r 1 . .TTs irm to&id to rccctTS czzzzizzlztllzl frcrx our frrcls ca any &r.2 an tzt;Jst: feiiiiateroattcv O . Tie tana of tta wrner Btat arrays be sthed to the Editor; ' : - "' J iCorimatlcatloria must bt wiltt&a ca cal 020 side of the paper. -rexsbna2Ueinust And It la especially and particularly racer tc.i that thitoTdQC not alwayieacoise tnoTlcwaof cerrespondeati unlew to staU la the editorial coluasna. . i It josiiT. jAams, jorro AJto raorxirro. ..ECCimSJI POSTAGE PAID: o): Oc month. 15 ctcU. K6 7J; WV! t- kSrts! by carrier. fr MWT 1-ATt Of tM -Uy. At tb boV VOL: VIII. f, W ILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY. JUNE 28, 1884. NO. 154 T tTtaT imt. 5c4r " fcis.V Rcrinr Au ifce largest JjfiU cim&tiion. of any iwpapcr i , , ' 'pi:.1HCKATIC TICKKT. p.:: i.umh: : I.KKK.I) M SCAM:. ,,l CuilforJ. in r. .vi.i;noi;: , Jl.K!X M. STKlttlAX. f New Hanovtr. -i kit in or Mwrr.r WILLIAM !. SAUNDKKS. . I..;: i.ti: tkkasuuek: 1K)NAM W. 1IAIX. of Wake. i hi: Ai iUToi:: W. T. HUBERTS, i f Gale. ' a rr us i:v- ; t.x i:u a i.: IIIKOlKilU; F. DAVIDSON', .f Ikineomtc. l I I I:INTLN!!1XT OK ItT.LIC IN- Mi:rnox: S. M. FIXCiKK. of Catawba. ,tn. jisth i: srri:r.Mi: ronrr: A. S. MEKHIMOX, 1 .t: 1 1.1.1 n i-at- 1. a 1:1; r. : V. II. KITCIIKX. JOHX X. STAFLMS. IX)CAINEWS. l'i:ti T3 IIV A3YIRTISEH f MIS. J 1: MJtr Noilv I !. I U-AI Mnalf r C M:u 1 k v re 01 New Mu!c Books l: N rt)twilii. J P Ltfilad C w tt-luili ite Ctupalgn S VAtt'is L-.H-;t: of Slrg Daj 111 l V.. r- X PuUaAfcT fcx. Vanilla lj. length II hour anJ3i minutes. There a to C.tjr Cwurt this xr.orn There were coictermcnUin Ikllcvuo tVrticUry liU wk. ur.4: to-morrow 'afternoon at 19 u;i-s!ij j.j: ? o'clock. Til re i ao intrn;cnt in Oikilale l"c2.:vrj thU wrck, tint ( a chi!d. The IUvitcr 01 Dectl iucU two :urtli.;c licttcc. tbi week, botli "for :;. c( tlo fniot vegetables wc ue .tn ti.ii jiar were for a!o to ! :'.ciilc tnitkvt home lh:t tuoroin. I: i eil.i enough lr a Cro lor a tVrtttnwtht tawraiai. bat it cmjo i't t Ci-.ch warrucr under the penial it-;r.cc i( the tun. TIj;tor aoI iublibcr of TftcSpir ''''. rM(fj, X. Y.. Mr. K. A. Iluck. i-vu.I S:. Jiobi Oil rcpcatcUIy -U in factory result. We imito the allentioa of vurc!lizcns t u tit thit first tjuJity shirts arc U.t u v!e to order at 00c dollar at tbc Wl.i;aiUja Shirt Factory. ti. l-r thankf are duo tbocomuiiltec for ai isiratioti ojoio !a the excursion to S&U&T&e. to b Wen by tbo Carolina 1 acit Cab, oa the Steamer Ju.poir, on titicclr Cif July Cad O-c colored tramp from South Caro- r j-IaJ for lodiins at police bead. Viir.fri list niht. Ho had mado an :;ncaicslto work at the ioiproYe- cucow goincoQ at tbo mouth on '"e riitr and was on bis way to that ":t. He waa discharged this morn- Ery Farmer ouLt to eet a "Coy tr Plow," greatest invention ci t: K. Jacoux is the AgenL f sAs SptxiGc is said to bo a sure x:tiaccr:an cases The people ol NcrUW;ca will find that Scales a-S'.ei!5;aa will prove ctjuallylis efll- ;a rtsiovinc tbo disease enen oa tie body poliUc by the unholy -.icce Utwecn carpet-bag Republi Ci" icd scaltawts Democrats. JV.'est aiortment o! Fishing Tackle tta fosJ al JAConfs. - t Tie two letters. S S. according to the pieotrar hers, may be made to stand "r 1 taabcr of excellent words, such wSwir.ard Sure, Steady and Stead- tii.. NJrtr.l. - 1 0. (?. . j aui oironj, Otitk. auu '.sapenor and Sutwrh. Staieimcn State, Scales and Stedman and -dcrs aadSocceii. You can take J'-r choice or take them all. . Aaother Isrse consignment of Sash. A Ulladj