TULLES JTQTICTL : , jOSH T. JAMES, gprroi un raoratxro. -airnoss roaTAGK paid. ,Cf SSt 51x aU. fl Tart si co: Ob ooalh, ceau. i 1 t W'"1 b carrier, free r f1"? pan of tb dtf. t crsu fT -reek. ... thrtr wir rejrularly. At tow faryerf IJYfc arUuyru of any newspaper -"yiwr Nr-'tTt Mnsi'sDUitnt oi Sash. i lil.nJ t factor! price, just titfd at J.w.ur.l3 IUriware I)groLt " I- rrT ,ucn l'e Cleveland. ivKkan ratification race t ings are b-jsin,: much up Noilh. p , ne i.ruoru will sweep the cleaner .. I ' I- I. t- tiarultn mu;:un U supposed to be very IVes-:'' that the Ubcral Denuc- this Mate .arc all r H " ' 1 ' ' , . .... .. .. : ,? r.; :? VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. 'JUNE 21, 1884. NO. 148 Statistics of tbo population of the I Italian Kingdom for the year 1881 show that in a century tho population has doubled. Further facts t hown arc that anions youns men Irom 20 to 25 years of ajre the number of the illiterate is 17 (O per cent, of the population. Amonlbo whole population the pro portion is 67 compared to 73 in the pre vious census. rJj t b 'Ml (or Blaine. c Ma'.Isiaa leitcrs .,a Ol l i'pu untau wiil not form T: sf port. pv.3 Drrturc Ibis year ItiiuiJtUt Jay Gould has abtn tiie ia of a voyage around the m,t A aaJ bas ci'eo his lamous yacht .iM.'n.' to his or CIerRC. leoftbeoMct cities in the coun- ... ytrk. M . On; of the newest il: ui!;can in tbc cc uniry is York of y r.h Crtlin. Bo?h are unimpor-ts::- 1 1 S.j3cr Salvia., ibe trasedian.is Laui. tdiaaNew'Yoik iournal as the happy ca ia a mtJ.lmj: at which his ioriuer K!rmf.n. Miss Ailtlo IkUarde. is to f fitt si th briJc. I: "i si:J bj some ol his enthusiastic tiairrrs thai H'.aino will sweep tbo c-actry. bat i: Uks to us as though h.n,Ul Irootn wi Ue worn out before he jtf ibro-jh Connecticut. The ex-inz and Queen of NapUs rccttre a fortune of over a million tUrrliog under the will of the Empress Iow;crof Austria. It will be very welcome, f jt they bare been in needy circumiusccs. Mhi Anna Laurens Dawef, , a thsf sterol Seas tor Dawe( advocates a Jewish S:ate in Palestine. She praxes tte Intellectuality of the people. slJ she ficJsttat in statecraft, that :t Jew bai done brilliant things. It is said that Manager Abbey has in trttfd in 10.000 medallions of Henry Irtiz: and Miss Terry, which be in :m!s to .". to admiring America n. A L:cAm artist designed the portraits fnah:ch the medallions are to be cut. Mr. K. T. Boykin, of Sampson, is not a canlidate lor the nomination for Con gress Icom the Third district. The Clinton Caucasian says : Mr. K. T. Boy kin is now absent al Pcnrfcr Superior Court. Wc understand thai on Saturday at tho county conveniion many of his friends approached him with reference to his cindidacv for Congress, and that bo then stated rhat he was not then and had not been I a candidate for Congress at the Iiurgaw convention. Seaside Park Wrighlsyflle Sound was the direction in which a large number of our citizens travelled yesterday, and the Seaside Fark Hotel was the objective 'point. Every sort of suitable conveyance -'to be had in the city was put in requisi tion to convey those who desjred to be in attendance and witness the attrac tion at the Sound, and it was estimat ed that at least 500 people "were pres ent. The first attraction presented for the occasion was a match game of base ball between tho Seaside Park and theT Old North' Stale Nines. The came was called at about half post 4 o'clock, 'and resulted in a victory for the Seaside Club, in a score of 30 to 13 for the Old North Slate Club. As was announced, the Cornel Con Grand Demonstration of the Opening of the Cape Fear & auktn Valley Kailroad at Greensboro Distinguished Uleu from all Sections of the State Present?; : r iSpecl&l Corr. Daily Ejsview.) ; ? , Cueensbouo. N. C, June 10, 84. . With the arrival of