Tins rAricn ! rrtry tTt. 9a!iT. ex ci4 ty JOSHT.JA3U2J. n In H alshcd to tie Ilizx. i ICoamKr.TcaUoTta nnat ta V; .a" t oaa side of tlie paper. ; . ; -Pcrsona2nesffiU8tp( avot'tij t " And It Is especially a&d pxrUcaliriycifcr "Rod that the Edttoi to,pt always czda ra the views of correspondents ralca ta statj. hi the editorUl colamns. T ' !" 4 " . h WPtA. si;;., n Mtrrr-l by earners frfe O- T?" l'T part of tho r ?tr. t the sbovo " , r vu liberal. VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. JUNE 30, 1884. NO. 155 : 11 VIEW. Jmi V -VnV'r AU Me Inrytst . .V t" any nctryjipcr . 1 1, f 7 .wruritit in Iindoa coq f4 ,n a few weeks ta lioili Jr. V Mrxica who ooey their .. - arc icaiiitu uj iaiuo f .x wtile they study. - ' ' - ' , T .. ; r pricier U a wealthy lkw V;jJ:vlcr. and the cartoonist a 1 l3tj !lcr.:ueof Wilci. ,,.! tic I'ricco of Orange .!y ir.!ucid by the vititaicd at- I lave a oew comic 7. - e trc Left ia Lis bed-room . v papers if a rtilaiklphia street r- cr.c J by tongue of the car, and cxz;'r J ha''.in the horses from the Trciirica! maaajrer anticipate a pcor . . ii'.. rointn' seakon. ovin2 to :ra.t:.'n$ fl the PrcsWcatlal i.c.:.:i. at J r- cITcrins only half the r.It"- i t performers. ,,,. Vj tie of Iliihop Sinip3on. the t."itit i;:boi IJowman. of St. L 'sj. aav.- ia Lis GTth year, becomes .jy Kjjof hr,hopol the Methodist Epis- ccrilC-rch. He was c.ccica oisnop ... . Tterc ii a Mineral alarm rcardtns ieuatcr supply of New York City, asJ strict economy in the use of the !:rniab!e Coii i urjed m all di- nctioa-i. in ercr that a famine may be iie.'Icd. I. T. IUrnui i, i: is low learned, is h-j hitherto unknown lounJcr of the Maum of Natural llliiory at Tufts CU.V;e. McJ.nI, Slai. .Mr. Daroum waicaacf thoorlIcil trustees of the cLu:f artractiua of Winchester, Va , is tU d aa!!c cemetery ia its sub- J Oa vzc tide ot a stone wall er isricd utcr Unloa dead, whi!c TerJ.CCO Confcderato soldieu lie oa :.t titer. Victoria Wood hull is living in grand -V in I i.f.'.n thn vrlfA nf Mr. Mar- p.th LiaLcr. She and her sister. frtr.i t.atlia, tarn ud their doscs at p' Yerkcrs as they roll by them iu rfi.iccus carnage. l.::t-w-.;::i 1 dallara, with $3,000 -rr;r;!a:td iat crest, the legacy of the I ' tiaras A.Uced, of Newton, Mass. ' ' Mz'.'.k 1 State, towards the pay" -v.c4 tic public debt, has just been ; i i a at tic l; -s'.oa sub-treasury. Tt; Goruiaa Government has just ' l is).v ilorins for the secret of a I tor boat, which aa Austrian pulttllet r LaJ iavcntcJ. Tho iuven- , A5;r.aa Minister, of Marine, who UH rcra. New South Wales, tho Mcctrj eta tew diamond Geld has r-tz rvrtcv! which promises to rival - -'a Airi a. A considerable nuraber Jascnds havo been d If covered tie bt few months. Wr. Wu.iam Henry JIurlbert. the i --Te!.:or !thc New York World. a ft rc nrrietl next August to Miss 'J.cfNcw York. Tho wedding ' Hie I'sce at Mr. Iteckitt Pcrason's ?-x:..unm Yorkshire, England, and t jx..)n will b spent in Italy. 