' I Trr rrealaX. aandays r II JAIL"?7'1 IEV TTt wd bs tDrsccfra TiTrtr'-it!? CrazaoTqrxr!sa&ioa jsayjaaa ail tshjieta Cc&eralXateratbat The tasae ci the wrisr rnxat aJmys ts ab&edtotadZk&toar. i ICoffiTtmnViinoai nrnxJ W witO' M til one aide of the paper. . . ; -. Aad Ills especUDy aad partlealarly tacer tood that the Editor fioea not always eadoiie Hie vlewa ox correspondent! tmYw go tutc hi the editorial eohaona. sept bT ' JOSH T.JAMES, anrroa ap rorxnrrom. m mvrrnns. wxMi. ism O rTt- ti 00: Oomolh,U caxt. ar m Anrtrl bT carriers tret 1 I J f5 . of the dry. U the abor Ts I9enx per week. T-- VOL. VIII. riy. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. JUNE 23, 1884. NO 149 rr TU Aiy Review has the largest ' Great damage is being done oq both . circulation of any newspaper tide of the Rio Grande by the overflow , VtLol in tied if Wilmington. --zr r . : 1 Texas, has been nearly destroyed. TT"pJ.re. a Frenchman, did uot , trcicl until aficrhe was 100 years The greatest distanco ever ridden on , i tu uei oftn to refer to the first a bicycle without dismounting Is stated u. k,T jcars of his life. ,J in a rcw minutes There arc some alligator cannot t alligator. Wt a man I York '" Friday. Inaie that even an , : n.xtla NcifiHe, the self-styled . ,.r Canada and the United c...,s tas been indicted in Toledo Gik. tj the grand jury, for bigamy. 7 r-.reed with having several jig - . -o- wires lifiar v.w York IlfcrM publishes Tig- cJ 0i tie "Pemocratio Presidential r-br for Chicago." and sticks In toe imurofMQinweu ijcoi; uauer. t.:. i.M co the ccntlcmcn whom it rrucps with him. Mb Msad Banks, daughter of Gen ..iv p Hints, rcccotlv made her the amatuer dra- ci-jc'stsze. Ia ber father a pretty rxl actor was spoiled to make a poor Tsi culture U exciting a good deal of ;.. in Louisiana, and a new - .-- intended to prepare the orasikct without waiting process of water rotting, has lectrd. tobs 230 miles and 409 yards. Thofcat was accomplished in London in 18SO. Nasiivii.lk. Tkxn The Daily IJorW, sajs: St. Jacobs Oil is hi-hly recommended by all bo hare tried it. I lis curali re proicrties are wonderful. LOCAL NEWS. IIDU TO IIW ADYERTISEISEITS. f HEitK-The Bee litre T C MiULra Conunlmm B 11 McLTlR Jeiwyi, Ac D A Smith WUow Shades IlKursBuoxx At Three CenU THOS C. Cxait, Agt-Furaltarc C W Tatx Darloic the Caapaln W B Srxrxoca & Co Hejulqtuirters MdocaALL A Bo ex Lap Robes Geo B racNCU & Sons Handsome Giua A McRcnigox Jret EeUuCUon P L Brizhjus & Co Scuppernong; Wine raBKU & Tatlor DriTC Well Pomps Mcxds Bros. Jt DrRosset Kx. Vanilla F W Claec. O P A For SUte Conrentlon Ixccrsiox Uowartl Relief Fire Koflse Company Mo. 1 ExcVKSIox Latlles Front St M. K. Church Organ Fund Society The Prize. The silver speaking trumpet, won by I the "little Giants in the recent com' pctitive trial oC engines at Newborn, was on exhibition to-day at Mr. Geo. llonuets lewclrv establishment, on Alarket street. It is a beautiful instru ment, and ono of which the Coin. puny has every reason to bo proud. Ladles Benevolent Society. The monthly meeting of the Ladies Bencrolent Socictj, called for early this month, being too thinly attended forth! lull transaction of business,it is earnest ly dejired that all the visitors and others interested should meet on Tuesday next, the 24th inst., at 5 o'clock, in Miss An nie Hart's school room, on Third street. This announcement is made at the re quest of the President. The Right Ticket. The Ladies of Front Street M. E. Church propose to give one of their usually enjoyable excursions down the river onWedncsday, the 25th inst. They will serve dinner on board. J-ast year I their tables were line. They propose now to have boiled ham, fried chicken, deviled crab, chicken salad, boiled tonguo-and all sorts of good things. Those who want a good day will do J erseys e NEW: AIVIT1SKMNTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ii at $1.50, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00. and 3.50. . . Jerseys Plain and Braided. LINEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS. . .