. -m MSiBf. SOBdSy r 1 If will b to reeclTt ecascrlcittoa na oar frfenda on any aad an gatjacta -SB&erall&iereatbut " xne same ol the writer anal always be nlshod to the Edlior. JiCtonimunlcatlonamCst-b wtftto ea eal one side ot tte paper.. - ! V : Personalities most be avoided.;. And It Is especially sad parUcaUrly tater tood that the Editor does not always end so the views of correspondents untest so state. In the editorial .ShiBMJS. , . ; , ' I p4e4 try J OS 1 1 T. T A3IE5t tm axx rtorxirroi. H J rirrlONS POSTAGE PAID: fl.CC. 2ASL iMV M - tt win b JTeml by carriers tree P ... rt of the city, at th abort A -rrr-S A;rx4 .... vol. vn i. WILMINGTON. N.-3.. FRIDAY. JUNE 27, 1884. NO. 153 c;Tf their pfr recnUrly. ' r-r 71 AVy Bcrncxo has the UirgtslX " . . . I y ll!-cti-a Tu'Jay, X. I. i3 i.oviiuN'oi: : AI.KKKH M SCALES. r Cuilford. mki t. ;ovr.RNoit: C IIAUl.KS M. STEDMAN. i.f New Hanoyf r. !. UKTAUY OK STATE : WILLIAM L- SAUKDERS. i,f Wako. r.iTi: treasurer: ImiNALI) W. KAIX, of Wake. lot: auditor: 1 ROBERTS. tf Gates. i mi: a rr kn i:-r. knera u TIlLOWnE F. DAVIDSON'. if Buncombe. i.t: l 1 l" I ! NT UN 1 EXT Oil 1'tT.UC IX- ..Ti:rTiox : S. M. FINGER, of Oatiwba. t..iTi: justice supreme court: a. s. merrimox. of Wake. Mr. CLirleJ Windham has postponed lii African Uur until November. Kt-l'rcsiwVot Davis plantation, Ikau- T. ir. Mississippi. hi been under water Lr oml wciks. Kx-Stnatcr Cordon, of Georgia. , now takins contracts to umui rauroaus ....... I ia South America. The beat at the North U described as teo.Vrib.V. (oUowtd by nuaierous sun siroics and great mortality among in Th rKE!i!i!i(Sii of thi ITnltetl Stale itcnucj at the rate of 32 per cent. cTirytea jeari. At this rate there w;:: U W.OOO.COO inhabitants in 1900. i llourko Marslon, the poet. wh in h:sjouth inspired MissMulock's "i-ilip. my Kioj.Mhas lost his mother, t icslj siitcr. his swectbeart-his Irxzi and bis ejesight. only A $?ctacu!ar opera bouffe, entitled U uriad Mogol' is to bo the great ::ssa production at the Paris Gaite tv ...... ...... ... 'jc-tr.-jccic is io uc magntuceni, i asi there are to be many entirely new A Nw Ycrk ice cream manufacturer c ta be ab!c to make ice cream iit?ajcar. in jut as good condition as trst made. It u in brick form , j atKal$x!3 i&chc, and wrapped up in "-draper. Li stated that John Ruskin lives ' .j a: bis homo in Incashiro and r.'etalcu.atifisW mmmnnirMinnn to tie I;iiJon ratN rn trivial tnh;o I - i n Accrtcalotf uld bo considered as :wricor. era kism. .. . "" r. i.auuchere savs that Madame T Ixjion, wife of Father Hya- f a'--. cd to be a stay-maker, and wr extravazancc in dress has had r-i d,al to do with her husband's ri- - i .... .. t:mg expeu.tion. a.urani ha gooo to his Lonjt -cicwttae, by permission of bis tT ''K acd there will pau tho sum Mt. Tte llarJsajs: -Wc aro sorry raita: tbe General recovers but ! troii bUlamencM. and that he w f ;ratu!ated that Ferdinand Vi f;a a leg to stand cn.M l!.e nr:st Washlofton correspon- ei,Je-::, believe that Cleveland -ye a -wa!k OTcr al chicaso.but k Si-cac:ly and ominously that Lr5 a camber of .revenue re t; tQ ia Washington drtfung a Iccklc jtowards frw trade, which ia,v Mat least bo considered 4 u Co3Tcatioo.w haGa. Grant met with his se- l kec: Uu "riolcr bo bJ USQ borses.anj b allowed Frdi- rd th8 privilege of tbem until lul IUb: Wbca lh craih came i i tiS! l"1 bj WMd'4 crclilor, Lifirn ,rci,flQ mh visitors to rhU JeSr wiU notb C-r tCf 0f wt2 lb8 General hind--thvm bihiad his fast horses. 