V j MISCELLANEOUS THE GREAT GEKUAH REMEDY FOR PAIN. IWUva aai cmrrt BHEU2LVTIS3I, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lamb ago, HACUACIIC, EUS1CZX. T0CO1CII. SORE THROAT, Qrmr.swm.1xc3. Unust, Cat. In, FROSTBITES. ntnxs, scalds, AJ 3 l4il " nrtT crm i icrrki ftit7 11 rrxi" t tvm,. tit la II n Clirlii A7:rsk: "s. HTr-KDWARD ON SHIRTS 1 A shirt is a very humble gar ment, but after all it has a great deal to do with a man's happiness. What misery arises from an ill. ct:in boom, a bad-fitting ncck liaad, an uncomfortable yoke, or Iecves too short or too long. Hut now I will be comfortable and happy, I have found the shirt : hat always fits "Th e Diamond." The tangled thread of life's ex istence henceforth will be smooth. If your t'tt'ct d.x not Vetp it. tend hi aaam to lUr.xl MOIcr & O., tote manulACturcrs, l:!u awtt, Mi apt II 3m! Capital Trizo $150,000. 'Wtdakstittf Crti,y Hat w supervise the mrrmmgtmeuls or all 14 Monthly and Sexii- A mm mi Vrvmrtngt of The Louisiana btat Lot-If-ry Vvmpmty, and in person manage and eon- trv IA4 Drawing $ (kiufVwf, and that the tm art conducted wit honesty, fairness, and tyoou faHA UHtard au parties, and tee aulAor tt iXe Company U mm this eertitcate, wUh foe- mUs af our t?natmrts attached, initsadver urwunls. AS Commissioners TJNTKECEUKNTKI) ATTRACTION ! OVER HALT MILLION DISTRIDUTKD! WI5I1M 5TATE-LONERV COMPAM l-TT"rml.1 ta I -C3 for 55 vcara by the Lrir--j Jture 1t Educational and ChsrluMe por-r--wJth capital of tl.OTO.OOO to wb.ch a trrt f in I at asSO.OOO bu alnco been 7 n overwhelming popalai vote !U frxn w maoe apart of the present sute t'Hu-uuoj, adopted December d. A. D., 1S73. '"-;KA5DSr50UtXCHBE DUWI5G8 Will t U-e monthly. 11 never scabs or post Look at the following Distribution: KXh Grand Monthly 1SUTIIK nrRiici:!Ar tzMt xsxvxi. drawixo, tic Ard"tny of Masir, New OrUanj, .. , Tie4.iy Jane 17. 11. 15 r t:., jvr.-nal raprrrUioa an ! cv&nao meat of T I. K A U REi A K t. f IxiiLUn. aa I '". JI HAL A. KAULY, of VlrstnU. Capital Prize $150,000. rS;;T:..t -Ticket arc Ten lo!lr8 only. H':.$. rifllis. 2. Tenth $1. ur or ruxt. f aooo... Noor .ono... eo.ocn 5,ono... ao.uo l.coo... ' ro.ou - iE Pkizk or i i:t..c 1-kucs or av... ts.uo 3U1... 50.OT0 aw... 'icwo B3.CO0 M... 50.0U) 1 MO , J0O.... IO.tUJ 7i.... Trtte araoonlJrvjc to j. t or rmtf to elaba thouM b slv1 tt o2ne of tlx Cotnpanj ta New Or -Hrr. Uak P. O. Money Ur VTT. lrrs Krtsterol Letter to .OUX.VNS NATIONAL Il&NK, rivT, - Ntw Oux!(S, U- 17JtL XOTr l orr.naxy letr. ty lPrt-a t our cxtiv) to aL. A. UACPHl. .A.iucrnw. Kew0rleLi- French China Teasets JSOTHta LOT JUST RECEIVED BY o. s CLLxa rtmcinsox3. ItareOilaoa Block. WAMSUTJAIOO LI N SNr TheDailv RavIaiv THIS KAICLY FIAT. I face, ouzzine harbinger of balmy m ... Gyrations devious v.iuiuj tiiniu toy rneumauc winsr. viucb uub a poor, irost-bilteD Thou art too previous! (Jo, hie thee to fonie tunny window And dream 1 June. Ul gun burned coses, bald and shaven heads. 1 m a m .a . ui lonsarcu pricsis, oi restless sinners beds. Thou ait too soon! Wait till our flesh be cooked to suit tby Lost thou regret it. r or bear th:3 greedy and unseemly nastc; i iiou rt oui oi season, wanton ana un chaste. And don't forget it! Watt, felt dfbtrojcr of our slumber sweet. Till ly and bv; Till summer stirs our blood to lever heat. And frenzy trails from thy persistent lect. Thou art too fly! K&lctgh UelBtcr, hatch i:loic. V Hrlcf Itccord ot tlio Llfo of Ouo who lias Douo His Duty In cverv age oi the world some man has lived who. ccin:r through his life performing duties simply as duties. without blowing his on trumpet, has so lived his liie that even those most iotimato with him do not know how great b.us been his usefulness to the community and bis influence on the age. Such a man is the lion. Joseph Lt. Uatchelor. ol KaleiffU. Mr. Uatchelor was born in Halifax county. North Carolina, in 1S25, and was graduated at Ucapel 1 1 til in lla, receiving the first distinction, and de ivenng the