TZIxsriTSS 11 ry .renin. Bunds ;epted by JOSH T. JAMES, ,ym rnorarxroB. .rECRirnoNS POSTAGE PAID: .11 Co; Oo month. 35 cent. ZrVvA be denTered by carrier, free mreportanyandall fan. ...!etbirrrer regularly. r Tftirategla4 fc rscctva eossnmaita rxaour2eadsoaasy;aiul all tsbjatfi gsnerallatemtbut Ha same ol taa wzUcz auzsi altrays La . kaedtotaeEfitor;j : - U ; l.lCoBaiiatte'm-b'Httira ca'y ona side ol the paper; : -v V V ' Personalities moat be avoided.!' ' ' And It Is especially and particularly micer tood that the Editor does net always eadoj so the views ol correspondents unless so sUU in the edltoTlAl colcjana. H i C v VOL. VIII. W ILMINGTON. N. C. FRI DAY. JUNE 6, 1884. NO. 135 MILT r & drculsiion, of any newspaper fMfS" 4 " fr"i ivicnfie:r4 favorite reading lithe Kevuc dc leux .uouura. - . i....;.!ii.f Sencv U declared to V-t s.i nearly ever) thine, that w-'ir up with his creditors, be , rJ T --nyou a wire has been au m .nhi- DaU twenty years, and as sho T ::i!rtyccond annual session Cf f c typographical union wrr.ed ia cw Orleans Monday, M. L. t;i.rJ. f Chicago, presiding. ! He caching about the Fenn Bank ti.ii in trusted oflicers did not get away :a wa thebuildin and the ground M.ovdou. Moral l'at your money ia realty. I, ::3, ratUr disgusted with her re nt; -ion ia Kaglaod. leaves for home in a tox. ti:e. Her first engagement t?re w.ll fc placed 'a Washington ia - --- A Ibk'A clergyman has become ;vf-'ar Lnx-ausc ho is a tremendous liiur in baseball and can run like a lie takes no part, however, in ;zJit jauu-j. Ei-Uwvtrnor Daniel II. Chamber a s. h:e o! South Carolina, is to de fter lie Phi-Deta Kappa address at the cuais? commencement ol the Univcr- vty i f Vermont. Tie I mSon Caterer says that bills of hre in American hotels are tco bloated. I; iLinks that it the dishes were fewer 33 J Utter served and cooked -it would le an advantage. lr. Mary WalUsr has created a pauic in Washington by declaring that she iii wear breeches or nothing. Kvcn Congressmen declare that they can't aland the alternative. - Ten cent a word is now tho highest r:e paid or ic.Vraphing from one point to another ia this country. That price is paid between Portland, Mo , and Portland, Oregon. A doctor, writing to a Nw York pa re r, deprecates the publishing by the i resiofcases of hydrophobia, as, be , in nino cases out of teu. the fear U tho diseso brings it on. In order to irapartdignlty to tho town d Maroa, III., lorty ct the merchants bava signed a plcdzo to wear high silk hatt. Instead ol the wide-brimmed iouches that have been in fashion there. A London letter says that Henry Ir inc's profits from bis six months' per i rmanccs here were very near $1)0,000, and that ho thinks that bis next tour will net him at least $200,000. bcciuso bis expenses will be less, and he will not have to sbaro with any one. The old ticket is on the boomignest bur.ra now that has been heard of in aaay dajs. Connecticut, Vermeil; acJ Maryland spoke yesterday and lucre was no doubt in either State that TiiJca is cow .the favorite, by a long odds. We would like to sco Ilalher tori IS.IIayes pitted against him onco uure. Tail is a materialistic acc. . Tho format cf St. Catharine, on Mount S:Li. has instituted regular postal ser vice with the port of Tor, and tho good bks will now be able to get their Ict tti, and papers like other folks. The iVdjuin Arabs say they will allow the cv to go on as long as they get p!en- J i4 backsheesh. ftea. Ixrin. recently a pasba in the I -yptiaa service, has a cane, the large ltrj head of which was brought from l- Sou Jan by Mis Mildred Lee. kotfiter of Gen. Robt. E. Lcc. and rtud by her to Gen. Loring. The fcd u richly carved in Egyptian style,. 