THIS PAPER .k. Bandar " JOSH T.JAMES.- gorroa 5D rmorxixTOK. ..rEirTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: SC oi SIX months n-00. Three 0,i r!f. Yl ; On month, cents. Vt'l be delivered try carrier, tree n it part of the city. ijSU HI flt any and ail fall. 7 .uwernpluly. t u rir-tittoru 0 any nacrpapcr rv- J . - VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1884. -T hi r imoiense Hwi"ir, ... r.iim!s i now aald to be . r.r nf lhe larft tombrtone li - 1", V. mn nt. and U no doubt . " u fully prepared to pro- r , t.umlxr of rival candidates 1 ...Mi'si that hvo failed number , . rii,.'fr),R,1,oul f 7.1 H bank? "rkiBZh-'Ut-Min lhM country. iV-.i a lIt'- remaining 7.133 pay one ?l'il ttxM on the dollar, the finan- ; c r.!: " 019118 13 "....:;!. thai k you. ' ' r- t , Muv Andersons success in ti.-r-e r hen without precedent vika! :fnnls. Her receipts dur . . t,4- week Lave amounted to Vi?i) wLicli i a larger sum than uur un-rn taki n by any dramatic ti:c;'?- in.. ; Vutuf.r. coitume. intended t , ura at t! ral weddinj. is des- : -d a- a marvel of iho modiste a :arf. iv.nivttb'. was black moire antique, w.-.a a i Ucr thread running through it. iaWo:i wi.h the laonc. a pwi;i 1 ta 1 1 ' be rusd lor it and its cos1 per jarJ. ; Mr.. MiTt.a weil-knbwn Lady Gay S.iaktr. w h fr years has been hunt is, within UV.erlord and Carragbs c re fox huiiadi in Ireland, w.n killed rwr.tly wli'.e i-njoyinj her favorite !,:!. She was thrjwn while attempt inialarm.idablelcapat Hlarncy. and rr.ltnon ber held was rendered to ti'.y unccmciou. AJfew hours later she expired. Thaddcus Stevens gold snuff box wi among the historical treasures sold with the person ii property of Iho late Mrs. Smith, the housekeeper of the Commoner, in Washiojlon "the other d;y. The relic tore this inscription: "To ilooThtJdeusSrcvonj, from Col- -raJa Terrilory. When old Thad t ikes snuff Colorado will sneeze. This b j i ntad of Pikes Teak gold." The Xewr York paper noto the fact thai investors there arc'just now put t;C their money into real estate. Up wards of two million dollars' worth was purchased last week. lathe long run. acd with ordinary prudence in the ss.Yction. an investment ia real estate i about the safest and surest of any go kg. The Boston Post, which carries tbo came ot Senator Thomaa F. Bayard at the head of its columns as its candidate Vr the Presidency, 'subject to the action ot the Democratic National Con vention." presents as the tally" of the Xe;ate3thus far cho3en the following utaaiary: For Tildea 102. Butler '23, tfcatit regards these, beinz from Mas sichutts. as doubtfal.) Carlisle 20, Rinda'.l CO and Flower 10. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVEBTI8EMEyT8t NEW AIVEBTISEBIENTS IIDCZ TO IEW ADVESTISEMEITS. New Ice Cream Saloon I A Smith Turot'or Pabkek ATatlou Keep Cool Mirier Laboring Men, Attention Tuos C. Craft, Agt a re C W Tatm Croi'ict, Ham-nocks P I RhidcisbA Co Laujr Snpplj U E SmixcEU A Co Ilcadquarters J W IlAEr&K MoonJlght Kxcurlon McDocgall A Uowiex Lap Kobea S L KuEMosx-Sarvcjor anj Ecalncer T C Miller Gl toon's lmportel Candr Kmgiits r Hoxoa Hesrular 3Icctln J E SIoRCl', Att Gaarautord Economy Ceo UFcexcu & Sox Ain't they fitjlUh? t B Worth, Cbalrrain KaiiroaJ Meeting LABORING MEN,- ATTENTION I Lost at Sea. It is with the deepest sorrow that we are called upon to announce the death I of Capt. Frederick Small, of the Zf'I ClCZ IF FfJIX VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY IS WHAT YOU WANT, TRADE u at snres wnere tiiev rio hus npss nn pmnom pL hnnst nnd snnnro nr n. iivwuuivuMtuu uiui'uaj uijtui iij.ica,uuu ai stores inai uo not iry 10 