THIS TArtt fTBT . create. Boadaye II JOSH T. oss postage PAID; raontts. ttOO. Three ' ... tii Ot month. IS U. m"Z wKl I k3ewi by carriers fit F 1. f the dir. at U above IB I wrec. wtarrprt-Tall tall- tint wircr recti larly. 1 1 .- rr An y lurttv nas uc tarycsi , .tCcirilii0of any ruwjnpcr . I ll . f - -4 ' . ... -it Wilminctoii. 1 'HK.MOCI6ATIC TICKET. - r Tii"i 3". Nv. I. JUL i I ki: : ai.h:kim scalks. ..j 4 ; tiilf rJ. III I T. i.MVKKNMU: i IIAKU M. STKDMAX. , : Ni ;v Hanover. m ki.iauy m .sr.vri:: WILLIAM I- SAUNUKKS. ,.f Wako. r r I. Ti:i:.-ri:r.i:: IhiN'AM) W. 1JAIX.. .f Wake. tot: a i imn:: W. 1 KOIiEUTS. of (laic?. t,.:; .ni:M:vHiLEi:Ai; THUS. F. DAVIDSON. .f Hunrombc. t , t i 1 1 i:in-tl.ment or rrr.uc in- Ti:t mux : S. M. FINC5EK. of Catawba. mmmm ir WiMe'a full registered came on i i cirrlije ecrtiHcate is Ojcar Final uTiterly WiWc. .., 5. ;zx'.ot i'endlctoa is quoted as sajics c ma can yd tell for certain ha ui'.i canji'tTibc prizes at Chicago. . - A the Au;u:a Chronicle says, the una whiU m. make a eocxl crop :h:jtar will be tic mia who iliJ not j Jut (. - - - Cocztesjraan Ca'.ktos.of Indiana, the HffsV.ic&n r-ualccc for (Governor of tiat Sta'.e. iilnc of the youngest, hand kui?s1 ati'l ab'.utof his rarty. New York poliriciasj are ranch di ;Jdta lie IYtjUectial nomination. lu?toj:rn: Lictiwcs appear to dis trust each other, but may harmonize l- r Democratic iucccss in KoTcmbcr. Pasiel Macules and John Kelly may triabracf. Fanclc Hunt, o! New Orleans, til accepti-d an cngaeaienl with the Ixiaia Abbot Ojcra Troupe for next Kjj a. She possesses a highly culti ntcd Tt-icc. and has been for the last t.Tcarpreparin2bcrclf for the lyric s-ipe. Fanoio Hunt dAlma is her sure came. U a reported that an engineer on the Michigan Central Railroad brvs been t-md $17,000 fr bis patent on an at ticlaieat to steam cylinders which con & zi tf.e vrastc from tho steam cock cs s'.ariinc the engine, thereby averting t:v. hissio noi.-o which is such a terror t-L.rocs. TLo San Francisco Cull fears that thH - rrwnt DcmiKrratic leaders in Califor JaJiss from tho outcome- of tho Suite Convention, are unwise and dan prou. It t.nys: "Wo know rf uo ttter sxallcd party leaders who bavo t tht2etvcs to work with such de I.U::e parposo to reduco an incidental Tt? Xeir York Time editorially c-Aiai that Cleveland can carry New Tcrk tya vote that no other Democrat cacc-amandt and that it is equally yxa that tha neighboring States of CcczecHcat and New Jersey, and there Uroc; probability that Massachu New Hampshire would go a. Senator Henry G. Davis, of West f-, is father-in-law of Steve i-j a warm personal and busi lfco lof Ulaine, but ho publicly Jtcii that he will work for Bayard- lower, that ''ir we are to UTf a ;-V.icau President, aficr the l:a cf ttxU j am kU(1 it u nkc. rE.A. Rarke. who beads the tbe in t . deration, is ono of co'aaaciiia politicians -ra. He raust bavo some deep fJva Lit ",v: ' t t:i .. ..1 I opoa his nomination, ia spite lie of withdrawal. Major trie's rper and eorrespondenco all J-Jto toae possible- combination. -rtbyMr.Tddcn will yutrur. KtUtUTz cocsixament of Sash, Lllci j at Factory price, jost Tta Jacom-s Hardware Depotf w U iU Uae to giv SaUh'a Worm r i VOL. VIII: WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. JUNE 26, Till: TICKET. Tho Democratic convention which met jeterday at Ualeigh did its work well and promptly. It has presented a ticket f jr the vole3 of the pejulc of the State which will bo overwhelm ingly cctlarsed, from the scacost to the mountain', while cirryins with it a suro prcsli.j of a glorious victory hi November. Our own stx-tion has U-u handsomely con sidered in th'j Lomination ol that Callint gentlcmati. Mrj. Charles M. SlcJman, for the second place on the ticket. Scales and Stedman will be the hloaa ot the parly from now until November when tho eorIc of tho Old North State will show their apprecia tion of tke labors of their representa tives in the Convention by rolling up the biggest majority known here in many years. J bey