- COLORED LAWNS IN GKEAT VARUTTV. Fullest assortment o! Fishing Tackle wcl1 10 go op Wednesday. can be found at Jacobi's. the been There was only one bale of cotton rc- fibre ceived at this port to-day. slow x,gg were aoiu ai six uozen lor a dollar this morning at some of in A New York sculptor has just ruiiJ a hat in da? of Mr. Blaino. morning grocery stores. our it has been one of those very dull nara via etaroa rrtpirstorj to reprouacing in pui; anJ not oblaincd Tte bast was modelled from me ana l esteruay was another hot day, but it did not hinder the presence of large congregations at the different churches. tie sculptor his a letter from Air. Kilna croriouncinz his work Satis factory. Father Beckx. for miny years past J.nere is a Dusn meeting in progress . .1 il A lL1.il. t - t . i t the rector cenersl. of the Society or loo.Aimeuc viuo urounus, at wnicn Jenus. has defioitclr retired therefrom . exercises arc kept up until nearly day- U h Baaxtdcd by Father Acderlady, Hght. voi. iw. ii. Aioore nas so isr recovcrea from bis late severe illness as to be upon our streets for a short time this afternoon. who haj already entered on the charge of his dalles. Father Beckx coir ninety years of age. Philadelphia consumes 72.COO.000 Cil'cs of witer per day, or abont two tirrtlsfor each man, woman and child a the city. The greater part of this wiUrU said to be wasted, and it is eitlsited that the supply Is sufficient lor a city of over 2.000,000 inhabitants. lid Bradley, at White Cloud. D&a;hia county, was on Saturday on her &h day of deliberate fasting. She ? . . ... . .. ujojearsoij ana the daughter ot a weo-to-do Englishman. On account of a qaxrrcl with her father, she has rc- Dr. E. W. Ward, of Onslow, is in the city to-day in attendance on the closing excrcisci of the St. James Seminary, where bis daughters aro at school. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. City Court. The first case for the Mayor's consid eration this morning was Louis Bour I jar, a sailor, who was charged with dis orderly conduct, lie was fined 5 for tho offence. James Bunk, also a sailor, for disor derly conduct, was fined $3. Jane Bunting and Elsie Buntijg, col ored, and mother and daughter, were charged with disorderly conduct on Saturday night. The former was dis charge and the latter was fined $5 for her offense. Thieves Work. Some time between 12 o'clock and 7 o'clock yesterday morning some scamp broke a pane ot glass in one of the win dows of Mr. J. F. A. Reaves1 5 and 10 cents store on South Second street, and stole such articles as could bo reached, the whole amounting to $3'or $4. Mr. Reaves has no idea as to who was the WHITE LAWN ROBES A few choice styles of recent importation, and at LOWER TRICES. FANCY MATTLNGS All Excelsior, at the cheapness. We are dkawixg ..- 4 trade from a distance by offering desirable goods cheap. 'Y- FINE,: EMBROIDERY received to-day. Who will see them first ? A few CARPETS left and they are cheap. : LACE CURTAINS at rock bottom prices. Turkish Bath Soap. R. Mi rJclTJTIRE. jnne 23, 1884 Would be the correct name for SHRIER'S ESTABLISHMENT. We are always busy from early morning 'till late at night, but last Saturday beat all previous days. Our lionest and square dealing is telling with the people. We guarantee to give to each and every patron fully .one hundred cents value in return for each and every one of your dollars, andj frequently much more. It makes no difference what inducements other houses may offer in the way of price?, we can always save you al least from 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar by deal ing with us. NEW AIVimTISElJI2rr3. u art ere JpOR risniNQ TACKLE, . -.. -: . ' at- 1 - : , W. E. SPRINGER A CO'S.. , - 19. 11 and 23 llarket Boeet TOO I arret I and brt unrlmr m-M inthlamirkct. "'Sr" ft r THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. Great Reduction IN PRICE OP MAJOLICA WARE at . w ILKa, MURCHISON'a. J one 23 109 and HI Mnrchtoon Clock. SCUPPERNONG WINE 81 Per Gallon. TyE HAVE A SMALL QUANTITY Of this Tf .