(fjf THE BWWi ERA AND lAlRHDK1 t-r IS YEARS. Il- -j2"'-C.. V's'xiury. ..4 other.. Pr.ce. sr rsEu 8eamoe THE CnAm."." :Tu.uii, Md., t. a. A. URE v- Jf The Dai I y :M e v i bv , THE PROPOSAL- .My darling, you loolc irresistibly Ivvdy to-ni-ht 1 5. Do I ? Thanks very, much ! you arc handsome as a Prince, Charley, in your tlresssuit. - ff Give the credit to the Diamond, Shirt, my love, which I wear for the first time to-night ; it i;T that which gives tone tc my toilette. Here is its prototype (slip the Iimond engagement ring on herfingtr). ' , . Sk( May our love be as enduring as the fame of . . ' The Diamond Shirt." . Tableau. . If your dealer does not keep it, send his address to Daniel Miiler & Co., suie manufacturers, Bahi-aiO.-e, bid. aylH 3md. cd nrm Vital Questions!!!! Ask the most eminent physician Ot any school, what is' f lie best thing in the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves, curing all forms of nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep al ways? And they will tell you unhesitatingly "time form of Hops! IP1 CHAPTER I. Askanvor all of the most eminent physicians: ' What is the best and only remedy, that can be relied on to cure all dis eases of the kidneys and urindry organs ; such i as Briirht's disease, diabetes, re tention, or inability to retain urine, and all the diseases and ailments pecu 'lirirlo Woman" "Ami they will tell you explicitly aud emphatically "BuchitUr1 ; . " Ask the same physicians "What is the most reliable and sur est cure lor all liver diseases or dyspep-siaj-coimipation, indigestion, bilious ness, malaria, fever, ague, &c," ' aud , they will tell you : Mandrake ! or Dandelion!!!!" i.ifnc? wllCn thesc remedies xrc combined ' n others equally valuable, -An,, compounded into Hop Hitters, such a wonnerfui and nivstcrious curative power Is nelojKjtt which is so varied In Its operations n0.dlscasc or 111 healtl1 can possibly exist or resist ,113 power, and. yet it Is uarmleea lor the most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. CHAPTER II. y "A!mstdpadfrntearlvdvlns." j RriDear8s ai,l Sven up by pbjBiclins. of ' w 8 aad olher Kidne disease, liver com. ffCSSr' cilled consumption, Wmeu gone nearly crazj ! ! ! I wiui iaK0Dy of neurilsla, nervousness, w(meiL CM ana varlon3 leases peculiar to tbn 'le ,lrwn out of shaps "from excrucla chwru'ffsof T,1cuinatisTn, lnlUmmalory and Effering.froin'scrofula. j 'JS,1trilenn,. bl,wl poisoning, dyspepsia In triii" aQj ia fact almost all diseases Jature lherio hbh';r;c,n cnred bv 1IoP Bitters, proof of tie kntn 00 und in every neighborhood In Miown world. "HomA? Pennine without bunh of gr cn - M"nftL e -U1,e labeL hun aU tne vlle 4SVuff with ttUoKv ,;iJo' ln j iuo iuui uan xxl iu You are perfect-- ou're divine! . lilcahorcr: And jour loyal heart js mure Tot ho core; As the robin's gong in-; May L your prattle when at play, And I love you every day More and; more. It was from the heart of Jane, Eleanorc. That the shallop of the moon 1 .lightly bore Ytm across the harbor bar. auuii nisni-nini sang alar, A.nd from bcaven fell a s;aV, Eleauorc. May the blossom of your heart. . Eleanore, B a rose who.-e petals part But to pour Sweets of love; and if there be Tears a3 well as smile for thee, May they be the dew that He Doth restore So a ki?s. before' you co, Eleanore, (Reaching up to me tiptoe From the lloor ; , With the gold 'around your head. And yourdimpled checks so red,) There be oft' with you to bed, Eieanorc! -ritila. Evening Bulletin. Mr. Dana's Little Mint. I learn that Mr. Dana's income from his paper is not only princely, but hat it is exceeded only by that of Air. Ben nett. When Mr. Danatook hold of the &m he made a contract with the trns tees to edit the paper at a salary of 