arc now goin'? to do a neat thing in England, and it is nothing more nor less than to play Shakespeare's As-You Like It" in the open air in the glade ot a real wood, Herman Vc zin has charrro ot the arrangements. When one considers the climate of Enj land and the possibility of the actors all having to use umbrellas, pcrhapsit will be as you do not like it. Tbe New York JhraUl accuses Sena tor Ingalls of engineering, or attempt ing to do so. a pension swindle that will bankrupt the government. The Cows ricr-Journal calls tho Kansas Senator a 'bras3-bound demogogne."a 'shame less caricature of a United States Sena tor, who rendered himself tho oiator and advocate of a new l'retorian Guard. which assumes to put up the imperial oflicc to the highest bidder.' Mr. Havcmeycr. a brother of the late Mayor Havemeyer, of New York, has bt-cn declared by a jury to be incapable of managing his own affa'.rs, from the e fleets of the immoderate use of liquors. His estate yields $C3.000 per annum, which will bo managed (or the benefit of his wife and six children, ranging between nineteen and three years of age. Oao of the richest men in Philadel phia, Isasc V. Williamson, is hardly every heard of. Although past 80, he is yet active and spry and daily attends tho Stock Exchange. His habits and dress arc those of a man eking out a subsistence, but he is popularly reputed to be worth between $10,000,000 and $20,000,000. He has no servants, no luxuries, no "horses nothing whatever to indicate his great wealth. lie is a bachelor, with few relatives, and lives bv himself. He is charitable, however. and has given many large sums to de serving objects Tho Sheriff of Auckland, Now Zea land, Mr. Edward L Green, writes to tha bydney. N. S. W., Iiullctin that he suffered for years with an'injury to his shoulder, so that ho could not use his arm; ho tried all remedies witnout benefit, and finally used St. Jacobs Oil. In ten minutes be-was rcuevcu. anu works with saw or spado as well as ever. LOCAL NEWS. IHOIX TO HEW ADYEBTISEMEBTS. Attention Democrats F C iliu-tu Conumlrcm A tunic my of the Incarnation FMKinu. Purser KoUcc, J W Coxolev City Drug Store J W Ilxsrcc Ste&mcr Passport C W TATES Durln the Campaign UtlxsiiEEGEK Klunck's SccUon Liner ' J D Bellamy, Jr. A tfy Mortgage Sale XlcxDS Bros. A DeUosset Kx. Vanilla Pergonal. Mr. Sol. Haas. Traffic Manager of tho Associated Hallways, and Mr. S. C. Doylston, (jencral Fricght and rassen ger Agent of lb Charleston & Savan nah It. U , are in tho city to-day. Everybody in waut of Faints, White Iad. Glass &c. should go to Jacobi's to get best qualities and lowest priccs.t Clofcln K.verclscs. The closing cxcrcfscs ot the Academy of tbe Incarnation will take place to morrow night at tho Academy. This institution ot learning is under the charge of the Sisters of Mercy, who have worked carneitlv to advance the educational interests of our people. The entertainment to-morrow night will consist, in part, of tho distribution of prizes to tho children, a cantata, which has been some time in prepara tion, and which is pronounced to be Tery Geo; re;talionsnd declamations. TLe teachers of tho Academy are very thorough and painstaking. Tand we aro g-ad to say that their efforts have been crowned with success. Tho price of admission has been placed at only 25 cents, and wc hope that thcro may be a crowded bouse to encourago tho pupils and cheer the enterprise. Mll St. J nmcs Seminary-. The closing exercises of Misses IJurr & James Scnool were held at the school room last night and were wit ncsscd by a large assemblage of inter ested and delighted spectators, among whom wcro many of tho parents and relatives of the pupils. The programme arranged for the evening was quite ex tensive and varied in its character. embracing declamations, recitations. calisthenics ami vocal and instrumcnta music, all of which was fully carried out. We havo not space to individual ize or speak in detail of the really meri torious efforts ot all the pupils; nor docs it become necessary