" I' I . . - V. ..... - I 91 Sunday x 1 aim- One month, S3 cent. tins rxrrs JOSH T. JArES, .,r,, ajd rsormirTOB. V w a. - r it.oo. 1 H Daily ! denrerwd by earrlera fit f5 trt of ih city, at the abort ":r.r - j vol. viii. vf thtr prT regularly. WILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1884. NO. 142 ;iu7y Review has lU laiycst .-.- ;.i'iVn. of anv ncicsixjr fV " . 1 ". . " r ! if-i'ri'ory dipatrh front Ed- ' i vtt ltn rccvivel at Au" LOCAL NEWS. a.1 It. u;. l CI icagc, says Maino ... . i .. ......... .. IIOEX TO NEW AQYf RTISEMEX Tl. J CI I:lk To Taxpayers Gut n 3J kks, Admr Notice - (Ikiwm.ekgek A Three Cent C W Yatks Durlaz the Campaign I! K Mitcuell. A rox Clay Peas OrrMMi Dall-Sc.i M !c Park Ho'el K U A N KolUNftuX-Our Dr KoLlnmn K C JJlLLKtt ;iUon' IuiiKrlel Candy rxci BsluN La ilc.4 I'lftli t M E Church alrxus ISuua. A UKUoMCT-The DruggUt 1 Il'tm lloucicault a .Ijtii about to enter iota fc.:tiicufartnrrfhtp " ,.. .,.- (jr.e . Ciblc has leased a home- jrtiaLu: ten miles from Hartford I j:pith iummcr there. llay'rt length 1 1 hours and 31 minutes. There was ii3 City Court this morn ing tit ti J,!.n II. Henderson was an ac j.'v Washington beauty, and i n a book en cook in j and : r -it .on. The receipts of cotton at this port to da? foot up -1 bales. Thcro were no inUroicnts in Uellevue Cemetery this week. Sunset to-niorrow afternoon at 17 minutes past 7 o'clock. Jtrr Kr.. x IVlk nephew ot the late p--:!::. ws ?nt recently from Ma .ck.Conn.. lo the insane asjlum i: il".vlli:un. Conn. Jiid Blaioe. Benjamin F. But M N -i,,r Blair are invited to ;: rJ t- tct mcvtinj of. the National ; uil Aic:alion. . - I; i bo: worth whi! to despiso small The rauut for a fastening for i ttl.; ta jut Ken sold t a corn- Fullest assortment o! Fishing Tackle can. be found at Jacom's. t Kev. II. T. Bryan will preach at First Baptist Cnurch to-morrow. the There were 175 badges for dog licen ccs issued op to 10 o'clock this more There were two interments in Fine Forest Cemetery this week, both children. The Kegister ot Deeds issued two pnjf .r$l.rMH in cah the patentee marriajte licences this week, both lor n.it.z; rujalty nshts. white couples. . - th.r.cv women hun scandals and in- The days are at their longest now liJaaithioitecdingto divorce On Sunday next they will lose the first si ttej wu:M the j lajue. The reason minute in the shortening process. iipV.a. A divorced wooian fiuds hcr- .vf;:h.ut honnr in China. I: i ri'ported that a sentry patrolling a: Viador lai'c was Cred at on Sat crJiy R:hi by two men, who made ttrtr fcape. Iacreawl Tiguancc There were three interments in Oak- dale Cemetery this week, one of which was an adult and two were children. t.w hou b? the guards at the castle. Sir. lid; i: J A. Proctor, who has tltzscvJ Irom astronomy to other! a r;il i ghu believei that inztniously mechaDism to the arms and i wilt enable man to navija'.e like a ! rJ tLrtJ2h the air. Mr. Woodrow Wilson, son of Rev. Dr. Wilson, ol this city, has been elect- 13 ed by the Trustees of John's Hopkins University a Fellow of that institution. A distinguished hemor. HT. DrDecms tells his coiigrcga t;j to p to sleep if they feel sleepy in church; to:h he and the Lord will for f.tetiea; but that they must sleep iVl'j. The lina must be drawn niesttre and the tolerant Doctor !ni it at snorin?. v - The pulpit of the Fifih Street Metho dist church will be filled to-morrow morning at eleven o'clock by Reverend James W. Craig and at eight o'clock p. m. by Reverend E. S. Alderman. Rev. Wm. Stoudemire, pastor of tho Eaglih Luthcrn church, at the fa mous Summer resort, Oakland. Md.. will preach in St. Paul's Evan. Luth eran church to morrow, in English, in both the morning and night service. Mr. Walter Taliaferro, formerly of tl.