at Factory prices, just u JAcocrsllardwaro Dcpotf Interesting CxercUo. Tb exercise of th FiftecntlKAnnual Ofiimenccnieot of the Academy of the Inctrnation were heM lat nigbt. and were witness! by a large and delight ed aud:ncc. Tin to!!oviii is thepro pr.in) me, which was fu'Iy carricl out: Salutatory Mi- IlelMea Weill. Cfitita Xew Ycarj Kve, with the lo!:owio cast of charartprj: Father Time Miss Miriam Ilea?. Old War Mias Stella Divitui. Spring Miss Uc becea Willi. Summer Mi.s Mary Wrig!it. Autumn Miss Mtry Wei tcrniann. Winter Miss Florence (frccnuwah). The twelve months by Mies Mary Lirkim, Katie Donlan, Mary (ireeu. Sac Flli-, Nettie Rosen thal, Annie Iockfaw, Maggie Kjan, Amy Weill. Katie McDonnell, Marv Sweeny, Jtscphir.c Harry and Annie Allen. Christmas Miss Iizzie Darby. Santa C.'ausMias Amy Weill. New Yiaj Miss Mary Donlan. All the partb ia the Cantata were welj rendered and highly appreciated by the au lience. ! Recitation May Q leen Miss 11. Weill. 1 Tableau Crowning of the May Qi'cn. Song Kathleen Mavourneen Miss Aouie Allen. Piano accompaniment by Miss Mary Allen. Tableau Summer Picnic. Recitation Somebody M iss Daisy Bear. . Tableau Autumn Scene, Vocal Duett Moonlight Misses Kate Reilly and FlorenceGrcenewald ; piano accompani meut by Miss Kate Reilcy. Recitation Thoughts during Service -Miss Eliza Weill. Tableau Bethlehem's Star. Recitation Legeud of Brcganz Miss R. Weill. Hynn Ave Sanclissimi By the pupils, with organ accompaniment by MS3 Mary Allen. PKKMILMS I'oU CIIIttSTIAN DOCTKINE Firbt class. Firit premium Miss Stella Divine; 'xtrpuo liss May Wright. Second premium Mis3 Mary Donlan; xruo Mis3 Annie Allen. Second class First premium -Miss Mary Western: an n ; Exa-quo Mis3 Mary Green. Third class First premium Miss Katio Wcstermanu; wragKO Mis3 Maggie Price. Fourth class Firt premium Miss Tbersa Westermann Exa-quo Miss Lucy Wright Second premium MKcs Mamie King. PJcci Waltz Miss Carrie Rosenthal The Lark aud the Nightinca!e In strumental Mis Florence Green wald 1'Kf.MIUMi I OU TlIC ENGLISH COUKSE. In this cuure premiums were given as follows: To Mis Mary Wright, for Hbtory, Arithmetic and Grammar; to Mi) Stella Divine, for Ilbtory and Grammar; to Mts Miriam Bear, for IlutCry, Arithmetic, Grammar and Book-keeping; to Mis Amie Allen, for Book-keeping and Historj-, and Enryto t MLs Mary Donlan. fur Arithmetic iNTi:i:iniiATi: i.a.ss. In th:s clas premiums were award ed as follows: To Miss Rebecca Weill for Elocution, U. S. History", Arith metic. Grammar, Geography and Or thorapby;to MissIagie Egan, for Geography, History and Orthography; to Miss Mary Green, for Orthography, Grammar. Geography and Arithmc tic; to Miss Mary Wcsterman, for Grammar. Geography and Orthogra phy; tq Miss Katio McDonnell, for Arithmetic aud Oplhography. JOINT CI.Ai-S. Premiums were awarded to Miss Daiiv Bear and Miss Carrie Rosenthal for Grammar, Geography and Ortho caDhv: to Miss Julia Bear, aad Mies Katie t Westermann, for Geography, RsadiDg aad Spelling. ritlMAKY CLASS. Premiums were awarded to Mis3 Eliza Weill and Miss Theresa Wester mann, for reading, spelling and map questions and to Miss Maggie Price, for geography, reading and spelling. Premiums were awarded to Miss May Wright and Mis3 Stella Divine for Latin translations; to Misses Annie Allen, Miriam Bear, Mary Westermann and Rebecca Weil for ornamental writinc; to Miss Maggie Egan lor greatest improvement in writing; to Misses S.Divina and M. Wright for proficiency in French; to Misses Mary