TXTZS, ttt creaTE. Sunday! JOSH T.JAMES, yrro raoraxrroa. OPTIONS rO3TA0E PAID: 31 ' !(. Six sxmtaa. LOO. Thxf 0 , T " One month. iS cents. "Tr will l deareJ by carrier. tr ' ..-rrtof the olty. at Uuj abort V... rue tow and IlbcraL will report any and aR faU- ivclrpTermnxUrly. licvicuf has the largest ( u rimtlntion. y newspaper 1 -itf diy of Wilmington. JSL j . .. 4. 1. 1 Wales has revived tbc it Tbc ? w Ylk Democratic Stalo at Saratoga neit WrJr.t'.'-)' thiajand tenders of fruit and - ... .A . II. . t. arc neenscu to iraik iv i , ,x-Uion N bcins considered in t j make iionuaj a acnoci nou- :t a 1 of Saturday. jlr.W H Mailock. author or "Is liw Worth Writ?" is to be a candi Ji:t -kr I'arl. anient, so be will toon . saM that the enthusiasm for BVsesnd Jo2arJ at Chicago was a rs:-uppb. Thelatter.it is said, had Jettwiir.d4ald cfaicrs in the house. I: coits about $ 1,000 a year to cdu ci e a toy at Eton College. $900 at lfim an4 at Rugby. Charter IUu-e and Marlborough, respectively. UrJ Chirf Justice Coleridge U r rrtiUo,: tie ast proois o ui ikeuj m it&ccs i f Atr ricar aud the book is acccutccvi for publicatioa during tbc . - - -- Cocse, who is coming over btzirii lecture, has a. beautiful red Laird wile, who is sister or the wife of Ali 'U Iccii. and both have figured fatorably and extensively in that art U'i r ctarci. Tlu New York Cn phic hiates that Mis- Sprajue. or New York, makes C3.U00; Miss raloicr. cf Ulica. S,t)O0f anl MissBa'kiitine, oi Rochester. $3. ix a year by the practice of short tmd. If these figure aretorrt-ci acd there is ci reason to Juubt tfccm sten-ejrari)- will daub!. 'ess receive a large lwnt is a hicralive prolejsion for wo lit 10. llcisrtcb Heine' family are a queer Kt. One brother. Gustar, paid the fwi" wiijw a pension on condition that Le should raako no attempts at biogra phy. Aoothcr, Maximilian, got hold ci the masoscript of the autobiography h&Jjr pablisbed and destrojed all which revealed tho Jewish ancestry ol tie family, with no pretence to rank or al!oa. A JJ: upon which Washington used U play is now in tho possession ot Col. J. Washington and an effort Is being cade lo rale $1,500 to purchase it that it oa j be placed in Miss Custis' music rcca at Mount Vernon where arc al ready the harpsichord presented by the Geteral to Mrs. Custis on her wedding t'at atd the Hale upon which he used to xxwmpaoy bcr. ''2cn Victoria has a mania for put t-;up memorials. Now that-every fot it all connected with John Hrown lha decorated, tho is busily marking a itineracy ol her son Leopold. Her t achievement is to inlay a brass as in the deck ol tho yacht Osborne, er the spot where his coffin rested Siting the vojage from Cherbourg. ru latest craia among collectors is tiatcf saving breakfast rolls ol ladies c fete, actresses, and for that matter ocf distinguished men, irom which r- ti:e has previouslj been taken tie remnant of which is then tick- '4 tj ite collector In this wise : 'Th'a 1 u blue a into by Miss So-and-So cMay U, 15SI, wbile taking hereof- f$E J A3, afroa Berlin stale that tho cu3 troa which Emperor William u for ie time been lufferiog Is be f cert stubborn and debilitating ,;.a;4 l"s.thoagh the aged Kaiser 5-racccfrer!ormiogall his official ai-i trj dsiks, tho real work of retcif li tie cectjary official Tisilors and loMbyth Crown Prince Fred- liiiS; i:jaiScaat of t$Q progress of v-ompaoy, ono oi ireatcit izsaracce offices, is now F sciTcd b, female clerks, and JJT lre eciDbjed in Gevernmcnt ibattkeeicessof women Is stdl lXl Und Sbry has just Uiw. cfeITiJoa FQgland would -w-vi vi irom uju.ooo to w amm ,.""