-;ui;maa in tho laleReptiblican thj3 cjly but nowo! Charlotte, was here CVcvetik:iwasMr.RuthGorber. Heis to-dav on a brief visit. He says that Yacht Race. Whv? The pilot boat Uriah Timmons, In the report of the proceedings in Cipt. Morse, of Smithyille, and the the Ilouse of Representatives on the pilot boat John S. Sioddos. Capt. Swan. 10th inst., a3 published in the Congres- of Charleston, S. C, had a friendly swnal liecord, pendiug discussion on trial of pct-d yesterday in the Cape the River and Harbor Appropriation Fear at Smithville, in which the former Bill, our Representative, Hon. Whar boat was the victor. The race was Ion J. Green,, endeavored to have tho from opposite the town to a point near appriation for the lower Cape Fear tho bar and return, a distance of about raised from $75,000, as recommended six miles, and was witnessed by a good by tho Committee on Appropriations, to many interested spectators. $150,000, and made an able and'elo- qaeat argument in favor of the increase, as is fhown bv his SrwPfh TnhHhpH in At a Democratic, meeting held at the Review vesterdav. Ttw.nVm,- Rccky Point yesterday, the following tratedf however, that of the last appro priation ol $225,000, there was on .the delegates were elected to attend the County Convention, which will mee at Burgaw on Monday, the 16th inst: Messrs. Jesse Bowden. I). S. Black, R. I. Dunham. T. J. Armstrong and W. F. Robitzch. Messrs. R. L. Bordeaux, T. A. Mc- first of July, 18S3, an unexpended bal ance of something more than $108,000. or, to be exact, $168,392.52, on" hand, and this fact was a fata! blow to Col. Green's efforts. How it happens that such a large balance remains un ex pent! Lieutenant-Governor. Mai. Charles Manly Stedman of NewIIandver, possesses in an eminent degree, evfery qualification for theoflice of Lieutenant-Governor; and his nomi nation by tne approaching Democratic fctatc Oonvenlion, would be a merited recognition of patriotic services, and would meet the imperative demands of the present. Maj. S ted man is a cenlleman in whom the virtues of private and public life join in perfect harmony, presenting a cnaracter tuat challenges respect and admiration. Commanding in nerson. liberal in the expenditure cf his "private means ior tne puolJC good, a tireless canvasser and magnetic orator, he would rally the masses to .the DeniCr craiic standard all over the State. If eiected he would fill the position with credit to himsel and to the satis faction for the Demle. Wadesloro In telligencer. Lendon, John Durham. G. B. Lee and ed does not appeart and in view of the T T II . n. A n.n.nMnfl rtitmn. .... great benefits which have already ac crued from tho improvements of the lower Cape Fear and of the vast im portance of its being pushed energct ically, systematically and actively until W. B. Hocut were appointed Demo cratic Executive Committee for the Township. Paper and Tablets. We have received from tho Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle and Constitutionalist all ita possilities are accomplished, we several samples of writing paper and are constrained to ask. Why? It is a pencil tablea" made at their own es- work of absolute necessity to our city; tablishment The samples are very it is equally as necessary to the State- good, the tablets are of different sizes more than that it is a work of nation and are very convenient, Tho prices al importance and value, and we are quoted appear to be very reasonable bound to ask, why, when the govern- and it would probably be to the ad- ment has appropriated the means, does vantage of our dealers to open a cor- the work linger and dally and the funds respondence with their office with a view of placing tho goods in our mar ket. ' a tniiterof heijht and flesh, and seems S'kj'crfectiy healthy. Indian look- :s4U rb!a:k and straiihtt he would a; ,"u to be over seven feet high and sr.bibly to weigh six hundrc 1 pounds says the people in Charlotte are all that is