valedictory of his cias3. lie obtained his license in lb44, and in 1813, the first cleetion after ho became of age. he received the Democratic nomination for the House or Uommnns in his native county. No man then iving could remember when Halifax had voted otherwise than . lor the W'hfgs: so of course Mr. Uatchelor was defeated, but ho very very largely ro duced the majority, and in his county the strength of tho V bis party was broken, and it was ftenceionn regaruea as a Democratic county. In May. 1SS5. ho was appointed Attorney General by Governor Bragg, and acted in that capacity until 1857. Tho oninio.i delivered by him during this time, at the request oi tne juuges . - W of the Supremo Court, as to the right of tho Legislature to tax tneir saiane?, nas oeen anu is biiu regarueu u uu settlement ot the question. In 16C0 he was elected to the legisia ure from Warren county, and voted tor the call of the Convention whicn passed Itc Ordinance of Secession. tew men realized tho immense re sponsibility assumed by those who voted for tbis measure. X lie people ot the State, in doing so, again pledged their lives, their fortune and and their most sacred honor'1 to the cause of lib erty. Mr. Uatchelor was not one ol those who rushed into tbis matter with out forethought. He knew, and knew well, the responsibility and foresaw clearly the immense issue involved in tho act. Uut he had through life stud ied law as a science, and from the foundation. To him tho Constitution meant that the State, were paramount, and the liberty ot the people, dependent on tho sovereignty of the States, must be defended, at all hazards. During the war that followed Mr. Uatchelor gave largely of bis then ample fort une to the Southern cause, and as sisted liberally the families of thoso in the Held. He volunteered in tho ranks moro than once, but his health and strength were constiutionally so feeble, that tho physicians invarably refused to receive his enlistment. Daring tne struggle, whilo the demon of" specula tion seemed to possess all classes, he refused to advance his interests by en gaging in any speculation for making money. 1 he cud of tho war tounu Dim with his lonuno entirely swept away, and with a burden of debt, incurred as security lor his friends; with health en tirely, broken down, and a largo family dependent oa him. Under these cir cumstances, to which so many suc cumbed, his courage rose to meet tho occasion, and he commenced a struggle to pay tho debts which he had assumed for o'hers at a time, when he could have paid them U without incon venince. In ISG6 Mr. Uatchelor removed to Raleigh and formed a partnership with the late Hon. Sion 11. Rogers. Here tofore th practiro of law had been to htm a diversion, moro as an excuse for tfcc study of a science to which he was devoted thn as a source of income; henceforth it was a means of livelihood. The knowledge acquired by studying law for tho Iovtfot tae study, now came into use. Mr. Uat- helor immediately assumed a place in tho very first rank in the profession, and from that day until now, he has worked hard and constantly. To such work success is certain. Gradually but certainly the load of debt has been lifted. His chil dren have been educa'cd. and. doing doing their own work in the world, are selfsustalning, and now, when the shadows of a ripe age first besin to tall on htm. hovan look back on a life with out a blot, and with co duty uo per ioral ed. Such has been his life as a lawyer. In pontics. Mr. Uatchelor has always been a true and consistent Democrat, but be has never been a politician. His love for tho fundamental law of the land has been greater even than that to his party. So in 1671, when tho Gen eral Assembly attempted to call a Con vention by means which he regarded as unconstitutional, he did not sustain the measure, though bo bad constantly been in favor of a reform in the Constitution and had denounced military methods ot ford or it on tbo people, before it oc ean: o