MISCELLANEOUS 0 n e- C ?.,.CUnJai f m,,. Toothache. . mutt rm -.- THE PROPOSAL- . Mr di:ir.z. you lock ixresistilly ..-. i . - i LXr 1 I ? Thanks very much ! you - 1'iince, Charley, in your f-t'.t the credit to the DlAMQN'D . :. y I t, which I wear for the first : - nL:-'.i; li ii that which pves tone :. uy i Here h its prototype (slip- ji-j ih: ImrnonJ engagement rirg on .Viz. Ma cur love be as enduring as lie fane of Tl : Diamond Shirt." WAMSUTTA 2IOOLINELN. If four JcaVr Jcn er tec; it, enJ t.;u!irest api II 3ai-l cfil nra Capital Prize $150,000. mrumgewtU for all the MontSlm and ewU iHMi Uraicingi com ixfuituxna utau ixx. $m Uhmw. and m pcrmm not and con lri (JU Drawing iktwnmtlvtM, and that IXt mm art cwic rA AoMSty. faimeu. and aoorfsUA toward U partus, and we atOAor (iUi C3oMMr ( m Mil eerttt caXe, wtiiXfao Co ra m ls4lo n c re. JprHKCEDEXTED ATTRACTION ! OVKR It.lI.F MIU.IOX DISTRICUTCD' t iirijim stiteTotieet compam lMnrrocstM to 18 for 15 rer bj tho Yrx- tilaiarr for EtocUosl and Ctmrluble pur-r-wiib oplu.1 of Sl.OOO.OOO-ta wb.cb a Tr roo t of t'JO.ooo h inc tea Cf a of enrbcttalnjt porn'" vote lUfrao wm bu4 apart or th prccat Suto CKsattoa adopted December 2d. A. D..1S73. ttiCinrDSccouiKtncKta DaAWiiroa will attps moaUttj. It nfrtr $cait or jxf took at tho following IHitrtbuUon: hm Grand Monthly AXDTUS UraiOKDMAKT 8EVI ANM-Al. DRAW1SO, t lit -Amjot MaK New Orleans, r Toelj. June 11. lssi. ilr tv ro l mperrlAlon and toaosiro ment of U. T BB-VUnOJ AUD. of LtmMana, an 1 J I UAL A. EAULY. of lrtnla. Capital Prize $150,000. STvt Ticket am Tea lo!ltr only. HxlTfi.SA. rifUi. Teiitbflt. usr or ruuti. ft ri r 1 1 Pkizk or t lV).o0. . . t ! W.oro I dllXIi I'drc - i ynD I xze or lame rcuu or ic l ics or' r.oo... W.Olii 1J.W... 2.C4 l,(on... ro.oo 10J... W.OiiO i... W.300 2.5 l 4 , ArrEoxiMATtojt rnxrr.. l. ID 1W... lfO ?,: rxci asv:cDlHx ta f rrCo f rMta U etab thoaH be 3k tu oset of ut Corapaaf ta 4w Ut ' fnarr !nrotiAtVia. write clrly, gt SL3 ilfv- VLike 1. O. Mtey Or JErf.Mf.f tt ! Iclsteml Utters to lWAN NATIONAL It ASK, kJlL NoT aal onintrf letter by i. jf! crrtM (:i tata f and npwarC Mlfre' at ocrcipene) t U. A. UAL'PUIN. a. iAfrnix Ncw LA- lt feRtb Hi., Waaatnxtoe. D. C. km SSS5F0R TRIAL r fl P pTWhj f T, ,, putli it-T ill P Pli?i! a.. 1 ia " itmrn. Urn nma TheDaily Rovieiv. OBSERVATIONS. Srrioz dajs or old were warm and lOllf They're longer now, and colder. Tho world one like a merry sone: It's sadder now, and older. Tho Tairies and tho merry elves Are thy and discontented : They'd sense cnoorh to hide themselves When east winds wero inffented. When songs they sine were sad at all. It was a cheery sadness. Tiie songs we write, if glad at all, JKxnrcf&a foltmn gladness. I Our smile is but a chastened grin. Our lather's laugh and meant it; And when they sinned some jovial sin .They left us to repent it Tin shys Magazine. TIio First Wiito Woman lu Granville County "Ihe first white woman Mho camo I into Cranville county, X. C. was Abi gail Sagon, a French Huguenot. She marrica a man by iihi name ot vjook. who was so improvident that hi3 wite was under the necessity of swad dling the iirst boru with old meal sack. hastily gathered up at his lilllo mi;!. Cook having died, she married tbe second time, a man named Christmas. Five of her descendants vera generals in tho Con federate army, and three distinguished members ol the Cnited Slates Senate, namely, KaiHom, -f North Carolina. Harris?, of UYnne-HM and Cockrel!. ol M tc sou r i . Via rksvillc Virgin ia n . A Sum in Arithmetic. It was in a barbc-r shop, and the bar ber was tender d a 8- bill by h man lie hsdju.H fhaved. Thu drawer had bi-en unpty of fractional currency, and h'j barber tunud lor relit to one who sat wait-ns his turn. 