clever and kind and whole-souled, but thatthere's no place liko Wilmington. Weareagain indebted ta Mr. Gee M. Crapon, andou this occasion for a bunch of pcacbe taken from a young The branch is but Jcaa K.cLepin, the author of the ;esci tcrs oa of "Macbeth." ia which tree in his carden Sfia IkmLardt has caused such a sen- little "more than a foot in length and u:wi. is studying "Othello," in Eng- yet thcro were 18 peaches in all on it, ki. with a view of performtng tho all ripe', or nearly ripe. tvlia Holland. It is said that his t. r n- Executive- Committees, elected on Wednesday night lsst. will hold a meeting, immediately after the ad iournment of the County Convention, k.'L complexion, bushy eyebrows and -k Lp Cl hinl admirably for lh role. ANcwYirk letter sajs: -Socially i'n. Liar.nr is slowlv butsurelv be- ecaisj popular in New York. She haa nexl Monday evening, for the purpose cLannioliule house in Thirteenth ot perfecting their organization .i.-a. quat and respectable but not Every Farmer ought to get a "Boy -wsabla neishborhood where sho ciioDcr Tlow." greatest invention ol hnchcons occasionally to friends, tDC jjc. Jacoki is the Agent. t .;vi s comfortably with her mother. Painful Accident. Mr. Thomas A. Hodges, who lives on Dock street, between Eighth and Ninth, and is employed in the wood depart ment of thehops ot tho Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, had the mislortune yesterday afternoon to fall from a stag ing in the shop to the floor by which he received severe and painful, although not serious injuries. He was at work upon the staging, which was quite nar row, when by some mis-step he fell, his head striking a heavy wooden ramc work, inflicting painfnl wounds on the face and limbs. He was con veyed to nis home where surgical as sistance rendered him as comfortable as possible. Fortunately no bones were broken, nor is there any evidences as yet that he received internal injuries. A Saturday Sermon. "How pleasant Is Saturday night, Wiien I've trica autne wees to be good." We wonder how many thero are in our congregation of readers who can lay their hands on their watch pockets and with truth repeat the above couplet remain unexpended? What is th use, wo would like to know, of taxing our Representatives with the perplexity of obtaining an appropriation, to have it remain idle and the most important improvement in the State be suffered to lanquish? We felt exceedingly jubilant when an appropriation of $225,000 was secured for the improve ments of the lower Cape Fear, and we have watched and admired the persis tent efforts of Col. Green to secure as large an appropriation as possible for the same pui pose, but when we find him handicapped by an idle, unexpend ed balance larger than the entire amount he called for and much more than twice as large as he was able to We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. MAllklED. LATIMEE-EMPIRf In,St. James Church, WllmlDgton, N. C, Wednesday, the 11th inst . by Rev. Daniel IMorrelK Mr. IIEEBtcRT li. IATIMKK to Miss FANNY EMPIE, all of this city. FLSASX KOTICX. Wtwmbegi4 to receive coouaxakaCtB front onr friends oa aay; art all tr&jacta . teaeral Interest tret i , TfcVtame ot the writer moat always U ifehea to the Editor. nConuanalcatlonainMt b writtaa ca cal one aide of tne paper, i ; PersonaBtlei mast be avoWed; ; And It Is especially and particularly sneer stood that the Editor does not always endoi ae the views of correspondents cnleaa so state In the editorial cohomna. ;r NEW ADVJEaiTISiaiENTS. IlECZlVEDr Br THE Proposals. JglDS WILL. BE tccretary of St. ftcphcn'a A. U.K. Church Bulldinj- Committee,' Jos. K. Sampton. fat Reenter of wzrrM.TvV'oAV fi.putH.Dg la .and completlnc tha raliery and ceilins the auditorium. . b r,nwiipcmaitioa cn bo en at the onicc ot the Secretary.' Tho Committee reserves tho rizht to reject any incompetent bidder. , J JAMES W. ELFAIC, Chairman. JOS. E. SAMPSON, Secretary. .Wilmington, N. C, June 13. 