13 ltsurrv.ic circle in rtaston tliero r U i tf t-Ha John L. Sullivan, the vcr. b p. ..ukation for Congress in ' c3fta Dij:r: nnv rnrrentcd l -yr- r-!r: Collins. Some of Sulli- i:fr:tnlsare tr..i;oiln tht John rUlt(f?d:,irict, and go to Con- wiae Masiichusctts Morrissey deaths Iroratnberpulnti Is Ncjt ( trk irtra about 5.000 annually, and - a5;tary authorities hxr an idea ft- dlsase is ofttn contracted from (t'J-; aro saCering from plcuro-F-Sosia. AccnsnianJ careful in- tttlca of cattle in that c'.tv is to be rutca j ..rtlimiaary to a thoroush Joitiosabkxt. . tf tLe Enr!ih wnmrn wKo 'f1 a cnivmity education rmoracdihctaJ4lyc4 lnto n " . aiaLadcnfwr protidin higher r03 H c!incI aod famUics. , Lave also rartcd disscs ia csctntrtsia and near London. -aaUb, thow xrho hare made izj Cf iho subjects thej teach The licenses for theatres in New Or leans has been raised by the Legislature from $300 to 2.000, which makes the cuy ana srate tax gi.wu. in conse- nuencc. only one theatre will b3 opn cext winter, instead ol two theatres and two opera houses. Mrs Quiocy Shiw, of IJjston. who fupported thirty free kindergarten fchools out of her income from Calu- mect and Ileela mining stock, has been compellctl to c!o.e eight of them by the depreciation ia the value of her stocks and the company passing a dividend. The Louisiana Legislature arc about to pass a biil taking away the rijht of i the New Orleans auctioneers to sell property in judgment cases, and em powering the sheriff to make sale. This will Increase his fees to $100,000 per annum. The auctioneers arc endeav oring todcical tho biil, which promises to rain their business. Trials made at the naval experiment battery at Annapolis show that dyna mite gun3 arc not nearly as destructive as ordinary rilled artillery. A target that would have been pierced through and through by a six-inch breech-load-in? rifled gun was left in fairly good condition tftcr numerous shots and the use of 2G5 pounds of tlynamito Not a single shot went through. .. Tho platform adopted by the Couvcn. tiouof the Democrutic party,! at Raleigh last week, and published by us on Saturday, is-.a most admirable docu ment. It is not a hastily! conceived platform but one carefully prepared by intelligent shrowd and patriotic men and it is the dcliberato expression of the maturo judgment of what was perhaps the most thoroughly representa tive body of men ever assembled in the State of NorthCarolina.by whom, wo arc told, it wss adopted "by an overwhelm ing vote." Under these circumstances it becomes tho political gospel of tho party for the campaign of this year and "until its sqecessor is appointed and qualified" at tho next conventioa ot tho party. There aro some who are, o course, "disappointed." not so much, perhaps, at the platform as a whole, but because their own peculiar views havo failed to impress themselves upon the minds of those to whom they were addressed. Wc aro happy iu beiu able to say that every plack of the platform is thor oughly in accord with the views held by, and expressed by, this paper. Wc be lievo in the total abolition ot tho inter nai Internal revenue system ; in a tarifl for revenue ouly, its adjustant to be left in the hands ol our representatives in Congress, and in the aid proLvered for educational purposes by tho Ulairc bill. believing, as wo do, that with a Demo cratic house the necessary machinery will bo perfected for its distribution thro" the hands of the State authorities. These are the radical points of the plat form and it is one under which the Dem ocratic party ia the State of NorthCaro- lina will march to a sure and certain victory next November. Mr. Lowring, of Messrs. Iloflnung, & Co., Sydney, N. S. W., Australia, suffered agony lrom the gout and was unable to ret unstairs. A lew appu cations of M. Jacobs Oil, the magica pain-reliever, cured him. LOCAL NEWS. IXQIX TO