'Caii ou chat-go me this $2 bill?' he asktd. Cut fs lean vc: I've just got $1 90, and ten cents lor my shave wi 1 make just 5J. Givn me the bill, and hTe s your change.7' The barber stood balancing the $1 00 in one hand and the $2 hill in the other, as if to ascertain wh ch weighed tho most. Then the true lrnrror ot the situation broke upon him, as he gasp ed: "Great Scott! Do you want me to jia? you ten cents for tho privilege of shaviosyon? Here, take tbe ana owe roe twenty cents. Lowell Citizen. TIio Oil of Courtesy. Accurate fitting of the parts of a ma chine is not all needed. Oil is required. Oar life functions bnug us tozether. ourmovement and doings work tozeth er. Something is needed to make all work smoothly together. Good man ner?, courtesy, pleasant behavior istnis oil which is needed. Some say. what have we to do with .good manners be tween master and workmanr" livery creaking bearing in the social machine means loss ol power. All Heating ana friction must bo avoided, "i-air words butter no parsnips." is an old adage. But tbev do much m a store where me clerks are attentive and oblisin?. Cus tomers will be more likely to come. So in all things. The faculty ot mastership i3 larzo behavior. The man on a com mittee who is courteous is worth two who arc not. Courteous manners and fair word?, if they do not put money in the pocket, they sweeten life and make it more cnduraoie. licv. isroone ucr ford. Mother Swan Worm Syrup Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathar tic; for fevenshncsa, restlessness, worms, constipation. 25c. cod - Getting in One on the Teacher. Dr. Busby, once tho master of the High school, wan celebrated for severe discipline; but though severe, he was not ill-natured. It is said that one day when ho was absent from his study, a boy lound soma plums in his chair, and at once began to cat them, nrst wag gishly saying: "I publish the banns of matrimony between my mouth and tbe.--e plum. If any here present know just caue for impediment why they should not be united, you are now to declare it. or ever alter hold your peace. Tho doctor overheard the proclamation, but said nothing till next morning, when, calling tho boy up. he grasped his wcH-knowu instru ment, saving: "I publish the banns of matrimony between this rod and this bov. 11 any uuo knows any just cause or impediment why they should not be united, let him now declare it. or ever alter hold his peace.' Tho boy him self said: "I forbid tho banns. A. V4. "Be- what cause? asked the doctor. cause, saw the ivy te panics are not agreed. The boy's ready wit plce! the doctor, and the union was mdr finite! v mstponeJ. MontiKlhr (if..) Gazette. The opinion of th general rubl'cio regard to Ayer s Cherry IVctoral is con firmed by clergymen, lawyers, pub lic peaktrs and actors. All say it is tho bit remedy that can bo procured for all affections ot tho vocal organs. throat and lungs. In n lCouli State. "Here is a poem, which you may publish in your pat cr, 1 sai l a young man, w th eves in a line frenzy rolling as he enteral the editorial room. "I dashed it off rapidly, and in an idle mo- mnt, ano you win jinu u iu rnugii state, as it werp. lou can make such correc i-ns s you lirnk necessary." "AH. mnch obliged, siid tho d;tor. "I will give y use c k f r it at nee. "lou are verv kind. sam 'ne eon- tribu or. "1 wdl be dePgh'.ed. 1 "The-c y u are,' said the editor. ha ding him tha check. "Many thanks," exekvmed