3v lie caae itself was cut from a piece aalicea brought from Singapore by cth?r frucd ol the pasha. m A'cxaoJor Sullivan, of Chicago. I reiJui of ihe Irish national league of America, oa Monday received a letU r frtu Charles Stewart Parnell, presi Jcc: of the Irish national league ol Irtar-. tbankiag ihe Insh-Americans 4,3 bibaUof himselt and colleagues for tbeir geaercus donations to asf ist Irish casdidaus fvr p'niamentaiy feats in i-eeVctioa which Mr. Parnell says Cian sck.3 occur. He says ho cannot trestot at the national convention in JJow U the time to give Smith! Worm UU lyd-w The platform adopted by the Repub licans yestaday in Chicago is the most self-condemnatory paper that has been read in this country in a quarter of century. More than half of its plank ing has been stolen en masse fiorn the Democratic timber pile. The Washington Qipital thus speaks of Hon. A.M. WaddeH, of this city; so long the Representative in Congress from the old Third District: Colonel Alfred M. Waddsll, of Nortl . ? ? i . i i . sarouna, uas.announcod nimseu as a canditlalo for Congress in the Wilming ton district. He mado a brilliant repu tation while a member here from 1670 to 1876 as an able and liberal re pre sen.ative. LOCAL NEWS. IIOEX TO HEW ADVERTI1EHEMTS. J as G Burs Tax Lluiop- II nncSBEROEE Hammocks CW Vate Croiuct. Hamaiocka F C Miller Jlbton' Imiorfcd Candy klCNDS Urds. A DeRosset A Sugzestlon Geo R Feexcii A Sons Don't Thay Fit Sice, Ne J ? The receipts of cotton at this port to- ilay foot up only 3 bales. 1 ' m Fullest assortment o! Fishing Tackle can be found at Jacom's. t Tho Seaside Base Hall Club will hold an important meetinz this evening. A party from St. Touis arrived here last night bound for the Hotel Bruns wick, at Smithville, for which point they departed to-day. (ler. barque Eintraclti, Muswieck, cleared to-day for Bristol Eng., with 4 103 barrels rosin, valued at $1,932, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. Thanks for an invitation from the Principal to attend ihe Commencement Exercises of the Statcjville Female Col lege, to take place on the 11th and 12th insts.. at 8 o'clock p m. As wc ?o to press the fourth ballot is being taken at the Chicago Convention W'th every indication that Blaine will receive the nomination. lie is making large gains in the States as they are be ing called. The latest indications point certainly to his nomination on this bal lot. We would urge upon our friends in Onslow and Pender counties, along the line of the proposed Onslow R.R. to send their representative mon here on Thursday next to attend tho meeting to be held at the Produce Exchange on that day. This meeting is for business and the citizens of Wilmington who will meet there then mean business. Let the friends of the road in our sister countics be on baud. Superior Court. Tbo only case before tho Court to day was that of W. B. McKoy, adminis trator, vs. Tob Porter et als, which is to bo left to a referee. Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr.. appeared for tho plaintiff and Messrs. Russell & Ricaud and Mc- Rao & Strange for the defendants. This Mornluff's Fire. At about halt past 3 o'clock this morning fire was discovered in a small, unoccupied coltaze on Price's Alley, between Castle and Church and Sixth and beventh streets, lne alarm was promptly given, but owing to the time of night, when everybody was in pro found slumber, the flames had got such headway by the time the fire depart ment reached the scene it was im possible to fave tho housa and it was consumed. The locality is thickly settled and the firemen directed their c5orts to the saving of the other houses in the vicinity, in wtiicn taey were successful. The fire was the work ol an incendiaiy. The house belonged to George W. Price. Jr., and was fully covered by insurance. - State Exposittou. Tho Committee having the matter in charge in this city to prepare our pro ducts for the approaching State Expo sition, are