Donlan, F. Greene wa!d, N. Rosenthal aud Carrie Rosenthal, for proficiency in music; to Misses IS. Divine. Mary Donlan, Mary Wright, Mary Wester mann aad F. Grecnewald for proficien cy In painting and drawing. The cxcrQiscs wcro interspersed with instrumental and Tocal music, which gave a pleasant variety to the entertainment. Ienonni. Mr. L. A. Gallowajy. one ol the oldest citizens of SraithviUe, wa? in the city lo-dny. Ex-Mayor James Wilson, of this city, left here last niht lor New York, lie will be absent about two months. Wo sec on the.s'reets our musical young friend. Mr. Sam D. Carr, of Portsmouth. Va., who is looking as well anil handsome as ever on this, his 21s". birthday. He will-remain over with us next week and will return to Portsmouth next Saturday. A Menu Thief. Anthony Smith , aonc-armed colored man. who keeps a hucksters stall 1 front of Mr. Bellois grocery, on Market street, wa3 robbed last night of 8 chick- ens and 10 head of cabbages When he closed business last night he puc tne poultry on the piazza in rear of the store, and when he opened this morning he found that all were gone save one head of cahbase. which the thief had dropped and in his haste to get on wun his booty, had neglected to pick up a?ain. . Pvnnrta PnrAirrn " r.pui i9 x. c uij, ti . Br. barque Mmnic Gray. Moncneff, cleared to-day for Ixndon with 3,641 , , . i , barrels ro3in and 25 barrels pitch, val- ued it t5 712 shiDnpd bv Messrs Piter- ucu at o. u, suippeu oy iiessrs x aier- son, UOWnmg ec UO. Uan. Drig VIC- loria. Ualliher, cleared for bt. Croix, W. L. and St. Lucia, with 131.401 feet lumber, valued at Sl.bJU.7l, snippea oy Messrs Nortbrop & Cumming; making a total of exports foreign amouutingto &AWW On the third pago of this issue will be f jund a very interesting account, as extracted from the Farmer and Me- clianic, for whih paper it was written, of a character well-known hero for years preceding tho war, 'Uncle Moro." as he was known to everybody, high and. low, rich and poor, white and black alike. All that the account says in his lavor is sincuy correct. m a 1 A. I I Us history was a most romantic one and ho was in every way honest up right and reliable and withall, a thor ough Christian. A Fino Crayon. At Yates1 bookstore is a tine crayon drawing of tho Hotel Brunswick at Smithville. It was drawn by Capt. t 1 r u : - 1 .1 : , duukci, ui kiij, uuu is vcij uuiicci. and is only changed lrom the actual ... . appearance 01 1110 Duiming as it now tam!q hv nn addition which ia to be stands, Dy an audiuon wnica is 10 do maue at an cany oaio so as 10 mane 11 i 1 r . 11 o a place 01 v inter as wen as oumuiur resort. Tho picture will bo framed and sent to the State Exposition, and afterwards to the Now Orleans Exposi tion tohow what there is in Brunswick 1 county worthy of recognition and patronage. Everybody in want of Paints, White Iad. Glass &c. should co to JAConi'a ... . 1 . . to get best qualities and lowest pnces.f - Ulllircii acrviccs io-jtorroV, jnhn. (h..rh rnrnxr Thir.i nn.i t .'r,.; tvi- lfv. .imM (iirmirhnAi n n Rector. Third Sundav after Trinity, June 29, 1 jiuijt vviuiuuuivu a . 1 w a. m. juuru lng Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 5 o'clock, p. m. Lvcning Prayer ate o'clock. First BapUst Church, comer of Market and Fifth streets. Iter. T. II. Pritchard, D. D., pastor. Sunday 8cho-I at&SOa. m. Services at 11 a. m.. and 8. 