-'" ;- f:.,.;,r;::cv- . ' line NATIVE WINE that wo are cloabg out at ONE DOLLAR PER GALLON. ' We can recommend it to be ' . , Pure, Sweet & Wholesome, with the fuU flaror of the grape.. We bough I It at a low flgure and propose to glye ' our cua tomers thebenellt of It. " ' There la no beverage more eoolln andrtp freshing a warm summer day than a first class arUcle of North Carolina Scuppernong " w ine witn a muo ice, and. there U no bercr- age as cheap that produces the satisfaction , In using this Wlncv Come at once. 1 obtained f 4 P. L. BRIDGEKS,&,'00. -ft June 23 HO North Front 8t. june 23 A grand family excursion will be given to Smith vi lie and the Forts on thief and had no knowledge that he had I Thursday next, 26th inst., on the steam been robbed until the fact of the broken er Passport, by the members of the window was called to his attention yes- Howard Belief Steam Fire Engine Co , tcrday morning. There seems to be nothing now in the ahapo of amusement until the Fourth of fexd to tat or f peak for over six weeks July, when'cyery body will want to go ... ,. "" out of town to hare fun. Aliens, writes a London correspoa"! , ia a rather tall, alight, frcsb-com- inero win oe an important meeting pUxioccd man whr. nnvrr info of the Seaside Park Base Ball'CIub, at rx?a or fOM tmt- hnl mlJirr flows in Messrs. Jno. W. Gordon & Smith's sal oat like a fresh breeze, ilearty and office, this evening at T-o'clock. J.. I " w.-oaTenwonai. a witty ana easy con- The Republicans of the Fifth Ward erutioaa!ist. he is a most agreeable win organize a IUaiuo and Logan club COTapamoo. tn-nirht Rt Ihn i mulr hnnA on Kinth i . i 1 i i m ueratire rote iu the ncprcKutatirca on the recommendation v Appropriation CommiUco to Boa-coccur in the Senate amendment The moon changed ' this morning at 19.minulca past 12 o'clock, but the rain so confideiitiv nrrdietd bv madv as a creasing the carrier service, will ena-1 consequence thereof has not yet arriv- e ice rostoffioo Department to enlarge ed. carrier force in tho seTcral cities by The additional force will be put a ia Joly Wi da not know that anr result will Wednesday, when tho closlnz exercises , fnehed at this session of Congress will bo held The examinations of the pupils of Misses Borr & James School are now in rrorrc3s and will continue until w rtxrd to Hon. W. J. Green's bill lisrenoTalof tho tax on tobacco ia4 oa ipirit distilled from fruit. Tho oiUer was brought up in the Demo crxUc caucus last Tuesday night by r. Tucker, of Virginia, who urged rtUl be taken up and passed. The hour of holding the Sunday School of the First Baptist church has been changed, and commencing next Sunday, it willconvcoeatUSO a. m., in stead of at 4 p. in., as heretofore. This weather suggests the importance y r ' " i odccii!oa see mi to hara been ar. I of thoroughly disinfecting all premises. r;Ttdsi. IlU6Xntedthatlfthe barU is to oftUDeTaocraUo candidate for 7!. Sphen J. Field ought not "worerlooked. He Is worth about 'tt.OOOacdhehaa two brothers who taocg the richest men in the coon- Cyras W. Held is ottea spoke ol J orth S20.000.000 and Dar id Dudley f-lU worth'aoywhere from $10, PQO.OCO to S3).000t000. Tketab-conmlttecoa arrangements J National Democratic Committee t tU tkketa of admluloo to the Jiiioaal Coorentloa at Chicago will be buted according to rtala rules. cannot be girca as a faror to any f Each delegate wiU hare six tick- toT distribution to the public Ap by newspapers for desk prir Js, it u auted, should be made prior back lots and stables in order to avoid disease. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care," is an axiom peculiarly adapted to the season, and we hope that it may be heeded. Tbo Chautauqua moyemeat has been extended to include the young folks. who already have a ''Reading Union." They are. now to haro an illustrated periodical of high character, which will be issued in July by tho Publishers of the far-famed Wide Awake magazine. D. Ixthrop & Co., Boston,- who will send it free for two months to ny of our readers who may request it. For Convention. Tbo following delegates to the State Convention will leave here for -Raleigh oato-nitht'a Carolina Central train: Mai. C. M. Stedmaa, Hon, S. U. Fisb,- blate acd Messrs. T. W. Strange and. J p. Lnmsdcn. The