working energetically to make the display from Wilmington SLch as to reflect credit upon our peo ple. They need, however, the coopera tion and help of every citizen in order to make the exhibit what it should be and as full and complete as they wi3h to have it. In the preparation of our native leaves and plants much assitance cmld to rendered by those who feel; disposed tt aid in the good work. The committee have the facilities lor pre paring these products of our forests and will give every intormalion and assis tance necessary with the utmost cheer fulness. If you haye the time and in clination to assist, go at once to either of the committee and you will bo in structed as to how and what to do. City Coat. There was but one case for the May or s consideration this morning, but five persons were involued. Martha Wescott and Annie McNeil, two color ed girls, and Gustavo Berg, Bernhard schoon ad chuck Bencken, three :i i i . i- ueiujsu euuors, were orougnt up iori disorderly conduct on Front and Princess streets and for an assault and battery on a sailor belonging' to the Benefactor. Tho girls were sent be low for two days and the sailors were fined $3 each. Another large consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depotf - - Cum Grauo Sails, A gentleman of this city, who3e family is absent, went home a night or two eince with a strong desire for a cup of good coffee, andjwent to work at once and made it, nice and strong. He poured in the cream and put in two spoonsful of sugar (as ho thought) and sitrrcu it up nicety, lne aroma was delightful and he felt amply rewarded tor the caro he had taken in the antici pated delight of tho fragrant and delic ious beverage. He slowly raised the cup to ms lips to taste tho nectar. when horror of horrors he had put salt into the cup instead of sugar! We are not bound to tell what he thought or what he said when he found out his mistake. Wo invite tho attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirU are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. Almost a Nonagenarian. Mr. John F. Pridgen died at the resi denec of his son-in-law, Mr. John West, in Caintuck township, on Mon day mornine last. The deceased was born within a short distance of where w be died, and where he had lived all his life, in 1795. and was, conse- quently, 89 years of age. He had been a member of the Baptist church for about CO vears. .and died calmly. nr.ifpfnllv and with nnshaken devotion tn that faith. He was tho oldest nerson in tho county and was t he oldest that was ever interred in Bethlehem church . yara. Air. irnagen naa Deen an active and hard-working man throughout his lonr life and retained his mental and physical faculties to the last in a re markable degree. He had been twice married. By his Grst wife he had one child and by his last wile fourteen, some of whom are now living. Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in called spssion vesterdav afternoon at 5 o'clock : Drcsent. His Honor Mayor Hall and " i 1 J Tt.r i. T T Fishblato and Sweat. Mavnrllall exnlained the obieot-nf the meeting and read the declination of U. J. Jones, Esq., to act as arbitrator in the matter oi tne removal ot the . .. . . . . i steps of the First National Bank. On motion of Alderman Fishhlat the resolution passed at tho last meeting of the Board, appointing Mr. Jones, was repealed, and the substitute, as offered bv Alderman DeRosset. and amended by Alderman Fishblate, mak ing the amount appropriated by the city towards the remoyal of the said steps $250, instead of $225, as in the original resolution, was adopted. Fol- lowing is the resolution referred to, as amended : Wiiereas, A proposition has been made to the Boatd by Mrs. Missouri Jjawson, the owner ot tne Danic portico encroacmng on r ruuu streei, 10 seiue lha matter in diSDUte betwean her iind SLrfwlSSliftS.