MISCELLANEOUS. SALT RHEUM. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. I;Ur'.ty at K W tM a!T tU. Krst let RMflt, ttl pti voll j t U fact tai ix oi-r trUfccmr fur U;f soc aaJrl if-rvi.lkt4t Li tu u c.i. aiU aoa..Uj, j4 mimmiJ aii tv ic, &j Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Th tL-Zoi la; letUr froci oc9f or.r lt l&Urcat L farjaacrrr; RHEUMATISM. rr iLat I eoc! I ml o Ir ll. e wtlltuol arv?U If aaj rtl f. t.i.t:l I Vm Arm sicairAKitxa. It tL of io Uxtle of Lict 2 tu cvn,lcteij ccrvl. )Ut aoJJ larj c,antnJ- cf j:r Sa n A raritxa. aal it u:i rttaict lu !. :iul jvpalarUr. TLa aaauf ooc&bU core it l Cclt t tal vicinity coatta- tn tUV U at tH beat L-1 s&adlcu ever Hcrcl t- tl. robiii. 11 F. 1 1 1 1 Kin. larvf SL, Ecu-Hind. Mam, Kay U, crtnr in tl Itrr;t Carrct Conriliti. vaa for tfevrtveaty year brforw bu rcar 1 to Lovtll tu4 vilb bait Itbeum tit vent form. lu ulceration actxilJr mttml Btoe tlaa aa!f Una sorfae of hi Lo! ar.4 hat. 11a waa cnUrely eared, br Atra's BiuarABitXA. so cxruscau Li Ajer"a atmanaa for 1aX Dr.J.C.Ayer&CoLowclI.Mas. ScU by a Dtbj'j; f !, tlx bottle for IS. taa 1 lytc4w;uAw a H AYER'S Ague Onre eoctalc an antidote for all malarial dl rtlcra Llcb. to far at known. Is m d in i:o ctbr reioedy. It eonxalnj no 0uinii. iir aaynlacral nor deltc-rku ultaoc lit ?r, aixi consequently produce injurious effect upon U eonaUtutlon, Lut l-ar l) o iiUu aa beallliy as it wa before U- attack. VAKKATT AYTE'3 AGUE CURE to ear every eaae of Fever and Agne, li.tcr mittest or CbiU Fever, KrmiUciU lrr, Immb Agu, Hilioo Fever, ail IJver CV m. I'Uint ca&aeU by malaria. 1 n rase of failure, af ler due trial, dealers are authoring, ly ur eirealar dated July 1st, lv2, t6 rfunl I ho money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all lrugUts. " no uany ueviow. g o A I O w L . .-mitiivilu:. Jui. -4i.h. 11. ?v'Vt I he r.--,ur iur U: Kf view . lijf btva nn.iirMl iil.ly :i.iirvi-v!r. lt kV:1- " ' ' 1 i-V var'u.4 hoti is in iLv lvirvy uUUcc.ty. irVJ 11 w t1 There is rot so.r: ti U :t y mcvSiriy hT.ufiCr fur Ihc jUar ..vibs ur hi-ihfi skiitir iM.it, on i lour iHjpu :uiuii Noilh Carolina, r. -ms tun t r iv7r.v variety l tas-t cat. t o au::t-J with.ni VX-r5 ljck, or io ti t- lr.i:vick. a: pyAii SmiiUMJi T.-!. l-l 'la ho !a Ur l-lace. nnI l m a:;.- lo riconiiucn.l y.feS jg. it certair.lv f . those wh, arc :u,t.'ut- &J.3T u Tno mrnu waj somtwlrit elaborate, v r.05r. coniti 'f live o-.urst s. each aeconi- Igjgg pan'u-tl ui'h il appropriate wii e. It VVviV liken !i little time lo : tntoilv'h nil UtU. Kflr but thcro is ti pitivo r.lvantas in I may ?4d lv L t. i 2 2 "2 " 3 ?. e e r B fx?"" B a ,BaltIinoro& Wilminsrtoii Stcanisliip Line. drrAMaiur Vidette WILL SAIL fUOM TUZSDAT ., IUNK1C ruou 8ATCKOAT JUNE 11 TmratKa JZlto of L4iBg ao-l lowest throocb , rmte roaraate to and iron nolota h lo Kail itoada aad Cape ear fUver. , ALSO. Tw aaJ Troa Do low. ProTt.lence, Pbll.l pal at all VTeevara due. rr it Caxaeat. apply to A. D. CAZAUXAH. ANDUEWS.A CO., Ajrt.. a. W. Comer Ufht aad Oermaa 5u . jaM ( iUIUraore J. L. WINNER, yATaialAKKR A JKWC1XKB, VCbroaoracUra, ne Wubea aad Jewelrr rpl rel ant warraateU. Ovpoalie New tfartaU Sro.l t. Ship Your "11UCKKXS. IXiUS AND COUXTRT l-EODfJClC UVKHALI.V lo JL. vr. Rivals BACK, WllatBftoa. N. C mancsT markkt tricc ruAratced. (ftufe to lUak of New