remainder of the delegates will not leave until to-mor. row night , ; Dividing tho Funds. News and Observer: On Thursday Hon. Geo. Davis and Col. S. L. Fre mont, of Wilmington, ;on the part ot the Diocese of East Carolina, and Col. W. . Anderson and Mr. R. H. Battle, on tne part or tne uioccse oi norm Carolina, together with the treasurers of the two dioceses, Mr. Chas. . John son and Dr. A. J. DeRosset, met in Raleigh bv appointment and divided the funds and securities of the undivided diocese of North Carolina equally be tween the two. A New Method. Mr. J. R.Turrentine, corner of Dock and South Water streets, showed us this morning the different stages through which wheat passes before it becomes flour, by a new patent process, recently invented. By the process the old-lashioned and time-honored mill stones are supersed and the flour is made bv passing through a series of rollers. There are 22 of these rollers through which the wheat consecutively passes until it is changed from the raw material to flour fitted for consumption. We saw samples ot it in every stage of preparation, and it was quite an inter esting exhibition. Col. Wad tie 1 1 In Juaurinbursr. The Laurinburg ExchanQ thus speaks of the address delivered in that town No. 1. Messrs. A. Adrian. J. G. L. Gieschen. J. G. Oldenbuttel and F. C. Miller form the committee of arrange ments and this statement is in itseii a guarantee that nothing will be left un done that will promote the comfort or the pleasure of their guests. Drive-Well Pamps, jgTOVJES, TIN WARE, REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOUEBS, ICQ CREAM FREEZERS, at PARKER A TAYLOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. june 83 At Three Cento. J-EW YORK HERALDS WILL BE SOLD from thla date at THREE CENTS. ' ' SUNDAY HERALD at FIVE CENTS. AT HEINSBERGER'S, june 23 Lire Book and lluato Stores. EnjoyaT)le Excursion Window Ghado TTVOWN TO J FORTS, on the Steamer The Art Amateur for July Gives an excellent design of Mountain Laurel for Tiles: a Thistle decoration for a Panel; a Virginia Creeper design for Screen Embroidery; a Hickory de- si ra for Renosse Brass: a design of Maple Leaves for Wood Carving; an rF the howab exquisite Ceiling Decoration of Cherubs, co . Ho l. by F. Boucher, printed in color, and a great variety of miscellaneous designs and sueeestions for art workers. The Paris Salon and the Paris Exhibition of Meisson'.er's works are reviewed in in detail and copiously illustrated, a rare engraving of "La Rixei" owned by Oueen Victoria, being especially note worthy. An invaluable feature of this number is the long and admirable ar tide, in the 'Modern Home" series, on the decoration and furnishing of the dininzrooxn. Price 35 cts. 4 a year Montague Marks, Publisher, 23 Union Square, N. x . The firemen delight yet to talk about the fun they had while at Newbern. suithville and the PASSPORT, on WEDNESDAY, the 25th. under the manage ment of tho Ladles' Front St. Church Organ Fund Society. No Baskets needed. Splendid dinner on board. Ice Cream, Ac , aU at city prices. Fare 53 cents ; children under li years 25 cents. Boat leaves at 9 o'clock, juno 23 2t Grand Family Excursion HOWARD BELIE r FIRE EN D. No 1. on the Steamer PASS. PORT, to Smith ille and the Forts, THURS- mja x , o une so. lo&t. Refreshments on board. Music by the Ital ian uarpers. xicaets soc; Chiidien 25c. Committee A Adrian, JG.L Gieschen, M. Rathien. J. G. Oldenbuttel. F. C. Miller. junc23 2tmw LAP ROBES. JN ENDLESS VARIETY. THE FINEST assortment of Trunks, Bags and batchels ever aTEW STOCK OF TRANSPARENT AND other styles, all new. Also new :arrlrals of PARLOR, " CHAMBER and -i DINLNQ ROOUj", i- rURNITURE. , Call and examine i prices and tenns. . D sinxiL june 23 Fumlturo Dealer, Front Street offered In this city. Saddles, Harness, Bug gles, Phsetons, Road Wasrons, Ac, at prices to suit the times. Trunks repaired bv the only practical trunk maker In the state. MCDOUGALL A BOWDEN, 114 North Frovt St. Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture 8 tore June 23 Every Farmer ought to get a "Boy CliDDer Plow.' greatest invention of the age. Jacori is the Agent. f IfEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A.M. Wad- High School on the 12th inst., by Hon dell, at the' Laurinburg Commencement: . Col. VYaddell was most happily intro duced by Mai. John D. Shaw, as the brave soldier, -the able Congressman. the eloquent orator and first Southern man invited to address the (J rand Army ot the Republic. After thanking the Munds Bros. & DeRosset, filunds Bros. & DeRosset, Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Manufacture a delicious Extract of Vanilla. Flavor your Ici Cream. Custards and Pastry with It And be made happy and contented. This Extract is used in the Ice Cream, which has given Major for his compliments, the COlonei nrMm w.t .ni-n reierreu to tne lacx inai no naa oeea i splendid reputatton. requested not to speak on Jbducation or Agriculture, and proceeded to tne de livery of a very able and instructive discourse. fie beautifully discussed science aad scientists, in which he revealed the fact that he was at home amid the stars, on the ocean wave, in the bowels ot the earth, or in the lecture rooms of philos oohers of this or Dast azes. His cift of oratory is so great that his forty-five Furniture. yiNDOW SHADES, BEDDING, MOSQUITO NETS, BABY CA RBI AGES. Out of town buyers expres great satisfaction with purch&tes made of us, owing to our care rui mode of packing goo4s. G I re us a call be fore purchasing. Pxlces as low as any and stock the largest. ' THOS. C. CRAFT, att.. Furniture Dealer, june?3 28 So. Front St. During tho Campaign. TTTE WILL FURNISH NEW YORK PA- PER3 at the following prices : , HERALD, (including Sunday) per week 23c. TIMES, ; 25c. TRIBUNE, ' 25c. WORLD, " " 25c. SUN, -i see. YATES' BOOK STOKE, ' jane 23 A IIS Market Street. SompthiDg;;lTew." FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM PARLOR at i he corner of Front and Mulberry streets, where purest Cream in the city can be founL. Ladles and gentlemen aro respectfully Inrlted to rail r . .. Orders promptly filled and deliTertd free of SIR. eharee iuoe 17 lm A MRS. J. L. FISUEH. i ... Proprletorj JOE CREAM SODA CTery day this week. Nothing of the kind equals It. Rendezvous for Ladies. Market and Second Sts., fuse 23 Wilmington, N. C. Handsome I J a m e s A . Low rev, "1 lTHEELWRIG HT, BIJLCKS iirTH AND Carolina Central UAGeF Ye Work of all kinds attended to without delay. Thanking my friends for faror extended to me In the past, I solicit their Kind farors and ii jiu, jirirrj GEN'L PASS. DEPARTMENT, mnOSE ENGLISH TOE BLS A5D Ox- jnj-UTO I ford tv- .j.-- ...u. of rivE HAND I A minutes discourse seemed but half the . I - time to his large audience. Hence be I ooi? shqes for gextlemkn. aw tne may feel assured that he highly enter-. I hkn nU ia this dtr. Uined and instructed his atteuUve an- v . t , . dience, thus sustaining his reputation I : LADrxs SXIPPXR3 tn great rarlety, and as one or x ortn uaruna s moss guw pet, of n. and eloquent sons. lie put i leather In uxa H" VAA his cap for future honors. , Onn: RrTrnTliVfl & SOHS. Now Ulhe time to give Smith's Wcrxa ; , Kf." rnrrr 8teet. OH, V . lydrrr I jcre S3 - v June 2M,, 188 . their patronage In future. ' After an experi ence of forty -four years as, a .Mechanic under Capt- W. H. Bobbltt. of Warren ton. and in Wilmington, I ant now prepared to conduct the work la all tta branches In s rood ami I workmanlike manner. Place of business, oa Princess, between 3rd and 4tb streets. nor aoaw-tCv EXCURSIONS AND SOUND PARITEI ARB NOW THE order of the dar. ' FUhlnr at the ''ttoeks" and the Blackah CroundVMr at lit best. Fishing poles and lines are not the only re- at 8.33 A. M., June 21th. JFare for thexxmxd recreston. Before you start os ton your ex- cur&loli either 4own the rircr cr to the oaa J. trip, t& ). F. TV. CLATtTT, eaU atMCCOlTAfi'S. and bewUl fix. you up M i ail tse et cr.ras neccwary f cr tta occasion, june 23 Xt Gen. Pass. &z'- I 2313 SPECIAL SLEEPING CAR WILL PR run by this Company for the- accommodation of delegUea and visitors attending the Demo cratic State Convention, tearing Wilmington atSJlP. M, June 22 rd, arrlTlng at ale!gh