the young man. "I will bring jou some ether poems." Wnca he got to the door he suddenly paused, then cam back. Excue me." he said. "But you for got to fill up the check. You have not written the date, nor the amount, nor have you signed your name." Oa! said the editor, "that is all right. Yoa te, I have fivenyon a check in its rough state, as It were. Yoa can mako such corrections as you think netts?ary.t'--iftyTc'i rtfer. V That Boy. Almost every fttinr knows about the inquisitive doj, and frequently has occasion to wish : his boys rera girls. A North IUll farmer,- began sharing himself in the presence ofhU four-year-old hopefa!. The boy commenced and kept on with a remit somewhat as fol lows: -. , . ; . , - ,u J - 'What are you doing; papa?" ' Sha?ioS." . 4 - "What yrU shaving for?n ..SLSC r face ceaQ.,, "W by dont von wah vonr fane to Kci k ciean r ais me way I do.T7 "I shave to get the hair off." "What hair?' 4The hair that xrrowa on mv fae 'What hair that grows on yon r face "What are whiskcrs.papa?" "Hair that grows on tbe face.n nat uoestne wbiskerhair grow on me lace lor? " "I don't know." 'Why don't yon know why whisker uairs grow on me lace." "Because 1 ne interview came to a sadden ter mination. A long gash and flowing blood was the cause, with tho sadden departure of yoonz Amcricain his moth- i a aims ajao inciucnt. l fiiui. uau. "Yon see this passage is marked f, " said the teacher: " T means forte, and it means to sing it louder." "Forty means louder, docs it?" asked the pupil. "Yes." "Then when its marked forty il should be sung like sixty.7 Derrick Born to Suffer. tionu oievenson, ot wesmue, has a son about 12 yearj of age suffering from hydrocephalus, or dropsy ot the brain. Miortly alter birth the cluld's head be Kan to spread, and the bonas of the skull separated until only a thin tissue rem- ! 1 1 rrn j ain-u as a covering, mis tissue is cov ered wiih thin hair. The skull is now nearly three times a3 large as the i head should be. The eyeballs protrude from the heid. Several physicians, called to attend the child would not run the risk of performing an operation. Dr. E. L. R Thompson was called and per formed two operations successfully. mi i t r i a ine uocior nrst iouna a mm part in tho skull where there were n large b;o'tl vessels, and then pierced tho kull for about an inch with a sharp peedle like instrument, after which he inserted a small tube and,. with the aid of anoth er instrument, drew a half-pint of wat er Irom the child's head. He repeated Ihe operation a few day i after and at that time drew nearly a quart of water irom the child s head. He then cover ed the head with bandages. The swell ing is gradually subsiding. The doctor will perform another operotion soon. and expects to then draw off all the water. He did not draw all the wat er off at first, as the head would have been liable to collapse and convulsions would probable have ensued. Dr. Thomas has treated two cases of hy drocephalus with success, and as the child is doing well he expects it will pull through, although the brain of such a person will not be as strong as x ..i i -i mi i l J ! li oinerwise wouki. ine cuuu is na bleto be weak mentally, but better re fults are looked lor. inis cisease is one of very rare occurrence, and the operation is a very delicate one. New llavcn Faltaditim. Cure of Asthma and Spinal Weakness. 