RHEUMATISM. SALT RHEUM. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. Fopolaritr loo 1 not always the best test of merit, bat point proudly to Um fact lLt mo otasr taedtcibe has wun for itself soca onivtrsal approbation Ln its ovn city, state, and coon try, aaJ amocj all people, aa AVer's Sarsaparilla. Th followLe latter from one of our bejt known Muucueui Druf gists should be of tatartst toertryaafferer: . EIzLt Tfin aro I had aa attack of llheumatlsm. so trt tint I could not mora from the l-ed, or treaa. witboat help. I trkd svrral rtme Ue withomt maeh If any relief, mail I luok Am'l HAXUxrxMlLUL, tj tha ue of to bottle of which 1 vu cvmrleUly cured. .Kara sold larg qaaaUtiX of your S RA raajtXA, ad It still retails lu wou-Urful popaiarttT. The vxxbj notable cures it haa Ceete4 in this vtelnuy convinc me that it to tbm beat tkxxl medicine erer offered to th j pobUff. CP.IUBBia." lUver SL, Dockland, Jraw., Jiay 10, lv"2. GEO&GE ASIEW. overseer in the Ixrwell i for over twenty yean bf ora hie rtroora I to Loval) aSleted with Salt Rhmm In its wont forts. luulceratlona actually covtred 'nor than half tha sorfaea of his body and Itaha. 11a waa enurely cured frr Avra'a StaaaraKTUJU Sea cerufleat in Ajer's Armsnan tot ISS3. rXZTAXTlt BT Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LowelIfMaa5. goiibjAnpna 1 1, tlx titles for 55. jta i Itkji Jii 1 & AYER'S Ague Cure eoctai&J an antldota for all malarial lls erdara which, so far aa known, is used in r.o ether remedy. It contains no Qolnine, nor any mineral nor deletariooa substance whst erer, aa4 consequently provinces no injurious effect upon tha constitution, but lcares tlo trtteni as healthy as It was before the attack. ATES'3 AQtJE CURE to ecre every ease of Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Ihunb Ague, BlUoua Fever, and Liver Coni llaint eaaaetl by malaria. In case of failure, after doe trial, dealers are authorised, by our circular dated July 1st, 16?, to refund the mon-ey. . DrJX.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Maw. Sold by all Drujbu. The Daily Reviey The uauv ttevicxo heu the largest Hina fide circulation, of any narspavcr vulltiKed. in the city of Wilmington. J3 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1884. CONGKESSIONAI- may dAw ortn TO TURPENTINE WORKERS AND DEALERS IN TURPENTINE TOOLS! TOC WILL FIND THE Hackers, Pullers, Dippers, &c, MANUFACTURED BV WALTER WATSON, FAYETTaWlLLE, N. C, TUB VEKY BEST IN USE ! Order aeat to W. K. UPRIXGER A CO.. GILES HUMCIII3 N. Wllmiaiton. S. C, or to tha maaufarturrr, "111 ha-e prompt at tonOon: WALTER WATSON, Manufacturer of Edra Tools. maj 0 lea t jetteTtl'e. N. U PARSLEY & WIOGINS, MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, ORKAMESTAlfwOOIi WOUK. aylg tf SENATE. Washington. Jun 2.-I5iiU were rcailalhirii tiroe and pasecJ. aftertle batc, as loUow s: IIoue bilti fixing the rato of postacc ou ruail matter t" the sccoo'l class, hea Stfut by rTsons rthr than pub lishrrs or news azinu. Thia bill, as it canio from the llne, fixel oue cent as the rate of postage n a newspaper weihin ,tLrt! u:.e- or Jess. Mr. Macy cxplinwl that the Senate com ruittccon I'.iftollicf s r.l l'ust Itoads hal louud that M.nje of the !ar2e newd papcrs welched a linlc over three ounce?, and had therefore extended th nwcrirr limit rf WO'irht from one ceut Ler ounce t' tour imc:s. The bill rt.in! the Sena! wi'h tf.i- atuct.oment A bill, introduced by Mr Uutier. providing fr the return to the owners f.f rrtnin iowelrv. rxrlraits. silver ware, etc., captured iti the South dur ing th war. Senate adjourned. Twelve Democrat and thirteen