misieaa you oy scnemes or sensa- . Hons, or try to make you believe that they will give you a gold dol lar for 50 cents. They are not doing it, but you can rest assured of getting a full dollar's value for every dollar you invest with perfect satisfaction at -..risiss zonal. - Wm wEJ be slad to recslre ccsscslcaUca 6roa oar cads ea any: and all tsijtcli generallntereattmt Taenarwox the wrUe? enst always be laaea to the ECtor. - : y. -;IGnamtutloiiiamnBt be wtlttea oa caly one aide ot the paper. .FenonafiUeaianstbe avoided; fad U la efpedaDy and partteulaily tar stood that the Editor dc nt TwM NO. 131 thevlewaof correspondent tutfaaa ao sUte- mueeditorlal cohtaana. f . . when she struck some object which caused her to spring aleak and founder Cipt. Small aod irew took to a hastily constructed raft upon which he diefl from exhaustion. The mate and two seamen were also lost, and the cook and two seamen were saved, having been picked up by the i chooner Annie HRIEE Furniture. BiRLOU SUIT?, . DIXING EOOM CUITS, Cote, Spring Beds, Woven Wire llaltrertca, Lonnffes, and the handsomeat line of ilae v DABY CABBIAGE3 ever on sale la thU clty TU03. C. CBirr, Aat., ; Furultara Dealer, . iurZTlJSt.n on Wedne T13 OLID RELIABLE CLOTHIER. S3 So. Front 8t. liEixsBEaoEU A WorJ to thd Wlae Is Suf ficient There was noi a. bale of cotton receiv cJ at this port tixUy. TIi-3 nights and morniugs aro rather too co il lor the time of year. diy last and carried into Brunswick. Ga where they arrived last Satnrday, n n, uapt. bmaii marnca aoouc iour yesrs ago the daughter ol Capt, W. J. Potter, of Smithville, wbero his family rf mained until last Fall wiien he removed them to Rockport, Me., where his wife with Fullest assortment bi Fishing Tzckle two children, both boys, now reside. can be found at JAConfs. neglect to supply yourself with such Clothing as you may want for the coming season. It will pay you to call at qnce and save at least on every dollar's worth you will buy. o t All aches and rains are cured bv St. Jacobs Oil, the (treat Germ an Remedy. Steamboat Disaster and Loss of Lives. The steamer Wave, Capt. Robinson, WE HAVE A FEW LIGHT COLORED CASSIMERE SUITS fSTWIIICH WE WILL CLOSE OUT REGARDLESS OF COST.3 Atlantic Coast Lino, Passenger Department. WILMlNGTOy, N. C, 4 May 81, li. Judge Shepherd urrtved to tbo city capsized in the Cape Fear at Wanet's last night and registered at the Purcell I Landing, at So'clock yesterday morn- House. I io. while on her way from Fayette- TL ..........I .r nine IU una Ulf, UUU VI lilUSO UM Incro were an uuusual number oil. . . . . ooaru were urowneu. ice circum- visitors at the different cemeteries yes terday afternoon. stances were as follows: In coming round a curve in the river, THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. The colored camp-meeting at Hilton near that place, the speed of the boat is in full blast and was visited by a Cau3ed her to career so that her outside great many people yesterday. . guard was under the water. This june Another large consignment of Sash, Moonlight Excursion, caused 'the cargo, which consisted J J steamee passpobt will give Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware DepoLf of between 400 and 500 rosin Guaranteed Economy iT TWENTY TO FIFTY PEE CENT. IN harrpl of A MOONLIUUT KACUKSION to the Kocka UJi,c,a I on Thursday nl?ht Jnni Sth. Ths hnat will and spirits of turpentine, to leave here at 8 30 m., sharp, and retarn at 1 tK-t etrl Krhf nr .Mh m'. sure pop. Tare 50 cents. Music by ut t. viub oiuv, iv .iwiqui, w " i rasccuci s Dana. J. v. tLA.iit'Kti. There was no City Court this morn- caDsized the boat. Those