whero all did so remarkably well. Wo must .allude. however, to tho Salutatory, by Miss Isabella Heinsberger; the song, "Peek a-Doo," by Master Pierre Harriss, and tho recitation ol Whittier's "Maud Muller."by Miss Mary Bridgers, a exquisite efforts. ' In speaking of these we do not detract from tho merits o the others, many of whom are deserv ing of special mention. MEDALS The excelsior medals were won by Miss Lula Garrell and Master Eddie Munson, both receivmp 37 golden merits, which was the maximum num bcr. There was no failure by either during the session. SCHOOL PKIZES. Tho school prizo for the Jargest number of lesson merits was awarded to Miss Lula Woody. The prize for tho largest number o merits for punctuality and deportment was awarded to Miss Katie Walker. CLASS PKIZES. First class. First prize, to Miss Ausrusta Ward: second prize. Miss Lula Agostini. Second class. First prize, Miss Augusta Mcrherson; second prize, a tie between Misses Maude Hall and Maggie Blue, in consequence ol which a prizo was awarded to each. Third class. -First prize. Master Eddio Munson, tho excelsior medal; second prize. Miss Annie Moore. Fourth class. "First ' prize, Miss Jennie VanOrsdell; second prize, Miss Katie Walker. Fifth Clas3 First prize, Mis3 Lula Garrell, tho Excelsior Medal; second prize, a tie between Masters Henry VonGlahn and George Peschau, incon sequence of which a prize was awarded to each. Sixth Class First prize, Master George Crow; second prize, Mis3 So phie McPhersou. Seventh Class First prize. Miss Lula Woody; second prize, Miss Bessie Brock. Eighth Class First prize, Miss Eliza McPherson ; second prize, Miss Louise Sloan. Ninth Class First prize-Miss Mary Barclay; second prize, Miss Lsther Cameron. COMPOSITION CLASSES. First Class A tie between Misse3 Augusta Moore and Annie Mearcs, and both were awarded prizes in conses juencc. Second Clas3 A tic between Misses Augusta McPherson and Lucy Moore, and both were awarded prizes in con sequence. Third Clas3 Miss Annie Moore. Miss Fannie VanAmringe and Mas ters Charles VanGlaun ana "jreorge Crow were three earnest workers for the excelsior medal and had received the maximum for more than two thirds of the session, when they were -prostrated by sickness by which they lost tffeir chances. As a slight testimonial of their teachers regard and sympathy for these proficient pupils, they were presented with floral offerings. The first class of young ladies having completed and been thoroughly exam incd in several of their studies, receiv ed certificates. This class was compos ed of the" following young ladies: Misses Mary VanOrsbell, Mary Anna Hall, Athaba.Lippitt, Augusta Moore, Isabella Heinsber and Lula Agostini. City Court. Tho first case for tbe Mayor con sideration this morning was that of Emanuel Sylva, a lad who was charged with interiering with au officer in thfcrih!iri j.,ir win be uaidon discharge of his duty. It was all about a dog and the testimony was flatly con tradictory, but His Honor, after care fully examining the witnesses and weighing the evidence, imposed a fine of $3 on the defendant, when tbo latter appealed. Robert Manning, colored, charged with the larceny of a pair of trousers, was required to give a bond in the sum of $50 lor bis appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default ot which ho was committed to jail. Death ol Mr. John Lloyd. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. John Lloyd, on last Monday night, at the family resiileuce. near Armour, in Bladen county. Sir. Lloyd had been sick for several months past, having contracted a malarial disease in Georgia, where ho has been engaged in railroad woik ior some ycar3 past. lie wa? brought home recently, but, alas? only to die. For Smith ville and the Forls. There was a large party went down the river this morning on the rassporl to enjoy the excursion gotten up by thej Howard Relief Fire Engine , Company. rt Accy nave nau a pleasant uay anu we doubt not have had an abundance o enjoyment, as me management