-" - ..,. , i . a . . , k. . i n ' t 0j w b l2i3iae to PT Smith's Worn ly d-w r H i VOL. VIII. . The streets ol Springfield, Vermont, havo been fairly deluged with rain. Eighteen inches fell there in one day and uisbt the 10th. Tho streets be came as rushing rivers and thousands of tons of earth were displaced. Reports have reached Cairo to the of fset that the rebels nine days ago mas sacred Hussein Pacha Khalifa, cam mandcr at Ilerbcr, and all bis family ; tho tarrison which w:i faithful to the Khedive, and. tho Eiropean traders who remained there. A dispatch to the Herald from Yank ton, D.T., 10th inst. says: A special despatch from Springfield says Indians brioj reports that last week some Brule Sioux at Rosebud agency got into a fight among theni rclves. Three were killed. BaIanceof band, which numbers about six thous and, taken sides and general engage ment in .progress. Indians all well arm ed and mounted. This information comes wholly from Indian runners and may not be reliable. ii Mr. Tilden has spoken at last and be declines to allow his name to go before the Democratic Convention. IIo has written an honest, manly, patriotic let ter to be laid before tho New York State Convention and his declination is positive. Wc regret this but it is not by any means a vital matter to the party. The success of tho Democracy is not conditional upon the inclination of any one man and with either Cleve land or Bayard or Flower, we be lieva that they can win this year. Pres- lens indications point lo Lieyelanu as the marunoa whom Ti Men's mantle will fall. There Is no doubt as to his ability to carry New York State by tremendous majority and wo leel sure a1. S3 New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts. With theVice-Prcsident taken from Ohio or Indiana these Stales may also bo counted upon to give majorities for the ticket. La Mascot to " Mr. F. E. Samnell. Music Teacher, Ij Mascolte. Burnett street, St. Kilda, Melbourne. Australia, writes to the Armis. of that city : I had suffered for years with pain.ul chilblains, and tried all kinds ot remedies ana reccivcu-ouiy temporary relief. After two apphca lions of St. Jacobs Oil, tho ereat - pain cure, they were entirely cured and J have not been troubled with them since LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mortgage Sale PIXK GKOVBris Ftsh Hcixsbkbokk A Three CtllU G JJ la tK Lemon. Butter. C W Yates Darin the Campaign F C illiXER-GilHon'fl Imported Candy 11 USDS Bb-js. A DeRosset Fancy Goods The receipts of cotton at this pnrt to day foot up 9 bales. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tackle can be found at Jacoju's. t Tbo tax-lister3 are busy at work tak ing tho list at the City Court room. There was no City Court this morn ing and no tramps applied for lodgings at tbc guard house hist night. Capt. E. J. IVunypackcr arrived in the city last night, having stopped sev eral days in Washington, D. C, on his route home. Now is tho tfrne to secure b3dge3 for your dogs and those who delay had better keep their canioes out of sight of the dog catchers. The showers havo been frequent and copious within tbc past few days, the nights have been warm, and vegetation has grown rapidly in consequence. Wo invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. ' It. Capt. Mayo, of the Southern Express Company, informs us that all growers of fruit and vegetables who would lUte to ship their produce to' Richmond and the North can have an opportunity daily (Sundays excepted) by snecial ex press car attached to the nighnrain. President Arthur virtually says that Blaine cannot carry New York. The result In the State, he says, will depend on the vote in the city. II Mr. Blaine can command the support of the busi ness men be will succeed; otherwise he will fail. It looks now very much like failure. Wo were "pleased to receive a call this morning from Mr. frank B. Galloway, formerly of this city, but now of Deals, Fla. and recently of the! Jacksonville JlcraJ. Mr. Galloway will visit relatives at Smithville. Goldsboni and other points and will then return to Florida. ; Every Farmer ought "to 'get a Boy CHppcr Flow, "greatest invention of tfco age. Jacoiu is the Agent., t DM WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 12, Among other improvements made this season by the Messrs. Manning, at Pine Grove, is a dining room for gentlemen exclusively where pigfish chowder &c.t will be