drowned jane l it star copy ing. and no tramps applied for lodg- were Eumie Hill, a passenger, Eliza ogs at the guard house last night. Brcwiogton, colored, a passenger, and . i New Hanover Suncrior Court eon- Ned Beebe, colored, cook. The acci- f i i , i i 1 1 . i yened at the Court House at 10 o'clock ueni nappenea ai au nour wueu an iuu your gas bUls by uee of Sleeman'a Gas Savin his morning. His Honor Judge passengers anu.tnoso oi tne crew nci GoTernor. je. moeris. At, Shenherd. nrMulinir. empioyeu were asiwp m uicit uw, r ' I , ii .i i ana an inose came very near oeiug iobi. Winter does not linger in the lap of The other passengers were Messrs. Spring any more, but it lolls around on Edward Lilly and E. D. Burkhimer ha shoulders of Summer with ques- I this city, Air, Buchanan, of Charles tionable propriety. I ton.S 'C. and Miss Shepherd, aged about 117J4 North Second Street June l zaw 4w m a New Ice Cream Saloon. JVTB. AND ME 3. J. L. FISUEK. HAVE 1TX Wo invite the attention of ourcitizens 14 yeari to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt. r - T 11 i . j i a iiHiii-uuAaa ajMH sn.mj.BA jur. wily was oauiy oxtuimju PABLOB at the tomer of Front and Mul. Deny streets. The Nicfst Ices and Purest Cream to be found In the city. Ladles and and was saved with considerable diffl- L.t i . in .ulriltv. Mc3srs Buchanan and Burkhi- I gentlemen aro respectfully Invited to rail oeiB5BueiuunierouBUui.unuC ? - ordera Dromntlv flUed and delivered free of iuci taiuc jfcij neat wvtuu i cnargo were saved only by superhuman efforts. june 1 lm Headquarters T?0R FISHING TACKLE, JL Co!. J. N. Bonaparte, who arrived on Sunday by the Auranux from Europe, aid to an in.crTiewcr: "As to French politic, it seems to me that the Impe m! eclimcnt is growing and the Re" rablican forces will be compelled to calte in order to light the Royalists and Ifialists. The supporter ot the prea cai toroa of government are ia a roa ir;ty. ot course, and if they avoid V-irrels among themselves they will rvraala so. AT W. E. SPRINGER A CO'3., 19. 21 and 23 Market 8treet The larjrestand best assortment ever offered in this marreu june ' LAP ROBES. N ENDLESS VARIETY. THE FINEST i ever MCDOUGAUS A BOWUEN, j 14 isortn rort St. Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store. june 3 , . iver Wendell' Holmes recalls the tw. that sixty years ago three littlo Bion boys used tod re.s up in patch- trkcoi'.uoicsof me!odramat;c heroes jn.)rm ia a garret before an au d.tco if their young playmates. As r 11 :Qie remembers them, they had a remarkable aptitude lor acting. They i4 na nick to the stage, for they grew u? to be Westell Phillips. Th-mas G. AprV.oa and John Lathrop Motley. A W"a!iir.:oa special ti the New Vurk IhriUsxyn '"The repoit comes ttm Stw Yi rk, an4 was repeated on ISe 2 r of the House to-day, among the llrpubljcaa as well as Democrat c faeabvr. that Mr. Tilden fays he wil nncosJliijaaiiy accept the nominstion cft-e Deaiocrate Convention. Fully c nKious Cf his iofirmtty, ho says that i willing to die as its nominee1 . A Ciacinnali jury wil! be called on in Se;:aber to decide a carious question rurvivorship. William II. Woods asj his wio pemhed in the wreck o1 tise U-amcr.tjia'on Lake Huron in 1-J.and the disposition ol a largt jam ct money depends on which of the twodd first. All on boanl were Jruwoed except two persons, and th h"1!?" 