10,- 000 a year. lie had then some twenty shares Mn the paper. Said he: "Now if the profits of the paper are large. I think 1 ought to have an interest in them outside of my alary, Mid I propose that all dividends above H5 per cent, shall be divided, and that I have half." The stockholders, to whom a dividend of f5 per cent. seemed' not only very large, but very improbable, said : ' W hy, of course, if we declare any -div-ident over 25 per cent 3011 shall have nc half." " Will you make a contract to that effect for ten years?" said Mr. Dana. The stockholders agreed and the contracts were made. Within two Years the paper paid over 50 per cent., and for a number of years has not paid les than 80. The ten year contract expired a year or two ago and it was renewed, with Uiis change, that Mr. Dana gets one halTof all, the divi dends over 40 per cent. I hear, on the best authority, that Mr. Dana's share last year, including his salarj7, was SCOT.OOO. Washington Capital. intelligent beinirs. somewhat resemblinc I man. and in order tn communicate with .uuiu i.u carvniy a eninusiasts pianieci rovrg of lree3 several miles in 1 length bo as to form the figure of Ibe Pythagorean theorem. The celebrated astronomer bchroder. ia the beginning of the pres ent century, fancied that he could de tect f lacea 00 the surface of the m oon which periodically grew lighter and marker, and from this fact he derived the conclusion ot the phenomen ot exUting vegetation.. During the last lew decades, ho wuver, the idea of lifo xn the moon has been held up to j ridi cule and totally scorned by men. of learning. ' Hut, nevertheless, it has now bwn proved to be correct. . i Hy a-cident Dr. B'enduVan fnrn.! that the observations of the moon g ay but very little satisfatory resnU.4, owing to the intensify of the lijht power of the moon's at mosphere, which is so .ronc that it ffeet3 the correctness ot tb ob-s.-rvations in a very high, degree. He then eon neived the idea to make the ob ct glass f. the refractor less sensitive to thiiJays of iight, and for that pur pose he darkened it with the smoke of camphor. It took months ot expprt m en tin 3 before he succeeded in finding his right degree of. obscurity of the 2 1 as?, arid when finally fouod, bet then, with'thc refractor, took a very accu rate phot! ot the moon's surface . This he placed in a 81 microscope which gave the picture a diameter of fifty -five-and a halffeet. The revelation' was mr-st startling. It perfectly overturned all hitherto en tertained ideas of the moon's surface. Those level plains which, formerly were held to be oceans of water proved to be verdent fields, and wba formerly was considered mountains turned out as deserts ot sand aud ocetns of water. Towns' and habitations of all ;kihds were plainly discernible, as well as signs of industry and traffic j The learned professor's study and .observa tions of old Lnna will be repeated 'every full rimon when the sky is clear and we venture to predict that the time 9 not far oft when we shall know more about the man in the moon than as be ing an agent in-English politics. For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, De pression of Spirits and General Debili ty, in their various forms ; also as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and other Intermittent Fevers, the "Ferro-Piiospiiorated Elixir of Calisaya,' made by Caswell, Haz ard & Co., NewTork, and sold by all Druggists, i3 the best tonic; and for patients recovering from Fever or other sickness, it has no equal. tu'2w MM -ESTITJDER MORTGAGE. Jjr VlUTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF tut friers contained la a certain mortgage March isth, 1S79. and regiitered In Book P?e 551, by Adam Brown "and wife lkfcth