0a.W UtUUaetotiTe Saith'i Worn lj.d-w .North Carolina to the Republican ... . r . ... inier oi our ui'conust made glorious Slimmer hv I his arm rr Vnrlr Haron Tennyson very properly rc fuse 4 to bo bored. He announces officially through tho London Times that ho will not answer the multitudi nous letters pent to him. will not look t manuscript', nor evco rcturiv tbem. Athletic Training. Australia's champion oarsman. Mr. Edward Trickelt. snys that ho as cured of severe pains in the back by St. Jacobs Ottr the wondorful pain-reliever. and that in all athletic tra.nin" for aches, pain, and strained muscles, it i pas no equal. LOCAL NEWS. IROEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B II J A II BENS -ICC T C Milleb Conundrum American Lcclon of Honor Jas. W. Coxolev Boarders J G Bcbr Notice to Taxpayers llKJSSBERGEH XCW Music Books J Elsbach Shirts and Drawers C VT Yatea Pnrloar the Caapaljrn Ui'Mts IJu;)-. UeUosset Ex. VanllU There was no City Court this morn 3 in ir How about a ratification meeting lo endorso the Stato ticket? Clarendon Couucil, No. G7, A. L. of Honor, will meet to-night, at' 8 o'clock- There are but two days more in which to list your taxes, so it would be well lo attend to the matter at once. Everybody in want of Faints, White Lead. Glass &c. should o to Jacoju's to get best qualities and lowest prices.f Capt. J. W. Woods ides has been placed in command of the steam yacht 7 - onife.in placo of Capt. Pepper, who hi rcfrrnrfl . I no Democracy of uilmington are feeling ouito iubilant to-day and the tickct u considcrcd the best that could bave ccn narned. There were very heavy showers last night, accompanied by brisk breezes and the weather this mornins wa much cooler in cinsequence. Wo invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tl. Nor. bnrnue Allcvra. Johnsen, clear- oJ tc-day for Is. ndoxx with 1.319 casks spirits turpentine, valued at $18,099, shipped by Messrs Paterson. Downing & Co. Tho steamer Iissixrt has been taken to the Drv Duck, where she will be fill ted with a new rudder. She will be , . . , , c, rtwdv for service aeain in a counle of days. Ucv W. T. Jone?, formerly of this city, but now lo ated at Beaufort, hero upon a short visit to relatives and friends, and w ill preach at Brooklyn Hall to-niht. From gentlemen who arrived in the city last night Iroiu Sampson county we learn that the crop3 in that section arc crowioc finely, and arc in a vtry nrmnisin condiliun. Theru n unmail:ib!e matter in the MM .iii PostoQiC here a!drcsel to Annie L. Hendricks, corner Mint and Second tvhi. rnrn ot .1 crime stUllli. snu a stamped white envelope with noddrcss. Tho llffhtninir struck and demolishfd a te!ephonc pole on Princess street, be Iwopn Front fin I Second, about 10 o'clock last niffhr, and Kdgar bear borough, a messenger fr the Western Union Telegraph, who was passinc at the time, was slightly shocked. Mr. A. W. Rivenbark had a coop of chickens to arrive yesterdny in which there was a hen's as which was a cu riosity. It was about the size and shaped very .much like a pecan nut and when opened it was found to con tain the white ol an ordinary e;'g with the yolk just commencing to form. Col. Saunders. Maj. C. W. McCiammy was in the city this morning on bis return lnm Raleigh. Ho it was who nominated th-vt utrrlin? rentleman. Cd. William L. Saunderr, for election as Lis own successor as Secretary cf Slate. In doing this Maj. McCiammy designated him as that b!g-hcartcd, big-bcaded patriot and Democrat" and asked the convention to honor itself by nominat inj him, which, to use Maj. Mac' own words, "it did immensely." Col. Saunders received every vote from erery county, as he had literally ho op position for this, the chief and most desirable odce on tho official staff. Another laro consignment of Sash, Doors & Blinds at Factory prices, just received at Jacob's Hard ware Depot f Personal. . 