11X6 ntiable to throw any light moonlight excursion, the first ot Mi3s Shepherd was in eminent peril. the season, will be riven on tho steamer but she maintained the most perfect Passpost, to the Rocks, on Thursday composure and coolness throughout the night. Hero is a chance for the yourg trying ordeal through which she was folks. I compelled to pass with an almost inev itable death starine her in the lace A ladies' fan was picked up at the Xne door of her slaleroom was locked Hebrew Cemetery yesterday, which and jt was somo time, and not until the bad evidently laid there some days. water had reached above .her waist. ibe owner can have the tame by call- before she was rescued by the deter- mg at mis ouice. mined eflorts of CaDt. Robinson. After The attention of gas consumers is in, the accident Capt. Robinson started vited to the advertisement of Mr. J. E, and walked to this city, reaching here es. futons 'a. .... - I - . . 1 I 1 - i.tH.I n If I w 1 "J "V. Morris, ia tnis I3sue. lie has for sale afc wwiw jwmaj oiwiuuuu, only practical trunk maker in the tate. a gas governor that is guaranteed to ?d fiave lS . inllVenc?r ol lhe save money lor all who use it. ;mArtitlv snt to the scene and r. Tho present ordinance on the survc) t!ie Dasseneer3. The dregdine boat of lots which are being improved only was sent up this morning to render requires that the owner shall not en- such assistance in raising the Wave and r i ference is given to any surveyor. I Illlton Park. Wir.Mivr.TOV. N. Afav 31. 18Ri. Tho steamer russporl arrived here Editor Review : from Smithville this ruorninir. havincl I see with zreat nleasuro some talk on board a colored excursioi party of a pblic park at Hilton in your paper numbering about 175. some ot whomolAjiL nld ba made one of th rvtme In nl tpnd the c&mn-meetincr at n;a3f nari-am t vn Smith fn-r- a r D vv, am. ij i-r-ii Hilton and others to see their fr.cnds I small outlay, as tne pump worts are so o omce at residence, s. w. corner of n t he ntv near, and tho fountain pipes would have Bed Cross anarntttis treets. n tne City. I . , , . ,. i ,t,tK 1.1 Orders left with Chief of Police, citr Hall. I 111 IIM UUbaiCn 1 AIU9 IvUm Tw UlwM TV uuiu i .1 I -,1 . . r. - . 1 , . . . . " . . Trill do prompur avwuucu w. ourveys in cuy Every Farmer ought to get a "Boy end its waters twenty ieet m the air 1 0V country solicited. No preference given to P inwr Pin " jyrPitncjt inrpntlnn rf Ane mos Ol iuo auauo tree ate aireauy I Ulty ourveyor n. buivcjih? chj- ow ana d ipper 1 low, greatest invention OX t. t.a n. k! m&klnar street line, fee new Ordinance.) . K. A A U A K a A a U m AAA n u A-rl 0 ... . -i " 1 . -,l ,l dl Li., j 1 cbarres win oe lowana worK made satlsfac- easily had with the ash banks and city Jorjr A certificate and plan of every survey waici oiMuucni ui. uauu, auu iuo 1 naaae. ianc - 11 QN' AND AFTEB JUNE 1st. ROUND TRIP Uckets will be placed on sale at all Conpcn ' ' ''. " Oflices of this line to , TIFS: SPRINGS AND SUMMER EKSOET3 OF VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA. Tickets good to return until October 31il, 14. , T. M. EMERSON, may 31 lw . Gcn'l rasscagcr Agent Ain't th6y Stylish, Joe ? . fJiaOSE OXFORDS FOB GENTS WEAR and those LACED 8IIOKS for Gents are the admiration of all ths boys. Come In. and try on a pair, and see If you woa't exclaim as'dit one of your fellows "Ain'tthey stylisbJoeV " Sold only hf . , Geo. K. French & Sons. - . i t m NORTH FRONT STREET. June 2 A SUGGESTION. A S THE SUMMER APPROACHES AND . of every variety and of the BEST QUALITY J QttUls and Fever, Malaria, and kindred dls eases make Q alnlnc a necessity, we suggest to heads of families to buy our Cap3ules of Qui. - ;; is ' . nine, sold In any quantity, but much cheaper when purchased la boxes of 100. Packed Into PT "Q"D TTi n T?"D O S rtf I the Capsule In a dry state, additional efficacy ili IjXbJLJLVJjLlXlO 0C