Brown, to D. J. Sattiiders, Gurdl KlSt0111 as attornevafor fTh. Dar- cttrtHAnLrubiic auction for cash, at the ltowilr .on Mn.dy. July Htn, 18-4. tho fra ht f.f T V VlHM Premises, viz: The West- W feolaLplM1 of cit? ot Wilmington. Wlout itn snf-h street awd 1C5 feet on i innt l"!1 KUSS fc.LL & ltl AUD. . A:torne 8." Dou't Forget! . AT I-CMP;,rY. JENKINS & CO . YOU tLcte Whortleberries trial 1 an we june.io Kestcd Her Head. There was' a social gathering at. a Kockland house the other evening, and among those present vas a young man from Boston, who hid come down tor a season to rest his intellect, and during the evening he cprraled a pretty girl in one c6rner of tho room, and laid him self out to talk her dizxy, ; and impress her with a becoming 'sense of his supe perior style. Ho, rattled along for an hour or two about himself,' the girl now and then improving a chance to put in a monosyllable, and the young man thought she was getting tolerably awed, when the father bore down on the pair and anxiously exclaimed : 'See here, Maria, you be careful you really must. Renifmber that you've been sick for a fortnight, and the doctor said if you came here to-night you must make uo effort at all you uiust keep your head rested." ! , "Pa, de.r," returued the pretty girl, demurely, "xlon't waorry I am uot exerting myself at all I have been talking with Mr. Beacon. My head feels nicely rested." Aud the young man from Boston soon after excused himself, and went up-stairs into a dark room," and leaned his head against a ! window pane and tried to think. liuckland Courier. "Uoi the O.UioUth w v w WJ lilVA na rront fit. ' Is Your Blood Pure? Now this is an important question, for without pure and wholesome blood there can be no perfect health, and without good health lite is a mere bur den and a waste. For impure blood the best remedy known is ROSADAL IS. It is the great Southern time tried and true Remedy, and may be implicit iv relied on when every thing e sc fails. Take it in the Spring time especially, for the impure secretions of tho blood incident to that season of the year; and take it at all times for Cancer, Scrofula, Liver Complaints, Weakness Boils, Tumors, Swellings, Skin Diseases, Ma laria and the thousand ills that come from impure blood. , Talking about the Liver, we presume that ill temper is more often caused by a disordered1 liver than atSything else. To insure a cheerful disposition take ROSADALIS, tho Great Southern Remedy.' which will, remove the prime cause, and restore the mind to its nat ural equilibrium. . The Moon Iuliabtted. At the astronomical observatory of Berlin, sa3 a translation from Nya Pressen Helsinetor. a discovery has lately been made which, wittout doubt, will cause the greatest sensation, not only araongthe adepts in science, but even among the most learned.- lrof. Blcndmann, in that city, has found, be yond doubt, that our old fr eiid. the moon, U not a mere lantern wnicn kindly furnishes light for the loving youth and gas companies of our p'an et, but ibe abode of living, intelligent beings, for which he is prepared to fur nish proofs most convincing. This question has agitated humanity from time immemorial and has been the objfet of ihe greatest interest. JJat the opinions have always differed very widely, and no two minds held one and the same. Already in ancient times the belief prevailed that the moon was in habited with some higher organized. A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous1 weakness, early decay, loss of j man hood, &c, I will -send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE, j This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Ikman, Station Z, Ifeiv York City. eod d&w ly : Do not let the boys shoot the birds. . A. Fair Offer The Votaic Belt Co.,of Marshall, Mich offer to send Dr. Dye's Celebrat ed Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances, on trial, for thirty days, to men, old and young, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and many other diseases. . See advertisement in this paper. tth s cow&w I .... 