served np. This has been done by dividing the pavilion into an oyster house on one side and a dining room on tho other. Everybody in want of Paints, White Lead. Glass &c. should go to Jacoki's to get best qualities and lowest prices.f Half a Century. Fifty years ago yesterday onr esteem el German fellow citizen, Mr. A. Adrian, made his debut into this world of care, and an impromptu celebration of the happy event was gotien up by his host of friends in this city which took him quite by surprise. While en joying himself last night at his resi dence with his family and friends, the Cornet Concert Club, to whom he has been a warm and devoted well-wisher and is appreciated as such, went quietly into the piazza of his house, and the first he knew of their presence was when the rich harmony of their instru mcnts fell upon nis surprised but delighted car. As soon as the sounds had subsided the club was cordially invited to enter, where mutual (champagne) congrat nlations (your health, sir) were (thank you) passed (many happy returns) enlivened by (another glass) fine vocal music (don't care if I do) furnished by the club. An hour was passed quite pleasantly and at the hour of separation he felt happy to think he was so highly appreciated by our citizens, and the guests happy at the privilege of thus being able to saake the hour and the occasion a time for mani festini; their respect for one of our bes and most public spirited fellow citizens Kailroad Meeting. Tho meetins of those interested in the Wilmington, Wrightsville & Ons low Railroad, which stood adjourned from May 28th, wa3 held at the Pro. duce Exchange this noon. Mr. B. G Worth in the Chair, and Messrs. T. D Mearcs and C. II. Robinson acting as Secretaries. The meeting wa3 very fullv attended by citizens, merchants and business men of Wilmington while Onslow was represented by Messrs. E. Morrill, J. W. Spicer, R Everett, George King, Bryant Williams and Col. S. B. Taylor. Pender was represented by Maj. C. W. McClam my. Dr. W. C. Murphy and Messrs. J. W. Sidbury and J. T. Foy. The chairman stated the object of the meeting which was to hear the report of committee appointed at the previous meeting to ascertain tho cost of a pre liminary survey of the proposed Wil mineton. Wriehtsvillo and Onslow railroad, and also the route from -Wil mington to I ayettevule, connecting with tho Capo Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad. Tho Committee, through its Chair. man. lion. a. ii. vanuoxKeien, re ported that tho estimated cost of both surveys wouiu oe slow, ui mis amount it would cost $750 to surveythe latter, and 250 to survey the former route. On motion of Mr. O. G. Parsley, Sr., a committeo of three was appoint edbythe chair to raise the 1.000 necessary for the survey of both routes. The chair appointed Mef srS. B. F. Hall, and John II. Currie and Col. Roger Moore a com mittee for that purpose, who were in: structed lo report immediately upon the accomplishment of. the purpose. and also to notify tho people of Onslow, through Mr. E. Murrill, of the same. On motion of Air. O. G. Parsley, Sr., a committee of three was appointed by the chair to confer with the officials o the present Wilmington, Wrightsville & Onslow Railroad to ascertain npon'wbat terms that road can be secured. The same committee as that under the first motion was appointed. On motion a committee consisting of Sheriff E. Murrill, Col. S. B. Taylor and Mr. J. W. Spicer, all of Onslow. was appointed to confer with the peo ple of that county to ascertain what assistance would be given the enterprise by her people, and report at a railroad meeting to be held at Jacksonville on the first Monday -in July. Oa motion of Col. S. ,B. Taylor, cf Onslow, it was voted that it the $250 estimated as the cost of the preliminary survey ot the Onslow Road would be sufficient to carry the survey, to Jack sonville that it should be made. It was voted that the Chair appoiu a committee of to attend the meet- ng to be held at Jacksonville on