are skillful in making thier excursions pe culiarly enjoyable. With plenty to eat and drink, good music and rare oppor tunitics for dancing a happy time Is but a foregone conclusion. Carelessness. i A colored nurse, having two babies in a carriage, Btoppeil in front of Mr. Solomon's, corner Market and Frcnt streets, to-day, and ; leaving the car riage, went into the store to make some purchases. She was not sufficiently cautious, however, about the way in which she left tho carriage, which from some cause probably a gust of wind statted and ran into the gutter, where it capsized and threw its precious freight out upon tho pavement by which one of tbe babies received some seyere cuts upon the face and head. Aloj. Stedman. It is understood that Mai. Chas. M. Stedman, the candidate of the Demo cratic party for the position ot Licutcn aut uoyernor, win return to tne city to-night and that a large number cf his frieuds and admirers will be present at the Front street depot to meet him oa bi3 arrival. We understand, also, that the Cornet Concert Club will parade with full ranks to greet, with their most harmonious strains, the return home of Lieut.-Gov. Stedman. Mai. Stedman will arrive here on the 10:10 o'clock train from the North and he Cornet Concert Club will serenade him at the Purcell House. Sudden Death. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. J. C. Hamlin, which oqpurred very suddenly at his residence at Magnolia, Duplin county, yesterday. Mr. Hamlin came to North Carolina about six years ago, from Greensville, Mercer county, Pern., as the representative of the firm of Hamlin & Sons, Engine builders at the latter city. He wa3 naturally of a delicate constitution, and he found the ciimato of North Carolina so congenisl that he concluded to. make it his future home. About five years ago he married the widow of the late Mr. L. A. Merriman, by whom he was blessed with ono child. He was the postmaster at Magnolia and had been in his usual health," which wa never robust, up to an hour or two be fore his dtath. In fact it was but abou1 that time before he died that he was in a store in that village making some purchases. The deceased was a very peaceable, quiet, unobtrusive citizen and his loss will be deeply felt by his many friends. He was about 35 years of age. .. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, tf. MARRIED. MKYLAND BAKER At St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, June 25tb, 14, by Rev. V W. K. Peschau, Mr. JOHN M. MKT LAND to Ml&s CARRIE L. M- BAKER, both of this city. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Steamer Passport -Yy"ILL -VOr MAKE HER REGULAR trips down the River, FRfDAY and SATUR DAY, June 27th and 2Sth. lose 26 It J. W. HARPER. Notice. piOUPOSS OF THE CITY FALLING DUE presentation at the Flrt National Back of Wilmington. JOHN D. TAYLOR, Jane 2C it City Treasurer. City Drug Store. , 210 MARKET STREET. , NO CONUNDRUM ABOUT THIS : Sods Wter at 5c per glass J t can't bo good at 21 or 3 cents per gUs; (too much loam and gas). Drugs and Clears In great Tariety. My oda Water U alwaj gooi. It ean't be excelled erery day. Jly Cologne la lh bus: to be had. Ice Ctc am Sda occasion SiiT. Call on OLD- JIM CONOLSY. Jaie25 . . Manager. EV. 1884. NO. 152 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice- JLL TESSOXS NOT MEMBERS OF THE Carolina Yacht Club, ami not quests of mem berg, ar forbUMen to trespass upon tbe grounds of the CInb, or enter the Club House oa the Banks at WiighlsvlHe. under pctiaUg. The ehorcs execptel to fishermen. F. M. KING, juncSCthtf. Purser Attention Democrats ! jyjAJOE CHAKLUS MANLY STEDMAN, Democratic Nominee forLlcu'.cnant-Govcrncr, will arrive TO NIGHT at 30:10 o'clock. The Uoroei concert Club will Serenade him at 10:3), at the TurceH House. Let all Democrafa turn out to vclcoinc our next Lieutenant-Governor. jine25 Academy of the Incarnation Closing Exercises. rjlHE ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF Prizes at the Academy of tbe Incarnation, will