1 - , Sweet corn likes sandy, dry soil. j For seven years,- Allen's Brain Food has stood the strongest tests as to its merits in curing Nervousness, Nervous Debility arid restoring lost powers to the weakened Generative System, and in no instance, ba3 it ever failed; test it. Si ; 6 for S5. At druggists, j or by mall from J. H. Allen, 315 First Ave., New York city. ' eod Sprinkle onion beds to destroy maggots. with hot water "Koujrli on Corns." Ask for Wells' ".Raugh on Corns " 15c. Quick, complete cure. Hard or oft corns, warts, bunions eod Give the cows a daily supply of salt and they will not meddle with old bones. , .! Avoid by all means the use of cal omel for bilious complaints. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, compounded entirely ot vegetable ingredients, have jj been tested for forty years, and are acknowl edged to be the best remedy ever devis ed tortorpidity of the liver, costiveness, and all derangenjents of the digestive apparatus. e . . . j Epaulets of pleated lace, bows of ribbon or clusters ofsatin or Velvet leaves are fashionable, as they give the high-shoulder effect now is vogueJ Mr. H. M. McDonald, et Lagrange, N. C, says, Dr. Boykin's "Worm Kil ler," brought over 100 "worms from one child in his neighborhood;! and that it gives universal satisfaction. He sells more of it - than any other worm medicine. ; - 1 lrice only 125 cents per Bottle, Eeery Farmer ought to get a 'Boy Clipper' Plow," greatest invention of the age.. Jacobi is the Agent. Jf t "AKAKESIS" cives insfan relief, an d Is an infalibu cure for Piles Price $1, at druggists, or tent pre paid by ijpall. Sample free. Ad. "A nak.es is ' Maers, Box 2,416 New York, Thousand. of'cMtf or Korrea. DebUItf, men. tal and physics! waaknesa, lost manhooi,ner Tooa prostration, tba results oflndiacretions. excesses or anr cause, eared by N ETRVITA. Strong faith that It will ear. mnrj eaa prompts bm toai to any scflerer a trial packare on rvecipt of IS cents for postta,tc Da. A. O. UUJ, nov27vcodAw t th mjiiii ins ftHilM 1, VV FREE! re erery caae prompu FOR TRIAL. WeakNeruousPolen Whooe debility, exhausted ppm-rs, prciiiatara decay nd failure to perform llfe dudoe properly are caused by .eicesMML errors ot youth, etc. will fcnd r ierfect aj listing rtitorai ioa to robot bcsllb and lorun uunhood ia THErrlARSTON BOLUS. Neither storujirh drareiaaT nor f inytrujnnta. This treatment of Avoas Dublllty ana sutetsful bca'as0 bar-d cs pprfect disTiosia, new nnd direct M:!iik! &nd ebolnto tsor. athnws. Full information ad Treatise free. Address ConsoJtics rhiciaa cf - - j; MARST051 REMEDY CO., 40 17.14 th SL, KovYork. 57 lrrtH-t tW ...1 I ... r . mORPJIINE HABIT 0PIDC3 any one eaa eere fciaaseir J.IS DK. H. H. USE, of the IVQniBrer Home, m oSvra a Benedyerheriewy 'onrarnieatafroainilat medioal meneaiKtraea . M. kAilt, Uk, 10 1 wUtm St., W let CUT. IIISCEJLLANEOOS. jgouGUT ror stoi cash rEOJi, sev- eralof the wholesale touscs a largo BurpTvis etpcV on hand throogh the great depression ln trade, we aro prepared to offer AsfoUowa ; ... ; r We will commence on COF8ETS ! ! 1 A fine shape Corset for S0c A fine Caroline Corset reduced to fe e. A rset In any color, Tint. Clue, lUack, Cardinal and White for .