fashionable to denounce it and whi.e it was yet dangerous to do so. IalS75Mr. Batchelor joined heart aad soul with Colonel William L. Saundcn ia the camDalrn of the Wil call of a C-nventioii: that vear. and . wu WUILU m which gave relief to the East. If elec tions are to be won and lost this year on county government, Mr. Batchelor should bead the ticket that supports nonest government for the East, tor to mm and Colonel baunders. and to one hardly more than the other, the East owes its deliverance. His letter, written at tho request of Colonel bauuders, appeared jast as the matter was on the poise. Causes must be! judged from effects; after this letter appeared there was no longer a doubt that the Convention would be called. As a lawyer, also, air. Uatchelor has oeen of gtcat service to the S'ate. In the meeting of the North Carolina Railroad Company in Salisbury he began proceedings which saved the: State's interest in the North Carolina Railroad, and in 1876 he proposed the plan and drew the bill by which this interest was again saved, and the can struction bonds compromised at a sav ing to the State ot $750 000. Another service which Mr. Uatchelor has rendered to the public, has been, like most of his services, known only . to the bar and to a few friends. rr - a a a- ine coue oi civil rroceuure was adopted in 1868, and as construed by tho Supreme Court, the collection ot debts under this Code was so summary as to j threaten serious danger to the farming interest. The danger was pressing, and Mr. Uatchelor, regarding the farming I interests of the State as her chief source i of prosperity, at once realized the grav ity of the situation, and to avert it drew up an Act to suspend the Code of Civil Prodcedure, and by his quiet but strenuous efforts succeeded in getting it passed by the legislature. The eflect was at once felt, and whtle tne act .was Intended as a temporary measure, it has worked so well that it still remains on the Statute Uook, and is familiarly known to the profession as "Batche- lor's Stay Law." We have heard him speak of it as one of the acts of bis life to which he looks back with most pleas ure. Mr. Batchelor's services on the Fraud Commission are well known. The du ties were both onerous and unpleasant. but were discharged with singular im partiality and firmness, and the report ot the Committee formed tho ground work of the success of the Democratic party in the next campaign. s a Mason. Mr. Uatchelor has filled tho offices ot Grand Senior Warden and Deputy Grand Master. To the estab lishment of the Oxford Orphan Asylum he gave muoh time and labor, and while, not being a member ot the Order; we cannot speak in detail of the ser vices be rendered, we know it was with him a labor of lave, and wc have uns derstood from the brethren that his ef forts contributed greatly to the estab lishment and success of the Institution. Recently Mr. Uatchelor has been spoken of frequently as a proper and prooame uemocrauc nominee ior tne oflico of Associate Judge of the Supreme a a V a a I Court. The position of Attorney Gen eral is also one for which Mr. Uatchelor has frequently and favorably been named. If he can be induced to accept, no man in the State would so well till the office. ltosadalis for Klieumatlsm, Messrs. II. Peck and Son, of Strcets- boro,' O., write.usJune5, 1882:" Why do you not advertise Rosadalis for In flammatory Rheumatism? It is doing wonders hero in curing the dease. Wrell wc do advertise it to euro Rheu matism, as any one can see by reading our circular. It is a splendid Ulood Medicine, and it reaches the very root and seat of disease by being conveyed through the blood. Druggists, leading physicians and citizen of the highest standing unite in commendation of ROSADALIS. CRAVENS & CO., Druggists, at Gordonsvillc. Va., say ROSADALIS never has failed to give satisfaction. SAM'LG. McFADDEN. Murfrees boro.' Tcnncsse. says ROSADALIS cured him ot Rheumatism when all else failed. Wilmington District. Methodist E. Church, South, Quarter ly Meetings SECOND ROUND. Elizabeth Circuit at Uladen Springs May 31 and Juno 1 Newton Grovo Mission at Black's Chapel June 7- 8 Cokesbury Circui: at Cokes bury June 14-15 Point Caswell Mission-.... Juna 18 Duplin Circuit i June 21-22 Onslow Circuit. June 28-29 Waccamaw Mission, i June 2829 W. H BOBBITT. P. E. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con centrated extract ot Sarsaparilla, and other blood-purifying roots, combined with Iodide of Potassium and Iron. its control over scrotuious diseases is V. a unequalled by any other medicine Hou, A. M. Waddell. I ITE AEE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE f f HON. A. M. WADlELLas a candidate for Congress from tne Sixth District, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention of the Dis trict, tchen called. may 12 tf Don't Forget ! JO. 112 SOUTH FBONT STREET t Wficre HUMPHREY. JENKINS A CO. keeD thoae fine HcUe and florae's Mrawberrte. also Black and Whortlebenie. Amies and Peach- es. wnen in season. I'ouury ana Egjrs. Con signments o. tne above solicited, and satls far.Uon guaranteed Give oa a trial la all we . a ass. may 6 W. & E. S. LATIMER Attoraevs-at-Law. 02c S. Ian 7 K. Cor. Priaceaa andWater Sta. PimOELL HOUSE. TJNDER NEW liAlCAGEAUCNT, WILarXSJOTON. R. C B. L PHRRT, Proprietor. Lata Proprietor AtlanUn HotcL Ttntlaas &n tta appoiataMata. Tarma tl&O to f J.C0 per day. " MISCELLANEOUS (REfl e DEI ($Ej1E the oi- o supply 1 1 d fof smdtii mm n BETTER Jkn tt: ordinary mckGdkf- i PUT UP- n tne mi 4 the d (feme n (ityRBTTES mnship n w( tzfibJ th POSITIVELY UNEXCELLED, Each Cigarette is provided with a sweet, clean, new mouth piece.whicK disposes of all nicotine. L4 -for ifadmo! (BU LL Watch the papers for our large advertisement; different portraits of leading men each time. junel ccd nrm 3m iMrd-ia sxnsr. NEW YORK, 1884. About sixty million copies of The Sun have one out of our estaousnment during tne past welve montbs. If von were to paste end to end all the col umns of aUTiiK la UNS printed and sold last vear vera would eet a continuous strip of In teresting information, common sense wisdom, sound doctrire. and sane wit, long enough to reach from Printing House square to the top lernicus in tne moon, men Dae ouse square, and then three-quar ters of the way back to the moon strain. But TBB sex u written tor the inna bitants of the earth; this same strip of intelligence would eirdle the elobe twenty seven or -twen- tv-eiznt times. If every buyer of a copy of Thk ux during the past year has spent only one hour over It, and if his wife or bis grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in 1SS3 bas af forded the human race thirteen thousand years of steadr readlncr. nieht and day. ltls only by little calculations use mese that you cm form any idea of the circolaUon of the most popular of American newspapers, or ot its influence on the opinions and actions f American men and women. the ftiTM ia. ana win continue w oe. a news DaDer which tells the truth without fear ol consequences, which gets at the facts no mat er hovr much t process costs, which pre aents tbe news of all the world without waste of words and la the most readable swipe. which is worklnr with all Its heart for tne cause of honest government, and which there fore believes that th a Republican party must go. and must go in this coming year of our Lord, 184. If von know The Srsr. vou like It already. and you wUl read it with accustomed diligence and profit during w ha lis sure to be the most Interesting year In its history. If you do not yet knpw Thk Sux. lt is high time to get Into the sunshine. TKXXS TO ALaH. SUBSCXIBKKS. The ereral editions of Tkx Sex are sent by mail, postpaid, aa follows: DAILY bo cents a montn. $6 a yer; with Sunday edition, f 7. SUNDAY Eight pagev. This edition famuli c tbe current news of the world, special articles of exceptional interest to every body, and literary reviews of sew books of the highest