Uaaover.) aaaylC PARSLEY & WIGGINS, MAJSUfACTURJCRS OT 8ASII, BLINDS, DOORS, ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK. apt O U Boxes and Crates, TOR SHIPMENT OF TrGCTAB KS AND M rreiu. La aooks or rwade vovV. -a- rykIAOvr riSH LDMtUCR. A faH atocA of Coora aad Ireaae4 Loaiber. La'ta. fer Bolidla pwrpo. iriera by Ue earr. locOc aad For- tOiS1" PAaVSLKT A WXQGIXS llotel Itrunsnick, except to iuaKeecri dennrtmeat increase in excellence wilh the incre ase in t atronate which he expectant! which must surely follow hi? fflurts tei please. A hoi i oi ini cia. to ho ont'ii the car rtiUtai will be of w- - - - w - - great atlvanl ikc to all thi piatioa ol our State, ami wit: mid iniu h t lh altrac.ios ol Wilminpion. ami will lu hi lo make the t.ew LoWl ulucu Is prn:ii.cil in in Wilmington a success. I I... I ii .. I Ii.-mir ai t fu tlil fi.aSS m a v ave' - -- -- will weik liinuonoiisly t eJi r, ar.l be of tvt nlna'i :ti aiitae t" eneii other. Smith viM ; i-i mm h 1 u-l at l'ie i !-a o your new t.o:t If ami wt.i ! a i in i, power to make il a :reat siaces-, bin i claims to be I he tu r in :abl r:inv hist ei'j.-s la tel rt c i;imtlatioi.s in tbi? vieinitv. I thiiJ; we si a 1 bav d iieeI- lo ilint MtuM'-ni t..vs n this merit. I have been much int-ert-steJ to learn that am on 2 st inar ::tta.iMn.-. llu Sttcrtu Com -erts to In; iiiveti at the i.:;ii"ill ol the liotf 1 Iiruisick n every Suiulaj Diht wo! aura I n.e.rh at euiion f uj mus:c Iovi is. ami I give you n.e pro gr mme l on : -M5uMe. tn-it ou Lua see the nuality t the mi su . eriornieo. and iti ai!aptati n to lhe t acred day of rest. n: MiK.vMMF.: r..-r i. I ltoinant-e Sut Sit on tlm Ocean. Full Orelie-tra W Lowitz. a Aibio Dai !; elomN l iwer in tli U b Allegro Ti-e Sun shines thro' mid pain s them with irold. II Mat eli Tain, hauler Wagner III Uevcr.e Kubei .st-iu. a Atulant i lleliioso. li Seher. '. hTV M-H tilih: Sonata I'iano Solo. W. IaH.. . IJeetfifVi :i. w v.wir ii. I Overture Tarn her t?e "arde. Full Orclutra T.lle II Iniliimnati Siab.f Mat t, lo?ini. HI The Cliristi.ur Prayer - S;,ohr. IV Itomatlo In-yodil th: Cloud'. Violin Sl Keivev V Hallelujah Chorus. Fu'.l Orehes- ira Handel. A l.trjre nunib.j !" irue3 from Wct erriNorihUarolina irui So l hCir -Una arcrxp'.t t.-.! hi : In e i ly art of i.exi tuooth, and after t';e r mm:.! ; ? ot fine,' die.".- bal.s will Invi' w-h.ch Will cius "juiie a llutier ec temcnt amoug th? telles at.l Iraux. The writer would like t ho dciadttl fruni the. editorial :aU of the Kkvii.w to stay all Summer, but al-is! he fears that o:h rs interels will eause him to be railed away to o lu r aid 1 rs. con irnial scene. Hut. alter ad, the cause of gHd nnl honest government to I lie Stite.md Nat'oti. which the Kkvikw so 'ably ad vi ell;, will, if successful. console us ..r t!o los of higher pleas ures, tor although good caling and dinen. and i:ii plcasues of all kind.'', are not to le lililly esteemed, still they are :e n-.tliir: in the balance beside honest and economical govern ment, w hich of a. I governments gov erns the bc-t and is. conse-iuently. the bt. X. R mm H Item. mm A Heart IaUi2. 