-nlr'5c An elegant Couniie t'ossct for "f; thia Cr set c mnot be bone-ltt in anv lher hon e for lr.. than One I'oll.ir .y TAYLORS KXTKS'IOX OR.HET, Zvon IJMst, 1."3; trtts value One Dollar and Fifty t enta. J K and G. Double Tiust llonlded Corset. C. and P. Imwrtcd CorLal A Chenurslnp tA fh asmrtnacnt cf Misses shd lul lrcn g Corsets. A icreat many other Corsets', which we are kow ready to show and 6411 at a very law 'iiguie at TA rLOit'S BAZA All. - Kext on the libt : CORSET COVERS in Tcry st Is and price. . -V'S' we wirlrella higr ly decorated fld lng Fan for 5. .13. , 2ic ana upwards, wed worth twice the money. II AND S ATCOK Lf. PARASOLS, SUNSHADES, UN DEUWEAU, FLOWER3, FEATHER-?; LACKS, HATS, GLOVES MITTS, in any color, Mylc or slz.-, nt adton ishingly low priced No one urge.d to buy, but come and see the bargains for yourself. Or THE COOLEST STORE FOR LADIES TO SHOP IN IS ' TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, i US .Market St., june24 WILMINGTON. N. C. " Gool3 fcer-t C. : D to any part of the conn try, with the privilege of examining b'-fore payinj. Mortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE OF Til k POVVrR OF SALE contained in a certain deed of mortgage made by S L. Fremant and wife, et al, to W. A. dimming, recorded In Brunswick county, in Book f, page3 25 to 30 ot the clllec of Reg ister 'ot Deeds, and which aid mortgage, and the dobt thereby ee.nred, was in due course of asslgnmeot, transferred to William H. Cum roing, the umlerslgned as Attorney for said William M Camming, -will expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, at the Court House cror ln the city of Wil mington, on Monday, ihe 4th day of Augnst, 1Sj4, at 12 o'clock. M. the followiEg describes property situate In Brunswick County, known as Clarendon Plantation Beginning on the Wett bsnkof the (;pe Fear Kiver at the mouth of the Canal, runs thence up saldCanalS. G2 W 124 po-es to a China tree 011 the highlands di rectly In front of the dwelling; thence N. 52 W. 3) poles to a China tree, thenco S. H w 854 poles to a stake, thence 74 V. 41 p.rics-to a stake, thence Ci E. SS2 poles to a dogwood tree, thence. S 80 E 204 poles t a blick cum, thence N . 24 E. 116 poles to a stake, thence E. li'4 poles along a bank to the Cape FeacP.Ivar. thence along the banks of tbe river about 2.5 poles to the mouth of the Canal the begin ning. Also one olher tract, beginning at tne mouth of sai l Canal, runs thence along the first of the above mentioned tract to the hlgti land to a Chlm tree, thence N. 52 W. 3 ) poles to a China tree, thcn;e S. 72 W. 354 poles to a stake, thence N. 70 W. 62 1 poles to a Cypress near the run of Beaver Dam Creek, thence along the meandering of paid creek to the rlccfield, about 220 poles, thenco with said creek on the corth side 50 E. ICS poles to the junctl m of Beavr r Dam with Mallary reek, thence with said Mallory Creek to the river, about J2 poles, thence along the banks thereof to the beginning. Containing by esti mate 1,000 acres more or, less. J. D. BELLAMY, Jr , june 26 SOi - ' Attorney. New York & Wilmington Steamship Co- 1: k -i FllOM PIES 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK AtSoVlock, IP. M. REGULATOR.. BENEFACTOR. REGULATOR.. ....... BENEFACTOR. ...... .Saiurday, July 5 .Saturday, July 12 .Saturday, July 19 Saturday, July 20 FROM WILMINGTON : BENEFACTOR. . ........ .... Saturday July 5 REGULATOR... BENE FACTOR. '. REGULATOR.. ..... Saturday July 12 ...... Saturday July 19 Saturday, July 2G 4eT" Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Kate guarantecl to and irozn Polute ln North and South Carolina. . Tor Freight or Passage apply to H. G. 8MAI4LBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. W1L P. CLYDE Jk COM General Aks1, ' 35 Broadway. New Y or -may 81-tf. , 1884. j Harper's Yoiiiig People, AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY IS Pages. SUITED TO BUT? JUTD GIRLS OF FSUU SIX TO JSIXTEEJf TEARS OF AGK.