-". upon the city paying one-half the cost nf I o If In fr rlnvon lha cq Tr ri t rvi .nrl w. . l . Now. be it Resolved, While the city M1 concedes no right in tho said Missouri Dawson to retain the said portico upon thestreeu but on account of the great length of time, alleged to be about 0 vmn -in the, rrprtinn nfihA nh- struction, and the desire of the city to remove the saul obstruction without I lurineruejay, iuo 01 A'ueru c. the costs shall not exceed on the part of m i - i iL 1 1 j ill iiiMiii ii ill air aiw 111 r-m. a i the city the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. Alderman DeRosset drew the atten tion of the Board to the fact - that the isting would commence oa next Mon day, and that no provision had been made for the same; whereupon Alderman Fiihblate moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Com mittee with power to act. The Board then adjourned. Unity and Strength. thletes and sportsmen all unite in pronouncing St. Jacobs Oil. - tho great without-equal lor the cureoi prams, oreiscs, sui pal US. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FANCY MATTINGS! iiiese GoooQsare in Choice , - . than we have ever had DRY GOODS AND CARPETS I We Sell from the Seashore to the Mountains.- LADIES' SUITS . ; junc 5 1884 ' The Concert. There was considerable of a rush at Dyer's this morning to secure the choic est seats for the Concert which is to be given in the Opera House on Monday evening, lor the oenent ol the Urgan Fund of the First Baptist Church, and many have already been secured. Still there are a number of excellent seats left, and these will probably be taken soon. It promises to be one of the largest and most intelligent musical audiences ever assembled in Wilming ton. . At Rest. Mr. Robert W. Chad wick, whoso obituary appears in the appropriate column of this issue, was born at the Straits, in Carteret county, on the 31st of January, 1826, and was, consequent ly, 58 years. 4 months and 5 days old. His youth was passed in Hyde and Carteret counties, in this State, and on the coast of South Carolina. He was a Is m m m nne classical scholar, having Deen eau- I a n tx 1 1 catea at ornery ana nenry vxmege, m -Virginia. Alter graauaung, ne speni several years as a teacner, ine mosc 01 the time as principal of the male acade- T" 0 A 1 I A . UMUlui iswu ouncu aerea wnen the place was occupied oy the Federal army, in 1862. Since that own aimos. conauuaiiy . in I I i ' . r." 1 : ". i n puuuc omce, ursc as deputy rosiiuas- fr.'f,naanrnrf than a a PnllnMnr nf w Customs at Ocracoke and Portsmouth whence he removed to Wilmington and accented the office of Deputy Col- lector under Collector D. Rumley, a position which he retained until Mr. W.P.Canaday was appointed collector. He removed again to Beautort in 1881 and became associated with Mr. Potter m the publication of the Telephone. In the Fall of 1883, Judge A. A. Mclvoy aDDOinted the deceased Clerk Ot the Superior Court of Carteret county, a I .... .... .1 I .n:;vn mhiAh harl t n rioo hum modal vacant by deatn within three, years. The deceased was lor many years a consistent member of the M. E. Church and an earnest worker in the cause of ine Atamr, muuu ui tuo uuu m uu ii r a . i. -.p iu. : official eapacity. His leaves a wile and two dauchters to mourn his loss. One of the daughters is the wife of Mc W. W. Shaw, clerk of the Board of Corn- missioners of New Hanover county. The other is unmarried. FostoiHce Secrets. There is a law of the postoffice de- partment that requires absolute secrecy upon the part of tne employes a3 to the business of the office. If a stranger comes to inquire for a letter, or con cerning letters sent, they can give no information unless he' is tho party ;nforoeH Tf ;a h cor ; I.. 1 ,1 i . rr i I iL a - tu " aoue oluK,: "epanmoni.. ioo !mpIoyc3 "8 ntot fauthorizea 1 make known amount of money sent or re- ceivea. in tat. they cannot "give any of the business secrets, and this order is of long standing. As letter carriers have soecial oDoortunitv to get hold of intormation of a private s . 