1'alpita-ion. Dropslclal Swelling, Ilizzincs-. Indii'estion, Headsehe, SlceplAscnis cureil by Wells' H-alth Kerewer e h1 - . Twenty Years ot Ajoiiy. The IJ.V.iimnre Ecuniny Xcics fas that for the benefit ot the public. Mr Walter Gcnim?:). residing at O'J S. Gilruore street, iukc the fullowins statewent : "Mrs. John (lernmell. the wile ot my brother, living at Miiroy, Mirtio county, Ia , was thrown Irom a wazon in the Spring it I S3 1, and. sustained a most serious injury to her back, resulting in partial paralysis, and from that time until the Spring of Irvslt, she was a belp e? cripple and unable to walk. During ail these lon twentv years of acute auCering more than half of an average lifetime she Jay upon a lounge in her sittlbg room, unable to move without ho p. All prescriptions aud arplicatioos failed to do her any good, until provid ntially. at the ttnie mentioned, her daughter rea J the aJyertiicment of a great remedy and bought two bottles. The first trial gave her instantaneous relief, and before the second bottle was exhausted Mrs. Oemmcll wat able to walk about and brj been completely cured. The great remedy which she used and which, cured her so' miracu lously, was the world-famous St. Jacobs Oil. Mrs. Ccmraell recently visited her relatives at a distance for the first time since she was taken down, which she was enabled to do through the effi cacy of the 'Conqueror of Pain which well deserves its name. M mitm Mms n mm .i-Jr ia Immi ma Ifm ii tit s u Aw r y : m&m-m. mm was V2 m mm s .1 . ri'iT3 h I , Rev. W. H. M1LBURN Sil ff kit til I -i f I I. . Rev. W. H. ifn.ECCM, D.D., the famous biinj preacher, writti: New York, April 3d, 1S04 For ten or twelve years I have used Blackwell's Durham Smok ing Tobacco, and found it the most satisfactory of all I have tried. I gave Thomas Carlyle a pound of it, as we often smoked together, and ha warmly praised it. I have found no tobacco on either continent that compares with it. Yours" truly, . . din It, 0 p.-- mm 17? V AN OPEN LETTER. . Durham, N. C. olden Belt of North Carolina is eminently superior to all other for the manufacture of first-class smoking tobacco. Durham vis the chief market for this fine grade of laf tobacco. With our mammoth factory and immense storage warehouses at Durham we have facilities that no other firm possesses for securing the very best leaf in texture, flavor and quality not equalled elsewhere. Command ing the choice of all offerings, we spare no pains nor expense to get the very best. Hence, with the best raw material, the most complete out fit for manufacturing, and employing the most intelligent skilled labor, .1 . TU T MM T-V 1 ' .1 . we guarantee mat uiacKweii s jurnam is u.s .purest rftb "Tv and best smoking tobacco in the world ; that Black- 4VCrW well s Durham Cigarettes cannot Le -vs ftzr 1 . ham Long Cut has no equal. r.S.Xone venuir.e iciihoui Oie CS I V w trade-mark of the Bull. !.'?. W Bra Pr evident. cm Pimm i lr l 1 i'.'tifj-M mm Tiip---aar-. N G o 5-5 v A No wr U this tin:c to giro Smith's Worm oa. jj.a-w IN UONGICCSS YEST12UIAV. . SENATK. Waihn(;tox. June 27. Oa motion, ol Mr. Lamar, the Senate took up, read a third time, and passed without amendment 1 ho joint resolution provid ing lor a settlement of accounts with the Mofiilo & Ohio Railroad Company It authorizes the Attorney General and the Secretary of War to adjust and linally settle the accounts ol the united Slates with the road named for proper ty received by that road from the II ni ted States. Mr. Dawes presented the conference report on tho Invalid Pension