tho, train last night commenced tho pouring in of tho people, ana by U o'clock, A. M. tc-day ait mo excursion -trains had arrived bringing, between two and three Ihou sand people, from almost every section of the State.. . At 12 M.. the vast assemblage and it was maeea vast assemoieu at a beautiful grove near the depots ot the different railroads to hear the address ot welcome and speeches by the various distinguished gentlemen present. The address of welcome wa3 delivcr- n rl Kt (fint trtio anH trinrl Tr,r-i V -, . cert Club went down and enlivened the liQian Ja(JzQ John II Gilmore. and it Ai n r,;i-.v- . pnni,.inn occasion oy a concert in me ravuuon, was a graceiui ana oeautilul etlort. I I " I 1 t J I Al!nl!ntT rf 11 rrtTia linnlnnon lli.AnAlinf it i niLfr wmnn 1 1 1 n f i n f w&s Devlin ana ouuuus taukuivujuuuiausu miuuuuui. ell I . . . I TnHrrn lilmnra than in hahatf was kept up unti about 2 o'clock this -.'.Jr -V , , . r reception committee, introduced morniD2- Governor Thomas J.' Jarvis. who came forward and delivered one of his - THE C. P. & Y. V. K. JK. tion, in Washington Territory, a I& feet deep va dug to supply water for the locomotives. An abundant sup ply was obtained, but the well has one remarkable peculiarity. In digging the last fifty feet the workmen had to wear thick clothing and wrap their feet and legs in gunny bugs to keep tbem from freezing, although the men above ground worked in their shirt sleeves ater left over night in the bucket wouM freeze. Tbo water in the well does not congeal because it Hows too fast. Teli?ranh and Railroad Meet- very best efforts, replete with statistical I information as to the construction of lug. the various railroads during his admin- r... tiT-i . p xxt istration. North Carolina has no truer me trnmiDgion. umwn i "v 8on to her interests than Thomas J lelcgraph Company held its first an- Jarvis At the conclusion of this nual meetinir at Clinton on Wednesd a v speech, Judge Gilmore intioduced our tKa rrt o th srotrv nri esteemed Senator.1 Hon. Zeb. B. Vance, . , r . J who made a most admirable speech, Areasurer, aix. v. u. raison. was Yarvtng it with his inimitable wit and submitted and showed a lavorable re- good humor, and eliciting the ap suit of the first year's work. There Plause which always follows his t k . roir tn m0 lino Hnrinrr speeches. It was listened to thiouAout . . . " with the most earnest attention. tne year. I fie oia lioara ot uiretors Judge Gilmore said, as several of the was reelected, and also tho officers, as distinguished gentlemen who had been fr,iirt,. invited were prevented from attending. n x' t rr x i and on looking around he saw-such ejnuciii"-it . . uuuu3um an array of talent, could not himself Secretary and Treasurer W. L. say which to select from, but would Faison. leave to the audience that duty. Atahis Superintendent-F. W. Foster. Co1- Dancan K. McRae of Wilmmgtbo The business of the Telegraph Com- to the front and made one. Qt tbe begt pany having been concluded, at me speeches of tbe occasion; without mean suggestion of E. T. Boykin, Esq., the ing to detract one iota Irora the other vailrorl uisuuguisneu genueiiien wuu procceuea la 111 U ttU I . n i n c l , i uiui. a.vi speeuu was uriuiiuii ot urn cause he was afraid he might not get raET: BUU 1110 " uu"w" . V . . Vs.ual a ewtl AHmor; M wa? u'm mrnitf i i.- nri - m from Warsaw to uunton was auvocaieu iouowea oy;i reasurer w onn, in a snoi t his money-back, and. we may add, -i,t v. n , but well conceived SDeech. admonishinff thissortof fear has worried a good "J . J ? our DeoDle to be moie self-reliant, and many endorsers of bad notes in tho seems, out ecnoea tne senumcnis oi me more good woaW ensue Dn Wortn t .i0 tMtW c; fh meeung.- jlub puopiu un bhuuSij u was iouowea oy uoi. x. jm. iioic, oi ' ' If.