R(W ADVERTISEMENTS. No More Gray Hair S ii men The Siieoa A CAi:i-Opcmts Hall r C MlLLtK Conun.lrcm Gnvn.l Moonlljrbt Excursion II MSSBEEGEK LatCSt IWJCS I A Smith Wlnlow Shalca Mks S J IUKKn-SeJUng Out J W IlAr.n:u Fourlli of July McIolo.vli. A JJoviex Polish R M McIstire Mofjulto Ntt. &c Y KSruixci:n A Co Hcailquartcrs Tlios C. CRAIT, Apt Lawn Choirs Geo It Fkencii i Sns Sicclaltic3 C W Yates Ijokscllcr and tatl?ccr Gnxs Jt Mi rciiisox GrcAt Kcvluctlon r L I1eiigkr& Co Sctirrcroon Wine Mods Eros. A DeIIosset Kx. Vnnllt Packer Jfc Ta uk Koofln ana Tin Work For other locals see fourth page." There was no business for tho Qity Court this morning. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 8 bales. What trc ycu going to do with your self on tho Fourth? At 3 o'clock this cfternoon tho ther mometer la this office registered 81 de grees. It has boon thus far a rainy moon aUrgethcr too much so for tho crops in the lowlands. Two tramps one white and one colored wero lodgtd at tho . cnaxd hou:o last n!gM. " Thirteen carloads of watermelons passed through the city this morningxn This has been the last day for listing taxes and there has been quite a rush to keep from being placed on the de linquent list. The rains with which we have been visited within tho last few days have b2en quite general throughout this sec tion ot the State. Tho Fayettevilioiliicricr of Thor3 day's date arrived here yesterday morn ing, safe and sound, haying been only three days in transit. - "" Take good care of yourself now. This is dan?crou3 weather and during Its continuance the system i3 peculiarly susceptible to miasmatic influences. There has been certainly a suffi ciency of rain, thu3 far, but not enough perhaps lo do any serious damage, other than dragging tho grass out to the top of tho ground, and causing lots of hard work to get rid of it. Clear weather now and plenty of . sunshine is what the farmers want. A Bis Potato! We wero shown to-day a bunch ol potatoes, 1$ in number, which were all attached to each other, well formed and of good size; the whole making quite a mammoth "tater." They (or it) were (or was) raised on Mr. A. W. Mc- Fadyen'a plantation in Bladen county. and ho brought them Xo us for inspec tion. lieuelit laid. Tho benefit on the life of tho late It. W. Chad wick, who was a member of Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231, Koyal Arcanum, was paid to-day, the amount-being $3,000. When it is con sideredthat Mr. Chadwick died only thrco weeks ago, an the 6th inst., this will be seen to bea quick settlement of tho claim. 1 Kudo Conduct. '". There was a Catherine: at about 9 o'clock last night at the corner of Chest nut and Seventh streets, of quite a num ber of young men who were guilty of using rude, boisterous and profane lan guage, much to the annoyance of ladies and gentlemen who were walking in that locality. It is to be hoped that such conduct and language may not be repeated. Drowned. A littlo cight-yearold son of Smith . i Wilmington and Weldon lreisht depot at i o'clock yesterday afternoon There were conflicting ftatcments retarding ti,.i,TO: r,f wk;k la tif uiunuiubl ww v. " y the littlo fellow could not SWim and , , . , . , ,i was pushed in by larger boys, and another, that there were 15 or 20 boys bathing together, young ureen being among the number, and that he was not missed until the others came out to put on their clothing. Tho Confederate