bill. The report was agreed to. On motion ot Mr. lliddleberger. the House bill authorizing the extension of the Chesapeake & Ohio Kailroad to a point cn the military lands at Fortress Monroe, was read a third lime and pased. The unfinished business was then laid before the Senate, being the bill providing for the forfeiture of unearned lands granted lo the Atlantic & Pacific Kailroad Company. Tho bill declares lorfcited all lands, excepting the right of way and lands for Stations, hereto fore granted the Atlantic & Pacific It. R.Co . which are adjacent to and coter minous with the union Pacific por tion of tho mini line of tho road; pro vides for the resumption bv tho United State ol the title to such lands, their re storation to the public domain, and their subjection to; the disposal under the eeneral laws ot the United States as though the grant had never been made. Tho Senate committee oa Puo lic Lands had added to the bill a Dro- viso which in eQectlfixfg the price of lanns 10 seiuers ai $2.50 per acre. Mr. Morgan spoke at some length in advocacy ot hi3 amendment, and while still holding the lloor gave way lor a mation to go into executive session The Senate discharged the committee on Privileges aad Elections from far ther consideration of the House bill on the Electoral count, aad ordered a com mittee of Conference on it. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Wilborne.ofTex.. submitted the conference report cn the bill granting a right of way thronght the Indian Ter ritory to the Gulf , Colorado & Santa Fo Railroad Company, and it was agreed to. . Mr. Hancock, of Tex , presented the conleicnco report oi tho Penajon Ap propriation bill, and it was agreed to Mr. luruer, ol ta., called up the election case of Thos. (J. Skinner, from the second district of North Carolina The question at issue is whether Skin ner was elected from the proper district and there is no contest pending. Mr, McMillan, of Tenn.," raised the question of consideration in favor of tho private calendar, and the House declined to consider theelecliou case. COMMBKCIALi NJSW8. W I L M I NGTON M ARK ET. June 231 P. M. SPIRI T S TURP E NT IN E -Quoted firm at 27 cents per gallon. Sales of 150 casks at these figures. ROSIN Quoted firm at U7i cents for Strained and $1,021 for Good Strained. MAKINE NEWS.. Mr. Forney, of Ala., submitted the j TAR Quoted firm at $1.30 per bbl confeicnce report on the Army Appro priation bill. The report ancoancc an agreement upon aU the . items except upon the Senate, amendment striking out that portion of the bill which regu lates the compensation to be paid to subsidized railways lor army trans portation. The other sections of the bill, as agreed upon, J appropriate $24. 454.450; beina $310,000 more- than wa carried by the bill as it originally pass ed the House. The report was agreed to. Disagreement to the amendment indicated was insisted upon, and Messrs. Fornej', Townshend and Keifer were appointed as conferees. Mr. Ilenly, of Cala., made an unsuc cessful'attcmp; to secura coasideratio 1 for the Northern Pacific Forfeiture bill, and the House at 12:30 p. m. went into committee of the Whole (Mr. Cox, of N. Y., in the chair) on tha private cal endar. At one o'clock Ike commitee ro?e fr the purpose of permitting the IIr;u?c to dispose of the "BAckbone" R. R. For feiture bill. The