the first Monday in July next. Committee notyet nataed. Adjourned. ; t TlieWlmaries. The Democrats of the different wards of the city met last night, pursuant to a nil of the County ; Executive Com mitteeand elected executive committees for their respective wards and delegates to the New Hanover County Demc cratic Convention, which will convene at the Court House' in this cHy. "at" 4 o'clock p. m. on Monday, the 10th inst. The following ' were the' committees and delegates elected in the several wards': I ,l . . . , ,' - FIKST WAKD. . Mr. S. II. Morton, of the County Executive Committee, called the meet ing to order, and stated its ohject. Mr. Chas. Murphy was called to the chair, and Mr. F. T. Skipper appointed Secretary. 1 he following tickets were elected, viz: Executive Committee F. T. Skipper, S. II. Terry, Mike Carroll, Geo. W. Bishop, Geo. S. Willis. Delegates to County Convention Chas. Murphy. W. II. Strauss, John Barry, F. T. Skipper, E. Scharff. SECOND WARD. Major Jno. W. Dunham presided, and Mr. Tho3. B. Lippitt was appoint ed Secretary. The following was elect ed: Delegates to County Convention J. W. Dunham, H. McL. Green, T. C. James, Robert C. Orrell, W. M. Par ker. Executive Committee Pembroke Jones, Jos. D. Smith, O. G. Parsley, Jr., G. II. Smith, Gabe Holmes. TIIIBD "WARD. The meeting was called to orders by Mr. Timothy Donlan , of the County Executive Committee, when Col. Jno D. Taylor was called to the chair with Mr. R. II. Pickett Secretary. The following were elected by accla mation, without a dissenting voice, viz: Delegates to County Convention J. W. Perdew. Jno. Y. Taylor, E. G Polley, H. A. Bagg, Edgar Parmelee- Executive Committcee Sam Bear, Jr., J. W. King, Tim. Donlan, A. R. Campbell, James E. Willson. FOURTH WARD. Capt. A. L. DeRosset presided at this mectinz. with Mr. Iredell Meares Sec retary. v The following were elected, viz:. Delegates to the County Convention W. P. Oldham, John L. Boat Wright, S H. Fishblate, Walter GMcRae, Preston Cummmg. Executive Committee Wm- Gil christ. Iredell Meares. J. I. Macks Josiah Merrit, Albert Gore. On motion of Col. W. L. DeRosset, Maj. C. M. Sledman was endorsed for Lieutenant Governor and Col. A, M Waddell for Congress. FIFTH WARD. The meeting organized by calling Capt. Ja3. M. McGowan to the chair. Mr. P. T. Dicksey was appointed Sec retary. The following were elected, viz : Delegates to the County Convention P. T. Dicksey! J. J. Darden, George Gafford, Wm. Bell, Sr., S.J. Bryan. Executive Committee William H Griffith, R- M. Capps, John Walton, . . . W. E: Mayo, P. T. Dicksey. On motion, the following were elected alternates to the County Convention viz: John W. Hewett, Wesley Millis, D.McEachern, J. D. II. Klander, Jos. Everett. The following resolutions were unan imously adopted: Resolved. 1st. That we do earnestly endorse Mai. Charles M. Stedman tor Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, and the Hon. A. M. Waddell for Con gress, for this, the Sixth District. 2nd. That the true elements of patri otism, virtue, honor and true inaubood are in thes two gentlemen combined, and with them as our standard-bearers, in the approaching campaign, we feel assured tnat victory will perch upon our banner; for with them at the head ot our column, we have nothing to tear and fear nothing. - 3rd. That we. therefore, respectfully instruct our representatives in the County Convention to use all honorable means in their power to secure these nominations. The net resnltof these meetings shows that the New Hanover county delega tion will be instructed to cast a solid vote for Maj. C M. Stedman for Lieut. Governor, and Hon. A. M. Waddel1 for Representative in Congress.. . Woollen Goods. There must bean attraction for sheep - m . ' m f "' m on x roni sireei. a ic w aays since a flock of these animals, while .being driven along that thoroughfare, made a break and , rushed into a merchant tailoring establishment. Yesterday a flock, while being driven up Princess street, made a break at Front street and rushed into the merchant tailoring establishment adjoining that which wes yisiicd by tho other flock. 