- rU -A.M . n,l aonma I A la monpa i i n n thnrh nnf vrv hi rrh I tr now that the Wabash Company is in al t u eratifving speech. We did notknow receiver's hands, the receiver will issue UOUUb lfc u" au7 5ur esteemed friend was a speaking certiCcates" for these $2,000,000 of ina2a ai aa ear uaJ- 111 iaci auu man. but his trumpet tongue, gave no It seems that Jay Gould. Sidney Pillion, Uossell Sa?o and Solon lfnmnhrvi iv nn hnnt C9 OfVI Ofirt n paper of the Wabash Company. That paper has been coming duo for two weeks now. and tho endorsers decline to take it op. This gave rise to the rumor in New York that Gould was broken financially, but the story is itanifwl Tt ia nnitrclv nid ihtt. Afr . j - i . i i !,..if Gould declined to ray the notes beHassemD,y 1 . V v: -i-..t I meeting and the construction of noU9. and they win men como in ahead oi the mortgages. Thts is cheer ful news for the bondholders. iu'uta Massachusetts girls arc about Mcsdertake a tramp ot 300 miles in tta AJ.rocdacks. Somebody has been ;:rlethes somo exaggerated pointers itcc: the number ot unnprried men to hire taken to the woods. Ia reply to a report that be had said tf Vi. MVc have no animosity to vi Blaipe. Mr. Keplery writes : "Tit course of luck has been shaped t-y b a sense of pablic duty and while i tjveoo personal malico toward Mr. we feel ourselves bound to op. P Lis candidacy.' Cos jressmaa Rockwell of Massachu tij, hu identifled thennnamed por irCl aaccs the pictures of the Spcs k- tn ol the House ia tbe lobby behind tie House of Representatives in Wash ira ai that of Theodore Sedgwick ef Massachusetts, who was speaker froa December. 17W, to March. 1501. A Parliamentary paper, devoted to iis from starvation and deaths ac eertud by privation in London for Jear 1S33, shows that 4 1 such deaths -ace ia the several districts. Oi 'J. 2 occurred in the Eastern W-oaof MiddJesex dUuict and 14 iatU Central divaion uf Middlesex -nct. LOCAL NEWS. 1MCU TO BEW ADVERTISEMEHTS. AtUnllon Fire nn an EIuxsbkbgcb A Tbree CenU J O Oiaa Notice toTaxpajcrs C W Tatxs Darin the Campaign r C Miller JiUon' Imporicl Candr MU5DS B&-J&. A DkUorset The DnisUt No City Court to-day. scriptions wero offered on the spot. . uncertain sound and his speech was highly appfeciatea. Th!a nnnnlnrlorl fKin annal'inn1 at tlia CloslDjr exercises. grove and until after the banquet. Tho Capo Fear Academy closed its The town of Fayetteville suspend- e eventh session yesterday. The exam- eu o8iU?B auu "4 "ei e10Hmu.w9luujHiua,. luo lawyers, doctors and railroad men are mation of the classes has been going on nere hc Beaver Creek and Bluff for the past week tho pupils have ac Mills suspended too, and are represent invitation and reception the writer was placed under many obligations, and the 19Lh of June will be a day long re membered by those fortune e'noocrh to w De present. M.P.T, Mayor Hall "in Newbern. The Newbern Journal has th6 follow ing pleasant references to .Col. E. P. Hall, Mayor of this city, in connection with his recent visit to Newbern with the firemen: J "I have met the Mayor before." I was the almost universal announcement from any and every one who was intro duced to bim while here. Well, this migttt be; the Mayor was with,' U3 at the railroad celebration, in 1858 as captain of the crack company; , qu that occasion, the Wilmington Light Infantry. Again in 1661 he wasamong ns as major of Hall's Battalion and assigned to duty in Hyde county ;in supreme command of that important section. Counting the militia actually io .seryiee his "battalion" was much larger than a division at a later Deriod of the war. Then lie "was here as major of the immortal Seyenth, and stood guard at the old Claremont bridge to see the boys all safely over after a hard contest with Gen, Burnside below. From that time, as coloneV of the Forty-sixth Regiment; he was in V