1$S4. junc 13 U UST RECEIVED -AT- KM 25 116 IVIarket St. DIED. FRENCH In this city, on the 14th inst , LOUISE, infant daughter of John t, and M Lou French, aged 1 year and 2 days Funeral" will take place from residence No. 42 Dock gt., Sunday morning, at 9 a. m. Friends and acquaintances of tho family are Invited to attend- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To Taxpayers. TON'T PUT OFF LISTING YOUR TAXES but come at once and get it off your mind. J. G. BUBR, junclllt Star copy Tax Lister Clay Peas ! Clay Peas ! BUSHELS CLAY AND MIXED COW PEAS. Suitable for Planting or Feed. Just received and for sale by june 14 lw B. F. MITCHELL & SON. Another Assortment OF Braided Jerseys, Enibroiu'e'red Wliite Dresses, AVide Embroideries, Nainsook Checks and Stripes, Marseilles and Pique Welts, . Persian Lawn and Linens, Tucking and all our Embroideries. ursion. rTHE LADIES OF THE FIFTH STREET M. E. nTITTRnir will MtA nn V.-rnr-Bnn secure, we are surprised. The' judicious the, 8eamer passpout to sm'ituvillk expenditure of that unexpended balance isth. Refreshments win bo on sale' at city rf ftlRfl nOO nnn d hnvo hPPn r,f xttt fXiCD 1Ui "P ou cenw. cnuaren w w v w w a m j w www v j great value to our city and State and In pi naif price. Boat leaves Market Dock at 9 . would have furnished such an abundant testimony of the importance of the work that Col. Green would have met with no remonstrance at almost any amount he might have asked for. The wonder to us is that he was. able to ob tain a farthin . m. . sharp. .jane 14 2t sat tu 3,000 Yards Remnant Embroideries, Cheap ! " Star copy sun, toes Another large consignment of Sash, oors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t iUQtice. 'I 'HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUAH- itied as administrator on the estate of J. C. Myers, deceased, on the 14th dav of Jane. 1884, in the Superior Court of New Hanover iounty, nouce is nereby given to all persons Indebted to said deceased to make Immediate payment, and all persons having claims against bitiu estate win present ineni ior navment on or before the 14th day ot Junc, 1885, or thi3 o a annlulnrv r iKAmcaYraa f Jrf rra in ; . . - . In , u j Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just wm be plead in bar of their recovery ten, nor one in twenty, we'll be bound. I . , . x. T1 i r a This 14th day of June, 1884. There may bo a-few, but the number will be dismally small, and we should bo tempted to take even their words for june 14 lawow GEO. B. MYERS. Administrator Church Services To-Morrow St. John's Church, corner Third and Red j. :u .:-.i.iinri, tu Cross streets. Rev. James Carmichael. D. D. it Ulth some grams ot allowance. There ltor. First Sunday after Trinity, June 15, is so much that is selfish, unerateful ioiy communion ai a. m Morn In Prarsr at II rtVlnr.k. Snnihir R.hrknl at H 1 . 1 I - J " " anu perversely wicsea in poor numan (o'clock, p. m. Evening irayer ate o'clock ifortably Music In tho Air Excursion. As will bo seen by reference to Tc is-jn air concert at tho City Hall ad vert i ling columns, the I-anies of tl n-clut evening was well attended FflQ Street M. E. Chruch will give a tad u not beca for tho rudeness Jlot of thoughtlc&t boys, would -uctaa dchshtful entertainment k?;e asHnublazc of listener. our the an excursion on Che Fitssport to Smithville and Fort, on Wednesday next. There will undoubtedly be a largo party as thoso ladies know iust how to make their excursions plcasantand agreeable. Opeuiu Ball. Tho opening ball al the Scaido Park Hotel will take place on next Friday eveninr. tho COth inst. The manage ment extends a cordial invitation to all mests'of the hotel and friends and en- Bleectoa wcrc excellent, tho parts t:i eU balanced, the time and bar. JS -d aud the pieces were well l--Ou!. Ttc club is an honor to our , I' tc: cily on account of the muiical -which it is composed, bat be i taembers arc amoilg the 'it b,;. """" .I tertainmcct will bo protideJ for all vis; Tb: o;u iiable occ35sion tu c.. tret delight td bundcrcds of oar . rJti lsJ wo hope that they may bo KxnorU Forcitru. during the season. Io Gcr. barque MUinlic, Schering, clear- r atothe confoiion made by tho cd tc-day for Bristol, Eng.. with 1.750 U,.'