UUi 1 18 ln"red,and we guarantee each Capsule to woiaui amount represenwu. - lniormauon re LARGE SUPPLY OF SPRINGFIELD HAMS ! JUST RECEIVED. These HAMS are the FINEST sold In Wil mington, and CANNOT BE EXCELED. -AND- recelved fresh every week. june 2 HO North Front St. Keep Cool I A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. PIANO OR ORGAN IS NOT A LUXU- ry. lneynive become a necessity. If you want a bargain go to EEIN3BEEGER'3 MU BIKj SXUKU. MTUVR VRAM UV.XT WtT.T. PfTP. jj No nrattcr what any boJy says, If" you want CHASE A HOME. Building Lots for to buy a Piano.Square or Upr'ght.or aa Organ, sale on the Instalment plan on Castle, garding prices, number of grains In Capsule, ' ac.( guujy given. Munds Bros. & DeRosseti ; Druggists, Msrket Ptree V . may 20 WUmlngton, N. C. Economy is Wealth. Keep COOl Uoto HEINSBEBGER., and Had Dt what Church, NunAnn, Orange, Mulberry, ,Rcd Cross, Gwyno, Rankin, Kourth, Fifth, Blath, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Klnttt, Dickinson , . VOIl Pan drt. Tt will Aflit mil nnthfnT nml vnn I P.c. in M n..n. 1 1. vmi. A NOT1IKK LUX UX XHU3K WATKa I J 0 J I v'w' 'kumu, jwurm, x u ui, dijl uj , , 2. Coolers rocelveu. ica uream i reezers mav Rflvft Sftmp. mnnPv. that give satisacuon. ueingerators upon nse " fOMd W Be WO Draw aiW UUJ SUUUU tUU& m..., . vw wmmjo. 1 xcam tfuoQ, 4ay. Jbieycnui. uuarioic STOVE, such as the "Golden Harvest" and others we have that are coollrg to the cook's temper. . nn , t nuivcu a, aaa aajiz. PURE WHITE OIL. june 2 S. L. Fremont, IUBVETOR AND ENGINEER, the age. Jacoki is the Agent. c invite attention to tne card in reServoir could easily supply a lake in thrs issue of Mr. and Mr?. J. L. Fisher, the centre of the park, which, with a FvnMTint ITnitiTiinnlrc proprietors of the new cj cream fswan, gold fishes and some gentle I WUllUBl, J1UH1IUOL1LS, saloon corner Fron and Mulberr S(luirre, luu 7"uu immj . 8 TDE ABOVE WILL SOON BE IN de- saioon, corner yon. anj Ui0e" hearts of the pretty litUe children that A mand, the public wilt find a good assort streets. ihn saloon has been nicely I would cather there by the hundreds. ment at reafonabic prices at ya'aks book fitted uo and the cream manufactured! Down on the river-side could be bT there i said bv thote who have tried it maqe two nice public oatn nouses ir OXFORD TEACHERS'' IJIBLES. tobroualto the vcrv best. Urdf ! T l . 7 w t. j i k A fine line TEACUEBS BlBl ES, .contain iu urujuaj iu uv vtjr u,utl I sail and row boats could be had in tec I n. :n.'M.i. , , , , I . . . , I " m A H.U iUUtl J intiivu- ni;cu anu prompuj uemm-u iu auj evenings lor a small price per nour. loricaJiand see them; unsurpassed for ready rer- part of the city. and pleasure. V itb a goo crencc safe from danger, while their lathers u'RTTTvr. tarttt? - - - - . a I ii .m A A u a- aw Carolina Ixxl-rt No. 431. RefiOllar "u. ' '""u6 u,Ir4 luco" Fl estquaUtv VBITLVQ PAPER, potup in nf inai ro a inn inn rnnn tr nun Trti ...; ... 1 -lvl- Villi . ...v. jw - COBirOICDl JttDieiS IVJ IOICU IB lM.B.aU,JUA luwiiuu iui oi a vuiw.-.. I young ladies are talking ol nresen; ami tne uaog for traveller. tanilinM iImipaiI If Ifnttim lAr. Knt to w vinla il!ctnt I W lm npton should not h without a xjuvxi. .-.i.v,, I mrk (ha he Ik mnii n'nasnro rf t liA I J -- - Furniture. A 1ULL STOCK OF EVERY DESCRIP TION OF FURNITURE. MOSQUITO NETS. MATTRESSES, SHADES, COTS, MEAT SAFES, Ac, offered low at D. A. SMITH'3, Furniture Deiler. X. Front Ptrcrt jnly2 Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Also. Houses and Lots for sale. , . , Apply to may 29 cw JAME3 WILSON. lhe Ons!w RsiW-Scflb'. Called. ' ccssrrrfe,pt IN ACCORDANCE WITH A MEETING 119 Market street. rho has been J?a?AnJ Col. John 1). Taylor, w absent for the past two weeks at Chi- ror the work etro. returned on Saturdav meht and When passing through the city in - 1.:. - ... 