'Mr.. E. Latimer, Mr. Wm. Latimer. Col. and Mrs. Edward S. Latimer. Mr H. R. Latimer, Mrs. Latimer. Mr?. A M. Waddeli and Miss Waddell, all o this city, were passengers on the steam ship Orcoon. which sailed from New York for Liverpool on Wednesday lst Fun tit Smitlivllle. The public spirited citizens ot Smith villc arc making quite extensive prep arations for a good time at that place on the Fourth oi July next. There will be a regatta for sailing vessel9,- in eluding all sorts, sizes and rig of yachts, and fur pilot boats of any kind that may desire to compete. There wil also bo' a race with oared boats of dif ferent si'es from two oared to four, six and eif lit oars. The day a sport wil conclude with a pyrotechnic display at night, and probably with a grand ball. Clinton to Warsaw. The Clinton Caucasian publishes the following particulars of tho railroad meeting held in that town last Friday night, a report of which was published in the Review: The railroad meeting last Friday ninht was well attended. It grew out of a proposition mado in the meeting of tho telegraph company lo tec effect that if Clinton would subscribe ten thousand dollars in stock a railroad would be constructed at onco from this point to Warsaw. A committee was appointed to confer with the projectors of the scheme understood to be Wilmington & Weldon R. R. anthorites. and to take measures to insure the line. The scnti nient of the meeting was unanimous to the effort that if a subscription of ten thousand dollars in stock would secure the building ot the route, there would be no trouble whatever in securing it One thing is very evident, Clinton is bent upon hiving railroad communica tton with the outside world. The con fereoco committee consists of Hon . A. A- McKoy, Messrs. A. F. Johnson, W. A. Johnson.. Col. L. A. Powell, J. R. Beaman and J. L. Stewart- This ommittee will visit Wilmington, and we hope will accomplish their object. Election of Officers. At a regular Council held by Cherokee Tribe. No. 9, Improved O. R. M., the following Chiefs were elected for the ensuing term: V. P. Geo. W. Mitchell. W. S. Charles Craig. . S. S. O. H. Kennedy. J.S. J.H.Craig. C. of R. Geo. Zeigler. K. of W. J. D. II. Klander. Trustees for the term of twelfth Moon Charles Craig, Geo. W. Mitchell and II. II. Woeb3e. After the election of Chiefs, Mr. J. D. H. Klander. in behalf of tho Tribe., presented a tine and expensive silver tomahawk to th V. G. I , George Zeigler, as a slight recognition' of the faithful and efficient services of that Chief during the time the Tribe had been under bis charge. The presentation was made in a pleasant and appropriate speech, which was happily responded to by Mr. Zeigler. Tho Sliclbv Division. The Charlotte Observer publishes an interesting report of the improvements which are now being made to the track and road bed of the Western Division ot the Carolina Central R. R. It says: Tho amount of bridge building now going up on the Shelby Division of the Carolina Central Railroad issurprising ly large. About eight forces are at work at points between inarioite and I Shelby, and the spans are going up rapidly. Capt. Jleno has just nnished an o eirant and substantial Driago over Lodz Creek, about six miles west of Charlotte, and tho Philadelphia work men are putting tho last bolts in a mneniftcent iron structure over Buffalo. a lew nines luis siue oi oueioy. uia .. i r ci ii ti bride is 93 feet high, and was built up under the old bridge wihout a sir.e e uav s interruption to travel. Indian Creek, famed for tho creat disaster of Decem ber. Ib80. is to bo spanned by a splen did new bridge, and several new bridges aro being put up near Ltncolnton. The bridre builders and their families live in cars that are side tracked into the woods at the scene of building, one car being used for the kitchen, another for be dining room and another for tne bed room. A number ot these bouses on wheels are