Com. Tho bag of corn which was purchas lot set here from Baltimore by Mr. James A. Wiliard, and sold for the benent ol the uonieaerateiiome at men-1 . .. . . w sr I mono, anu wnicn was oy XU.r. .seni is I v.t.tA.;ilA tnhA fhprn nn thn vhhh.v w w v-w. same account, was put up at auction la . a,L lunu vjh m uuuwuji uuu oviu i crpn tmfa th p ayrcatfl amount seven limes, ice a20rc0uio auiouuw reaching $50. It was then forwarded T , . . , .,, . to Raleigh where it Will again go through the process. A 4UU ru," r rrsA th w?nflnw nf Mr. C. , w ... ..uw i W Yatea1 book slorfi tO-daY some I beautiful specimens Ol grapes ana ap .w:v, :,,i Kia ronr hv pies Wh:ch were raised this year Dy Capt. S. YY . Nobles, on his place in tlie suuuros 01 me city. iueru was uui uuo i . . . rrt m . . variety of grapes, which were "Nobles' Early Champions," and these were large and luscious looking. The apples were "Red Astrachan," a large apple of a brillian! red, and an "Early Ripe," which was of a green color, and both were remarkably fair . Personal. Mr. E. G. Policy, of this city, left here this morning for a visit to New York and other Northern points. II f wi.l be absent several weeks. Mr. J. E. Morriss, of this city, has I gone on a month's visit to Meridian, Ansa wiicre uis who now is. I f r r it Trti,f I for which point ho left last week, . and wuers qq win remiia unux avuust. 1 l ?11 f -V "I . Mr. T. II. Thompson, who has been J absent a conplo of weeks oa a visit to his relaUves at Whitakert , N. C. hz5 rctarned and may bo seen at his aces?- tosci pliC3 at Mr. E; M. IlcInlla'S-? I NEW AD YERTISEJpSNTS. SCos C3LTUL-t o JSTe 1 0 8 I n . NICE ARTICLE OF LACE NET, JUST RECEIVED. , Bci?5 Black Lace Mitts and Gloves of all Sty!es.i Jerseys Plain arid Braided at :1 m v $1.50, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. WHITE LAWl 'ROBES At reduced prices to close. V - FANCY MATTINGS at 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40, good value. LACE CURTAINS in great variety and at close prices. R. nfl. MciraTIRE. june 30, 1684 - , HEAPED UrON US HAS NO PARALLEL IN THE Clothing business. Good goods, square dealing and low prices have won for us the largest share of the clothing trade this Spring, and for the balance ot this season we shall contine to offer the same extraordinary low prices. Onr increasing trade jjroves the truth of all .we state. It is plainly visible to dealers in our line as well as the general public, that SIIRIER is doing the leading clothing business in "Wilmington. , IT IS NO SECRET ! You hear it every where. It is gratifying tdtus, and the public may rest assured that in the iuture, as in tho past, their confidence shall never be taken advantage of. Our aim shall ever be to offer merchandise of the best qualities, at the lowest possible prices, without dodging. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. june 30 Grayllnei tho Great Hal? Boetoror and Itcnewer. caane gray 7ia.tr to ltd natt color, gradually and permanently. Not a dye. A marvellous Invention. Gray-Hatred persons, nn onri niii women, m&de to loov von no- m three weeks. No more crray nair Also tfmwa i rapidly and luxuriantly. Send fordescrlptlve bock, and testimonials and opinions Of eminent Cfcl ista and doctori etc., yBx reconunena it hiliiy. Addresst . j. h. Nicholson, 7 Wurrsj St NewYor" june 30 ly d t th sat wly eow MARRIED . BROOKS BAXTER In this city, on the ISthlnst.. by