15 p. m. Young Men's Praver and Praise mccUng Tuesday nigh at at 8.15 o'clock. Prayer and Praise mecUng 4 of cs- A aui b au auwuvau v uai wi uf va I Sixth nml Market streets. Iter. F. W. K. Pos- I rhan. Pastor. Kb rush services at 11 o'clock. I m. Sa services at nhrht. Sundav School at I 9.sa a. m. W. JL Strauss, Superintendent. I Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Camubell streets. Praver meet- ta. a a a L I ocnwis.tjj.m. B k 1 M riiio circci ji. x.. buureu, uciwccu .un ana 1 Church streets. Rev. W. I. Hull, Pastor, if ervircs at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Class meet- j ng at 7 o'clock. nja..)ii. ra. ; 1 rajuriuwims luursuay even 1 Front street M. E. Church. South, corner of Kront and amut streets. 11c v. ut. js. a. Yo. Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. 1 and 8 P. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m.. W. M. Parker. ni, pcrtntendent. Prayer meeung ana lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association 'iucsiay evening alter nrsi ami third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially lnvitod. Religious services in Tileston Upper Room every eunday at a 1 Al. Public oordiauy in vited. Seamen's BethoL Dock between Water and Front streets. Capt. W. J. Potter. Missiona ry to the Seamen. Services every Sunday at o.m a. m ana 4u p. m. icamen ana au others arc cordially invited. Scats free. Part ot the service wUl be In Norwegian, conducted by capt. cmuiianscn. St Thomas Pro-CathedraL First Mass atl a ra. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Bcncdlcuon at do clock pm. Dally Mass at c : a m. Christ Church (Congrcgatlonailst)Nnn street. between Sixth and Seventh. Itev. D. D. Dodge, m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m, J'rayer and Praise meeting. W ednesday, o clock. p.m. snnday bcnooi, 3 o'clock, p. m., In Memorial Hall, corner 7th anurtuneu. Smnd Bantlst Chnrrh on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets. Rev. J. P. King, Itnr. SenlrM&t 11 m. nd 8 n. m. Sun day School at 9a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. First Baptist Church, (col.) cornor of Fifth ana campbeu streets, A. M. Conway, pastor. 1 Preaching at 10.30 a. m.. 3 p. and 70 p-1 xa. c. a. oca 001 111 p. m. 1 NEW. ADVERTISE31ENTT8. Pig Fish. jot i.too jjur c;of the finest pig KLirevercarSht In Iho Sound. Win serve thxn up at short notice for ocr patrons. Hoard by the day, week or inonth at reason ableratcs. KU. WlLMiN MANNING. Jure 8 It M. FLETCIIEIt MANN1SG. Notice. gCIIEDULE I5TAJL Merchants, Traders, Brokers, Keepers of Hotels, Eatlrg Houses, Boardlnjc Houses nl all others subject to slid Tax are hereby notiflcd that thla Tax falls doe on the 1st da7 of July, lSdi. and that the law requires that the eatuc be paid duilng the ten days of the month; pa j In the Tax at the time of the issuance of the License, other- the s(and3 st you. J. E. SAMPSON, Eeglstcr of Deeds. june 23 2t State of North Carolina, Pender County Sg"$& S&,TUC!,,n Va. w. f. Monroe. I Ttnfnn T XT Tlnn1nTA.Il. T T I vi,.. uununu.u rilHIS IS A CIVIL ACTION TO KECOVEK I - 01 vao ueieDusui, x. juonroe, auac 1 conut for goods, wares and merchandise. Eold a. i .1 m . .1 a. it w. -m w 81x doJlara and Eiftbty Gxe cent3 ($10G t5) 1 !- r a . 