take place at tho Academy, onTO-MORKOW (FSI- DAT) EVENING, 27th Inst., at S o'clock, on which occasion a highly interesting ENTBC- TAINMENT, which has been some time In preparation, will he presented by the Young Tad lea. Admission 25 cents June 2G It Mortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained In a certain deed of mortgage made by a L. Fremont and wife, ct al, to Wf A. Gumming-, recorded In Brunswick county, In Book iT, pages 25 to 30 of the office of lieg later of Deeds, and which said mortgage, and the debt thereby secured, was in due course of assignment, transferred to William M. Cum ming, the undersigned as Attorney for said William M. dimming, will expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at nubile auction. at the Court House door In the city of Wil mington, on Monday, the 4th day of August, 1S4, at 12 o'clock, M. the following described property situate In Brunswick County, known as clarendon Plantation. Beginning on the West bank of the Cape Fear liiver at the mouth of the Canal, runs thence up said Canal S. 62 W 1x4 poles to a China tree on the highlands dl rectly In front of the dwellinar, thence N. 52 W. 3fJ poles to a' China tree, thenco S. 72 W 854 poles to a stake, thence h. 74 W. 41 ples to a stake, thence s. G3 E. 282 poles to a dogwood tree, i thence S. 80 E 201 poles to a blck gum, thence N. 24 E. 11G poles to a stake, thence E, 124 piles along a bank, to the Cape Fear Elver, thence along the banks of the river aboat 2t5 poles to the mouth of the Canal, the besin ning, Also one other tract, beginning at tne mouth of said Canal, runs thence along the nrsi ot tne above mentioned tract to the high land to a China tree, thenco N. 52 W. 3) poles to a China tree, thence S. 11 W. 354 poles to a near the run of Beaver Dam Creek, thence along the meandering of said creek to the rlcefield. about 220 poles, thence with said creejconthe north side n. 50 e. iaa poles to the junction of Beaver Dam with Mallorv Creek, thence with said Mallory Creek to the river, about 120 poles, thence along the banks tncreor to the beginning, containlnir by csu mate 1,000 acres more or less. J. D. BELLAMY, Jr., june2G20J Attorney. Wagonette pOR WRIGHTSVXLLE SOUND, will leave bacthcrland's Stables DAILY at G P.M. sharp. Returning, will leave Sound at 7 A, M. sharp juoo 25tf T.'J. SOUTHER LAND. Blimck's Section Liner. rilUE MOST PERFECT INSTRUMENT X FOR THE PURPOSE. Simple in construction. Cannot get out of order. Easy to manipulate. Turns out even and accurate work every time. Can be used on any part of the Drawing. Price only Five Dollars. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, j unc - j Live Book and Music Stores Lemons. Butter. Lemons. TlUST RECEIVING BY A. C. LINE and N. Y. Steamer, all of which will be sold low In quantities to suit. SM bushs. Va. Meal. 73 Boxes lemons, ?5 tubs Va- and N. Y. Butttr, Michigan Flour, Virginia Flour. Bacon. Laid, &c. " E. G. BLAIR, j une 12 No. 19 N. Second Street. For Excursionists. I KEEP A FULL Ll OF FINE GRO ceries. Dry Goods and all articles to be found In a first clas store. In landing at the Steamer's wharf pass op through tbe gate and turn to tbe left and my id ice Is about 50 yards distant. Give me a call J. A. WESCOTT. may 29 1m Smlthyllle. N. C Drive-Well rumps, gTOVES, TIN WAReT REFRIGERATOR'?. , W ATE K COOLS Kt. ICE C.REAM FKEEZER3, at PARKER 4 TAYLOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. lane ?3 Wanted. LADE3 AND YOUNG MEN TO TAKE nice, pleasant work at their own home; $2 to lr day easily made; work sent uy mail; no caaraAslBg. Address r. RJDD A CO . Da buqae, Iowa. jane 17 ct Hon. A. M. WaddeU."- yE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOCNCK HON. A. M. WAD DELL as candidate for Congress from the felatu District, su'ject to the action of the Democratic ConvtnXa of the Da trid.vtenca'Md. ' may 12 tf . : , .. ' . rLSAS: NOTICE. ' " - TTt will be gixi rcectra ccaerr'cAtloa froa enr friends on auyJaasJ all mtjecti ccaeral Interest Cat -v, Tha saasa cf me writer ratat always U fc&fcedi to the Effltorv v:- KCommaikatlfflM writes , eV cal one tide of the paper. --rtrsoa&Ittlcs must bo avo!dct; r'.1'' r . ' am a la especially and parttcclaxly cater who iwt aoca not always cacSoit the views of correspondent vaLUin as state In the editorial wlojai.? . -.