1884. NO. 140 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR 40 YARDS NICE PANC Y MATTING: Samples sent to those at a distance. - ' JUA.'A'XAJXUa iVA' ill, i-l, OU, X-o, iS7 auQ 4,0 c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTIIS-We would proclaim it 7rom tho Scastorc to Hie Mountains that wc keep a good stock and at rottom rRiOEs. v- LACE CURTAINS Will compare trices and styles with any Houe ; - . . K L North or South. ' ; ' ,li WHITE LAWN ROBES with 9 yards Embroidery quite the 'agony BLACKSILKS A few pieces of those very cheap and good Silks" at less than value. . n R. M. fWclWTIRE. jane 11, 1884 -?'- w IW LADIES' SUITS TO An Appeal From Onslow. We submit herewith a communica- tion from Snced's Ferry, relative to the W"E will fu&kisii new York pa proposed Onslow R. R. The writer rpjsus at the foilowip'jr mi. r. ' has previously spoken upon this sub ject through our columns and his com munication attracted much atten tion here. In a private note to the Editor he says that the majority of the people in bis section think that Snced's Ferry is the best place for the road as the public road crosses there and it is tho narrowest place on the river for 15 or 20 miles, that isf should the road ever bo continued on from that point. He says that steamers run into New River nearly every week and they have already carried off a good deal of freight that otherwise would have come to Wilmington. He further says that several of the schooners that generally trade to this port from New River are now laid up for the want of cargoes ; the people, he says, hate to be cut off from Wilming ton but unless they get the railroad they will be compelled to ship tbeir produce elsewhere. Following is the communication referred to :v Mr. Editor: I see in the account ot the railroad meeting in your city on' the 30th ult., that something was said about Onslow being in earnest about the railroad. She is in earnest, and no doubt will do all she can towards do veloping such an enterprise. A grat many people in tni3 section would take stock, and 1 don't think there is a sin gle man through whose Jand it would pass, who' would not give the right of way, as well as timber for cross ties. Let the books for subscriptions be opened immediately and let the thing beithoroughly canvassed. 7 That a railroad is badly hr eded from Wilmington to some point on this river , is an undoubted ( fact These people, and their fathers before them, have for many years past been sending their produce to Wilmington and getting their supplies from that place, and it would be with great relue- tance tnat tney cease to do so now, unless compelled to ship their produce to father markets towhich better facili ties for transportation are offered, Iho agricultural resources of this sec tiou are great; and our waters are not only bountifully supplied with tbo finest hsn and oysters, but afford many in ducement3 to pleasure seekers ; such as boating, surt bathing &c. Sneed's Ferry. . The members of v ilmington Steam hire Engine Company, No. 1, will have a meeting at their Hall to-nieht for the purpose of drill and exercise Another large consignment of Sash Uoors cc J3linds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lemons.- Butter.! Lemons. JUST RECEIVING BY A C. LINE and N 1 ' H . Y. Steamer, all of which will be sold low In quantities to stilt. S'JO bushs. Va. Meal. 73 Boxes Lemons, 25 tubs va. and N. Y. Butter, Michigan Flour, Virginia Flour. Bacon, Laid, ,js. u. nun:. June 12 No. 1 Nj. Second Street; PIC FISH. A SUPPLY OF SPLENDID PIG K1SII ON hand as "PINE GIIOV.". A dining room has been fitted np exclusive! r for Uent'emen, where fried Pig fish. Clam Chowder, aou Oyster Fritters, Ac . are famished at short nouca Persons ue lrinz board br thedav. wee or momn can nnu no o tier locauon on theseacoast. ED. WILSON MANNING. jane 12 Jt M. F. MjNNING SALE OF REAL ESTATE