1 : .kap;ie ! It?, wtien 1 lime expccieo ever oe oenor wun ot New Hanorer county, in a afc " ' I. nfWilmln-r.m, T .rnto n th cuso there Dendh between James WT Cl 1Ta.ll this morninp. Hchas had a D! CaS- I r-j r . i ? l. : r. . 1 1 r .t I Una, et ml. ptalnUffa. aad Adrian U Van Bo k- Biik tup auA iciuiuvu ' vfc..urWniCa x now UOnB 0 ce sou. tuwj ao aueuon at the court ucuse floor in tne health. I no distant day, and which would be 7 0t Wilmington, on Wednesday, the 4th one of the greatest blessings possioie ?,r,-irir,.;..r . ir,TT" held by a large numbT of merchauta and bust nvs men. and a subvrnaent tiieeUnr at the Clir Hak. to consider the projector building a Rllrod to New Klver. In Onslow county. 1 hereby call a meeting of all parties Interesie-i In the building of said road, to be held at the Produce Exchange, at 12 o'clock. M,Jone 12. h. to hear report of committee on a surrer. and to take lmmed'aie steps for bal ding sala road aad to near report ot said committee as to cost ot nrrey of Cape Fear. T ad kin Valley ifallroad from Fayetteyitle to this dev. Kverr BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF TUB SU- go d dozen is urged to be present, atd I U - j especially h ped that our friends Uvlog along tu- une oi sai contempiaiearoaa in unsiow and Pender will be present ba force, aVl let u male a strong poll altogether ii. u. worth, Chairmaa jene 2 mwaw " Foreclosure Sale. City Drug Store. 210 MARKET STXIEET. T)UEE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Jce Crevn Soda to-morrow, (Sanday). Soda and Mineral Waters.. Jfo JStlcli. but pure Cream and Syrups. . Cltars and Cigarettes and a ) bin glvea to all those who are in need of them - J. W. CONOLEY, ma7-l ' Manager. Copartnership. rjMIE UNDERSIGN ED HAVING 'FOSMiD a Copartncrsh!p cn-Jcr ho name and sltla of K. o. A S. BOBINbON, far the purpose or conducting a General Grocery Builoe. will on Mondar. Juno 1, open at the old and well known stand of George Myers, an aseortroefft of Choice KaMlLY GRimjkrIES. Our aim will be f plea&o In qnaKty tnd price mr Stock will be such ss la kept In a tlrst-CIsM Groccrr Store, and wil be adh?d to weekly by Ball ard tcaro-r. All of our lioodm ara Vw an J frrsh, nd will be smt oat as tu-h. tt l:h the plvlleg f retarnlng If wit s.ittf actor. Oar friend are invited to call aod Inspect Bcspeetf uljy, . U. HOISISS'O'S. msy 31 tf NEWTON BaBlNJOK. The Question "VTOW IS, NOT WHETHER WE SHALL Knivea of best quality, and at manu- m I hope our philanthropic, entcrpns filoc accoruinz ra uie pJa facturer's pnees. can be found at J A- '"av";,' InZ . Lot Ko. 6 m Block ss acccrdi to-aaU plan. itk5uT cr'd' COBlStiau" I ntV Vet. Will tnm hli CTeS in tne aireC-I NotNo51TtWV:KCrrrfInirt-irtldrIin. Oil. ly.d-w I years. E.G. 15. may to, et,50,n,sj. jj, .Coamslsaser TOUfft the COLEST and BJoT fcKtlR ? Call at JSCGO WAN'S, . Ko. 0 ttoutli Front Street, and you can solve tiiepxobkcu Also, the beat CfarsXattsdry. mayM SEA-SIDE PARK- H0TELr WRISHTSyillE 80UXO, C. ; J rjiHIS HOTEL WILL EE OPENKD FORM ' ALLY for the Season of 1S5, ctr Jtfae 3Cth, ; Ii, bySCOVILLE i.CO , (of , the Scoviile Bros., of, I lie KlmbtU HocJ,,AtlSDL Ca."- and the Buford, of Coarlottje.) aod with the extensive improrementt wblca have bcea placed opo a the property,' this Hotel Is the ' beat a ildo resort on the out ot Notta Car olina, roird by tte day 4XM a"l 3. By tie ncst35ac4tl5. . . ' aayCI