lrgmia. where occasionally he seen by our boys. In 1868, when tae Republican party made the first effort to seize the State government by means of the ballot, through manipulation toG tedious and too od ous to mention in' this connec tion. Col. Hali was placed on the Con servative ticket for the . position ot Lieut. Governor, with the gallant Ashe for Governor. The Mayor was again with u3, his tall, manly lorm erect, his txcm 6tWcais oa aay'ihil all r:tscta reMrallatercstDut " a . ' ' Taa name ol the wxliex enst always be Jabcd to the Editor. - -3 lOoffinrcalcaiions nmst lbe trri:tf ca cat, owsldeox the' paiir.; : I'orsoiiaHaeaiattatbe'avcaijd.; ; . .AaditUcapecUni aad psxtlcabi'ly jtVer stood that tbe EUlto, doe., not aiwajVeCoi so the views of correspondeats ualeai :so Vutc totheadltorlaloliunaa. ? - .-.-j OBITUARY. t,-M ROBINSOV . Tit In lhii t.a ni KODKBT PEIMST-Jgrt axeiSlid l5 Zon len of Kran I anU Emma KoMoson. ,..-! buds phickcd from tlie tree f: - ZZL V.116? flowP from tne ueat, - , i Two little tlarllntrs snatched ' i rem a fond motlier breast. v.i.'i r-, I T,wo top anow white UmtM , , ; Oonc from the sheltcrta fold: Two little narrow graves. 1 a Vevrn la tho graveyard cold. , :' ' r . - J . T v iK...i Two little AercU more , , , Sinslnwtth voices an cet, " llntlDKttielrcrt)wtif roU 2Z,i' Down at their Savlouraf ecu , '1 Free from aH earthly care,4 ' JCF 'f0 aU eartniy atiW . V.; j Oh, who could wish them hack In this drear world again ?-N,t ip. ;,NJ5W AD VTISiaiENTS. iJotico tp.;xpaerkr rjIHE TIME 13? EAPJDLY PASSING! IN which to list rour Taxes, Wttcr o b at once than to wlah you had, as I have no anthorlty to grant lndulgendcs. jane 21 It J. G. BURR,' ; , Tax Lister Attention : firemen' I I ELLOW CITIZENS, LADIES AXO.CSEN- tlemtn ! Now that xou havn rrfurrn.t was from JS'ewbern covrrod Ml over with alorr. ; c,; a?? enJy tbe- &o 6rwc 'and cat Plli Mill. We are prebarcd to furnish board by the day, week or month at reasonable rates. , , W1LSO MANNING. june21 It M. FJ.KTCIIER MANNING. For Rent; Apply at Store 210 Market streef. June 20 2t . JAMES W. COXOLBiT. At Th ree Ce n t g. N EW YORK I1E1IALD3 WILL BK SOLD rinAT DESIUABL1J HOUSE, cor-'. - V . m rr m a 1 neroi jditq ana unestcut streeta.k (known as the Holmes House), from stem but eloquent voice proclaiming J.ulv 1 to October 1, i8S4. One of the irom tho rostrum, ns tho mas pr n "u.v" VUD an imperilled ship from the quarter deck; he called in tho most encouraging tones for every man to stand by the post of duty and manfully maintain the dignity with which God had endowed hiua until the storm clouds of recon struction be past and the .hurricane ol fanaticism should exbaust itself, and ail would be well. Few men, if any, did more in thaLdark Deriod of the Stain's history to counsel with wisdom and from this date at THIiEE CENTS. encourage witn trutn man uoi. na. ward D. Hall, of Wilmington. For these reasons, added to the fact that he is a most genial aed courteous gentle man, it need not surprise our Wilming ton neighbors to learn that wo almost t ? 1 . 1 t ciaim mm as one 01 us, ana mat our citizens vie withtbem in tho estimation of his sterling worth. Our types yesterday put; him back to th rank of major, but then that may be because we have some old vets" on the case, and they were thinking of the bloody past. The Mayor leu yesterday for homo. t r ' 1 Hi .1 tr, SUNDAY IIERALD at FIVE CENTfii AT . , . HEINSBERGER'Sj junoXO ' Lrve B00V and iliulc Stows. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCIIO.VT M.CRQNLY,. Auctioneer; 1 BY CBONLY A MOBEI3. taking with him thTgood wishes of aU Monday next. 23d Inst., at . 