Ro publicans took part in the proceedings f the Senate to-dav. He entire pro teeilini? were tonluc!ed under tbo rule nrovidinir for consideration of nnobjct f-lr.i.e3 uponthecalendar. Xincty-fivc nwnurfs were brought tin: fifty of which were f ct aide under objection, tortv were navsed. and hvo were indef- inlilv n stD-med. In the number of bii.s dip..?td o! thi ia the grcafcat lav: work of tho session, and very lew days in past seniors show a larger record. UOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Under the call of States, the follow ing bills ucre introdneed and re.'errcd: Bv .Mr. Eldridze. ot Mich., a resolu tion fixin-r thc'23d of June as the date ot final adjournment. Ily Mr. Willis, of Ky., appropriating $25 Ofe to aid the Southern hxposition. to be held at Louisville, 158 1; and ad mitting free of duty articles intended for exhibition thereat. The House then proceeded to the consideration of the Legislative. Appro priation biil, with the amendments re ported by the committee of the Whole. The amendment exempting all dis tillers who make ten busheU or less from the operation of tho provisions of Title 31. Revised Statute?, except as to tbo payment ot tax, was adopt tl yeas 119, najsTI. Oihrr amendments were agreed to. and the bill passed cas 138. nav Ir- Mr. Ilisct ck moved to suspend the rules and pas the bill repealing inter nal revenue taxes on tobacco, allowing the use of alcotrol free of tax in the arts and for manufacturing, and repealing the tax on brandy distilled from fruit. Mr. C szrovc. of Mo., moved tbc House adjourn, aud this was, at 2.13 p. in., carried. STATU NUV7B. COrJTIEKCIAIi KETVS. fTharlotte Observer: Traveler op tho Western North Carolina Railroad .omififvt ndiir or two since to a most remarkable fight, being what the J irm a hail snoot on a mountain side. of Marshal Sution. Troperly speak- 300 casks at these figures WILMINGTON MARKET. - : ' : r June 3-U P. M .SPIRITS TURPENTINE -Quoted dull at SS cents per gallon. Sales ot in?, it was a water apuu. aw iuu ninr hnt before it ended it turned to hail. Thespout broke on the moun- min above the railroad and cams tear- in down directly UDon the track. As ;t aorpnt down tho mountain side, it hmnirht trees, timbers, rocks and dirt with it, and lodzed them in a confused mass on the railroaa tracic. inenau. our informant says, could have been raked up by the basketful, the whole mnnntain side beioz as white as ant tail could have made it. The bail ROSIN Quoted dull att.OO for Strained and $1.05 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.10 per bbl of 280 lbs." - CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $1.75 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 for Hard; COTTON Quoted quiet. Small sales on a basis of Hi cents Der nound a for Middling. The following are the storm, it appeared, confined itself to official quotations: the vicinity of the mountain in question. Ordinary there being heavy rain, but only slight .onnarV Boxes and Crates, T?OR SHIPMENT OF VEGETABLES AND lj Fruit. ! hooka or ready mule. TALLOW FINE LUMBER. A fall itoeA ot Bourn and Drcaaed Lumber. La' Be. A., for B miliar purpoee. r Ordara by tae carfo, DomoaUe and For ijl S3 dw P ARSLET A WIGGINS. Has Arrived ! a FEXSU BCrrLT OF TUAT lellclou UKATED PINE APPLE by todaj'a N T Steamer. Alao, aaotaer lot of tbtt A No. 1 MIXED TEA al 60e per pound, (China Cnp aa4 aauoar fives wtta erery pound) 2 pound aold La two weeia. Remember I keep Dotbtnj at tha vary bal erat-daa gxU. Freabeop ajy erery k. Call aad examine at Crapon'e Family Grocery. GEO, M. CRAPON. Aft. Family Orooer, i RoqUi