.. tTcr-icg. we are glad to ray casks pirits turpentine and 1.IC3 bar- fll,'t:fctat0bel,lcre4olto1 b0'Uh reU rosin, valncd at $25,675. shipped fcKeJ i ra,her exhabranl,T manir by Mcsrsa. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Brig cm from am design or wiih Clara Jlcllc, Branscom, cleared for Hcx"1'. XV like lo at Aspinwall with 1 023 creosoted rai.Toad iLv"' but we d:'!ike to se them, ties and 213 croosoted pilingf. valued at fw.!.V:vniljonilJcflheiryoQlb 10 S3.407J.shioped by Messrs. Nortnrop cuiMUVea as tO C3.ni in. t.ru.M:...m.i :n .tnln n PTivtHt forhzo aaiounting to $20,062.30, to other jSj.atlSc?fr !?5 Everybody in want of Taints, White rpaAied and aU for fifty J Glast &c. should go to JacodiV First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Firth streets, liev. x. 11. iTHcnara, u. u. pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 8.15 p. m conducteu by itev. j at 4 p. m. Prayer at 8.15 o cloct. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of I Sixth and Market streets. Kev. F. w. E. Pes ha vo decided lv tho advantage as voulchau. Pastor. English services at II o'clock. I n -l m f Q n'finh- r m 1tt Pan TlTm uuiy tuuiu uuo uu iucj wuuh iubuj, i stoudemire. sunaay scuooi at v.so a.m. w. 1L Strauss, Superintenaent. nature that to be real good all the time is real hard work, and "don't you fori get it." You may be good in your own estimation, but whether others will think so is a question, and those others and the majority will rule in such mat. tcrs as they do in everything else. We reckon that some -of you have been passably good and that is about all. with a ticht squeeze for even that. To ba real good all the time requires more ng at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even patience, more self-denial and morerg"'oclocf; OPENING BALL AT THE SEA SIDE PARK HOTEL, Will take plicc next r EVENING, JUNE 20th, 1884. All guests of the Hotel and friends are cor dially In vltel to attend. Entertainment for all visitors, june 14 tf Our Dr. N. Robinson, -T71BOM BLADEN, HAS ARRIVED. Also, a Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Prayer meet- lag services t 11 a. m. No service at night. Sabbath scnooi at p.m. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. VV. I. Hull, Pastor. anas Extra Jobs In Silk Sash Ribbon, Black and Col- ored Silks. Besides a Complete Assortment of AND i-.'-v-.. FANCY DEESS GOODS. All at Very Low Prices, AT-;'. fl3. n3. KATZ 116 Marker St. may 19 ........ , Ulaine & Logan. T1 HEIR NOMINATION DOES NOT BE1I consiaeraiion ior mo icenngs, wisnes Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Dr. E. A. and desires of others than we. poor, selfish mortals, arc apt to bestow. We have so many inclinations so many pet hobbies and fancies of our own to nourish that wn don t take time to imagine that there are others in just the same fix as ourselves, and who are choice Goods from New York, Philadelphia, Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Uiitimore, and many more are expected. The I to give general satisfaction to tho Eenublicana Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. ra., W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after rirst and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. Religious services in Tiles ton Upper Room every Sunday at 3 P M. Public cordially in Seamen's Bethel, Dock between