12 o'etock, our citizens and the earnest wish that M., we will sell at Exchange Corner: that vrrv aMr.fAl.V& l 1 1 w ' -iif,v:j .. lVr , quitted themselves more satisfactorily ed here to-day. Fayetteville has poured ki- tk: ,c0: ua into Greeensboro her business and pro- tnan ever before. This session has fessional men and ,eft the womcn been the most successful one whici the folks to look after the town and busi school has enjoyed, there having been I ness. 73 pupils enrolled. the banquet and ball at the bi,n- After some very pleasant exercises in At 8 d m a maeniffi'cent banouet There was one interment in llellevue declamation by the pupils.Prol. Catlett, waa served in the 'dining room of Cemetery this week, that ol a child. me frincpai. aaaressea tne young men ne i,enoo w wuu : upon the great essentials or a business iu" , . TiJTsJw 'IaLw. There were lour interments in Oak- Lharter, nanctnalitv. onatan J to"4 iSIlfe u 1 . . 1 II 1 1 I a -I 1 QtJ VfUCilSlUil-- IMSIWUUUU t-J UV. .Uli dale Cemetery this week, all Children. Uflflnrlanrnnondutv .indenendeneft and nnnrn K MoRar. Fullest assortment o! Fishing Tackle self-reliance, closing with sound advice The White City of tho Mountains which it would be well for all to follow) "?fsve ff X' AR?nftn,n hv Tho report was then read as follows: Mr. B. G. Worth and lion. A. H Van- Tho highest attainments in classes Bokkelen. made by each pupii is in the order of Lklayett?I,Tl o lf;eensDDoro ; Uur can be found at Jacoiu' 3. t Thero were six interment in Pine Forest Cemetery this week; three adults and three children. A Soc Carolina family has offered lt .lirocrh Mr. Thorn aa Halliard. f Losdoo, tij bead. DJ Copley, in jcej cccdition and good cxamplej y anut. They are porlraiU of WiUlia Campbell, last British yrscr ol South Carolioa, Lady Campbell, and a relatite. Mrs. Vdaa Campbell cee Izard. Copley ra tt Boston in 1737. In 1774 be JJ ia London, Englandand became "oas as Ea historical and portrait In 17S3 he was elected a mcm rf l 1110 Jad Academy, and died in 5". Hi ion. John Singleton Copley, tard became Ixrd Chancellor ol Jand under the Utlcol Lord Lynd r. The Fictnret have bn in the Povtssioa el tbe family now owning U,a roca they were firtt painted. Kow UthatiaetoiivaSxaith'a Worm lj drw Mr. J. C. Chase, Superintendent of the Clarendon Water Works, has gone North to be absent about 10 days. issued three one of The Register of Deeds marriage licences this week, which was for a white couple and two for colored couples. their names: Second class. Jno. C. Heycr, Jr., J. C. Lumsden, Jr. Third class. E. P. Cowan. H. H. Parslcs.A. J. Howell. Jr., N. Rosen thal, J. D. Bellamy, Jr., J. Jacobi, G. Harr. Fourth class. W. W. Smith, C. J. t A. Blomme. Jas. L. DeRosset, J. W. Wo invito tho attention of urcitizens Keen, Geo. Ilowell, R. Bellamy, Willie to the fact that first quality shirts are Kordlander, Wm. N. Bowden, Jr., being made to order at one dollar at the Sigmund Bear. ' j Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt. Personal. Prof. M. C. S. Noble arrived in tho city last night, having completed his labors at tho Goldsboro Graded Schcclt at Goldsboro. 'He went to Smithville on tho IVssport to-day. For Fayetteville. The bag ol Confederate corn which was sold at the Produce Exchange yes terday, was purchased by Mr. Wm. M. Cu mining, who has sent it td Fay. etteville. where it will Introductory class. First Pi vision. C. S. Graineer. R. L. Meadows. A. L. DeRosset, Jr., A. II . Harris, Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr. Second Division Norwood Smith, T. A. Heide. Eddie David. Reid Wil liams, II. Oldcnbnttel, E. A. McKoy. Julius P. Taylor. Willie Hodges,-X Dream olJUnionaReality-r-Rcsponse by W. A. Guthrie. The Dan, the Deep, tho Cape Fear and the Yadkin Response byt C. B. Watson. The Locomotive Response by J. W. Reid. Josenh Caldwell, Arch. D. Murphy and John M..Morehead Response by Oar Jadiciary Responsa by Hon. Thos. S. Kenan. a Our Agriculturists itesponse oy a . Robbins. .1 Oar Manufacturers