speaker announced the question to b3 on the motion to table a motion to reconsider the vote by. wh:ch the House yesterday defeated the "Backbone" Forfeiture bill. The motion to table was agreed to aves 124. nays 114; so the bill was Io-t. At THE WILMINGTON SIIIUT FACTORY, Ho. 27. Market st. Mirht bhtrs, all eizes, 7"C. Congress, tte mcwWlformLar and lAst White Shirt oa the market, 75;. Colored Shlrt3 25c and qoward a. Seaside Srdru at all pr.rc8 Boy'a yachting lo jrrcat raricty. Cent's Draw ers 2 v and npwarda Wamsutu Jeans Draw ers, reinforced, equal to linen, something new. 75c Drawer maoe to ortfer. 75j. Warasutta frhlrts with 2100 linen bosom made to order at l. Order from :ho country solicited sxd promptly attended to. dire ns a rail. - J. ELSKACII. ' I aneS7 m , na per m of 280 lb3 CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $1.85 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and Si for Hard. COTTON Quoted dull and nominal. Small sales on a basis of II J cents per pound for Middling. The followingare the official quotations: OrOinary 8J L -od Ordinary..... 10 k Low Middling.......... 10J Middling 11 J Good Middling , 111 cents DAILY KSpEfPTS Spirits Turpentine-- 259 casks Rosin 703-bbs Tar G bbb Crude Turr-cntine. ........ Q bbls Box 2,418 KewTork. la aa infolible ILE5. Price K vr icni pre WEEKLY' STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JUNE 21. 1884. Cotton ashore. 832; afloat, 27; total, 85'J. . , - Spirits ashore, 1.5S5; afloat, I.C'IU; to tal. 3.201. Rosin ashore, e0,)0I ; afloat, 5,703; to tal, 75.G09; j Tar ashore, 1,08.9; afioat 50; total, 2, 039. , Crude ashore, 1,890; afloat, G2: total. 1,952. " KECEIPT3 FR03I JUNE 14 TO JUNK 21. Cotton. 14; spirits, 2.4$3, rosin. G 714; tar, 214; crude, 1,072. EXPOirrS FKOM JUNK 14 TO JUNE 21. . ' DOMES! FC. Cotton, 37; spirits. 405; rosin. 2 540; tar, 4 CO; crude, I.2G5 KOKEItlN Spirits, 2.750; rosin. 2.408; crude, 150. ARRIVED. Steant yacht Louise, Smithvilio, Master , . Steamer D Murchison, SmA etteyUlc, G. W. WiULams &Co... Schr Joha R Fell, Ivdnl , dclphia, Geo Harriss & Co, c load iron to CC R R nr.KAKED. Steamship Regulator, I York, JI G Smallbones. , f Steam vacht Louise, l SmithyiUe, Master .. Q , Steamer D. Murchison, Snu-, ' etteville. G W Williams & Co. ' ton. Me. Geo Ilarnss & Co, cs--U Chadb3arn& Co 1 Schr Sarah L Davis.. B"g rington, Me. GeoIIarrisif , by Parsley & WMinV, ' ; Br barque Minnie Graj, c , Indon, Paterson. Djgjiis WI, and StLucis, Northrop ming Exports. COASTWISE. t?i: ohr Alice Jieaf 11111 Ill's l o - 707 It lumber. 423 300 ioy. Thomaston. Me-fcbrf 169,235 ft lumber, 3 bbli t rosm . II ' Harrington, .3 Je-scnrjw-130,180 It lumber rORWGSV London-Br barqoe Mies 3,641 bbls rosin, 25 bbb f f. St Croix. W I.wdfijS? brig Victoria-131.4 Jljtjg JACKSON & BEtI Water Power Pn 1 1. FREE Tboousaa of caws of t.rmm. TV.Krrtir. tal .nd pbjrsical wMksu, Umt manrxw.l.BCT- rTrfMu in 11 i. ii.. pinwillii l CDIII7 . . - 11 J f.i 1 . r- . Clraa; Uith Uul i t vill turu rrrrr paaa prrtnpi4 uta U frc4 Ui tn.af'.. .1 A. , I oa receipt r It cnlm tar FORITUAL BOOK-BINDER ;We have the mort cofs 3 V ment of the kind to be v ton. and uaranteo ail LirJ; In first class rtyle.andonr Send in your orders doriss A u son. and have them execc1 . I possible prices.-

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