seen along the track ss the trains spin by, and they present a picturesque appearance. The steam shovel has been doing an immense amount oi wore ' up me road, and is now engaged in filling the great Muddy Fork trestle, one of the heaviest pieces of railroad work in .the whole country, and that will require sev en months of daily labor. That Col. Jones and the Carol. na , Central authorities are making a capital road bed there can be no' doobt. bot to get an idea - of the ex- cnt of the improvements, and- the amount of money expended in the work, reonires a trio over tne roaa. Solid tills and bridges are to be supple mented will ateel rails, which have already been ordered, and .the Shelby Division will then be as fine a stretcn of railroad as can be found . anywhere. The new regime of tie .Carolina Cen tral is wide awake and p regressive. Election of OlHcers, At a regular meeting of Orion Lodge No. 67, I. O O F.. held last Wednes day evening, the following officers were elocted for the ensuing term: N.G. W, J. Penny. V. G. John S. Barnes. R.S. II.; O. Craig. ; F. S. W. C. Farrow. T. W. S War rock. 1 hese, together with the appointive officers, will be installed on the evening of July 2. 1884. Fullest assortment of Fishing Tackle can be found at Jacoei's. f DIED. LLOYD Passed triumphantly from earth to the "reet prepared for the neonle of God " on tfte morr.iog of the 24th icst., JOHN DAVID L.1AJYD, azed33 years. We are not surpilsed when the old, bavin reacneu iue limit oi ine utile epace a Hot tea to human lire, sink gently Into the grave. For we reason "when the hand erows Daisied ami the eye dim with tho mist of age, it is lime to die." But when one rejoicing in youth and strength, whose future is bright with promises uniuinii u, is striken in ine nush of Jmanhood and borne off by the victor to the grave, we are startled with enrpdeo. The subject of tti3 sketch was In the lull rig rot Hie, with auccees comparatively achieved. lie had left nis Home in forambua cr nnty and embarked la business la Florida. There, while pushing ma wore as a ran roau contractor, ne. became luorougniy poi one a with that subtle and po tent agent, malaria. Anxious always to do hla whole duty, ho failed to be warned in time, aodonly after hla health was fatally under mined, could he be prevailed upon to leave his pobt. Of the lingering months of affliction it w not my purpose to write. Cut of the last few weeks during which hla faith in Christ shone forth wlth snch peculiar beauty I would be glad to tell. By nature one of the most generous and grateful of men, it seemed easy for him to take fast hold of the glorious prom ises of the gospel, and having onco accepted mem, mere sec me a never a shadow to have interposed for even one moment of time. I de light, in honor of the divine "aviour.to record the fact that llldadoptedchild seemed to cling closer w iiim as ne ueecenuea into tne crave. Butliwas when the last sc?Eeannroachfid that ins xaun ecnt rortu its brightest light. Calling his weeping sls'ers, one by one, he kissed them goodbye, then taking his only brother's hand, he held H as if he could not erlve him up. To each one he Broke words of tender love and assurance of eternal life. Ilia sisters asked him: "Have vou alnv messaec for Lloyd?" (an absent nephew). He replied yes, tell him I am sroinsr home Tell him to pray and to meet me there. Tell the same to brother Henry," (an absent! brother-in-ltw) When he had descended so far into tho misiv shadow that speech became! difficult, bo was asked: "Jobnny.can you Btill trust the blessed Savicur?" He gave an aflirmative s'gn, but secmlnar to thlik hi answer not sufficiently distinct, he answeipd with an effort "yes". Turning to his uncle, a veteran of the cross, ho asked him to pray. No