and Miners Re sponse by W. W. King. The Press Kesponse by Henry A. London. ? - - The C. F. & Y. V.: Another Link Between the East and West Response by Theo. W. Pool. Oar Twin-Sisters Response by J. C. Baxton. The Old North State Response by Gov- T. J. Jarvis. These were followed by volunteer teasts and responses by different gen- he inay come again and bring his jewels desirable and valuable With him. r j 9 oiVDV -lWmrr- nrrrr t i situated ujoa tho S. W. Intersection or Front the firemen- Cliurcli Services To-Morrow. St. John's. Church, corner Third and Bed ?Jitn Frlncees streets, at; present occupied br cross streets, lie v. James Carmichacl. D. 1). V?Z.lu iraniinz zj,iees upon Jfront Itector. First tccond after Trinity, June 22. seianu jw5 upon imnccss street, and run 1SS. Holy Communion at 7.80 a. m. Morn tnj?from Prlncoss street with a width of 19 Ing Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 5 Ieci mencs to swing's Alley 93 feet. , First Baptist Churcli, corner of Market and f;- ALSO. .. Tlutt valaablc wharf nronrtv nn-n Vat side of the tiver. adjoining the" property of Mr. A. Martin (located npoa cauaoway) and bounded aa follows: ' - On the North by the propertT. of Ai Martin. and ihe causeway road, on the East by Cst e. chau, Faster. German services at 11 o'clock, chiaon an(fon lne We8t bBrunswlck coiinty: a.m. KnprUsh services at Sum. Sunday I ihD,ra. ur, rt o7 JL?k,w'Z"I.I wia-nao, "u.m i jta j. 3 jiH in Block SU7. Mvvmllnir ta thn Fifth streets. Kev. T. U.'Pritchard. J. 1. pastor. Services at 11 a. m.. and 8.J5 p. m. aunday Scho 1 at 4 p.m. Prayer and 1'raicC mceting Thursday night at b.lo o'clock. St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, lie v. r. w. E. Pes- m. W. JI. Solomon. J. W. Keen has never been tardy or tlemen present. -i .L.: i .: .mi I xliE uua.hu ualu ,UK.U .u,. S""LO c.f n at Benbow House, the received only one dement. bantv from nil nart nf North Carolina Prof . Catlett is a most accomplished and Virginia was represented in the t- j r-l tprhpr. i df7rtMl in his nnhlfl nro-1 persons of their lovely daughters. It uo wuereu iui -1 ; i i z .,cf lession and we arc glad to know that J J" t Z; School at 9.20 a tendent. ofliciai plan of the city. Fifth StTcet M. Ji. Church, between unand Terms One-fourth cash, balance 1,1 and 3 Church streets, Kev. w. j. mm, pastor. I years wun 7 per cent, latjrest, payable semi Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; CLisa meet- annually. , June 10 Ct ng at a i. m. ; A'rayer meewng xnursuay even ng at 7Vfe o'clock. Front street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front and walnut streets, licv. i)r. tn. A. Yates. Pastor.' Services at 11 a. m. land 8 p m. saDDatn 6cnooi at a p. m., v. m. 1'arser. superintendent. 1 Prayer meeting and lecture wecmesaav evening as s o ciock. ennsuan Acoswrtatirtn' Tup.aflav evonlni? flftp.r first nl third Sabbaths, at s o'clock. 8eats free and HEEALD, (Including Suadiy) per week 25c.' strangers ana visitors corcuauy inviieu. During tho Campaign. yy-E WILI, FURXISU NEW YORK PA- PKKS at the followlcg prices : ( . - ' TIMES, . TRIBUNE, WORLD, SUN, I It J . K -ft 1 f ' YATES'BOOKSTORE, junc 9 v 119 Market Etrecf. Religious services In TUeston Upper Room every Sunday at 3 P M. Public cordially In vited. Seamen's Bethel, Dock between W ater an Front streets. Capt.-W. J. Potter, Missiona ry to the Seamen. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. Seamen and all others are cordially Inviteo. Seats free. Part of the service will be In Norwegian, conducted by Capt. Chilstiansen. St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. First 'Mass at 1 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock pm. Dally Mass at 6:30 am. cnrist cnurcntcngregauonausijun 8irccu Ma- m.h . u. ... betAveen Sixth and Seventh. Kev. D. D. Dodge, J 7 m" tl -a tes lTf cs ink uu1-' minister. Preaching services , at 11 fclock, a. Jle eiUui:plastrt foV our5 baci. - r-- - - 1 a. ii(i oar nr!mnLiAni ni i j t .... at 12.13 p. in. Prayer and Praise mefUutr. I i-n Wednesday." 