and you can ailvc t3 prLto- , Alw,' Uie btt ' CJgais In tho city. nsjZi '.' jicu anu wne, ucienuanu. I will sell by pub lic auction at the Court Hcuae door hi th city of WllmiB-ton. nn rfrinrcrf, ii.. 7 may -. -