239 West 22d Street, New Yokk. May 17, 1883. ihougn it may be irregular lor a physician to give a certificate in favor of a proprietary medicine, still, in the cause of humanity, I venture to say a word in favor of Allcock's Porous i'lasters. which 1 esteem the most remarkable external remedy of this century. W 1 a i . i nave Known mese I'lasters to cure Spinal Weakness where the patient had been conllned tor months to hia bed. A blacksmith of my acquaintance was severely injured in the back by the kick of a horse; four ALLcock's Porous Plasters quickly relieved him of ex . cruciaiing agony ana curea mm in a Neuralgia of tho Heart, was completely cured in four hours. In Asthma, I know of a case where they wero worn for three months and futly restored the health. In another case, where a patient had Sporadic Cholera, nothing relieved him until he pat on mree Allcock's Porous Plas ters; in twelve hours all pains in bis chest and stomach disappeared. I know that these Plasters, applied on the nit of the stomach, are a sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia and Constipa tion. ir ia ally, if persons once use All- cock's Porous Plasters they will never use any other; they are so pleasant, qniek and painless nature's balmy assistant. II. C. VAN NORMAN, M. D. "Allcock's" is the only Genuine Fu rotes Plaster. People of Polish origin should be shin- lgn marks. Three years1 instant study in Italy . will make an Auiiirican girl know too much to sing in church and too little to houseful in opera. ; AFalrVllTer The Voltaic Belt Co..of Marshall, Mich , offer to send Dr. Dye'&Celebrat- ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases. See advertisement ia this paper, t th s cow&w Par excellence A good father. Fou DrsrErsiA. Ixdigestion. De pression of Spirits and General Debili ty, in their yanous lorms; also as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and other Intermittent Fevers, the Ferro-Piiospiioratf.d EuxrK or Calisata. made by Casavxll, HA2T akd & Co., New Tork, and sold by all I)ru2ists. Is the best tome: and for patients recovering from Fever or other sickness, it has no equal. ' tu 2w,: The hair of a horse Is fomtimcs his mane beauty. i 13 ecll n o of iMati 1 Weakness. Drtpepsia. Impoteoce. Sexual -Debility, aired by IJISCELLANEOUS &nukl2c)Smoli Tot - l The . fi?sf Long Cut Tob GCO TU.irsKiEiTES mnuuctufed in ni Jl JIM IV I r i ' I Tob cco rcTorv in The ETTEj, WORLD 1 Watch the papers for our large advertisement; different portraits of leading men each time june 1 ced nrm 3m ftirannnnH.ioRPJiiiiE habit ItH r II I 111 hm .1H11- L DeQnlny u ' at mm m noma, bow onera Kemedy wbrebr f7 od cm ear Umrntlt mmUkir mm4 IbIimIj. For tstimo- u. a. aaas, a.ju, &w utaa &btaw vrk citr. 9T.lvnv1't th " 1 Wliruora" r1tra cliff, and is an infaliUc cure ior ris, I'xice si. druggists, oEent pfe- a or man. satople free. Ad. i'ANAKESia" Maters. Box 2,416 New York. WealitjeriousMen Whose debility, exhausted pourei-s, prematura decay nd lailnre to perform llfe dntlea properly are caused by excesses, errors of youth, etc.. Will find a perfect and lasting restcration to robctt health end vltroron tnunboed ia THE MARS TON BOLUS. rteiuier stomach. dnurKuur nor instramentA This treatment of A crvom I c b 1 1 1 1 jr and Ih tIoi 1 DtesT isnmf ormlr aaccessfnl beeacse bd on perfect dUnosia. new And direct methods and absolute tho mrBBCM. rTJH lnTormstion ana iTeuw Ire. Address Consaltinr Physician of MlRSTOtt REMEDYC0.,46V.UtJrSL, NcvYork. oat 57-1 -wvf Av t b AND , Ctctnc AppfoAcrs are tect 9 30 Days' TrU. TO .MEFiJDHLY, YOUfiQ 03 OLD, "fTTHO mm ?TMur from Kr-wtrs Dmrrr. IV Lost Vitality. Ick cr Feces V tuod. Wutum W uuiso, m4 ail thoe dsr mt a r-snos-i. Xarcaa imiua. frsm itno aa4 . 9lBBvlc-m Siwrtfy ri:mt aad eompirt rr rlon rHCAl.Ta. wrmar. 