merit. $1 a year. . WEEKLY 41 a year. Eight pages of tbe best matter of tho dally issues; an Agricultural Department of unequalled value, speeUl market reports, and literary, scisntltc, and dotnestio Intelligence make Tux Waxxxr Sex the new si per for the farm . ers household. To cloba of $10, as extra cow free. Address - lm W. IINliLAiTD. Publisher. norlf. " TH &U3 2 Y. CUT -1 MISCELLANEOUS. JUST IMAGINE ! THE COOLEST STORE FOB LADIES TO SHOP IN IS TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, and there is where you will find the fine 6 1 and largest s'ock to select from in Millinery and Fancy Good;, as wc receive new and choice goods every day. Jnst Imagine 63 Cents for a bunch of three Tips in any color, regular value One Dollar. Tbeee goods have been selling so rapidly wc had to duplicate them ever and over again by request of our patrocr , Just Imagine 39 Cents for a bunch of three black Tips, worth twice tho motey. Such rricca Ladies have ncer heard of before. Just Imagine 73 Cents for a lice plamc in any shade. An excellent line of Feather Pompoona. An earl call will secure you some of theec goods at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. From the smallest Birgle VIo.'et lo the largest branched dress gamaiure. Daisy Wreaths. Tansies, Euds ana Roses, In fact every kind of Flowers, at prices which set competition at defiance. Just opened a stock of Far.s and Parasols, together with a line stock of Leather Satchels, Underwear, Corsests, Ribbors, Laces and made-up Lace Goods, Embroideries Sc.,&r., at TAYLOR'S "BAZAAR, ; 118 Market St., may 23 WILMINGTON. N. C. Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. AGENCY FOR fc. Y. ENAMEL PAINT. COS READY PREPARED PAINT. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing. The fact that our Paints are from the celebrated Fac tories of Wetherill & Co., and Harrison Bros A Co. .sufficient guarantee for their quality and purity, . A fine line of Cooking Stoves at .Factory Prices, In addition to our large and full HARDWAEE STOCK, to which your attention ls'respectfully invited. NATJTL JACOBI, 10 South Front St asept;2 A MONTH AND BOARD for three live Youreltfen or Ladles, Id each county. Address P. W. ZIEGLER & oo., rnuaaeipnia. may iv w Clianffo all That. Instead of liniments, lotions, etc.. use Ben son's Capcine Poms Plasters. Quickest and best, lb cenjs. may vj aw The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. KNOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. It contains' 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is Invalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years Is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 800 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for 2.50. or tbe money will be refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 eta. Send now. GoMmdai awarded the author bv the National Medical Association, to the fficcrs of which he refers. The Science of Life should be read by the young for Instruction, and by tbe afflicted for relief. 1 1 will bench t all London Lancet. There Is no member ef society to whom this book will sot be useful, whether youth.parent. guardian. Instructor or clergyman Argonaut. Aaaress tne jreacoay aieaicai institute, "r Dr. W. IL Parker. No. 4 BollSnch Street. Uoston. Mass . who may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have baffled the skill of all EF A I othtr physicians a epccUlty Such treated successful-mm M XX Q ET I C" ly without an In- I PI T O&aWiT stance of failure.. Mention this paper. may 'O dw 4w North Carolina Resources "One of the most useful series of dcecrln- tire books ever published about any State." Boston Post. Hale's Industrial Series. Two Voluu.es Now Ready. 