1 j 1 with interest from 18th Augns:, US3, and to enforce a Hen for the same on a lot of land at Point Caswell, in render county, on the N. K- corner 01 Simpson ana raddison Avennes, 120 feet Equare lnc defendant 13 required to appear auneomce 01 u m. liiooaworin, o. the 21st day of August, lswi, and answer or bloodworth. j. p. DuBrutz Cutlak, Plaintiff's A tt y. june 28 lavtGw sat JfOW'Tort & Wilmington fkom pier si, east river, new york r REGULATOR Saturday, July BENEFACTOR ..Saturday, July 12 REGULATOR 1. .....Saturday, July 19 BENEFACTOR Saturday, July 26 FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR ....Saturday July 5 regulator Saturday July 12 I BENEFACTOR Satarday July 19 I . T , M I REGULATOR Saturday, July 26 " Through Bills Lading and Lowest Tiirough JUte guaranteed to and Iroai Polnto iaoruianaoouini;arouna. I ror Freight or Passage apply to U. G. 8MALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE CO.. General Affentr, 35 Broadway, New Yor. may SI-- Notice. TnE undersigned having quali lned as administrator on the estate of J. C. I Mvers, deceased, cn the 14tli day of June, iss4. in the superior Court of New Hanover I County, notice is hereby-given to all persons I indebted to sani ueccasei to mate immediate payment. anl persons having claims against said esUte will present them lor payment on or before the 14th day ot June, 1885, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ThU 14th uay 01 June, ism. GEO. B. MYEBS, june 14 law6w sat Administrator REAL ESTATE. HAVE FOR SALE SEVERAL JL rri HOUSES and VACANT LOT3 very ' ' Tlri iSt cheap. HOUSES, OFFICES and I'rSLVH cheap STOKES for Kent. Apply to D O'CONNOR. may 24 law 3m sat Real Estate Agent T Ice. Ice. V It WOTILD nESPERTFnrXV KnTfFY fhfl x citizens and the public generally, that I have laid in a full supply of CHOICE ICE, and am noV fully prepared to fill orders at iajw riuuiia. bv tne liar re I. Hoc-ahead or car Load, to all points on the Railroads or luvers, acu nope to secure a reasonable snare pauunage. xx. u. Aimr,.", Proprietor of New Ice Hoof e Send for Prices june 27 Ira New Music Hooks. PARLOR ORGANS GEMS. 5Cc. BIJOU COLLECTION, 50c SUPERB SONGS, ' tOc. SONG FOLIO, fOc. x FOLIO OF MUSIC, 50c SONG WORLD, . 25c Frank Howard's latest Song. "I'LL AWAIT MT LOVE," 40c. tor sale at HEINSBERGER'S, june 27 Live Book and Music Etoxts Hon. A. M. Waaaell. lirE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE HON. A. M. WADDELL as a candldats fcr Congress from the Sixth Eistricf, tu'ect to Cke action of OU Dcmo&jtic Court nLo of tie 2Hf . rcf, vUneoScd. wxau NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ; City Drug Store. 21G MARK. 1ST STIM3ET. NO CONDNDBUM ABOUT THIS : -Soda Wt ter at 5c per glass. It can't be jccxk! at "Vi or 3 cents per glass; (too nruch foam and gas). Drugs and Cigars In great variety. My oda Water is alwajs goott. It cni be excelled erery day. My Cologne Is th. best to be hid. Ice Cream Soda occas'.ou- aLy. Call on "OLD" JIM CONOLKY, ju'.c 0 Manager. LAP ROBES. JN ENDLESS VARIETY. TUB FINEST assortment of Trunks, Bag3 and Satchels ever offered In this city. Saddles, Harness, Bug gies, Phictons, Road W&rons,- at prices to tuit U.e limes. Trunks repairtd by the only iractlcal trunk maker In the tate. MCIXJCGALL A BOWUKN, 114 North Frort St. N-.-xt to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store, june S3 For Excursionists. L reries, Dry Gools and all other articles to be found in a first class store. In landing at the Steamer's wharf pass up through the gate and turn to the left and my place 13 about 0 yards distant. Give me a call. J. A. WESCOTT, may 29 1m Smtthyille. N. C. Our Dr. N. Robinsoiij JROM BL1DEN, HAS ARRIVED. Also, Choice Goods from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and many more are expected. The "Children's Favorite Animal Crackers" have