U.BEt MORTGAGE. TJX V1RCUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF JL . . i toe j Kiwers cor tain ei in a eertain mortg3?e made March isuj, lsi'J. ana registered In &ook 0x, pnge by Adam Brown and wife Eliztbeth Brown, to D.J. Sautders. Gmrdi an, the nndcrslgncd as attorney for f II. Dar dt, the present gnarcuan of W. T. Jchnsoa, wll sell at public auction for caeh. at the Court Uoosem the city of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock. M, on Monday, July J4tn, f -4. tac following described premise?. Tic The West ern half of lot No. S, in block Not. 224, accord ing to the official plan of city of Wilmington, otmg m ices onvoerenin street ami 1S5 feet oo Wain nt street. RUSSELL A- RICA (ID. Jcneia SOd Attoinsys. New Ice Cream Saloon. M B. -AND aiBf. J. L. FISnEEt II W E OPENED A FIBST-CLASS ICE OSiKAM PAKLOS at the toroer of Fronf ad Mat berrj aireets. The Nicest Ices ? and Purest craata to Lo found in the city. Lilies and orders proayUy Jlllcd sued tlcLTcrcd free of vti - " . - tune 1 Ira FLEAJS2 K0TIC2. If w!H be glad te receive ecsmoajcattcs ; fjomourfxtcafison uiyjand all cobjtcls Kcocnu interest tmt The nxsae ot tia witter atat always be nlshed to the Editor.. C " . I iCoamTtiiteauona mcit t'- vrttUa - ca cal f ono aldo at the paper. . rersoaaKtlea nmst be avoliel J 1 And it la especially' and partlcnlaily tirer tood that tho Editor does " not always eadoi so the vlewa of co-respondents 5nnloes' so state la the editorial cohunns. 4 ' '; ' NEW ADVERTISI ORDER. During tlio Campaign. HERALD, (including Sirad ly) per week 2fc. TIMES, "I . .. TRIBUNE, .. WORLD, . sun, . : 25c. 20c, YATES' BOOK STORE, June 0 ... ;. a ,113 Markettrcet. TO TURPENTINE WORKERS . AND DEALERS IN i T ' " TURBENTINE TOOLS I TOU WILLTFIND THE Hackers, . Pullers, Dippers, &c, J MANUFACTURED BY ::. ' , WALTER WATSON, FAYETTEVILLE, N C.,' THE -VERY BEST IN USE ! w 1 1W 1 IX Vs XL X jJ. GILES & MUKCIIIS'N, Wilmington, N. C. or to the manufacturer, will hao prompt at tention. WALTER WATSON,' Manufacturer of Edgo Tools. ' may 10 2m - i?'yottevllle, N. C Just Wow - . t . s , - ir . i. . .si; " I: it.. TTT ?ID IT WARM, AND AUICE drink of ICE WATER Is REFRESHING; For afrooacouLEit, can onus. -GBEAU FREEZEliS and nnnK RTnvvn of all grades. PUREWHlTE'Oll1; , City Drug Store- aiG MARKET STICK ET. ' SO DA WITH PURE CREAM AND SYRUPS 5 cents per glass, (wo don't cut price). lisarsand Cigarettes: Uninn jcfuh txrm the best smoke In the cltv tar thn mnnv a A clear Havana. .-. : ' . Conoley'a Cologne ahead of all others. ' ', J. W. CONOLEY. ' JQnc11 Ifaaacer. Jjlalne & Logan. T HIEIR NOMINATION DOES NOT SEEM to gWe general satisfaction to tho Rpnnlllcnii throughout tbc conntrv thcr wont i,a m. dispoBition to bolt. Let 'em rin. The conntrv win be perfectly safe aa long as MctiOVVAN sells the best and the coolest Beer In the city at 5 cents a glass. And don't forget It Is the only place in the city where you can get that four year old Clemmcr WhUkey. j una 11 , Munds Bros; & DeRosset, , DRUGGISTS, J WIL3IINGTON, N. C. HAVE IN STOCK FULL LINE FARINA COLOGNE. Splendid Assortment HAIR BRUSHES, , -Great Tarlcty of all FINE FANCY GOOES. THE PALACE SEGAB, 10 cenb. THE CALCUTTA CHEROOT, 6 cent. , ThceeSegars are worthy of a triaL " Juno U At Three Cento. JJ-EW YORK I1E3ALD3 WILL BE SOLD frm this date at THREE CENTS t . SUNDAY IIEBALD at FIVE CENTS. . AT, . . . V HEINSBERGER, jnne 19 Live Book and llturlo Suwr. Headquarters , -pOR F13 aiG TACKLE, - . - , ; AT,. , itti ' - W. E. FPRINGEft & COS.;, -' lf.il Uilllirkttdtirl The largest asd tet adAcrtment cr t rr.- i in this market. ' ' . inr.c 9 For Excursionists. , T-KKfeP - A ;FULu LIXK CJF FINI3 GRO 11 w j .. ....... .. jl cenev, xrrj kiwx; anu ail otser articles to ueioBomia iiriic:.i:9 stora. Jo the Stemrs whsrf imna no thr-,v. Itndii at and turn v the loft an l ray rUco TZMlilatlBL. tilve TT:G M'l ' c, - lit? ualouitJ I - . , J. A. ITi-COTO ' j: jury to : ic:iiTu:r,;.V.

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