4SwnUt'rrtl. T- aTMrtgs. A w-ry ot ntm Xmftewtt"- . jet dat mm for lU-U-t - Fij-It (rte. a res V3LTA1S ICn CO., HAltHAU, tllSH. UrlyeodJrr ttha RLACKWELLS WORLP BEST- mokin6 Best ii Cigar in ih IrIIJII .IrlnJi . 111 II If f I W vv 1 h ID&1 I 1 S.1 I I ' 1 1 J r r ' t i ?T BEFORE V- illSCELLANEOUS: JUST IMAGINE I THE COOLTST STORE FOR LADIES TQ : t , , . SHOP IN IS TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, and there is where yon will Ccd the finest and large-1 s'ock to select from in Ullllnery and Fancy Good?, as we receire new and choice goods every day. - Just Imagine 63 Gents for a bunch of three Hps in aay color, regular value One Dollar. These goods have .been aelllox eo rapidly we had to duplicate them ever and orer again by request of our patron?. Just Imagine 30 Cents for a bunch of three black Tips, worth twleo the morey. Such prices Ladles have never heard of before. Just Imagine 73 Cents for a line place In any shade. An excellent lice of Feather Pompoons. An earl call will secure you some- of tbcee gooJ3 at TAYLOR'S BAZAAK. From the smallest Blnclo Tiolet fo the lanrest racched dress garnature. Usiay Wreaths, Fanbies, Buds and Koses, in fact every kind of Flowers, at prices which set competition at defiance. Just opened a stock of Fats ad Parasols, Underwear, Corseets, liibbors, Laes and made-up Lace GooUb, Embroideries &c.,&c, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St., may 23 WILMINGTON. N. C. Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. AGENCY FOB N. T. ENAMEL PAINTJ CO'S BEADY PEEPABED PAINT. "I ALL AND EXAMINE OTJE GOOD3 AND get our prices before purchasing. Tho fact that our Paints are from tho celebrated Fac tories of Wetherill & Co., and Harrison Bros Sb Co.,'.Is;sufcient guarantee for their quality and purity. A fine line of Cooking stoves at Factory Prices, in addition to our largo and full HARBWAEE STOCK, to which your attention islrespectf ally invited. NATEPL JACOBI, 10 South Front St septus A MONTH AND BOARD for three live Your Men or Laaics, id each eounty. Address P. W. ZIEGLEB & CO., Philadelphia. .mayT9-4w Clianse sill That. Instead of liniments, lotions, etc., use Ben son's C'apclne Porus Plasters. Qaickest and best. 25cen?s. may 19 4w The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. irini'f tuvoci t? A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Fhvslcal Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries rcsultina: from indiscretion or excesses. A book fo every man, young, middle aged and old- It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of whl?h is Lava la able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 800 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to tea finer work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for f 2.50, or the money will be refunded in every instance. - Price only $1.00 by mail, post-pafd. Illustrative sample 6 cts. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. The Science of life should bo read by the young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all. London Lancet. There is no member cf society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, r Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bulianch Street. Cos ton, Mass., who may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate dlse-ses thS hate baffled the skill of all LI g A I other physicians a speclilty fl Gm m L Bach treated success! ol-ff" BJ5 C5 fT ff fT 1 without an in- I mi B WL-br stance of failure. Mentlan this paper. may ' J astw iff - L b Ti . , w . f-m km S3 ' SJ fo. - taO-tCOtied anfjuvrMi-aowaiiJi'-Jt