arrived and the "Old Folks'.' can come In on the more substantial in the same lln We have a small stock of choice N. C. Meat, S. C, Feriis and I. X. L. Hams, Strips, S. C. Should ers, Dried Beef, &c. Notwithstanding the decline In Sugars we are selling as low as they can be bought else where, w We can sell the very best Family Flour at $7 75 per Bbl other grades in proportion. june 14 tf F. G. A N. ROBINSON. SCUPPERNONG WINE $1 Per Gallon. yfE HAVE A SMALL QUANTITY of this fine NATIVE WINE that we-are closing out at ONE DOLLAR PER GALLON. We can recommend it to be Pure, Sweet & Wholesome, with the full fiapr of the grape. We bought It at a low figure and propose to give our cus tomers the benefit of it. There Is no beverage more cooling and re freshing a warm summer day than a first- class article f -Nor.th Carolina Scuppernong Wine with a little Ice, and there is no bever- j age as cheap that produces the satisfaction obtained In using thl3 Wine. Come- at once. o P. L. BRIDGERS & OQjMundsliros.&Peltosset, HO North Front St. june 23 Mortgage Safe. D Y VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALft J contained in a certain deed .of mortgage wife, et al, to W. in Book r, pages 25 to 30 of the oflice, of Reg is ter 01 uceas, ana wnicn saia mortgage, ana tha Hchl: IhorvhT uirnrivl w in rtnia innrci. of assignment, transferred to WllllanTM.Cum- minx, the undersigned as Attorney for said William M. cumming, v. in expose fot sale to thfi highest bidder for cash, at nublleanctlAn. at the Court House door In tho city of Wil- mlnzton. on Monday, the 4th day of 1 Ausrust. 18i4, at 12 o'clock, M. the following describea proerty situate in li runs wick county, known as Clarendon Plantation. Beginning on the j Wott hunt fifth A 'rA Faoi1 HIvpi at fhOTrirtTifh of the Canal, runs thence up said Canal S. 62 W rectly in front of the dwelling, thence N. 52 W. j poies 10 a unina tree, inence it -n poles to a stake, thence a. 74 W. 41 poles to a staae. mence o- r... poies 10 a uogwooa tree, thence . bu k itn poies tt a blick gum, thence n . ts. liu poies to a stake, mence is, 124 poles along a bank to the Cape Fear River. thence along the banks of tbc river about 2c5 poles to the mouth or tne canal, the begin ning. Also one other tract, beginning at , tne mouth of said Canal, runs thence along' the first of the above mentioned tract to the high land to a China tree, thence N. 52 W. 31 poies to a China tree, thence S. 11 W. 354 poles to a stake, thence N. 70 W. fc"2 poles to a Cypres3 ne&r the run of Beaver Dam Creek, thence along the meandering of said creek to the ricf field, about 22-J TKle9. thence with said creek on the north side N. 50 K. 163 poles to thejnnclbm of Reaver Dam with Malory t'retk. thence with eald Mallory Creek to the river, about 123 poles,. thence along the banks thereof to the beginning, containing by esti mate 1,000 acres more or less. J. U. BELLAMY. Jr., ' june 20 30d Attorney. Wagonette -pOR WRIGHTS VILLE SOUND, will leave baotfcCTland's Stables DAILY at 0 p. m. sharp. Returning, wilLhave Sound at 7 A. M. sharp june 25 tf T. J. SOCTHERLAND. Drive-Well Pumps, gTOVES, TIN WARE, WATiiB tCOLKK?,! ICK CREAM FREEZERS, at PARKER TAYLORS. PTJEK WHITE OIL- tun 1 Great Reduction rS PRICE OF MA JOI I CA WARE at . - GILES iu3CHIgK'3, june 23 109 and 111 llcrcal0O Slock. BOCG HT FOR SPOT CASn ' FROM SET cral of tho wholesale bouses a large turn! us etock on hand through the great dcmcsilon in trade, we axe prcr arctt to ofTcr ; As follows ; . "- " I " Wc