Troat gt Choice New Crop Molasses, SECOND CARGO KOW LAWDINQ AND WILL BE SOLD PROMPTLY FROM WIIARF At Low Price. WORTH & WORTH. so John C. Davis, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Wiuuyoros. N, Ofioa oer Ua Baak of New Uaaover. PraeUoaa ta all Um CourU of tna SUta. Special ataatwpvift2tna oolketloa OFF1CB OF Dr. S. C. Ellin, to ta SOUTH FOURTH STREET, op- Matta Millar Drue Store, use tour li am.. C to ft p, n. - Taiepoa si reaidence, jjo. aa. . TlieCblcuo Convention. Wash n;ton June 2. The Evening Star's Chicago j-jncial say: lo-day, for tbo first time .since Saturday. Ar tliur's stiDDoriers seen confident of sue .... .. .i- in cess. J no seiuimeni lor uiainc aas up to to-dav been general that a counter .. i . i i irriiaclo! tno ew iork siyie uas made the situation quite lively. Friends of Rlaioe made a decided road on the candidacy ot Seuators llawley and Sherman, parading to day their recoru ou the Chinese immigration bill. Roth snokeand voicd airainst it. and the Pacific Coast delcguions declare that the nomination of either wouid injure a Republican defeat in every one of the Pacitic slope State. Tho Presidents vote o! the twenty Near Chinese bill is also bcim: used acainst him somewhat, thouzh the latt that he fcijtutd the amended bill is claimed by his friends to bo a full answer of the charge that ho favored Cntncsj cheap labor. Roth parties this evening figure up the canvass thus: That Blaine will lead on the firit ballot, with About 310 votes falling 70 short ol a nomination Arthur's strength will bu about 300; Edaiund's 63 :olK); Logan. about CO, andSherruair about 30. If Logan atreDfta could be cast for Blaine it would nominate the later; and il Edmunds' following could bo traus lerrcd to Atthur it would bo apt to re bUlt in the President's suecess. Sher man, also, holds a position ol great importance; it is claimed that he virtually stands in the way of R.nine' nomination. Friends ot th latter claim, with much loic. that if Sherman were net in the racw Ohio would give forty or fifty votes to Blaine, and so strengthen his lines to make his final ucct: certain. Notwithstanding tbc charges that have been made by hlamc papers, the outlook is that the Edmund movement is an honest one. Gov. Long, Theodore Roosee.t. Geo. Vm. Curtis, and the leaders of the Edmunds lorce, ay they are deter mined to fetick to their favorite until bis nomination is made. Claiming an even hundred votes and tho balance of power, they think their chance of success good. 1 lit re "is every reason 1 to believe that fr several ballots at least, ihc bulk c f Edmunds fctren?th wiil remain firm ; but it is certain the Arthur leader are couuting en accrss ioosfion this a ce Tnejf argu that the Edmut ds men will no: long follow, if it Loks like a forlorn hope, and that the Massavhuscits de.tgais tbrough fear of Blaine's succcs, will be ready to go t i the Pre-ident in an emergency. The Blaine leaders claim halt of Ed mnnd's vo"c in cae the latterbreak They say o ie third -f the M-achutts men will be with theat, all f those from Hh kIc Islatid, and most of those irom Wisconsin acd Minm so a. 31 j "sietlman The rid Third Congressional District, or which Caneret c mnty formerly occupitd a part, is urauimomly in ia Tor of Major Charles M. Stedman, than whom no othier or mora popular cindidatc has bevn namd f r Lteutea ant Governor, and we trust he will b nominal ed by acc'amation in the Stat- convention. Carteret is well acquaint ed with the merits of this gentleman, and will probably givo htm a soli J dclcsltion. Scaujbrt Telephone. falls of hail on the neighboring moun tains. It