1. The Woods ako Tivrfr rv Vr-r Carolina. Cnrtis's, Emmons, and Kerr's Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and illus- USKU UI Am UUUKIIt JU.p VI ug elate. i wameiano. tioiD, Z73 pp., f 1.25. II. I thk Coil ivn I North Cakolha Emmons. Kerr's. Lald Wllkea' and th Omm pigmented by fall and accurate sketches of the ruiv ix wwDuci sou aiap or tne state. x uuiuw xim. vjowo. mo pp.. lu. Soldbr all Bookaelln a m.uw4 .. on receipt of the price, by t w . E J. HALE A SOS, , PubHahers. Booksellers and Statioser. - Or. P. M HALE. Publlatr. EaOdlgh. MCa J. L. WINNER, TTrATCHMAKER A JEWELTJEB. X3 CThrctrfrmrtjr Vliui Wiiiha .. and Jewelry repaired and warranted. . " 1MISCELLANE0US. , JACKSON & BELL; - Water Power . Printers BOOK-BINDERS. iVe have the most complete establish ment of the kind to bo found In. Wilming ton, and guarantee all our work to be don o in first class style, and on reasonable terms. , Send In your orders during the dull sea son, and have them 'executed at the lowest possible prices, , Kerclmer & Calder Bros. , WHOLESALE , ' Q.ROCER& AND COMMISSION Merchants, oner for sale a full lino of - ' FLOUR, SUGAR, . COFFEE, BACON, SALT. 1 MOLASSES, KICK, MEAL, . . . LAhD, v tlORN, OATS, HAY, SNUFF, SODA, : POTASH, LYK,- STARCH. , SOAP. CRACKIRS.C . CAND1 i V A CANDLt?, HOOP IRON, GI.UE. ... RIVETS, NAILS, --:HOKG,V--s MATCH ICS, PAPER, BAGS, BUCKETS, AXLE GUEASE, POWDER TIES. AcV apl 7 '. "" "' VEAKUHDEVaOPEDtPARTS" OK TH HUMAN HOHV lvM,Ki;) ), 1KV K1 OPEl. Sf WKN'irl'ilKSKO.'V K. Hn ite.niftt oircwiarw pivm;: fit p.trin'ni th liv w.j'iii----ini apl 1G "lydAw S J 3 W 5 (i - ? 3 tn ".1 IJU ? ri'T inly 11-dAw First National Bankipff)ft(il- mington. mil . . -' t, l; CAPITAL STOCK SURPLUS FUND........... 1250,00 K,0L Deposits received and collection; ntdsloa all accesIble poinfa?n the Unltod.Stitca. DIRECTOES 1. f...,i E. E. 2URRUSS, D. Q. WORTH 1 A. MA RUN J - i 'JASiPSUKT, - georqe;ciiadbourn. -TTfl (ilA OITICEBSI: E. E. BURRU88...i...:..'..Li. A PmldenL A. K. WALKER.... , Cashier V.IJaBKnw...,..:.-,; 'Afrtl Cashier anl2S 1884-1 V Harper's Weekly;. , ILLUSTRATED, i Tamer's Weekly stands at the head of Imer- lean Illustrated weekly JournaU. By 'its nn- parasan position in pontics, its admirable li lustrations, its care full j chosen serlals.'ahort stories, sketches, and poems,- contributed by tbe foremost artists and authors of the day. It carries Instruction and entertainment to thou sands of American homes. ' .--- it will always be the aim of tho publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most ponular and attractive family newspaper In the world, and, in tbe pursuance of this design, to pre sent a constant Improvement In all these fea tures which have gamed fer It the confidence, sympathy, and support of Its large army of readers. - Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: "t ' i , ... , m"i ,. f . ' J0 HARPER'S WEraLT.;i.U..V..luuft 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. i 00 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE..... 1 60 IIabpkk's Fkxxklw Square LdVKXHY. Postaze Free to all rubsc libera In the United States-or Canada. Tho Volumes of the Weellv berln with th first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will bo understood that tbe subscriber ulsberi to commence with tb Number next after the receipt of order. Hie last tour Annual Volumes of Harper's Wet kin, in rear cl a i.uainjr, lil sent by m mail, ; postagopaW fay oxpreas, Jrao of ex IC!9e (provide'! the frclgbt Joe not exceed one dollar per Velum); fr $TU0fi?tAimc. Ckjth Casta for oeh toIukdav suitaLle for binding, will be ent by mail, tostiai4 on re ceipt of $ I Co each. Remittances toeld bRjc8ad by Poet-OfC"! Moncy,OrderorJraxi, o Sto'd chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise-, mcnt without the express order of IlAKrxa St Brothers. Address f i HARrER'& BROTHERS, nor-,'i New York ".. Furnituroii; -t l-i " i,f DINING BOOM UIT3, " '' ' '- '' JLm.- " -.i . - '-'.'.'"!r,'-.V?.-'.'.. Cols,SpTiag Beds,: Wotea Wire lUftres&es, Lounges, 'and the handsomest line t of. fine - ; ' . . BABY CARRIAGES ever on sale In this city TII03. a CRAFT, Aat., , Furulturo Dealer, 1 LS.

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