ono who heard that prayerlll ever forget It. Eyes unaccustom ed to weep were wet, and strong men were subdued by the awful solemnity of the scene On the preceding day, when he made a formal declaration of hi faith and received the em blems of Christ's broken body and shed blood, he seemed anxious that his nieanintr should not be mistaken. He' assured his friends that the step of uniting with the Church was dellb erate. I have stood by the bedside of many as tney passea away from earth, but never saw a mora triumphant death than this Oh! could the temlercst love and most incessant care. could the skill of physicians or their most anxloui svmpathy have availed, he wculd have lived; but how powerless is the tenderest love or the utmost of human skill in tne pres ence of the great conqueror who strides ruth lessly over them all to his victim This death will carry sadness to many a heart, but out side of his family there is no one who feels more deeply grieved than he who shaed with h'.m many of his lonely nights and tried by all the resources of his art to lessen his tufferinc the writer of these lines. trk tho crya xic'l M"r ta to f hv caii olinvA Be thy pure spirit present with the Lord, Where thou for faith ana hope hast perfect love And open vision for the written word." j. s. v.- NEW AJDVJSUTISiSMBNTS. Boarders. JJAV1NG CONCLUDED TO CONTINUE taking boarders until October 1st, 1S64, a few permanent and table boarders can be accom modated at Housi 201, corner Third Td Chest nut sireeti. A ply at store 216 Market st. june 27 It W. CON OLE V. star ropy M To Taxpayers. T MIE T13IE IN WHICH TO LIST YOUR laxes expires on TUESDAY. Jul7 1st. List before then or j on will be place 1 on the De unqueTit list. J. G. BURR, Tax Lister. june.it Ice. Ice. Ice. T WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY the I citizens and the public generally, that hive laid In a fnll Bupply of CHOICE ICE, and am now fully prepared to fill orders at LOW PRICES; by tho Barrel, Hogshetd or Car Load, to all points, on the Raiiroads or Kivers, and hope to eccure a reasonaoie cnare or patronage. . u. o . aubkss, Proprietor of New ice Honse. Send for Prices. . june 27 1m At aillE WILMIXGTON SHIRT FACTORY, L No. 27, Market et. Nightshirts, all fcizes. .c. Congress, the most popular anci lmjbi White bhirt on the market. 75c, Colored Shirts 25c and qpwards. Seaside Shirts at all pr.ces Boy's yachnnir la creat vanity, ueni uraw- rs and upwards Wamsutta Jeans Draw ers, reinforced, equal tjjlnen, something new. 75c Drawers made to order. 75a. Wamsutta thLrU with 2100 linen bosom made lo order at tl. Orders from the country solicited and promptly attended to.' oive us i -alL Jane 27 Manager Sow. Music Hoots. PARLOR ORGANS GEMS. 51c BUOU COLLECTION, v COc SUPERB SONGS, ' , COc SONG lX)UO, .-' fc COc - FOLIO OF MUSIC. 50c : SONG WORLD, ISc Frank Howard's latest Song, "I'LL AWAIT Ur UOVE,- 40c - ';- For sale st " : HEINSBERGER'S, -..'-.--" jejie 27 - LIvs Uook end llosls ttor s. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS City Drug Store. 216 MARK BT STRE ET XTO CONUNPKUM ABOUT THIS 1 Soda Water at 5c per glass It can't be good at 2 or 3 cents foam and gas). Drags and Cigars In great variety. My soda Water ia always good. It can't be excelled every day. My Cologne la th best to' be had. ice Cram Soda occasion ally. Call on "OLD" JIM COftOLKY, ju-e 2ii Manager. LAP ROBES. N " ENDLESS VARIETY THE FINEST assortment of Trunks, Bags and atchel3 ever i offered In this city. Waddles, Harness. Bug gie3. Phaetons, Road Waons, Ac, at prices to fcult the times. Trunks repair d by the only practical trunk maker in the Mate. McDOUOALL & liOWDfclN, 114 North Frort St. Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store, jnne ?3 For Excurs onists. JL cerles, Dry Goods and all otrer articles to be round in a lirst class store, in landing at the Steamer's wharf pass up through the gate and turn to the left and my, place is about 0 yards distant, uive me a cau. J. A. WESCOTT, may 29 lm Smithy llle. N. C. Our Dr. K. Robinson TJ1ROM BLADEN, HAS ARRIVED Alsa, JL Choice Good 3 from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and many more arc expected Tho "Chrdren's Favorite Animal Crackers" have arrived and the "Old Folks" can come In on the more substantial In the same lin ' We have a small stock of choice N. C. Meat, S. C. Fen Is and I. X. L. Hams, Strlp3, S. C. Should ers, Dried Beef. &c. piotwlthttandinir the decline in Sugars we are selling as low as they can be bought elee- wnere. We can sell tho verv best Familv Flour at AT !T lil. 1 a a. i io per xui ourcr graues m proportion. june 14 if - u & a. robinson. SCUPPERNONG WINE $1 Per Gallon. TTrE HAVE A SMALL QUANTITY of this fine NATIVE WINE that wc are closing out at ONE DOLLAR PER GALLON. We can recommend it to be Pure, Sweet & Wholesome, with the full flavor of the grape. We bought it at a low figure and propose fo give our cus tomers the benefit of it. There U no beverage more cooling and re freshing a warm summer day than la, first- class ariicle t North Carolina Scuppernorg Wino with a little Ice, and there Is ho bever age as cheap that produces the satisfaction . . " i obtained in using this Wiae. Coma at once. P. L. BRIDGEES & 00. no Nora. Front st. j une i Mortgage Sale. DY VIRTUE OF THE POWKR Of SALE the dfbt thereby seeu'red, wis In due course of asilsrnment, transferred to William M Cum mmr, ine undersigned as Attorney for sum V lilutm M Cummlnz, w ill exixse for sal-3 to the higheet Dluaer for cash, at public auction. at the court tiouae coor in the c;tv of AV 11- rclnsriou, on Monday, ifcc 4th Uy of Auzust. 184, at 12 o'clock. M. the following described property situate in Brnnswlok t ounty, known a Claren'ton trlantatlon JieKlnnlnc on lb Wett bank of thee pe Fear hiver at thcmouib. ; of the Canal, rans thence up said Canal a. 02 W 1.'4 po.C4 to a China tree on the h:ghlancs tlx recti v la front of the dwelling, thence N. hi W 30 poles to a China tree, thence S. "2 WS51 1K)1cb to a stake, thence h. 74 W. 41 p les to a stake, thence . G3 E. 2S2 pohjs to a dogwood tree thence i fco is zo poles f a uliCK enm, thence N.24E. iibpoies to a stake, tnence E. 124 poles along a bank to the Capo Fcar'ivsr. thence along the binks of the river sbeat 2.5 poles to the mouth of the Canal, the bt-gia,- nlng. Also one other tract, beginning at mc mouth of said CanaL runs thence along lhe first of the above mentioned tract to the hljra land to a Chin tree, thence N. 5i W. 3 p--ieu to a China tree, thence b. 72 W. 334 poles to a, stake, thence N. 70 W. 2 tvoles to a cypress near the run or Bviver JJam trees, thence along the meandering of paid creek to the riceneld. about -i poles, thence with eatd creeic on the torth side . U) jc. jus poles to the junctijn of Beavr Dam with Mallry reek, thence with said Mai lory Crtek to the j river, about 12) poles, thence along tne banks thereoria the beginning, containing by esti mate l.txw acres more or less. j. If. litJUAAir, jt , june2C30d . Attorney. Wagonette "POR WRIGnTSVlLLE SOUND, will leae. aether land's Stables DAILY at C P. M. sharp. Returning, will lave Sound at 7 A. M. eharp june2$lf T. J. SOUTHERLAND. Drive-Well Pumps, O TO VES, TIN WARE, V k7 REFRIGERATORS, WATEK COOLERS, 1CK CREAM FREEZERS. at "' ' PASSES 4 TAYLOR'S. PURK WnmC OIL. tone '3 Great Reduction rN PSICS OF1IJ-JOUCA. WAKE at t- -; - GILES 21URCHIiOS3. JczcSS , ' 13 aad 111 Hzrcii:C3 Clock. - JJcontalned in a certain deed of mortgage De mde nappy and contented.. ?f maie by I . Fremont and wife, etial, to W. fhls Extract is used in the . k A. Camming, recorded in Brunswick county, JC3 Cream, which has given ' In Book i", pages 25 to 30 of the offlce of Reg MUNDS BKOS. & DkhO?8KTM Ice isterof Deeds, and which said mortfrajo. and Cream fcotla Waier uch a - . ADVERTISEMENTS. 