required several hours to clear the rairrad track ot tho debris brought down by tbo bail spout. Charlotte Observer: Cant F. S. Di If with hi ite and three daugh- icrs. win to nun: ota iarewii 10 tular in t and leave for d stant OreZ'n. in whic.T Staic their fortunes will in th3 future be cast. Capt DeWolf w 11 locate in the growing HUle city of Port land. His depart ute from Charlotte is a matter ot tenuinc rgrpi oy our cin zens. At two o'clock yesterday morning the citizens of Iexir gton were . t . r n . Ol arousen oy me Durmogoi uaxieroum well's plow works and machine shop When first di-coyered, the fir had trained such head a v as to make all efforts at saving the building futile. ll.v the lire originated we c uld not lenrn. The destruction of the work was complete, entailing a l-?s tf about 3.500 uDon which there is S1.S00 in surance. Low Middling..... filiddling. 9i 10$ 11 III cents Good Middline. li OA1LT RECSIFTS; Cotton 3 bales Spirits Turpgatias 413 '-asks Rosin.. 1.14G bbls Tar (J3 hblt Crude Tiirnentine 144 bbls MISCELLANEOUS. T "ISCEIiAHEOm IF FULL .VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY IS WHAT YOU AViv at st res where 1 hey do business on economical, ioncst an V A! eiples.and at stores that do not try to mislead you brEdiS!? tions, or try to roakyou.-blieve that they wUl give vSne3 i. 1i. r, m ti i. j miu sue JOU t m , tui wu.a. ji uuv are not uomff r. iwit vn . "'Mm gettinS a full dollar's value for everyllollsTVon with perfect satisfactiofi at" "yU mren RIEB' TTrlE OT-.ID JRBl-,IAJBXi3E2 CLO Don't neglect to supply yonrsltwith such Clothing as " you mnr coming season. It will pay you to call at once aad siva ?UI : Twenty MARINE NrEWS. JL. cn ever- dollar's worth you will bu v. " w ST WE HAVE A FJEW LIGIir COLORED CASSIMEUE SUITS v iixvn oi.i i uirAKULESS OF COST List of Letters. A list 'of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on '.Wed nesday, June 4 1884: -A Wm. Allen. B Josenh Barlow.- Dolly Ann Bishop. C John W. Caldwell. George Cole. D Gessie Duffer. E Robert Ellesbv. care J. M. Jones. F Joseph Faison, Eliza Flemings. (J E. L. Georee. Walter Gay. II Grisselly Hamron, J. H. Holt, Samnel M. Holt. Sandy Hiehman. W. II Holmes. CJ John Jordan, Archie Jones, Katie Jones. Martha Johnson. L GeoreeLane. M G. W. McCumber, J. Martin. O E. Orcult. P Sallie E. Peterson. R Daniel Russell, Eliza Richards, Willie and Jimmio Ross, William Reid. S Auzustus Stewart, Betty Shirer, James Shephard,. Maria Simmons, Robt. W. Sanders, (col.) Thomas Spencer. P John It. Turner, care J. a. Smith Melissa Tormer, Emanuel Tormcr. L-G. W. Lee. W C R. West, L. B.Wright, Wm. W. Willinms. : Persons calling forletters in the above list will please say "advertised;" if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, Ed. R. C. D.Brink P. M. Shirts Made ARRIVED. Steamer Passport, Harper. Smith ville. Master. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette ville, Worth & Worth. Ger barque Kormjnn Augusta. Wilde. Stettin, E Peschau & Westermann CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville. Master Steamer John Dawson, Black, Point Caswell R P Paddison. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Favelte Worth & Worth Br schr Storjohann, Williams, Ant werp, Alex bprunt & Son Exports. FORF.IGN. Br schr Storjohann 1,005 ca9ks spts 1,700 bbls rosin june 2 THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 4- R3ARKET ST. LARGE SUPPLY OF- SPEINGFIELD HAMS ! JUST RECEIVED. Theeo HAMS ara tho FINEST Bold ln Wil- mlri-ton, and CAXNOT BI EXCELS D. A VARIETY OF BEAUTIFUL STYLES, JUST RECErvrn EMBROIDEEY'TO XUTC o GINGHAMS AND LAWNS in great variety of patteroi. SCOTCH ZEPHYR, SATTEENS, &c, BLEACHED COTTOXS AXD SIIFTTrvr We have splendid bargains as the prices were never so lotv LINEX SHEETING AND PILLOW CASING, with Towels, Table DamtJ Napkins, Doylies, &c, very cheap. """ana FANCY MATTINGS in good styles and at closest prices. CARPETS ARE MOVING, as bottom trices bave been reached Wn resolved to close out every piece ofJBrussels on hand. IJNEN ULSTERS Jnst received iii both Linen and Moliiir. R. ftJ. aiclWTIRE. may 29, 1884 NEW SUMMER AND WINTER BESOM -AND- of every variety and of the BEST QUALITY receired fresh every week. SMITHVILLE, 3ST. C. K ORDER OF BEST WAM3UTTA. Shirt ing and So. 2100 Linen for the low price of $i.oo. P. L. BRIDGEES & CO. HO North Front St. jane 2 - A perfect fit and good snbstanUal work gnar- itntced. Oar patrons and customers are invit ed to call and leave their meaaurea at the above remarkably low price at tha Wilmington Shirt c acwrr. u. rrop., tehdbtt 27 Market t. North Carolina. i i In the Superior Court cw iianovcr county. J DuBrotE Cular, 1 cmls J. Polsson and others. Plain tnTs. asralost Hcnrv W. Bradley and Betsey E , his wlfo. JOercnnants. Fctltlon for sale and partition of real estate. Tha oblect of this action is to compel a sale and partition of land ln the city of Wllmlnir ton, ounty and 8tate a'oreaalu,"' belnsr Weet part of lot o 3, la block 31. life abovo oame'i defendants win appear and answer, or demur to the petition filed at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court uf ew llanver County, aforesaid, at tho Court houso in wuminjrv n, on the ?ist aar ox June, apl 23 law6w m Clerk of said C"urt NOW 15 THE TIME TO BUI 1EH0H. BXKS BOSTON SELECTED LEM ON last received, which the con- enordlrrcts mo to sell on arrival Borax muqualed 3"ap. Tarla Medl Flour, the whlurBi in town. And erery thing in the Gro cery imc at me low eat cisn prices. K. O. BLAIB, may 21 No. 13, .Second fctroet For Sale. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. PIANO OR ORGAN IS NOT A LUXU- ry. Tcoy have become a neccstity. ji you want a bargain go to HEINSBERGER'S MU SIQ STORE. No matter what any bo3y says, if you want to buy a Plano.Square orUprlght.or an Organ, goto HEINSBERGER'S and find ont what you can do. It will cost you nothiDg and you may save some money. All Instruments are warranted for ten years. See for yourself and save money. June 3 A HORSES, PAIR OF BE AUTIIUL CARRIAGE well matched, good travellers. docile and kind. Also, several nlca buggy horses. Furniture. A FULL STOCK OF EVERY DESCRIP TION OP FUBN1TTJRE. MOSQUITO NETS. MATTRESSES, SHADES, COTS, MEAT SAFES, Ac, offered low at D. A.' SMITH'S, Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street AT MOUTH OF CAPE FEAR RIVER, OPPOSITE THE HISTORIC FORTS FISHER AID CaSIQIK IN FULL VIEW OF THE OCEAN, WILL OPEN ABOUT MAY 20th UNDER ENTIRELY NBW Hotel has been refurnished and renovated throughout. New tn&lix&rj building erected for pleasure purposes. Elegant large, airy Ball Eooa over the water. First-class Musicians from New York wifl farnisk Ball Room and Parlor Music. Fine Still and Surf Bathing. Fine line of New Boats for Pleasure Sailing and FIsH? NO MALARIA OR SMALL INSECTS TO ANNOY Daily Mails. Telegraphic Communication. Finest Fishing on AtlanticC Tourists and Pleasure Seekers Northward and Southward will find I it to their advantage to give us a call. ; CLIMATE & SCENERY UNSURPASSED! . The Atlantic Coast Line-and Carolina Central 11. It. will sell ticfci from all stations at reduced rates to Hotel Brunswick. !SF" Special rates by month and season JS J. I). SUBLETT, of