Kcv. J. w. urale. Air. U. W. niiO(JKS, ot Jacksonville, ria., ana miss Mary e.. daughter of Mr. Georgo L. Bax of Cronly. N. C. DIED. IT ATfTSPIRT.n Tn thUHtv. at 2 Sft n'rlnck- this morninir. Juno soth, isst. asa a. I HARTS FIELD, aged 17 years. The funeral will take place to-morrow, (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock, from the residence on bcvenin, ueiwcen iuurei, anu Princess streets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. nds a acquaintances arc mvueu lo- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Grand Moonlight Excursion O N STEAMERS PASSPORT AND LOUISE, IXG BALL at the Hotel Brunswick, under the MHSK . . m - . . . A. 4 reasonable ume. ADuuunwaaem eiraor- BaaA on steamer Louise, thereby citing those who may desire to do so an opportunity of leaving Wilmington at 4 p. m. on ix)uise ana return on Passpsrt same evening; or any one who may desire to remain at Smithlllo over nlffht Mn return on xxmise ai 4 a. m. lie cor- net Concert cmn naa occninvaiea, ana wuiuis- 8Weet music on tho steamer and at SmlthvUle. The Hotel Brunswick Band will furnish dance music at the Pavilion. Eefresh- mentswiU be furnished at the Cafe and sup per at the Hotel to moss who may uesire it. 1 art ICS wno aeure wt remain over ugm anu return on steamer .Louise aria, m., can get accommodations at the Hotel. Tno under I 1 W 4? 1 1 signea-oommmec ana aucna respecuveiy on ue steamer anu ai Smithvllle to the wants of tbeir guests, which time. Good company and good order. Fare for the round trip, 75c. Tickets can te had OTthe committee. Only a limited nnmber of tickets will be sold, as underno circumstances W AAA as wiunm s. ia maw bwv4 v discomfort of the guests. u. w. Kiuutn, N. F. PARKER, T. W. M BARES. DCBRUTZ CUTLAR, A. U. RICAUD, June SO Com. of Carolina Club A Card. M R. SUBLETFS PERSONAL ACQUAINT- ance not being of such a nature as to warrant his sending special invitations, he takes this method of extending a hearty and cordial in vitation to the Carolina Club and their guests to the Opening Ball at the Hotel Brunswick, Wednesliy evening. July Snd. issi. and gives the asrurance tuat every cCort wui 00 maac 10 promots the pleasure of bis guests. ! " " .11 nmm mm m m bfeat RedUCtlOn . u . WARE p PBICE r 01JCJL 6n3 Mpemsos-s. . jcrs ICO aud ill Uarcla riock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,MOREv LPJ LRUf SELLING OUT. TTILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK OF T T millinery goods, Motions, toys, show cases. mirrors, HAT RACKS, at cost dur.'ng the uext two weeks. Part'cs wanting anything In any line Will find It advantageous to call and examine early . tfespcctfuU'y, MRS. S. J, BAKER, june 30 lw No. 122 Market St. Latest Issues QF HARPER'S MAGAZINES, CENTURY. The English Illustrated Magazine, Electra, Puck, Texas Slf tings, Ark ansa w Traveller, Sunday Magazine, Topular Frank Leslie's Monthly, Harper's Weekly, Harper's Bazaar, Peterson's Magazine, Lowell's Library, Can always be found at HEINSBERGER'S, june 30 Live Book and Music 8 tores Specialties. YV15 DJSSIKE TO CALL ATTENTION f f - to the following LOW PRICES : A Gent's Calf Conarrcss forts, thn Rhru. ever offered for the money, to which we caU epecuu attention. i?'31 cxtra fluaUty cf IduJlea' Gt. B. B. for $20. vft JSStSf or Gcnts- Scwod totf4xc" just received Call and examine. . Geo. R. French & Sons, 103 NORTH FRONT STREET, june 30 LAWN CHAIRS, JOCNGE3. : STUDENT'S