8 o'clock, p.m. Sunday School. I v!.r.r . . .1- r nn any tma or pain. - andNunsts. -HF'innii-ktAiiiui.n.Mm 23c; 2Ce. V. The Druggist. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between 1 That makea ua well tU &ala in like manner and for the same - - - - . uwv wa. u i atavs aa i.a aaluwuuw vjuw v purpose that it was sold in Baltimore nis eCort8 nave o11 80 successful, ana rareiy it cver excelled in the State or and in this city. Additional Delegates. Mr. H. AlcL. Green, chairman of the County Convention, has appointed the fallow lor additional delegates to tbe we also are glad to know that they are highly appreciated by. the patrons of the Cape Fear Academy. anvwhere else One feature of tbe celebration worthy of note was the presence ot Maj. Dun can G. McRae, tbe first President of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Rail road, and Mr. John M. Rose, its first Trade-Marks and Patents. Prnm th Patent nr.rt Tnriocm ark Secretary aad Trcafbrer. Vatiooal Convention- F W Kerchner Office. Melbourne. Australia. Mr. d- The gocd rfople of Greensboro have national VOavenuoa. r. I .xvercuurr, I . ,,r r . I rvrtx-m) mr!o mr9t Uatinr mnn. i w tm 1 m ik iww"m w run 1 n w r nnn a 1 1 11 1 1 w- m m vm ww MMMk Josh T. J amcs. Samuel Uear, Jr.. hOQ5ch0id suffered with toothache and on cn tbe vast crowd assembled here Trhri f laar. Jru John G. OldenbUttcl. I rhnmtim nnA rtrmm rr roA fmm pHi-lfrom all t parts of the ' State, and the C. G. Soutberland. Alex. Adrian. John ately and quickly by the nse of St. Ja- "J6?1 of thA9 ' nll"?Z iliSf every bony who Mas been so lonunaie U. Strauss. August Duemclandt. Church hnd Castle streets, llcv. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. anas p. ra. bun day School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday nlsht. First Baptist cnurcn, tcoi.; corner 01 nun and Campbell streets. A. Al. wnwar, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m.. 3 p. m., ana 1 v. m. e. o. school at 1 p. m Headquarters OK FISIIIKO TACKLE, lit there's no money In cur purse, , 'J here' kindness In JtU heart. . - , He'll with compassion case our rata ' In peace let ua depart. 'i'-;sl n Such Ut'iodruxgUt yott will meet f At leat such I have met, . . . Yoa asa tnelr naaaca?-' WcV. these arc ily, . M utids Bros.' & DeRosset. AT W. E. SPRINGER & COS.. , " 19. tt and 23 Market Steet Tbe largest acd best assortment ever effered In this markeC lono la EXCURSIONS AND SOUND PABTJK9 ARE NOW THE order of tin day. Flihlnr at the ljcka" and th "lilackCsh Ground" U at lu best. iTIaklnw -MbkJ aiiul . Kerchner & Calaer Bros. I a2SJSSft!!&5 Jt-f e.4? wuuuAl Icurlo0. eUher down tnarlrer art thA vfin.t GROCERS AND COMMISSION Merclants, I call at MctaO WAN'S, anil ho will fix yoa ei. - Every iarmer ought 10 ges a "ooy 1. ne Loermometer lnuicaieu u Grgreea 1 tn carnB within hi rr.ich. and he Clipper Plow, greatest invention ol la this office at 2:50 o'clock this alter- made it a point to aeo that all trera thn a?e. . JACORI IS thO ACCIlt. t I DOOR. attended to. To the committee of oner for sale a fall line of FLOUR, 6UGAR, BACO, SALT, KICK, MEAL, - CORN, OATS, SNUFF, 84JDA, LYE STABCD7, CRACKERS. CANDT. HOOP IRON. GJAJE. NAILS. DUNGS, PAPER, BAG3, AXXX GSEAS2. POWDER, aU COFFEE, MOLAiSr-S, LAkD, HAY, POTASH, SOAP, .' ' CANDLES, RIVETS, MATCH E?; BUCKETS, TLE. Ae, All ths et xlera$ necesssry for the occalca. jgOYS AND GIRLS, YOU CAN GIT RICH acthig our fly, paper, M sijceLi". tl ; rctA'is aiScenu per ehtet . . . t ,ROC II. Y , rAPHH CO-i '. ...- . ...---., fc... 4, i. t-jjc i'o.th Ave., its? 131m : h CocicitW, K.'Y.