-'h VoL V. commences November e, 1SS3. ' Harpeu's Youxo People Is the best week ly for children ln America Southwestern Christian Advocarte. All that the artists skill can accomplish In the way ot illustration has been done, and the best talent of the country has contributed to its text New England Journal of Education, Boston. .. - In Its special field there is nothing that ran be compared with It Hartford Evening Poet. TERMiS: ; HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, 1 1 Per Year, Postage Prepaid, f 1 50 -SisGUt Numbers, Four Cents each. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cta. The Volumes of Harper's Young People for SI St and 1S33, handsomely bound In Illumina ted Cloth, will be sent by mail, postage pre paid, on receipt of $3 00 each. Cloth Cssea for each volume, suitable for Mn41ng. will t9 sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of Zo centa each.. ' . . . , . r-r. .. ... .. - i :. Remittances should be made by Poet Offie Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance'of kr Newspapers are not to copv this advertl meat without the express order of HARrca BROTHIX&. Address - - . UAPJfEB BROTH EJf. nov.54' Z NewYpik.,, .''" '.. - 'im:-- ' jr..:.. w .- V-r".'- ' - " ' 'i MISCELI.AITEOUS HTCapItal lrizo $75,000. Tickets only $5; Shares in pro ' portion. -N "1 M Louisiana State Lottery 'Company. Wcdaketitjf cerfiV t r rnmrrtut the trrrancmtntt for Mi the JUoiX'p cud SfTni AkkuaI lJraxrixgs c - The- Louisiana Stats Zo-' terf- Coisjjfljjij, aud in jHTS(-n Rflwjre tnui crm trttl Vie I r airings themselves, and that 'nt are conducted cit honesty, feirutisjTud 4 pood faith tovmrd ail parties, end tee cuXJUrr izt the Company to use this certificate, teitlifcc timiies of cu& signatures aiicchtA. inXsanver 'iitmenfs.' v rruoixG ale rncm. jmt The . folJiTtlr jnotriiflna rtprent whtvlsa).; piha geicraHy. la ras.kln;r sn smalt oilers h'rhcr rrtrcs r.vc tt he chatea 11 11 m ft a r s r sr--' Commissioners. ;. . Incorporate! In l6S for 25 years by the Log llatunc for Eilucatlonal and -Charitable pur looses with a capital of fl.Ca'io.OiTo to wn. h a rooerve fund of over 550,00i has. 'ince hcc added. Ry an overwhelming poiuta vote Its fr.u, h33. wafe ma'? - a viart or the. present S:i:c Constitution adopted December 2J. A, D., 1 Th'. 'oftly Lottery ever rtted o-.i nfid eurtf-rttL Of (Tie people of ony R'afe : . ' , ft never scales or p9$tpnie TtsJ Grand Single Number Drawings tak? place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Seventh Grand Drawing, C V. In the Academy of Music, at New Oilcans, Tuesday, July 15, ISSt 170th Mcnthly Draw Ingi Capital Prize, S75000. 1 00,000 -Tickets at Five Hol lars .ISacb. Fractions in Filths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of... 1 Capital Prize of... 1 Capital Prize of... 2 Prizes of $,00o... 5 Prizeo of 2,0t!0... iu l'i-.zes 01 2J Prizes of 100 Prize of 300 Prizoa of of of 500. Prizes 1000 Prizea 1,000 500 200 too........... 50 APPROXIMATION PU1ZKS. 9 Approximation Prizea of 1750. 9 " " 500. 9 .. : 250. 75.0i 25,i 0 10.0CX1 12,. a 10Kv l(XXi 10,a0 .. 30.000 .. 2.(0 .. 25,WXi 5,7S0 2,2:41 .1,967 Prizes, amounting to........... i2r5,50i Applicauon for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or leans. . . 1 For further Information, writs clearly, fir ing full 'address. Make P. O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, i New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mail or Express (aHSum3 of $5 an3 upwards by Express at our expense) to i . M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La ir M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. june IS-wed-sat 4w-d&w BAGGING- ' " : ':-. " stamlard. ......... 11 n IS . 2 & .................. 