Water and throughout the country there secri to bo a disposition to bolt. Let 'cm rip. The conntrr entiled to just as mauy opinions .and Front streets. Capt W. J. Potter, Mlaslona ... i,r r .j I ry to the Seamen. Services every Sunday at Dnviiezes as we are. we nave do iaea iift.so a. m and 4.30 p. m. oeamea ana au of a compromise with anybody or any thing and arc so outrageously seiGsh that goodness is so far below par that it is hardly quotable. m The fact is, wo don't believe the con pie t which we others are cordially invitca. Seats free. Part ot the service will be In Norwegian, conducted by Capt. Chiisdansen. . St Thomas Pro-CathedraL First Mass at 1 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock p in . Daily il.ss ci 60 am. Christ Church (Congregaaonallst)Nun street, arrived and the "Old Folks" cm come in on the more substantial in the same line. We have a small stock of choice N. C. Meat. S. C tenU and I. X. L. Hams. Strip), a. C. Miould- er3. Dried Beef. Ac Notwithstanding the decline in Suzs.tr we are selling as' low a they can be bought eUe-where.. We can sell the vent best Familv Flour at AT T r. A 1 t . 1 . 1 a . june 14 IT r. G. 4 N, ROBINSON. tar copy tuts will be rerfectlr safe aa lone aa McGOWAN sells the best and the coolest Beer In the city at a cents a glaes. And don't forget It Is tae only place in the city where you can get that four year old Clemmer Whiskey. june 11 At Three Cento. have taken as a text is very applicable I between sixth and Seventh. Ucv. D.D.Dodge to your particular case. Wo would be s Qci6ck, p. m. Pastor's Bible class irlid tn sraak diffiirentlv but with a at lx.15 p. in, Prayer and Praise, meeung, giaa 10 speak uiuerenuy. oui wun 1 Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p.m. Sunday school, George U ashington Virtue Which can- 3 o'clock, p. m., In Memorial Hall, cornr 7th not tell a lie, we are bound to say that aIseco?SBapUst Church, on sixta, utween wc don't believe yon are any v t) tA WamIaas a 1 1 a w- An1 4k n m Willi than you oaght to be. There. is a grand dy school at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every chance for improvement, and wo ad, " . . f vise you all to try jour luck At being j and Campbell streets, A. M. Conway, paator. m;w;t iusu juu oif"uv ici twi I m. e. a. ocnooi at 1 p. m at trrwJ a th limM and the condition r.w tu ' . win I We have received a communication bo a tooga job we know. bat there a bo f ' T , fpint f;ftTern. dancer of your dying from oyenrorK, 1 orv The sentiment all over the State, however, is overwhelmingly lor ilaj. S ted man, and we think it best and slruggla as bard as you may. Now is the time to give Smith's Wprza proper that be should be nominated by , Oil. . ' - ly Q-tt I acclamation. Jtayaiccuic voserver The Druggist. Man's next best friend la the druggist , H mitigates life's ill, He sella a2plasters for oor bact s, And oar prescriptions fill. When we go mopln j 'round about With any kind of pa!n. He's quick to find a panacea That makes us well again. If there's no money In cur purse, There's kindness in his heart. He'll with com pass ion case our pal a In peace let cs depart. Such Is the drurgUt yon will meet. At least such I have met, Yoa ask their name? Well, these are ihcy, Munds Bros. & DeRosset. June 13 W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attornevs-at-Law. Of2c S. E. Ccr. Prlnecaa'anelater St. Jan? --. J-EW YORK HERALDS WJLL BE80ID frim tbU date at THREE CENTS.- SUNDAY HERALD at FIVE CENT?. ' AT ; . : ;:' . ' HEINSBERGER'S, june 10 Uve Book, and Untie gton Daring tho Campaign. yy-E Willi FURNISH 5E.V YORK TA- PER3 at the followlrg: piicca : , . HERALD, (Including f and ij) per week isc. . times, - - v rc. TRIBUSE, ; . f. 2. WORLD, . - : . 7 23c. SU2T, V : 20c V YATES IS O OK STOKC,' : ;jTn3 9 . t. . larkctttrccfV I IO gvfc DC51 quaiiuea ouu juhm i