in n I bow mire-) tor sof-cur- - f ;MtiJi4WW aplsln)-kii ve icr' . lni,zfJstAn&iim A-4raa CfL VMRO CO.. txi-iaas Ka, f James A. Lowrev- HEELWRIGIIT, BLACKSMITH AND i General Repairer of Carrtaws and Vehicles. Work of all kind attended to without delay. ! Thanking my frtetis for favors extended to me in the past, I solicit their kind favors and thtir iatronage la f cture. After an experi ence of forty-fonr years, as a Mechanic under Capt W. H. Bobbitt, of Warrentoa, and in Wilmington, I am bow prepared to conduct tbe work In alt lis branches la a i."Ood and workma&Rke manner. Place of bu&lnesj. oa Princos. beiweea 3rd and ilh tlrccu. . xwfr S)-oaw-tf mmtW - mi) tj riinciiLLAi ; rou.i. WIiit6lHeal Yeast. VEST VALUABLE ' PURE YEAST POWDER, llavlos bee a thorourbli tested 1 by a grcatcaany of the ladles of. WLrlrttn eel no bcsiuilja la tAmmcadlax' ft to the public. It is elegant for hraa,Toktr 1,-cult. It Is made by Ills Hodges, of .UO( city, o I - ..." i i.. '.k -. t . . t ; v. " . : - porovegetaUo matter, and aha, refer to Mrs. A. A. tnilard," . Mrs. Gen. Whiting, Mrs. Samuel Northrop, tiTfl r tin or the correctness bf feer' sutctaaa orsaleby " tt3-.; .r JNa L. BO AT WRIGHT. . 1J & U No, rront8t, ' ' inch 31 ---I Fold A gen - WEAKruliDE'ELOF-SSWilTS OF TllC 11U M AS' Kw''iVVuL-V'sT;- nTTc li'.tUK jtfKDIl'.M , HlllUl" r.V V jwft F.i'nitf 'T V Rpl It 1 rro r is as r R S f t 1 I , - . 6 3 P. &.ITS-5., a - cv i" w nr" 5 o "U -A ft h C B 6 julv 11-dAi Kerchner & Calder Bros. 3iH0W 3??4!?UT. 0T r ROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, VA offer for sale a full line of . FLOOR, i , SUGAR, 'f ffc6tF)ctt BACON, SALT, MOTJLSSES, RICE. , , t . MEAL, w ,0 . LAHD, CORN, ' ! OATS, ' ' II AY, SNUFF, SODA, POTASH, LYE, STARCH, . :f POAP,' CRACKERS, CANDI, k O ABDULS. HOOP IRON, GLUE, R1VET4, NAILS, 'BUJfQtt'M MATCHES, PAPER, I HAOi5 BUCKETS, AXLE GHEA8E, POWDER, TIES, Ac apl7f f fff 1 1 ,. ,; . J. L. WINNER, &B Chronometer-- Flno Watchei and Jewelry repaired and warranted. r Opposite New Market gy optt., , inch 71 W. & E. S. LATIMER, mmm. i-ti. ;) . ,'M '.ix Office 8. E. Cor. Princess andWater Sta. Jan 7, , , r, i r ' TITfiCELE 'HO use: TJH1 NDER NEW MANAGEMENT, B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantlo HoUL First-Cla - all 1U appotntraenta. Terms t- 60 to $3. CO per dart f " fiff 'yffW ' ' JACKSON. RELL. Water PdWer;'Rrihters BOOK-BINDERS. Wc have the most complctat establish ment of the kind to bo found in WUoilng ton, and guarantee all our.worJctnrbo dono in first class style, and on reasonable terms. Bend in your orders during tho dull sea son, and have them executed at tho lowest possible prices. ,;, -i i $ t KT nltt First National Bank of Wil- mingtoni CAPITAL STOCR.......M............ f2SO,CO0 80BPLO3 riFSD. .ai Deposit rooUvod sad oollectioc ma Jo en all tctcblo polstsn tha Uc:cd.i utat. ' M f'.U Jin ' . ' DIRZCTOK4 ' J E. E. HURRUSS. ? f , ,f . D. UT WORTH t A. MARTIN. JAiS. EPRITNT, GtOUGKJlADOUffsA : nmrrr4 1 ' M V m m mmtm X. E. EURIir&a. Prtslcictt. . l -; ii lUrit - A. K. V' ALJI Z2.... .... Caabfer W. LA RXJN3.. l,.....Jl.. Aas( Ctthll-r " ant . : . -v? - .: ' - ' . The &curs(gnVa OIEA50N J3 NOW OPEN ASDTlTjONS O !sidse Ui elty, trtean.U or mltiTllX and lt need of FfrsCli4 work wlil do well to call on the well known TUrtxrr and Perfumer at his , 6 havias: and al riiro ntrg ealoc t f so. 20 MAftKirr.sTitncT, where bo will f p&r no jnlns Ii- jirlrr it!' faeuua to all. Co ere and fee. , may? . . , LJI, jJ. j I" -M'iiil 't----- rl 1 ; - v " ' " Pill ilfcteife

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