104iV ,: 1 lr-. ........... . 9CJ ; ; - DACON NcTtttCarolias: -:?r '4 Ham;;, v th.-. ......... fit Shoulders V 13 15 ; 1 ' Sides, fv..:............... .U-Ok WKSTERS SMOKED - '-'- 1 ' H sns, fa.....i-...r.., 11 KhouhIT-. ........... DRY SALTED . . Sides. W Kv.--........... ...... V Htt Shonitrs tS... . .......... W . BA llil KLS Spirits Terpen tl&o, ccor.d Ilf.nd, ieachi..i...r. 1 ,rw Nev York, each.... .... 1 Nevr ttr.c.ich. ....... ....... 1 bhwaX t r,........ North CarO'iaa. ......... Nurthcru. ....... : crtj...' I 'O": CUESfes V ! ' Northern Factory 1340 Dairy, Cream.... .......... u 14 State 1310 CGFKK,v a i u i Laguyia.. .............. ...... I?lil9 no d. CORN' MEAL, btfa., la saci S5 Ci COlTO.v TIES, V 4junaiO...-l4U O I t 'MIOTICS- . ; J putujf, iA yd, ...r...:.: s Yirns. tT buuch-i..,,. .. ..... .55? sJ ;;, diV-tn.-.!....' 1G i:vrfrel,"Ko. J. f ifcV......,ls tt T20 (w Mc.tserel, No; 1, tbt I id Um MioUvU, N S, & bbl...l I A fiPlU XT .MackVrt-H N0I 2, V htf iihUS .Ht t 5 lt k bM. US 23 25 8S 5 12 11 1 -14 W I2r 15 It . i "H f . 17 VtH.VlS. V N. Ucrrlrlg, V i .rry : u'i. t ... 00 . 1 U - f .......... s- f . v ivf4Ui.EtS, f .!- :TIH I I .'.viriii Gtfldi.6,i5cAf4 50 : f. 'it lc fA.Xi-HH no Cl i A It: . 3 . i;ku.i-6 Pbc4iRU4.ii......'?v,.6o -Ou errtt v C-vrxOI; i CTxtVti.cri. ......... A?, (.-A50 a tiroun ftr.i.pj..-.. ti tt 5MJ t) Bone ?U;nl, -....ilfi i.ti C" 5io-' Fi-..:!r;.......:.........-.-3i 00 - VSlJX N&vns.'tt 4xutb0.....t ....... 4?45 t Corjplt le MiHtic. ff.i. .t.fO &tj w VfuMLD' JM4?ih4V .V..i.tO U' el'7a W Wandu Pl:o4liatc i. .V. i:t& 4X1 f 4570 o DR. BEFORE V iictiiCr A xlrtr'fi. l'Ki,fcU..(XH0i, -E-s.ceiieraa t-otu'- Fi-rtliisi'4,;r'fi(r UM ft rTent-Si'e C;triK.ale of Uaic.i.vT 0i O 1 f F-ei.clii AtTleuUttrs'l Lln-e.... 6K ".ne -L . Northern Hupii.......,.... 75 . - . . JL ... ....... . . ) t .r t f it it r ..;.. . C 50 Millf i.ilra.... .i.. ... tS WJ ' rK;.i..l.a.5 'ft City '.HH'E P ft.. tiilAlN, f ; buuhe-i . 'km, from store, l-e.nMto' -Corn, cargo, Ir h!:t;;; whUe.. Cf.i-n, ear.0, ln ba-rs, white. '.. . "l orn, cargo, mixed. In bags.. )ats from store......-...... Cow Pea?!.... 1 HIDES.? lb . . . . tircen... Dry. ..... HAY,-? 100.&9 Eastern. ..-... 1 Western.. I North River.. .. a v t a 4 rh & 2 f) 8 00 a c fv llo 8 32- a- C5 25 U 20 15 it Si ' 75 it ri 7i - s It j 1 a ......... AND AFTER Electric Appliances ara sent ca 30 Uays' Trial. TO HEN GMLY, YOUNG' OR OLD, WHO are sTiffcriu from NsnVova Uebiutv. LosT,,ViTAUTr, Lack or Nntvs Foitca Vi'jyn, WASTijro AVEKfcji.ss:ri. aud 11 tliowj discast'S jf a l Uii jos-L Kat'jrz rtvultia fii?m Aecs-:i and ixvr.R CV-t'sES. t.ey rt lirf r7l ouM'tte rf-t'-raU'; of HCAi.Ta,V ijouu:i'i ilxvuot-u Ucaka.ntkf.u. Tl'- irran'les.t discovery of t!c liincU cisth Ctniury. j. niut oiie for l!lat rated l'ntal.;tfrec. Address YOiTAlC SELT CQ.f i?X$HMl, SISH. a 11 up nsa rant iti rr tt - y novr27 lyeol4w t-Utm at a favorite 1 :--?"-T;'rt.!r,n TOO ofifc knostnotvd anfl tw.:i.uti fl?fe:whwuj fnow retired! for rt. - - 1 w liiplaln pealt tu veii , Irwt;iatae-u aUi NEW YORK UEltALl). WEEKLY EDITION. OSE DOLLAR A TEAR. It contains all the general news of the Dilly Edition of the Herald, which has the largest circulation in the United Stathcs. . INDEPKJTDEXT IN POLITICS,, It lathe most valuable chronicle of .j political news In the world, impariially ; givlhjg theoc-curre-Mce-3 andcplnions of all parties,, eo that all sides may be known. . In the departmenl Foreign Ntws the Herald has al jray 8 been di&tinguUhcd by the fullness of Its cable detpalchea. 