3T- TaiVior-. JOUGnT FOR SrOT CASH FROM SKY. eral of the wholesale houses a largo eurplus stock on hand thrdngh the great deptcsslon In trade, we arc prcrarcd to offer 't ; f As follows ; , -':' .:-""': ' " ", n We will conimenco on COBSET3 Ml;) A line fhapo Corset for :tc A flpe Caroline Corset reduced f 0 5f c. " " ACors?tinany color, Wnk, Blue.. Black. Cardinal and White for 'nlSo. An elegant Courtlle Corset for 75c; this Cor -set c.ijKotbe bought in any other; homo for lfss than One 1'ollar nTf EXTENSION CORSET, Spoon Bust, $1.25; true value Ono Dollar and Fifty tent lirand o. Doublfl I?nst Moulded Corset. " v" U-aftd P. Imported Corsets. A fine nursing Sti .A uU assortment of Mifsej and I hlldren s Corsets. A great- man other TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, Next on, the Ust : .. 'S? k4ET CoZm3 evcry 6tylolnt priced DANS.wc will fell a highly decorated fold ing fan for 5. io. 2 , 25o. ana upwards, well worth twice the money. , ,t . nAND SATCIIEI, PARASOLS, SUNSHADES, UNDERWEAR, " FLOWERS, FEATHERS2-'. , . LACES, HAT3, GLOVES, - , MITTS, in auv color, ftt vie or slzo.'ftt miAn. Ishingly low prices. So one urged to buy, but come and see the bargains for TOUTBelf.- THE COOLEST STORE FOR LADIES TO "snop iNis TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St.; ....... .... :..... june 24 WILMIGTONN. C. Goods sent C. O. D. to any part of the' conn." try, with the privilege ot examining before paying. - . ' 1 " ' 1 ' ' ' ' - r ,' i i" i. 1 1 1 " - During the' Campaign. E WILL FURNISH NEW' YORK PA PERS at the follcwirg prlcc3 :" ' HERALD, (including Sund y) per week 2Jc. TIMES, 23c. 250. 25c. 2Cc,- TRIBUNE, WORLD, SUN, YAES1 BOOK STORK, june 21 119 Market Street. Headquarters pOR FISHING TACKLE, " ' ' AT I W E. SPRINGER Jb GO'S., I ' 19. 11 and U Market Peet ThCklarirestacd best awortment ever offered la this market. ' ;, jane 22 I . ... MCnds Bros. & DeRosset, ) . .it r i . . i 1 M"""g "ro9: & p.qsL Munds Bros." & DeRosset, Manufacture a delicious .M Extract vt Vanilla . a , Flavor your lew Cream. Custards and Pastry with it Splendid reputation. IOK cream soDA.cvery day tUU week. Nothing of the kind C'iiU it. ,. : , , Rendezvous for Li'lfcs. ' MarketandsecomlSU - ' iuns T, , , Wilnjngton, N. C. COIMC! 'ill . tVR LARGE STOCK OF FlKISrSUOES tor Gents and Ladles WFAVPOOING, Lut we. haveenugti jet on.lnn-1 lQSlyTprLY THE WANT3 OF ALL. ' , , . - NEW GOODS arrlrtrg Ef Eit .WEf K, c?rr.pr1n ALL TII2 LEADING STYLIS. Geo., JL f FretfcK & Sons, m KORTH FROST STS CONUNDRUM. TynY IS THE STEAMER PASSPOSr like a Stiing Band ? 'Because U cannot dj wlthont Us "Harper V. v. jr ir-,l . DRUGS. PERFUMES,' SOAP3. FANCY and Toilet Articles. ' . Prescrlptlone a pna!t7 t : r. C. MILLER'S. laiaySS ;i: Corser Fvurtn snt Hn st Something-New. AFEBST-CLASS - ICE ' CREAM PABLOS at the corner of Front ani MuUerry tn eta, , where purest Cream in the eltj ata bo found. ' l,iic& ami gcni-cnjcn aro rcj'ccuuur lor lieu to ralL - - . . ......i .. Orders promptly filled and dclivrred free of j )unel71m , - .f- Prorrteu.r I : , .EXCURSIONS AND SOUND PAKrniy AKX iKQW TTIC order of lbs day. FUhlnar att'ri:rj';i" ami the "lilackfisb GroaaiU" U st lu t4U FUhln poles and lines are cot the! otJr ro j qutsltoii for an enjoyabfr and succcfcial ttsy's I recreation, r Before j ou etirt cut a yocre. turtiuu, ciuier ;jwu iwc tjykt or Vt 1X18 coaod, call at McGOWAN's. and he will flxj yea na all tie et ccUrct cecer-ury f cr tte cciia. I m . ta . . . . h