- -' NEW ' ADVERTI SEMJ2HTS. 3T- Taylor JJOCG HT FOR SPOT CASH FROM SET- eral of the wholesale houses a larje surplus cwvk ,a uanu inrocgn IDC TCAt dCprCUlOB In trade, we are prepared to offer . 0 i-, As follows : : . - , - ; Wc will commence on coCsets t i i 1 ' ' ' ji u;nu vorsci ior sue. A fiae Caroline- Corset reduced to 5Cc A Corset in any color, Pink, Blue, Black. Cardinal and White Tor onlr tic. - - . An elegant CourtUe Coisct for 75e: UiU Cor Tr.vvL w "V".5n in w7 oiucr home for lets than One Dollar - , - ... rTV.'? 'OTKNSION CORSET. Spoon Bust, tl.25; true value Ono .Dollar and Fifty Cents. JC and G. Double Bust Moulded Corset. ' C. and P. Tmported Corsets. Afuenuralng F?.??1' ,A fo11 assortment of Mitsc and children Corsets. A great many other Corset?, which wo are now ready to how and sell at a very low llrurc at- - TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. Next on tho list: . " ' r;?KT COVERS la every stjle and price. 1ANS, wc will cell a highly decorated fold ing Fan for 5. 10, 2-, 2Sa ana upwarda, wcU HAND SATCHELS, PARASOLS,; SUNSHADES, UNDERWEAR, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, f ; LACE3, IIAtS, GLOVES, MITTS, In any color, style or size, at aston- ishiogly low prices. No one urged to buy, but come and eee the bargains for yourself. " ' THE COOLEST STORE FOR LADIES' TO SHOP 'lN IS " " '( 1 TAYLOR'S 118 Market St' , . June 2i WILMINGTON. N. C. Goods sect C. O. D. to any part of the coun try, with tho privilege of examining b'fore . paying. v . , - During the campaign. TE W1LL FURNISH NEW YORKPA PEUS at the followirg price: , , i, I HERALD, (including Sunday) per week 25c. t : 4 TIMES,- " 25c.- TRIBUNE, " ' WORLD, SUN, " ii 25c. 25c. 2Cc, YATES' ROOK STORE, ; junc 23 119 Market Street. Headquarters JpOR FISHING TACKLE, 1 : AT . W. t. SPRNGER A CO'S. 19. 21 and 23 Market Street The largest and best assortment ever offered la this market. June 23 Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Munds Rros. & DeRosset, Munds Bros. -& DeRosset," Manufacture a delicious , " Extract of Vanilla.- . , Flavor your Ice Cream. ' Custards and Pastry with It And be made happy and contented. . This Extract la used In the Ice Cream, which has given ' MUNDS BROS. A DliUOSSET'S ICO ' Cream Soda Water such a 1 ( Splendid reputation. , jce cream; soda every day this wccn:. Nothing of the kind equals it. Rendezvous for Ladles. , . Marketand second Sts.; ' iune 23 i WUmlngton, K. C. coirjc i : : ; QUR LARGE STOCK OF FINIS SHOES for Gents andLadlea Is EAST.GOING, but we . . have enough yet on hand to SUPPLY THE WANTS OF ALL. ' ' ' 'c r :. NEW GOODS arrlvlPg l EVERY.; WEEK, . j . . i. - r V i j comprising ALL THE LEADING STYLES. Geo. Ii.JFrcncIi &Sons, 10S NORTH FROST STREET. June 21 CONUNDRUM; --yHY IS THE tTEAMER PAS3TQRT like a Stiing Band ? Because It cannot do without its Harper!' " ' DRUGS, PEBFCM ES, , SOAPS, ' FANCY and Toilet Articles, &. e'er Prescriptions a tperiaHy at 4 ' s ! F. C. MILLER'S. may 2C Correr Fourth ana Ncn sfs Something Mewi J A FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM. PARLOR u.i tbe corner or rront and sluJbcrry street. where purest Cream la the city can be found. Ladles and gentlemen aru reJi-ccUttUr lnrllcd Ordera promptly filled and dehTewd free of eharze MR. &MR3. J.L. FISllEtf.' iune 17 lm Prcprte Vt EXCURSIONS . A ND SO0SD PAEJTE AtlS KOW THR A order cf tb day. 1 Uhlax at the Cocks'! mu x ihe "tiUiiiCsh Ground" I at Its bet. c Ublsg voIca and lines .are .n-vt the only re' qoUlted for an enjoya&le and aufcessfol day's recreation lieforc yoa start oat on your ex curcion, etlK-r foj kk river or to the Coand. eiii at jicuutYA.T5,j; nowui cx you up. all the rt cetera atcuaxtf ux to occiloa. i.