1 character concerning persons on their routes they rigidly guard them selves against repeating any of it, or in ;nt;m,i;n- thf iHpv hr Kact3 which w6l?ld Prove injurious to - the persons interested. They are for- biuxicn to give any information as to letters sent or received by persons on their routes, this latter provision go ing so far as to include even members of the same family, whether thed do or d cot live in the same house. This order to forget secrets that come in the j way of business is enforced in banking establishments, and no infractions are tolerated. The postoffice department is i likewise emphatic iq demanding that iU j Uie Shall be Obeyed. I -' i ETfirv Farmftr onirht to p-nt . Rnv I CUpper Plow n iovention cf tbeagc. Jacori is the Arent. t 1 . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Patterns and are Cheaper w . . at these Headquarters, MADE TO OEDER. sgM R. PJ3. MclNTIRE. ' Personal. Maj. John W. Gordon, formerly of this city, but now of Richmond, Va :, arrived heJe last night and registered at the Purcell House. Mr. Josiah French, of Rocky Point. Who i3 in the city to-day, tells us that the crops in his section are very prom ising now but that the want of rain is b3gioning to be seriously felt. The Fourth of July. ' There are to be grand time3 at Wrightsville on the Fourth of July next, providing the programme which isjeontemplatcd is carried out. The Cor net Concert Club will be there and will offer a prize to be awarded to the best band in the State which may be present to compete for the same, the Concert Club being excluded from the contest. The Carolina Yacht Club will also have a regatta, which will be an interesting and.exciting feature of the day. The Seaside Base Ball Club of this city will issue a challenge to any other base ball club lor a trial of skill at the game, and there will be all sorts of fun, the whole to wind up with a grand ball atthe Sea side Park Hotel at night. DIED. CHADWICK Of Pneumoni, this morning, I WICV Koiln Wln- v h. r r t mi- I iune cm, 1034, ai a. 40 O ClOCK, il. w . UUAJJ ink Superior Court of cirt 2fnonaih . remains wiu pecaKenirom cnereaiaence i or nis son-m-iaw, w. w. Shaw, on vvainut be tween Third and Fourth streets, thenea to seaurorton tne morning's (Saturday) train. Funeral procession from house at 8 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are Invited to at- NEWKIRK-MATUR! SHAW KRWIfrPIT second daughter cf W. Usher Newklrk and Jare his wile, died May 19th, 188 , at their resilience m xraneun township, samnson county, after a lingering Illness of many NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to Taxpayers. I -W VtTTl T BE AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JUNE 9th, 18S4, and for twenty working days thereafter, from 9 a. m., until 1 p. va., and from S p. m. t) C pm , to receive the Tax Lists for all Real and Person al pxop- erty and Polls In Wilmington Township. J. G. BUBB, june6 2t Tax Lister. Don't They Fit Nice, Ned ? p HOSE STYLISH BALS AND OXFOBDS, Gents Wear, are just ELEGANT IN FIT. j One of the Boys pat on a pair, and was so elea:ed that he cried out, "Don't tfcey fit nice, Ned"? Come and try a pair. Sold only by I - Geo. R. French & Sons, ' 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. june 6 Croquet, Hammocks. A S THE ABOVE WILL SOON BE IN de- XI. mand, the public wilt find a eood aasoit- ment at reasonable prices at YATES' BOOK OXFORD TEACHERS' BIBLES. A fine line TEACHERS' BIBLES, contain ing Dennlson's Patent Index, just received Call and see them: unsurDaesed for readv