CHAIRS, . .. HAMMOCfiS, Mattresses, Window Shades, and an elegant line of Chamber," Parlor and Dining Rcom Salts. For sale by . , TH03. C. CRAFT, Ait Furniture Dealer, -Jcae53 - " s E3.rrcrtf. NEW ADVERTISEGJpiTO. ' Fourth of July, v rjlUEEK WILL JSE KO EXCUESION, OK bTME. PA55POET Persons desiring a quiet dsy of recreation can" be accomiaodalcdlr Tho boat will male a loiia : ul to eca- , June 3a 2t m th liooflng aud Tin Wort; EXPERIENCED WOUKMEN. t: ? Our stock of goods of the BEST MATERIAL. If you want a COOK STOTE ; call on ' " " P.VBEEB & TAYLOR'S. PORE WHITE OIL. , f jono 5) Polish rpilAT WILL MAKE .OLD HARNESS -I look new.' Pure Neat's Foot Oil, Harness Oil, mocking. Harness Soap, Chauio! Skins. A full line cf Carriages, Bugarles, Pha toiiB, Harness. Sahdles, Trunks, batchcla Hkfft, Sacks, &c. .Trunks repaired by the only prac tical trunk maker in the State. MCDOUOALL BOWDEN, ' 114 North Trort St. Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store. Headquarters T?OR FISHING TACKLE, AT W. E. SPlUNfiER & CO'SJ 19. 21 and 23 Market 8trect tBtTCC sroflct The largest and best assortment erer oflcred in this market. jono SO ( C, W. Yates, . , ; BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, t"J 119 Market St.,x Wilmington, N. C.. School Books' and Schsol Supplies. Blank Books of every descrlpUon in stock and made ' to order, when desired. Fancy Gooda, Albums, Pictures, Frames, Musical Instruments, &c. ' Bibles, Hymn Books. Prayer Books, Sun day School Books, &c. ' Iithosraphlng and Engravlnj! a specialty. air Special discount to teachers and mex chants. , . Don't eend off for your School orOfllce Sup plies. We can give you bottom prices and save you freight. . ' Largo stock f Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags always on hand. June 30 ' STILL SELLING THAT FINE SCUPPERNONO WINE $1 Per Gallon. FINE RICH .FLAVORED WINE. Cape Fear, Stuart's Eye, "J and Martell's, STILL UOLD THEIR OWN:' . . .... . 1 - Finest Goods in . the 'Market. J't .If, a P. L. BRIDGEBS :& CO. HO North Front St. june) Iotice QCHEDULE B TAX Merchant?, , Traders, Boarding Houses and all others subject to said Tax are hereby notified that this Tax fans -due on the 1st day of July 15S1. and that tho law requires that tho same bo paid during tho first ten days of the month, paying tho Tax at the time of th issuance ol the License, other wise the penalty stands agatnat yon. , . . J. E. SAMPSON, ' June 23 2t . ' Ecgistcr Of Deeds. Z "TTT7, AIunD3BR0S.&DeR03ET, Munds Bros. & DcKossct , Munds Bros. &J DeRbsset Manufacture a delicious i ' " Extract of Vanilla. . ? ..... - Flavor your Ice Cream. Custards and Pastry with. It : r !, - i And be made happy and contented. This Extract Is used In the ' fee Cream, which has given , ' MUNDS JiCCW. Jc DtUOiSETS Ic " Cream Rods Water sucn a - i-i Splendid reputation, ' . ill iub ciusAAi boha every cay tEiwcccT Nothing of the kind cxpiala ItJ viOi u T.-il lnuczvous ror xaaica. Markct and Secon'i SU.. - luiicS . , , Wilmington, N. C EXCURSIONS; :' . 1 ND SOUND PARTIES ARE NOW Till! J. order of the day. Fiahln at tLeRocl. ' ana the Bkick4h Grounds Is at Us best. Fishing poles and lines aro not , tho onlr re quisites for an enjoyable and successful day's recreation. Before you start out on your ex cursion, either down the rlyer or to tho Sound, call at McGOWAN'S, and ho will fix you up ail then ceisres necessary f ;r ti-j occa-Ioa.