will commence on COKSKTS H ' A line shape Corset for S9o A line Caroline Corset reduced to 5fc A Corset in any color, Pink, Blae, Black. Cardinal and White for Vnly r 5c. c( pet cajEot be bonght In Any other home for U ss than One JJollar - - oTA &F? JKXTKNSION CORSET. Spoon Bnst, f 1.25; true xH One Dollar and Fifty Cents. - - i4- . s 11. and G. Double Bnst Moulded Corset. C. and P. limiorted Coirets. A fino nursing .fl1 A ful1 assortment of MUscs and Children's Corsets. A great many other Corset?, which we are cow ready to show and seir at a very low figure at . r TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. c v - -u Db va m uv a,u ia 1 a . Next on the Jisti? . CORSET COVEBS la every Etylo and price. 1ANS. wc will cell a highly Uccoratcu fold Ins Fan for 5. 10. 2 , 25c. ana upwards, welt worth twice the money. ' - .vs. .... HA.ND SATCHELS, TARASOLS, SUNSHADES, UNDERWEAR, FLOWERS, FEATHERS' ....... LACES. I7AT3 fJTV'P.q.' MITTS, In any color, tylc, or size, at aston ishingly low prices. No one urged to buy. but come and tea the bargains for yourself. , THE COOLEST STORE FOR LADIES TO SHOP IN IS ' " f TAYLOR'S:;.t;:7;r t .1 BAZAAR, 11S Market St., . june -i . WXLM1NUTON, . C. Goods sent C. O. D. to any part of the conn, try, with the privilege of. examining bforo paying. During the Campaign. Y"E WILL FURISII ' NEW YORK PA- IIERxVLD, (including Sundiy) per week 25c. TIoIES, " ' 25c. TRIBUNE, ' .'. o 25c. WORLD, SUN, " i 2CC, YATJES' BOOK STORE, , june 23 r ' 119 Market Street. Headquarters F OR FISHING TACKLE, if.:; . AT.r W. E. SPRINGER & GO'S.. 19. 21 and 23 Market 8 tree! Tbc largest and best assortment ever offered In this market. June 23 Munds Bros. & DeEosset, r Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Manufacture a delicious 1 d -- -.: Kvtract r.f Vnnlll.1. Flavor your Ice Cream. Custards and Pastry with it An(1 mado bappy and contented, This Extract ia used la tho .v. i I lea Cream, which has elven MUJiD2 KOJ- DeR033ETS Ice l X u , ... DUUU I SpICnOlU reputation. ' lpf BP.D every day this week. "'""'K w mo Jtmucquau . , ;Uuiuuo iur imcs. I Market and Second St.; H luno . WUmlngton, r. C. coirjc i . 0UR " LAEGE STOCK OF FINE SHOES for Gents and Ladles Is FAST GOING, bnt WO , ' . , : have enough yet on. hand to SUPPLY THE WANTS OF ALL, , , ; j NEW GOODS arriving ETE!tr WEIK; comprising ALL THE LEADING STYLI8.' .: i.-f.; 4i 1-m & -tt tit. , Geo. E. French Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. june 24 CONUNDRUM. HY IS THE STEAMER PASSPORT like a Siting Band? Because it cannot !a without lu 'Harper!'. , - DRUGS, PERFUMES. S0AP3. FANCY an,i Toilet Articles. 4cT v j jrrcsenpuona a eperiarty at F. C MILLER'S. . 2 may 25 Corrcr Founn ant Nun sis FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM PARLOR at the corner of Front and Mulberry streets, wnere purest wream xn tne ciiy can lie iounu. Lviica and gentlemen arc reetxetf all r invited toralL . , Orders prossptly filled and delivered free of charge MR. & MRS. J. L. TliUER. lune ti lax t4 Proprielori . EXCURSIONS ' A 3T SOUND PARTIES ARE NOW TnK JX order of th day. llhlnjr at the Rocks" and ths "Blackfiih Ground" 1 at Its best. Fiahieg p&les&sd lines are not the only re quisite fr an. enjoyable and snoceasfal day's recreation- Before 70a start oat on roar ex cursion, eHber ito .m the river or to the Sound. eallaiMcGOWAV3, and he will fix you up all the et cetera necasary foi the occasion. - jure 13 ,,: 1 1

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