New York, Manager. may l zm W,I SUM NEK, j'jmm. National fire & W C?S" ifS011 Safsa. Wlr Cloth, WLe Counter EniD Wb Kr-SSSSj Brushes, San.t & Coal Screen. Weather VaoeSttWjri cresUni-, Wire & li ou Fenoce, Iron Shutteri, Qovaux WiW- 3TSoacl for Catalogue. ' K3 Mention thi rJa mch 13 d&w ly . - - . ; " rdroWEcfeniE BATTLES OF TIIEVfll FOR HIRE Horses and Vehicle of Tart ous kinds lor ;drlTC orjfor airlp to the ovuuus, aar Special arrangements made for conyey tog family parties to t he sound. UOUJNGSWUKTH A CO., Livery and Sato 8tabla, may 21 Cor. 4th and MnlDerrr sU The Question j-OW IS. NOT WHETHER WE SIIALL piy a tariff on Blankets and Trace Chain , ut whsre.Oh where, can yon gt tbe CuLiST aadBiUsT BEtU? Call at MciiOWAN'd, No. G South Front Street, A-TSTOTHEDFl LOT and yon can s -Ito the problem. Clgais ln the city. Also, thetxst may li -OF- Croquet, llammocks. S THE ABOVE WILL SO N BE IN de mand, the public will find a eood ;soit- mt-nt at reasonable i-rices at Y AXES' BOOK ST -RE. KirECTED BY W EON ES D AT: lULAN C1IIP and all the Rough Straws, so popular nojr. Erery poaaibla shade of real a - era and other Trimmlogs. New lot of Faift- sou, white and colors, all prices. GIotc. L!ale, Rid and Lace. New Stamping Pi tie rx a, Respectfully . MISS El KARRER, may tS Erxhaasa Corttr. OXFORD TEACHERS BIBLES. A fine line TEACHERS' BIBLES, onliln- lng Dennlson's Patent Index, just rtcved- Cail and see them; unsurpassed for realy reference. YATES BOOK STORE. ; WRITING TABLETS. Flaest Quality W RIT1NQ PAPER nnnn. convenient Tablets l (hi aheeu in paclcage Srut UK uiufivu viavvucra YATES'BUOKSTOKE, rP APT. ITTVa. 17. S A tTrRTnPVIfnnw Ttrv n a mtv vrrmw v. vVAWAtf' (estroyed m a day. How Fsaeor Disatcr hxt tnrned on a tingle Conteg. AOrud Bock tfS!lm4 iua. Aids the Memory. Viref Pleasure and Instruction. Mips and Fins !Htlttrtioli. i!nZ2&' wr nnw m sue iur lull uucriy bioa iu vcrSU may 1 1 4v d&w CONUNDRUM. HY 13 IT HE STEAMER TASSPORT llko a Suing Band? Because It cannot do wltbout its "narper!" DRUGS, PEP.FD5IES, SOAP3, FANCY and Toilet Articles, &c. 3" PreaciiptioDS a specla'ty nt F. C. MILLER'S, may 6 Corner Fourth and Nan sis For Exeurs onists. IKKET A FULL LIK OF FINE GRO cerfe?. Dry Goois and all otherariiclea to be faund in a first cla?a store. In landing at the steamer's wh -rf pass up thr cg'a the gate and turn to the left and ray place is about 60 yardi distant. GivenueacalL J. A. WFSCOTT, may 29 lm v Smiihyllle, N. C. 7 Ship Your QHKKENS. EGoS AND COUNTRY PRODCC GEXEttALLY to A. W. RIVaKDAKK, Wilmington, N C. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES guaranteed. (RefT8 to Bank or New Hanover.) may 16 Trunks ! Trunks! Trunk X. SATCHEWASD Ul&k BAGS AND BAGS. ijJ SADDLERY GO0D3 ln gresl Ttf at the very lowest prices. - A new Jot of Trunks and TrTt , and raauJes jus '1 . ' ,,rtre3 Goods and warrsn v u : tftf- , xrunks repaired by aa ' ! as tht :re is U tae , A ciU andcximiaau'" ' uiMZl 1 -ilsStbtjjti. Next door to N. JacoDi may SO Ron. A. JB. MmM 'E ARE AUTHORIZE0 4 Cangrcsi from the fc'Ui action of the jxmocrot Co"- trict, tehen eauea. may 12 tf - "The Old House" AND THE YOUNG FIRM. ONLY OCB fourth season, but it finds as up to all Ta requirements, and It you wish a CAR LOAD, 1UID, or a BBL of liar I Cleir acd Sanua Ie?, ell packed and in goods shape, favor ta wiih your order, and If wo Ln't give aautfttO Hon we won't ctare-rou acenf- Tiy us. raiyzr TT. & DATI3 Don't XTO. 113 SOUTH FKOS flM Hello and tioroci e& Forget' fine Helie .apa iATV 1 and n noi '-A. J U a when in season, ."riidlil.i. T ik. alimc w 'f. mrM ea. laction 6-caTst aak. Gire xsayi tf i