ref- erence. lAliW AVVJA. OX VAb WRITING TABLETS. Flsest quality WRITING PAPER, nut ud In conrenlent Tablets 100 sheets in package ;jnst uie inug jor iravejiers. YATES BOOK STORE. june 2 119 Market Street. CHICAGO TS at fever heat TO DAY asd soon toe whole country" will be in a political foment over wno iww iw rmuctti, bat in tumcta time people will have Beer. Ta rt ttut trt-u. NTtFntfc hereou tor a well kept icwvw. uuubhui JBSC 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GRAND CONCERT ! OEGAX FCXD FIKST BAPIIST CflDECII - at orKBA nouas, , 'I, , MONDAY EVENING, JTano M. AT 8 O'CLOCK". .';:iv' ' Iho Best Mtulcal Talent, botfi'Vool Atd lastrumcntal.wlU partldrato. t Keservcd ScaU 75 cenU. General AdmlssTon 50 cents. Gallery 25 cents, jane 5 - Administrator's Sale City of Wilmington Bonds at Public Auction. A ' ; JJY VIRTUE OF AN OKDEIt OF THE Su perior Court ef Kew'nanovcr County 'I will on TUESDAY, the ICth da of June,!lSJ4, at tbo Court llouae door, in tho city of WUmlrg. ton, at 12 M, sell by public auction', lor'cash t Seven (7) City of Wilmington bond 'of tlCO each, bearing e per cent interest . OrefDCltTof WlTmlntAn' i m One (1) 1 City of Wilmington bond of 1.0(0. baarlng 8 per cent. Interest. , 1 it ; . . iTnVe ('? UDltel Stca 4 Pr cent. Vends of $iiu each. . t-. ,, , , SSS (9) Kltyof witolngton 8 percent. botds -4 'One (I) United States 4 per cent. bon1 of W1I. O. JOHNSTON, Administrator of James W.Johnston. june 5 td . - . Don't Pay Rent! HY PAY KEN! WHEN THE same money will buy you a homo ?- In this city I have sold over one hundred and fifty Lots and Houses and Lots to parties who have paid In full fcr them, by Instalments monthly payments. Also, I have a large number now on ray1 books, wn,?e maln regular monthly payments . ana will soon own homes and get clear of land lord rule. , . . AoDlvto June 4 cw JAMES WILSON. ANOTIIEK LOT " OF" ' r-i f:f:. EXPECTED BY WEDNESDAY, MILAN Cnil and au 'the Bough Etraws, so i - . . . popular now. Every possible shade of Fcath. ere and other Trimmings. New lof of Tara- sols, white .and colors, all. prices. -Glovfi, LUlc, Kid and Lace. New Stimplng Patterns. Keepcctfully MISS E. KARItER, may 26 Kxchange Corner. A SUGGESTION. JS THE SUMMER APPBOACHES; AND Chills and Fever, Malaria, and kindred dls- eases make Quinine a necessity, wo suggest to heads of families to buy.our Capsules of Qui nine, sold In any quantity, but much cheaper when purchased in boxes of 100. Packed Into the Capsule in a drv state. &dditlnAi efflc&rv Is insnred. and we iruarantee each Caninle to contain amount represented.. Information re garding prices, number of grains In Capsule, Ac., gladly given. - Munds Bros. & DeRosseti Dnigglsts, llarket itrcet ' may2C Wilmington. N. C. Copartnership. rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAYING FORMED JL. a Copartnership under tho name and style of J. A N. ROBINSON, for the cnmona nt cooflacttDg a General Grocery Business, will on Monday, Junc 2, open at tne old and well- x. ir. a a. ituiiiNsu, ior tne SS&8&rK?B5 wu be please in auautr and iric our Stock will be such as 1a kent In a nt.rii Grocery Store, and will be added to weekly by RaiiaodStcanvr. All of our Gdoda ara new and fresh, and will be sent out as such, with thepiivllegeof ctturnhig If not sausfacLary. Uur frlendd are invited to call and inspect? ueepecuouy, F. ii. JtOCINSON". NEWTON ROBINSON. may 31 tf Hammocks. flHE VERY BE3T MADE,': .ALL STYLES A KD 61ZS. CROQtJET Four and Eight Calls to a Sett! I Auourer new sUDtir JUBtrcrclTd hvitun er, and tor sale cheap at - ; ;i HEINSBERGER'S v WcddiDg-Pfcscrits. T5 LARGE VARI IT F, JL " ":: ORNAMINTAL AND USEFUL, je5 At HEINSCESGER'S. Headquarters JpOB ri3 3I5Q TACKLE, i ! ; W. E. SPRINGER CG'3.i ' . 19. n mjxa tS Uirkrtl 8tM 1 TJC larZ3St and test assortment emm ntr, EM fairarauxcw ;t; .Juno a I."