1 ho new tranatlant'c telegrai'h cables will increase faclllUes. i , : The Farm Department of the Weekly Herald Is practical- It kocs to theCpolnt. and docs not give wild thctlca. The larmer will save many more tbaa ' . v One Dollar a Year from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning eoIL cattle, crops, trees, buUding3, gardening, poultry and agricultui ral economy. "THE Home' Instructs the honee-Mfe and tl children In re gant to cconoai leal and tasttful new dlohes, the rashion-, and the making of hocce com forts. In addition, aie given latest reports of trade and .. . Prodlce Markets. the condition of money, cuilamns of MliiCclkt nccus Heading, Poetry, a Complete ?torr f very week. Jokes and Ancpdottr, port lug News, " : - --' V . . PorcLAB fccinNcit, . t ' tbe dolnrs of weJT kcowit PcVous it tlii World, a "department dev. e i to sermons axi Kelioi-tls Notes. While the WkEKLV. HKtiALD gives fhv latest and best News or the World, It 1? also a Journal lor the Family; - , Scbsclbe one dollar, at any time, for afuT, ncop iron, t a... iurtucrii......... North Carolina'. Ll M barrel.. . ... i ........ . J 40 LUMUEK, City Sawed, f M ft. Ship Stuff, resawd.,r. ........ 1 3 00 . Rough Edge Plank.... .L.'-. ..15 GO West India Cargocaaccortllng v . to quality.. -........-.. ..13 Cd 'Dressed Flooring, eeasGced.TlS 00 Scautlinc aud Doard- com'n.,12 00 MOIAaSES, gallon , New Crou Cuba, La hbds.....: v 31 In bbis 3 Porto Ulco, In bf ls.. ........ 32 . . in bbis.s. ....... 3i Sugar Hoiisc,ln hhdai. .... - -00 , " ; - lu ubla.;. ......... 2a Syrup, in 11)9... , 45 NAILS, Keg, Cut,10d basis. f 0 00 OILS, V gallon i . Lard,.. ...i 1 19 1 Jnsccd. ". .'. 90 1C0 txl tt 14-4 10 i 4XX IX 4718 (X 4T1S &22 0C 615x a a ft .0 a s K 15 4 is 5 .Ou-23 iWWU. .....,...,, ..... ........ T a r ........ r. .... .1 ... .5. ... , Deck antl Spar;.i..f.....i.. Chickens, HVc.l r6vir. FT JL tfl & VTty... ........... . J 90 00 00 10 75 'ft : 10 I O 1 et 1 a a a l "Y 1 10, a l 4! or 00 9 la to 5) PEANUT: if buslicl POTATOES, r bushel Sweet...... 10 Irish, tf-.bbl... 2 CO tt 2 &0 POKE, f barrel-' i ! - a ''. Clty Mccd..,.....'?-.. ........ .23 60 l'rimc.. 1 00 liurap ....17 CO tyi oc Gil i tola 00 00 wea) e e 4 00 M 00 id : to u it ,it it -4X lovrt 6 tt a " 15 1 14, - rw , .... ' 75 M uu , 7i -yy Uf UICE-Carollrja.. lb.'. Rough. biUihcl.... .... ; SJ 1 UA'jy, & lh Country.......... 1 tt City. Vfytl hope, v ib nwst SALT. 4jf aaek. Alum. tti & LUcrjioo .............v....... 00, A iric rican .......... .A. . SUUA4C, f & Cuba Pur to iiico.. It-. C- -4 . Ex C . Crf Phol. . . .-. ...... SOAP. 4? lb Northern.. SUlNCJLES,7in.JM ...10 SO 011 00 iximm.cm ....... z oa; a a w Cypress; Saps.. 4 60 49 6 00 Cypreea Hearts.. 0 00 O 7 60 STAVES. 4J M-W. 0. 15arrcl..l2 00 , 418 00 IL O. Ilopshcad. ............. .00 00 , C10 OJ TALLOW, V ttw-.-.........-.. '..4. 42- 6 TIMBER, M feet Sfclpplnz.12 00 -'14 00. Fine Mill. ....11 25 013 03 Mill Prime.......;............ 7 60 O 8 63 Mill Fair. ,6000 50 Common Mill ..... 5 00 & 000 Inferior to Ordhiary... 0 00 O 4 f-J WHISKEY, r gal Nortbera-.l 00 fi 4 00 North Carolina... ..1 00 2 60 WOOL, lb Washed i 2J . Unwashod.... 5 to ' a) Curry 10 O tlfi WEAK, UNDEVELOPED t PARTS OF TMK1HJMAN liOOV r .M,AlU;in. 1K VK tr- OHKf. Si lt KSdT HKNKI ," K.t. r.jyt-rt '-i!i;rit )yfi rv?i in r ;aM-f InrH'ivl'ii: nl fv iiial thefts i nj milfiitH f bain-. Mli.r.Ml. 1 ri.-t .tj-t K-r v-rv Jut? n r:ntl t .f r.t.r hhiiit al tr.t " apllC Tfaa THrawgmryrrgTCT,ftrrr rrrr JSns j"T I - - - ii , l. r 1 1-. 5-fro -.fLO B.t P DW I ln a Wk!y Form. ;? - - ONE DOLLAR A YRAE A ddrcss, NEW YOlili 1 1 Ei-ALD, - -dec 13 - ' EroadrfavT aad Ana fetreet '1 u . J, 5 & M x 5n lV lJ-4Aw . -.. . 1 ., - r year. Postage Free to any part of tbe CnlUrM tit Uss H l.liiDils States or Canadas - - " ' '- 1UE 2JBW YORK II ERA I J, V r I flTT ATCirHAKP.r A- JEWELLU2, r ( an Jjarirr ivparrB'J an 1 warrsawsd. ' . cp'joa:' Near Marltt. Jror.t in-